Once upon a timenot so long ago, AndrewJoseph James Settle wasfrustrated with the rigid,inflexible nature legal firms Andrew Joseph James Settle Managing Directorseemed to be taking. Hefelt as though solicitors werean unnecessary burden that people hatedto deal with. Knowing how unhappy clientswere with this, Andrew founded JosephJames Law to be able to offer clients a new,refreshing approach to legal services whichwould offer transparency in costs, simplicity inprocess and minimal stress for clients.
To help him build the firm he needed a teamof people who were friendly, approachableand hard working. So within a few months hefound Susie, Natalie, Kash, Ash and Adina.Susie Sanchez-Garcia Natalie Tanti Natalie TantiOffice Manager Head of Marketing Head of Marketing Natalie looks after anything Natalie looks after anything Natalie looks after anything marketing related including marketing related including marketing related including sprucing the office. sprucing the office. sprucing the office.Katarzyna Uzar Ashleigh DoigSolicitor Paralegal Natalie looks after anything Natalie looks after anything marketing related including marketing related including sprucing the office. sprucing the office.
1 year on Joseph James Law was prosperingand growing by the day, but there was just 1thing bothering Andrew. In the 12 months ofbeing at Challenge House he didn’t knowmany of his neighbours. Being a truenortherner this would be unheard of back inBolton so to make himself feel more at homehe developed an open door policy so thatany of the neighbours could drop by if andwhen they needed anything. Noappointments necessary and no obligationconsultations.
Thinking this was too good to be true some ofhis neighbours put him to the test and this iswhat they have to say!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. consectetur adipiscing elit. AliquamAliquam imperdiet, ipsum at imperdiet, ipsum at vehiculavehicula tincidunt, ex leo luctus tincidunt, ex leo luctus justo, eujusto, eu gravida nibh erat sit amet gravida nibh erat sit amet lacus. Namlacus. Nam vel libero eu massa vel libero eu massa rutrum mollis.rutrum mollis. Aenean non Ted Hughesporttitor turpis. Suspendissepotenti. Quisque pulvinar velBrad SmithLorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturamet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam imperdiet, ipsum atadipiscing elit. Aliquam vehicula tincidunt, ex leo luctus justo, eu gravidaimperdiet, ipsum at nibh erat sit amet lacus. Nam vel libero eu massavehicula tincidunt, ex rutrum mollis. Aenean non porttitor turpis.leo luctus justo, eu Suspendisse potenti. Quisque pulvinar vel Trevor Dansongravida nibh erat sitamet lacus. Nam vellibero eu massa rutrummollis.Ted Hughes
We are trustworthy, professional and forwardthinking. Our company has invested heavily intechnology to enable us to deliver anexceptional service at below market rates. Commercial Debt Recovery Employment Law Litigation Dispute Resolution Commercial Law Professional Negligence Plevin/Banking Sports & Media Law Litigation
If you would like to drop by for a brew and achat you can find us on the second floor, unit2.4. We are here, come and say HELLO
Alternatively, if you would rather pick up thephone you can call us on 0203 861 5400 oremail us at [email protected] if you just want to see what we’re up toyou can find us on social media
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