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BOARD POLICY HANDBOOKPrairie South School Division No. 210 Updated June 2015

PREFACEThis Board Policy Handbook has been developed to highlight and support thevery important governance function of the Board. In addition to clearly definingthe role of the Board, the role of the Director of Education and the delegation ofauthority from the Board to the Director of Education, it includes the following aspolicies: 1. Foundational statements which provide guidance and direction for all activities within the Division; 2. Directions for how the Board itself is to function and how individual trustees are to conduct themselves; how Board committees and representatives are to function; 3. Statements as to how appeals and hearings will be conducted; 4. Non-delegable matters such as policy-making and school closures; and 5. Specific matters which the Board has chosen not to delegate to the Director of Education.This Board Policy Handbook is intended to be supplemented by anAdministrative Procedures Manual; the primary written document by which theDirector of Education directs staff. The Manual must be entirely consistent withthis Handbook.The development of two separate and distinct documents is meant to reinforcethe distinction in this Division between the Board’s responsibility to govern andthe Director of Education’s executive or administrative duties.It is to be noted that the electronic versions of both the Board Policy Handbookand the Administrative Procedures Manual as well as any otherhandbooks/manuals referenced are always the most current documentsavailable.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPolicy 1 – Division Foundational Statements PagePolicy 2 – Role of the Board 1Policy 2 – Appendix A – Board Annual Work Plan 5Policy 3 – Role of the Trustee 8Policy 3 – Appendix A – Services, Materials and Equipment Provided 13 to Trustees 16Policy 4 – Trustee Code of ConductPolicy 4 – Appendix A – Trustee Code of Conduct Sanctions 17Policy 5 – Role of the Board Chair 19Policy 6 – Role of the Vice-Chair 21Policy 7 – Board Operations 23Policy 7 – Appendix A – Map 24Policy 8 – Board Committees 37Policy 9 – Board Representatives 38Policy 10 – Policy Making 44Policy 10 – Appendix A – Protocol for Policy Development and 46 49 Revisions Involving SCCsPolicy 11 – Board Delegation of Authority 51Policy 12 – Role of the Director of Education 52Policy 12 – Appendix A – Director of Education Evaluation Process Criteria 54 and Timelines 57Policy 12 – Appendix B – Performance Assessment Guide 63Policy 12 – Appendix C – Leadership Practices Interview Guide 64Policy 13 – Appeals and Hearings Regarding Student Matters 69Policy 15 – Recruitment and Selection of Personnel 71Policy 16 – School Community Councils 77Policy 17 – Transportation

1Policy 1 DIVISION FOUNDATIONAL STATEMENTSMission and VisionLearning together for our future.TaglineOur tagline or positioning statement is “Learning together.” It is taken directly from ourmission-vision statement and is what Prairie South is doing. We are all learning together.Everyone at Prairie South is learning from our students, our communities and from eachother. Learning is not limited to classroom hours. It is constant and all around us.Core Values1. High Expectations for Educational Success At school students: • Learn how to learn; • Achieve at their highest levels; • Contribute to our school community; and • Participate in the communities at large.2. Community Involvement & Engagement Community involvement is important because: • Our schools connect people with learning and community; • Public participation helps us make better decisions; and • Diverse perspectives create a better understanding of need.3. Division Transparency We build trust and credibility with our community members by: • Sharing information that improves the public’s understanding of our decisions and policies; • Showing how we spend our monies to deliver services; and • Maintaining the code of ethics established by the Board.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

24. A Collective Common Sense Approach Our decisions and policies reflect the needs of our communities and are based on: • Solid research; • Accurate data; and • Informed judgment.LogoThe purpose of the Prairie South logo is to visually represent the brand and effectivelycommunicate who we are as a division.The logo may not be duplicated without express permission from the Division.Commitments:Prairie South is committed to quality learning through:1. Students: the building blocks of our future. Through our students we are building the future. Preparing them for the future is fundamental to all the work we do. Our decisions and policies reflect their best interest.2. Classrooms: the environment that engages learning. In our classrooms, we are creating an environment that encourages critical thinking and 21st-century learning with innovative delivery models, fair assessment and the motivation to improve students’ ability to navigate their own learning process.3. Schools: the hub of our learning community. The hub of learning and the connection to community, schools play a critical role in creating a culture for learning. Our decisions and policies support the physical and mental well-being of the school.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

34. Communities: the bigger picture.Our communities, their individuals, businesses, partners, public and private agenciesshare the responsibility for learning. Our citizens have a right, and a responsibility, tobe involved in the process of determining needs, identifying resources, and creatingsolutions for our learning environments. Working together for tomorrow’s leaders,today.5. Our People: those who make it happen.Our people have the power to inspire greatness, through their attitudes, actions, andcommunications. Prairie South celebrates its people, creating an environment thatchampions leaders and provides the best possible exposure of our learners to thesepeople.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

4Reference: Sections 85, 87,of the Education ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

5Policy 2 ROLE OF THE BOARD1. Accountability to Provincial Government 1.1. Act in accordance with all statutory requirements to implement provincial educational standards and policies. 1.2. Perform Board functions required by governing legislation and existing Board policy.2. Accountability to Community 2.1. Make decisions that reflect Prairie South Schools’ Vision, Mission, Values and Commitments and that represent the interests of the entire School Division. 2.2. Establish processes and provide opportunities for information sharing with and engagement of the community and for community input. 2.3. Report Division results at least annually. 2.4. Develop procedures for and hear appeals as required by statute and/or Board policy. 2.5. Model a culture that reflects the Board’s Code of Conduct. 2.6. Provide for two-way communications between the Board and the School Community Councils.3. Strategic Plan 3.1. Provide overall direction for the School Division by establishing mission, vision, values and commitments. 3.2. Annually approve priorities and key results. 3.3. Approve annual report for distribution to the public. 3.4. Annually approve budget (driven by the Strategic Plan). 3.5. Annually review the effectiveness of the School Division in achievement of student learning (student learning accountability report). 3.6. Monitor progress toward the achievement of key results.4. Policy 4.1. Identify the purpose to be achieved before creating a new policy. 4.2. Annually review policy statements.5. Director of Education / Board Relations 5.1. Select the Director of Education and approve the contract. 5.2. Provide the Director of Education with clear corporate direction.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

6 5.3. Delegate, in writing, administrative authority and identify responsibility subject to provisions and restrictions in the Education Act. 5.4. Annually evaluate the Director of Education. 5.5. Annually review Director of Education’s compensation.6. Political / Advocacy 6.1. Annually approve a plan for advocacy. Consider the focus for such advocacy, key messages and advocacy mechanisms.7. Board Development 7.1. Ensure a facilitated Board Self Assessment is conducted annually, a positive path forward is developed as a result of this assessment and the direction identified in the positive path forward are addressed in the following year. 7.2. Determine knowledge and competencies necessary for effective governance and ensure gaps in knowledge and competencies are addressed. 7.3. Develop yearly plan for board development. 7.4. Consider Saskatchewan School Boards Association and CSBA resources. 7.5. Time activate the board development plan in the board annual work plan.8. Fiscal 8.1. Annually approve budget and ensure resources are allocated to achieve desired results. 8.2. Annually approve the five-year capital plan and review facilities master plan. Submit the five-year capital plan to Ministry of Education by the due date. 8.3. Provide budget information to the Ministry of Education as per Ministry deadlines. 8.4. Authorize, by resolution, the borrowing of required monies to cover necessary expenditures while waiting for the proceeds of taxes or other revenue. 8.5. The Board of Education has delegated authority for the award of tenders to administration except where bids received for capital projects exceed budget. In this case the board reserves the authority to accept/reject those tenders. A report of tenders awarded since the previous Board Meeting will be prepared for each regularly planned Board meeting as an information item. Competitive bids will be required the purchase lease or other acquisition of an interest in real or personal property, for the purchase of building materials, for the provision of transportation services and for other services exceeding $75,000 and for the construction, renovation or alteration of a facility and other capital works authorized by the Education Act 1995 exceeding $200,000. 8.6. Approve the submission of PMR projects to Ministry of Education. 8.7. Approve unanticipated expenditures of over $100,000, which cannot be covered within the current budget. 8.8. Appoint the auditor and approve the terms of engagement for the auditor.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

7 8.9. Receive the audit report and the management letter and ensure quality indicators are met and any identified deficiencies are remediated in a timely manner. 8.10. Set the mandate for employee group negotiations. 8.11. Ratify memoranda of agreement with bargaining units and approve conditions of employment changes for out-of-scope employees. 8.12. Approve the teaching/staffing formula basis annually. 8.13. Review financial accountability reports on a quarterly basis. 8.14. Dispose of lands and buildings, and approve lease, transfer or exchange of lands or buildings. 8.15. Authorize contributions to and expenditures from internally restricted surplus.9. Recognition/celebration 9.1. Host annual partnership luncheon. 9.2. Host annual service recognition celebration. 9.3. Host annual meeting of electors.Selected Responsibilities 1. Name schools, rooms and other Board-owned properties. 2. Approve School Division sponsorships in excess of $2500. 3. Approve the purchase of Board memberships in non-educational associations. 4. Approve school catchment areas. 5. Approve school calendar. 6. Approve non-funded pre-k programs. 7. Approve in principle applications for associate school status and approve the MOU’s with associate schools. 8. Approve Division Partnerships. 9. Hearing of unresolved student and staff complaints of discrimination or harassment. 10. Serve as the final level of internal appeal. 11. Approve changes to the organizational structure. 12. Approve joint facility use agreements. 13. Provide final approval for School Community Development funding. 14. Approve student out of province travel. 15. Approve the location and grade levels for language learning offerings.Reference: Sections 61, 63, 85, 87, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 289, 292, 344, 355 of the Education Act Education Act Regulations Section 83.1 and 83.3June 2, 2015Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

8Policy 2 – Appendix A BOARD ANNUAL WORK PLANSEPTEMBERRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Consider nomination of a program for the Premier’s Award For Innovation • Organizational Meeting – Elect Board Chair, Vice-Chair, Committee appointments, appointment of auditor, approve auditor’s terms of engagement, set per diems and trustee honorariums and authorize borrowing resolution • MLA Meeting Planning • Approve Board Development Plan • Approve Board Advocacy PlanEvents/Action • Teacher Convention • Public Boards Section Executive MeetingBudget Considerations • Budget Work Plan: Board reviews current year priorities and plans priorities for next year • Review proposed Capital PlanOCTOBERRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Approve Resolutions (if any) for Saskatchewan School Boards Association Annual Convention • Appoint Voting Delegates and allocate votes for the SSBA Convention • Review Student Achievement Accountability ReportEvents/Action • Public Boards Section Executive Meeting • SSBA Members’ Council • PSTA/Board Engagement Session #1Budget Considerations • Review operations and priorities for 2014-2015 • Review proposed Capital PlanPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

9NOVEMBERRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Review School and Division Improvement Accountability Report • Approve Annual Report for submission to Ministry of Education • Approve Annual Financial Statements • Review audit report and management letter (ensure deficiencies from previous year have been remedied to the satisfaction of the auditor) • Approve transfer of funds to reservesEvents/Action • SSBA Fall General Assembly • Public Boards Section General Meeting • CUPE/Board Engagement Session #1Budget Considerations • Review operations and priorities • Review budget processDECEMBERRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Approve date for Annual Meeting of Electors • Review Human Resources Accountability Report • Review Facilities Accountability ReportEvents/Action • Meeting with MLAsJANUARYRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Approval of budget assumptions • Review Progress, Board Advocacy Plan and Board Development Plan • Review Legal Update of any outstanding cases • Review First Quarter Financial Accountability Report • Approve draft Agenda for Annual Meeting of ElectorsPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

10Events/Action • PSTA/Board Engagement Survey • CUPE/Board Engagement Survey • Conditions of Employment Staff/Board Engagement SurveyBudget Considerations • Review Budget Work Plan including dates • Review operations and priorities for 2014-2015 • Draft Budget Assumptions/PrioritiesFEBRUARYRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Review initial projected enrollment for next year • Review draft school year calendar • Review Transportation Accountability Report • Review Student Advisory Group Accountability ReportEvents/Action • SSBA Members’ Council • Public Boards Section Executive MeetingBudget Considerations • Finalize Budget Assumptions/PrioritiesMARCHRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Approve school year calendar • Review Early Learning Accountability ReportEvents/Action • Rural Congress • Conditions of Employment Staff/Board Engagement SessionBudget Considerations • Review funding from Ministry • Review budget planning process and proposalsPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

11APRILRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Approve Budget • Review Second Quarter Financial Accountability ReportEvents/Actions • SSBA Spring General Meeting • Public Boards Section Executive Meeting • Host Annual Meeting of Electors • PSTA/Board Engagement Session #2 • Conduct and approve Director annual evaluation • Participate in a facilitated Board self-evaluation and approve a positive path forwardMAYRegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Approve Minutes of Annual Meeting of Electors • Review Student Achievement Accountability ReportEvents/Action • CUPE/Board Engagement Session #2 • Alignment of planning for upcoming yearBudget Considerations • NAJUNERegular Board Meeting Agenda Items • Review Third Quarter Financial Accountability Report • Approve Board Revisions to Annual Work PlanEvents/Action • Public Boards Section General Meeting • Attend achievement nights and graduation ceremoniesPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

12ONGOING • Consider new developments and directions from Ministry of Education • Attend meetings as determined by the Board • Engage in individual trustee development approved by the Board • Engage in celebration/recognition of students, staff and community • Attend School Community Council meetings as scheduled and upon invitation • Attend Standing Committee meetings as assigned • Approve B1 and B5 Facilities Plan Applications • Review Union Negotiations Update provide terms of reference and approve memoranda of agreements are required.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

13Policy 3 ROLE OF THE TRUSTEETrustees are elected in accordance with the Local Government Election Act.The role of the trustee is to contribute to the Board as it carries out its role in order toachieve its mission, vision, values and commitments. The Board believes that its abilityto fulfill its obligations is enhanced when leadership and guidance are forthcoming fromwithin its membership.The Board is a corporation. The decisions of the Board in a properly constituted meetingare those of the corporation. A trustee who is given corporate authority to act on behalfof the Board may carry out duties individually but only as an agent of the Board. In suchcases, the actions of the trustee are those of the Board, which is then responsible forthem. A trustee acting individually has only the authority and status of any other citizenof the Division.As a result of elections, the Board may experience changes in membership. To ensurecontinuity and facilitate smooth transition from one Board to the next following anelection, trustees must be adequately briefed concerning existing Board policy andpractice, statutory requirements, initiatives and long-range plans. The Board believes anorientation program is necessary for effective trusteeship. The Chair will write a letter toaccompany the nomination package which outlines the dates and times for orientationsessions, organizational meetings and subsequent meetings in the first month.1. The Division will offer an orientation program for all newly elected trustees that provides information on: 1.1 Role of the trustee, the Board and the Director of Education; 1.2 Delegation of authority to the Director of Education and related accountability mechanisms including CEO evaluation process criteria and timelines; 1.3 Organizational structures and procedures of the Division, and governance tools used by the Board; 1.4 The Board Policy Handbook, agendas and minutes; 1.5 Existing Division initiatives, annual reports, budgets, financial statements and long-range plans; 1.6 Division programs and services; 1.7 Board’s function as an appeal body; and 1.8 Statutory and regulatory requirements, including responsibilities with regard to conflict of interest. 1.9 The legacy document and board annual work plan.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

142. New trustees are required to attend the orientation session(s).3. The Division will provide financial support for trustees to attend Saskatchewan School Boards Association sponsored orientation seminars.4. The Board Vice-Chair in consultation with the Director of Education will ensure the development and implementation of the Division’s orientation program for newly elected trustees.5. Incumbent trustees are encouraged to help newly elected trustees become informed about the history, functions, policies, procedures and issues.Specific Responsibilities of Individual TrusteesThe trustee shall:1. Become familiar with Division policies and procedures, meeting agendas, and reports in order to participate in Board business.2. Refer governance queries, issues and problems not covered by Board policy to the Board for corporate discussion and decision.3. Refer administrative matters to the Director of Education. The trustee, upon receiving a complaint from a parent or community member about school operations, will refer the parent or community member back to the school and will inform the Director of Education of this action if administrative action is desired.4. Keep the Board and the Director of Education informed in a timely manner of all matters coming to his/her attention that might affect the Division.5. When requested, provide the Director of Education with counsel and advice, giving the benefit of the trustee’s judgment, experience and familiarity with the community.6. Attend meetings of the Board; participate in, and contribute to, the decisions of the Board in order to provide the best solutions possible for the education of children within the Division.7. Respectfully bring forward and advocate for local issues and concerns.8. Accurately communicate the decisions of the Board and refrain from making any statements that may give the impression that such a statement reflects the majority decision of the Board when it does not.9. When delegated responsibility, exercise such authority within the defined limits in a responsible and effective way.10. Participate in Board/trustee development sessions so that the quality of leadership and service in the Division can be enhanced.11. Share the materials and ideas gained from a trustee development activity with fellow trustees at the next available opportunity.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

1512. Strive to develop a positive learning and working culture both within the Board and the Division.13. Attend School Community Council meetings as requested and/or when possible.14. Attend significant Division or school functions when possible.15. Become familiar with, and adhere to, the Trustee Code of Conduct.16. Report any violation of the Trustee Code of Conduct to the Board during a closed session following the prescribed process for adding items to the agenda.Reference: Sections 63, 85, 87 of the Education Act Local Government Election ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

16Policy 3 – Appendix A SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PROVIDED TO TRUSTEESTrustees shall be provided with the following services, materials and equipment while inoffice:1. Access to the following: • The Education Act, 1995, The Education Regulations, 1986 and related documents. • Board Policy Handbook and Administrative Procedures Manual. • Current Division reports and resource binders (e.g. CIAF and most recent Report). • Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, In Brief. • School year and meeting calendars. • List of School Community Council officials. • Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) and Canadian School Board Association membership services.2. Communications/Public Relations: • Notification of significant media events, reminders of special meetings. • Speaker's notes/talking points as required or when requested. • Individual and Board photographs. • SSBA Trustee's date book.3. Administrative/Secretarial Services: • Conference registration and accommodation arrangements. • Information Technology service support. • Trustee business cards.4. Equipment: • A Division approved and supported laptop computer or mobile device and printer, with appropriate software and access. The equipment shall be returned to the Board upon completion of the term in office.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

17Policy 4 TRUSTEE CODE OF CONDUCTThe Board commits itself and its members to ethical and appropriate conduct. Thisincludes proper use of authority, appropriate decorum, and demonstrating respect whenacting as members of the Board.Specifically, trustees shall:1. Serve Prairie South School Division to the best of their abilities, and shall be accountable for making decisions in an effort to meet the educational needs of all students. This accountability supersedes any conflicting loyalty such as that to advocacy or interest groups and membership on other boards. It also supersedes the personal interest of any member of the Board acting as a consumer of the Prairie South School Board of Education services.2. Devote time, thought and study to the duties of a trustee so that they may render effective and creditable service.3. Work with their fellow trustees in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that arise during vigorous debate of points of issue.4. Express any contrary opinion respectfully and honestly, and without making disparaging remarks.5. Work to communicate accurately to the electorate all the facts about our schools.6. Ensure the Division is fiscally secure and its assets are well maintained.7. Respect and maintain the confidentiality of in-camera information.8. Avoid conflict of interest with respect to their trusteeship responsibilities: 8.1. There shall be no conduct of private business or personal services between any member of the Board and the organization except as procedurally controlled to assure openness, competitive opportunity and equal access to “insider” information; 8.2. When the Board is to decide upon an issue about which a member has declared an avoidable conflict of interest, that member shall absent him/herself without comment from not only the vote, but also from the deliberation; 8.3. Trustees shall not use their positions to obtain employment in the organization for themselves, family members or close associates. Should a trustee desire employment in the organization, (s)he shall first resign; 8.4. Trustees shall disclose their involvement with other organizations, with vendors, or any other associations which might produce a conflict; andPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

18 8.5. Trustees shall not accept a pecuniary benefit or gift which exceeds $100 in value from any person, group or vendor having an association with the Board and shall disclose, to the board, all gifts that have been offered.In addition;9. Trustees shall not attempt to exercise individual authority over the organization except as explicitly set forth in policies of the Board.10. Trustees absent from the Division for a period of 1 month or more shall, for emergency contact purposes, ensure that the office of the Director of Education is made aware of their whereabouts.11. Consequences for the failure of individual Trustees to adhere to the Trustee Code of Conduct are specified in Policy 4, Appendix A.Reference: Sections 68, 69, 70 of the Education ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

19Policy 4 – Appendix A TRUSTEE CODE OF CONDUCT SANCTIONS1. The Trustee Code of Conduct requires that the Board commit itself and its members to ethical and appropriate conduct. Failure of a trustee to conduct him/herself in compliance with this policy may result in the Board instituting sanctions.2. In particular, the Trustee Code of Conduct requires that trustees shall respect the confidentiality appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature.3. Failure to comply with this requirement constitutes a failure of security. An individual trustee may bring a suspected breach of security to the attention of the Board, at a closed meeting of the Board. If by majority vote the Board agrees that a failure has occurred, the failure shall be recorded by the Board and the following procedure shall be invoked: 3.1 The Board Chair shall request that the Director of Education for the Prairie South School Board of Education (as head of the Prairie South School Board of Education under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act), appoint an independent investigator to review this matter. This request may occur only after such a motion has been discussed and agreed to by a majority of trustees present at a closed meeting of the Board. This decision shall immediately be approved in a public meeting of the Board. 3.2 The independent investigator shall conduct an investigation and submit a report of findings and recommendations to the Board Chair and to the Director of Education. 3.3 The Board Chair shall present at a closed meeting of the Board, the report of the independent investigator. At this time, the trustee in question shall have an opportunity to present any additional, relevant information. 3.4 If it is determined by a majority vote of the Board that a willful violation of security has occurred, for a first occurrence, a motion to write a letter of censure marked “Personal and Confidential” is required to be discussed and agreed upon by a majority of trustees present at a closed meeting of the Board. This decision requires immediate approval by a majority vote of trustees at a public meeting of the Board. 3.5 For subsequent occurrences, a motion of censure against the trustee in question may be brought directly to a public meeting of the Board. This motion shall be approved by a majority vote of trustees present at such a meeting.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

204. For a violation of all other sections of the Code of Conduct corrective measures may include: • An aggrieved trustee going to the offending trustee to seek resolution if the matter is between those trustees; • The Chair and Vice-Chair meeting with the offending trustee to seek resolution, having the matter discussed in an in-camera session of the board to seek resolution; • The board authorizing the Chair to send a letter of clarification or direction to the trustee: 4.1 If the matter is not resolved through such means of if the Board deems the offence to be of such magnitude to warrant, the Board Chair shall write a letter of censure marked “Personal and Confidential” to the trustee in question. This occurs only after having such action discussed and agreed upon by a majority vote of trustees present at a closed meeting of the Board. A majority of trustees at a public meeting of the Board shall immediately approve this decision. A motion to remove the trustee in question from one, or more, of all Board appointments also may be presented.Reference: Sections 68, 69, 70 of the Education ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

21Policy 5 ROLE OF THE BOARD CHAIRThe Board believes that its ability to discharge its obligation is enhanced whenleadership and guidance is forthcoming from its membership.The Board, at the Organizational Meeting and thereafter at any time as determined bythe Board, shall elect one of its members to serve as Board Chair, to hold office at thepleasure of the Board.The Board delegates to the Chair the following powers and duties:1. Preside over all Board meetings and ensure that such meetings are conducted in accordance with the Education Act and the policies and procedures as established by the Board and where those are silent, Robert’s Rules of Order.2. Prior to each Board meeting, confer with the other members of the Executive Committee (Director of Education, Superintendent of Business & Operations, Chair and Vice-Chair) on the items to be included on the agenda, the order of these items, and become thoroughly familiar with them.3. Perform the following duties during Board meetings: 3.1 Preside over all Board meetings and ensure that such meetings are conducted in accordance with the Education Act, the policies and procedures as established by the Board and Robert’s Rules of Order; 3.2 Maintain the order and proper conduct and decorum of the meeting so that motions may be formally debated; 3.3 Ensure that all issues before the Board are well-stated and clearly expressed; 3.4 Display firmness, courtesy, tact, and impartiality; 3.5 Ensure that each trustee has a full and fair opportunity to be heard and understood by the other members of the Board in order that collective opinion can be developed and a corporate decision reached; 3.6 Ensure that debate is relevant. The Chair, in keeping with his/her responsibility to ensure that debate must be relevant to the question, shall, when s/he is of the opinion that the discussion is not relevant to the question, remind members that they must speak to the question; 3.7 Decide questions of order and procedure, subject to an appeal to the rest of the Board. The Chair may speak to points of order in preference to other members; 3.8 Submit motions or other proposals to the final decision of the meeting by a formal vote; 3.9 Extend hospitality to other trustees, officials of the Board, the press, and members of the public.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

224. Keep informed of significant developments within the Division.5. Keep the Board and the Director of Education informed in a timely manner of all matters coming to his/her attention that might affect the educational opportunities in the Division.6. Be in regular contact with the Director of Education to maintain a working knowledge of current issues and events.7. Convey directly to the Director of Education such concerns as are related to him/her by trustees, parents, students or employees which may affect the administration of the Division.8. Provide counsel to the Director of Education, when requested to do so.9. Bring to the Board all matters requiring a decision of the Board.10. Act as the chief spokesperson for the Board except for those instances where the Board has delegated this role to another individual or group.11. Act as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of all committees appointed by the Board.12. Act as a voting member of any committee specifically appointed to by Board resolution.13. Act as a signing officer for the Division.14. Represent the Board, or arrange alternative representation, at official meetings or other public functions.15. Review and approve the Director of Education’s monthly expense claim, vacation entitlement report and sick leave report in accordance with the Director of Education’s contract provisions, and the Vice-Chair’s monthly expense claim in accordance with Board policy.16. Review and sign-off trustee expense claim for the Vice-Chair and submit his own trustee expense claim to the Chair of the SWAG Committee for review and sign-off.17. Ensure the Director of Education’s contract provisions are administered appropriately.18. Name trustees to serve on standing and ad hoc committees.19. Address inappropriate behaviour on the part of a trustee.20. Receive any harassment complaints that involve the Director of Education.Reference: Sections 72, 104 of the Education ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

23Policy 6 ROLE OF THE VICE-CHAIRThe Vice-Chair shall be elected by the Board at its Organizational Meeting, andthereafter at any time determined by the Board, to hold office during the pleasure of theBoard.Specific Responsibilities1. The Vice-Chair shall act on behalf of the Board Chair, in the latter’s absence or at the Chair’s request and shall have all the duties and responsibilities of the Board Chair.2. Prior to each Board meeting, confer with the other members of the Executive Committee on the items to be included on the agenda, the order of these items, and become thoroughly familiar with them.3. The Vice-Chair shall assist the Board Chair in ensuring that the Board operates in accordance with its own policies and procedures and in providing leadership and guidance to the Board.4. In consultation with the Chair ensure the Board develops and implements an orientation program for newly elected trustees.5. Ensure that the Board engages in regular (annual) assessments of its effectiveness as a Board and that annual assessments of the Chair are conducted as part of this Board assessment.6. Review and sign off on trustee expense claims with the exception of the Chair.7. Act as a signing officer for the Division.8. At the request of the Chair, assist the Chair in addressing inappropriate behavior on the part of a trustee.9. Draft for consideration the Board development plan for the coming year.10. The Vice-Chair may be assigned other duties and responsibilities by the Board Chair.Reference: Section 72 of the Education ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

24Policy 7 BOARD OPERATIONSIn order to discharge its responsibilities to the electorate of the Division, the Board shallhold meetings at least six times per year as per the Education Act and as often as isnecessary. A quorum, which is a simple majority of the number of trustees, must bepresent for every duly constituted meeting. No act, proceeding or policy of the Boardshall be deemed valid unless adopted at a duly constituted meeting. The Board hasadopted policies so that the business of the Board can be conducted in an orderly andefficient manner. Respectful behavior preserves the inherent dignity of everyone;therefore it is important that Board meetings be conducted in an environment that isproductive, orderly and respectful of trustees, staff and members of the public. Theorganization of the Board meeting will effectively enable trustees and others inattendance to participate in an atmosphere of mutual respect.The Board believes that its fundamental obligation is to preserve and enhance the publictrust in education, generally, and in the affairs of its operations in particular. Consistentwith its objective to encourage the general public to contribute to the educationalprocess, Board meetings will be open to the public. Towards this end, the Board believesits affairs must be conducted in public to the greatest extent possible.The Board believes there are times when public interest is best served by privatediscussion of specific issues in closed sessions. The Board believes it is necessary toprotect individual privacy and the Board’s own position in negotiating either collectiveagreements or contracts and therefore expects to go into closed session for issuesdealing with individual students, individual employees, land, labour, litigation ornegotiation.The Board further believes public interest can be enhanced by having members of thepublic make presentations at Board meetings.The Board also believes that public forums dealing with specific educational topics andheld in various communities within the Division can enhance communications and theeffectiveness of the Board.1. Electoral Boundaries and Elections Pursuant to Orders-in-Council 85/2005, 021/2005-2006, 017/2005/2006,052/2005- 2006, Corrections to Order 020 2005-2006, and 115/2006-2006 the Division was created through the amalgamation of seven legacy school divisions and ultimately renamed Prairie South School Division. The Orders provided for the nomination and election of trustees within the Division by subdivisions as follows: 1.1 All subdivisions shall comprise all those lands as outlined in the Ministerial Order. The boundaries of each subdivision are determined by the Minister of Learning in consultation with the Educational Boundaries Commission in accordance with The Education Act, 1995 ( index.cfm?fuseaction = publications.details&p=487)Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

25 1.2 The total number of trustees to be elected shall be ten (10); one (1) for each of the five (5) rural subdivisions, referred to as subdivisions 1,2,3,4 and 5 and five trustees elected at large from the City of Moose Jaw (subdivision 6). . 1.3 The provisions of the Local Government Election Act respecting the election of trustees shall apply to every election in each subdivision. ( fuseaction= publications.details&p=609). 1.4 The Board is to review the subdivision boundaries at least every five years. 1.5 At least one month prior to the nomination date, the Board will publish an announcement of the election, giving nomination and election dates and qualifications required by the candidates and electors. 1.6 The Board in its announcement will encourage electors to present themselves for the office of school trustee. 1.7 The Board is to provide a Trustee Election packet of information for candidates containing: • The most recent Annual Report of the Board. • The most recent Auditor’s Report. • The Saskatchewan School Boards Association Handbook. • Excerpts from The Local Government Election Act. ( 609.) • A copy of the nomination form.2. Organizational Meeting 2.1 The Organizational Meeting of the Board in each calendar year shall be held in the Division Office Board Room not later than November 30 in accordance with Section 72 of the Education Act. 2.2 The Director of Education will give notice of the Organizational Meeting to each trustee as if it were a special meeting. 2.3 The Director of Education shall call the meeting to order, and in an election year, read the return from the Elections Clerk certifying the election of members. 2.4 In an election year, the Director of Education shall call for and receive the duly signed Declarations of Office and corresponding Endorsement Certificates by Commissioners for Oaths from each trustee, in accordance with Section 71 of the Education Act. 2.5 The Director of Education shall proceed to conduct the election of the Board Chair. 2.5.1 Nominations shall be made by the trustees for the office of Chair and need not be seconded. 2.5.2 The Director of Education shall make three (3) calls for nomination. 2.5.3 A vote upon the nominees shall be taken by secret ballot. 2.5.4 The nominee who receives the majority of votes of the trustees present shall therefore be declared elected.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

262.5.5 Where, on the addition of the votes, two (2) or more candidates for the position of Board Chair have an equal number of votes, the returning officer shall follow the tie vote procedure specified in Section 111(1) if the Local Government Election Act.2.5.6 In the event that only one (1) trustee has indicated willingness to serve as Board Chair, that trustee shall be declared elected by acclamation.2.6 The Board Chair shall assume office and shall immediately proceed with the election of the Vice-Chair following the procedure noted above.2.7 The newly elected Board Chair shall then proceed with the agenda as presented by the Director of Education and adopted by the Board.2.8 The Organizational Meeting shall, in addition include, but not be restricted to, the following:2.8.1 Create such standing committees of the Board as are deemed appropriate, and appoint members;2.8.2 Establish a schedule (date, time and place) for regular meetings, and any additional required meetings;2.8.3 Establish trustee indemnity and vehicle rates;2.8.4 Review trustee conflict of interest stipulations and determine any disclosure of information requirements;2.8.5 Appoint the Division’s appraisal, solicitor, architectural banking and auditing firms;2.8.6 Designate those with signing authority, and provide borrowing authority; and2.8.7 Other organizational items as required.3. Trustee Remuneration 3.1 The remuneration and expense schedule set at the Organizational meeting may recognize service and expenses incurred in the following areas: 3.1.1 Attendance at Board determined meetings. 3.1.2 Attendance at meetings as an official representative of the Board. 3.1.3 Attendance at seminars, conventions, and meetings for trustee development. 3.2 The schedule is to provide for payment such that payments are timely and understood clearly by the public. 3.3 One-third of the sum paid each Board member for services rendered is to be designated as having been paid in respect of general expenses incurred by the member that were necessary and incidental to the discharge of his or her duties. 3.4 Questions arising out of the processing of Board member claims for payment are to be referred to the Superintendent of Business and Operations.4. Regular MeetingsPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

274.1 Regular Board meeting dates and times shall be established in annual Board Work Plan. The Board shall review and approve the Board Annual Work Plan including its annual schedule of meetings and prior to May 15 in each year for the period August 1 to July All meetings will ordinarily be held in the Prairie South Division Office Board Room on the first Tuesday of every month beginning at 10:30 a.m.4.1.2 Notwithstanding the schedule noted above, the Board may, by resolution, alter the schedule in such manner as it deems appropriate.4.2 All trustees shall notify the Board Chair or the Director of Education if they are unable to attend a Board meeting.4.3 A majority of members of the Board constitutes a quorum. The vote of the majority of the quorum is valid and binding on the division.4.4 All trustees who are absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings shall:4.4.1 Obtain authorization by resolution of the Board to do so; or4.4.2 Provide to the Board Chair evidence of illness in the form of a medical certificate respecting the period of absence.Failure to attend may result in disqualification from the Board.4.5 If both the Chair or Vice-Chair through illness or other cause are unable to perform the duties of the office or are absent, the Board shall appoint from among its trustees an acting Chair, who on being so appointed has all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Chair during the Chair’s and Vice-Chair’s inability to act or absence.4.6 Regular meetings of the Board will not be held without the Director of Education in attendance, unless the Director of Education’s contract is being discussed or the board is dealing with a Trustee or Director of Education disciplinary issue.5. Special Meetings5.1 Occasionally, unanticipated or emergent issues require immediate Board attention and/or action. A special meeting may be scheduled by5.1.1 The Board passing a motion at a legally constituted meeting of the Board.5.1.2 The Chairperson or any three members of the Board giving at least six clear days notice to each member by registered, certified, or special delivery mail, or by delivering a written notice to each member in person at least three days before the meeting, or by leaving the notice with an adult person at each member’s place of residence who shall state explicitly the reason therefore.5.1.3 The Board by unanimous consent waiving notice in accordance with Section 74 of the Education Act. Such consent is to be subscribed to in writing by each member of the Board and recorded in the minutes of the meeting and shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting in the form required by that section.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

28 5.2 If an additional meeting of the Board is to be held, the Director of Education shall send a written notice of such a meeting as prescribed by the Education Act and shall set forth therein the business to be transacted or to be considered thereat, and no other business shall be considered unless all members of the Board are present and there is unanimous agreement that the agenda previously arranged shall be changed. Special meetings of the Board will not be held without the Director of Education in attendance, unless the Director of Education’s contract is being discussed or the board is dealing with a Trustee or Director of Education disciplinary issue. 5.3 Procedures regarding quorum, voting, and attendance by the public apply as for regular meetings of the Board.6. Closed Sessions The Board may, by resolution, schedule a closed session at a time or place agreeable to the Board or recess a meeting in progress for the purpose of meeting in closed session. Such resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board and shall specify those individuals eligible to attend in addition to the trustees and the Director of Education. The reason for the closed session shall be stated prior to its approval and shall be limited to discussion pertaining to the following stated reasons: 6.1 Individual students; 6.2 Individual employees; 6.3 Matters related either directly or indirectly to collective bargaining; 6.4 Litigation issues; 6.5 Negotiations for purchase, lease or other acquisition of property; 6.6 Sensitive matters that a majority of the trustees present feel should be held in private, in the public interest. Such sessions shall be closed to the public and press. The Board shall only discuss the matter(s) which gave rise to the closed session. Trustees and other persons attending the session shall maintain confidentiality and not disclose the details of the discussions at such sessions. All rules of the Board shall be observed in closed session as far as applicable. The number of times a trustee may speak on any question shall be determined at the discretion of the Board Chair. The Board shall, during the closed session, adopt only a resolution to rise and report to the open public Board meeting.7. Agenda for Regular Meetings The Board believes that a properly prepared agenda creates a meeting atmosphere formal enough for orderly procedure, but informal enough to encourage free discussion, problem identification, problem solving and the generation of ideas. The Board Chair and Vice-Chair are responsible for establishing the agenda for Board meetings in consultation with the Director of Education and Superintendent of Business and Operations, in accordance with legislation and Board policy in particular the Board Annual Work Plan.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

29Agendas shall include all the data and background, information, rationale and arecommendation so that the Board is able to make sound and objective decisionsconsistent with established goals.7.1 The order of business at a regular meeting shall generally be as follows:7.1.1 Planning Session;7.1.2 Call to Order;7.1.3 Adoption of Agenda;7.1.4 Adoption of Minutes of previous meeting(s);7.1.5 Discussion/Action Items;7.1.6 Delegations and Special Presentations;7.1.7 Board Committee Reports;7.1.8 Information Items;7.1.9 Celebration Items;7.1.10 Trustee inquiry and notices of motions; OR Items for next agenda;7.1.11 Meeting Review;7.1.12 Adjournment.7.2 Agenda items will be supported by a briefing note with copies of letters, reports, contracts and other materials as are pertinent to the business which will come before the Board and will be of value to the Board in the performance of its duties. Each action item will include a clear recommendation and indicate author of the report.7.3 Items may be placed on the agenda in one of the following ways:7.3.1 By notice of motion at the previous meeting of the Board.7.3.2 As a request from a committee of the Board.7.3.3 Although the Board seeks to minimize items being added without proper notice issues that require Board action may arise after the agenda has been prepared. The Board Chair, at the beginning of the meeting, shall ask for additions to and/or deletions from the agenda prior to agenda approval. Changes to the agenda may be made by a majority of those present.7.4 Materials for Board meetings will be distributed to each trustee and the Director of Education by the Wednesday prior to the meeting. The Director of Education is responsible for distribution and posting.7.5 The Board will follow the order of business set by the agenda unless the order is altered or new items are added by agreement of the Board.8. Electronic Meeting 8.1 The Board may hold a meeting using any electronic means. The means used must enable each trustee participating in the meeting and any members of the public attending the meeting to hear all the other trustees and follow any votes taken.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

30 8.2 At least one of the following persons must be present at the Board Office during the meeting: 8.2.1 A member of the Board 8.2.2 The Director of Education 8.2.3 The Superintendent of Business and Operations. 8.3 Reasonable steps must be taken to notify the public of locations from which members of the public may participate. 8.4 A Board member may participate from a location to which the public does not have access.9. Minutes for Regular or Special Meetings The Board shall maintain and preserve by means of minutes a record of its proceedings and resolutions. 9.1 The minutes shall record: 9.1.1 Date, time and place of meeting; 9.1.2 Type of meeting; 9.1.3 Name of presiding officer; 9.1.4 Names of those trustees and senior administration in attendance; 9.1.5 Approval of preceding minutes; 9.1.6 All resolutions, including the Board’s disposition of the same, placed before the Board, are to be entered in full; 9.1.7 Names of trustees making the motion; 9.1.8 Points of order and appeals; 9.1.9 Appointments; 9.1.10 Attached reports of committees; 9.1.11 Recording of the vote on a motion (when requested pursuant to the Education Act); and 9.1.12 Trustee declaration of conflict of interest pursuant to the Education Act. 9.2 The minutes shall: 9.2.1 Be prepared as directed by the Director of Education; 9.2.2 Be reviewed by the Director of Education prior to submission to the Board; 9.2.3 Be considered an unofficial record of proceedings until such time as adopted by a resolution of the Board; and 9.2.4 Upon adoption by the Board, be deemed to be the official and sole record of the Board’s business.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

31 9.3 The Director of Education shall ensure, upon acceptance by the Board, that appropriate initials are appended to each page of the minutes, and that appropriate signatures and the corporate seal of the Division are affixed to the concluding page of the minutes. 9.4 The Director of Education shall establish a codification system identifying resolutions determined by the Board which will: 9.4.1 Provide for ready identification as to the meeting at which it was considered; 9.4.2 Provide for cross-referencing with resolutions of similar nature adopted by the Board at previous meetings; and 9.4.3 Establish and maintain a file of all Board minutes. 9.5 As part of its ongoing effort to keep staff and the public fully informed concerning its affairs and actions, the Board expects the Director of Education to institute and maintain effective and appropriate procedures for the prompt dissemination of information about decisions made at all Board meetings. 9.6 The approved minutes of a regular or special meeting shall be posted to the website as soon as possible following approval. The Director of Education is responsible to distribute and post the approved minutes. 9.7 Each standing or special committee will appoint a recording secretary to take and distribute the record of the proceedings which will be presented for approval at their next meeting. 9.8 All committees of the Board, unless otherwise directed, shall prepare and submit written reports of meetings to the Board. All recommendations for action will be brought forward via the decision/discussion template.10. Motions Motions do not require a seconder. 10.1 Notice of Motion The notice of motion serves the purpose of officially putting an item on the agenda of the next or future regular meeting and gives notice to all trustees of the item to be discussed. A notice of motion is not debatable and may not be voted on. 10.2 Discussion on Motions The custom of addressing comments to the Board Chair is to be followed by all persons in attendance. A Board motion or a recommendation from administration is normally placed before the Board prior to any discussion taking place on an issue. Once a motion is before the Board and until it is passed or defeated, all speakers shall confine their remarks to the motion or to the information pertinent to the motion. Motions may be submitted by any trustee, including the Board Chair. 10.3 Speaking to the Motion The mover of a motion first and every trustee shall have an opportunity to speak to the motion before any trustee is allowed to speak a second time.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

32 The Chair will normally speak just prior to the last speaker who will be the mover of the motion. As a general guide, a trustee should not speak longer than five minutes on any motion. The Board Chair has the responsibility to limit the discussion by a trustee when such a discussion is repetitive or digresses from the topic at hand, or where discussion takes place prior to the acceptance of a motion. No one shall interrupt a speaker, unless it is to ask for important clarification of the speaker’s remarks, and any such interruption shall not be permitted without permission of the Board Chair. Normally, administration will not participate in the debate, but upon request or where otherwise appropriate, may provide information once a motion is moved. Amendments to the motion may be proposed at any time during discussion. No more than two amendments may be made before the meeting at one time. Discussion and voting on motions and amendments takes place in reverse order of their proposal. Motions or amendments may be withdrawn only with the unanimous consent of the trustees present. Should a trustee arrive at the meeting after a motion has been made and prior to taking a vote, the trustee may request further discussion prior to the vote. The Board Chair shall rule on further discussion. 10.4 Reading of the Motion A trustee may require the motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate, except when a trustee is speaking. 10.5 Entitled Votes All trustees, including the Board Chair, are entitled to vote on all motions, except in the case of a conflict of interest, as defined by Section 69 of the Education Act. While all trustees are encouraged to vote on all motions, except in the case of conflict of interest, a trustee has the right to abstain from voting. An abstention shall not be considered a vote for or against. 10.6 Recorded Vote Whenever a recorded vote is requested by a trustee before the vote is taken, the minutes shall record the names of the trustees who voted for or against the matter, or abstained. Immediately after a vote is taken and on the request of a trustee, the minutes shall record the name of all trustees and whether each trustee voted for or against the matter or abstained. 10.7 Required Votes Each question shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those trustees present. A simple majority of a quorum of the Board will decide in favour of the question. In the case of an equality of votes, the question is defeated. The result of the vote is announced by the Board Chair. A vote on a question shall be taken by open vote, expressed by show of hands, except the vote to elect the Board Chair or Vice-Chair, which is by secret ballot.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

3310.8 Debate In all debate, any matter of procedure in dispute shall be settled, if possible, by reference to Robert’s Rules of Order. If this reference is inadequate, procedure may be determined by motion supported by the majority of trustees in attendance.11. Delegations to Board MeetingsThe Board may make provision for delegations to make a presentation at a Boardmeeting in the interest of improving the education provided in Division schools.Individuals or organizations may make requests for audiences with the Board.11.1 Delegations wishing to appear before the Board are required to give notice, in writing, to the Board Chair at least seven full days before the meeting at which they are to be heard. The Director of Education and Chair have the authority to waive the time requirement.11.2 When scheduling an appointment, delegations should: 11.2.1 State the nature of the subject that they intend to bring before the Board, 11.2.2 Provide a written submission prior to the presentation, 11.2.3 Identify the spokesperson for the group, 11.2.4 Provide an estimate of the number of people who will be in attendance, 11.2.5 Be prepared to speak to, as opposed to reading, the submission.11.3 Matters deemed to be of a sensitive and/or confidential nature shall be heard at a closed session of the Board.11.4 The Board reserves the right to invite delegations to appear before the Board.11.5 At the time of presentation, the delegation shall confine its discussion to the purpose stated in the notice.11.6 Normally delegations will be given a maximum of 10 minutes to make their presentation. Additional time determined at the discretion of the Chair will be provided for the Board to ask questions and/or seek clarification.11.7 In discussing matters with a delegation, the Board Chair shall act as spokesperson for the Board. It must be remembered that delegations come to express problems, make suggestions and requests, and give information thereon. For this reason, individual trustees may seek only clarification of items presented by the delegation. At no time during the presentation shall any trustee voice her/his opinion thereon; nor shall s/he, by any statement, commit the Board to any specific course of action.11.8 Except in an emergency, the Board shall refer any action relative to the delegation’s presentation until the next regular Board meeting. Such tabling shall be used to give individual trustees sufficient time to consider the information supplied by the delegation. If the time between the delegation’s presentation and the next Board meeting is deemed insufficient for the trustees to gain the necessary information to make an informed decision, the Board may respond by delaying the decision until another specified, appropriate time.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

3411.9 Upon completion of the presentation, the Board Chair shall inform the delegation when the decision will be made. When a decision is reached, it will be communicated in writing to the spokesperson.12. Audio/Video Recording Devices Anyone wanting to use recording devices at a public Board meeting shall seek permission of the Board Chair.13. Trustee Conflict of InterestThe Board is of the firm conviction that its ability to discharge its obligations isdependent upon the confidence of the residents of the Division placed in its Boardand in its trustees. The trustee:13.1 Is expected to be conversant with Sections 69, 70 and 90 of the Education Act and with the conflict of interest provisions of Policy 4 – Trustee Code of Conduct.13.2 Is responsible for declaring him/herself to be in possible conflict of interest.13.3 Shall make such declaration in open meeting prior to Board or committee discussion of the subject matter which may place the trustee in conflict of interest.13.4 It shall be the responsibility of the trustee in conflict to absent him/herself from the meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act and ensure that his/her declaration and absence is properly recorded within the minutes.14. Board Facilitated Self-Evaluation 14.1 The annual Board facilitated self-evaluation process will be carried out as described in the document entitled Board Self-Evaluation Process, Criteria and Timelines. 14.2 The purpose of the Board facilitated self-evaluation is to answer the following questions: 14.2.1 How well have we fulfilled each of our defined roles as a Board this past year? 14.2.2 How do we perceive our interpersonal working relationships? 14.2.3 How well do we receive input and how well do we communicate? 14.2.4 How well have we adhered to our annual work plan? 14.2.5 How would we rate our Board-Director relations? 14.2.6 How well have we adhered to our governance policies? 14.2.7 What have we accomplished this past year? How do we know? 14.3 The principles upon which the Board facilitated self-evaluation is based are as follows: 14.3.1 A learning organization or a professional learning community is focused on the improvement of practice.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

35 14.3.2 A pre-determined process for evaluation strengthens the governance functions, builds credibility for the Board and fosters an excellent Board-Director relationship. 14.3.3 An evidence-based approach provides objectivity to supplement the subjectivity implicit in any evaluation.14.4 The components of the Board facilitated self-evaluation are: 14.4.1 Review of Board Role Performance. 14.4.2 Review of Board Chair Performance. 14.4.3 Monitoring Interpersonal Working Relationships. 14.4.4 Monitoring Board Community Engagement. 14.4.5 Review of Annual Work Plan Completion. 14.4.6 Monitoring Board-Director Relations. 14.4.7 Review of Board Motions. 14.4.8 Review of Board Governance Policies. 14.4.9 Creating a Positive Path Forward.15. Saskatchewan School Boards AssociationThe Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) is a non-profit organizationdedicated to excellence in public education by providing leadership services toSaskatchewan school boards. The Association represents school boards inSaskatchewan.15.1 Membership and ParticipationThe Board15.1.1 Endorses full active membership in the Association through its payment of the annual fee to the SSBA.15.1.2 Supports active participation of its trustee membership in the Association at the section, constituency and provincial levels.15.1.3 Establishes a remuneration and expense schedule at its Organizational Meeting, to recognize expenses incurred by trustees attending SSBA sponsored meetings, seminars, workshops and conventions.15.2 SSBA Voting Delegates15.2.1 The Board is to determine on or before November of each year, which of the trustees delegated to Convention are voting delegates.15.2.2 The Board is to apportion in whole numbers, its number of votes among those voting delegates in accordance with SSBA Bylaws 10 and Each trustee attending as a voting delegate is apportioned at least one (1) vote.15.2.4 Any votes remaining un-apportioned are to be divided equally as possible in whole numbers among trustees attending Convention.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

36 15.2.5 When registering delegates, the SSBA is to be informed of the voting delegate and the number of votes apportioned to each.16. Annual Meeting of Electors16.1 The Board is to convene an annual meeting of electors after receipt of the audited financial statement of the Board. In the year a general election of members of the Board is held, the annual meeting must be held before the general election.16.2 The Superintendent of Business and Operations is to give notice of the meeting in accordance with the provisions of The Local Government Election Act. ( fuseaction =publications. details&p=609) subsection 45(3) with necessary modification.16.3 The Board is to establish the agenda for the meeting following consultation with School Community Councils.16.4 At least fourteen days prior to the meeting School Community Councils are to receive copies of the: 16.4.1 Report of the Board. 16.4.2 Report of the Auditor and financial statement for the preceding year. 16.4.3 Report of the Director of Education. 16.4.4 Electors present at the meeting are to elect one of their members to preside as Chairperson and one other as secretary for the meeting. The Superintendent of Business and Operations is to facilitate the nomination procedure and conducting of the meeting. 16.4.5 The statement of proceedings of the meeting, as prepared by the secretary to the meeting, is to be distributed to the Board and School Community Councils.17. Special Meeting of Electors17.1 A special meeting of electors may be held at any time.17.2 The Superintendent of Business and Operations is to call a special meeting when required to do so by: 17.2.1 The Board 17.2.2 The Minister of Education 17.2.3 Request in writing by twenty-five or more electors of the school division.17.3 The Superintendent of Business and Operations is to give notice of the meeting in accordance with the provisions of The Local Government Election Act ( fuseaction= publications. details &p=609), subsection 45(3) with necessary modifications.17.4 Procedures for conducting the meeting are the same as for the annual meeting of electors with the exception that only business that is set out in the notice of meeting is to be considered at the meeting.Reference: Sections 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 80.1, 81, 82, 84, 87, 106 Education Act Local Authorities Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Local Government Election ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

37Policy 7 – Appendix APrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

38Policy 8 BOARD COMMITTEESThe Board may establish committees to assist with its work. Committees may bestanding or ad hoc in nature.At its annual Organizational Meeting, the Board shall establish such standingcommittees, and terms of reference for each, as it deems necessary. At any dulyconstituted meeting, the Board may establish standing or ad hoc committees, and termsof reference for each.General RequirementsSubsequent to the establishment of committees, appointment of trustees to committeeswill be the responsibility of the Chair. Normally trustees serve on a maximum of twostanding committees.Committee Chairs will be determined by the Committee.All committees of the Board, unless otherwise directed, shall prepare and submitminutes or a report to the Board. Reports shall be included in the board agendapackage.Standing CommitteesStanding committees are established to assist the Board with work of an on-going orrecurring nature. The Director of Education may assign staff to support the work of thecommittee. Committees shall not exercise authority over staff.Committee work will be presented to the board by written report for decision, discussionor information.1. Higher Literacy and Achievement Standing Committee 1.1 Membership • Minimum of three, maximum of four trustees. 1.2 Terms of Reference • To review accountability reports and to make recommendations to the Board. • To examine issues related to increasing higher literacy and student achievement, promoting academic achievement for all students while closing achievement gaps. • To examine possible interventions which may be considered or that others have successfully taken which might be appropriate for implementation in the Division.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

39 • To make recommendations to the Board relative to actions the Board may take to improve student learning and measurable student achievement within the Division. 1.3 Authority • To make recommendations to the Board.2. Equitable Opportunities Standing Committee 2.1 Membership • Minimum of three, maximum of four trustees. 2.2 Terms of Reference • To review accountability reports and to make recommendations to the Board. • To examine issues related to providing students with a safe and secure learning environment where everyone has the opportunity to maximize their potential regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, cultural or linguistic background, geographic location, personal circumstances or ability. • To examine possible interventions which may be considered or that others have successfully taken which might be appropriate for implementation in the Division and which would assist in achieving this goal. • To make recommendations to the board relative to actions the Board may take to advance equitable opportunities in Prairie South. 2.3 Authority • To make recommendations to the Board.3. Smooth Transitions Standing Committee 3.1 Membership • Minimum of three, maximum of four trustees. 3.2 Terms of Reference • To review accountability reports and to make recommendations to the Board. • To examine issues related to promoting conditions where students are ready to enter kindergarten and progress successfully through school and be prepared to pursue further education or enter the workforce when they graduate. • To examine possible interventions which may be considered or that others have successfully taken which might be appropriate for implementation in Prairie South and which would advance the Division’s smooth transitions goal. • To make recommendations to the board relative to actions the Board may take to advance smooth transitions in Prairie South.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

403.3 Authority • To make recommendations to the Board.4. Strong System-Wide Accountability and Governance Standing Committee 4.1 Membership • Minimum of three, maximum of four trustees. 4.2 Terms of reference • To review accountability reports and to make recommendations to the Board. • To examine issues related to community engagement, public accountability, stewardship, the advancement of public education including effective utilization of: human resources, finance, transportation, and facilities.5. Advocacy and Networking Standing Committee 5.1 Members • Minimum of three, maximum of four trustees. 5.2 Terms of Reference • To examine issues related to advocacy and networking. • To draft the Board annual advocacy plan for consideration by the Board. • To monitor the implementation of the Board’s annual advocacy plan • To annually assess the effectiveness of the Board’s advocacy plan. • To research effective advocacy plans and actions taken by other divisions. 5.3 Authority • Make recommendations to the Board.6. Rural Catchment and Transportation Standing Committee 6.1 Membership • Trustees from subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 6.2 Terms of Reference • To review accountability reports and to make recommendations to the Board. • To examine issues related to rural transportation. • To examine possible alternatives which may be considered or that others have successfully taken which might be appropriate for implementation in Prairie South and which would enhance rural transportation service to children, families and schools.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

41 • To make recommendations to the Board relative to actions the Board may take to enhance transportation services in Prairie South. 6.3 Authority • To make recommendations to the Board.7. Urban Possibilities Standing Committee 7.1 Membership • Trustees from subdivision 6. 7.2 Terms of Reference • To review accountability reports and to make recommendations to the Board. • To examine issues specific to schools and learning in the city of Moose Jaw. • To examine possible interventions which may be considered or that others have successfully taken which might be appropriate for implementation in Prairie South and which would advance services to students, families, and schools in the city of Moose Jaw. • To make recommendations to the board relative to actions the Board may take to advance opportunities for students in an urban setting in Prairie South. 7.3 Authority • To make recommendations to the Board.Committees of the WholeThe Board may, from time to time, assign responsibility to the committee of the whole. 1. Membership • All trustees 2. Terms of reference • To provide a forum for trustees to engage in planning sessions related to issues such as, but not restricted to, finance, facilities, special projects and the Education Sector Strategic Plan. 3. Authority • To make recommendations to the Board. 4. Meetings • As determined by the Board.The Board has structured two committees of the whole, Audit and Facilities, as follows:1. Audit Committee • To serve as the audit committee for the board.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

42 The Audit Committee will lead the external audit function and act as a conduit between the Auditor and the Board. • Pre-Audit o Provide for proposals for audit services as required and recommend the appointment of external auditors and the audit fees. o Recommend on any question of resignation or dismissal of the external auditors. o Review the auditor’s proposed audit scope and approach. o Review and confirm the independence of the auditors by obtaining statements from the auditors on relationships between the auditors and the Division, including non-audit services, and discussing the relationship with the auditors. o Plan with the auditor for additional or specific focus services. • Post-Audit o Review with the external auditors and management the results of the audit. o Review the external auditor’s Management Letter and correspondence attached to the annual statement. o Review the effectiveness of the Committee and recommend any proposed changes to the Board. o The Committee shall report to the Board the results of the audit and its recommendation for the audited financial statements. The Audit Committee has authority to: • Meet with external auditor or auditor candidates. • Meet with the Director of Education, Superintendent of Business and Operations and/or the Accounting Manager as deemed necessary. • Seek advice of other professionals as deemed necessary and within Committee budget. • Report to the Board with regard to any matters within its mandate. The Board shall meet with the external auditors prior to the start of the annual audit and shall meet with the external auditors upon completion of the Annual Financial Statement. To make recommendations to the Board in all matters other than when serving as the audit committee.2. Facilities Utilization Committee Strategic focus • Determine current realities in Prairie South related to enrollment, program location, office locations(s), demographics, city planning and other factors.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

43 • Determine the variables the division will focus on. • Make educated, dependable and responsible decisions to address the division’s existing issues. • Provide alternate proposals for the Ministry of Education to satisfy projected city development and other societal issues.Ad Hoc CommitteesAd hoc committees are established to assist the Board on a specific project for a specificperiod of time. The terms of reference for each ad hoc committee will be established atthe time of formation.Each ad hoc committee, at the conclusion of its work, shall present a written report to theBoard. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, ad hoc committees are dissolved assoon as they have reported to the Board.The Director of Education shall attend meetings of ad hoc committees.Resource Personnel for CommitteesThe Director of Education may appoint resource personnel to work with committees andshall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of the resourcepersonnel.Reference: Sections 85, 106 of the Education ActNovember 4, 2014Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

44Policy 9 BOARD REPRESENTATIVESThe Board will give consideration to naming representatives to various externalcommittees, agencies and organizations. Such representation is established at thediscretion of the Board to facilitate the exchange of information on matters of mutualconcern and/or to discuss possible agreements between the Division and otherorganizations.The following guidelines shall apply to such representation: • Where appropriate, the trustee shall reflect the current formal position of the Board; • On other issues of significant importance, the trustee shall consult with the Board to determine the formal view of the Board; • The trustee may give a personal opinion as long as the trustee makes it clear that the opinion does not represent the formal view of the Board; • The Board expects that important issues shall be brought to its attention. Therefore, if an issue has policy implications it shall be verbally reported at meetings of the Board and may be supplemented by a written report, along with all other reports that may be written and included with the meeting agenda; and • All expenses of this activity shall be covered in accordance with compensation guidelines approved annually at the Organizational Meeting of the Board.The Director of Education may appoint resource personnel to work with therepresentative and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirementsof resource personnel.The following committees/organizations will have a Board representative as identifiedeach year at the first regular meeting after the annual Organization Meeting:1. Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) - Public Boards Section Executive 1.1 Purpose 1.1.1 Attend SSBA Public Boards Section Executive meetings. 1.1.2 Represent the Board's positions and interests at the provincial level. 1.1.3 Communicate to the Board at the next regular meeting the work of the SSBA Public Boards Section Executive. 1.2 Membership 1.2.1 One trustee.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

452. Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association (SHSAA) 2.1 Purpose 2.1.1 Attend SHSAA meetings. 2.1.2 Represent the Board’s positions and interests at SHSAA meetings. 2.1.3 Communicate to the Board the work of SHSAA. 2.2 Membership 2.2.1 One trustee.3. Saskatchewan School Boards Association (Members Council) 3.1 Purpose 3.1.1 Attend meetings of the SSBA Members Council. 3.1.2 Represent the Boards views and communicate to the Board directions taken by Member’s Council. 3.1.3 Communicate to the Board the work of Members Council. 3.2 Membership 3.2.1 Chair and Vice-Chair. 3.3 Meetings 3.3.1 As determined and scheduled by the SSBA Executive.Reference: Sections 85, 106 of the Education ActJune 12, 2013Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

46Policy 10 POLICY MAKINGPolicy development is a key responsibility of the Board. Policies constitute the will of theBoard in determining how the Division will operate. Policies provide direction andguidelines for the action of the Board, Director of Education, staff, students, electors andother agencies. Policies also serve as sources of information and guidelines to all whomay be interested in or connected with the operation of the Division. Adoption of newBoard policies or revision of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board.The Board shall be guided in its approach to policy making by ensuring adherence to therequirements necessary to provide public education and compliance with the EducationAct and provincial as well as federal legislation. Further, the Board believes that thedevelopment and review of policies are enhanced when the process allows for themeaningful involvement of staff and other interested groups and persons.Board policies shall provide an appropriate balance between the responsibility of theBoard to develop the broad guidelines to guide the Division and the opportunity for theDirector of Education to exercise professional judgment in the administration of theDivision.The Board shall adhere to the following stages in its approach to policy making:1. Planning The Board, in cooperation with the Director of Education, shall assess the need for a policy, as a result of its own monitoring activities or on the suggestion of others, and identify the critical attributes of each policy to be developed.2. Development The Board may develop the policy itself or delegate the responsibility for its development to the Director of Education.3. Implementation The Board is responsible for the implementation of policies governing its own processes. The Board and Director of Education share the responsibility for implementation of policies relating to the Board-Director relationship. The Director of Education is responsible for the implementation of the other policies.4. Evaluation The Board, in cooperation with the Director of Education, shall review each policy in a timely manner in order to determine currency and if it is meeting its intended purpose.Prairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

47Specifically1. Suggestions or recommendations in regard to new or existing policy may be made to the Director of Education at any time. Such suggestions or recommendations shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Education and include a brief statement of purpose or rationale. Any trustee, elector or staff member may initiate proposals for new policies or changes to existing policies.2. Normally, requests for new policy or amendments to existing policy originating from schools will be directed through the Principal to the Director of Education.3. For policy decisions having a direct impact on students or student learning, the protocol in Appendix A will be utilized.4. Policy development or revision may also be initiated as a result of a public consultation, survey, needs assessment or policy evaluation.5. The Director of Education shall be responsible to prepare a proposal. 5.1 If the Board requests that a new policy be drafted or an existing policy be reviewed for possible amendment, the Director of Education shall implement procedures to develop a draft proposal. 5.2 Draft proposals may be developed in consultation with advisory committees, various employee groups, senior administrative staff, or outside agencies and consultants. 5.3 The engagement of outside agencies or consultants to assist in policy development shall require prior approval of the Board if the total anticipated costs will exceed budget approved allocations.6. When appropriate, the Director of Education shall seek legal advice.7. The Board may seek additional input into proposed changes in policy, or drafts, whenever it is deemed appropriate.8. The final draft of the policy or amendments shall be presented to the Board for its consideration and approval.9. Only those policies which are adopted and recorded in the minutes constitute the official policies of the Board.10. In the absence of existing policy, the Board may make decisions, by resolution, on matters affecting the administration, management and operation of the Division. Such decisions carry the weight of policy until such time as specific written policy is developed.11. The Board may request the Director of Education to change an administrative procedure to a draft Board policy. In doing so, the Board will provide rationale.12. The Director of Education must develop administrative procedures as specified in Policy 11 – Board Delegation of Authority and may develop such other proceduresPrairie South School Division No. 210Board Policy Handbook

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