The iLenSys Newsletter A bud blossoms and so do we…!!! January Edition
Content2016 JOURNEY1 Our Highlights2 We Make It!KNOW YOUR LEADER3 Listen To Inner Voice - IlangoSOMETHING TO KNOW5 Color Psychology6 Smart HomeOUTCOME THAT COUNTS7 Coffee Machine Story7 ULT for Japan MarketINSIGHT8 Our Pentagons 8 Roll the Dice- Quiz 9 Quick Summer Facts10 ILenSys Events snapshot
Our 2016 JourneyNew Engagements Team Progression Initiated engagement for Product 135 Design and Engineering projects 119 Initiated engagement for design and engineering collaboration projects 64 8Engagement started with 4 new 2010 2012 2014 2016business units 21 06Implemented Curriculum Plus-(Mechanical) in 2 colleges Technical Soft Skills Trainings Training 6 10 9247+ 420+ Drawings NPD Programs NPD Programs delivered Manuals owned Supported delivered2017 Focus Areas Establish iLenSys entity and operations in US Structured competency improvement for various functions/ levels Improved sales and marketing efforts Design automation and 3D interactives in project engineering Focus on Electronics Engineering To implement 8 to 10 colleges Curriculum Plus – Mechanical Target to complete development activities for Curriculum Plus - Electronics 1
We Make It!! PAC implemented at PSGPSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research,Coimbatore inaugurated iLenSys Product ApplicationCenter (PAC) with an aim to combine digital learningsolution curriculum with industry knowledge. Website LaunchYear ended with an amazing announcement of iLenSysWebsite launch. Our goal with this new website is toprovide our prospects and customers betterunderstanding of our services and solutions. PAC at Banjara Hill OfficeThe iLenSys learning solution (Product ApplicationCenter-PAC) was successfully implemented at Banjarahills office. With PAC, around 10+ real world productsare explained how it is relevant to engineeringconcepts and fundamentals. Shuttle Court At Coimbatore OfficeThe ILenSys office in Coimbatore has successfullylaunched an anytime-ready-to-use badminton courtwith floodlights .Situated just right outside the office, the court servesas a good fitness routine for the team after a long dayof intense work. 2
Know your LeaderListening to the inner voice – Ilango TangaveluIlango Tangavelu is the Technology Directorat iLenSys. He started his journey at iLenSys2 years back and looks after our Engineeringlearning solutions division from Coimbatore.In this edition we got a chance to get closeto his mind.What motivated you to opt for a domain What is that “ONE WORD” that describes youwhich is more into engineering learning the best?solutions when you were enjoying a successful “Dependable”…journey in engineering service industry? When you think about your careerI had done a wide variety of roles in achievements, which is the best moment thatEngineering services starting from an individual makes you smile?contributor growing all the way to Multi In general, the best moments which brought acustomer account management, new business true smile were when the customer feedbackdevelopment, Presales etc. But when I was was 5/5 for my team’s deliveries. To me,approached for engineering learning solutions customer satisfaction is of paramountopportunity, I felt this is a critical need across importance. It doesn’t matter if you have donethe Industry which I have experienced first- your job right and it has met all statedhand during my engineering services tenure. specifications etc. etc...Moreover, any value addition that I can bring tothe learning solution can have a good impactacross a really larger learning community inengineering which is a big attractivesatisfaction factor for me personally.“Put full efforts into whatever you have at your hand. Your excellence andcommitment will automatically bring bigger and better challenges to you which cantake you higher in your career. Never stop learning” 3
Know your LeaderCan you name a person who has had a Tough times can push you totremendous impact on you as a leader? Why desperation. During those times, Iand how did this person impact your life? decide to face it or endure it rather thanKarthikeyan Natarajan (SVP- Head IES at Tech running away..Mahindra)- He has been a good elder-brotherlyfriend who had strong trust in my abilities and Keeping me engaged beyond work is family. Myblindly threw me into tough uncomfortable hobbies are watching movies and followingsituations which made me struggle and learn developments in the science fraternity.the different arts of engineering services. On sport side, I do play few sports like football,Do you have any unfilled wish that you would cricket and shuttle once in a to accomplish in your career? What message you would like to give to ourI always wished to get a PhD in some specific iLenSians?stream of engineering. Still a dream! Put full efforts into whatever you have at your hand. Your excellence and commitment will“ A True leader should Guide/Help his automatically bring bigger and betterteam members to find their own challenges to you which can take you higher insolutions to the challenges.” your career. Never stop learning. What is one characteristic that you believeCan you tell us about a time when you almost every upcoming leader should possess?gave up, and what you did instead of giving Setting targets and asking challengingup? questions are the easier part of leadership. ATough times can push you to desperation. True leader should Guide/Help his teamDuring those times, I decide to face it or members to find their own solutions to theendure it rather than running away. One such challenges.incident was when my former employer Where do you envisage iLenSys in next 5Satyam computer services (Acquired and years?integrated by Tech Mahindra now) went into In the next five years, ILENSYS learningtop management trouble and was almost going solutions should be implemented across atdown. Lot of people deserted the company. I 100+ colleges and should be the In-demanddecided to stay and face the problem. With the solution across institutions. On the Engineeringhelp of our customer’s support we survived services front, ILensys should be a maturedand came out successfully. engineering service company who can be aWhat makes you engaged beyond your work? one-stop Concept to aftermarket solution provider. 4
Color PsychologyColor psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior.Color influences perceptions as well as effectiveness of the product of thing.Some facts to know about colors 85% People feel Color is the People make that color is the first thing judgment primary factor consumer within 90Sec while buying the always think which is product while buying based on the product color alone Colors in Our Day To Day Life ORANGEREDExcitement Entertainment Enthusiasm Children’s Product Energy Food Happiness Food Passion Sports Strength EntertainmentBLUE GREENTrustworthy Finance Health Children’s ProductDependable Technology Freshness Food Health Care Secure Wealth EntertainmentYELLOW BROWN Cheerful Children's Natural Agriculture Intellect product Simple Environment Energy Leisure Earthy FoodPURPLE PINK Mobility Finance Warmth Used in industries Wisdom Technology Friendliness to add feminine Mystery Health Care Softness flareBLACK WHITE Power Technology Purity Healthcare Glamour Designer Cleanliness LuxurySophistication Brands Peace Universal 5
Smart Homes TechnologyA Smart Home is a fully automated habitat enabling its owner to control its functions remotely through internet of thingsControls home's SMART Smart light control technologyambient temperature THERMOSTAT with dynamic lighting, dimming and day light management system.Prepares your meal plan LIGHTING CONTROLby identifying the available SYSTEMthings in your kitchen SMART COOKING SYSTEM SMART SMART HOME Recommends home PET CARE MAINTENANCE appliance repair and maintenance, and also cleanHelps in monitoring the SMART SMART DOOR your home through roboticamount of food for your GARAGE LOCKpet, controls defecation vacuum cleaning systemthrough smart pet care SMART HOME SECURITY An electromechanical locktracking device that performs its operations using a wireless protocol Monitors and controls 24/7 house monitoring your garage door from security through multi anywhere through wireless network camera system and intelligent burglar alarm Energyconservation BENEFITS Remote control Money saving Smarter communication Safety Growing technology 6
Outcomes that CountsCoffee Vending Machine – Concept to ManufacturingKaprigiani wanted to launch a new series of theproduct for the corporate environment were lookand feel was the major factor. The idea was not tohide the product in the pantry corners but to exhibitits beauty. One of the major challenge they had wasto keep the cost to optimum since they had toughcompetition from china manufacturers. The otherconsidering factors were better serviceability whichwas one of the concerns in the existing product. Customer’s Speaks:iLenSys delivered end-to-end solution starting from “A robust machine, allowing easy serviceability, withconceptualization, detail engineering to feature filled shape and aesthetically pleasing looks “manufacturing of plastic parts. DFM and DFA factors Mr. Nainesh Parikh Managing Director, Kaprigianiwere considered in the entire phase of design to make sure product is better assembled andserviceable. Family molds with multiple plastic parts were designed and manufactured. iLenSyswas also responsible for the newly designed plastic part manufacturing as well.The Project was huge success and surpassed the client expectation on aesthetics and productioncost for the vending machine.Ultra-Low-Temperature (ULT) Freezer for Japan Market The new series of ULT launched by one of our client offered a unique solution to the market which was the first step in delivering leadership on the energy attribute. But the demand for 115V/60Hz version was a gap in the current offering. And so our client wanted to launch a new version of the product with 115V/60Hz and 100V/50/60Hz (for Japan market). One of the most critical factors for the new program was to meet the energy saving targets and cost positioning. Project also had a schedule risk due to the higher part lead time. The product was launched within 8 months and around 183+ units were sold out till date. Even with the addition of new transformer the energy consumption target was met successfully. ILenSys team played a vital role in the entire program which was completed on stipulated time frame. 7
Our PentagoniLenSys congratulates the following Karthik Madhanemployees for having completed 5 years Manikandan Akshamof their service in an association with it.Best wishes to them for a more enduringaisLseoncSiaytsiocon,nsgerarvtuicleataensdthaegfroelalotwcainrgeeraeohmfetaphdleo…iyreseesrvfoicrehinavainngacsosomcpialetitoendw5iytheaitr.s Best wishes to them for a more enduring association, service and a great career ahead…Karthik Aksham Manikandan Madhan Shruthy ShruthyLet’s Roll The Dice! Answer the questions and grab exciting prizes!!!1. Who makes it has no need of it. Who buys it has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see it nor feel it. what is it?2. Find out the next term in the series F21, S23, T25, T27, S29, M31, __?3. What goes up and down, but still remains in the same place?4. If there are 12 fish and half of them drown, how many are there?5. Which one is correct? “Penguins flies” or “A Penguin flies”Please send us the answer on [email protected] 8
Quick Summer Fact• The first day of summer is called Summer Solstice.• It takes eight minutes for light reach Earth from the Sun.• Watermelon is the best summer treat. Watermelons are not a fruit, but a vegetable instead. They belong to the cucumber family of vegetables.• The Eiffel tower actually grows in the heat of the summer. Due to the iron expanding, the tower grows about 6 inches every summer.• Cellphone batteries die faster in the summer and you can blame the heat for that one.Pinnacle of the Next EditionIt’s been proven time and time again great ideas, articles,photographs comes from great innovative minds.From next edition we welcome your articles, poetry, innovativeideas and interest to be shared so that we make iLenSight as a trueinsight.Please send us your articles [email protected] before or on 20th March. 9
Events at iLenSys, 2016Christmas Diwali Independence Day- Coimbatorei-Women Event- IGCD Banjara Hills Office Inauguration Dental CampCSR Event Family Day Pongal Women’s DayVolleyball Independence Day- Hyderabad Diwali 10
Editorial Team• Vijesh Venugopal• Komal N. Shah• Subhash Chandra Kishore• Sampanna Kulkarni• Venkat LakshminarayananDigitization• Sohan Haspula
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