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little brother book report

Published by amy.xu.2000, 2015-06-16 22:55:36

Description: little brother book report


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LITTLE BROTHER by cory doctorow an analysis & summary by amy xu Amy Xu – ENG 1D0 – Ms. Joseph GORDON GRAYDON MEMORIAL SECONDARY SCHOOL

1 CHARACTERS1.1 MAIN CHARACTERS1.1.1 Marcus Yallow The main character of the story. A 17-year-old highly interested in technology,Marcus is also sarcastic and intelligent, as well as a good leader. However, he is alsoarrogant and self-serving, often leading him to endanger the people around him. Muchof his character development revolves around him realizing how he is hurting his friendsand family, and changing his behavior for good.1.1.2 Darryl Glover Marcus’s best friend and classmate, he has known Marcus for a very long time. InMarcus’s initial team of players, he is Marcus’s right-hand and “details” man. Early on inthe book, he is taken by the DHS and tortured for information, leading him to bereported missing for 3 months. Much of Marcus’s motivation stems from trying to findDarryl.1.1.3 Vanessa “Van” Pak Van is one of Marcus’s friends and the third member in his team of players. She isvery competitive, taking winning very seriously, and the most “hardcore” of their group.She is a bit of a flirt, often teasing both Darryl and Marcus. However, it’s shown that shealso is very paranoid, refusing to continue with Marcus’s plans to take down the DHS’snew system and watch him destroy himself. She returns to help him near the end.1.1.4 Jose-Luis “Jolu” Torrez The last of Marcus’s group of players. Jolu is an intelligent student, being very goodwith coding. He is described as being able to take two difficult choices and find a thirdoption. However, he is somewhat vain, and puts too much effort into his appearance inorder to look “cool.” He leaves Marcus’s plan, due to not wanting to risk himself and hisfear of being racially profiled if he were to be caught.1.1.5 Angela MartelliniMarcus’s main love interest. She is flirty, energetic, and fun-loving, but much likeMarcus at the beginning, rather self-serving and not caring of others’ feelings. She oftensupports Marcus throughout the book, assisting him with whatever he needs, and oftenbeing his “second in command” after Darryl has disappeared.

1.1.6 Carrie Johnstone The main antagonist of the novel. While we don’t know much about her (even hername is not revealed until the epilogue) besides she is a high-ranking official ofHomeland Security, she is cold and pathological and willing to do whatever it takes toget whatever she needs.1.1.7 Masha A teenage hacker, much like Marcus, Masha is very much his foil – or, what hewould have been like if he were to have been recruited by DHS instead of being targetedby them. She is very similar to Marcus in terms of his technological skills, and hisintelligence. Though playful, she also is very manipulative, forcing Marcus to do whatshe wants several times. It is unclear, ultimately, whose side she is on.1.1.8 Drew YallowMarcus’s father, a technological consultant. Though he is a mellow, caring man much ofthe time, he is often quick to anger. Initially appearing to agree with his son on manytopics, their relationship is soured by their differing opinions on the new surveillancesystem put in placed. They mend their relationship when Marcus confesses what theDHS did to him.1.1.9 Lillian YallowMarcus’s mother, a British expatriate who helps immigrants settle into America. Like herson, she dislikes authority (as she does many American things), and is very similar to himin many ways. She serves as a mediator between her son and her husband in theirarguments.1.1.10 ZebA former teenage hacker who was taken by the DHS the day of the attack, Zeb wascaptive for 3 months before escaping a week before the climax begins. He informsMarcus via a note that Darryl is still alive, restarting Marcus’s goal of finding his bestfriend.

2 PLOT2.1 CHAPTER BY CHAPTER SUMMARY2.1.1 Chapter 1Marcus is called by the vice-principal Fred Benson into the office, under thesuspicion of breaking into the school’s security system, selling devices andstealing tests under the name “w1n5t0n”. Though through his narration hereveals he didn’t do it, he admits he does go by the name “w1n5t0n”. Aftertalking back to the teacher, he manages to leave without any punishment. Whenhe gets back to his class, he makes plans with his best friend Darryl to sneak outof school to meet their friends for their game, “Harajuku Fun Madness.” However,Darryl remembers he still has a library book with a tracker in it, and they go todestroy the device.2.1.2 Chapter 2Marcus and Darryl go to the teacher’s lounge to destroy the tracker. While leavingthe lounge, they have to sneak around their school snitch Charles. Marcus showsof his knowledge of tech by spamming Charles’ phone and destroying it. They andtheir friends meet and decipher the next clue in their game. While going to gettheir next clue, they’re caught by a girl who threatens to send their photos to theauthorities. However, it’s then when a terrorist attack strikes San Francisco,destroying the Bay Bridge. They decide to ignore warnings to report to theshelters immediately and decide to go to the BART station, not knowing it hadbeen blown up along with the bridge.2.1.3 Chapter 3They head down to the BART station, but soon realize there’s too many peoplethat are surrounding. As they try to escape the crowd, Darryl is stabbed.Desperate to find someone to help them, they approach a military-lookingvehicle, but are taken by Homeland Security for questioning. In a state ofconfusion and panic, Marcus breaks down in the bathroom. Marcus isinterrogated and they demand he unlock his phone, but he stubbornly refuses,continuing to insist on an attorney. Marcus, as the narrator, tells us that “inhindsight, I probably should have unlocked my phone for them.”

2.1.4 Chapter 4Marcus is placed onto a ship, and placed into a cell. They deprive Marcus of foodand bathing privileges until he unlocks his phone for them. Desperate, Marcusdoes as they tell him to do, as well as giving them all his passwords. They accuseMarcus of being involved in the terrorist attacks on the bridge, but Marcus deniesany involvement. They send Marcus home, but not before telling him that hebelongs to them now, and they’ll be watching him, and they’re only sending himback because they’re done with him. As he leaves, he is grabbed by a pair of arms.2.1.5 Chapter 5It turns out to be his friend Van, who was taken with him, hugging him. She andtheir other friend, Jolu, tell him that they haven’t seen Darryl, and Marcus breaksdown. They go to eat at a restaurant, where they relate stories of their time ofbeing captive by the Department of Homeland Security. There, Marcus learns thathis punishment was much more severe than Jolu and Van’s. They wonder whysomeone would blow up the Bay Bridge instead of the iconic Golden Gate, untilthey realize it’s the only bridge generally used by the public. Marcus goes homeand lies to his parents where he had been, saying that he had been quarantinedfor 5 days and couldn’t get out. He is shocked to discover they had bugged hiscomputer, so he sets up his Xbox to run like a computer, and sets up an OS,ParanoidXbox, so nobody can see what he’s doing, determined to escape theirsurveillance.2.1.6 Chapter 6Despite everything that had happened in the past few days, Marcus’s parents stillmake him go to school. On the way there, Marcus discovers that a bill has beenpassed that allows the government to track his whereabouts anytime, includingplacing cameras into their classrooms. Marcus starts burning discs ofParanoidXbox and distributing them to his classmates, as well as other peoplethroughout the city. While walking in the city, however, he’s followed by twopolice officers, who tell him to come with them.2.1.7 Chapter 7The police take him into custody for a few questions. There, he learns the policehave been tracking people with abnormal ride histories on the BART. Angry, hetalks back to the cops, who threaten to throw him into jail. They drive him back

home, where he talks with his parents. He starts thinking of a plan to start hisown network, so can find a way to subvert the security system. At a coffeemeeting with his group of friends the next day, where he tells them his plan, Vandecides to leave the group, thinking Marcus is endangering himself too much andtelling him that she doesn’t want to watch him wreck himself. That leaves Joluand Marcus to write the code themselves.2.1.8 Chapter 8Marcus and his father get into an argument of the ethical nature of thesurveillance program, which sours their relationship. Van tells him somethingsimilar, leading them to have a falling-out just after Marcus realizes he may havesome feelings for her. Marcus starts building “arphid cloners”, a device thatrandomly swaps the tags on people’s cards, which the government is using totrack everyone. This causes chaos across the city, and creates doubt for believersin the new system. Marcus’s own father is a victim, being pulled over, searched,and questioned twice, making him late by 3 hours, making him very angry.2.1.9 Chapter 9Marcus and his father make up after their argument. While playing a game, he isasked questions by a random player, and assuming the worst and thinking thereare snitches, realizes the network he and Jolu set up is no longer safe. Makingthings worse, the Department of Homeland Security receives a budget increase,making their system even stronger. Marcus realizes that he might be endangeringpeople, after reading a LiveJournal blog post. He realizes that 4 people who he’snever met nearly went to jail for life because of something he had started, and hethinks to himself that he’s no better than a terrorist, but after a conversation withhis mother, he realizes they’re all on the same side – against Homeland Security’snew regime – and increases his resolve. He and Jolu plan a party with people theytrust the most to make a new plan.2.1.10 Chapter 10Marcus and Jolu meet at the Sutro baths for their party. There, Jolu tells him thatafter the party, he wants to leave the operation. Marcus is angry at first that he’sabandoning him to be alone in the plan, but he comes to understand hisreasoning. At the party, he meets a girl named Angela, one of Jolu’s friends.

2.1.11 Chapter 11At the party, Marcus tells them of his plan to create a “web of trust” (a type ofcrypto, involving many people who trust each other). They warn each other to nottrust anyone over 25, and exchange keys for their encrypted information. He getsalong well with Angela at the party, and they make plans to go to a concerttogether, and they chat together until the early morning. In a social studies class,Charles tries to reason that what the government is doing in terms of surveillanceis valid, and tries to devalue the work of previous “radical” revolutionaries. Inresponse, Marcus decides to read a passage to the class.2.1.12 Chapter 12The passage Marcus reads is revealed to be from the Declaration ofIndependence. Charles and Marcus get into an argument about the lengthspeople can and should go to make a change. His teacher, Ms Galvez, agrees withMarcus, and assigns them a project comparing different war-time situations.Marcus attends the concert with Angela, with a theme of “don’t trust anyoneover 25.” While at the concert, Marcus has a near-sexual encounter with Angela,but the police interrupt the concert and disperse the crowd. They run away fromthe concert and manage to escape unscathed. The next day, Marcus is shocked tofind that his social studies teacher had left the school, and their new unit is onnational security, making him want to throw his school computer onto the floor.While on the BART, he sits next to 2 adult men reading the newspaper, which hasportrayed the concert-goers as a “youth riot” and chiding them for being stupid.Angry, Marcus moves to another seat.2.1.13 Chapter 13Meeting with Angela at a coffee shop, the two decide to make plans to get theirside of the story out into the open. Under his screenname m1k3y, Marcuspublishes the information the newspapers didn’t tell, but the media manages totwist their story, and make it seem like they’re terrorists, spreading the lie thatthe Xnet is being used by Al Qaeda sympathizers. In class, Marcus’s new teacherand him get into an argument about the Xnet and its methods of bypassingsecurity, Marcus being adamant that universal surveillance was more dangerous

than terrorism, accusing her of teaching propanganda instead of an actual lesson.The new teacher sends him to the principal’s office, where he is suspended by thevice-principal.2.1.14 Chapter 14Marcus returns home after his suspension. After trying to play games on the Xnet,and failing to find anyone to play them with, Marcus decides to watch the news tofind the DHS commander spreading lies and misinformation about what reallyhappened at the concert, painting them as isolating the adults and limiting thegroup to only impressionable young people, to be recruited by America’senemies. Marcus’s father is angry with him, but his mother manages to keep acool head and supports her son. He goes out to meet Angela, when he bumps intoVan. Angela gets jealous, but recovers quickly. He sets up ParanoidXbox and theXnet for her, and goes to watch videos of the DHS not doing their proper job. He’ssurprised when he recognizes a man being attacked by the DHS as a UnitedNations general, making a new category on his blog titled AbusesOfAuthority.Overnight, it takes off, more and more people spreading information about whatthe DHS has done, with the movement’s members being called “Little Brothers”.He gets an offer from a Canadian journalist to be interviewed on the Xnetnetwork, which is soon followed by many more interview offers. After insistencefrom Angela, he agrees to hold a press conference.2.1.15 Chapter 15Marcus plans to have the press conference inside of a game he often plays,Clockwork Plunder, to keep himself anonymous. Just before the conferencestarts, he and Angela nearly have sex before they’re interrupted by Marcusnoticing the time. At the press conference, Marcus insists he’s not a leader of anymovement, but they ask him as many questions as they can anyways. The nextmorning, some of the press headlines have portrayed the Xnet-users in a morepositive light, however many still see them as spoiled children who don’t knowanything. The security in San Francisco is doubled, with the DHS arresting as many“suspicious” teenagers in hopes of capturing m1k3y. Angela and Marcus get into afight, her arguing that these arrests are helping to show the DHS that they’re notgoing to stop trying, while he doesn’t want to see anybody else get hurt in hisname. He writes a blog post, asking his fellow Xnet-users to stop jamming signals,in an attempt to keep anyone from getting hurt. While heading home from school

a week later, he bumps into a homeless teenager around his age, who introduceshimself as Zeb and quickly leaves, leaving Marcus confused. However, when hereturns home, he finds a message from Zeb, telling him he was also captured afterthe Bay Bridge attack, and was captive for 3 months while being tortured forinformation. He tells Marcus that Darryl is still alive, imprisoned in the middle ofthe San Francisco Bay, and he himself only got out a week ago. With the newsthat his best friend is still alive, Marcus admits to his mother where he was afterthe attack on the bridge.2.1.16 Chapter 16Marcus’s mother is outraged and shocked at hearing what Marcus told her. Heshows her the note from Zeb, and tells him that Darryl’s father has to know, butfirst Marcus’s father needs to know first. At first, his father is angry that Marcusdidn’t tell him, but he quickly turns all his rage to the DHS. They go to visit Darryl’sfather, Ron, and tell him that Darryl is alive, and that they’re going to see aninvestigative reporter for the Bay Guardian, Barbara Stratfird, who is a familyfriend. Marcus decides that he trusts Barbara to tell her that he’s “m1k3y”, andthey start making a plan to get the information out into the public, scheduling ameeting for the next day. The next day, he bumps into Angela, and they decide tomake up after their argument and resume their relationship. He tells hereverything that he’s learned over the past few days, as well as about the meetingwith Barbara. They decide to go together to the meeting with Barbara. Marcussuggests telling the world about what happened to Darryl, as well as everythingabout Xnet. Barbara warns them that this story could topple the government, andto take it seriously.2.1.17 Chapter 17Marcus teaches Barbara about the Xnet and its use, as well as its origins for herstory. However, before he leaves, she warns him about the consequences if hisidentity goes out into the public. He realizes if his identity is revealed, he wouldbe known as the DHS whistleblower, and his safety would be jeopardized. Laterthat day, Marcus gets a strange message from somebody named Masha. They tellhim that they were also taken in when the bridge blew up, and they were hired bythe DHS to sy on other kids. They tell him they infiltrated the Xnet the day itlaunched, and that they’re in Marcus’s web of trust he created at the party. Theywarn him it’s only a matter of time before the DHS breaks the network, but also

that they’re not so certain about what they’re doing; spying on fellow teenagersjust like them. They as Marcus to join them, tempting him with offers of how theycould win together. At first, he has doubts over the legitimacy of their claim, butthey prove themselves by sending them a video hidden within code. This video isfootage of DHS members, talking about the Xnet users. They say that they couldpossibly use the users to convince the rest of the country that there are threatseverywhere, to drive fear into the country about terrorist attacks, diverting theirattention from the government. Masha asks that he help them escape, by causinga distraction using the Xnet, warning him that they’ll both be in trouble if they fail,leaving him conflicted on what to do.2.1.18 Chapter 18Marcus reminisces about a memory he had with Darryl, LARPing at a summercamp while he contemplates what to do about the situation with Masha,especially a game involving vampires that somehow became tangled with anarticle about “juvenile cultists” that led him to give it up. Using his pastknowledge of LARPing and cosplay culture, he and Angela plan a “vampmob” tobreak Darryl and Masha out.2.1.19 Chapter 19They plan to have the vampmob at the Civic Center, where thousands of peopleshow up to protest the system. However, the gathering is raided by the DHS, andit is revealed that Masha lured him there so that she can take him with her. It isalso revealed that she is the girl that caught Marcus skipping school at thebeginning of the book. She forces Marcus to abandon Angela, while helping himescape the DHS. However, Marcus escapes from her as they head for Los Angeles,and she tries to stop him. They fight, Marcus coming the victor as he takes herphone containing evidence incriminating the DHS, including for taking Darryl.2.1.20 Chapter 20After Marcus escapes, he learns Barbara has published her article on what theDHS did. He is anxious to contact her, but hesitates, thinking her phone may havebeen tapped. He gets the help of three Xnetters, who know who he is afterreading the article, and borrows a computer from one of them. He is shocked andpleased to see thousands of messages in his m1k3y account, thanking him forwhat he told Barbara for the article, and telling him they would do anything for

them. Marcus goes to meet with Zeb, where he shows him the proof he can useto incriminate the DHS. He then finds Van, with whom he trusts his email loginand password to so she can access his mail for the Xnet files. He goes to stay withZeb for the night, but the DHS catch him and take him in. They torture him bywaterboarding to get him to login to his email, but before he can do anything, theDHS’s leader is arrested. As the state patrol storm the building, Marcus is reunitedwith Barbara.2.1.21 Chapter 21Though DHS has been stripped of its power, Barbara informs Marcus he is stillunder arrest, and he will be tried under the old system of lawyers, judges, andjury, instead of the justice system institgated by the DHS. Marcus is finallyreunited with Darryl, as well as Angela, who was tortured and drugged by the DHSafter the vampmob raid. Marcus is put on trial, but the judge is sympathetic withhim and only charges him with Misdemeanor Petty Theft and allows him to postbail. Marcus is reunited with his parents, and finds he has become famousovernight for being the DHS whistleblower, just like Marcus suspected wouldhappen. However, Marcus has no doubts about his safety, only glad he is reunitedwith his best friend at last.2.1.22 EpilogueBarbara calls Marcus to inform him that Carrie Johnstone, the woman whotortured Marcus in the beginning, is not going to be punished and is beingtransferred out of the country. Marcus and Angela create an organization, theCoalition of Free Voters, with the help of Barbara, to spread the technology theyused to help take down the DHS. With that, Marcus’s life returns mostly back tonormal, as it was at the beginning of the novel.

2.2 PLOT STRUCTUREIntroduction:  Marcus Yallow is a 17-year-old senior at San Francisco’s Cesar Chavez High, a heavily monitored school in the Mission district. A troublemaker who dislikes authority, he often bypasses his school’s intense security system to sneak out of school and do whatever he wants. One day, he decides to skip school with his friends to go out into the city and play an alternate reality game with them instead.Trigger:  While collecting a clue for a game, San Francisco is attacked by terrorists. While they try to escape from the chaos, Marcus’s best friend Darryl is stabbed, and as they are trying to get help for him, they are taken by the Department of Homeland Security on suspicion of the attack.Rising action:  Marcus is tortured by a woman “with a severe haircut” from Homeland Security for information. When Marcus refuses to give it to her, she deprives him of food and bathing. Marcus gives them the information they need in exchange for privileges.  After giving her the information, he is let free, but his best friend Darryl has gone missing.  He returns home, to find his laptop has been bugged by the DHS. He installs an operating system that blocks out any surveillance.  He and his friend Jolu program a network called the “Xnet”, comprised mostly of teenagers who want to use their technology without being watched by the government.

 One day, as Marcus is playing a game on the Xnet, a player asks him random questions about his whereabouts and who he is. He realizes the Xnet has been infiltrated, and it is not completely safe anymore.  He creates a failsafe plan called a “web of trust”, and holds a party to discuss plans. There, he meets a girl named Angela.  Angela invites him to a concert, where they protest the new system put into place by the DHS. However, the concert is raided. The next day, Marcus is outraged to see that the media has transformed them from innocent concert-goers into a full “teen riot.”  Marcus recieves an offer of interview for his online alter-ego, m1k3y. He accepts the offer. He is pleased to see that the media has started portraying him and the Xnetters in a more positive light, but many still see him as childish.  Marcus discovers that Darryl is still alive after a homeless teenager tells him Homeland Security has been holding him for the past 3 months.  He goes to a reporter, who is a family friend, who agrees to publish an article on what Homeland Security has done to him.Climax:  Marcus is contacted by a fellow hacker named Masha, who was also taken when the attacks took place, but instead was hired to work for the DHS.  She tells him she can’t work for them anymore, but he’s in danger if he continues to try to stop the government, and they should run away together.Falling action:  Masha and Marcus escape, but while they are heading to Los Angeles, Marcus changes his mind and takes Masha’s cell phone, which holds incriminating evidence of the DHS’s crimes.  Barbara publishes her article and the truth is revealed to the entire city.  Marcus is captured by the DHS.  He is tortured for information once again, but the compound where he is held is raided by State Police and he is let free.Resolution:  Marcus is put on trial and only gets away with a juvenile charge of Misdemeanor Petty Theft, for taking Masha’s phone.  He and Barbara start a non-profit organization to teach people about the tech they used in taking down the DHS.  Marcus’s life mostly goes back to normal, the way it was at the beginning of the novel, but he has changed and developed as a person, he acknowledges in his narration.

3 SETTING The time period Little Brother is set in is left intentionally vague, though it isimplied that it is set in either an alternate present or the near future. However,due to a few vague throwaway lines (such as one suggesting Osama bin Laden isstill alive), it is possible that it is indeed an alternate present, but as the book wasreleased when these topics were still relevant and widely talked about, it is muchmore likely it is the near future. Little Brother is primarily set in San Francisco; rarely does the book leave thecity borders. Though the book spans the entire city, Marcus lives in the Missiondistrict, which has a vibrant community often distinct from the rest of the city.Though the San Franciso of Little Brother seems to be nearly identical to our real-world city, there are a few key differences. For one, the school system is definitelydifferent – Marcus’s school allows them to track their students whereabouts, suchas tracking chips in their library books and gait-recognition cameras. It is alsoimplied, by the existence of a “truancy watch” app, that this is common throughthe city. However, this surveillance extends to outside the school when the attackon the Bay Bridge takes place. By the end of the novel, however, the system hasreturned to as it was at the beginning.

4 THEMES A very large theme in Little Brother is its theme of privacy, and our right to it.We are first introduced to Marcus in a system where he has little to know privacyin what he does, from trackers imbedded in his library books to software in hisschool computer designed to watch his browse history and whatever he mayinstall. Despite this, he is not prepared for the change in system when the DHStakes over. The DHS takes advantage of the system they have created, treatingeveryone as a terrorist and taking their privacy away from them. The main goal ofour characters is to take back the privacy they have lost. This is especiallyhighlighted when Marcus discovers the DHS has been abusing the system in orderto drive fear into people's minds, thus causing obedience by manipulating intothinking this surveillance is keeping them safe. Another theme in the book is youth and ageism. The first instance of thistheme is during Marcus’s interrogation by Carrie Johnstone, the woman from theDHS. She is convinced that Marcus is actually a terrorist, recruited by a sleepercell organization. Marcus states that it’s impossible, and he’s only 17, to whichshe replies he’s the perfect age for recruitment, being young and“impressionable.” To retaliate against the new system, Marcus forms a networkcomprised of users the same age as him, with “don’t trust anyone over 25” astheir rallying cry. The media turns this around and treats them as impressionableyoung teenagers who don’t know any better. Even as Marcus has defeated DHS,many are shocked that someone as young as him could bring down such apowerful military group. Despite this, Marcus has earned the respect of his eldersand proven, despite his youth, he is capable of doing great things. However,Marcus is not entirely innocent of ageism either. Marcus, being openly disdainfulof authority and adults, often belittling them for being foolish or not knowingabout technology and openly disrespecting them. It’s only when Marcus startstrusting and recruits the help of adults – his parents, as well as Barbara Stanford,an investigative reporter and friend of the family, that he fully succeeds in his goalof bringing the new system down.

5 LITERARY DEVICESLiterary Device Example Page #Metaphor He’s a sucking chest wound of a human 6 being.Simile We popped free like champagne corks an 16Analogy eternity later, blinking in the grey smokyHyperbole light.ForeshadowingParadox Dad and I are the spazzes in the household 49Oxymoron -Mom's a total rock. 89Onomatopoeia 13Synecdoche I had three thousand projects I'd been in 47 the middle of when it had all started.Imagery We struck out, four good friends, on ourMetonymy way to decode a clue, win the game – and lose everything we cared about, forever. Your 99 percent accurate test will perform with 99.99 percent inaccuracy. It’s picturesque as hell […] 28 […] boom­cars going thumpa­thumpa 29 -thumpa down the streets. Once people figured out that these “free” 8 laptops worked for the man […] All that's left is a labyrinth of weathered 57 stone set into the sere cliff-face at Ocean Beach. It looks for all the world like a Roman ruin, crumbled and mysterious, and just beyond them is a set of caves that let out into the sea. In rough tides, the waves rush through the caves and over the ruins — they've even been known to suck in and drown the occasional tourist. “Let me give you a hand.” 96

My stomach raged within me as I realized IPathetic fallacy hadn’t eaten anything in hours, maybe 22Allusion even an entire day. I felt very Malcolm Reynolds right then, 61 leading my ragtag bunch of misfits on our next adventure.

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