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Home Explore sicy brochure

sicy brochure

Published by george, 2016-09-09 08:02:16

Description: sicy brochure

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The Designer My name is Sifon and I am a creative. That’s a bold assertion to make, considering that I never thought I had any artistic abilities whatsoever. I knew I couldn’t sing, paint, draw or design. However, I did like fashion… a lot! I remember how I’d pore over fashion magazines, spend endless hours glued to Fashion Tv looking for the latest designers, trends and styles. But, as much I loved fashion, the thought of participating in this field, never crossed my mind. I thought it was the strict preserve for the super talented, the “right­ist,” and the born expressionists. One day, that mind­set changed. I walked into a departmental store where I’d seen a neckpiece that caught my eye. After checking its cost, I told the sales lady that the neckpiece was overpriced for such scanty beads. She retorted: “then why don’t you make yours?” I told her would. And I did. I haven’t stopped since... I must point out though, that up to that moment when I accepted that sales lady’s challenge to me, to go and get creative, I’d never lifted a plier or any other craft tool before. In fact, whenever any of my jewellery pieces would snap, I’d beg my friend to literally bite them back into shape or use any makeshift tool to fix them. In 2006, I made my first neckpiece. It was an orange and green single strand, medium length, seed beaded necklace. I look back now and think “My! That was garish and cringe inducing!” But at the time, I was beaming with pride at my first creation ever. Slowly, I started trying other simple beading techniques. My friends soon noticed my new adornments and began asking me to make for them too. Through word of mouth, more people knew about my new found “hobby” and they started placing orders. Their patronage and encouragement bolstered my confidence and prompted me to truly plumb the depths of my creativity. Along my journey, I have met incredible people who have unhesitatingly supported my passion by; spreading the word about my work, sharing their valuable ideas and insights which have helped steer me in the right direction towards success. One such person is accomplished entrepreneur, Cynthia Mkhombo. Through fortuitous circumstances, our paths crossed. She became my business partner and mentor. Together, in April 2016, we created SiCy ­ an accessories brand for the discerning woman who wants to be adorned with “conversation­starting” statement jewellery. Today, SiCy employs three highly skilled women who hand make all our jewellery pieces. Our materials are sourced here in South Africa and other parts of the African continent. We make sure that our production is all done in house. We remain committed to pushing the envelope with our creativity and also fine tuning our artisanal proficiency with every new jewellery piece we create.

Seed Bead

Wooden Bead


SiCy Unit 308A Lougardia Building Centurion, 1262 Embankment Rd, Pretoria, 0157, South Africa

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