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SPF Annual Report 2017

Published by nikki, 2018-06-26 01:23:53

Description: SPF Annual Report 2017


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CONTENTS Commissioner’s Report 6 Organisation Structure 10 Strengthening Operational Capabilities in an Uncertain World 14 Partners for a Safer Singapore 22 Appreciating Our People, Preparing for the Future 32 Building a Community of Prepared Citizens 40 Singapore Crime Situation 50 58 January - December 2017 Singapore Road Traffic Situation January - December 20174 SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017

Service Pledge Report 61 62January - December 2017 64 65Public Feedback Report 68 74January - December 2017 77 80Financial ReportJanuary - December 2017Manpower StatisticsAs at 31 March 2017Award Winners1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017Almanac1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017Police Sports Association’s Achievements1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017Acknowledgements SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 5

COMMISSIONER’S REPORT CP Hoong Wee Teck Commissioner of Police, Singapore Police Force Another Year of Low Crime In 2017, we achieved an all-time low in crime for robbery, housebreaking, snatch theft, and motor vehicle related thefts. There were 167 days that were free from snatch theft, housebreaking and robbery. Our roads were also safer, with the number of fatal accidents falling to an all-time low. For the third consecutive year, Singapore was once again ranked first in the Gallup Global Law and Order Report 2017, with 97% of our residents feeling safe walking in their neighbourhood at night. Singapore also ranked first in the security domains of the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index and the Economist Intelligence Unit Safe Cities Index in 2017. These outstanding results would not have been possible without the hard work of our officers and the community’s strong support. While we have achieved numerous accolades, we must continually transform to deal with an ever-changing and a fast-moving environment. Sharpening Operational Excellence With the terror threat at its highest, we have enhanced our counter- terrorism measures. We introduced the In-Situ Reaction Teams (IRTs) to patrol iconic areas, and expanded our Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) to defend both the land and maritime domains. We levelled up the tactical competencies of our frontline officers, training and equipping them to be ready to deal with terrorist incidents. On the public order front, we rolled out our first PNSmen Public Order Troop, which will increase our capacity to deal with public order incidents. In safeguarding the vulnerable, we rolled out various initiatives on the investigation front. The Appropriate Adult Scheme for Young Suspects (AAYS) provides young suspects with an independent trained volunteer during police interviews, while the One- Stop Abuse Forensic Examination (OneSAFE) Centre enhances victim care for sexual crime victims. A Prepared Community, A Safer Home The community plays a vital role in safeguarding Singapore alongside the Singapore Police Force (SPF). Under the national SGSecure movement, we conducted 52 Emergency Preparedness Days6 SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017

across the constituencies in 2017. Our officers also Beyond preparing our officers for their duties, we are alsovisited more than 300,000 households to raise their committed to help our officers prepare for retirement and transitlevel of preparedness. We also reached out to industry smoothly into a second career. Through the Career Transitionstakeholders, jointly organising 14 counter-terrorism Office and the Integrated Workforce Office, officers can participateseminars with the Singapore Civil Defence Force. in networking sessions, second career preparatory workshops and find new job opportunities.Leveraging Technology to Stay Ahead 50 years of National ServiceTechnology can augment our crime-fighting capabilitiesand help us achieve better operational outcomes. The 2017 marked a significant milestone for the Police NationalDigital Transformation Department was formed to future Service (PNS) as we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Nationalproof the policing needs of the SPF and build a corps of Service (NS). The PNS journey in these 50 years has been antech-savvy officers. In 2017, unmanned aerial vehicles exciting one. The roles of PNS officers have evolved over thewere deployed as our ‘eyes in the skies’ during security years. Besides protecting key installations and conducting generalevents, while unmanned surface vessels’ operational trials policing, our PNS officers now play critical roles alongside regularwere piloted to strengthen the integrity of our coastlines. officers, in leadership, specialist and frontline positions across 11 vocations. The SPF recognises the dedication, service andWe will continue to explore the deployment of robotics to sacrifices of our PNS officers in keeping Singapore safe throughcomplement our boots on the ground. On the investigation the last 50 years.front, we will leverage mobile technology to front-loadforensic capabilities and enable efficient scene processing. A Future-Ready SPFA new mobile 3D scanner that allows manoeuvring ofsmall and confined crime scenes with real-time processing Transformation will change the way we work. It will require us to learn new skills capabilities will also be introduced. and adapt. As part of our transformation journey, 2018 will see all frontline police Making Training a Priority officers issued with a Police Smartphone that will enable them to do their work more Even as we adopt technology to enhance efficiently and effectively. The our capabilities, our officers remain core to operationalisation of Woodlands operational success. We will continue to invest Division will also further our significantly in training our officers to ensure that efforts in community policing, they are well-trained and prepared for the new crime-fighting and the trialling challenges ahead. of new technology. The new Training and Capability Development In conclusion, I must convey Department and Frontline Policing Training Centre in my deepest appreciation Training Command were set up to focus on training to our officers, volunteers, capability development and frontline training. To partners, stakeholders and enable frontline officers to ‘learn anywhere and the community for supporting anytime’, we introduced the Mobile Classroom the SPF’s transformation (MobiC) that uses virtual reality to provide realistic efforts. I look forward to training scenarios in a safe environment. your continued support in MobiC has already bolstered training our endeavour to make for some 2,100 frontline officers. Singapore the safest place in the world. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 7



ORGANISATION STRUCTUREAs at 18 June 2018Commissioner of Police CP HOONG WEE TECK Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations) DCP TAN CHYE HEESTAFF DEPARTMENT Administration Community Inspectorate Internal Affairs International Manpower Operations Planning and and Finance Partnership and Compliance Office Cooperation Department Department Organisation Department Department Department Department Office SUPT SAC SAC AC AC Michael Sim DAC ACLee Chwee Huat Pauline Yee DAC (Covering) William Koh Christopher Ng How Kwang Hwee Alvin Moh Yap Shao PengSPECIALIST STAFF DEPARTMENT Commercial Criminal Digital Police Training & Affairs Investigation Transformation Intelligence Capability Department Department Development Department Department Department DCP SACMr David Chew Florence Chua DAC Lim Chin Tiak SAC Loke Wai Yew Anthony Ng (Covering)SPECIALIST & LINE UNITSAirport Police Gurkha Home Team Police Protective Public Transport Division Contingent School of Criminal Coast Guard Security Security Command Command AC SAC Investigation SAC Cheong Mark Lindsay Hsu Sin Yun AC AC Chee Ming Ross Forman SAC Manimaran Koh Wei Keong Soh Kee Hean Pushpanatan10 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Deputy Commissioner of Police Deputy Commissioner(Investigation and Intelligence) of Police (Policy) DCP FLORENCE CHUA VACANTPolice Licensing Police Police Police Public Affairs Service Volunteerand Regulatory Logistics National Service Technology Department Delivery Special Department Department Department Constabulary Department Department AC SAC Mr Tay Wilson Lim AC AC AC Cheang Keng SAC Yeow Koon Teo Chor Leng Poh Lye Hin Lu Yeow Lim Lee Chin Ek Keong Security Special Traffic Training Six Central Division Command Operations Police Command Land Divisions (‘A’ Div) Command SAC SAC SAC ACAdrian Quek AC Gerald Lim Loy Chye Meng Arthur Law David Scott Arul Clementi Division (‘D’ Div) AC Jarrod Pereira Tanglin Division (‘E’ Div) AC Tan Chia Han Ang Mo Kio Division (‘F’ Div) AC Zhang Weihan Bedok Division (‘G’ Div) AC Tan Tin Wee Jurong Division (‘J’ Div) AC Devrajan Bala SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 11



STRENGTHENING OPERATIONALCAPABILITIES IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLDWritten by: Reviewed by: DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE, LIM ENG SZE, JONATHAN SENIOR ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, HOW KWANG HWEE4 Operations Officer, Contingency Planning Division, Operations Department Director, Operations Department The challenges in policing have become increasingly Operational Excellence complex and diverse in recent times due to the rapid Singapore being ranked first in the Gallup Global Law pace of technological advancements and the rising and Order Report 2017 for the third consecutive year is terror threats. The threat to Singapore’s security is testament to the successful work of the SPF thus far. To at its highest as home-grown radicalised individuals continue protecting Singapore from crime and terrorism, and foreign terrorists view Singapore as a prized the SPF needs to constantly adapt, change and push the target. Attacks around the world have shown that frontier in police operations. terrorists are continuously evolving their methods to inflict maximum casualties and deaths. Implementation of In-situ Reaction Teams (IRTs) In the event of a terror attack, the speed of response is Over the past year, the Singapore Police Force critical to minimise casualties and damage. In December (SPF) continued to ramp up our counter-terrorism 2017, the SPF began deploying IRTs which are made up strategy and harness technology to augment of highly trained and armed officers from the Protective frontline operations to ensure that we maintain Security Command to patrol popular iconic areas with a high level of operational readiness and swift high human traffic. In the event of an attack, these emergency response. To maintain an edge over the officers who are in close enough proximity will be able to evolving threats and effectively secure Singapore respond to the incident site in a matter of minutes before from harm, the SPF has focussed on three key further support by other officers arrives from the vicinity areas: (i) striving for greater operational excellence, of the attack. (ii) strengthening operational readiness and (iii) further development of operational capabilities.14 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Expansion of Emergency Response Teams (ERTs)ERTs were first introduced in 2016 as an enhancedislandwide baseline response to terror attacks.Comprising teams from the Land Divisions and the PoliceCoast Guard (PCG), the number of ERT officers on theground has since increased in 2017. The SPF now hasmore ERT officers at any one time on patrol throughoutthe island, round-the-clock, ever ready to respond toterror threats.Partnering Stakeholders to Fight Crime Coordination Centre and the Real-Time IntelligenceCommunity partnership has always been a crucial pillar Centre were established within the POCC to strengthenof the SPF’s policing strategy. In August 2017, the SPF the joint relationship between operations, investigationcollaborated with Republic Polytechnic on a campaign to and intelligence.tackle youth crime. The Youth Ambassador Group from theNational Committee on Youth Guidance and Rehabilitation Since December 2017, officers from the Central Narcoticswas also engaged by the SPF to solicit constructive Bureau, Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, andfeedback on potential youth crime prevention initiatives. Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) have beenSuch partnerships are part of a holistic approach to craft deployed at the POCC to work with the SPF to develop,effective and relevant crime prevention strategies. test and refine the Home Team’s joint operations plans and work processes. Through such integration, the SPFForging a More Effective Home Team Response will be able to work more effectively and efficiently with itsThe Police Operations Command Centre (POCC) has Home Team counterparts to forge a more effective Homegrown from its role as an operations and dispatch centre Team response when the need arises.for police responders to a sense-making hub to solvecrime – this begins the moment a call is made to the SPFemergency line. In addition, the Investigation Operations SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 15

STRENGTHENING OPERATIONALCAPABILITIES IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLDOperational ReadinessThe state of its operational readiness has a heavy bearingon the SPF’s ability to respond to unforeseeable threatsand incidents. In 2017, the SPF increased the intensity ofsecurity exercises to strengthen preparedness levels andcontingency readiness in light of the heightened securitythreat environment.Exercise Quicksilver V personnel from the SPF, Changi Airport Group, CivilIn May 2017, the SPF conducted the fifth run of Exercise Aviation Authority of Singapore, Singapore ArmedQuicksilver which involved approximately 500 SPF Forces, SCDF, and the Ministry of Health, this was theofficers and 40 SCDF officers. This major inter-agency first counter-terrorism exercise held at Changi Airport.ground deployment exercise was part of ongoing The exercise also incorporated a community involvementefforts to test and validate the incident management element in responding to emergency situations, raisingcapabilities of the SPF and other partner agencies in the public awareness on the current global terror threat.event of terror attacks or outbreaks of public disorder.This exercise also tested the response of the Special Major Event ExercisesOperations Command’s new Rapid Deployment Troops Throughout the past year, the SPF also conducted severalas well as the Gurkha Contingent. rounds of internal exercises to assess and strengthen the operational readiness of our officers deployed to theExercise Northstar X various high-security events held in Singapore. TheseTo stress-test the whole-of-government emergency events included the Shangri-La Dialogue, National Dayresponses with partner agencies and stakeholders Parade, and Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. Thesein the aviation sector, the SPF led a multi-agency exercises have helped to ensure that our officers werecounter-terrorism drill, codenamed Exercise Northstar familiar with their event deployment responsibilities andX, in October 2017 at Changi Airport. The purpose of were well-prepared to deal with contingencies.the exercise was to test and validate the response ofthe agencies and stakeholders to multiple simulatedscenarios of terrorist attacks. Involving more than 65016 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Strengthening Training forour Frontline OfficersHaving well-trained officersis crucial to the SPF’seffectiveness in dealing withcrimes and major incidents. In2017, the Operations-TrainingLoop was established toensure that police officers whoare skilled and experiencedin operational mattersrotate between operationaland training postings. Theintroduction of the Operations-Training Loop helps to ensurethat training methods continueto be updated and relevantwith the inputs of these officerswith operational expertise.Moreover, to further enhance in testing officers’ reactions to different scenarios, butthe training for frontline more importantly, it is safer than conventional trainingofficers, the SPF, the Home Team Academy and the methods as there is no need for physical contactMinistry of Home Affairs’ (MHA) Office of the Chief between officers and the role players. Since its inception,Science and Technology Officer have jointly developed 2,100 frontline officers have benefitted from this addeda compact Mobile Classroom (MobiC) that uses virtual dimension of their training.reality to provide on-demand realistic training scenarios.This state-of-the-art training facility is not only effective SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 17

STRENGTHENING OPERATIONALCAPABILITIES IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLDCREATION OF THE TRAINING & CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTThe Training & Capability Development Department the job they are deployed for, and that training can take(TCDD) was formed on 1 October 2017 as part of the place anytime and anywhere. Individual officers mustSPF’s Training Transformation Plan to enhance and take responsibility for their own training, and leadersprofessionalise training. must take ownership of workplace learning to reinforce the mindset that training is mission critical.Helmed by former Director, Senior AssistantCommissioner of Police, Christopher Ng, TCDD is The nexus between operations and training cannot bethe staff authority on all training matters in the SPF. emphasised enough. The SPF will dedicate attention toIt comprises four divisions responsible for driving training capability development and delivery in supporttraining transformation and capability development; of current and future operations. This ensures thatensuring training safety and effectiveness; adopting officers are equipped with timely and relevant skills andnew instructional technologies; and professionalising competencies needed to perform their jobs effectively,training in the SPF. leading to mission success. At the organisational level, this will ensure that the SPF becomes a more capableTCDD drives the implementation of the SPF’s Training and dynamic police force, one that is well-prepared forTransformation Plan. The philosophy underpinning the contingencies and future transformation is that officers must be trained forOperational Development NEW EVENT SECURITY FRAMEWORKAs the SPF continues to train and prepare ourofficers for future challenges, it is essential The SPF must be notified at least 28 days beforehandto also future-proof the Force through if an event in Singapore is expecting a crowd size ofcontinual reviews and enhancements of our at least 5,000 attendees for a public event or at leastpolicies, capabilities, and technology. 10,000 for a private event. After the risk assessment, an event can be declared as a “special event” whichStrengthening Legislation entails the event organiser putting in place appropriateWith the increasing number of major events security measures.being held in Singapore, there was a needto review the Public Order Act (POA) to This new framework would allow the Police to assessimplement stronger protective measures the situation and direct event organisers to put in placeagainst terror attacks that target large further security measures if necessary. This will ensurecrowds. In 2017, the SPF worked closely events drawing large crowds in Singapore will havewith MHA to introduce several amendments adequate levels of security and the POA.18 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Trialling Remote Capabilities Police cameras have been installed in neighbourhoodIn keeping pace with technological advancements, the areas and common public places, beyond existingSPF has started deploying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Housing Development Board estates and multi-storey car(UAVs) to aid our operations. To complement our security parks. By December 2017, the SPF installed 5,000 moredeployment during the Marina Bay Singapore Year-End police cameras islandwide, of which 100 were equippedCountdown 2017, the SPF deployed a prototype UAV that with video analytics capabilities. Such technology willis equipped with a high-definition camera, a high-intensity certainly boost the overall effectiveness of the Force insearchlight, blinkers and a speaker which can broadcast solving crime.siren and announcements. The UAV is able to provide abird’s-eye view of the crowd which aids in our command and Collaboration with Research Partnerscontrol of such large-scale events. The SPF will continue The SPF also teamed up with research partners,to deploy different types of UAVs with different payloads leveraging their deep expertise to co-develop productsfor search and rescue operations, hostage situations, that push the frontiers of technology and police operations.public order incidents and enforcement operations. In 2017, we embarked on Project Oracle, a collaboration with MHA’s Ops-Tech Group, the Agency for Science,The waters which the PCG patrol are some of the busiest Technology and Research’s Institute for Infocommsea lanes in the world. Since late 2016, PCG has conducted Research, and Sony’s Computer Science Lab to developoperational trials using an Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) a portable camera system with a 360-degree view andto test its effectiveness in patrolling Singapore’s waters live-streaming capabilities. This will provide addedalong fixed routes. The USV is equipped with an array of information-gathering and sense-making capabilitiessensors, including a Collision Detection-Collision Avoidance on the ground, especially during major incidents, thus(CDCA) system, which allows it to sense its surrounding enhancing the decision-making process.traffic and autonomously avoid collisions with nearbyvessels. Operators are also able to control the USV from Looking Aheadthe PCG Command Centre and steer the USV to perform 2017 witnessed how the SPF reinforced its crime-fightingmanoeuvres such as interception of intruding vessels. While and counter-terrorism strategies against an increasinglythe trials and assessment of USVs are already underway, complex and unsettling global environment. Undeterredthe SPF will continue to leverage technology to enhance its by challenges, the SPF continued to keep crime rates lowprotection of our maritime borders. and worked with the community to safeguard the nation and protect its citizens from real and potential threats.Expanding Network of Police Cameras 2018 will be a continuation of the SPF’s journey to haveIn recent years, there has been rapid progress and Singapore maintain its stature as one of the safest placesincreasing economies of scale in the fields of imaging in the world.and communications. The SPF has capitalised on thisby expanding the network of police cameras islandwide. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 19



PARTNERS FOR A Reviewed by: SAFER SINGAPORE FORMER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICEWritten by: (INVESTIGATION & INTELLIGENCE), TAN CHYE HEEASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE, WONG YU WEI, SAMANTHA Concurrent Director, Criminal Investigation Department2 Staff Officer, Research, Planning And Organisational Development Division,Criminal Investigation DepartmentThe Singapore Police Force (SPF) has continued to Close Collaboration Betweenuphold Singapore’s reputation as one of the safest Investigation and Intelligencecountries in the world in 2017. Overall crime decreased Investigation and intelligence are two fraternitiesby 1.0%, bringing crime rate down to the lowest in the that work hand in hand to fight crime. The seamlesslast four years. Both overall crime and overall crime coordination and close working relationship betweenrate decreased for a second consecutive year. The the two fraternities have been instrumental in solvingSpecial Investigation Section (SIS) of the Criminal crimes, many of which attracted significant media andInvestigation Department (CID) continues to maintain public interest.its 100% record in solving murder cases. Notably, thenumber of homicide cases fell to an unrivalled single- In May 2017, the combined efforts of officers from Ang Modigit record. Crimes such as robbery, housebreaking, Kio Division, Bedok Division and the Police Intelligencemotor vehicle and related thefts, and snatch theft also Department (PID) led to the swift arrest of four Colombiansregistered an all-time low. for their suspected involvement in a case of housebreaking and theft by night. Owing to the seamless cooperationThese achievements in the past year would not between the two land divisions and PID, the officers werehave been possible without the sheer hard work of able to swiftly establish the identities and locations of theour officers. As we strive to maintain operational four suspects, leading to the successful arrest which foiledexcellence in the field of investigative work through their attempt to flee Singapore.seamless collaboration with our counterparts, theinvestigation and intelligence communities also The tight coordination and close working relationshipimplemented a slew of new initiatives in 2017 to between the two fraternities bore further success instrengthen the SPF’s crime-fighting capabilities. August 2017 when officers from the CID, Bedok Division and the PID worked closely to establish the identity of22 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

a suspect involved in an armed robbery at the Western The CID’s Organised Crime Division also continued toUnion Remittance outlet in Ubi. Despite the initial lack break new ground in their enforcement efforts againstof leads, our officers persevered and worked tirelessly organised crimes. Following comprehensive intelligenceround-the-clock for three days to trace the suspect’s probes, CID collaborated with the Singapore Customsmovements, which eventually led to his arrest. and arrested 55 suspects in October 2017 for their involvement in an Organised Criminal Group (OCG)The investigation and intelligence fraternities also believed to be responsible for illegal money-lending andconducted regular islandwide operations to suppress sales of duty-unpaid cigarettes. In addition, the first everand curb syndicated crimes. These included crimes prosecution under the Organised Crime Act took placerelated to vice, secret societies, casinos and gambling, in November 2017, where six persons were charged inas well as intellectual property rights infringements. a separate case for their involvement in an OCG thatIn May 2017, armed with information from intelligence engaged extensively in illegal gambling activities.sources, CID busted a foreign vice ring and arrestedfour Russian and Uzbek women for committing vice- The relentless stream of operations emphasised ourrelated activities while holding valid work passes country’s strong stance against organised crime, andin Singapore. that the SPF will spare no effort to dismantle OCGs and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 23

PARTNERS FORA SAFER SINGAPORETransnational Crime and International CooperationCapitalising on the effects of globalisation and approximately S$7.3 million. In two joint operationstechnological advances, organised crime syndicates conducted in February and September 2017, 38are getting more sophisticated in their methods suspects in Singapore and Malaysia were arrestedof carrying out illegal activities such as money for their involvement in at least 140 ILS caseslaundering and cyber-enabled crimes. Recognising reported on both sides of the Causeway.the complexity of tackling such borderless crime,the SPF continued to strengthen and enhance The SPF Cybercrime Command (CCC) continuedits partnerships with its global counterparts in the to play a leading role in combating cybercrime.past year. Last year, the CCC led investigations into a series of police impersonation scams involving account-One notable achievement from such partnerships takeovers. One of the most prolonged series ofwas the improvement in the credit-for-sex scams scams to take place in Singapore, these scamssituation, which saw a decrease from 778 cases resulted in over 400 police reports being lodged andin 2016 to 416 cases in 2017. This success can the loss of approximately S$17 million. The CCCbe attributed to the close collaboration between arrested 50 money mules linked to these scams,our Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) and the with one of the accused being convicted to a recordMinistry of Public Security (MPS) from the People’s eight-and-a-half-year imprisonment term for moneyRepublic of China who identified and neutralised laundering. The CCC also collaborated closely withsyndicates that had targeted victims in Singapore. its Taiwanese counterparts to bust the syndicateIn July 2017, MPS officers acted on information and its corresponding call centre in Taiwan that wasprovided by the CAD and arrested 55 syndicate responsible for the series of scam.members in different parts of China. These successful collaborations were sternCAD also worked closely with the Commercial warnings to the criminals that they cannot hideCrime Investigation Department from the Royal behind territorial boundaries, and the SPF willMalaysia Police to tackle Internet Love Scam continue to advance its collaborative efforts with(ILS) syndicates based in Malaysia. Victims were international law enforcement agencies to curbreported to have incurred losses amounting to transnational crime.24 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

CREATION OF THEDIGITAL TRANSFORMATION DEPARTMENT (DTD)The DTD was formed on 1 December 2017 as a central Ops-Tech unit todrive police transformation through the adoption of digital technologies.Helmed by Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police, Loke Wai Yew, DTDfunctions not only as the SPF’s Ops-Tech planning unit but also as a “start-up” wing to develop and push out new technology capabilities that will enableofficers across the SPF to work more effectively and efficiently.DTD’s work streams include the following: a) Data & Sense-making Capabilities that push the right data to the right officer at the right time to help them in decision-making. Products include the SPF Data Lake and the JARVIS sense- making application which helps on-duty investigation officers to triage incoming police reports. b) Case Workflow Capabilities that streamline manual and laborious investigation processes. Products include the Case Creation Assistant (CCA) which is an application that streamlines the opening of cases, and TRIAGE, which serves as a digital platform for investigation officers. c) Mobility Capabilities that enable a mobile-first concept for officers across the operations, investigations and intelligence fraternities; products include the police smartphone which serves as a secure mobile device for accessing confidential information, and accompanying mobile applications that will help officers be more effective on the ground.Through the development of new capabilities, the DTD also seeks toimprove the way SPF adopts technology. This includes extensive changemanagement to ensure that frontline officers embrace the change inprocesses and the new ways of working brought about by technology.By pioneering user-centric design principles, agile development practicesand consumer marketing strategies, the DTD has revolutionised the waySPF builds and rolls out technology-enabled capabilities that serve toenhance the SPF’s mission-effectiveness.SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 25

PARTNERS FORA SAFER SINGAPOREBuilding Capabilities, Preparing for the Future With the growing trend of e-commerce scams and cyber-enabled cheating cases originatingTo stay ahead of the demands necessitated by a rapidly from overseas, the CAD set up the Transnationalchanging operating environment, the investigation Commercial Crime Taskforce (TCTF) in Octoberand intelligence fraternities also embarked on various 2017 to investigate scam cases with a foreign nexus.transformation and developmental efforts. Since the formation of the TCTF in October 2017, the number of ILS cases have declined, from 102 casesIn 2017, CID rolled out a slew of initiatives to further in September 2017 to 41 cases in February 2018.digitise its investigative procedures and enhance the care The Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office (STRO)and protection of victims. In the first quarter of 2017, CID has also begun to develop a new data analysisunveiled its recommendations from the reviews conducted system to enhance its operational capability in theon sexual crime and the handling of young suspects. areas of financial intelligence collection, analysis andOperationalised in January 2017, the One-Stop Abuse dissemination. Launched in April 2017 and co-chairedForensic Examination (OneSAFE) centre enhances care by the CAD and the Monetary Authority of Singapore,for sexual crime victims by providing them with a secure the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering thespace where multiple investigation processes can be Financing of Terrorism Industry Partnership (ACIP)conducted under one roof. In addition to conducting police is a government-industry partnership that will furtherinterviews, OneSAFE centre also provides necessary strengthen Singapore’s capabilities in the fight againstvictim support services such as psychological support money laundering and terrorism financing.from trained counsellors and the seamlessexecution of medical examinations. Following a To raise cybercrime awareness and achieve greaterpartnership with the Singapore Children’s Society, operational effectiveness in tackling cybercrime,the Appropriate Adult Scheme for Young Suspects the CCC launched the Alliance of Public Privatewas launched in April 2017. Under this scheme, Cybercrime Stakeholders in February 2017, whichyoung suspects are accorded the right to have an serves as a dedicated public-private industryappropriate adult present during interview sessions with engagement platform. As part of our continued effortsthe Police. These initiatives demonstrated CID’s to help members of the public better understandcommitment in securing public trust. We will continue to the common modus operandi of cybercriminals andreview and enhance these processes, focussing more on heighten awareness on scams, the SPF and thevictim care. National Crime Prevention Council embarked on a four-month public education campaign from NovemberAs part of the Investigation Technology Master Plan, 2017. Through this public education effort, the scamCID worked with the DTD to launch various products to alert website saw an increase inenhance the efficiency of our frontline operations. CCA visitorship, which is one of the key objectives of thehas been launched progressively since November 2017 campaign.following the full roll-out of the Briefing Note Automator in2016. Built to streamline the process of creating cases inCRIMES 2, a case management system, the CCA will helpreduce the time spent by officers on administrative workand will allow them to channel more time to their frontlineinvestigative duties.26 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

To prepare for the set-up of a full-fledged Real Time Intelligence Centre(RTIC) by end 2018, PID has graduallybeen scaling up the deployment ofIntelligence Analysts (IAs) in the PoliceOperations Command Centre (POCC)since June 2017. Instrumental insupporting incident management, theRTIC has proven to be highly effectivein aiding the resolution of cases thusfar. A notable example is the swift arrestof two suspects in connection with acheating case involving S$1.5 millionin September 2017. Despite the limitedavailability of leads, the RTIC analystspersevered and utilised their analyticalskills to establish the identities ofthe suspects within an hour after theincident was reported. Through the tightcoordination between the POCC, RTICand Investigation Ops CoordinationCentre, the suspects were apprehendedbefore they could leave Singapore.Technology is one of the key pillarssupporting the SPF’s transformationefforts. As part of our transformationefforts, PID is working towards enhancingthe application of data analytics, datamining and data modelling, as well asgeo-spatial analysis and explorationof crime pattern analysis. PID is alsolooking to concurrently develop aFrontline Intelligence System (FLINTS),which enables frontline officers to mapout crime-fighting strategies and facilitateinformation gathering and sharingamong units.SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 27

PARTNERS FORA SAFER SINGAPOREEnhancing Training, which are crucial in situations where there are conflictingDeveloping Our Officers witness accounts.Given the evolving global security climate, it is vital that The investigation fraternity also partnered with otherthe SPF regularly reviews and ensures that our officers local and external agencies to conduct workshops andare trained in relevant investigation and intelligence seminars for our officers as part of knowledge sharingskills to keep up with new research as well as analytical in handling current threats and future challenges. Inand investigative techniques. To maintain a high level of October 2017, the CCC collaborated with the INTERPOLoperational readiness, the training and development of Global Complex for Innovation and the United Statesour officers remained a key focus in 2017, with the CID Department of Justice to organise the Third Countrycontinuing to conduct exercises with local and foreign Training Programme on Cybercrime. The event broughtpartners, particularly in the areas of Disaster Victim together investigators, forensic examiners and policyIdentification and Post Blast Investigation. makers from various ASEAN member states to learn about cybercrime investigation techniques and digitalIn November 2017, the SPF collaborated with world- forensic examination.renowned forensic scientist, Dr Henry Lee, to conductits first Shooting Reconstruction Workshop. The Local stakeholders also showed support towards ourfive-day workshop aimed to strengthen the counter- efforts to deepen our officers’ knowledge. In May 2017,terrorism expertise of investigators and crime scene the CAD and the Inland Revenue Authority of Singaporespecialists. Through exposure to various scenarios jointly set up an Inter-Agency Forum on Counteringinvolving shooting incidents, the officers gained a deeper Financial Fraud against government agencies. Theunderstanding of shooting reconstruction techniques forum provided a platform for government agencies to28 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

share best practices and explore possible strategies to “Your job is to keeptackle fraud involving government assistance schemes. Singapore safe, secureCognisant of the impact that cryptocurrency and block and the public protected…chain technology can have on crime, CAD and CID we must never forget theofficers are also ramping up efforts to acquire relevant fundamentals – integrity, aknowledge on the uses and implications of digital tokens. sense of mission, a sense of purpose, to make SingaporeFollowing the development of a Joint Intelligence Training a home for all our people.”Framework with other Home Team Departments (HTDs) in2016, the Home Team Intelligence Induction Course and - the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew,the Home Team Intelligence Analyst Foundation Package Singapore’s founding Prime Ministerwere rolled out in 2017, with the aim to achieve inter-operability and enhance joint intelligence competencies. The investigation and intelligence fraternities will continueEstablished in 2011, the Home Team Specialist (Criminal to live by those words from Singapore’s founding PrimeIntelligence) Scheme was also expanded to become a Minister, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and are committedsingle scheme of service covering IAs in the Singapore to the mission of keeping Singapore safe and secure, toPrison Service, the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority make Singapore the safest place in the world.and the Central Narcotics Bureau last year. Thisexpansion will enable cross-posting of officers amongthe HTDs, exposing officers to cross-departmentalissues, which in turn will enhance inter-operability andprovide more opportunities for progression and retentionof talent. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 29



APPRECIATING OUR PEOPLE,PREPARING FOR THE FUTUREWritten by: Reviewed by: MS ONG WEN HUI SENIOR ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, TEO CHUN CHINGManager (Manpower Planning), Manpower Department Former Director, Manpower DepartmentRapid changes in the Singapore Police Force’s Building a Future-Ready Workforce(SPF) operating environment have given rise tonew operational challenges. To address these Strategise and Refinechallenges effectively, the SPF has been To meet the SPF’s current needs and long-termrefining its workforce strategies and resources operational objectives, the SPF embarked on its Strategicto ensure the continued safety and security Workforce Planning (SWP) journey in early 2017 toof Singapore. develop and continuously refine its workforce strategies and action plans to achieve the four future rights − “Size”,In preparing for the future, the SPF is a firm “Structure”, “Skill” and “Site”.believer that success can only be achievedthrough the continued appreciation of our SWPofficers’ dedication and the recognition of their Through SWP, the SPF was able to identify and deviseachievements. strategies to plug future workforce gaps. These strategies include the review and enhancement of selected schemes of service, creation of specialist tracks for critical operational support functions and technological competencies, and the uplifting of workforce skills. Right “Size” Right “Structure”Having the right number of people in the Having the right structure at micro level in termsright roles to achieve business outcomes of positions, units, etc., and balance of workforce mix to deliver operational outcomes Right “Skill” Right “Site” Having the right skillset and Having the right capabilities and resources in thecompetencies to meet future goals right parts of the organisation at a macro level to support current and future workload32 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Optimising Human Resources Recognising and Appreciating our PeopleTo enable a smooth transition to the Ministry of HomeAffairs (MHA) Human Resource Shared Service Centre National Service 50 (NS50) Celebrations(HRSSC), the SPF established another in-situ HRSSC Since the introduction of National Service (NS) in 1967,in July 2017 to centrally manage routine human thousands of National Servicemen (NSmen) haveresource (HR) transactional processes such as leave sacrificed their time and put their lives at risk to safeguardadministration and employee records management in our country. Police National Service (PNS) began onthe SPF. This allows the SPF to better identify and rectify a part-time basis in 1967, comprising both the Specialpotential complications prior to the transition to the MHA Constabulary and Vigilante Corps. Over the years, theHRSSC. To further enhance officers’ experience, a new roles of PNS officers have evolved from protecting keyCustomer Relationship Management System has also installations and taking on general policing duties tobeen put in place to track and respond to officers’ queries. taking on leadership, specialist and frontline positions across various vocations, where they work alongsideIntegrating the Workforce regular officers to keep Singapore safe and secure. ToThe SPF workforce has grown over the last two decades commemorate the 50th anniversary of NS, the Hometo meet rising operational demands from the increasingly Team (HT) organised a series of celebrations to recognisecomplex operating environment. From 2019, the SPF the contributions of NSmen.will see a surge in the number of retiring SPF officers. Inorder to sustain a nimble workforce that is able to meet The Gift of Gratitudethe operational demands of a law enforcement agency An NS50 recognition package was given to all Full-while continuing to provide support to retiring officers, the time National Servicemen (NSFs), Operationally-ReadySPF established the Integrated Workforce (IWF) Office in National Servicemen (ORNSmen) including those whoNovember 2017. have completed their ORNS cycles and our retired regulars born after 1949 to thank them for their services toThe IWF Office will review and identify potential areas to Singapore. The package comprised NS50 HomeTeamNSbe resited, as well as establish strategic partnerships with vouchers worth $100 and a one-year complimentaryqualified vendors to support second career opportunities HomeTeamNS membership. A commemorative giftfor retiring and retired SPF officers. Through the IWF set, consisting of miniature models of the SPF’s FastOffice, the SPF seeks to alleviate the challenges of Response Car and the Singapore Civil Defence Force’sa shrinking workforce to meet future HR demands, by (SCDF) Red Rhino encased in a display box, was alsoresiting lower value and routine functions to external made available exclusively to current NSFs and NSmenvendors and redeploying SPF officers to higher value of the SPF and the SCDF.functions and roles. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 33

APPRECIATING OUR PEOPLE,PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Recognising the Frontliners To showcase the extraordinary experiences of HT NSmen, the HT commissioned “Frontliners” – a nine-part web video series that tells the stories of SPF and SCDF NSmen serving in the frontlines of national security. Each episode reveals first-hand accounts of NSmen undergoing tough training, responding to cases, learning and growing through their years in NS. The video series garnered over five million views on social media. Owing to its success, a two-episode production was subsequently produced for broadcast on local television channels.34 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Reunion at Old Police Academy for Home Affairs and National Development. PlannedOn 22 July 2017, over 4,000 Police National Servicemen and organised by PNSmen, the event was an occasion(PNSmen), regular and retired police officers from the for officers to get together, relive the camaraderiepast five decades attended the Reunion event at the and reminisce the old days at their former policeOld Police Academy along Thomson Road. The event training ground before the premises was shut down forwas graced by Mr Desmond Lee, then Second Minister redevelopment. To mark this special occasion, a time capsule comprising 17 items of historical significance was also sealed during the event. These 17 items had been carefully selected to reflect the changing roles of PNS officers over the years, from when they were first called upon to augment the ranks of the SPF, to playing a vital role that is crucial to the success of the SPF’s mission to prevent, deter and detect crime. Through collaborative efforts with the National Parks Board, the fruit trees of heritage value situated at Old Police Academy will also be preserved for replanting at the Istana, HTNS and other Police premises. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 35

APPRECIATING OUR PEOPLE, PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Our Everyday Guardians To mark the end of the year-long NS50 celebrations, HT NSFs and NSmen were honoured at the Istana on 3 November 2017. 10 recipients were presented with the NSF of the Year Award for their outstanding commitment and significant contributions to NS. The reception saw the attendance of more than 800 past and present NS officers. In addition, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who was the Guest-Of-Honour, launched the Home Team NS50 Commemorative Book – “Everyday Guardians”, which chronicles the history and evolution of NS in the HT and was subsequently distributed to all serving NSFs, schools and public libraries.36 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

More Recognition Opportunities for Full-time PoliceNational Servicemen (PNSF) RecognitionFollowing the implementation of the unified rank structureunder the police scheme review, the SPF also reviewed thepromotion criteria for PNSFs, and subsequently announcedthat greater emphasis will be placed on performanceas a criterion for promotion instead of one’s educationbackground. The review also enhanced the recognition ofPNSFs in specialist and leadership positions.Developing Our PeopleNational Service Inspector (NSI) held at the Police Cantonment Complex Auditorium.Mentorship Programme Informative and engaging, the session also saw theThe NSI Mentorship Programme was announced on participation of presenters from the Corrupt Practices and23 November 2017 at the graduation parade of Senior Investigation Branch (CPIB) and Police PsychologicalOfficer Basic Course and 66th batch PNS Officer Cadets. Services Division (PPSD) who shared their experiences.With the implementation of this programme, newly-commissioned National Service Probationary Inspectors In light of the heightened security climate, VSC has also(NSPIs) are grouped and placed under the guidance enhanced its training programme in the past year. At theof either a senior NS Key Appointment Holder (KAH) close of 2017, over 700 VSC officers received up to Tier 3from their unit, such as an NS Deputy Commander, or a SGSecure Training, which was also incorporated into theformer NS KAH under the Voluntary Extension of Service VSC Police Officers Basic Course. The training aimedScheme. Under this programme, NSPIs can continue to equip officers with the necessary skillsets needed toto consult their mentor for up to three years after their deploy them as community mobilisers during a crisis.Operationally-Ready Date. This programme would VSC officers from the Land Divisions also performedaugment the personal and professional development of house visit duties to educate the public on the SGSecureNSPIs by tapping the experience and guidance of more movement, alongside their regular counterparts.senior NS leaders, thus building their leadership capacityand contributing to SPF’s mission success.Enhancing Volunteers’ Skillsets Be it volunteers, NS or regular officers, the SPF standsFocussed on its mission to support its regular police firm by the belief that our people are our most valuedcounterparts, 2017 saw the inaugural Volunteer Special asset. The Force will continue to invest in our people andConstabulary (VSC) centralised in-service sessions build a stronger and more future-ready workforce. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 37



BUILDING A COMMUNITY Reviewed by: OF PREPARED CITIZENS ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, PAULINE YEE Director, Community Partnership DepartmentWritten by: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE, LIM YU JUN, FIONA3 Community Operations Officer, Community Partnership DepartmentThe symbiotic partnership between the Police and the Community Partnership Department (CPD) continuescommunity is one of the core pillars behind the Singapore to make progress towards building a community ofPolice Force’s (SPF) policing strategy. Through a steady prepared citizens to support the SPF’s mission tostream of collaborative and engagement efforts, the prevent, deter and detect crime.Safeguarding Our Way of LifeSGSecure in the NeighbourhoodsThe terror threat to Singapore is at its highest levelin recent years, and Singapore remains a key targetof terrorist groups. Recognising that the terror threathas become a constant presence in modern life, theSGSecure movement shifted its focus from raisingpublic awareness on the threat of terror attacks to raisingthe level of preparedness among the community, oneyear after its launch in September 2016. Following thisshift in focus, the movement’s tagline was also revisedfrom “Not If, But When. Our Response Matters” to “BePrepared. Our Response Matters.” This change in focusalso translated to more outreach efforts taking place inthe neighbourhoods and at workplaces.“The Police have played an important As at December 2017, our officers have conducted almostrole by preparing people mentally. 300,000 house visits since the SGSecure movementShould there be an attack, we will know kick-started, to educate residents on SGSecure andwhat to do. This is probably the best equip them with basic emergency preparedness skills.way we can strengthen our defenceagainst terrorism in the event of an In addition to house visits, the SPF continues to reach outattack,” commented Mr Dian Soon, a to the community through Emergency Preparedness (EP)resident of Jurong Spring who recounted Days. Jointly organised with the Singapore Civil Defencehis SGSecure house visit experience. Force (SCDF), the People’s Association (PA) and its grassroots volunteers, EP Days ramp up community preparedness. At each EP Day, residents will witness a live exercise through which they will learn how to respond during an armed attack. Residents are also reminded of the importance of staying vigilant while they pick up life- saving skills such as ‘Run, Hide, Tell’, Improvised First Aid Skills (IFAS), Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) through hands-on booths and exhibition panels.40 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

“I have learnt some emergencypreparedness skills that willhelp protect myself and others.Watching the exercise with role-players demonstrating ‘Run, Hide,Tell’, the Police swiftly taking downthe ‘terrorists’, the SCDF and theCommunity Emergency ResponseTeam (CERT) members saving livesthrough performing CPR and usingan AED, had assured me that ourHome Team and the community arewell-prepared and ready to handleany crisis. Well done for keepingSingapore safe!” said Mdm Doreen, aresident of Queenstown who attendedthe Queenstown EP Day.As at December 2017, the SPF has conducted 52 EPDays and we are progressing towards rolling out thisprogramme to all 89 constituencies by end 2018. Besides engaging residents through EP Days and community events, the SPF also recognises the importance of enhancing the emergency preparedness level and response to terror attacks in education institutions. To educate the staff and students on protecting themselves and others against terrorism and during terror attacks within the institution premises or vicinity, our officers conducted a total of 140 talks at secondary schools, junior colleges and centralised institutes in 2017.SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 41

BUILDING A COMMUNITYOF PREPARED CITIZENSSGSecure in Workplaces In 2017, the SPF also worked closely with the SafetyIn tandem with outreach efforts that were introduced to and Security Watch Group (SSWG) members and keythe neighbourhoods, the SPF has also stepped up its stakeholders to conduct exercises to validate theirSGSecure engagements at workplaces. Industry-specific response plans. One example was the ninth edition ofcounter-terrorism seminars were organised to sensitise Exercise Heartbeat that was conducted at Clarke Quayand engage the business community. These seminars on 10 November 2017. Through a simulated gunmenwere aimed at sharing with business owners the key attack scenario, the exercise tested the emergencyprinciples for reviewing and strengthening their vigilance, response and coordination between the SPF, Clarkesecurity measures and responses. In addition, these Quay’s security team and tenants in dealing with a terrorseminars also provided opportunities for them to network attack. Similar exercises were also conducted with theand share industry best practices. Approximately 2,200 hospitals, retailers and marine partners. In total, the SPFcompany representatives from the hotel, manufacturing conducted 20 ground deployment exercises with theand event management industries, as well as religious business community in 2017.organisations, institutes of higher learning and pre-schools, have participated in the 14 counter-terrorismseminars organised to date.42 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

To better guide the business communityin preparing their workforce andprotecting their workplaces, the SPFintroduced the ‘Contingency Planningand Protective Security Advisories’ forworkplaces in November 2017. Outlininggeneral principles of contingencyplanning and the implementation ofprotective security measures, theadvisories are available on the SPF’swebsite as a self-help resource forbusiness communities and are alsodisseminated via our partners from otherministries, as well as through industryleaders such as the Singapore HotelAssociation (SHA) and the SingaporeRetail Association.To ensure that Singapore hotels areable to upkeep safety and securitystandards, the SPF partnered the SHAand the National Crime PreventionCouncil (NCPC) to organise the annualHotel Security Awards PresentationCeremony and Security Conference on24 October 2017. 90 hotels receivedthe Hotel Security Award, while 276hotel employees were recognisedfor their exemplary acts of honesty,bravery and vigilance. Through theconference, participants learnt hotelbest practices and how to strengthenworkplace vigilance against terrorismand crime.“It is encouraging to know that our long-standing partnership, through variousplatforms such as Industry Safety and Security Watch Group sessions as well asthe annual Security Awards and Conference, has proven to be effective in reducingcrime at hotels. Given today’s security landscape, the SHA-SPF partnership hasbecome even more important than before,” said Ms Margaret Heng, Executive Directorof the SHA.SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 43

BUILDING A COMMUNITYOF PREPARED CITIZENSFighting Crime To better reach out to youths aged 13 and above, theBesides raising the level of preparedness among the Delta League is a bi-annual programme jointly organisedpopulation in light of the heightened terror threat, the SPF with the NCPC that seeks to raise crime awarenessalso continues to bolster its crime-fighting efforts through and inculcate in youths a stronger sense of socialproactive crime prevention education and its community responsibility. Through playing sports and attendingpolicing initiatives. crime prevention and anti-drug workshops, the Delta League is a comprehensive and effective platform thatEducating our Youths brings youths together. These youths, who are mentoredTo tackle youth crime, the SPF has been working closely by police officers, also pick up life skills along the way aswith schools and ministries, including the Ministry they experience the rigours of discipline, leadership andof Education and the Ministry of Social and Family teamwork. In December 2017, Delta League recorded itsDevelopment, to drive crime prevention programmes. In highest number of participants in its seven-year history,addition to conducting talks and organising exhibitions in with 2,015 players from 117 teams competing in 367schools to educate youths on crime prevention measures matches for the championship.and the consequences of engaging in criminal acts,counselling services were also made available for thosewho require assistance. Delta League’s success: S-League footballer Mr Syed Firdaus, a former participant in the Delta League, is one of the success stories of the programme. Prior to joining the programme, Mr Syed doubted his potential of becoming a professional footballer. With the support and encouragement from his police mentor, Mr Syed persevered and trained hard to be a professional footballer. His team emerged champion in two consecutive Delta League, in 2014 and 2015. In 2017, Mr Syed made his debut in the S-League by representing the Home United Football Club.44 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

Crime Prevention Beyond the Locals “Through the SPF’s engagementWhile the SPF continues to work closely with retail sessions and reminders from thestakeholders on a regular basis to reduce crimes of dormitory management, I have learntconcern at their premises, our officers have also been to keep my belongings properly toactively equipping and engaging foreign workers with prevent crime from happening andcrime prevention knowledge. In addition to conducting to look out for suspicious personstalks and putting up crime prevention panels at the and activities happening arounddormitories, foreign workers also received copies of the dormitory,” said Mr Satiyasilan, athe Crime Prevention and Awareness Guidebook. To Malaysian who lives at Upper Jurongreinforce learning points, these workers were also Dormitory.required to sit for a quiz where they were tested on theappropriate actions to take in various scenarios. In 2017,the SPF also partnered the Ministry of Manpower andnon-government organisations on programmes that aidin foreign workers’ settling-in and overall well-being. SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 45

BUILDING A COMMUNITYOF PREPARED CITIZENSPolicing with our Volunteers “During patrols, we look out forOver the years, the increased participation in the various suspicious articles or personsSPF volunteer schemes has helped to support the SPF’s around the neighbourhood,mission in preventing, deterring and detecting crime. In interact with other residentsaddition to volunteers who have joined the Volunteer and distribute crime preventionSpecial Constabulary (VSC), there are also those who advisories. Doing so tends tohave stepped up as Citizens on Patrol (COP) and bring back the kampong spiritNeighbourhood Watch Zone (NWZ) members. where one looks after another in the estate,” shared Ms KongAugmenting police presence by being the additional ‘eyes Wai Yee, a COP member.and ears’, the COP groups conduct regular patrols withpolice officers to deter and detect criminal and securitythreats in their neighbourhoods. They are always alertedto the latest safety and security matters so that they canbe on the lookout for these threats. As at December2017, there were more than 700 COP groups.Since the implementation of the NWZ in 1997, the vicinity. Additionally, they also help to support the SPFscheme has been implemented to more than 700 zones in its crime prevention outreach efforts and work closelyand there are almost 5,000 volunteers to date. NWZ with the Police to implement programmes that promotemembers help to keep watch over their neighbourhoods safety and security within the neighbourhoods.and alert the Police of any suspicious activities in their46 S I N G A P O R E P O L I C E F O R C E A N N U A L 2 0 1 7

One such successful programme is the Vehicles on Watch(VOW) initiative that leverages privately owned in-vehiclecameras to complement police cameras in deterring andsolving crimes occurring at car parks. Launched in 2015,the VOW programme has since expanded to more than800 car parks.The Way ForwardAs we forge ahead in 2018, we look forward to engagingmore people and enabling them to play active rolesin keeping Singapore safe and secure. The SPFrecognises that strong public trust and a robust police-community partnership are key contributors to the SPF’scontinued success. The SPF will continue to strengthenthis trust and enhance the partnership which we havebuilt with the community as we continue to safeguard ourhome together.SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE ANNUAL 2017 47


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