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DeepStudy -user manual

Published by, 2021-10-27 07:55:13

Description: DeepStudy -user manual


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DEEPSTUDY STUDY PLANNER DeepStudy Apps helps students to set personal and study goals, build new habits and create momentum in your life! 4C SKILLS DeepStudy support students in developing 4C skills that help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond DIGITAL CLASSROOM DeepStudyclassrooms keep teachers get organized and on track while teaching, thus allowing them to teach more and manage less.

DeepStudy App has been specifically designed to meet the needs of learners and educators, giving them a Study Planner that they can use to better organize their time and maximize their learning

SMART Goal Setting DeepStudy Apps helps students to set personal and study goals, it includes everything students need to reach their goals, wrapped in a beautiful and intuitive interface. It motivates them to stay focused, and keeps them on track.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Specific-they are clear and direct Measurable-helps in creating objectives to reach the goal Action-oriented-they are something to work towards Realistic-they need to be something that can be obtained Timely-groups shouldset time limitsand try to stick to them

Write specific and Reward for achiving achievable dream Dream Write specific time you want to achieve the Dream SMART Goal Setting

Eisenhower To-Do DeepStudy's simple and effective To- Do List help students to schedule, manage time, stay focused, remind about deadlines and organize life at School/College, Home and everywhere else.

Add Task name & Enter Date details and Time Enter the Priority and Status Eisenhower To-Do

Time Box DeepStudy Time Boxing gives students visual timetable of how much time they wish to spend on each activity or project

Day , Weekly, Monthly View Download PDF Weekly view Calender Entry Students can download, print and paste their TimeBox on their Study Room Time Box

My Syllabus Trying to cover whole Syllabus in one night DeepStudy helps students to include their complete syllabus in study planner and to achieve their learning goals. It helps students to define which subject, which chapter they will study on which day.

Upload Free any Download syllabus Non free resources for Coins My Syllabus

SMART ClassRoom Deep Study SMART Classrooms help teachers to create or manage online and offline classes with the latest digital tools in less than 5 minutes. Helps students to priorities their daily classes

Add notes Enter Class & Class Name & Links Details Add Students by phone number and Tokens SMART ClassRoom

Study Buddy Helps students to learn course material in a deeper, more concrete way. They are effective to generate positive energy, encourage active participation, instill discipline, and require commitments from members.

Create Add name, study description bubble with & add friends members Admin can decide the rights of members Study Buddy

Parent -Tutor Students tend to earn higher grades, have better attendance, are more motivated and less likely to drop out when their families are involved in their education.

Parental involvement is essential for student development and offers many benefits. A strong connection between parents and teachers triggers academic excellence as the work of the young one is monitored closely by both the groups. Parent -Tutor

Exam Planner DeepStudy allows Students to see how they spend time, and ensures that they are setting aside enough time outside of class to complete homework assignments, study for tests, and review and retain the information you are learning

Add Add Exam Subjects Name & Date of Exam Add Syllabus and sub topics Students can include any exam of their choice in DeepStudy Exam Planner

Tools for Success