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Home Explore Year 6 Return to school handbook

Year 6 Return to school handbook

Published by kcooling1.307, 2020-06-23 07:48:59

Description: Year 6 Return to school handbook


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Getting ready to return to school

Welcome back We have missed you! We are really looking Some of you will There will be less forward to seeing you have a new children in your back at school. classroom and a class. new teacher. Some things are going to look and feel a bit different.

What will your Follow the link below to watch a video explaining what back to school will be like day look like? from start of the day to the end of the • The school day will consist of day: working on your personal, social and emotional development. Also playing lots of games with your friends, learning about the importance of hygiene and keeping yourself safe.

Your new class will now be called a Bubble. The Bubble you are in will have a special name called ?. You may have a different teacher and a new classroom. There will be less children in the class.

You will be starting school on the following dates Mars: Monday 29th June Jupiter: Monday 29th June

Times of the school day CLASS GATE DROP OFF COLLECTION TIME COLLECTION TIME LOCATION OF Jupiter Stanley Road TIME MON-THUR FRIDAY CLASSROOM Saturn Lowden Road 8.55am 2.35pm School closed Yellow 9.05am 2.40pm School closed Copper There is no school on a Friday

Getting ready for school You MUST wear a freshly washed set of clothes every day. Wear clothes that are appropriate for a PE lesson • Water bottle - to be kept in school • Packed lunch - if you’re not school dinners • No books • No bags or equipment • No coats • No bikes • No scooters

Avoid using public transport to get to school as there is an increased risk of infection. Walk to school instead to stay healthy! Plan your journey in advance to avoid rushing and running late!

Arriving at school • Things might look a bit different. There will be signs on the floor and the walls to remind adults and children to keep their distance. • You can only come from either Stanley Road Gate or Lowden Road Gate. Check that you know: • The name of your child’s Bubble. • The name of your child’s teacher.

2 metre Arriving at school distance • You must wait in a line following a 2m distance marking outside once you arrive at your Bubble’s 2 metre gate. distance • Only one parent is allowed to drop off/pick up at 2 metre the gate and can not come on to the premises. distance • No facemasks are allowed. Remove this and give it to your parent to take home. • You will have your temperature taken at the gate. • You will say goodbye to your parent. • You will be given some hand sanitiser by your teacher and once it has been used line up with your Bubble. • Parents will be asked to leave once they have said goodbye.

Going Inside to your Classrooms • When entering the Year Entrance Exit 6 classrooms you MUST follow the instructions. You will use the far left door to Enter the building and the right door to Exit the building. • This is to ensure there is a one-way system to make it easy for everyone to leave and enter the building.

Keeping you safe Hand-washing • Your teacher will ask you to wash your hands a lot! • Watch this video about how to wash your hands Videos: All children have been taught how to clean their hands properly, using the videos below: EYFS/KS1: KS2:

Keeping you safe ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ • When coughing, tissues should be thrown away and you should wash your hands. • Don’t touch your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands. • Tell an adult if you are feeling unwell.

Keeping you safe - Medication Please ensure medication including inhalers , epipens and eczema cream are brought into school in a named bag . These will be left in school. If your child is unwell or has a temperature you cannot bring them to school. You must phone the school by 9am to let us know if you child will not be coming to school that day and the reason why. If your child has any allergies, please do let the school know. Any allergy medication should be given to the child before they arrive at school. Please make sure all medication is in date. If not please request one from your doctor.

Keeping you safe Bubble 2 STAY WITH YOUR BUBBLE Pod • Follow the rules for where you Bubble 1 can and cannot play during Pod break and lunchtimes. • Follow the rules for using toilets. Only use the ones assigned to your Bubble.

Year 6 Learning You will have your own desk, spaced apart from other children. You will be given a pack with equipment which will be provided for you. These must not be shared with other children in your Bubble. At the end of a lesson leave your book open for your teacher to give you feedback. Do not move around the classroom. You will have your own Chromebook which must be cleaned at the end of every day and can not be shared.

Year 6 Learning No reading books or home learning will be sent home . All learning can be found on Google Classroom. • Work on Google Classroom • Read Theory, TT Rockstars etc • The School Website • Physical activity outside • Looking after ourselves

Break times Playground Zones Check the Rota with your adult • Use the toilet before or after break • Stay in your Bubble group with your adult • Each day you will be able to play in your playground pod with the children from your class

Lunchtime You will eat lunch with your class in your classroom with you Bubble • You can either bring one a packed lunch from home or have lunch provided by the school. • Use a disposable container e.g. paper bag so that it can be put in the bin and not taken home. • Wash hands before and after lunch. • If you are school dinners, you can choose what you would like to eat by looking at the menu on the next page. • You will eat lunch in your classroom with your Bubble. • No home dinners are allowed. • If you go home for lunch, you cannot return to school that day.

Lunchtime Menu The lunch menu will alternate on a weekly basis

Home time You MUST be on time. Collection will be at Stanley Road When you are with your parent, Gate or Lowden Road Gate ONLY. go straight home. Stay safe. Do not stop to chat to your Parents who are collecting must stand 2m apart outside friends! their Bubble’s gate. When your child’s teacher calls your name, your child will walk towards you through the gate. You will NOT be allowed to talk with your child’s teacher. If you wish to do this, you can call the school office to arrange a telephone appointment with your child’s teacher, or email us at [email protected] Home alone children will be dismissed first.

What if one of the children or adults in my child’s ‘Bubble’ develops Coronavirus symptoms? Child will be sent home and asked to get a test at the Gurnell Centre in Greenford, if test is positive then ALL people in that ‘Bubble’ must self isolate for 14 days. The school will give clear instructions to all teachers and parents. You MUST call the school in the morning before 9am if your child is absent from school Please make sure that all contact numbers are up to date in case we need to call you

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