MESSAGE FROM THE CONVENER Message from the MSCI Convener. Please join us to Welcome Phillippa-Marka Coker To God be all the glory for seeing us through 2021 and for ushering us into 2022. This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes. Though we may have had problems, fail- Seven Seeds and Harvests ures and disappointments in 2021, God’s grace carried us through and has ush- 1. Seed of the flesh (Gal 6:8) ered us into a new year. What an amaz- 2. Seed of Money (2 Cor 9:8,10) ing year this year promises to be! - Seed of tithe (Mal 3:10) 2022 is Our Year of Seedtime and - Seed of appreciation (Gal 6:6-7) Harvest! 3. Seeds of righteousness and seeds of lies (Hosea 10:13) God bless our Prophet and Founder, 4. Seed of serving the Lord (Mal 3: 14-18) Bishop Dag Heward- Mills for the pro- 5. Seed of thorns (Hebrews 6:7-8) phetic theme for the year , for teaching 6. Seed of the word (Isaiah 55 : 10 -11) us about seven seeds and harvests on 7. Seed of soul winning (Rev 14:15) Tsalach Night and for giving us a deeper 8. Seed of church planting (1 Cor 3:5-6) understanding of Genesis 8:22. As we begin this year, I will like to exhort Genesis 8:22( KJV) us not only to be hearers of the word but While the earth remaineth, seedtime and to do be doers of the theme for the year. harvest, and cold and heat, and summer boy killed the giant). and winter, and day and night shall not cease
MESSAGE FROM THE CONVENER James 1:22-25 (KJV) 22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man behold- ing his natural face in a glass: 24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. I believe that as we walk in obedience and sow good seeds in 2022, we will ex- perience many seasons of harvest this year! Expect a fulfilment of the Prophetic theme in your life this year! Expect a harvest from the good seeds you will sow this year! Expect a practical fulfilment of Gen 8:22 in your life as you become a sower of good seeds! In Jesus Name! Amen!
Carols & Silent Night in MSCI Asia
Excerpt from Chapter 1: “We want everybody to at least have the basics. Yet, both life and history show us “For he that hath, to him shall be given: that “he that hath” is the one who gets and he that hath not, from him shall be more of everything. Just look around taken even that which he hath.” you and see that those who do not have Mark 4:25 much are losing even the little that they have! We can all see that the words of “It must be true even though it is a Jesus are true.” strange sounding Scripture! What an unfair sounding Scripture! Why should “This book is all about this strange those who have money be the ones to sounding Scripture. You will discover get even more money? Why should that this strange sounding Scripture ap- those who have little be the ones to lose plies to both physical and spiritual even what they have? Why is it that in things. Let us look at what “he that hath” real life, it is those who have, who get means. even more? Why is it that things are the exact opposite of what we expect?” “He That Hath\" Physical Things 1. “He that hath” money, houses and cars “Even though this Scripture sounds shall have more money, more houses unfair, it is true for two reasons. It is true and more cars.” because Jesus said it. Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will not “Rich people (“he that hath”) get richer pass away (Matthew 24:35). The words of and never seem to lack anything whilst Jesus are the most powerful words ever the poor get poorer every day. Africa, spoken. the poorest continent in the world is the only part of the world that has consis- “The second reason why this Scripture is tently become poorer over the last thirty true is because we see it all around us. years. Everybody wants more but not every- one gets more. So who really gets America and Europe, which are already more?” rich, have become wealthier and in- creased their gold reserves, their for- “All of us expect that those who do not tunes and their properties. have much should be brought up to par.
“Africa on the other hand, which needs more infrastructure, has destroyed its little infrastructure through civil wars and tribal conflicts. It is clear that a person who has built a house is more likely to build more houses. A person who has not built a house is less likely to build a house in the future. A person who does not have a house is more likely to lose his present accommodation. A person who has not built a house is more likely to be ejected by his landlord. People who have cars are more likely to own more cars in the future. Poor people who do not own cars but are always riding in buses and taxis are more likely to be riding in buses and taxis in the years to come.” Now read more from eBook or paperback copy! God bless you!
Consecration of Bishops
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