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MESSAGE FROM THE CONVENER Message from the RCOA Convener. Please join us to Welcome Episcopal Sister Leonora-Jamie Hyde All thanksgiving, glory and honour to God for a. To sacrifice means to offer up your material our new beginnings at the Revelation Church possessions to God for worship. Of Asia Denomination! We believe and receive the biblical prophecies indicating that, we are b. To sacrifice means you will surrender some- destined to multiply and not be few. To add to thing prized or desirable for the sake of some- our burning desire for church growth. I’d like thing higher. to share two insights from our Prophet’s books titled the “The Double Mega Missionary c. To sacrifice is to permit injury or disadvantage Church” and “Losing, Suffering, Sacrificing and for the sake of something else. Dying”. 1. “Multiplication (which is about reaching out and winning souls) is a result of fruitfulness. Fruitfulness leads to Multiplication. Being fruitful is an act of obedience. It is not a bless- ing that descends on you from heaven. It is a command! Be fruitful!” What then must we actively do to be fruitful? 2. The book “Losing, Suffering, Sacrificing and d. To sacrifice is to dispose of your goods re- Dying”, gives us the key to fruitfulness… Sacri- gardless of the fact that you make no profit. fice! Sacrifice is the Key to Fruitfulness. “This means a lot to anyone who cares to find And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is out what sacrifice actually means. Please do come, that the Son of man should be glorified. not listen to Christians who don’t preach Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of about the sacrifice we have to make as Chris- wheat FALL into the ground and DIE, it abideth tians. Sacrificing is part of the religion that we alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much FRUIT. belong to. John 12:23-24
MESSAGE FROM THE CONVENER This is the missing ingredient. This master key will take the average Christian from barrenness to fruitfulness. Sacrifice is the key that will transform a reverend minister from an official with a title to a truly fruitful minister. A Readiness to Die The missing ingredient in some good churches is this—a readiness to die. Many of our church- es are going to be small until we have people ready to sacrifice. There comes a time when what is needed is sacrifice. Many Christians can do more but they don’t. It’s because they don’t want to sacrifice or give up anything. Not a Lack of Knowledge The corn of wheat has to fall into the ground Many people do not lack information or knowl- and die. When the seed falls into the ground, it edge. They know a lot! If you have read my disintegrates and decomposes. This is what we books, you will know a lot of what I know. How- call “dying”. The seed actually goes through a ever, knowledge is not enough! You may not process before it comes out as fruit. have the fruits that I have even if you have the There are many sincere leaders who know knowledge that I have. For you to have what I many things. They have heard much and think have, you must pay the price. they are high up in God. Knowledge unfortu- nately breeds pride. This Scripture says that unless a corn of wheat disappears into the ground and dies, it will be …knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. alone. The “corn of wheat” symbolizes the man 1 Corinthians 8:1b of God. To be “alone” means “to be fruitless. It means to be without members or followers. The Kingdom is more than a school of history and doctrines. It is more than acquiring numer- The dying process in the man of God will even- ous certificates of Bible knowledge. Knowledge tually bring out much fruit. without this process will yield nothing. Have you noticed that some of the most learned and Jesus would not have borne the fruit He did if scholarly Bible expositors are very ineffective at He had not died on the cross. He would have real ministry? In fact, sometimes, the more been alone in Heaven with His Father. He could scholarly they become the more faithless and not have saved us if He had not died and gone godless they are. to Hell for us. To win followers for Himself and His Father, He had to fall into the ground and A single seed will become a big tree with many die. fruits if it falls into the ground and dies.
Bangkok, Thailand
BOOK OF THE SEASON I do! I believe that God is building His church. I believe that is the most import- ant thing happening in the world today. Like everything else, your call will be tested and contested. Satan will not allow you to have it easy. He will fight with you every step of the way. You must begin an aggressive campaign to achieve church growth and to see the fulfilment of prophecy in your life. A campaign is a systematic course of ag- gressive activity for some specific pur- pose. It is important that pastors take up a systematic progression of aggressive activities that will lead to church growth. Excerpt from Chapter 4: Unfortunately, many ministers do not re- spect their ministries enough to apply The Campaign for themselves to these campaigns. They do Church Growth not plan and develop a series of aggres- sive activities that will lead to church For a great door and effectual is opened growth. Church growth is possible! unto me, and there are many adversaries. Church growth is difficult to achieve but 1 Corinthians 16:9 it is possible! It is nice to have church growth but it is not easy to have church An open door means that there are great growth! prospects for ministry and church growth. Every church growth campaign must A great door to church growth is opened have these three elements. to all pastors who care to experience the 1. A church growth campaign must be fulfilment of this prophecy. It has been systematic. prophesied, so it will surely come to pass. An effectual door has been opened in the 2. A church growth campaign must con- ministry. What is a door? A door is an op- sist of a series of aggressive activities. portunity. A door is a chance to achieve something. Do you believe that there are 3. A church growth campaign must have a specific purpose. great prospects for church growth?
BOOK OF THE SEASON This book contains a systematic course of the storage of food for the military, the aggressive activities that are designed to care of the military, the care for injured help your church to grow practically. soldiers, the building of air fields, the Many pastors think that their churches building of harbours, the building and will grow by osmosis. Many think that management of military hospitals, the crowds of people will mysteriously appear recruitment of doctors, the resettlement in the church. That is not the case. Your of soldiers after war and the caring for church will grow through a series of cam- wives and children of soldiers who have paigns. lost their lives in war. Wars are often called military campaigns. You are in a war to achieve church This is because a war does not involve just growth. God wants you to set up a cam- shooting guns. War involves propaganda. paign of systematic aggressive activities War involves creating industries that that lead towards your singular goal of manufacture weapons. A military cam- church growth. Church growth is possi- paign involves activities like espionage, ble through a series of campaigns! A military intelligence and creating military double mega church is possible! prisons to keep prisoners of war. War involves travel, transportation, the provision of food for the military,
Feature of e Seas:
Manila, Philippines
in Philippines Taguig City, Philippines
San Carlos, Philippines Ilolio, Philippines
Biñan, Philippines
Las Piñas, Philippines
Dasmariñas, Philippines
Manila Aparche
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