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Home Explore Introducing Our New 3D Printing Service

Introducing Our New 3D Printing Service

Published by 3dinnovations3, 2015-01-02 05:53:31

Description: Introducing Our New 3D Printing Service

Keywords: 3D Cad Hawaii, 3D Design for Manufacturing in Hawaii,hawaii patent lawyer,Patent Lawyer Hawaii, 3D Printing Service Hawaii, 3D Prototype Hawaii, Hawaii 3D Printing, Product Design and Development Hawaii


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Introducing Our New 3D Printing Service BY

Our product development service offering isexpanding and we couldn’t be more thrilled! We areproud to announce that we are now able to providea stand-alone 3D printing service. This means that ifyou have a design ready to be printed, we can noweasily provide you with a quote, quickly print yourproduct in-house on our new Stratasys Fortus250mc and ship it to you.All parts are built from production-grade ABSthermoplastic material that is durable, accurate, andfunctional. The parts produced can be used tovalidate designs, create prototypes for functionaltesting, and for pre-production.

Our new 3D printer goes beyond “printing” and is also a great educational tool. If youare in the Honolulu area, and interested in learning more about 3D printing please feelfree to contact us ([email protected]) so that we can set an appointment toshow you the printer and explain the technology. For all of those educators out there,this is also a great resource for students! Imagine your students working on a 3D CADproject and then coming to the Manoa Innovation Center so that they can watch theirproject come to life in real-time.Visit our new 3D Printing Quote Request page to start building your parts today!If you have any questions about our new 3D printing service, please feel free tocontact us directly at [email protected] or by phone (808) 722-8667.

3D Innovations is a full service 3D Engineering/Designcompany – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3DPrototype & Product.

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