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Home Explore Makerspace + Engineering and 3D Printing Resource

Makerspace + Engineering and 3D Printing Resource

Published by 3dinnovations3, 2015-03-19 04:45:45

Description: Makerspace + Engineering and 3D Printing Resource

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Makerspace + Engineering and 3D Printing Resource BY

Is it just us or does it seem as though makerspaces are rapidly poppingup all over the world? When you go to Google and type in‘makerspace’, not only do you find a long list of establishedmakerspaces, but also numerous tutorials on how to build a successfulmakerspace. As an engineering and product development firm we thinkthis evolution is exciting, as it reflects a changing mindset in individualsand the business community. People have ideas and many want to turntheir ideas into an actual product, not only for their own use, but tocommercialize it and share it with the world. Makerspaces allow peopleto find the resources to do just this!

While makerspaces are wonderful on so many levels, it can bechallenging for makerspaces to find dedicated experts in certain fields tobe a resource for their budding entrepreneurs. Our 3D Innovations teamhas experience working with makerspaces on a variety of levels. Wespecialize in 3D engineering and specifically the entire productdevelopment life cycle (from 3D design to a fully functional 3Dprototype and product) and have helped numerous entrepreneurslaunch successful businesses. If your makersapce has productdevelopment questions or is simply looking for an engineering and 3Dprinting resource for your makers please reach out to us and we canchat!Our e-mail is [email protected] and you can visit ourwebsite here.

3D Innovations is a full service 3D Engineering/Design company – from the 3D Designto a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.Subscribe to the 3D Innovations newsletter on our Facebook page!

3D Innovations, LLC2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite #100Honolulu, HI 96822(808) 722-8667

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