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Published by Gloria Wiredu, 2022-11-25 12:21:28



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ORDER OF SERVICE Processional Hymn: MHB 830 Hark The Sound Of Holy Voices Introit: ASH 262 O God Our Help In Ages Past Call to worship School Chaplain Opening Hymn: ASH 191 I’ ll Praise My Maker While I Have Breath Purpose of Gathering School Chaplain Anthem: Aggrey Chapel 1st lesson Psalm 100 Akora Harold Esseku Vice President, OAA 2nd lesson 1 Corinthians Akora Yaa Boateng 15:50-58 Member, OAA Gospel John 14:1-7 School Chaplain Hymn ASH 283 Now Praise We Great And Famous Men General Tribute Akora Joel Nettey President, OAA Roll of the Departed Akora Eunice Quarcoopome Executive Secretary, OAA School Hymn ASH 362 Grey City of the Outlaws' Hill Rev. Kingsley K. Gyekye Sermon School Chaplain Intercessory Prayers Hymn MHB 511 Begone Unbelief Aggrey Chapel Choir Offertory School Chaplain Blessing of Offertory Now Thank We All Our God Announcements School Chaplain From Gambaga To Accra Closing Hymn ASH 192 Closing Prayer/ Benediction Recessional Hymn ASH 363 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 1

GENERAL TRIBUTE TO DEPARTED AKORAS 2022 It is my painful duty today to stand before you and pay tribute to members of our family who passed away in the course of the year since the 2021 Memorial Service. Since that time, by known count, we have lost 80 Akoras; 2 students; 12 teachers (including non-Akoras) and 2 non-teaching members of staff. Traditionally, 2nd November is known on the Christian calendars as All Souls Day, a day set aside to remember our loved ones and pray for their continued peaceful repose. It is therefore customary that on this day in November the Old Achimotan Association also honours departed Akoras, students and members of staff who passed away from October of the ensuing year to October the following year and who have since been buried. Compiling the list of departed Akoras and putting together the brochure for the service has been a very emotional task. A task that makes us take a step back and appreciate who we had … and lost. Editing their biographies or simply reading them made us feel their loss keenly especially because they were our brothers and sisters . . . born of this Mother - Our School. No matter how old or young they were we felt the vacuum created by their passing. The age range of the departed varies from year to year, sometimes the ancient Akoras are in the majority and sometimes the millennials or not so millennials are in the majority. It is never an exact science. But regardless of how old or young they were, their loss has left a painful vacuum for all of us Akoras . . . but even more for their immediate families. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 2

Today is also the day that in thinking about the saints triumphant (those who have gone before us) and how they impacted the lives of the saints militant, (those of us on earth), we take stock of our own lives and try and to leave a positive mark before we are called up yonder. Never have we had so many teachers or judges passing away in a year. Twelve teachers and three judges. At the time of their passing, one of the teachers was still in service but all the judges were retired. Among the judges was Akora Justice Seth Twum. He was very knowledgeable in land matters and had a good counsel for us during our protracted legal land cases. He was also a keynote speaker at one of the Achimota Speaks events during our 90th Anniversary Celebrations. He and several doctors and nursing officers and a midwife have also made their exit after serving humanity well. Two naval officers and a pilot have joined the heavenly stars along with a couple of engineers. Akora Nat Nuno-Amarteifio, an architect who later turned Chief Executive of Accra Metropolitan Assembly and the defacto Mayor of Accra also passed on during this period. He was working on publishing some interesting work on Accra's architecture at the time of his passing. The music scene will miss Akora Kojo Sam Essah's crooning even though he was a bank manager by day. We lost two more bank managers. Two caterers who are now on high, Akoras Novisi Ruth Haizel nee Chapman-Nyaho and Elaine Kuukua Dei-Anang nee Baksmaty whipped up assorted finger-licking delicacies in their time and will be solely missed. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 3

As true living waters to a thirsty land, some of the Akoras we mourn today turned their health challenges into mini crusaders on social media and other fora or wrote books to ensure that all others may learn and be better positioned to fight such challenges. Akora Doris Appiah-Danquah, Akora Susan Chinery, nee Quartey, Akora Christian Kofi Mamattah (a poultry farmer) and Akora Ivy Barbara Arthur come readily to mind. Two earthly unrelated twins Akora Gladys Akwele Otoo and Akora Helena Akuorkor Quist-Therson, midwife and social worker respectively are now heavenly twins. We were stunned only a few days ago to hear of the passing of Akora Seth Dei. Akora Seth was a successful businessman and art enthusiast who supported the Achimota School Endowment Trust Fund, housed its office and hosted its meetings for close to a decade. His contributions to the OAA and Achimota School are written in gold. Akora Seth will be interred on Thursday. On all these counts, our loss has been Heaven's gain. We will never understand why certain things happen or specifically why our loved ones die, but the GOOD LORD knows best. Young and old; great and yet to be great ... they all played their God-given roles on this stage we call \"The World\" and will be sorely missed. Once again, on behalf of the Old Achimotan Association, I convey to Akoras, Families and Friends, our heartfelt condolences. May the souls of our dear Akoras, Staff and Students rest in perfect OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 4

ROLL OF THE DEPARTED 1945 1945 1. Akora Delphine Dede Oteng née Turkson 1946 2. Akora Leopoldina Gladys Adih née Amorin 1947 3. Akora Beatrice Berko 1949 4. Akora Kweku Gyandoh Korsah 1950 5. Akora Lawrence Bernard Hanson-Nortey 1951 6. Akora Margaret Liko Agbodeka née Nyomi 1953 7. Akora Kwame Obeng Gyening 1954 8. Akora Mary Olive Hutton-Mills née Hushie 1955 9. Akora Rose Aku Agbeka née Ablorsu 1955 10. Akora Andrew Nii Asere Ayitey Aryeetey 1956 11. Akora Joachim Robert Vanderpuije Tetteh-Lartey 1956 12. Akora Seth Twum 1957 13. Akora Eveline Rose Naa Ahimah Gilbertson 1958 14. Akora Olive Elike née Tawia 1958 15. Akora Benjamin Foleson 1958 16. Akora Irene des Bordes née Boatin 1959 17. Akora Huntook Kofi Kai Ghann-Erskine 1960 18. Akora Peter Addae-Konadu 1960 19. Akora Veronica Wiredu née Dawson-Otoo 1960 20. Akora David Darko Bampoe 1960 21. Akora Albert Edward Kodzo Komewlo Timpo 1960 22. Akora Ernestina Akosua Mensah née Opoku 1960 23. Akora Napoleon Kpakpo Bulley 1961 24. Akora Hannah Clerk née Thompson 1961 25. Akora Charles Kwaku Addae 1961 26. Akora Moses Dowuona 1961 27. Akora Theophilus Bamfo Dankwa 1961 28. Akora Emmanuel Atta Darko 1962 29. Akora Wilson Akpetey 1962 30. Akora Nat Nuno-Amarteifio 1962 31. Akora Austin Ahuma Nana-Atoo 1963 32. Akora Irismay Brown née Amonoo-Neizer 1963 33. Akora Novisi Ruth Haizel née Chapman-Nyaho 1963 34. Akora Victoria Adobea Ohene 1964 35. Akora Victoria Mootsoo Laryea née Bruce-Konua 1965 36. Akora Alexander Anthony Adu-Gyamfi 1966/67 37. Akora Catherine Otto Boateng 38. Akora Edward Joseph Nii Allotey Odunton OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 5

39. Akora Peter Andoh-Kesson 1968 40. Akora Kojo Sam Essah 1968 41. Akora Eudora Hilda Quartey Koranteng 1969 42. Akora Margaret Newman née Solomon 1969 43. Akora Gladys Akwele Amanua Otoo 1970 44. Akora Andrew Ayite Arde-Acquah 1970 45. Akora Peter Ofori de Graft-Dickson 1971 46. Akora Doris Appiah-Danquah 1972 47. Akora Helena Akuorkor Quist-Therson 1972 48. Akora Theophilus Jefferson L. Gizo 1972 49. Akora Peter Michael Tsatsu Gbeho 1973 50. Akora Joyce Vandyck née Bray 1973 51. Akora Susan Miranda Kwale Chinery née Quartey 1974 52. Akora Nana Yaa Ofosuhemaa Agyeman 1977 53. Akora Desmond Abban 1977 54. Akora Frederick Thomas Adetola 1979 55. Akora Christian Kofi Mamattah 1982 56. Akora Paulina Boohene née Essah 1982 57. Akora Marion Marjorie Dzifa Ami Cofie 1986 58. Akora Georgina Naa Kwakor Quartey née Quartey 1986 59. Akora Alexander Kwadwo Sakyi Awuku 1987 60. Akora Joseph Agyenim Owusu-Antwi 1987 61. Akora Kwaku Asamoah-Darko 1987 62. Akora James Edu Dadzie 1987 63. Akora Ivy-Barbara Maame Akua Arthur 1988 64. Akora Valerie Naa Kai Addy 1989 65. Akora Elaine Kuukua Dei Anang née Baksmaty 1991 66. Akora Bertrand Tei Mensah-Morton 1993 67. Akora Michael Nartey 1993 68. Akora Damaris Yaa Nyarkua Addo 1994 69. Akora Viscount Seth Kwasi Marg-Thomas 1997 70. Akora Gilbert Dzakpasu 1997 71. Akora Maxine Marian Awuah-Brobbey née Sam 1998 72. Akora Giftylove Dede Mawuli Ahiahonu née Amuzu 1999 73. Akora Ama Akoma Amoako Yeboah 2008 74. Akora Nana Opokua Ahenkora née Nyanteh-Kissiedu 2012 75. Akora Gertrude Yayra Abeko 2016 76. Akora Philip Kwarteng 2021 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 6

1. Master Bernard Nii Adokwei Addo Former Student 2. Master Nathan Nablah Baddo Former Student 3. Mr. Joseph N. Awuah Former Teacher 4. Mrs. Elizabeth Halstead (aka Mrs. Elizabeth Barham) Former Teacher 5. Mr. Martin Nebarls Former Teacher 6. Mr. Ian Hall Former Teacher 7. Mr. Sema Awade Non-teaching staff 8. Alhaji Nuhu Wandago Non-teaching staff YET TO BE BURIED 1. Akora Doris Owusu-Addo née Sarkordee-Adoo 1950 2. Akora Robert Domingo Baeta 1956 3. Akora William Ashiabor 1959 4. Akora Seth Dei 1963 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 7

BIOGRAPHIES Akora Delphine Dede Oteng née Turkson of the 1945 Year Group was born on 20th April 1924. She was educated at Asamankese Presbyterian and Methodist Schools and Achimota College. She was one of the pioneers of the new certificate “A” Teacher Training School. Akora Delphine was posted to Aburi Girls’ Secondary School where she introduced a one session a day schedule. She was asked to draw up a new timetable for the four-year teacher training sessions. She took a Chartered Institute of Secretaries course in the UK and achieved associated membership. She worked at Aggrey Memorial School and Kumasi Academy as the first Ghanaian woman bursar. Akora Delphine was active during her retirement in spite of her age. She was a member of the Women’s Fellowship, the Widows’ Fellowship and in the Okponglo community, chasing up institutions to improve its living standards. She passed away on 14th January 2022. Akora Beatrice Berko née Asiedu (1946 Year Group) was born on 5th April 1926 and died on 18th December 2021. Akora Beatrice attended Bishop Girls School Accra; and Achimota Training College from 1943 to 1946. She qualified as a teacher and was seconded to the Ghana Girl Guides Association. She then trained in the UK and Denmark to become the National Trainer of Girl Guides for most of her working life. She served as Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association from 1984 to 1990. Akora Beatrice passed away at the ripe age of 95 years and was survived by two children: Akora Charles Berko of the 1970 Year Group and Akora Henry Berko of the 1971 Year Group. Akora Kweku Gyandoh Korsah (1947 Year Group) was born on 4th July 1928 and died on 16th November 2021. He was admitted into Achimota College in 1943 and was an all-round sportsman who loved athletics, cricket and swimming. . OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 8

He graduated in 1947 and was given a scholarship through which he studied Medicine in London. He worked as an orthopaedic surgeon for many years at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, 37 Military Hospital among other hospitals. He was survived by four children (all Akoras), and several grandchildren. Akora Margaret Liko Agbodeka née Nyomi (1950 Year Group) completed Achimota College in 1950 and died on 20th May 2022. She was 95. Akora Margaret Agbodeka was married to the late Akora Prof Francis Agbodeka, a renowned historian and former Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast. Their daughter Adjoa Agbodeka also served as a tutor in Achimota School from 1998 to 2019. Akora Kwame Obeng Gyening of the 1950 Year Group was born on 23rd August 1932. During his time at Achimota School he distinguished himself academically, served as Entertainment Prefect, and was a good swimmer. He later attended the University of Liverpool where he graduated as a Veterinary Surgeon at the top of his class in 1960 and was recognized with numerous awards. He embarked on an illustrious career which included positions held as Director of Veterinary Services, FAO/UN Regional Animal Health Officer for Africa, first African Chairman of the World Organization for Animal Health, President of Ghana Veterinary Medical Association, longest serving Chairman of the Veterinary Council of Ghana, to name a few. He will certainly be remembered for his contribution to the eradication of Rinderpest. Dr. Gyening was a man of deep faith and loved his family. He gave generously of his time and resources to enhance the lives of many. He was survived by his widow Vida and nine children. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 9

Akora Joachim Robert Vanderpuije Tetteh-Lartey (1955 Year Group) was born on 14th March 1936 in Accra. He was educated at the Bishop Boys’ School in the 1940s and then to Achimota School on scholarship from 1951 to 1955. He progressed to KCT (now KNUST) where he studied for an A’ Level Certificate course and then to the University of Ghana where he graduated with a BSc. (Hons) Special in Physics in 1961. Akora Tetteh-Lartey was employed at the CSIR where he was involved in Research. In the 1970s, he underwent a Post-Graduate Degree Course in Computer Science with focus on Systems Analyses and Design in the UK. He was then employed by the Management Services Department of the Civil Service as a Systems Analyst and rose to the position of Chief Management Analyst and finally Department Head. Akora Tetteh-Lartey was an active member of the 1955 Year Group and passed on, on 16th October 2021. Akora Eveline Rose Naa Ahimah Gilbertson (1956 Year Group) was born on November 20, 1937 to Mr. Joseph Obli Gilbertson and Madam Adjoa Torshie Gilbertson (née Torto). She attended St. Mary's School and Bishop Girls' School, Accra. She gained admission to Achimota School and completed in 1956. She attended Nurses Training School, Korle-Bu and in the United Kingdom. Akora Eveline rose through the ranks to become the first principal nursing officer to head the Accident and Emergency Department at Korle Bu. She retired as a deputy director of nursing but continued to work at the Orthopedic Septic and Cardiothoracic Theatre before finally retiring. On the 14th of April 2022, she became ill and was rushed to the Korle-Bu Polyclinic and referred to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital where she passed away on the 25th of May 2022. She was survived by her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 10

Akora Seth Twum was a member of the 1956 Year Group and an alumnus of the University of London. Akora Seth Twum had a long- distinguished career as a practicing lawyer and was much respected by all. In November 2002, he was appointed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Ghana, where he served until he retired in March 2007. Subsequently, he served as a Justice on the Swaziland Supreme Court and The Court of Appeal in Botswana, The Apex Court. Akora Seth Twum was the husband of Mrs. Julie Twum and the much-loved father of Akoras: Audrey Twum of the 1991 Year Group; Seth Twum of the 1992 Year Group & Leonora Twum of the 1997 Year Group. Akora Olivia Ama Anukware Elike (1957 Year Group) was born on May 9, 1936. She gained admission to Achimota School in 1952, from Peki-Wudome E.P. Girls’ School, and sat for the School Certification exams (O’ Levels) in 1957. She was active, friendly and disciplined. Akora Olive was also very intelligent she got into the add maths class in form 4, with two other girls. It was a rarity for girls in those days, when intelligence was assessed by all in the School as the ability to qualify to be in the add maths class. Akora Olivia carried out her duties in Clark House very assiduously and was a dormitory monitress in her last year. She chose to be a teacher because she was desirous of instilling the love for mathematics into young girls. Akora Olivia Elike was much admired for her fair dealings and professionalism throughout her life. Akora Benjamin Kweku Fori Foleson (1958 Year Group) was born on 28 May 1941. He was educated at Achimota School and University of Ghana where he studied biochemistry. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 11

He studied medicine at Bonn University, Germany and Hygiene and Family Planning at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Akora Foleson returned to Ghana in 1970 and worked in Ho, Achimota Hospital and Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. Akora Foleson run a private practice and worked for the Medical Department at Bank of Ghana. After his retirement, he consulted for the World Bank after which he made a career pivot to insurance consultancy where he worked for Metropolitan Insurance and GlicoHealth. He was Chief Executive Officer of GlicoHealth and at his demise Chairman of the Board of Directors of GlicoHealth and a member of the Starlife Board. Akora Foleson served on the Board of Governors of Achimota School and was President of the Old Achimotan Association (OAA) from 1996 to 2001. He left behind four daughters. Akora Irene des Bordes née Boatin (1958 Year group) was educated at Sunyani Government School, Kumasi Government Girls’ School and Achimota School. She then went to Germany to study medicine with other classmates but had to learn the language first. Akora Irene got married to Louis des Bordes before her final exams. She did her housemanship as a doctor, a wife and a mother. Akora Irene and Louis got posted to Sunyani as Medical Officer and Dentist respectively. She was a member of the Anglican Womens’ Fellowship, Anglican Mothers’ Union and Aglow Womens’ Fellowship, Sunyani. In 1985, Akora Irene worked in other health care institutions in various capacities at home and abroad. She retired after twenty-four years’ service. She was elected People’s Warden and later appointed Chaplain’s Warden at her Church. She was a Bishop’s Badge holder and a member of the Church Council. She passed away on 30th May 2022. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 12

Akora Peter Addae-Konadu (1959 Year Group) was born on 6th February 1940. He gained admission into Achimota School in 1955 and graduated in 1959 did his 6th Form at Opoku Ware Secondary School. In September 1962, he entered the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, pursued a degree in Electrical Engineering and joined Electricity Corporation of Ghana in March 1968. Akora Addae-Konadu became the Head of the Commercial Engineering Department, rising from an Engineer to Commercial Director. He resigned in 1988 and ventured into export business and later into hotel management. Akora Addae-Konadu was a member of the Police Church where he served in different capacities, the last being treasurer of the Mens’s Fellowship until his demise. Akora Addae-Konadu had two children, Marian and Edmund, with his first wife Madam Grace Omaboe and four children, Leslie, Priscilla, Gilbert and Jesslyn, with his present wife, Rita Addae-Konadu. Akora Veronica Wiredu née Dawson-Otoo (1960 Year Group) was born on 27th April 1942. Her primary education was at Saint Mary’s Convent Primary and Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) Boarding Schools in Cape Coast. She attended Achimota School and obtained her Ordinary and Advanced School Certificates in 1961 and 1963 respectively. She graduated from the University of Ghana in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, Honours in English. She taught English at Achimota School from 1968 to 1975. She then joined the Civil Service serving at the Ministries of Works-and-Housing, Education, and Energy. She retired as the Acting Chief Director, Ministry of Energy in 2002. She was an excellent pianist, seamstress, baker, and gardener. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 13

She also excelled at crocheting, quilting, placemat-making, and bag- designing. She was well-loved for her kind, compassionate and outgoing nature. She was survived by her daughter Dr. Rosanna Setse, 4 grandchildren, her sister Mrs. Rosanna Agble, and several cousins, nephews, nieces, and friends. Akora David Darko Bampoe of the 1960 Year Group was born on 18th October 1941. His elementary education begun at Adabraka and South La after which he attended Achimota School from 17th February 1956 and was assigned to Gyamfi House. Akora Bampoe’s signature smile was ever present throughout school and his life. He played hockey, cricket and football for his house and hockey for the School and OAA. He was appointed the School Entertainment Prefect in 1961. After his O and A levels, he was admitted into the University of Ghana where he graduated in Economics and joined Ghana Commercial Bank at the headquarters, London, and Lomé branches. He also worked for Ecobank in Lomé and Ahantaman Rural Bank. Akora Bampoe was active even when he was in Lome. hosted his year group when he was in Lome at his expense. He is sorely missed by his family and classmates. Akora Napoleon Adanse Kpakpo Bulley of the 1960 Year Group was born in Accra on 5th August 1940. He was educated at Adabraka and Rowe Road (Kinbu) Government Boys’ Schools; GSTS, Takoradi then to Achimota School for Sixth Form. As Livingstone House Prefect, he was very firm but fair and affable. After his ‘A’ Levels, Akora Bulley studied engineering at Birmingham University on a Ghana Government. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 14

He returned to Ghana and worked with various Government and private organisations including Post and Telecommunications (P&T), Shell and Mechanical Lloyd. Akora Bulley continued to serve Methodist Church and country n several capacities and was instrumental in the promotion of technical and vocational education in Ghana as a member of the Board of COTVET. He was very active in the 1960 Year Group and hardly ever missed a meeting, even when he had health challenges. Akora Bulley passed on to eternity on 7th July 2022. Akora Albert Edward Kodzo Timpo of the 1960 Year Group, born on 31st July 1941 and entered Achimota School on 17th February 1956 as a resident of Gyamfi House. Akora Timpo was appointed the Dining Hall Prefect in Upper 6. Akora Timpo represented his House in every sporting event and was a member of the school athletic team that won the Aggrey Shield for good. After his School Certificate and the GCE Advanced Level, he won a Government scholarship to study medicine in Israel. He returned home to practise for a few years before departing for the United States of America to specialise in Paediatrics. He continued to practise his profession outside Ghana but visited home quite frequently. He never lost touch with his 1960 Year Group and attended all meetings whenever he was in Ghana. Akora Hannah Eugenia Korkor Clerk née Thompson of the 1960 Year Group was born on 26th December 1941 to David Okai Thompson and Anna Adzeley Laryea. She had her basic school education at the Government Girls’ School in Accra, from 1947 to 1955, she entered Achimota School on 17th February 1956 and was assigned to Kingsley House. After leaving School in 1960, she worked briefly at the Department of Social Welfare before proceeding to Yugoslavia on a Ghana/Yugoslav Government Scholarship to study Dentistry. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 15

She abandoned the course and relocated to the United Kingdom where she studied Dietetics, Nutrition and Institutional Management. She worked as a catering manager for over 30 years in the UK before retiring in 2002. She died on 24th February 2021 and is survived by two daughters. Akora Charles Kwaku Addae (1961 Year Group) was born on 30th June, 1937. His formal education started at the Presbyterian Primary School at Breman Asikuma, Methodist Middle School and Achimota School in 1957. He was a member of the Achimota School Cadet Corps, joined the Military Academy and became a Naval Officer in October 1961. He trained at Britannia Royal Naval College at Dartmouth, UK. This was followed by a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Royal Naval Engineering College in Plymouth from 1964 to 1968. He distinguished himself and rose to the rank of Commander. He was retired honorably at the end of November, 1979. He founded SEATEC with his wife Tina and was a member of the Rotary Club. Charles suffered a mild stroke which became worse after he was widowed. He battled on until his demise. He was survived by seven children and thirteen grandchildren. Akora Moses Dowuona (1961 Year Group) was born on 3rd September 1942. He was educated at Kaneshie Roman Catholic School, Mamobi Catholic Primary School, Nima Catholic Middle School and Achimota School in 1957. In 1961, Akora Dowuona continued his education at KNUST. He completed his Pre-Engineering Course and BSc. Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1967 and joined the VRA. He worked there until he retired in 1990. Akora Dowuona established his own electrical company, MULTILEC ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUTION COMPANY. He became a Member of the Ghana Institute of Engineers in 1976, and served as Vice-President and Chairman of the Welfare Committee. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 16

In 2004 he was appointed Chairman of Ghana National Electro-Technical Board. He passed on to the higher realm on Monday, June 24th, 2022 after a short illness. He was survived by his widow, three children and numerous grandchildren. Akora Emmanuel Atta Darko (1961 Year Group) was born on 28th February, 1941 at Suhum and was educated at Suhum Methodist Primary School, Methodist Middle School in 1953 and Achimota School in 1957 on a scholarship. He obtained his GCE O’ Level in 1961, and was offered a scholarship by Ghana Airways to study aviation as a civilian pilot in Russia. He joined Ghana Airways on his return and flew the Russian Illusion 18 four-engined cargo aeroplane. He later joined the Black Star Line as a Radio Officer, and travelled extensively around the world. He retired from active duty in 1993 and established TECHNOGAS CO. LTD. as a retail distributor of Goil Gas at Atomic Junction in 1994. In October 2014, Atta suffered a mild stroke and lived for many years with the condition until he passed away on 16th June, 2022. He was survived by his widow Grace and two sons. Akora Theophilus Bamfo Dankwa (1961 Year Group) was born in Mpraeso on 20 February 1944. He entered Achimota School in 1957 and was assigned to Livingstone House. He was in the Cadet Corps and Scripture Union. Akora T. B. dedicated almost his entire adult life to Christian ministry. After working as a chemistry teacher in Prempeh College for four years, he left to work for the Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students (GHAFES), International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), and dozens of other missions organisations in various capacities. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 17

On his 50th birthday, he was ordained as Senior Pastor of Korle Bu Community Chapel until he retired in 2009. As an active member of OAA 1961, he returned to Achimota School, preaching at both the 70th and 75th anniversary thanksgiving services of his alma mater. He passed away on 25 February 2022 at the age of 78, and was survived by his wife, four children, and nine grandchildren. Akora Austin Ahuma Nana-Atoo (1962 Year Group) was born on the 15th of December 1943 and began his formal education at Presbyterian Primary School, Santrokofi, and Achimota School - Guggisberg House. He was a good student and a great sportsman, especially in hockey, long and triple jump, swimming and cricket. Akora Nana-Atoo was a boy scout, a shrewd chess player and an avid reader. He completed Achimota School in 1962 and enlisted with the Ghana Armed Forces and was commissioned on 1st July 1969. He took a number of courses at the Royal Naval College Dartmouth, H. M. S Scarborough and in India. He rose through the ranks to become a Lt. Commander and was promoted to Naval Instructor and Officer Commanding at the Ghana Military Academy. Akora Nana-Atoo was honorably discharged after 17 years’ service. He passed away on 20th January 2022, he was survived by his widow and four children. Akora Novisi Ruth Haizel née Chapman-Nyaho (1963 Year Group) was born on 2nd March 1947. She lived in Ghana, US, England and Switzerland. She trained as a nurse at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. She changed her career and went into baking and opened a café and tea room where she prepared all kinds of delectable treats and assortment of teas. She covered the walls of her tea room with Ghanaian proverbs which piqued the interest of her customers. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 18

She made beautiful cakes for weddings etc. and loved to teach sugarcraft. She had space for people to gather for various functions. She wrote stories and poems yet to be published. Akora Novisi passed away after a short illness and was survived by her widower Kwesi Haizel and their three children: Esi Jane, Nana Kofi and Kuukua. Akora Victoria Mootsoo Laryea née Bruce-Konuah, (1963 Year Group) affectionately called Mootsoo by all, was born on 18th August 1945 to Dr. Kofi George Konuah and Mrs. Janet Konuah, both of blessed memory. Akora Mootsoo attended Achimota School from 1959 to 1963. Upon completion of her O' levels in 1963, Mootsoo trained as a broadcast journalist at the Ghana Institute of Journalism. She graduated in 1965 and joined the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) in the latter part of 1965 and was the first female in the TV Newsroom. She took her job at GBC seriously and was a very professional, punctual and diligent worker. Akora Mootsoo was an avid reader. She kept abreast with world politics and current affairs, and easily contributed to conversations on a wide range of topics. She was a loving wife, devoted mother and a dear friend to many. May her soul rest in perfect peace. Amen. Akora Edward Joseph Nii Allotey Odunton (1966 Year Group) was born on June 14 1951, in Accra. He entered Achimota School in 1962 and was a socially active, sports inclined, and brilliant student. A member of the 1966/67-Year Group and served as Deputy Senior Prefect in 1969. He gained admission to Columbia University New York and graduated with a BSc in Mining Engineering in 1972 and an MSc/MBA in Mine Finance in 1974. In 1975, he joined the United Nations and by dint of his sterling contributions to deep seabed mineral resource administration, rose to become the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), serving two consecutive terms between 2009 - 2016. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 19

Akora Odunton passed away in Accra on February 14, 2022 and was survived by four children. His legacy continues at ISA in Kingston, Jamaica with the Nii Allotey Odunton Museum named in his honor. Distinguished International Civil Servant, African Patriot and Mentor. Akora Peter Van-Dyke Andoh-Kesson (1968 Year Group) was born in Elmina on May 22nd, 1952. He was educated at Achimota School Primary and Secondary Departments and was a resident of Lugard House. He was a great hockey player, very ‘savvy’ and popular in School. After his A Levels at Achimota, he obtained a combined Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Sociology at the University of Ghana and a Master’s degree in English at the University of Cape Coast. Akora Andoh-Kesson did his National Service at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning before working with the Investment Bank. He returned to the Ministry as a planning officer. Akora Andoh Kesson relocated to Nigeria and lectured in English and was the principal of many secondary schools. He resurfaced online and joined the OAA 1968 Year Group platform about 2 years ago. On May 22nd, 2022, he celebrated his 70th birthday and sadly he passed away four days later. Akora Kojo Sam Essah (Mick Jones), 1968 Year Group, Lugard House, was born in Cape Coast on November 24, 1952, to Kwame Sam Essah and Emily Vivian Asihene, both of blessed memory. A pioneering pupil of Achimota Primary, he proceeded to Achimota School for his O and A Levels. Kojo subsequently graduated from the University of Ghana with an LLB (Hons) degree and pursued an illustrious career with the then Ghana Commercial Bank and later as a banking consultant. Kojo’s music adventure started at School, playing and singing at pop chains. In 1997, he formed the Takashi band which treated patrons to great music at numerous venues, including Year Group events. Kojo’s mates and friends fondly remember him for being fun, mischievous, candid, and with a wicked sense of humour. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 20

Kojo passed away on October 6, 2021, after a long illness. He was survived by his widow Lydia, and three sons. Akora Eudora Hilda Quartey Koranteng of the 1969 Year Group, was born on 17th November 1952. She had her primary education in the UK, Ghana International and Achimota School. She was resident in Slessor House. After “A” levels she graduated with a Degree in Sociology from the University of Ghana and was called to the Bar. She was part of the management teams that set up Ghana Stock Exchange, Ghana Leasing Company and Securities and Exchange Commission. She lectured part- time at the UGBS and GIMPA. In 2019 Akora Eudora was appointed Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary to Italy with concurrent accreditation to Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and the FAO. She was a loving, dedicated wife, mother, grandmother and friend; fun loving and loved the arts and music. She passed away in Rome, survived by her widower Mr. Paul Koranteng, two children: Regina Ohene-Asante and Narteh Tetteh and five grandchildren. Akora Margaret Solomon (1969 Year Group) was born on the 22nd October 1948 in Accra. Akora Margaret successfully completed her middle school at Anumle Basic School and gained admission into Achimota School, from September 1964 to July 1969 and obtained her G C E ‘O’ Level certificate. She went into teaching after graduating from Presbyterian Training College in Aburi. a career she pursued till retirement. She was constantly in touch with her 1969 Year Group mates. She fellowshipped with the Redemption Methodist church in Abeka. Akora Margaret fell ill on 25th December 2021, and passed on to eternity on Monday 27th December 2021, much to the sorrow of the entire family, her widower Gabriel Newman, her children, grandchildren and family. Forever in our hearts! Rest in perfect peace till we meet again. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 21

Akora Gladys Amanua Akwele Otoo of the 1970 Year Group was born on 2nd September 1953 and died on 6th March 2022. She was educated at Cooma North Primary School, Australia, Christ the King School, Accra and Achimota School. She was a resident of Clark House where she formed lifelong friendships like Akoras Ellen B-D Aryeetey and Gloria Larnyo Nartey and will be remembered for her infectious sweet smile. She pursued a course in Nursing in the UK graduated with a degree in Midwifery. She practiced in Canada, USA and the UK and became Clinical Supervisor Coach and Auditor of the London Central & West Unscheduled Care Collaborative (LCW UCC) until she retired in 2020. Akora Gladys joined her classmates in March 2020 to celebrate their 50th anniversary of graduating as Achimotans and promised them annual visits. Unfortunately, she passed away survived by three daughters and twin sister Akora Gloria Otoo Cronjie. Akora Andrew Ayite Arde-Acquah of the 1970 Year Group was born in Axim in 1953. He trained as a medical doctor and practiced for over 30 years, serving in public health roles with various organizations and the Ministry of Health. He was ultimately a God-fearing man, a great husband and father, and one who loved God's people. He passed away on January 19, 2022 and was survived by his widow and 4 children, two of whom are Akoras. May his humble soul rest in perfect peace. Akora Joyce Vandyck née Bray of the 1973 Year Group was born on April 3, 1956. She had her primary education at KNUST Primary School, Kumasi and entered Achimota School in September 1967. She proceeded to Labone Secondary School for 6th Form and worked at Bank of Ghana till 1980 when she left for the US, where she continued her career in the City of New York. She was called to Glory and on February 28, 2022. Our dear Joyce is survived by her husband Kirk Vandyck and children Henrietta, Derrick, Eugene and Eugenia. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 22

Akora Susan Kwale Chinery née Chinery (1974 Year Group) was born on August 11th 1957. She was educated at Ridge Church, Achimota and Mfantsiman Schools. She obtained a Bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration (George Washington University, 1982) and Accounting (University of Maryland), she qualified as a CPA and became a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Akora Susan worked with reputable US organisations until 2016 when she retired due to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Even when she was confined her to a wheelchair, she continued with her favourite pastime, gardening and maintained her enduring conviviality at social gatherings. She always looked forward to her OAA mates’ endless rehashed Grey City tales. Her gallant battle against her ailment inspired the historic 2017 Walk to Defeat ALS, which heart-warming event resulted in over $16,000 being raised for the ALS Association. Akora Susan passed away in March 2022 survived by her widower Roger, three children and brother Ian. Akora Nana Yaa Ofosuhemaa Agyeman was a member of the 1977 Year Group. She was passionate about journalism and began her professional career at the Daily Graphic in 1982, and a year later, moved to the Radio Newsroom of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. Over the years, she worked for various publications including Imagine, The Statesman, and The Accra Daily Mail. Akora Nana Yaa fell ill in 1996 and was later diagnosed with Devic's Disease. This led her to found Sharecare Ghana, which grew into an advocacy group for persons with disabilities, autoimmune and neurological conditions. She was married to Alhaji Abdul-Rahman Harruna Attah and had two daughters, Ayesha and Rahma. She died on the 17th of August after a decline in her condition. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 23

Akora Frederick Thomas Adetola was a member of the OAA 1979 Year Group, of Cadbury House but later in his first year moved to House 18 now Stopford House. A popular and influential student as well as being compassionate and principled, he often acted as a mediator between seniors and juniors. He also loved sports. Subsequently he did Sixth Form in Ghana National School, Koforidua. Akora Adetola proceeded to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) and graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Marketing) Degree in 1988. An extrovert by nature, his studies in marketing combined to make an astute sales and marketing professional. He had a distinguished career in sales with many companies including International Tobacco Company, Meridian Tobacco Company and Multimedia Broadcasting Corporation. He was also a staunch supporter of Manchester City Football Club. Akora Adetola was survived by his widow Marietta and four children, Aderonke, Adekemi, Adelani and Adeyomi. Akora Paulina Boohene née Essah (1982 Year Group) lived at Achimota School where her father was a music teacher and her mother a nurse at the Hospital. She attended Achimota Preparatory School and then Achimota School as a member of the 1982 Year Group. Akora Paulina resided at Kingsley House and was elected the Girls’ Senior Prefect (GSP). She sung alto in the Aggrey Chapel Choir. She graduated as a doctor in 1993 and specialized in Neo-natal-Perinatal Medicine and worked with Gaston County Health Department and later Gaston Family (Kintegra). Akora Paulina passed away after a short illness on the 22nd of June 2022 and she was survived by her husband Dr. Carl Boohene, her son Andrew Boohene, her parents Mr. and Mrs. D.R. Essah and all her siblings. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 24

Akora Christian Kofi Mamattah (1982 Year Group) was born on May 7th 1965. He was educated at Bishop Bower’s School, Accra, Achimota School and University of Greenwich where he undertook a degree in accountancy after which he part-qualified as a management accountant. Akora Mamattah worked for Charles Tyrwhitt & Co as an Accountant and as a guard for many nights in a private security company in order to make ends meet. When he returned to Ghana, he worked with Engineers and Planners in Tarkwa. One of Akora Mamattah’s numerous ventures was Chicken Rocks a budding chicken business which provided homes with fresh chicken. He had a large customer base but unfortunately it did not work out so he returned to the UK. In 2018, when Christian started to feel unwell, he chose a natural medicine path to cure his illness. Unfortunately, he passed away survived by his widow and three children. Akora Valerie Naa Lankai Addy of the 1989 Year Group started her primary educa-tion at the Seventh Day Adven¬tist Church School in Koforidua, University Primary School, Cape Coast, Burma Camp Primary School and Achimota School. She was a resident at Kingsley House and forged strong and lasting friendships and remained connected to her friends, colleagues and school mates right until her untimely demise. Akora Valerie attended Accra Academy for her sixth form after which she undertook a diploma in Secretaryship and was gainfully employed in administrative roles. She worked with the 31st December Women's Movement, Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) EXCOM Ghana Limited, CDL London Limited and Ernst & Young Ghana. Akora Valerie worked in the UK for a few years then back to Ghana. She was a staunch member of the Action Church. She fell ill and passed away on 27th July 2022. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 25

Akora Elaine Kuukua Dei-Anang née Baksmaty (1991 Year group) was born on August 1, 1973. She was educated at Ridge Church School, Accra Girls, Holy Child and eventually completed at Achimota School in 1991. She enjoyed swimming and singing. Akora Elaine undertook a degree in Arts at Legon. At 14, Akora Elaine developed a serious ailment and was put on medication for life, but she was miraculously healed. When she moved to the United States and got a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology before meeting Michael Francis Dei-Anang and getting married. She was the quintessential hostess, graphic designer and office manager. Her culinary skills were fantastic and her clients always came back for more. And her generosity knew no bounds. Her demise was indeed a big blow especially to her widower, family, and clients. Akora Giftylove Dede Mawuli-Ahiahonu née Amuzu (1999 Year Group) was born on the 2nd of September, 1981 to Mr. Robert Tettey Amuzu and Madam Cecilia Dzineku in Accra. She had her basic education at Blessed Home Preparatory School and Achimota Preparatory School all in Achimota, Accra. She was admitted into Achimota School as a General Arts student in 1997 and graduated in 1999. Akora Gifty proceeded to the University of Ghana Business School, Legon and pursued a degree programme in Banking and Finance. Akora Gifty had passion for teaching children and demonstrated that wherever she found herself. She served in the Children’s Ministry of Legon Baptist Church. Akora Ama Akoma-Oteng Amoako-Yeboah (2008 Year Group) was born on 5th October, 1991 to Akora Eunice Akosua Ofosua Amoako and Akora George Kwabena Abankwa Yeboah. She was educated at Superday Nursery, Labone, One Love Nursery, Community 2, Tema, MARBS Basic School at Community 1, Tema and School education at Achimota School and completed in 2008. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 26

She graduated with a diploma in Public Administration at the Ministry of Finance’s Institute of Accountancy Training in Accra and a Bachelor of Commerce from University of Cape-Coast and worked at the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General’s Office as Internal Auditor. She was promoted to Senior Internal Auditor and was transferred to the Audit Unit at the Allied Health Professional Council, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra in January 2022. Akora Ama was a devout Christian, a member of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International and treasurer of Andrew Voices. She was survived by her parents and siblings. Akora Philip Kwarteng (2021 Year Group) was admitted into Achimota School in September 2018 and completed his stay in October 2021. He was in Cadbury house and was mostly seen by his colleagues as a symbol of unity and was a great inspiration to his colleagues and juniors. He was dedicated to the service of Cadbury House and by virtue of this, he was selected to be an executive in the final year. He was in charge of the house garden, a portfolio he worked in diligently to the success of the house in all inter-houses gardening competitions. Akora Kwarteng was a talented football player and played for his House and School. He was his class prefect throughout his stay. His journey on this earth sadly came to an end after fighting a good fight. and undeniably, he fought a good fight. He will be greatly missed by his colleagues, house boys, teachers and the entire Achimotan fraternity. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 27

ASH 192 3. All praise and thanks to God 1. Now thank we all our God The Father now be given, With heart and hands and voices, The Son and Spirit blest, Who wondrous things has done, Who reign in highest heaven In whom his world rejoices; The one eternal God, Who from our mothers’ arms Whom heaven and earth adore; Has blessed us on our way For thus it was, is now, With countless gifts of love And shall be evermore. And still is our today. 2. O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us, To keep us in his grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills Of this world in the next. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 28

ASH 363 When our books are laid aside From Gambaga to Accra, and we scatter far and wide. from Wiawso to Keta, We remember with affection We are brothers and all we gained. our mother is our school. How we learned to take She will guide us all and each, our share in the life and labour so to learn that we may teach. there. So to subjugate ourselves Where the men of whom that we may rule. we are proudest of were trained. Chorus: Chorus: Play the game, shout her name! Play the game, shout her name! Spread her fame afar. Spread her fame afar. She's the head of all the host, She's the head of all the host, She's the school of whom we boast. She's the school of whom we boast. She is the glory of the coast, She is the glory of the coast, ACHIMOTA! ACHIMOTA! OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 29

ASH 283 4 Praise we the peaceful men of 1 Now praise we great and famous skill men, Who builded homes of beauty, The fathers named in story; And, rich in art, made richer still And praise the Lord who now as then The brotherhood of duty. Reveals in man His glory. 2 Praise we the wise and brave and 5 So praise we great and famous strong, men, Who graced their generation; The fathers, named in story; Who helped the right, and fought the And praise the Lord who now as wrong, then And made our folk a nation. Reveals in man His glory. 3 Praise we the great of heart and mind, The singers sweetly gifted, Whose music like a mighty wind The souls of men uplifted. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 30

MHB 511 3. Begone unbelief, The Savior is 1. Begone unbelief, My Savior is near, here And for my relief Will surely appear: Begone unbelief, The Savior is here By faith let me wrestle, with God in Begone unbelief, The Savior is here the storm Though cisterns be broken And And help me my Savior, the faith to creatures all fail adorn The word he has spoken will surely And help me my Savior, the faith to prevail adorn The word he has spoken will surely prevail 2. Though dark be my way, Since he is my guide, 4. Why should I complain, Of want 'Tis mine to obey, and His to provide; or distress Though cisterns be broken, And Temptation or pain? He told me no creatures all fail, less The word he has spoken will surely The heirs of salvation, I know from prevail. his word The word he has spoken will surely Through much tribulation Must prevail. follow their Lord Through much tribulation Must follow their Lord OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 31

ASH 191 3. The Lord gives eyesight to the 1. I'll praise my maker while I've blind, breath, he calms and heals the troubled and when my voice is lost in death, mind, praise shall possess my noblest he sends the wounded conscience powers; peace; my days of praise are never past he helps the stranger in distress, while life and thought and being last the widow and the fatherless, or immortality endures. and grants the prisoner glad release. 2. Happy are those whose hopes rely on God the Lord, who made the sky, 4. I'll praise him while he lends me the earth, the sea, the night and day; breath, his truth forever stands secure, and when my voice is lost in death he keeps his promise to the poor, praise shall employ my noblest and none who seeks is turned away. powers; my days of praise are never past . while life and thought and being last or immortality endures. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 32

ASH 362 SCHOOL HYMN Then shall Thy sons and daughters, Grey City of the Outlaws' Hill say Grey city of the outlaws hill, As back to Thee they look with joy, Quick with the hope which makes Praise God who gave us there to sublime share, Still in Thy youth, thou dare'st to The freedom of his grand employ look Far on the centuries of time. Well springs of wisdom are in Thee; Born but to rule through service With harvests rich Thy hillsides given, sing; The ages all belong to Thee, Thou givest life, so mayest Thou be O may Thy life more humble grow For aye a City of our King. Through Him whose service makes us free. Though set upon a desert hill, May living waters rise in Thee; He who wept o'er Jerusalem, And from Thy children wider flow And yearned to turn the chastening The rivers of eternity. rod, Long in His steadfast love to build In Thee a city for our God. . OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 33

MHB 830 4 Now they reign in heav'nly glory, 1 Hark! the sound of holy voices, now they walk in golden light, chanting at the crystal sea: now they drink, as from a river, Alleluia, alleluia, holy bliss and infinite; alleluia, Lord, to thee: love and peace they taste for ever, multitude, which none can number, and all truth and knowledge see like the stars in glory stands, in the beatific vision clothed in white apparel, holding of the blessèd Trinity. palms of vict'ry in their hands. 2 Patriarch and holy prophet, 5 God of God, the one-begotten, who prepared the way of Christ, Light of Light, Emmanuel, king, apostle, saint, confessor, in whose body joined together martyr and evangelist, all the saints for ever dwell; saintly maiden, godly matron, pour upon us of thy fullness, widows who have watched in prayer, that we may for evermore joined in holy concert, singing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to the Lord of all, are there. truly worship and adore. 3 They have come from tribulation, and have washed their robes in blood, washed them in the blood of Jesus; tried they were, and firm they stood; gladly, Lord, with thee they suffered; gladly, Lord, with thee they died, and by death to life immortal they were born and glorified. OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 34

ASH 262 Time, like an ever-rolling stream O God, our help in ages past Bears all its sons away Our hope for years to come They fly, forgotten, as a dream Our shelter from the stormy blast Dies at the opening day And our eternal home Under the shadow of thy throne Oh God, our help in ages past Thy saints have dwelt secure Our hope for years to come Sufficient is thine arm alone Be thou' our guide while troubles last And our defense is sure And our eternal home Before the hills in order stood All Earth received her frame From everlasting thou' art God To endless years the same A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 35

Akora Delphine Oteng 1945 Akora Beatrice Berko 1946 Akora Kweku G Korsah 1947 Akora Margaret Agbodeka 1950 Akora Kwame Gyening 1951 36 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Joachim Tetteh-Lartey 1955 Akora Seth Twum 1956 Akora Eveline Glibertson 1956 Akora Olive Elike 1957 Akora Ben Foleson 1958 37 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Irene des Bordes 1958 Akora Peter Addae-Konadu 1959 Akora Veronica Wiredu 1960 Akora David Bampoe 1960 Akora Hannah Clerk 1960 38 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Ernestina Tiwaa Mensah 1960 Akora Albert Edward Timpo 1960 Akora Napoleon Adanse Bulley 1960 Akora Moses Dowuona 1961 Akora T B Dankwa 1961 39 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Emmanuel Atta Darko Akora Austin Nana-Atoo 1962 Akora Irismay Brown 1962 Akora Ruth Norvisi Hazel 1963 Akora Victoria MootsooLaryea 1963 40 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Nii Allotey Odunton 1966/67 Akora Kojo Sam Essah 1968 Akora Eudora Quartey Koranteng 1969 Akora Margaret Newman 1969 Akora Gladys A Otoo 1970 41 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Andrew Arde-Acquah 1970 Akora Peter Ofori de Graft Dickson 1971 Akora Helena Quist-Therson 1972 Akora Peter Michael Gbeho 1973 Akora Susan Chinery 1974 42 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Nana Yaa Agyeman 1977 Akora Frederick Thomas Adetola 1979 Akora Christian Kofi Mamattah 1982 Akora Pauline Essah Boohene 1982 Akora Valerie Naa Kai Addy 1989 43 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

Akora Elaine Kuukua Dei-Anang 1990 Akora Viscount Marg-Thomas 1997 Akora Ama Akoma-Oteng Yeboah 2008 Akora Philip Kwarteng 2021 OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 44

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 45 1958 Year Group 1960 Year Group 1961 Year Group 1962 Year Group 1963 Year Group 1969 Year Group 1973 Year Group 1974 Year Group 1979 Year Group 1982 Year Group 1989 Year Group Akora Janet Daniels Akora Gloria Cronje Family of Akora Nana Yaa Agyeman Family of Akora Margaret Solomon Family of Akora Kojo Essah Family of Akora Kweku Gyandoh Korsah Family of Akora Andrew Ayite Arde-Acquah Family of Akora Irene des Bordes Family of Akora Austin Nana-Atoo Family of Akora Edward Joseph Nii Allotey Odunton Family of Akora Beatrice Berko Donations in kind were also received from the following: 1956 Year Group OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022

NOTES OAA Memorial & Thanksgiving Service, 2022 46

Produced By OLD ACHIMOTAN ASSOCIATION P O BOX AH 203 ACHIMOTA SCHOOL TEL. +233 277203203 / +233 553398483 [email protected] [email protected]

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