David slapped himself in the forehead. \"I have no idea. What an idiot I am!\" \"Don't sweat it. We'll just wait here till the heroes come back up, and we'll find out from them. Surely they know.\" Ten minutes later the jubilant rescue party emerged from the undergrowth. They were able to tell the worried mother where her daughter was to be treated. She and David returned to their car as quickly as they could and charted a course to rendezvous with the prodigal daughter. Since they could not travel nearly as fast as the helicopter that flew in a straight line, the two arrived after Heather had already been examined. By the time they were permitted to see the new patient, she had been cleaned up and was wearing the traditional hospital garb. David stood back and watched the mother daughter reunion. It was a lovefest that brought him to the edge of tears again. When the thrill of celebration wore off slightly, Janet realized that David was lurking in the background. \"Come here, young man. I have an idea this girl would like to see you as much as she does me.\" He stepped forward shyly. \"How are you feeling, Heather?\" \"I haven't felt so much joy since my first book was accepted for publication. And my body has never been so stiff in my whole life. Have you ever tried sitting in the same position for seventy-two hours?\" \"Not even close.\" \"I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.\" David grinned. \"I'll take your word for it. Did you think anyone would ever show up?\" \"I had my doubts after the first day passed without any sign of help. Actually help did arrive before you did.\" She went on to describe her dreams and visions and the tangible presence which she still could not write off as a dream or hallucination. \"It was like Jesus was talking to me, but the voice wasn't audible.\" David nodded. \"I know exactly what you mean.\" He explained to Heather how they had known where to look. \"Wow. God really took care of me in this trial. Of course, if I wanted to be skeptical I could question why He didn't just keep my car on the road in the first place.\" \"If He had, would you have known that He had rescued you?\" She shook her head. \"Things worked out just fine the way they did. I have one major problem right now though.\" \"What's that?\" Janet asked. David noticed that Janet showed signs of worry again. He turned back to hear Heather's explanation. 151
\"I can't be the same as I was before the accident.\" \"Sure you can, honey. You'll heal up just fine.\" \"No, Mom. I'm not talking about physical stuff. I mean spiritually and intellectually. It would be impossible for me to go on writing my vampire books. The one I'm working on right now is totally out of the question. It's a total waste. My writing career might be over.\" \"Oh, don't get so discouraged. You can write a different genre, can't you?\" \"Maybe. Actually I can't see myself writing anything that doesn't bring glory to God. That will diminish my popularity quickly.\" David beamed. \"Good for you, Heather. Hopefully, some people will give your new material a shot because of who you are.\" \"I'll go from hero to zero in no time. You know that. You've been fighting against people like me and against a public who is usually apathetic about causes such as yours. But it's OK. I know God, and I don't need the approval of mankind.\" \"I'm proud of you, honey.\" \"Thanks, Mom. I owe you a few apologies for the way I've treated you.\" \"I won't argue with you there. I accept gracefully and gratefully. I think you owe David the same.\" \"I'll get around to telling David everything I want to say to him – later.\" Janet broke out in a grin. \"I hope you don't wait too long.\" \"I won't. By the way, there's another thing on my mind. It could sound crazy, but I think I need to do it.\" \"You've got my undivided attention. What in the world could be so crazy but so necessary?\" Janet asked. \"I think I need to apologize to my fans and to speak out against the dangers of the occult.\" \"Vampires included.\" Heather nodded. \"Wow, that's a pretty drastic step,\" David said. \"Are you sure you want to do that? You're going to invite a storm of criticism. You will be personally attacked and your character questioned.\" Heather grimaced. \"You should know. You've been living that nightmare. If you could have felt what I did while seeing the vision of innocent young girls taken to the doorstep of evil because of people like me, I don't think you'd question my reasons for doing this. I know I can't put Pandora back in the box, but I can send out warnings that some people might heed.\" 152
David took one of her hands in his. \"I hope you're braced for disappointment. Very few people are likely to listen to you. They won't listen to people who were actually involved in witchcraft and Satanic activity and the drinking of blood. Why should they listen to a mere novelist who repents of having glorified the enemy of God?\" \"I know that the results probably won't be overwhelming, but I have to do what's right no matter what the consequences or the results.\" David stroked her cheek. \"I could fall in love with an attitude like that.\" \"Good!\" \"Maybe I should leave you two young people alone,\" Janet said. \"No, Mom. There'll be time for us to talk alone later. I want you near me on this special night.\" David rapped his head with an open palm. \"Speaking of night, I need to decide what I'm going to do about work tomorrow.\" \"I really messed up your schedule, didn't I?\" Heather said. \"I'll live. I need to call my boss if I'm going to take another day of vacation.\" \"Maybe you should take off,\" Janet said. \"How will you and Heather get home?\" \"She needs to buy a new car, right?\" \"Obviously. Her's is scrap metal now.\" \"We'll buy a new car at the Cadillac dealership here. I see their ads on TV all the time.\" \"Mom, I don't want another Caddie. I want something more down to earth and less ostentatious.\" \"Fine. They also sell Chevy products. I always did like the name Malibu.\" Heather nodded. \"Sounds good to me. Surf's up dude. Go home and take care of business. I'll be in contact soon.\" \"You're sure?\" \"Positive, now give me a kiss or something and get on the road.\" David blushed. Obediently he bent down and placed a tender kiss on her cheek.\" Good bye, beautiful.\" \"Drive carefully, handsome. You don't want to end up like me.\" David grinned. \"You got that right.\" He gave Janet a big hug. \"Thank you so much for everything, David. I don't know how to thank you. Perhaps I could offer my daughter in marriage.\" \"Mom!\" 153
\"You're right. That wouldn't be enough payment.\" Heather smiled. \"David, you better leave while you're still a free man. This woman is ready to hogtie you and call the parson. I'm going to have a long talk with mother dear and educate her on how she should and shouldn't talk.\" He flipped a casual wave of his hand as he exited the room. Halfway down the hallway he began to laugh at the mother daughter comedy duo. It felt like they were family already. 154
Chapter 17 David got back into his normal routine without missing a beat. He ran into Chris at the rescue mission. The transformation of his friend was amazing. An almost palpable glow surrounded him. After giving him a big hug, David probed him with questions about his trip to Mozambique and listened with envy. \"You know, Chris, you should tell your story to a prayer warrior group I know.\" \"Which church?\" \"Not a church. A nursing home.\" Chris flashed a puzzled look. \"The staff at the nursing home?\" \"Not even. It's a grassroots organization of the residents. They pray up a storm. They'd love to hear your testimony I'm sure.\" \"Really? I thought people in a home had one foot in the grave.\" \"Some do. These people discovered that just because they're old doesn't mean that God can't use them. They might have one foot in the grave, but the other one is kicking the devil in the teeth.\" Chris laughed. \"I want to meet these people.\" \"How about tomorrow night?\" \"Perfect.\" *** Before David went to bed that night, he called Janet. She had driven Heather's new Malibu back to her house. Heather was staying with her for at least a couple of days. She was already asleep, so David didn't get a chance to say hi. \"Will you join us for supper tomorrow night?\" Janet asked. \"I have plans to take a friend to the Friday night prayer meeting at the nursing home.\" \"What time is that?\" \"Seven thirty.\" \"Why don't you come here and eat, and then we'll go with you to the home? That is if your girlfriend doesn't mind.\" \"Funny one, Janet. It's not a girl.\" \"Oh, I thought maybe it was that Cindy chick.\" David rolled his eyes. \"I've heard of jealous girlfriends, but I've never heard of jealous mothers of almost girlfriends. And you were going to invite her over so you could keep an eye on her?\" 155
Janet laughed. \"Know this, young man, I can't think of anything I'd rather do than decorate for your wedding. What is it going to take to make this happen?\" \"I need a word from God.\" \"I'll be praying that He gives you that word soon.\" \"I wish you wouldn't, but I can't stop you from praying the way you want to. In regards to dinner, I'll check with my friend and see if you should add one or two plates to the table.\" \"Excellent! I'll whip up something special.\" \"You always do.\" Janet cleared her throat. \"By the way, I've invited another guest over as well. I hope you don't mind sharing us.\" \"I believe the expression goes 'the more the merrier.' We'll be very merry tomorrow night.\" *** The next evening Chris and David showed up at Janet's house a little early. The other guest had not arrived. Chris introduced himself as Christian. It was his official name, but he had never used it until recently. The foursome sat in the living room and talked. When the mysterious stranger who was to share their supper had not arrived by a quarter past, Janet made the decision to proceed without her. \"She snoozes, and she loses. We can't wait any longer, or we'll be late for the prayer meeting.\" David helped Janet get the food on the table while Heather and Chris chatted about Africa at the dining room table. When they all were seated, Heather surprised her mother by asking to say the grace. A rousing 'Amen' gave closure to the prayer, followed by the gnashing of knives and forks. Five minutes into the meal, the doorbell rang. \"Ahh. Sounds like the better-late-than-never principle is being applied tonight,\" Janet said as she got up to answer the door. Chris continued to describe his exploits in Africa between bites of food. Heather was fascinated by his stories. He stopped right in midsentence and left his mouth hanging open. David looked around to see what could evoke such a response from his friend. Janet and her guest had entered behind David. The mysterious woman looked a lot like Chris's wife. By the shock on the previously animated man's face, it was evident this was indeed his spouse. 156
She stopped dead in her tracks. \"Nice try, Janet, but it won't work.\" The surprise on Janet's face almost matched that of Chris. \"What are you talking about?\" \"You're not going to get us back together!\" \"You're talking in riddles, Tess. Get who back together?\" \"Are you kidding me? Chris and I.\" \"Wait, hold on. What does Chris have to do with me?\" \"I thought Heather was the one who had the accident. Looks like you're the one who suffered the brain injury.\" She pointed at Chris. \"Did you know I was coming?\" \"No.\" He went back to eating. Janet slapped the side of her head. \"David brought him here. He didn't know you were coming. I didn't even realize it was your Chris. He introduced himself as Christian and gave no last name. He doesn't look like he did nine years ago. I didn't know. Really, I didn't.\" Her surprise turned to an obvious look of remorse. The emotional response on her part somehow calmed the anger of her friend. \"So this is just a cosmic coincidence?\" Tess asked. \"Looks like it,\" David said. \"In that case I'm not going to let anything stop me from enjoying that food, which has my olfactory senses tantalized.\" David stood up and helped her into her chair. \"Thank you very much. It's nice to see there's one gentleman here.\" David watched the color rise into his friend's cheeks. He wished he'd let the woman seat herself. The conversation was awkward the rest of the meal. David felt like someone had sprayed dry ice into the air and squelched all the warmth. He was not terribly sad to announce that he and Chris had to run. Janet escorted them to the door. \"I was going to have us all ride over together in Heather's new car, but under the circumstances, it appears you'd better take your own vehicle.\" David nodded. \"Good choice, Janet.\" The men made their exit. \"I'm not sure if I'll ever forgive you for this, Janet, but another piece of that pumpkin dessert will go a long way toward getting me over the hump.\" \"Heavens, Tess, take the whole dish home with you. Bring it back the next time you come over.\" \"When Chris is absent?\" 157
\"Well, of course. I might be slow, but not that slow. I'd never make that mistake again.\" \"Alright. In that case, you're forgiven. I'll hold off until later on the dessert – when I get depressed again.\" Heather broke in on the conversation. \"In that case, we should get going. We don't want to interrupt the prayer. I don't want David to worry about us.\" Tess clenched her teeth. \"David? Please don't tell me that David and Chris are going to the prayer meeting also.\" \"OK, I won't tell you.\" \"Heather!\" \"You told me not to tell you!\" \"Then I'm not going!\" \"Tess, come on!\" Janet said. \"He'll be on the other side of the room, probably. You won't need to even look at him. It's really important to Stan and his friends that staff members are interested in what they're doing. Besides, it's a great chance to have some intimacy with God. So don't miss out on this opportunity just because of your personal situation.\" Tess closed her eyes and bit down on her lip. \"I probably shouldn't do this, but what the heck. If he bothers me in any way, I'll probably do a number on him with my purse or any other available weapon.\" \"I hope you're kidding, or we really need to pray for you.\" \"Hey, of course, I'm kidding. I'm not stupid enough to assault my husband shortly before a divorce hearing.\" *** The three ladies arrived just before the prayer started. Since many of the participants were unable to stand, they did not form a prayer circle. Some were in wheelchairs. Others sat at a table. Chris and David stood near the wall. Tess took a chair so that her back faced Chris. After about thirty minutes into the session, Stan spoke up. \"I believe that the Lord has given me a word of wisdom for someone here. I have no clue who it is, but whoever it is intended for will. You're wrestling with a situation that is crucial to your future. You feel very strongly that you should do it your way, but God is saying that you need to do it His way. You know what you're going to do is wrong, but you have stayed the course. You've ignored the words of God which have come to you in the night and have vowed in your heart that you will not listen. Your attitude is causing you to stray from His path and to let your heart 158
grow cold. God is calling for you to turn back now to the husband of your youth.\" Tess began to weep. The gentle cries soon gave way to racking sobs. Gentle fingers descended upon her shoulders. She did not open her eyes to behold the owner of the hands. More people gathered behind her and a fervent prayer rose up that drowned the noise of her crying. She cried out in a loud voice, \"Lord, please forgive me!\" She crumpled to the floor and went to her knees. The hands on her shoulders never left. The praying stopped as Tess confessed all of the guilt she was feeling and repented of her desire to do a selfish thing. When she was spent, she turned to look at the person whose fingers had felt like the touch of God. \"Chris!\" She stood up with his help. \"I don't know quite what to say. Will you forgive me and take me back?\" \"Tess, I never let go of you in the first place. You're the only woman I've ever loved. You just don't let go of something like that because someone decides they'd rather ditch you.\" She buried herself in his arms. The group around her broke into spontaneous applause. When their lips met, there was a raucous celebration. David threaded through the crowd to congratulate Chris. He bumped into a body in the attempt. He turned to apologize and found himself looking into Cindy's baby blues. The apology died on his lips. \"That was really a touching moment, don't you think?\" she asked. \"Totally awesome. I'm so jazzed for both of them.\" \"The only thing better than finding love, is finding love that has been lost.\" He chewed on the words for a minute. \"That's a cool phrase. Can I quote it some time?\" \"Be my guest. I never had it copyrighted.\" David felt an arm on his. He turned and saw Janet. Heather stood next to her. \"Come help me congratulate the happy new couple, David. Just think, we were both instrumental in making this happen, even if we didn't try.\" David felt Cindy's eyes in his back as Janet led him away. The trio waited for other well wishers to depart before stepping up to the beaming couple. Tess gave Janet a big hug. \"I won't be needing those pumpkin bars now. When I need something sweet, I'll just taste a little honey.\" She jabbed Chris lightly with her elbow. 159
\"So this means you are forgiving me for not meddling, but in the process of not meddling I got involved in saving your marriage?\" Tess laughed, \"I'm not sure I followed that whole spiel, but you are forgiven. No, way beyond forgiven. I am grateful.\" \"I wish I could take credit for it. It's totally a God thing. I really didn't know Chris was your husband.\" \"Neither did I for too long. It is so strange. I felt compelled to go through with this divorce, like a force was driving me. And then when I'd get a notion I should give in, this wall just came up. It reminds me of how I resisted giving my life to Jesus in the first place.\" David nodded. \"Satan doesn't like marriage. He drives a wedge and then starts pounding on it to widen the division. And in the meantime, he makes us think that it's our decision to split up. And getting married is very similar in making a covenant with the Lord which allows us to be adopted into his family.\" \"Hey, how do you know so much about divorce? You've never even married,\" Chris said. \"I read lots of books, you know.\" Chris grinned. \"And I'm glad you do. I can't help but think my trip to Africa triggered the change of heart in Tess.\" \"And by the way, Chris, David's working on changing that single status,\" Janet said. \"No kidding! Who's the unlucky girl?\" David turned to check out Heather's reaction to that statement. His breath caught for a second. Cindy and Heather stood side by side both looking at him. David looked back. Everyone else was looking at the two girls. Chris threw up his hands. \"Don't hold out on me, old buddy. Which one is it?\" Cindy and Heather turned and looked at one another. Cindy then walked away. David felt torn between watching her go and looking at Heather. In the end he turned back to Chris. \"To paraphrase an old Mark Twain quote, the news of my capitulation to the fairer sex has been greatly exaggerated.\" \"I thought so. I just didn't sense you as being in love – at least with one woman.\" That phrase stuck in David's head. 'In love with one woman.' Was he in love with Heather or just answering a biological call? If Heather was not as pretty, would he even consider her? And where did Cindy fit into this? Ever since she started ignoring him, his interest in looking at her had increased exponentially. Why can't I get this sorted out in my head? 160
Why can't you stop worrying, like I told you? Oh, God. I did it again, didn't I? Why can't I trust you? David excused himself from the group and went to find some solitude. Stan got the group's attention. \"We're going to return to prayer here in a minute. I just wanted to announce a special TV broadcast featuring one of our guests here tonight. Heather Culebra is going to be featured on an interview she had with Holly Brubaker on the phone today. If you're able to stay up that late, that broadcast will be on at nine thirty. We will have a TV set up in here so you can all stay and watch if you want. Now let's give thanks for the miracle in the lives of Tess and Chris. Maybe God has more surprises in store this evening for us as we press in close to Him.\" Hardly anyone left when nine thirty rolled around. Everyone bunched up as close to the TV as they could get. \"Welcome to the Holly Brubaker Show. Well, folks, I have an exclusive for you tonight. Hordes of media personnel have been beating down Heather Culebra's door for a story on her life threatening accident. Heather has refused to speak to the public until now. She contacted me and offered me the monopoly on her story. No doubt others will spin their own take on this interview, but this is the only place you will hear it from the mouth of one of the world's most popular authors. We don't usually play recordings, but Heather only offered a telephone interview so let's roll the tape.\" \"Hi, everyone. This is Heather Culebra. I know that a lot of you were worried about me when I went missing. I thank you for your love and your prayers. Needless to say, what I went through was an adventure of a lifetime. I can promise you that my life will never be the same again. Some people might say that God put me in a position where I had to listen to Him. I don't know if He did or not, but I do know that I landed in that position. Not being able to talk to someone, watch TV, surf the Net, listen to music, exercise, or work sounds like a real drag. A week ago I would not have conceived that such a time could be profitable. But I'm here to tell you it was. I was almost unable to move for close to eighty hours. That's two full weeks for you working people with a nine to five job. Believe me, I had plenty of time to think. And I decided that the thinking I had done when I had full access to all the benefits of the world was stinking thinking. It became apparent to me that what most people cherish is of little worth and what many people disdain is of the highest worth. \"I saw stars that I never even imagined were there because I was away from the influence of worldly lights that blot out the 161
heavenly bodies. It became apparent to me that I had missed another heavenly body because of the lights of the world. God had become invisible to me because of the lure of success and fortune and fame. While I was away from the world for those three days and nights, I encountered God. And I heard God. I know some of you will think I was severely brain damaged as a result of the accident, but you're wrong. I've never been more lucid in my life. As a result I have made a decision. I will no longer be writing vampire stories or anything that even remotely related to the occult. In addition I want to go on record as saying I've arrived at the conclusion that entertainment is rife with the influence of the occult and that I was guilty of being an accomplice to one of the greatest snow jobs in world history. I helped lead people astray by filling their heads with notions of characters who perform abominable acts. At this point I feel guilty and ashamed. I wish I could reverse all of the damage that I have inflicted, but I can't. The only thing I have the power to do is to warn you now to flee from the influence of an evil that sneaks up on you and chains you to the wall with invisible bonds. You will think you're free, but it will be an illusion. I was living the lie. Been there, done that, and don't want you to do it. Please, don't tune me out, but do the research for yourself. Like a man who discovers an entire subculture world of the ants below our feet, you will find an unseen world in which the forces of good and evil battle for our minds and our souls. Do you want to dabble in the spiritual? Then seek God's power and might, not the devil's. \"I used to laugh at this stuff myself, so I know your initial reaction. A friend explained to me that the devil is preparing for the visible sighting of demons by numbing humans to the horrors of murder, drinking of blood, manipulation through witchcraft, bizarre behavior of all kind, and a spirit of fear. The analogy he used was the old frog in the boiling water trick. First very innocent things appear like beautiful and charming witches, cartoon characters like Pokeymon and books with cute, innocent teenagers like Harry Potter. Once you're hooked on that stuff, when the more heinous aspects show up, they don't freak you out because you're used to freaky things and people. Rock stars who bite heads off chickens and yell out 'hail Satan' become heroes to a generation of kids who have no clue about the alternative. Some of you are being led down to Hell, loving every minute of it and not realizing you are being controlled. The sound of Heather weeping was heard before she continued. \"I'm afraid my words are just so inadequate. They sound lame in my own ears. You have to see the light before you'll 162
truly recognize the darkness. Most of you are living in the twilight zone. I want so much for you to see the truth. I ask forgiveness from you for leading you astray. Please be careful what you expose your heart, mind, soul, and spirit to. Thank you for hearing me out.\" \"Heather, that was very touching. You've made a very radical change. You realize this could very possibly put an end to your writing career?\" \"Absolutely. I'm prepared to deal with that. What I've got now is more valuable and more stable. I do plan on writing some books that will expose the occult for what it truly is, but I have no illusions that I can capture the public with such literature.\" \"Well, we wish you the best of luck. It will be interesting to watch the reactions of the many people who read every vampire book and see every vampire movie they can. Thank you for sharing your heart and story with us.\" \"Thank you, Holly.\" There was a smattering of applause in the lunchroom when the interview ended. Several people went up to Heather to offer their support and congratulations. David stood by her mother and watched. He was distracted by the arrival of Florence. \"Janet, I've been thinking about you ever since you told us about your adoption.\" \"Why is that?\" \"I gave up my baby for adoption many years ago. The past has come back to haunt me. Ironically, my baby was born on the same day as you. I used to celebrate that birthday every year and wonder where my little girl ended up.\" \"Is there any chance that I'm your daughter?\" Florence shook her head. \"I wish I could claim you. I really do, but I didn't even grow up around here. I'm from Nebraska originally.\" Stan stepped up. \"Are you serious? I came from Nebraska too.\" \"What brought you here?\" \"A 1977 Cutlass.\" Florence laughed. \"I mean why did you move here?\" \"Winters.\" \"Well, we have something in common. I was feeling the ache in my bones every time the snow flew or the north wind blew.\" \"What town were you from?\" Stan asked. \"Norfolk.\" \"No way. That's where I was from!\" 163
\"I left there shortly aftefr I . . . uh . . . grew up and ended up in Kansas City.\" \"That's where I was born!\" Janet said. \"What?\" \"This is like a Twilight Zone moment. What a coincidence! You could be my mother.\" \"Honey, that's what I wondered the first time I heard about your adoption. I knew the odds were against it, but I felt something rise in my spirit.\" Janet shook her head. \"There's no way that you're my mother, though. You and I don't look anything alike.\" Florence studied Janet's face. \"Not now we don't. Old age distorts things. Let me get some pictures of me when I was younger and see what you think.\" Janet nodded and watched Florence push her walker toward the double doors that opened into the lunchroom. Her heart was knocking against her ribcage. This was crazy. She decided to lighten up the moment with a joke and turned to Stan. \"Think she'll make it back before breakfast tomorrow?\" \"Are you a betting lady?\" \"I've taken a wager or two in my day.\" \"I'll bet you a cookie that she's back before the clock strikes ten.\" \"How about a pumpkin bar?\" \"Better yet.\" \"You're on.\" Janet said. *** A girl who looked about fourteen walked up to Heather. \"Miss Culebra, I'm a big fan of yours, and it's a big honor talk to you. I'm a Christian, and I really don't see anything wrong with your books. I don't understand why you are quitting and why you are now fighting against this kind of books.\" \"That's a tough question. I've agonized over how I will answer this in the days ahead. I came up with an analogy. Suppose that someone started preaching that wearing green shoes was an abomination to God. You'd probably think they were a wacko and write them off. However, what if many people came up with the same thing? What if a lot of these objectors to green shoes were very well founded in Biblical principals and were not prone to overreacting or taking up personal agendas? Would that give me pause to think about it? If I really truly love Jesus and His Father and the Holy Spirit, would I risk hurting the ones I love in order to 164
wear green shoes – something that would cause me absolutely no pain to avoid? If I'm going to err, let me do it on the side of caution. I don't want to look into the eyes of Jesus and know that I added any suffering on top of what He went through at Calvary. Even though he forgives me, I don't want to go through eternity knowing I was a traitor to my savior.\" The girl's eyes saddened. \"I've never looked at it that way before. You're right. Nothing is worth risking that. If you're right, it's too late though. I've already done it.\" She began to weep. Heather swept her into her arms. \"Honey, it's never too late where God is concerned. If you tell Him you're sorry and ask Him to guard your heart, He will answer that prayer. And He will not remember what you've put under His feet and blood.\" *** At one minute before ten, Florence shuffled back into the room. \"I hope that pumpkin bar has some whipped cream on it,\" Stan said. Janet grinned. \"You had a lot of confidence in her, didn't you?\" \"She's a remarkable lady. And besides, her room is just down the hallway. She didn't have far to go.\" \"You rascal! You had insider information. David, did you know that?\" \"Huh?\" \"What world are you in, David? You've been standing there for several minutes and haven't said a word.\" \"Sorry. I've been deep in thought. And internal prayer.\" \"As long as you're thinking about my Heather, that's OK.\" \"In that case, I'm very OK.\" Janet beamed. \"That's the kind of talk I like to hear.\" Florence arrived and placed a small bag on the table. She dumped the contents and spread out some of the photos that were contained inside. Janet helped the older lady sit down and then took a seat next to her. She glanced back and saw that Stan had engaged David in earnest conversation. \"Here's me when I was about your age.\" Janet took the photo from her hand and examined it. \"I see a little resemblance, but it's not overwhelming. Is this man your husband?\" \"That it is.\" \"I don't look anything like him. I look more like Stan than I do that guy.\" She grinned. 165
Florence's eyes flickered and she swooned. Janet caught her. \"Are you alright?\" There was no answer. Stan and David approached the table. \"What's going on? Does she need some medical attention?\" Stan asked. \"I don't know. She just kind of collapsed. Luckily she fell in my direction.\" David positioned himself to help Janet support Florence's weight. Stan's face took on a strange expression. He bent down over the table and picked up one of the photos. Then he wheeled his chair away from the table faster than Janet had ever seen him move. \"What's up with that?\" she asked. David shrugged. \"He looked like he'd seen a ghost.\" In a minute, Stan returned with Cindy in tow. She sat down on the other side of Florence and took her arm. \"Her pulse is good. I'm wondering if she just fainted. There's been a lot of excitement around here tonight and she's up past her bedtime. It might have been too much for her.\" \"Can you revive her?\" Stan asked. \"I need to talk to her.\" Cindy took a napkin from the table and dipped it into a pitcher of cold water nearby. After she applied it to Florence's forehead, the woman stirred. \"What's going on here?\" Florence asked. \"You fainted. I think it's time you got to bed.\" \"I'm fine. I'm talking some important business with Janet here.\" \"Florence Isabel Henderson, you better obey your nurse!\" Stan said. \"How did you know my maiden name?\" \"Don't you faint again on me!\" He held out a picture of Florence when she was young. There was a young man in the picture with her. \"Maybe I should ask why you still have this photo of me?\" \"Oh, my God. You really are my Stan the Man.\" \"When did you suspect it?\" \"Just now when Janet said she looked more like you than she did my husband.\" \"Speaking of husbands, I heard that you married a guy named Johnson. But your name is now Brown.\" \"My first husband and I divorced. It was my second husband who passed away.\" Stan put his hand up to his head. \"You're not going to faint too, are you?\" David asked. 166
\"Nah. I'm just having some kind of déjà vu experience.\" \"So you guys knew each other before?\" Janet asked. \"But what does that have to with me looking like Stan? I don't get that part.\" \"This isn't easy for me to say,\" Stan said. He took a deep breath and blew it out. \"When you asked if we knew each other, I have to say yes – in more than one sense. We knew each other Biblically speaking, one time. Flo, after sixty some years I'm still sorry about that. Now I have to ask the question. Did you get pregnant as a result?\" A tear dropped from her eye. She nodded. \"Why didn't you tell me?\" \"Hello, mister, you had already married what's her face when I found out. There was nothing for me to do but move to Kansas City to live with an aunt until the baby arrived.\" \"I don't know what to say. I'm happy as a kid in a parade to find you on one hand and mad as Hades at you for not telling me about my daughter. If you didn't want to keep her, you could have given me a chance to raise her.\" \"I'm sorry, Stan. The thought never crossed my mind. I didn't want your new wife to find out about us and cause you problems.\" \"That was despicable!\" \"Stan, I was only twenty. I was doing what seemed like the best to me.\" Stan just shook his head and wheeled his chair away from the table toward the exit. They all stared at him. \"Can I go to my room now?\" Florence asked. \"Wait!\" Janet said. \"So Stan was the father of your daughter?\" Florence sniffed. \"Yeah.\" \"So if I really am your daughter, then I'm Stan's daughter too!\" \"That's true.\" Janet shook her head. \"This is too much for me. I need to go home and digest all of this. In the morning, I'm going to try to contact the authorities in Kansas City and find out for sure.\" \"Tomorrow's Saturday,\" David said. \"Rats. I'll have to wait until Monday.\" \"You'll need to be patient. It might take a while to track down the information.\" Janet nodded. \"I've waited for a long time. A few more days isn't going to kill me. Would you get Heather for me? I'm not feeling so good.\" David went to fetch Heather. When they returned, Heather helped Janet get up. Cindy started to get Florence up. David 167
looked at the two ladies and knew he needed to help one of them. He made a split second decision and grabbed one of Florence's arms and helped Cindy get her to her feet. \"David, will you call me when you get home?\" Heather asked. \"Sure.\" \"OK. Mom and I are out of here.\" \"I'm going to help Florence to her room. If you want to wait until I get back, I can walk you guys to your car.\" \"That's OK. We'll be fine. I don't want to delay any longer. Talk to you later.\" \"Yeah.\" With Cindy on one side and himself on the other, David made the slow journey to Florence's room. He helped seat Florence on her bed and then turned to go. \"David, thank you so much for the assistance.\" He turned and looked into Cindy's face. \"My pleasure.\" \"You really are a sweetheart. Heather is a lucky girl.\" David nodded and then bolted from the room. \"Cindy, I can't help but notice that you're sweet on that guy,\" Florence said. \"Makes no difference.\" \"What kind of foolishness is that? If you love the guy, it makes a difference.\" Cindy shook her head. \"Not if he loves another woman.\" \"Rubbish. If he really was in love with Heather, he would have been with her all night. I think he's going through a real tough time of deciding what he wants. He gives me the impression of a man torn by indecision.\" \"Florence, I told God several weeks ago that I was putting my love for David on the altar. You know like Abraham did with his son Isaac. If God wants my love to live, He needs to take it off the altar, not me.\" Florence smiled. \"I guess you have someone better than me giving you advice then. You do what you feel the Lord wants you to do, and you'll be just fine. Maybe he has someone even better than David just waiting in the wings for you.\" \"If that's true, I'm ready for him to come on stage any minute.\" Florence chuckled. \"Now get me to bed, please. I have to do a little wrestling with God myself. By the way, I really appreciate you taking care of me when you're off duty like this. You really are a sweetheart yourself.\" 168
*** Instead of returning to his car, David walked to Stan's room. The old man was staring at the wall. David hadn't seen him look like this since the time he had delivered the message from God to him. \"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be spending time in the presence of a lovely girl, one who may be my granddaughter? This blows my mind! I thought I was all alone in the world. If this is true, then Heather is my grandkid. And if you marry her and have kids, they'd be my great-grandkids. This whole thing is just too overwhelming for an old codger like me.\" \"I can imagine. I'm having a hard time keeping my balance these days and my life is tame compared to what you discovered tonight. You never told me you had sex with the girl you let get away from you.\" \"I did leave out that little detail. I was so ashamed. She was totally embarrassed. To tell you the truth, it was that sexual encounter that ended my dream. We lost our virginity, but we lost something even more important as a result, each other.\" David bit a finger. \"I shouldn't have to point this out to you, but it looks like God has miraculously provided you both with a second chance. What's to prevent you from being married now and if Janet is your daughter, you have her in your life as well?\" \"Nothing except my anger. I'm ticked off at her because she never told me.\" \"Stan, you've provided me with your wisdom since we've become friends. I've come to trust your insight, and I've seen others benefit from it. But in this situation, I think you're out in left field or maybe out of the ballpark itself. It is your choice to get mad or not. It is also your choice whether to forgive. If you choose that path, then I'm sure this will have a happy ending. If not, you might go back to being the grumpy old man.\" \"My head knows that. As soon as the knowledge gets down to my heart, I'll be fine. I need a couple of days to mull this over and get in touch with feelings that I thought were long dead.\" \"You know where to find me if you need to talk. I'm here for you, Stan.\" \"I have a hypothetical question for you. If Heather is my granddaughter and you are married, would you call me grandpa?\" \"I'd be proud to call you grandfather.\" Stan smiled. \"I'd like that. Just don't call me gramps. Now get out of here and let an old man get some beauty sleep. Heaven knows I need it.\" 169
*** As David drove home, thoughts of how his life had been turned upside down in the past few weeks competed with his focus on the road ahead of him. He was thankful to arrive home where he could totally focus on his situation. In a way, he felt like he'd been thrown into a washing machine and was being agitated beyond description. \"Father in Heaven, I hate this. I'm the kind of guy who wants everything to be perfect. When I wake up in the morning, I want to know what I'm going to do and have everything just drop into place the way I've planned it. This turbulence is shaking me out of my comfort zone. Maybe that's Your plan. Maybe I've made an idol of life without problems. Could it be that like the rain that caresses the earth, you send problems to fall upon us to cause us to grow?\" It dawned on him that he had promised to call Heather. \"Maybe I'm so unsettled inside because I refuse to just surrender to this longing I have for Heather. I had the excuse previously that she was not a Christian and so it was out of the question for us to be married. Now that is no longer a barrier, but something is holding me back.\" Do you trust me? \"Lord, there is no one else I can trust.\" With your words you demonstrate your trust. Now do so with your heart. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then all things will be added unto you. \"I know that scripture, Lord. But I just can't figure out how that applies in this situation.\" You want to choose the love of your life. With your lips you have said that you want Me to choose for you. I choose Me. Come into My presence and love Me. In doing so you will find what you seek. David blinked. Are these words really coming from God or is this my imagination running wild on the prairies of my mind? There is only one way to find out. He picked up the phone and called Janet's number. Heather answered on the first ring. \"You must have been sitting next to the phone.\" Heather laughed. \"No, I had it in my hand. I'm so glad you called.\" \"Listen, can I call you back in a few minutes. I need to spend some quality time with the Lord before we get into deep matters.\" \"I can hardly say no to that request. I'll be up for a while. I'm in my room, so the phone won't wake my mom. Call when you get 170
done talking with management. I know now how important it is to talk things over with your Heavenly father.\" \"Thanks for understanding, Heather. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.\" \"I'd like to say take your time, but my selfish side wants you to call immediately.\" \"I understand exactly what you're saying. I'm trying to make sure my selfish side isn't dictating the path of my future.\" \"Understood. Bye for now, David.\" She hung up the phone. David pondered the possible gamut of thoughts going through Heather's head when it dawned on him that he was not doing what he had purposed in his heart. He got down on his knees by his bed. \"Father in Heaven, please forgive me for being distracted so much the last few weeks. I know that I have failed to enter into the inner courts, much less the holy of holies. I come now seeking Your face and giving You the love and attention you deserve. I pray that You remove all human distractions from me so I might concentrate on You and that I might honor You in a way You find pleasing. I worship You right now my Father. I praise You. I ask You to let me enter the holy of holies right now in the name of Jesus Christ by the blood of the lamb. Forgive me, Father, for putting the focus of my life on me – again. I want to go where You lead me. Lord, let me take up my cross and follow You. Help me to quit spending my time and my energy building myself up in my own eyes. You must be the lifter of my head. I love You!\" David remained on his knees alternately pouring out his heart and listening to the voice of the Spirit respond to the love. *** After Heather hung up the phone, she pondered the events that had taken place since her rescue. Life had been good, but she realized that nothing she had experienced had surpassed those moments spent alone with God. Since her return to civilization, she had engaged in group prayer and some solitary prayer, but she had not communed with the Lord since her confinement. I'm letting the busyness and business of the world interfere with my relationship with God. Every day I get further from that wonderful experience. I can't let it slip away from me like that. I need to learn how to spend quality time with God even when I'm not a captive audience. She placed the phone on top of the bed and knelt down beside it. \"God, I want what I had in the car. I want You to love on me again and let me return that love. I don't want my life to return 171
to the mediocre shallowness and pettiness again. Please wrap me in Your arms and hold me like an earthly father cuddles his toddler daughter.\" After several minutes of telling God what was in her heart, Heather fell silent. In the intervening moments she had thoughts go through her head that seemed like conversation from the mouth of the God she sought. One of the many things He brought to her mind was her relationship with Hercules. She felt impressed that she needed to be honest with David concerning her sexual history. It was possible she could lose him as a result, but she knew she needed to be obedient to the Spirit which had spoken in that small still voice to her. She finished up her time of devotion just before the phone rang. \"David, before we even get started, I want you to know one thing. Actually two things. Number one is that I love you. Secondly, since I do love you, I have to tell you that I have been sexually active. I'm not pure, though I wish with all my heart I could tell you that I am. Maybe you've slipped in that area despite your super Christian reputation, so you'll be able to relate and we'll be on even terms.\" \"No, Heather. I'm still a virgin.\" \"I was afraid, literally, of that. You probably are not going to want damaged goods.\" \"To be perfectly honest, Heather, I should have thought of this sooner. Obviously a woman of your position and beauty was going to allow Mother Nature to dictate your behavior if God's presence was not there to dissuade you. I know lots of Christians who have wanted to remain pure who have caved in to the desires of their bodies. I can relate to the longing for satiation. In fact you gave me that longing more than anyone else in my life.\" \"I'm sorry. I was totally out of line.\" \"I won't argue with you. Of course, since you didn't know the Lord at that time, you really had a valid excuse. If God didn't exist or hadn't doled out commandments instructing us how to deal with our sexuality, there would be no reason for men and women to be faithful to each other. People would be free to just have relations with anyone they wanted. Love would be only a word. The terms commitment and sacrifice would not even be uttered. People would live just like the animals although I think even some animals have a dedication to their partners that rivals that of humans. In any case, you lived in that world. Now you've come to live in a God dominated world where the rules are different. But I really can't judge you based on how you broke rules that weren't your rules at the time.\" 172
\"David, I understand where you can be forgiving because I really didn't know what I was doing. However, that doesn't change the fact that I've lain with other men and I will never be totally yours as a result. I regret that mightily but I can't change it.\" \"Hold on a second. God does say that you will be pure as the driven snow when the blood of the lamb is applied to your life. You perhaps cannot regain your virginity, but you will be made pure.\" Heather wept quietly into the phone. \"Thank you for that reminder. Does that come from the Bible?\" \"Yes. From Isaiah.\" \"I don't know Isaiah from Peter. There is so much I need to learn.\" \"I can teach you.\" \"That would be wonderful. I'd like that. Now I have to tell you about my fantasy romance with you while I was trapped in my car.\" She explained in detail her thoughts at that time and the feelings she had when he showed up as the rescuer. She considered it a sign from God. \"That's very flattering. I was really happy that I could be there for your rescue. However, there is one thing that I need to say that is very important, so please listen carefully. There was something else in your books that people have told me about that bothers me besides the vampire aspect.\" \"Really? You mean there is something else I need to repent of?\" \"I think so. It seems that your characters would fall in love with a vampire and have this obsession that the only person in the world who would satisfy them was the vampire. So despite the nature of the beast your heroine or hero chose to continue to love and almost worship the vampire.\" \"That criticism has been brought up. I didn't buy it at the time, but I'm listening now. Are you saying that was wrong?\" \"Even if they were not vampires, it would have been wrong. To think that we cannot be happy without a certain person in our lives is an abomination to God. He is supposed to be the source for our joy. A spouse is just gravy on top of the potatoes, cinnamon on the rice pudding, the frosting on the cake.\" \"The whipped cream on the pumpkin pie.\" \"Exactly. So we need to get our love from God and have Him meet our needs. That frees us up to have a healthy relationship with our spouse because we're not eternally sucking each other dry. Does that make sense?\" 173
\"I've not personally experienced that, but I've seen that in movies where the people are so needy that they are always taking and never giving.\" \"Bingo. Anyway, you can't change your books, but it is important that you understand that concept. If I was to become your spouse, you still need to be a branch connected to Jesus Christ who is the vine. He must supply the water of life – not me.\" \"So are you saying that I was out of line in fantasizing about our being together?\" \"Pretty much. I know selfish love is the prevailing standard among people today. I don't know how much Hollywood is at fault for that situation, but we have this belief that we can't be happy without a certain beauty queen or hunk at our side that is out of our reach. Unfortunately, that person we fantasize about does not exist. The real person will only be a shadow of the imagined, and the expectations will only lead to disillusion later. You need to read the book Two Fleas and No Dog.\" \"Two Fleas and No Dog? Are you serious, David?\" \"Yep. There are several other books out on male-female relationships that are worth exploring as well. One of the things the author of that two fleas book points out is that couples who pray together rarely get divorced whereas the rest of the Christian marriages break up at the same rate as secular marriages.\" \"Then I better plan on praying with my spouse, whoever he is.\" \"And that's another Bingo.\" \"Shall we pray together?\" Heather asked. \"I need to get into practice.\" \"Don't we all?\" They prayed together over the phone until it was time to hang up. David went to sleep that night feeling like his world had quit spinning out of control. The voice that rang in his ears as he drifted off reminded him that he needed to not try to endure until the storms of life passed, but rather learn to dance in the rain. 174
Chapter 18 On Saturday Heather called David to tell him that she and her mother were going back to Heather's house. She was going to put it up for sale and arrange to have all of her things sold or put into storage. \"Will you be back for church tomorrow?\" \"Nope. I hope you'll manage without us.\" \"Maybe I'll see if I can take Stan to church. I just need to figure out if I can get the wheelchair in my vehicle.\" \"Good idea. It would be good to get him out of that home for a while, not that it isn't a great place. Everyone needs to get a little variety in their life.\" \"How's your mom doing?\" \"As Elvis used to sing, 'she's all shook up.' I think the trip will be good for her as well. Until she gets proof that Stan and Florence are her parents, she needs to be occupied with stuff that will take her mind off all that.\" \"Give her my love and have a good trip.\" \"Will do, thanks. Send Stan my love as well.\" \"Roger that. Did you get a Grace William CD to play in the car during your travel?\" \"I did. Looking forward to finding out why you are so fond of it. Well, I hate to rush off on you like this, but Mom's ready to go and work awaits us.\" \"Bye. Love you.\" \"Love you too, David. Adios.\" David heard those last words ring in his ears all morning long. It felt so good to have someone of the opposite sex tell him that she loved him. He arrived at the home just before eleven A.M. When he got to Stan's room, he found out that he was not alone. If he had known Cindy was present, he might not have showed himself in the doorway, but it was too late. Both Cindy and Stan had seen him. \"Well, what are you doing standing out in the hallway? Get your butt in here and be sociable.\" \"Yes, sir.\" David entered the room. \"Hi, Cindy.\" \"Hi, David. Well, I better run off. I don't want to interfere with your business.\" \"You don't have to run off on his account, Cindy,\" Stan said. \"We have a lot of time to talk together alone. It won't hurt to share 175
me with a beautiful girl. I don't get many of those to come visit me, you know.\" Cindy blushed. \"I'd better call the optometrists and have them pay you a call.\" \"Are they beautiful too?\" \"You're so funny. I meant that your eyesight is definitely impaired if you mistake me for a beautiful woman.\" \"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I think you're beautiful. I could ask for David to back me up on this, but I might embarrass him to death, and I can't afford to lose any more friends.\" David blushed. \"It would embarrass me if I had the opposite opinion, but for a change I wouldn't argue with you on this one.\" Cindy lowered her eyes. \"You guys are both embarrassing me. I'm trying not to need to be outwardly beautiful. I want to have the Lord make me beautiful on the inside and then that beauty will spill to the outside – not for my benefit but that the Lord will be glorified.\" \"Can you believe this girl, David? She's a saint. If you don't marry my prospective granddaughter, you better snatch up this prize – before some other lucky guy steals her heart.\" David looked at Cindy. Their eyes met. Stan held his tongue as the two gazed. Cindy stood up quickly. \"I really need to go. My lunch break is just about over. Stan, you take care of yourself now.\" \"I thought that's why I paid you folks the big bucks here, to take care of me.\" Cindy laughed. \"You know what I mean. I'll see you again.\" \"I hope so.\" Cindy left without saying goodbye to David. He couldn't bring himself to say anything either. \"I'm dead serious about that girl. She is a gem.\" \"Yes, I know. Now speaking of females, where's your head at today concerning Florence?\" \"So you're going to pick up right where Cindy left off.\" \"She was bending your ear about Florence?\" \"Big time. She said that Flo was crying as she went to bed and crying again this morning when she saw her. I think our running into each other has opened up old wounds.\" \"Maybe they needed to be opened up so they could be healed. Maybe you both let them fester and just slapped a Band- Aid on them and expected them to be all better. That's not the way life works.\" \"Let me put it this way, David. What am I supposed to do? I'm a crippled old man living in a nursing home. Do you have any 176
bright ideas of how I can recapture my youth and the love of that youth?\" \"Calm down. I know this is a frustrating position for you to be in. And yes, I just got an idea from the Lord about this. I need to pray for you. But first of all, you need to forgive anybody who has ever hurt you in your lifetime.\" \"Sheesh. With over eighty years of accumulation, that list is pretty long.\" \"I meant you need to forgive those whom you have not forgiven in the past. Hopefully that will narrow the list. The key here is that you really forgive and not just offer lip service. You need to release the person and release the pain. And I think that Florence is the first person involved.\" \"And if I don't?\" \"Then you won't be healed.\" \"Healed of what, David? Are you talking about a few emotional owies here or what?\" \"The Lord said you will walk out of this room if you forgive.\" A stunned look came over Stan's face. \"That would be worthy of my best effort. I just hope I can remember them all.\" David walked over and closed the door. For the next thirty minutes, Stan voiced his forgiveness for everyone that he could think of. When he reached the end of the list, David placed his hands on Stan's head. \"In the name of Jesus I command the bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons to function as they were designed. I command any dysfunctional body parts to regenerate a new one. In the name of Jesus Christ get up and walk.\" \"I feel something hot in my lower extremities. That's weird.\" \"That's good. Healing is often accompanied by heat. I read a book by a guy named Gary Oates that talks about him watching angels touching people with fire when they are prayed over for healing. That is what causes the heat. It sounds like you've been touched by an angel.\" \"If that's true, then what am I waiting for?\" \"I don't know. I hope you're not waiting for me to pick you up.\" Stan laughed. \"You don't think I'd entrust my body in your arms?\" \"Not if you're sane. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ get up and walk.\" He held out a hand to Stan. Stan grabbed David's hand and rose from his chair. With David still grasping his arm, Stan walked to the door. \"Unbelievable! He healed me.\" \"I noticed.\" \"Why aren't you excited?\" 177
\"Stan, I am. I'm just not surprised. Jesus said those who follow Him would heal the sick and cast out demons.\" \"I'm glad you didn't mention making the demons walk. That might have gotten a little too personal.\" David laughed. \"And now with this healing, you can truly be the standup comedian you've wanted to be. You know, you're the one who should be excited. Instead you're just standing around cracking jokes.\" \"Believe me, I'm really excited on the inside. It just takes a while to make it to the outside. Besides, I'm afraid it will go away if I get too cocky.\" \"Are you ready to go cross country walking?\" \"Are you serious?\" \"Not really cross country which would be 3000 miles in our case. I meant a long journey down to Florence's room.\" \"You're pushing me, aren't you?\" \"I suggested you walk.\" Stan grimaced. \"The pun strikes again. I meant you're trying to force me to talk to Florence. Maybe I should. However, since my muscles are way out of practice, I suggest you literally push me down there in my wheelchair while you're figuratively pushing. Then I can surprise Florence by getting up and walking to her side.\" \"You have a deal.\" David retrieved the wheelchair and loaded Stan in it. \"I hope this wasn't a one time wonder healing and I fall flat on my face and get egg all over it when we get there.\" \"That makes two of us. Let's go\" When the two men arrived at Florence's room, they discovered it was empty. \"She probably has gone to the lunchroom already,\" Stan said. \"Oh, that's right. It's lunchtime. In this case, you'll get to walk in front of everybody.\" \"Why do I get the idea you're just showing me off like a trained monkey.\" \"Maybe they'll throw us some bananas.\" \"And maybe I'll peel one and put it under your shoe.\" David laughed. \"I should have prayed over your mean streak as well as your physical handicap.\" He pushed the chair into the lunchroom and spotted the table where Florence was seated. He rolled Stan to within ten feet of the table and then stopped. He walked around to the front of the chair and held out his hand again. In doing so he noticed that Florence was watching them. 178
\"Take your hand away, sonny. I can handle this myself.\" He stood up again and shakily proceeded to Florence's table. Her eyes bugged out. \"You old faker. You made me believe you couldn't walk.\" \"Until ten minutes ago I couldn't. The power of prayer at work. I should have done this sixty some years ago. Will you marry me, Florence Isabel Henderson?\" \"You don't waste any time do you?\" \"Can't afford to. Don't have much time left.\" \"How can I say no? I wondered so many times over the past years what life would have been like if you had married me instead of the prom queen. Time to find out. Stan the Man becomes Stan my Man.\" Cindy walked up behind them. \"You can walk. Can you hug?\" Stan gave Cindy a big hug, and the residents who were watching cheered. Florence cleared her throat. \"I'm not going to have to worry about you running off with a pretty young nurse, will I?\" \"I don't think so. I can walk again, but running is out of the question. So you'll be safe.\" \"Does that mean that your running off at the mouth will cease as well?\" Stan made an expression of mock horror. \"Oh, out of the question. That thing is on autopilot.\" \"Good. I like to hear you. Maybe prayer can free me up from my walker, too? Was David the miracle worker?\" \"Yes, he was, but I'm sure he'll give God the credit for it.\" \"Good. I'll let the two of them work on that later. Are you going to sit down and eat lunch with me? My table mate won't be here today. In fact, she won't be back at all. She died last night.\" \"Oh, my. That's too bad.\" \"That happens a lot here at the home. I'm thinking I'd like to be back in my own place again. Do you think you can swing that?\" Stan looked at David. \"What are you looking at me for? You're a grown man. Maybe you were thinking of moving in with her parents?\" Stan clenched his fist and waved it in David's direction. \"That does it, you young whippersnapper. We're moving out of here. We can make house payments for a year for what they charge us to live here for a month so financially it's no problem. We'll need some help from time to time.\" \"I'll be glad to help you.\" David turned around and saw the speaker was Cindy. \"And so would I.\" 179
\"It's settled. David, you can start helping right now by getting the newspaper out in the TV room and bringing me the real estate section.\" \"Your wish is my command.\" \"Funny, you don't look genieish.\" David rolled his head up toward the ceiling before departing on his mission of mercy. Cindy had left the lunchroom by that time and was walking directly ahead of him. He thought about hurrying to catch up with her, but fought back the urge. After leaving the paper with Stan, David left to take care of other business. He promised to return later in the afternoon. His offer to drive them around looking at houses was enthusiastically accepted. *** Heather surveyed her home. It was tough trying to figure out what items she wanted to keep and which to sell. Some of her belongings were like children to her. She decided to move all the things that should be sold into the garage. She knew she needed help for that. It didn't take a great deal of thought before Hercules popped into her head as the perfect candidate. The only problem was that he had told her to take her job and shove it in the past. Did he still feel that way? Only one way to find out. She grabbed her cell phone and punched the speed dial button for his phone. Thankfully she hadn't erased it. \"Hercules, Heather here.\" \"I know. I read it on my caller ID.\" \"Sure. Anyway, I know this is spur of the moment and all, but I thought maybe I could hire you to help me move some furniture. I'm putting the house up for sale.\" \"No, you can't hire me to haul furniture.\" \"Oh, you're still mad, aren't you?\" \"Not! I will be your desk jockey for the day but you can't pay me. It will be a favor. Friends do that you know.\" \"Really? That would be awesome.\" \"I'll be over in a few minutes. I wanted to talk to you anyway, so this works out really good.\" After hanging up, Heather discussed his last comment with her mother. \"Maybe he wants to come back to work as my bodyguard.\" \"Would you take him back?\" \"Mom. I'm not going to need a bodyguard anymore. I'm an ex- celebrity. And I won't have the big bucks rolling in anymore.\" 180
\"I guess that makes sense.\" Hercules stood on the front doorstep fifteen minutes later. Heather couldn't help notice the smell of his cologne as she invited him in. The scent brought back vivid memories. And those memories caused her pangs of guilt. She led him out into the garage. \"There's nothing out here to carry.\" \"I know. We'll be carrying the stuff into the garage, but first I wanted to apologize to you.\" \"For the abortion argument? No need to apologize.\" \"No, I was talking about our sexual activity. I wanted you to forgive me for messing around with you when we weren't married.\" \"You really have been touched by God, haven't you?\" \"Yeah. And I feel terrible about taking advantage of you like I did.\" \"I wasn't exactly complaining, Heather. I've never enjoyed anything more in my life.\" Heather thought for a moment. It had been awesome, but she had never given it more thought than she did about most other things and people. \"There is one thing I'm curious about. Why did you get so emotionally involved in that abortion thing? You realize that if we hadn't argued over that, we never would have fought and I never would have gotten into the car that fateful night to escape. And God wouldn't have shanghaied my attention.\" \"Fair enough. When my mother got pregnant, she wasn't married. She was pressured to get an abortion by various parties involved, but she decided at the last minute not to go through with an abortion. That baby she spared was me. I can't help but relate to those poor little ones whose future is crushed like a grape under the foot of an elephant because someone doesn't want the hassle of carrying a baby around inside her for nine months and losing her breakfast a few times.\" \"So you're a pro-life proponent?\" \"Even more so now. It just torques me off bigtime that people defend the right to kill babies, and then condemn people who want to fight to save them. It's crazy? The people who are off fighting to save the whales and save the trees are also fighting to let abortion mills stay open. It makes no sense to me.\" \"I never thought much of the whole thing. I didn't have time to get involved in politics.\" \"Politics? It's no more politics than sports. Murder is not something like voters deciding whether to build a new swimming pool or congressmen deciding to build a dam somewhere.\" 181
\"Calm down, Hercules. I'm not the enemy – anymore that is. My outlook on life has been altered drastically.\" \"I listened to your taped interview. I could sense you had really changed and weren't just trying a new publicity stunt.\" Heather smacked her forehead. \"Speaking of publicity, I forgot to return my publicist's calls. She left a hundred messages for me. That was before the interview though. She no doubt has no plans to continue in my employ. In fact, she's kind of a slippery character anyway. I wouldn't want her working for me. You said you wanted to talk to me about something.\" Hercules went red. \"Yeah, I . . . ah . . . wanted you to know that as a result of your accident and stuff, I went in search of my spiritual roots. I was what most people call a backslidden Christian. Not anymore.\" \"You've given it up entirely?\" \"Just the opposite. I talked to your David when you were missing. He told me a lot of stuff. He even sent me a link to a YouTube video of a guy named Kirk Martin who reminded me of me. I actually hooked up with Kirk, and he told me his story personally. Anyway, to give you the Reader's Digest version of the story, I went up to rededicate my life to the Lord on Wednesday night.\" Heather beamed. \"Hercules, I'm so happy for you. So our argument ended up working out for our good.\" \"Romans 8:28.\" \"What?\" \"Romans 8:28 says that all things work to the good of one who loves God and is called according to His purpose.\" \"That's beautiful.\" \"Yes, it is.\" \"Was that all you had to say?\" \"Ah . . .\" Heather's phone rang. She looked down at the display. \"Excuse me just a second.\" He nodded. \"David, what's up? Did you miss me?\" \"I think I have a customer for some of your furniture. When is your sale?\" \"Really! Awesome. Next weekend.\" \"Can you take pictures of the stuff to show to my . . . ah . . . clients?\" \"Sure. I can use my phone. I'll email them to you tonight.\" \"Great. I'll get back to you on them tomorrow night then. I gotta go.\" \"OK. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. Love you. Bye.\" 182
David hung up the phone without saying goodbye. Or that he loved her. She frowned. \"Is something the matter?\" She shook her head. \"Nah. Let's get to work. Oh, were you going to say something else to me?\" \"Forget it.\" \"OK. Let's see if those muscles of yours still work.\" *** David pulled up at the nursing home that afternoon. He saw Stan and Florence sitting in the lobby as he approached the front door. Looks like they're ready to buy a house. When he got inside, he found out Cindy was also sitting with them. \"Are you guys ready to rock and roll?\" \"At our age we just rock,\" Stan said. \"In a rocking chair.\" David smiled. \"I set you up for that one.\" \"You're Dickey Smothers and I'm Tommie.\" \"Huh?\" \"Forget it. You young people don't know much about the world we lived in. Let's go. By the way, is it OK if Cindy comes with us? We'd like her feedback on these places. We've picked out half a dozen to take a look at.\" \"Fine. Good thing I cleaned out the car. Cindy, if you can help Florence, I'll make sure Stan doesn't decide to kiss the turf with his ugly mug.\" \"Don't forget, sonny. I'm the comedian here.\" Cindy grinned at David as she helped Florence stand up. When they got to the car, David realized a small dilemma. \"Are we riding with all men in the front and women in the back?\" \"I want to sit with Flo,\" Stan said. \"I figured so. In the back with you then.\" He opened the back door for Stan and helped him in. He then ran around and got the other back door open for Flo. When she was tucked safely inside, David opened the front passenger door for Cindy. \"Why thank you, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar.\" \"And there's not many of us left.\" \"I thought they were extinct – to tell you the truth.\" The first five houses turned out to be disappointing. Cindy let out a big \"wow\" when they saw the sixth place. \"And there's an open house. We can check out the inside of this one without getting a real estate agent to help.\" \"Cool. Let's go,\" Stan said. 183
David was the one who was wowed when they entered the building. He and Cindy alternated pointing out the wonderful features of the house. When they had seen everything, David asked the older couple what they thought. \"It's too new fashioned for my tastes,\" Flo said. \"And it's too big for us.\" \"I think she hit the nail right on the sweet spot,\" Stan said. \"I love this house! I can't believe you guys don't too,\" Cindy said. David nodded. \"Yeah. I thought it was great. But you guys are the one that have to choose. We're just along for the ride.\" As they traversed the driveway to their car, David got an idea. \"How about we go over to my house and have some hot cocoa or something.\" \"I could use something hot to drink,\" Flo said. Stan grinned. \"I never pass up a freebie.\" \"Cindy? Do you have time?\" \"I really should clean my apartment and do some laundry.\" \"Oh.\" \"But that stuff can wait. If you have marshmallows, count me in.\" \"Since Rice Krispie treats are my favorite snack, I always have marshmallows.\" \"Me too! I love mine with peanut butter in them.\" \"The only way to make them. OK, we have a unanimous vote. We're having a cocoa party.\" When they got the old folks tucked inside and safely seated on the couch, Cindy went with David to make the cocoa. \"This is so exciting!\" Cindy said. \"My hot cocoa isn't all that special.\" \"I was talking about house shopping with Stan and Flo. It's been a blast, except for the part that they don't like any of the houses.\" \"I think that the most important thing is that they have each other. Where they live will be a secondary thing.\" \"Definitely.\" When everything was ready, they carried out the cocoa and some cookies. \"I really like your living room, David. This has a lot of charm, not unlike myself,\" Stan said. \"You're a legend in your own mind.\" \"I'm glad you have him pegged,\" Flo said. \"But he's right about the house. I wish one of those houses for sale had been like this one.\" 184
\"You've only seen a little bit of it.\" \"So give us the grand tour after we snack,\" Stan said. \"Fine. But my house isn't on the market.\" \"What if I made you an offer you can't refuse?\" \"Seriously? I guess I'm not that attached to the place.\" After eating, the pair got their grand tour. And they loved the rest of the house too. \"David, my boy, we want this house. Figure how much it's worth, and we'll pay you cash, Maybe you could buy that house we just looked at. You seemed to really like it,\" Stan said. David reeled a little. The prospect of moving hadn't occurred to him. Once again his world was turning a little too fast for him. He did like that house. On the way back to the home, Stan suggested that David take another look at the dream house. \"We'll just stay in the car while you check it out. We can do some talking together. If Cindy goes in with you, we can be alone for the first time in a long time.\" \"I'd love to see the house again anyway,\" Cindy said When the two returned to the car, they caught the old folks smooching. David looked up at Cindy and grinned. \"These two better buy a marriage permit before they purchase a house.\" \"I think you're right, as usual.\" David dropped the other three off at the home and then returned to his own residence. He drove by the other house just for another glance. He had almost decided to take the plunge. It was too big for just him, but if he got married, it would have room for a growing family. *** While Hercules was off picking up some Chinese for the three of them, Heather carried a couple of small boxes out to the garage. After placing them by the door, she turned to go back in the house. A hooded figure loomed up between her and the door causing her to scream. The noise of her fright was drowned out by the intruder pushing the button for the garage door opener. She tried to flee under the door before it closed, but the man grabbed her arm and pulled her backward. And then he flashed a knife in her vision. \"Make any noise and the fat lady will sing at your funeral.\" \"What do you want?\" \"A piece of you.\" \"You mean you're going to rape me?\" 185
\"I hadn't thought about that. I just thought I'd carve you up a little. You know, redecorate your face so you're not so pretty. Cause lots of bleeding and lick up the blood that you donate.\" \"Why?\" \"You are Heather Culebra.\" \"So what if I am?\" \"You've been badmouthing me.\" \"I don't even know you.\" \"You don't know me personally, but you know people like me.\" \"Like what? Males? People who wear hooded sweatshirts? Perverts?\" \"I gave you a clue earlier. I mentioned licking your blood.\" \"You're claiming to be a vampire?\" \"I'm not claiming. I am a vampire.\" \"Are you going to kill me?\" \"I'm thirsty. If I kill you, I'll only get to drink once. If I keep you alive, I can drop in and visit you from time to time and get my Vitamin B.\" The door from the house opened up. \"Heather, food's here.\" Heather managed to take advantage of the surprise caused by the voice of Hercules to pull away from her assailant and yell for help. She didn't have to make an official request. Hercules leaped over the step toward the assailant. The garage door that had kept Heather a prisoner was now preventing the intruder from escaping. \"Stay away from me fat boy. In case you hadn't noticed I have an Arkansas toothpick in my hand.\" \"I'm going to make you eat it.\" \"Hercules, maybe you should just open the garage door and let the rat out.\" \"Heather, do you want him to visit again when I 'm not here? Or do you want him to visit other innocent girls?\" Heather shook her head. \"Take him.\" He circled around the knife wielder. The man lashed out a couple of times, but Hercules nimbly avoided the blade. On the third pass, Hercules grabbed the man's arm and pulled. The man screamed as the knife fell to the cement floor. Hercules kicked it toward Heather. In two seconds Hercules was putting all 300 pounds of his weight on the man's chest. \"Don't kill him, Herc.\" \"You better call the cops now. I don't know how much longer my pillow is going to hold out.\" 186
Heather scampered into the house and called 911. After posing a few questions, the police relieved them of their unwanted guest and his knife. Heather broke down after the danger was long past. Hercules held her in his arms until she stopped crying. \"You saved my life, well, at least my blood, according to him.\" \"That's what bodyguards do.\" \"But you're not on my nickel anymore.\" \"Whenever you're around me, I'm your bodyguard.\" \"OK. I hope the bodyguard union doesn't object to you giving your services away.\" *** After a personal worship session but no direction from God concerning the house, David fell asleep. He awoke in the night and went to the bathroom. He realized that he'd had a dream shortly before waking. A song that his dad had used to sing had somehow interjected itself into his dreams. He tried to recall the words. \"I wish I was an apple a hanging on a tree and every time that Cindy passed, she'd take a bite of me. Get along home, Cindy, Cindy get along home.\" I haven't heard that song in years. Dreams are so weird. When he awoke in the morning, the words to another song were going through his head. I must have dreamed that song too. That's from an old 45 that my parents owned. How did that one go? He started to sing and the words came back to him. \"I joined the navy to see the world, but nowhere could I find. A girl as sweet as Cindy, the girl I left behind.\" What's up with all the Cindy songs? Am I losing it? I share a little hot cocoa with her and now I'm dreaming her name. 187
Chapter 19 He picked up his Bible and opened it up. He was just about to turn to where he left off with his daily study, when he felt prompted to check out the page he was on. His eyes focused on Psalms 77:6. \"I call to remembrance my song in the night. I commune with mine own heart and my spirit make diligent search.\" \"Lord, are You trying to tell me something? Hello? Are You trying to drive me crazy – and it really is more than a short putt? This is so frustrating. Sometimes You talk to me directly and other times You're like the Riddler. It is so hard to figure You out.\" David went for a walk in the fresh, cool air. The invigorating exercise and weather only made him feel more alive and less in control of himself. He felt like he was on a runaway roller coaster. Or perhaps clinging to a log barreling down the rapids of a treacherous river was more appropriate. When he went inside, he peered at the clock. It might be too early, but he couldn't wait any longer. He dialed the number and tried to still his thumping heart. \"Good morning, this is David. I know this is entirely out of left field and you're probably not ready to take such a step. Also it's not very romantic, but here's the deal. I'd like to ask you to marry me.\" There was silence on the other. \"Are you serious? Absolutely serious?\" \"Yeah.\" \"I really can't think of anything I'd rather do.\" David blew out a heavy sigh. \"Cool. Then we're engaged?\" \"I guess so. Did you have a ring?\" \"A ring? No, except the one around my bathtub. I probably should get one of those, huh?\" \"Most girls really do like to have one to show off to all their friends.\" David grimaced. \"You have to excuse me. This is my first proposal.\" \"And I hope you're last.\" \"Me too. I'll get a ring. Catch you later. Oh, yeah, I love you!\" \"I love you too, David\". He hung up the phone. He was going to be late for church if he didn't hurry. *** 188
Heather and Janet listened to Grace Williams on the way back to Janet's when Heather wasn't gushing over her engagement. \"When is he going to buy a ring?\" Janet asked. \"He's going shopping. I'm in no hurry. You have to admit this was a very hasty proposal.\" \"I guess. I didn't see it coming. I was so preoccupied with the soap opera of my adoption that maybe I missed some signs.\" \"I think it is so cool that you were able to get someone in Kansas City to confirm your mother's identity. I'm actually going to have a grandma.\" \"And a grandpa. Stan might never have been married to my mother, but he is still my father. And I loved the old man before I even knew who he was.\" \"He is a cool dude, for an old guy.\" \"Heather, watch your tongue. Some day you'll be old too. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it.\" \"I know, Mom. I was just joking.\" \"Can't you tell vampire jokes, instead of old folks jokes?\" \"That severely limits my subject matter, but I'll try.\" They pulled into the home and hurried to Florence's room. Not only was Florence not there, but the room was empty. \"Oh, my God. Empty rooms in a nursing home often mean the resident passed away. How cruel would that be to lose my mother just as I found her?\" \"Chill out, mom. Maybe she switched rooms.\" \"Or maybe she bolted and abandoned me one more time. That would be even more painful than her dying.\" \"Let's quit surmising what happened and go ask Stan. He'll know.\" They maneuvered the hallways until they got to Stan's room. \"It was totally empty too.\" \"What the 'h' 'e' double toothpicks is going on here?\" Janet asked. \"I need to sit down.\" She collapsed on the chair nearby. \"Let me call David. He'll know where they are unless they've eloped or something.\" \"I never thought about that. But how does a guy in a wheelchair elope?\" \"Good question. This is crazy.\" She dialed her cell phone. \"David, we're at the home right now. We can't find Stan and Florence! Their rooms are totally empty! Their clothes and pictures are gone.\" \"I never dreamed you'd go to the home first. Tell your mom not to worry. I was just going to surprise you a little. Actually you'll 189
be surprised a lot because there's something about Stan we haven't told you.\" \"OK. We're on our way to your house.\" Heather flipped her phone shut. \"Let's go, Mom. I've located them. They're with David.\" \"Why did they move out of the home?\" \"Mom, I don't know any more than you. Just put a cork in your question bottle until we see them. OK?\" \"Fine. I'm not very happy about this.\" When the two arrived at David's house, they discovered Stan and Florence sitting on the couch nursing hot cocoa. Janet didn't even take her coat off. \"OK, everyone, would you mind letting me in on the secrets?\" Stan got up from the coach and walked over to her and gave her a hug. \"David, is this one of the surprises you mentioned?\" Heather asked. \"Yes, Heather.\" \"You're right. I am surprised a lot. Mom can't even talk. What else is going on?\" \"Florence and I are engaged to be married. We'll be going to that altar that eluded us years ago a week from Saturday.\" \"Oh, my. This engagement thing seems to be contagious,\" Janet said. \"I wish I could get in on the action.\" \"Your time will come, Mom\". \"You've been saying that for a year. Now all you people have surprises for us. I have a surprise for you.\" \"Spill the beans, kiddo,\" Stan said. \"I was able to confirm in Kansas City that you are my mother and father.\" Stan shook his head. \"Kansas City couldn't confirm I'm the father because they didn't know.\" \"OK, you're right. But you told us the story, so we know.\" Florence got up and walked to her and Heather. \"You're walking without one of those contraptions?\" \"Yes, Janet. Both your father and I have been healed of our physical problems. Now we're working on other areas that need healing.\" \"How did that come about?\" They both pointed at David. \"I should have known. You are the best almost son-in-law in the world.\" \"I'll give you just fifty years to quit talking like that.\" \"I hope I have another fifty years to talk. That'll make me almost as old as Stan,\" Janet said. 190
Stan coughed. \"I better get this straight right now before this goes any further. I am the official comedian of this family.\" Everyone laughed. David put a hand on Heather's arm. \"Could I see you out in the kitchen for a minute?\" \"Sure.\" When they arrived in the kitchen, David pulled a ring out of his pocket. Heather's eyes sparkled. \"Oh, it's beautiful.\" David smiled. \"So you like it?\"' \"Absolutely. When are you going to officially present it?\" \"We're having a little party to announce it for all the guests. It'll be a surprise. I haven't told Stan or Flo yet. Don't you say a word, please.\" \"Mum's the word. And Mom's the one we need to worry about. Maybe I shouldn't have told her yet, but I couldn't keep it a secret. When's the party? When do I get to see the mystery house?\" David looked at his watch. \"About half an hour.\" \"I can't wait.\" He gave her a big hug. \"I love you. Let's go back and join the rest.\" A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. David discovered Hercules on the doorstep. \"We have your furniture.\" \"Cool. Why don't you follow me over? Heather, can you take your grandparents?\" \"My pleasure.\" \"If we could get some of the furniture loaded ASAP, the party will be more comfortable,\" David said. \"Hercules will get the job done.\" The troupe paraded over to David's new house. David directed traffic as Hercules and his helper moved a couch and love seat into the living room. Heather told them where to put it while David carried in some chairs from the dining room set. Janet kept looking over the man helping Hercules. She finally pulled Hercules aside. \"Sorry to bother you big boy, but is that guy married?\" Hercules shook his head and went back to work. Janet went to the bathroom to freshen her makeup. Three more couples from David's church arrived. The catered food was being placed on the table when Chris, Tess, and Cindy showed up for the party. 191
As soon as they walked in the door, David tinkled a glass and got everyone's attention. \"I'd like to welcome you to this little party. We have some great food and fun planned, but I think we need to get the important business out of the way. Hercules, you can finish unloading the rest of the furniture when the party is over.\" Hercules saluted. \"Now I'd like the guests of honor to stand up and share their news.\" Flo and Stan stood up. \"About sixty-five years ago, I put the ring on a young girl's finger. It should have been Florence here, but it wasn't. Tonight I get it right. Florence and I are being married in less than two weeks. We've purchased David's house, and Florence will officially move in after the wedding. I'm staying with David there now. Thank you very much!\" Everyone applauded. David held up his hand. \"And now I'd like to present my own fiancée.\" He looked over at Stan. The poor man's eyes were threatening to come out of the sockets. \"Honey, come here and kneel beside me for prayer.\" His fiancée knelt beside him. \"Father in Heaven, we come to You on this joyous occasion and just pour out our hearts to You in gratitude for all You have done and will do for us. We thank You for the gift of love and the gift of Your Son. We ask a blessing on everyone gathered here tonight, especially the ones being married. I ask now for a special blessing upon my wife to be.\" He put his hands upon her head. \"I pray that You equip me and guide me with Your spirit to be the man that Cindy deserves. May this household be a place of peace and love and may all visitors be blessed by an abundance of the Holy Spirit. May no harsh word ever be spoken by either one of us as we serve God and each other. In the name of Jesus. Amen.\" He took the ring out of his pocket. \"Just to make this much more romantic and official, Cindy Barlowe, will you marry me?\" \"With all my heart, I accept your ring and your proposal. May God grant me the grace to be the wife that you deserve.\" The two embraced as the audience applauded again. \"I'm now turning the program over to Heather,\" David said. \"Thank you everyone. This is such an exciting evening. I'd like to add to the festivities. Next week my mother, Hercules, and I are all going to be baptized. And now it's my turn to present my fiancé. Hercules.\" The big man walked up and stood by the woman he dwarfed. 192
Heather put her arm in his. \"I have a funny story to tell you. This is just a little sample of how God works in mysterious ways and how He must have a sense of humor and a flair for drama. Hercules popped the question the other night right after he had saved my life. I turned him down at first. If I had accepted then, I would have suspected that I did it from gratitude for him facing a knife to save me. You see my plan and also the plot of my mother was to lasso David. I was in a quandary. I went to my knees in prayer. I got the direction that Hercules was the man that God wanted me to marry. So now, I had a new dilemma. I had to tell David and break his heart. Little did I know that he had already proposed to Cindy, and he was worrying that he was going to break my heart.\" \"He wasn't worried about my heart,\" Janet said. \"That's not true Janet,\" David said. \"I love you.\" \"I still love you, too.\" \"Can I have the podium back, Mom?\" \"Go for it.\" \"So I called David and hemmed and hawed until I got the courage to tell him. He was relieved and so was I. The best part of all that is God had confirmed the choice for both of us. We aren't just taking a blind leap into the unknown. We are leaping into the hands of One we trust. We realize that if we build our lives upon the rock, no storm will wash away our foundation.\" 193
Other Books by Donald James Parker 2007 All the Voices of the Wind 2008 The Bulldog Compact Reforming the Potter's Clay All the Stillness of the Wind All the Fury of the Wind More Than Dust in the Wind Angels of Interstate 29 2009 Love Waits Homeless Like Me 2010 Silver Wind Coming in 2011 Silver Wind II – join Peter and his friends as the quest continues to allow the Holy Spirit to govern the reservation. The Prodigal Daughter 2010 – a retelling of the prodigal son story with a female perspective and a modern setting. Will the Real Christianity Pretty Please Stand Up – a non fiction book which probes the fibre of Christianity. Demons and Dungeons – a novel depicting the undercover work of demons on Earth in the 21st Century. Love Internet Style – a novel look at dating and marriage via the Internet.
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