Trade Report
ObjectiveIncrease sales and brand awareness.This is achieved by creating campaigns for different product ranges and then bidding on relevantkeywords with the objective of winning the headline banner which is shown at the top of thepage or sponsored products which are shown directly underneath the banner. (see exampleslides).It was decided that would be an ideal category to start with due to being relaunched earlier thisyear with stronger messaging and campaign support.I created a TNS store page where relevant campaigns can link too when a customer clicks on theheadline banner. Feel free to visit the store by using the URL below:The first campaigns went live on 2nd October and so far 13 Headline and 15 Sponsored campaignshave been launched. Early results suggest that this project will take a while to achieve the desiredresults due to the tweaking and optimisation required for each campaign. I’m confident thoughthat we can get positive results over the coming months.
We have won the search term “Frying pan” and ourheadline banner is being displayed. Here is an example of a “winning” impression where one of our products is displayed at the top of the search results page
Browse by Category Our CampaignOption banner Click through Brand Promise directly to products
ObjectiveTo update online content for Cast Iron to help increase sales and to inform our customers of the benefits andversatility of our products.Below is a list of key areas which were updated:Images: Older images removed and new additional images sourced and uploaded and standardised so each Skuhas the same look and feel.Selling copy: Marketing team created new selling copy highlighting the versatility of cast iron.Snippet Selling Copy: Additional sentence of selling copy added.Size Guide: Size guide provided to help customers make a better informed choice.Care of Use: Care of use documents provided for online customers.I intend to carry out this exercise for all product ranges as I believe there is real potential for further onlinegrowth. Please see some key information below showing online performance from this year.
Images now have a standard look andfeel which helps them appear morepremium.
More Lifestyle imageswere sourced andloaded for every colourin the range. Olderlifestyle images wereremoved.
The New Snippettext.New selling copylayout, includingeasy to read bulletpoints.Example of the moredetailed selling copyexplaining thebenefits of theproduct in detail.
ObjectiveTo ensure consistency in the representation of the brand for the consumer when shopping online.Increase sales by ensuring the product content is as enriched and up to date as possible. This isachieved by providing all essential information in one download pack for our customers.This includes:Logo's and BannersCare & Use DocumentsCast Iron Size GuideCookware ImagesGuidelines and Recommendations DocumentLogo and Brand GuidelinesProduct Guarantee InfoProduct selling copyWeights and Measurements
Guidelines and Recommendations DocumentThe Online Guidelines document has been created to help our customers represent the brand in thebest possible way.The aim is to provide our customers with some minimum online standards and also some ideas forthem to consider when selling through their online shop.The document is predominantly aimed towards our small to medium businesses but will also be usefulfor our larger customers so they are aware of our expectations.
The VM Pack contains everything the customer requires if launching a newwebsite or looking to make some changes and improvements.The VM pack will be updated as and when new material becomes available.Please ensure that you share this pack with your customers. If you don’t wishto send everything then maybe provide them with the Guideline andRecommendation document as this would be useful to them. If you wouldlike anything else added then please let me know, any feedback is mostwelcome.
Cook@ Group ObjectiveDuring a meeting earlier in the year the topic of Social media was raised. The group’s objectivewas to get more involved in this particular area and they really wanted to engage more with theircustomers.Social networking was something that was fairly difficult to get into and they requested oursupport in providing them with some material for them to use.It was agreed with Digital Marketing that they would provide two social media posts each monthand these could be sent to our customers.The images and text will be provided for our customers in the correct format for Facebook,Instagram and Twitter (ready for loading). Essentially, the images are in the right size and the textconforms with any restrictions. The customer is able to upload straight away which saves themvaluable time.The customer is free to amend the text if they wish, maybe insert a link directly to a productwithin their own webstore for example.Generally the content will be based on Recipes, Tips, Campaign news and New products etc.…It is another way for our Brand to gain exposure and grow and I hope this support will be usefulfor them going forward. There are plans to share this with our Field customers too.
NEW Marine stylish stonewarecookware CafetiereNew Dutch Baby 3-ply Stainless SteelPancake recipe rangeGrilling Tip
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