Lose Weight at Home Reclaiming Your Power with Time Management Guide and Workbook
© Copyright 2022 West Bridge Creatives. All rights reserved. It is not legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited. ISBN- E-Book ISBN: First Edition, First Printing
Table of Contents Introduction PART ONE: Get Out of Your Own Way i. Reflection Questions Chapter One: Time Management i. Reflection Questions ii. What Are My Priorities? iii. Self-Reflection Questions Chapter Two: Priorities Chapter Three: Action Plan Chapter Four: Food is for Fuel Chapter Five: Fitness Technology i. Smart Watch ii. Smart Body Scale Part Two: Are you Ready to Lose Weight? Chapter Six: Burn that Shite /SHīt/ Chapter Seven: Protein is Bodylicious Acknowledgements Bibliography About the Author
Preface Here I am, it has been almost two years since I decided to take power over my fitness journey. I spent the pandemic year of 2020 focused on me, pure self-care all while balancing my life as a wife and new mother all over again. I want other individuals, especially mothers everywhere to know that it is possible to achieve your goals. First, and foremost women and mothers are freaking unicorns! We can conquer the unexplainable. No, but seriously, by making time a priority, you can accomplish anything you want. In this case, losing your desired weight by increasing your fitness awareness. Forget the old you, today starts now. I spent too much of my “time” examining myself and reflecting on what I once looked like. The truth is our bodies are constantly changing and that’s okay. I began focusing less on the past so that I could live in the present. I put more of that energy on finding a solution to be become a better me. I know what you’re thinking. “That’s easy to say”. Just the thought of trying to lose weight can bring on tons of anxiety because knowing where to start and how to start can truly be a challenge. Once you’ve mastered your plan, the rest is history. Often, we get in our own way and psych ourselves out, on why we simply “can’t”. I am here to tell you, by managing your time, you can achieve your fitness goals.
Introduction When you hear weight loss and exercise, it can be quite discouraging. There are so many myths, and crash diets that are just a waste of mental anguish. The goal isn’t to just lose temporary water weight. Burn the fat and lose inches. Trim the waistline and feel good. Slimming your waistline decreases your chances of heart disease and diabetes. Losing control of your midsection can lead to more dangerous fat called “visceral” which can begin to form around your organs. Many individuals including I have felt the feelings of failure, when really, we either lack the time or have the inability to commit to a specific schedule or routine. For some, exercise feels like a job, with added pressure. For others, it can be a time to getaway for some self-care all while completing fitness goals. According to a study via time.com, out of 40 women, aged 22-49 whether an avid exerciser or not, all the women wanted the same thing out of life; “To have meaningful connections with others, to feel relaxed and free of pressure during their leisure time and to accomplish the goals they’d set for themselves, whether in their personal lives, their careers or simply their daily to-do lists”. Fitness and exercise may be defined and appear to us all differently. As much as one can try to be motivated, it isn’t easy to get into a routine that fits into a busy schedule. I had to find a way to make exercise fun again
while completing my goals. The last thing I wanted to feel, was my trips to the gym were in vain. I was 7 months postpartum from baby number 2 and needed to kick my fat burn into overdrive, if I wanted real results. When the global pandemic of twenty-twenty hit the world, it was shocking to say the least. Most non-essential establishments were forced to shut down, including gyms and fitness centers. When one is dependent on a place of peace and therapeutic joy, and it's then stripped away, you're left figuring out what to do next. I decided to utilize what I had, which meant working out in the comfort of my own home. With the world taking a hiatus from in-person meetups to virtual interaction, much inspiration began to surface, including virtual workouts and trainers. Life hits us with unexpected turns or delays constantly and it's easy to get discouraged and lose hope wondering if your goals will ever see light of day. I’ve been heavily active my entire life, slim, athletic body. By the time I graduated college, I had picked up that “freshman fifteen” that put me right where I needed to be, so I thought. At the time, I had no clue. I was young, eating semi-healthy, but eating whatever I wanted, because I knew that youth was on my side. When I think back to those times, I realized my diet consisted of high sodium meals and not enough fitness mixed with hormonal changing birth control. My slim body Swain, Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management
began to slowly gain lbs. and before I knew it, I had added fifty lbs. to my almost 5’7 frame. I felt slower and my breaths became heavier. I had to make a change. I decided that I wasn’t going to be content anymore. Don’t just make time for the things you want but make time for the things you need if health and fitness is a priority. I’m no doctor or trainer. I’m a determined individual who was ready to get back in shape the right way. I needed to use my time effectely time by making a realistic plan. I’m now going to break down the steps of how I got started and getting the weight off. Nothing comes easy and neither does the results you want. It takes a plan and sacrifice. No quick diets, no tummy teas, just pure hard work, sweat and time management. iii
Swain, Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management
Part One
PART ONE: Get Out of Your Own Way Sacrifice is getting out of your own way to accomplish your goals. For you, that may look like giving up a favorite food, changing your food choices around family and friends or getting up a tad earlier to incorporate a planned exercise. When something is important to you, communicate it to your support system. The goal is to stop putting other events or agendas before your needs. Implement it into your daily schedule or routine; otherwise, it’ll feel more of a task that you’re trying to squeeze in; and quite frankly, there is no motivation in that. Try typing up an adequate and realistic plan for yourself and hang it up in the kitchen in plain view. When it's time to eat, it'll be less motivating grabbing junk food when you have a healthy menu staring you in your face. It may seem tedious, but the more prepared you are, the better attitude you’ll have going into this. I had some tough days, but it is all about a system, a plan, a routine. I wanted to lose weight and feel my best again. I was tired of having inconsistencies. Something had to be done.
Often, we find excuses and reasonings for why we can’t or won’t try something new or anything at all. That eventually turns in to discouraged feelings. We live in a world full of body imaging of what is and what isn’t perfect. It’s hard not to want to compare yourself to the next person or wonder what the next individual is doing right now when all we are surrounded by is in the moment events. Get rid of distractions and find like-minded people, virtual rooms, and classes. Surround yourself and daily interactions with those who push and motivate you to complete your goals. We all need support, it’s all about having the right group of people around you. However, it’s up you to keep that self-motivation going when it’s time to get up and no one is in your ear with a reminder besides an electronic device. Working out at home is not the easiest when that’s where every distraction may lie. That is the point of time management to make achieving your fitness goals possible especially at home. I know, it’s easier said than done, to tell you to organize your time, when fifty nine percent of Americans already struggle to do so. On average, an American has only 5 hours a day and some only 4 hours and 26 min a/week! You’re probably sitting there like “Yup sounds about right”! So, if this is the case. What are you waiting for?! Take one of your free hours and create a plan on how you are going to reclaim your power and time. Swain, Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management
Part One: Refection Do You Consider Yourself an Organized Individual? Currently, What Tools or Techniques Do You Use to Effectively Manage Your Time?
Chapter One
Chapter One: Time Management This now leads me into time management. Focus on what is important to you and create open opportunity around it. If you want real results, then you must make time a priority. Usually, that's our biggest downfall. Not adequately managing self-care needs such exercise. Managing your time or Time management means setting clear and direct priorities for yourself and achieving those goals. Yes, you, yourself. Time is limited and can get filled up quick with unnecessary or wasted events, whether minor or not. Use any few minutes you have during waiting periods to get minor business done. This will begin to open more time to allow an activity like exercise become a priority. When you manage your time, it forces you to take responsibility and face your priorities head on. Time management means you know exactly what your wants and needs are which leads you into the choices you make to complete them. With twenty-four hours in a day, where does of all that time go? Many times, it goes to wasted activities, that make you feel like you’re being productive. You’ll need to eliminate them altogether or put a time limit on those activities. Stop multitasking and focus on your top priorities in hierarchy of ABC. Your highest prioritized activities should be based around when your energy is boosted with your lowest during moments you feel a bit more depleted. Time
management is evaluating my priorities, which are forever changing. I’ve dealt with time management my entire adolescence growing up an athlete. I never realized how important it was until I became an adult and had to share my hours with other human beings who depend on me. It’s hard to squeeze in time for self-care, let alone a consistent workout to achieve your goals. Honestly the way life moves, time waits for no one. Make your fitness goals a priority. Now that you have read and conquered the art of time management, it’s time to apply the tools and kick your fitness goals into overdrive. Get out of your own way and be the best version of yourself! The time is now! Use it wisely. Get organized and manage your time so nothing or none gets in your way. Be in control of you and your priorities. 3
Chapter One Reflection What are Barriers in your Life to Effective Management? List them here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Example: Do you spend too much time talking to negative people? Are you easily distracted? Do you lack self-discipline and motivation? I tend to other people’s needs before I do myself. I take on too much responsibility. I never have enough time and time runs out on me. I try to multi-task but never seem to finish everything
According to a study on Time Management from INC.com, individuals can waste up to 21.8 hours per week on tasks or activities that have low or no value at all.
Track How Your Time Is Being Used
Chapter Two
Chapter Two: Priorities Make your goals priority, designate a goal, and make it timebound, so that you may home in and focus. For instance, those who run in marathons or perform in concerts train and exercise. You want to be the best and have the results to show for it, then you must do what makes you feel uncomfortable. When you work out, having a direction is key. Too often, I have spent money on spontaneous fitness classes. Although they are a great form of self-care, being consistent and attempting to leave the house and driving to the gym just didn’t work for me; especially, having little ones at home. The thought of leaving gave me anxiety. I felt I needed to do all my mommy duties as I raced out the door. That left me with rushed gym conditioning and uncompleted goals. Time is money. The more time you spend on an area unnecessarily, you are now cutting into time that you could be spending doing something else that may generate money. Hence time is money. Juggling life for myself, as a wife, and mother become quite overwhelming. It felt like I was always running out of minutes in a day. Give yourself a realistic and attainable timeline to complete your goals. Swain, Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management
“I want to lose ____ lbs. or ____body fat % by___ (time frame/date) Using the S.M.A.R.T objectives can give you direction on starting your plan. Be specific about your goals, making them high level with measurable and attainable results. Don’t hesitate to create objectives that produce milestones to help you better achieve your goals. Your goals must be realistic and be time-bound. Why create the same goals repeatedly? Focus in on one goal at a time and check it off! Life is long, don’t rush your goals to see quick results. The best results are long lasting. Be S.M.A.R.T with your Goals S=Specific M= Measurable A= Attainable or Achievable R= Relevant or Realistic T= Timeline or Time-bound 3
Check Your Priorities Example: Wants/Needs: “I Want to Lose At Least 40 Lbs. To Decrease My Blood Pressure and Improve My Overall Fitness Health. I Want to Complete This by My Birthday”. Choices: Yes, My Time Is Open Due to Work from Home and Virtual Meetings. Changes: Less social media, Better Planning, Revaluate My Eating Habits Such as Sugar. Reflection Choices: What Much I Change to Make My Needs and Wants Happen? Time: How Much Time Do I Need and How Much Time Can I Dedicate to Completing My Goals?
Changes: What Are Three Ways I Would Like to Change About How I Spend My Time? How Aware Am I Of My Priorities and Needs? How Much Am I Am Choosing or Taking Initiative On? Am I Be Proactive or Am I Letting Time Pass Me By? 7
Now that you have thought about your priorities, it’s time to set them motion. For you to set your action plan into motion, you want to evaluate possible factors that may be causing you to inhibit action on your fitness goals. Many times, we are set in our ways or are resistant to change because we don’t feel a sense of urgency. That feeling usually comes for a milestone or life event, such as fitting into a wedding or birthday dress, or perhaps attending your class reunion. Find out what your action limiters are.
Try stepping outside of your comfort zone, this causes a breakthrough within yourself which many people feel uncomfortable doing. When breakthroughs happen, you begin to identify and be aware of your comfort zone, including respecting your own decisions of discomfort. You will begin to ask questions and follow your own advice. You will want to challenge attainable possibilities, and your self-doubt, will lessen which turns into you pushing yourself harder and not giving up so easily. You will begin facing challenges with a whole new attitude. 11
Chapter Three
Chapter Three: Action Plan This Action plan is what I used throughout my weight loss journey. The usage of wearable technology allowed me to compare my workout stats prior to planning and acting on it. There was a significant difference from the previous six months. Once I began organizing and planning, I realized that I had leftover hours that could have been utilized elsewhere. elsewhere. A poor plan can easily make a workout subpar. I was overdoing with slow progressions. Be smart with your planning. I remember one day, I read an article about postpartum moms and the loss of motivation to lose weight as the months roll by. I had entered my seventh month post-partum while reading this article, which immediately gave me a wakeup call. The inconsistencies of my workouts and trying to figure out the best moments to leave the house became stressful and just wasn’t working. Sneaking out the door with two kids around, I was bound to get stopped for something. I decided then to go with other options. I went the online route, looking up workouts and trainers, since the world had begun to temporarily shut down except essential business, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There was constant debate whether gyms should remain open; eventually, they too had to shut down. Online trainers began to surface; this was 10x better
than taking that 15-minute ride up and 15-20 minutes back. Not to mention, any urges I may have to stop. That was a no-go. Not completing my goals and spending money. I started off with daily workouts, then increased that to 2-3x/day with the assistance of virtual challenge. I did a trial week, and from there I knew this could work. With the support of my husband, I was able to schedule tasks around my workouts since that was my priority. I had an open opportunity, and I needed to make it use of it. Having an action plan was tremendous in my workout journey. I chose High Intensity Interval Training as my solution. Choose a workout that works for you but challenge yourself. In Chapter five, you’ll learn about your fitness personality. Suzanne Brue’s quiz will provide you with your fitness color and what your barriers are when figuring out the best regime for yourself. Whatever workout you choose, start slow but push yourself. Start off as a beginner with modified workouts. Eventually you will move into a more comfortable level of fitness and what used to be difficult will soon ease up. Make sure you are consuming less than you are burning. Grab hold of your grocery list and get prepping.
This Action Plan Isn’t for the Weak! Sample Action Plan Begin With a Light Workout Prior To Meals to Warm Up Your Body and Get Your Muscles Going (Fasted Cardio) Increase Water Intake. Commit 2x days A workout in the am, 2nd workout in the evening. 5 days!... NO Weekdays Off! Try Maintaining My Fat Burning Zone 220-35 (Age) = 185 Beats/Min * .70= 128.1 Add Weight Training Twice a Week Flexibility: Warm Up Stretch Prior To Workout, Cool Down, Stretch Post Workout Swain, Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management
Chapter Four
Chapter Four: Food is For Fuel Eating shouldn’t be therapy. It is meant to fuel your body. Have you heard the saying “eat to live, not live to eat”? What you put into your body reflects on the outside. Tracking your meals, or calorie counting when you first begin your fitness journey, can assist you with getting into a consistent schedule so that you may stay on track while learning to intake the foods that will fuel your body with energy. If your body is fatigue, you can’t expect your body to perform at its best. Tracking meals doesn’t have to mean the traditional writing or inputting each meal. Tracking meals also includes learning your portion sizes and having power over it. Visuals are extremely helpful. Try typing up your meal schedule including protein shakes with their designated times. This was huge for me, I had my food menu on the wall of the kitchen, or somewhere visible when it was time to eat. I began to follow the proper portions and do my own research, and eventually, I felt comfortable not keeping track of each calorie. Knowing what to eat and how to eat on your own will come. Mealtime might seem boring during this journey, but you must sacrifice those cravings and minimize certain snack habits. Meal prepping choices may look repetitive, so get creative with your healthy food options. There are also fitness apps that allow you to input your daily meals. Picture your end goal results. Clean
out that fridge and start over. Don’t buy the foods that are going to be a temptation to you. Those foods will be there now and later when you’ve completed various milestones. By then, your body may not even desire those foods anymore. You can begin transitioning you’re eating habits by removing or minimizing foods such as sugar, meat, and dairy. Breaking a habit and beginning a new one can take up to 21 days. Check out some of these favorites and how it takes for them to be removed from the body. If you ever feel discouraged, lean back on your goals and the deadline you gave yourself. Nothing lasts forever. Do what you need now, it'll be worth it in the end. Swain, Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management