What Is Homeschooling? The Act Of Educating Your Child In The Home Rather Than In A Traditional Based School.
WHAT DOES IT 1. Parent Led and LOOK LIKE? Directed. 2. Home-based Teaching. 3. Customizable And Individualized Curriculum To Fit Into Family Needs.
Are You Ready to Be a Homeschool Parent? Being home with your little ones, isn’t a walk in the park. Many of us moms are excited to send our children to school. I had it all planned out, until the unthinkable Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 happened. I never considered becoming a homeschool mom before. What if everything changed with no real sense of certainty. Well as a mom, I decided to take measures in my own hands after speaking with my support groups.
How To Get Started
What Homeschool Method Will You Use? 1. Traditional 6. Unschooling 2. Classical 7. University Model 3. Waldorf 8. Montessori 4. Charlotte Mason 5. Eclectic Decide Why You Do You Know Your Decide On When What Homeschool Find Support Via Groups Are State Laws And You Want To Curriculum Will You Or Amongst Other Homeschooling. Requirements? Homeschool. Use? Homeschool Parents, Create A Mission Homeschool Laws By Round The Year Family And Friends. Statement For Your State Schooling Purpose. Https://Hslda.Org/Le gal Begin In The Middle Of School. Create A Mission Statement To Help Give You A Purpose Or Reason For Why You Are Homeschooling.
1. Traditional 4. Montessori- 7. Unschooling- a. Parent to Child Approach Child Lead, Hands on Learning. a. Child-directed/interest-led learning. b. Classroom Setup at Home b. No Curriculum, c. Use of Textbooks 5. Waldorf- c. Trust children Will be Motivated to Learn. 2. Box Curriculum – ”As Is” Emphasis on Spiritual and Child as A 8. Unit Study – Whole. a. or Out of the Box Curriculum Subjects Together While Exploring A Specific b. Planned Out for You. 6. Eclectic- Topic/Theme. Integrates Many Different a. Use Of Field Trips, Medieval Banquets, And 3. Classical- Educational Philosophies And Costumes To Model-building, Timelines, And Curriculum Approaches. Science Projects To Books And Curriculum. Ancient Three-Part Process, Studying b. Parent- And/Or Child-directed/Interest-led. History, Fine Arts. 7
Getting Started (cont.) 1. Plan out your first year. 1. Notarized affidavit or notice of consent form 1. (depending on your state) 2. Homeschool records 2. Where will you homeschool? 1. What part of the home? 2. Create an area or space in the home. 3. What is most ideal for you and your family. 8
1. Homeschool Under 2. Homeschool With A The Homeschool Private Tutor. Statute. 4. Enroll Your Child In Ways To A Satellite Or Virtually Homeschool • Accredited Day Or 3. Enroll Your Child In Boarding School. A Religion Day School. Check with the Homeschool Laws by State https://hslda.org/legal for all of your resources 9 including public school withdrawals, homeschool requirements, and support.
Timeline 1 2 34 5 To start a presentation, go To display Presenter view, During your presentation, The Notes pane is a box If you don’t see the Notes to the Slide Show tab, and in Slide Show view, on the the speaker notes are that appears below each pane or it is completely select From Beginning. control bar at the bottom visible on your monitor, but slide. Tap it to add notes. minimized, click Notes on left select the three dots, aren't visible to the the task bar across the and then Show Presenter audience. bottom of the PowerPoint View. window. 9/3/20XX Presentation Title 11
AUDITORY Retains information Often prefers to be told through hearing and how to do things and then summarizes the speaking. main points out loud to help with memorization. Often has talents in Has a grasp on different music and may aspects of speaking. concentrate better with soft music playing in the background. 12
KINESTHETIC • Likes to use the hands-on approach to learning new material. • Is generally good in math and science. • Would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than verbally explain it. • Usually prefers group work more than others 13
VISUAL • Uses Visual Objects Such As Graphs, Charts, And Pictures. • Reads Others Body Language Well. • Able To Memorize And Recall Various Information. • Learns Better During Instruction By Watching And Observing. 14
Try These Tips To Cope With Stresses Of Homeschooling. 1. Daily Reminders 2. Routine Is Key. 3. Block Scheduling 4. This Allows For A And/ Or -Kids Secretly Love Is Helpful To Free Mental Break For Up Mama Time. Both Yourself And Affirmations. Routines Your “Student”. 5. Identify Any 6. Practice Patience 7.Calm Your Child Problems As They And Empathy With Down, Prior To Any Arise, Not Allowing Disciplinary Action. Them To Linger. Your Child.
Benefits of Homeschooling Strengthens The Limit's School Safety Montessori Teaching Parent And Child Issues Such As Including Life Skills. Negative Peer Bond. Pressure And/or Bullying. Lessens The Pressure Gives Families More Time To Pursue Of Student Quality Time To Personal Hobbies And Spend Together. Competitions And Interests. Gives More Focus On Learning At Hand. Bedtime Is Less Travel Is Flexible And Not Restricted To A Stressful. Go Whenever You School Calendar. Like May Spend More Time Feeding Their Imaginations. 16
Daily Affirmations I Am And Will Be The Greatest Facilitator For My Child. I Will Listen To My Child. Breaks Are Okay. I Will Keep A Positive Attitude. I Am Patient. I Am Focused. I Will Do The Best I Can. 17
9/3/20XX Presentation Title 18
Thank You! Aisha Swain [email protected] February 2022
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