NEPAL JESUIT SOCIAL INSTITUTE g]kfn Hf];'OTf ;fdflHfs ;+:Yff”Reaching the Unreached“ April-June 2018Making of the Road to Tipling - The Story of the Bravehearts“During the month of monsoon, we were working Similar is the story of Caster Tamang. He has beenwith the breaker of the excavator at a rocky slope of working with NJSI since January 2018 to clear path forPangsang. From about fifteen to twenty meters up, road construction. He hides the risk of performing lifethe land started falling apart. We noticed the loose threatening task of removing 30 to 50 meters tall and 7movement and drew back. Hadn’t we retreated in fif- to 8 feet wide trees behind his sweet smile. Narrating theteen minutes, I, helper and the dozer would have been risks faced, he quotes, “Some trees are hollow and rottenburied to death”, shared Pradip Basnet, the excavator inside. One cannot predict which direction the tree willoperator for road construction to Tipling. fall. My right hand was deeply cut when a branch of aPradip has impressed everybody with extraordi- tree swung in opposite direction of expectation. We alsonary package of experience in road construction and lost a bottle jack when a tree fell towards me; I managedmaintenance and repairing of excavator and vehicles. to save my life running away immediately.”Leaving his family in the capital, he has been stay- Pradip and Caster shared that they feel proud to be a parting at Somdang, northern border of Dhading. A cook of making the first ever road to the remotest village ofand a helper reside at a temporary camp midst of a Dhading.jungle to assist him. Despite the harsh snowy winter NJSI acknowledges their unwavering bravery and valueand heavy monsoon, he has carved eighteen km road their proactivity, diligence and dedication to the project.through the steep cliff of Pangsang Pass with his ownanalysis and understanding of the terrain.When asked if he was ever scared while cutting theedgy rocks at the peak of 4000 meters altitude, he re-sponded, “Looking at NJSI’s dedication to help the re-mote people of Tipling, I felt my role very importantand never looked back once I started the excavation.The sense of responsibility to my own brothers andsisters in need gave me the courage to face the dan-gerous terrain. Now when I walk through that road,I get adrenaline chill thinking how I could have cutsuch massive hill”. He added, “I have worked in manyplaces but I feel happiest working with NJSI.”
HIGHLIGHTS Memorial Service on 25th April, 2018Blessing the New Office of NJSI After the blessing program, NJSI conducted a memorial service for the victims of earthquake, 2015. Interns From Loyola, ThiruvananthapuramNJSI inagurated the new office at Kamal Niwas, The MSW (Master’s in So-Kupondole on 25th April, 2018. Before, Kamal Niwas cial Work) students fromwas a trainning center for the Jesuits. Now, the build- Loyala, Thriruvananthapur-ing is handed over to NJSI. A short ceremony was am, joined NJSI as an internconducted where Fr. Amrit Rai, Superior of Nepal Je- for a month. They activelysuit Society, blessed the building. Different supporter participated in the most oforganizations of NJSI, NJS team and the beneficiaries the activities of NJSI.were present. Altogether about 100 people attentedthe ceremony. Every one was happy to see the expan- Juan Miguel Perez Adrov-sion of NJSI and appricaited the hard work we have er from spain volunteereddone so far. in NJSI for two months. We are thankful for his Fr Anil Beck, S.J has tremendous help to NJSI Joined NJSI as a Pro- and wish him luck for his gram Director. He future. has recently finished his Masters in Busi- Fr. Thomas Nedump- ness Studies (MBA). arambil, S.J has joined NJSI as a Finnacial Of- ficer. He was working at Moran Memorial School, Jhapa as a Teacher and Treasurer.
NJSI INTERVENTIONS AND ACTIVITIES SindhupalchowkFifty Seven have Received the 2nd Tranchefor the Shelter ConstructionThere has been a huge progress in the shelter con- Monitoring visit from NRAstruction at Helambhu 4, Sindhupalchowk. At (National Reconstruction Authority)present, 57 beneficaries have received thier secondtranche and 29 of them have received their third One More Women’s Center in Sindhupalcho-tranche after completing their houses. wkA year has been passed since the NJSI started thisproject. So, while implimenting the project NJSI As the motive of NJSI, “reaching the unreached”, NJSIhad faced several challengese like, at the beginning has reached to “Mujuwa Sawalamban Women’s Group”the people were very happy and interested to build of Haibhung, Sindhupalchowk. This is one of the remotetheir houses but after receving the first tranche, peo- areas of Sindhupalchowk where the women are trying tople made so many excuses for not constructing their go beyond their boundaries and reach to their horizon.houses rather they expect to receive more grant, an- So, NJSI is helping these women through building aother major issue was lack of manpower, festival women’s center. The construction work is going on. Asbreaks and monsoon season has also affected the soon as the construction gets over they can use the centercontinuity of the construction. to conduct welfare activities of the women and the com-Regular meetings, interaction with the beneficiaries, munity. This project is funded by Xavier Network.NJSI has made possible way out to motivate the ben-eficiaries to build their houses.Now, the number of beneficaries who have startedtheir construction have increased, out of 73 benefi-ciaries only sixteen of them are left to construct theirhouses.
Kavre Shelter For the Special Children at Kali DeviEmpowering the Women of KuntaEmpowering the women is one of the goals of NJSI, The construction of the hostel for special children at Kalivarious activities for women have been conducted Devi school is about to finish. Now, painting the wall,within this three years of establishment of NJSI. plumbing work and construction of the toilet is left. Con-Constructing the women’s centers is a part of the up- tinuous supervision and monitoring from NJSI team hasliftment program for the women. Altogether, NJSI made the construction work smooth and progressive.has costructed 18 women centers. However, one The children are eagerly waiting to reside in the new se-more center has been added at Kunta. It was handed cured building. The building design is as same as anyover on 15th April, in the presence of local level Gov- other hostel that NJSI has built, two rooms, one kitch-ernment representatives, beneficaries and NJSI team. en cum dining hall and one study room. This project isThe beneficiaries expressed their gratitude towards funded by Caritas Italy.the donor, Xavier Network and NJSI for the imple-mentation of the project. Protection for the Special Children at Azad Secondary SchoolActivity Center at Bhagawati School Laying the First StoneThis project is funded by Caritas Italy and NJSI is im-plementing the project. The construction work is go-ing in a smooth and progressive manner. First floor’swall has been finished. It is a two storey building withtwo rooms on the ground floor and one big hall onsecond floor.The students are eagerly waiting to use the activitycenter.
NJSI recently got the approval from the Government Ramechhapto build the hostel for the special children at AzadSchool, Banepa. Fr. Arul blessed the land, now thefoundation work has been startedAfter the earthquake, the special children of AzadSchool, were compelled to live in a small congestedroom, altogether there are 10 children, four boys andsix girls living in a same room as the school cannotprovide them a separate secured housSo seeing the condition of those children, NJSI de-cided to build a hostel for them which has got sepa-rate rooms for boys and girls, one kitchen cum dininghall and one study room.Dolakha Medical Intervention at RamechhapConstruction of Women’s Center at Suri On 2nd May, NJSI conducted a free medical camp at Chapadi, Ramechhap in collaboration with Nava JyotiFew months back NJSI handed over a women’s activ- Center and funded by Missio Achen.ity center to the Surel community at Suri. Yet, anoth- It was one day, general checkup program conducted iner women’s activity center is coming up in Dolakha the women’s activity center, built by NJSI.for another women’s group. These women belong Altogether, 102 people came for the checkup. Other peo-to the Magar community which is one of the eth- ple from adjacent villages also came for the general checknic communities of Nepal. This project is funded by up. The medicines were freely distributed as prescribedXavier Network. by the doctors.The center is about to finish. However, the construc- The total of fourteen team member including four doc-tion of the toilet has been completed. Now, the paint- tors, three interns and other staff members made the in-ing and wood work is left. tervention a successful one. Blessing the first stone of women's hallFr.Arul blessing the land Medicines Distribution
Jhapa DhadhingInaguration of the New building in Construction of the classrooms at MahendraST.Xavier’s School, Deonia Ratna School A two storey building with four classrooms at Mahen- dra Ratna School is funded by Caritas Germany and implemented by NJSI. The construction work has been reached to the second floor. With the regular supervision from NJSI team the construction work is accelerating in a rapid way. At present, the students are studying in a temporary shel- ter made up of tin sheets. These tin sheets are not en- vironmentally friendly, during summer it gets very hot and in winter it gets very cold to stay. So the students are having a tuff time to cope up. Soon the students will get a new concrete building to study. Dance Performances by the students Construction of First Track Road from Som-The most awaited building of ST. Xavier’s School has dang to Tipling.been completed. It is a two storey building with 12classrooms. Finally, the students get to study in the This is one of the biggest and challenging project thatnew building after a long await. The patience turn NJSI is doing so far. The track has reached about 18Kmout to be a fruitful one for the students of ST. Xavier from Somdang out of the total of 27km.School. By this October, the road construction is expected to beThe inauguration ceremony was held on 19th April, over. This is the most awaited project for us and for theat ST. Xavier’s Schoool, Deonia. Tipling villagers.Fr. Amrit Rai, Superior of Nepal Jesuit Society, bless- Many hopes and dreams have been attached to this road.ed the building in the presence of students, parents, As soon as it gets ready, the villagers would be able toGovernment Officers, NJS team and NJSI team. widen their horizons. Till date, NJSI has faced a certain challenges like mon- soon but with the great spirit and the blessings from the well wishers, NJSI has been able to solve all those hurdles and is moving ahead step by step.
Fr.Dilip and the staff member monitoring thework Graduation Ceremony Women’s Center Under Construction at Godawari Villagers using the trackLalitpurCompletion of Six Month Office Manage- NJSI is helping the women’s group named “Bishankhument and Computer Trainning Program Narayan Mahila Sahakari Sanstha” to build a women center. NJSI is providing the materials to them to builtThe office management and computer training to the the center.youths has come to an end. Altogether there were 10 The Ground level is about to complete. In few days ceil-participants, nine girls and one boy. It was six month ing will be concreted. This project is funded by Xaviercourse where they learnt office management skills, Network.spoken English, computer skills.Along with that they have developed their person-ality and built their confidence to compete with theouter world.On 18th April, graduation ceremony was conductedat ST. Annes Godavari in the presence of NJSI team,sisters of ST. Annes and participants.
Gorkha Baraha Primary School Bardidada Primary SchoolEducational Kit Distribution at SaraswatiSecondary SchoolNJSI financially helped the Bright Star Society todistribute educational Kit at Saraswati SecondarySchool, Gorkha.12 visually impaired students, 9 girls and 3 boys gotthe educational kit which included school bags, whitecanes, Braille papers, geometry kits, talking calcula-tors, slate, stylus (Braille pen) and audio players withpen drives, copies, pens, pencils as well as magnifiersto the students.In addition, NJSI has provided life skills training tothese students collaborating with the Bright Star So-ciety. The training was on how to use the emergingtools and technology.Handing over Ceremony of Four Schools Janashakti Primary SchoolAfter a long await the four schools, Jalamukhi Prima- Jalamukhi Primary Schoolry School, Baraha Primary School, Bardidaha Prima-ry School and Janasakti Primary School of Gorkha Thank You for the Generosity!!!are handed over officially.NJSI constructed newly building in each of these Please send your donations to the bank account givenschools with the WASH facility. Four classrooms and below:a toilet in Barah and Jalamukhi Primary School. Five BankName: Laxmi Bank Limitedclassrooms and a toilet in Bardidada Primary School. Address: Phulchowk, LalitpurTwo classrooms and a toilet in Janashakti Primary Account Name: NJS Nepal Jesuit Social InstituteSchool. Account No: 00711107858The handing over ceremony was conducted in the Swift Code: LXBLNPKApresence of Fr. Dilip, NJSI staffs, Miguel Santiustefrom Xavier Network and beneficiaries .The school management committee, students, theirparents were very happy and expressed their grati-tude towards the NJSI and the donor, Xavier NetworkWebsite:http: // Facebook:
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