2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 01 April 2022 SUSPENDED NAC BOSS ON THE ROPES EMBATTLED: Suspended National Arts Council CEO under siege following the Public Protector’s damning report against her… WANTING: Suspended NAC CEO Rosemary Mangope finds herself in the dock By Ali Mphaki Asked for their comment on the mat- To continue or abandon her court appli- ter, the NAC interim CEO Marion Mbina cation – this is the niggling question giv- Mthembu said: “The NAC is not involved in ing embattled and suspended National this matter because all the recommendations Arts Council CEO Rosemary Mangope from the Public Protector were implemented sleepless nights following her bid to have by the NAC in accordance to the Public Pro- the Public Protector’s remedial action tectors Report. against her reviewed and set aside. “Mrs Rosemary Mangope is well within Singularly and without the board’s sup- her rights to explore other legal options to port, Mangope had filled an affidavit before address the matter between herself and the the High Court in December last year to Public Protector. “The NAC is not a party to have Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s re- those procedings,” she said. port on the shenanigans at the NAC, which had found her wanting, be reviewed. Interestingly, the NAC, as per the PP’s recommendations, did apologize to Ny- The NAC board had earlier supported athela in a letter dated June 23, 2021“for her application, but later withdrew leaving the manner in which you were treated by her to fight the matter alone. the NAC regarding the proposal for Partner- ship Funding submitted to Exco by the CEO The Public Protector, following a com- without informing your organization prior to plaint by a small NGO, the South African submission of their proposal.” Roadies Association, SARA, had found, among others, that: At the heart of the matter is the Expired • The allegation that the “expired projects Projects and Surplus Policy, which SARA as well as the PP had found, in its opinion, to and surplus policy”, as implemented at be unlawful. the NAC under Mangope, amounted to improper conduct in state affairs as Mkhwebane’s June 2020 report had envisaged in the Constitution and was highlighted irregularities in relation to the not aligned with sections of the Public NAC’s expired projects and surplus policy, Finance Management Act, PFMA; and which was found to have gaps which ren- more damningly that: dered it prone to abuse. • The allegation that Mangope had submit- ted an application to Exco for funding When the report was released, the Pub- using the SARA name without their lic Protectors gave the NAC 60 days to knowledge and consent, is ”substanti- align the implementation of its expired pro- ated”. jects and surplus policy with the legislative Approached for her comment during a framework of the PFMA and to close gaps telephonic interview the week, Mangope that would allow exploitations by the NAC first asked to be refreshed about the matter. officials. “It’s a long time. I do not quite remem- ber. Please refresh my memory,” she said. Whilst this is happening, there are “I have (also) not received Rule 53 on strong rumours that the NAC, despite their January 20, 2022. I have sent an email to my pronouncements, has not implemented the lawyer to check,” she said. Public Protectors remedial actions. When Weekly SA Mirror forwarded her the Rule 53 record from the Public Protec- SARA also contends that Arts and Cul- tor, which stipulates how the PP arrived at ture Minister Nathi Mthethwa deliberately her findings, Mangope responded: “Many chose in 2016 not to act and correct the un- thanks. I have been advised that this matter lawful behaviour at the NAC, instead allow- is sub judice. It is therefore advisable for the ing such to continue unabated into August matter to run its course. I therefore am not 2020. comfortable making any comments to the media at this stage”. SARA is also on record as questioning In response to Mangope, SARA presi- the “incorrect” NAC clean audits passed by dent Freddie Nyathela said: “Mangope is the Auditor-General in the past three years. deliberately stalling the case. She and her attorney should have filled a response as to Noteworthy is that, after the release of whether they are proceeding with the case, the Public Protector’s report, the Hawks amending her founding papers or not.” opened up Case No.233/10.2020 against Mangope. Also recommended by SARA is that the NAC should be properly audited and all NAC board members and senior ex- ecutives subjected to lifestyle audits. Of importance, is that the Minister and and the department’s Director-General be called to order for what transpired at the NAC under their watch.
Friday 01 April 2022 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR CASPER SET TO LET HIS FISTS DO THE R-A-P-PING FILL-UP: Love him, hate him, Casper is an artist with a bag full of marketing tricks… By Gugu Sibiya and bear it as hangers-on congratulate the title holder at the winner’s party on Sunday.” FACE-OFF: Naakmusiq and Casper Nyovest set to rearrange, not their music compo- Excitement’s reaching fever pitch, bookmakers sitions, but each other’s faces. Photo: Sipho Maluka milking it and tongues wagging – all over the up- Guests have been advised to pack their dancing coming boxing match featuring unlikeliest boxing shoes for the long nights of razzmatazz and pizzaz opponents, rapper Casper Nyovest and singer and that will make the outing a dream weekend. actor Naakmusiq on April 9. “A total of 46 artists will thrill with party favour- The music duo will slug it out for an undisclosed ites while DJs spin discs. This will encourage guests purse at a highly anticipated fight scheduled for Sun to shake and show off what their mama gave them” City, Pilanesburg in North West, and which is most she says, detailing the finer parts of what is expected likely to draw throngs of music and sports lovers to to be the most unforgettable music getaway. the picturesque holiday resort. On how she bagged the “to-die-for” gig, the pro- Casper, who has built an enviable reputation for moter says, in fact, it was Casper and Naakmusiq filling up the stadiums during his concert perfor- who roped her in December. mances, looks set to repeat the feat at the country’s international flagship chill spot without singing a sin- “For me, it’s an opportunity I flew with. This ce- gle note – but by bobbing and weaving in the ring. lebrity bout is the first of its kind in the country. So, I know what it’ll do for my career and the economy. According to the promoter of the tournament, The excitement around it, is bound to revive interest Joyce Kungoane, the rapper is pulling no stops in and the love for boxing. It’ll do great for everybody making the event turns out to be a party of the dec- that’s involved with it,” she predicts. ade. “As much as it’s an exhibition bout, we are treat- “On Friday, they are hosting the weigh-in party,” ing it like any professional fight. Aside from the duo, Kungoane says. “Come Saturday, they’ll show off there are five other boxing bouts. Obviously, all eyes their glad rags on the red carpet in the afternoon. Af- will be on the celebrity boxers artists.” ter one of the artists has been brutalised, they’ll lick their wounds at the boxing after-party. As if the loser Since the late veteran actor Patrick Shai not hasn’t been tortured enough, he’ll be expected to grin here to carry out his threat to bliksem Casper, would Naakmusiq be the one to grant his unfulfilled wish? Just a thought. Finally, will the best man win... COME DUZE, MY SWEET RICHLY ENDOWED STEREOTYPES: : They are often called unflattering names, all to make them feel insecure about how their voluptuous bodies. But BIG is in vogue. Forget labels like sdudla, mafutha, stofoza and the body- shaming of plus-sized and curvaceous women Standing : Keamogetswe Charity Moloko, Zintsikelelo Madikwa, Thatjelwa Makoro and Nosipho Msiza Seated : Kagiso Leah Mabaso, Sendra Thembi Masiteng, Koketso Manamela and Vinolia Tsesane. Photo: Robert Tlapu By Robert Tlapu A 2015 New York Fashion week invite to Ma- ceous and bodacious women”, explained Mphaki. commodates the 29 – 40 year old women, either strictions, we had to postpone the 2021 pageant”, pule Mphaki, the founder and CEO of Ms She continued that when she arrived back in married or unmarried”. explained Mphaki, adding that Ms Curvybody is Curvybody, opened her eyes – and gave birth more than just a beauty pageant, but a movement. to the idea of celebrating the women who are South Africa, she sent out a questionnaire to a To qualify for the pageant, contestants register big, bold and beautiful, instead of ridiculing few curvy women she knew, asking them if they online and get invited to the auditions and judges “The aim is to debunk the myth that beauty is them. would be interested in her idea of launching the interview them on general knowledge. Those who about size. Women need to embrace their bodies, curvy women pageant. The positive responses she attain higher scores proceed to the next stage of they should love themselves more, be more confi- “It was the first time to see a curvy model received gave birth to Ms Curvybody SA. the pageant. dent. We have adopted the #notobodyshamingan- Ashley Graham walking the ramp, then I googled dbullying campaign. curvy modelling agencies and pageants in South According to Mphaki, the pageant has two Mphaki disclosed that only 11 finalists are Africa when I arrived at the hotel later that night categories to accommodate most women who set to compete for the crown during the 2021 Ms This is what contestants promote in schools, and realised that there were no pageants that rep- are keen to be part of it. The category Miss & Ms Curvybody finals to be held next month. workplaces and at their homes. We appeal to resent the majority of women in Africa, the curva- Curvybody. Asked what is the difference between brands that share the same sentiments as ours, to the Miss and Ms Curvybody, Mphaki explained “We had a whooping 398 online registrations, come on board and support us. We do not pro- that “the Miss category caters for the 18 – 28 year but others got eliminated in the process. We had mote obesity, but a healthy lifestyle,” concluded old unmarried women, while the Ms category ac- top 15 for the finals, unfortunately four pulled due the Soweto-born Mphaki. to unforeseen reasons. Due to Covid pandemic re-
4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 01 April 2022 By Siya Sithole CEO’S SUSPENSION MIRROBRriefs “Hands off our CEO. Viva CEO Mohlala” – read SPARKS PROTESTS BY placards carried by a group of black property RAFF OF CRIPPLING practitioners gathered at the offices of the Prop- PROPERTY AGENTS INTEREST RATES ON erty Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) CARDS in Sandton on Tuesday. DISPUTE: Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority engulfed in controversy over allegations Consumers throughout the world must brace . The group staged the protest after the body’s of frustrating transformation drive… themselves for rolling multiple interest-rate CEO, Mamodupi Mohlala, was placed on “pre- hikes this year, a move aimed to slow esca- cautionary suspension” following a series of alle- IRATE: Property agents picket inside the ers to account and exposing racism and property lating inflation running at its highest levels gations of misconduct. This group of dissatisfied PPR’s Sandton offices this week. syndicated targeting black people in this industry. in many parts of the world and in the United practitioners caused a stir when they barged inside board to suspend the CEO in order to reverse the However, according to the Pension Funds Adjudi- States, in particular. the offices, resulting in a scuffle with security per- gains of transformation and ethical leadership. cator Tribunal, Mohlala is accused of having disre- sonnel at the Sandton building. garded scheme rules after she allegedly instructed Economists say the war between Russia “She is very passionate about transforming the the then EAAB’s human resources department to and Ukraine has raised long-term inflation Employees and neighbours in the adjourning industry and holding corrupt people and practition- suspend the deduction of pension fund contribu- expectations, resulting in countries raising offices were forced to abandon their work stations tions of five new employees, thus costing the entity interest rates to curb the escalating inflation. following the mayhem. The disgruntled group fur- over a R1 million in fruitless and wasteful expendi- ther accused the Democratic Alliance (DA) on put- ture. One of the world’s biggest reserve banks, ting pressure on the board to eventually suspend the the US Federal Reserve, recently voted to lift CEO on Monday. In a press statement following the CEO’s sus- interest rates and pencilled in six more in- pension, PPRA said it was not insinuating that the creases by the year’s end, the most aggressive Mohlala’s suspension comes just a week after CEO is guilty of the allegations levelled against her, pace in more than 15 years. the sitting of the Public Commision on racism in as there was still an ongoing investigation to deter- the sector, where the embattled CEO spoke on how mine her guilt or innocence. Like the US and many other countries racism and discrimination against black South Afri- around the world that look set to hike interest cans belied economic growth. “The board unanimously believes that it is in the rates to curb escalating inflation, South Africa best interest of the organisation to place the CEO also faces a similar situation, facing a steep “Speaking during a brief and forced meeting on suspension to allow for an objective, independ- increase in interest rates. A recent decision by between the protesters and herself,” interim CEO ent and impartial investigation into the allegations. the South African Reserve Bank to raise its PPRA, Deli Nkambule promised to expedite a for- The chief executive has been duly informed of the repurchase rate (the rate at which the reserve mal meeting between the protesters and the board. allegations against her. She was also accorded an bank lends money to commercial banks) by opportunity to dispel the allegations, and informed 25 basis points to 4.25%, came as no surpris- “We cannot make any promises, but we will of her suspension on Friday, 25 March 2022,” reads es to many people, according to economists. take your issues up with the board and see if they the statement. – Isaac Moledi cannot meet with you within the said 48 hours. We are not against you raising your issues and protest- Last month, Minister of Human Settlements, SA CAR SALES SPIKE ing outside our premises, but not inside. Our em- Mmamoloko Kubayi, welcomed the relaunch of the AGAINST TREND ployees, most of them women are now scared and regulatory body at an event held in Sandton, where do not know what is happening,” she said. Led by she said the property sector “will only be able to Vehicle sales in South Africa continue to Leslie Sithathu of Black Realty and Glen Simwa- achieve the desired outcome if it is driven by a grow substantially despite the economic cha- mali of Glen Life Properties, the protesters prom- stable and well-functioning regulatory authority.” os in the world and the rocketing commodity ised to make the head offices unworkable. PPRA was launched as a replacement to the now and the prices of other products, says Alex defunct Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB), in Boavida, vice chairperson of the National “We demand this meeting, failure which after a bid to protect and guard consumers in the prop- Automobile Dealer Association (NADA), a 48 hours we will make this place ungovernable and erty industry far more effectively than it did under constituent association of the retail motor in- eventually take up our issues with the Minister of EAAB. dustry organisation (RMI). Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi,” he said. “It is amazing the way new vehicle sales Simwalimali said at the centre of their issues in South Africa continue to grow substantial- was “the anti-transformation agenda driven by ly at a time when the world is in chaos and white people and the Democratic Alliance”. prices of commodities and other products are rocketing,” said Boavida, commenting on re- “Our CEO is being suspended for making it tail sales for March which have been released possible for black real estate agents to participate by the National Association of Automotive in the sector. It was the CEO who helped me get Manufacturers of SA (Naamsa), the country’s re-registered after I was de-registered and owed automotive Business Council. over R20,000 in unpaid bills to the regulatory au- thority. Her transformation drive also resulted in a According to her, March was a long sell- high number of black entry-level agents who must ing month and the end of the fiscal year for have shocked white people and those fuelling an many companies and organisations. She said anti-transformation agenda,” he said. few industry commentators could have ex- pected an aggregate figure of 50 607 units, Another property industry practitioner, Tengy which was 16.5% higher than March 2021 Mnguni, accused the DA of putting pressure on the and the highest monthly total since pre-pan- demic October 2019. RURAL POLICE STATIONS According to her, the retail dealer chan- nel was responsible for 85.8% of sales, which CRITICALLY was encouraging as many dealers are still ILL-EQUIPPED short of stock, both new and used. - DA AWARDS FOR WOMEN IN MUSIC LAUNCHED ALARM: Under-resourced cops easy The Basadi in Music Awards (BIMA) was game for criminals against background launched at Joburg Theatre recently. The awards, a brainchild of public relations guru, of poor intelligence network capacity PRECINCT: Jane Furse police station, the scene of shooting Hloni Modise, coincided with the Interna- incident, which left a suspect dead.. tional Women’s Day commemoration. By Frank Maponya stations were mostly under-resourced and under- in Limpopo. SAPS made 3 428 arrests through in The BIMA aims to celebrate and honour Rural police stations have become soft targets capacitated. the quarter under review, compared to 4 192 in the the contribution made by females in the mu- for brazen criminals in Limpopo. same period the previous year. sic industry. The nominees and winners are to “There is also a problem of under-trained be voted for by the public. The nominees will This is the view of the spokesperson of the police officers with poor crime intelligence net- Meanwhile, the Independent Police Investiga- be announced in May, while the gala event Democratic Alliance on Transport and Commu- work,” she said, adding that, without increased tive Directorate (Ipid) has confirmed that it was is scheduled to be held in August, which is nity Safety in the province, Suzan Phala, who has resources, Limpopo police could not achieve a investigating the Jane Furse Police Station shoot- Women’s Month. raised concerns about the manner in which police turn-around in crime statistics or effectively pro- ing incident. stations based in rural areas were being targeted tect themselves against brazen criminals. BIMA founder Modise explained how the by criminals. “We are told that the man refused to surren- concept was born, “It all started as an idea Less than five months ago, 20 armed criminals der himself following requests from the hostage that I put on paper and it looked big, impos- In the latest incident, a suspected robber was entered and robbed officers at the Malamulele Po- negotiator and when the Tactical Team members sible and unrealistic. When I spoke to people, fatally shot by back-up police officers at the Jane lice Station of their firearms and ammunition. The entered the office where the man was firing shots they said it was a great idea. Furse Police Station in the Sekhukhune area on criminals then proceeded to rob local businesses from, they retaliated,” Ipid spokesperson Lizzy Monday night, after he disarmed a police officer of cash and other valuables. The gang was arrested Suping said. It’s unreal that we launched an idea whose of his official firearm. The man was shot dead af- after eight weeks. time is overdue. I’m humbled by the support ter he allegedly refused to surrender the gun. The deceased is yet to be identified. He is al- from our generous sponsors and the industry According to crime statistics for the third leged to have been in possession of used Nyaope that has embraced this initiative. Big things Phala said she had realised that rural police quarter of 2021, there was a massive downward sachets and an injection. An inquest docket has happen when women pull together. This is for trend of crimes detected as a result of police action been opened. all young girls with big dreams and who are afraid. It is possible. We are Basadi.” Joburg Mayor Dr Mpho Phalatse, legend- ary musician Abigail Kubheka, Gloria Bos- man, Ayanda Jiya to name a few were among those who attended the launch. Dr Winnie Mashaba, Brenda Mntambo, Makhadzi, Can- dy Tsamandebele and Nhlanhla Mafu kept the guests entertained with their singing prow- ess.– Robert Tlapu
Friday 01 April 2022 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS COMMISSION PROBE INTO JOBURG MARKET SWINGS INTO ACTION FARMERS: The inquiry to look into Sipho Ngwema, Head of Communications of The the challenges currently faced by Competition Commission of SA small-scale farmers. By WSAM Reporter “Specifically, the scope of the Fresh The Competition Commission of Produce Market Inquiry will cover as- South Africa has launched a public pects from the sale of fresh produce by market inquiry into the fresh pro- the farmer to the customer (the retailer, duce market to examine if there are processor or export market). any features in its value chain which lessen, prevent or distort competi- ‘’ The interaction of retailers and tiveness. Sipho Ngwema, Head of end consumers will not be considered Communications of The Competition as this was previously covered by the Commission of South Africa says a Grocery and Retail Market Inquiry, market inquiry is a general investiga- says Ngwema. tion into the state, nature and form of competition in a market rather than The sale and distribution of pro- a narrow investigation of specific cessed products by food processors conduct by any particular firm. will be excluded from the inquiry. “The Commission has identified four broad He says the terms of reference of themes which cover the features that the Fresh Produce Market Inquiry, es- may impede, restrict or distort competi- tablished in terms of Chapter 4A of the tion and market outcome, ‘’ according Competition Act No. 89 of 1998 (as to Ngwema. amended) (the Act”), were published in the Government Gazette No. 46093 on The themes are : 25 March 2022. Efficiency of the value chain. * This theme is focused on determin- Ngwema says the public and any interested party is invited to make com- ing how the ments on the proposed terms of refer- value chain and differing levels of ence on or before 22 April 2022. concentration at various levels and He says the Commission is of the route to market impact prices and view that the Fresh Produce Market efficiency with a focus on the fresh Inquiry is essential in order to under- produce market; stand the state of competition within • Market dynamics and impact of key the industry, the market features affect- inputs for growers. The key inputs ing price outcomes and the challenges for growers include seeds, fertiliz- currently faced by farmers (especially ers, agrochemicals (herbicides, small-scale and emerging farmers). fungicides and pesticides) and farm equipment. Many of these inputs “More broadly, the importance of are imported or priced based on the sector to both the economy and em- international bases and can lead to ployment and the nutrition and welfare significant cost effects at the grow- of its citizens gives further weight to the er. This theme is focused on the need for such an inquiry,” says Ngwe- upper end of the production value ma. Agriculture, he says, plays a signifi- chain. cant role in the South African economy • Small and HDP growers and partic- as it contributes to food production, job ipation. This theme centres on the creation, raw material supply to agro- lower end of the production value industrial and manufacturing sectors as chain. well as export-driven foreign exchange Specifically, the inquiry will con- income. sider the barriers to entry specifi- cally facing small and HDP grow- “The Commission has prioritised ers and issues around access to the food and agro-processing sector fresh produce markets or retailers since 2008 due to the sector being a through contract farming; source of staple food and the potential • Barriers to entry in relation to the of the sector to create significant em- regulatory environment. ployment opportunities – thereby serv- This theme would focus on the ing as a driver of inclusive growth in the broader regulatory environment which South African economy, says Ngwema. prevails in the fresh produce industry. The Fresh Produce Market Inquiry will Comments can be submitted to focus on particular issues at each layer [email protected] on or before 22 of the value chain. April, 2022.
6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 01 April 2022 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE RAPID TECH ADVANCES LEAVING YOUTH BEHIND ADVANCE: businesses must make concerted efforts to retain graduates and local talent By Isaac Moledi vide.” sectors have a responsibility to unlock critical up- automatically save a portion of every transaction The digital world offers many advantages, the According to Pandor, business owners, big skilling, reskilling, and digital literacy within the they make - either by having their spend rounded most significant of which is increased access to current and future workforces in order to prepare up or by setting an add-on amount - in a digital information. Experts believe that people will and small, should make concerted efforts to re- individuals for the future of work and create the wallet. be deprived of education and job opportuni- tain graduates and local talent. “Too often, tech capabilities to effectively drive innovation and ties if they were denied universal access and companies hire skilled workers from elsewhere, growth. These savings are then used to invest in bit- digital literacy. They also stress that it is time which means lower-income communities may not coin, one of the most widely known and best per- that people realised that internet access and be able to access the on-the-job training that could “We can make a difference by better under- forming cryptocurrencies globally. He believes the digital skills that come with it, is a basic help them unlock opportunities. And, too often standing the challenges of closing the digital di- that in time, additional investment choices will human right. tech companies are not offering on-the-job train- vide and skills gap and shaping our response and also be offered. ing to those who want to grow in the tech space, support accordingly. However, we need to see a As technology continues to advance, experts but have not yet received the opportunity to do serious coordinated effort to break the cycle.” Mallam says in a country where saving is of- believe that South Africa’s youth are being left so.” ten an afterthought or a nice-to-have platforms behind at a rapid speed, contributing to a record Mdwaba believes that platforms such as that empower users to automatically invest even high unemployment rate. While South Africa is To remedy this, she believes that fast-growing Salesforce’s Trailhead can play a role in teaching just a small amount, are an ideal way to make sav- a young country where a high mobile penetration tech companies could help local graduates secure digital skills, making learning fun easy and acces- ing and investment simpler and more accessible. rate is a positive, the reality, according to experts, entry-level jobs. “By tying training to internships, sible by providing anyone with the opportunity to is that a large number of individuals lack access not only will our share in the tech boom increase, learn critical skills for free online, anywhere and “South Africa’s fintech industry has the pow- to wi-fi. but we will ensure that we are giving fair opportu- at any time. er to bridge the digital divide and create financial nities for all to access the tech and digital space,” inclusion which extends beyond just being able Although according to experts we all have a says Pandor. Tony Mallam, of Upnup, a micro savings and to use online banking, but also allows people to role to play in creating a more equal country even investment platform, says not everyone has ac- save for their futures, take out loans and invest to though the challenge is to understand how to do Zuko Mdwaba, Area Vice President of Sales- cess to a personal bank or financial advisor who accumulate wealth.” this effectively, the question is how can the coun- force South Africa, feels that people should not can help with savings and investment decisions. try begin to close the divide, and who bears the solely rely on the government to provide answers But more than a third – or up 25 million - of South Experts say as a result of the Fourth Industrial responsibility. for digital access. “While the government has Africans have access to a smartphone. Revolution (4IR), our way of life is changing. committed to offer South Africans with 50GB of While there are numerous opportunities that will In her response, Aisha Pandor, CEO and data, we cannot assume that digital access and “It’s not surprising that we have seen a prolif- arise as a result of the 4IR, there is also reason co-founder of SweepSouth believes the country equality are the government’s only concerns. eration of established players in mobile banking to be concerned that we may end up leaving our needs to look at building a strong startup eco- They wontbe able to do it on their own. Corpo- and payments. We expect these mobile solutions citizens behind. system that invests in underutilized community rates must join in and contribute to the solution. to extend to savings options, with an emergence resources such as institutions of higher learning. Importantly, businesses must make it a point to of platforms that will make it easier for anyone Experts agree that it is undeniable that we ensure that their technology is inclusive in order with access to a smartphone to explore various are all responsible for fulfilling our responsibili- “This will contribute to job creation, drive to play their role,” says Mdwaba. investment and saving options.” ties in pursuit of equality. They also maintain that future innovation and help bridge the digital di- whether we are a government agency, an NGO, He believes that both the public and private According to him, platforms such as Upnup a private company, or a citizen, we must identify have simplified the process. “Users are able to ways to contribute to the greater good. BURSARIES African business is to remain relevant in the rapidly CRITICAL TO CREATE advancing technological world.” OPPORTUNITIES According to Sharp, bursaries combined with the relevant resources are therefore the best way to INCOME: Nobody should have his education accelerate access to the huge unexplored potential limited due to lack of household income talent pool in the 4IR space. Maximising potential through mentorship. By Isaac Moledi has made to B-BBEE to facilitate this. important strategies in a company. “Businesses that Youth Unemployment in South Africa, de- “No one should have their education limited invest in identifying and attracting the best talent Since most bursary beneficiaries are young scribed as a ticking time bomb in some quarters are often seen as the most successful. But out- and lack life and work experience, if they are only , is believed to be reverberating throughout the due to lack of household income. One of the most standing talent is rare and with demand outstrip- provided with financial support, we are doing them country through campaigns that included the important benefits of bursaries is that they give us ping supply, recognising raw talent for the future an injustice as many of the beneficiaries may find 2015/16 #FeesMustFall as well as recurring pro- engineers, nurses, lawyers and office workers from and ensuring their development through bursaries it difficult to cope with the pressure and may drop tests by university students. backgrounds that would make traditional higher is critical.” This is one of the most cost-effective out. “At EduPower we’ve found that ongoing men- education impossible to access,” says Sharp. forms of talent management and targeting young toring and life coaching throughout the programme Educationists and other stakeholders believe potential, providing not only brand ambassadors is essential to help our bursary candidates navigate that these are clear indications that the youth are ‘’ By making more company-sponsored bursa- who are aligned to the company culture but also a the skills development journey. More importantly, fed up and desperate to access higher education ries available through B-BBEE, the government is competitive edge too. it helps them blossom, to achieve their full potential but frustrated that while promises are made, noth- ensuring that we have more people in these profes- Building a Talent Pipeline. and unleash their creativity to become innovators.” ing has been done by the authorities. sions which is better for us as a society and pro- Reduced dependence on the State. vides the skills needed to support South African Bursaries also give companies the opportunity Sean Sharp, Executive Head of sales for Edu- businesses.” to develop future skills. “South Africa has lagged South Africa is a developmental economy Power Skills Academy, says he understands this behind the world in terms of the Fourth Industrial where a significant part of the population is reliant frustration. He believes the exponential change that Sharp explains why he believes bursaries are Revolution (4IR). Developing skills and ensuring on government grants or aid for their basic needs. is needed to create opportunities for the youth is the most powerful mechanism available to create the infrastructure exists for our youth to become Those who lack skills live on the margins of the readily available through broad-based black eco- opportunities for South Africa’s youth: immersed in the 4IR space is now crucial if South economy and as a consequence are marginalised by nomic empowerment (B-BBEE) - funded bursaries. Talent management society too. “The more skilled our nation becomes, the less their dependence on the state, allowing In fact, he applauds the changes government Human talent management is one of the most government to focus more resources on infrastruc- ture development and creating an enabling environ- ment for the stimulation of sustainable economic growth.” Sharp says bursaries have the potential to make the impact and transformation that is needed to change the youth unemployment trajectory. “Bursaries are the most powerful mechanisms we have to change the prospects for our youth. It’s all about the student and equipping them with meaningful skills and experience to give them the best possible start to their careers. By ensuring their economic mobility, we can transform their future and move South Africa forward.”
Friday 01 April 2022 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR LICENSING OF prevailing electricity tariffs and will also subjected PRIVATE POWER to lower annual tariff increases. SUPPLIER Commercial and industrial power users consid- HAILED ering their own energy generation installations will no longer need to invest in costly self-generation CHEAP: critical benefits include the purchase and can rather use that capital in their business processes or invest in energy storage solutions to of cheaper electricity for municipalities counter loadshedding. Charl Alheit, Enpower Trading director The added benefit of purchasing power from a trader is the increased flexibility of the contracting By Isaac Moledi tariffs. to register with Nersa. period which will allow customers to move away The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers As the country looks set to move away from The recent changes to the laws and regulations from long tenors, providing a more tailored PPA (SIEE) has described the awarding of an electricity solution suited to their individual business needs. trading licence to Enpower Trading as a landmark Eskom’s power monopoly over electricity supply that govern the sector, according to the experts, will licencing of private electricity trader set to trans- in the country, experts believe that Nersa’s move start to open the market up to competition. State- Customers poised to benefit most from the ar- form the country’s energy sector. to award an electricity trading licence to Enpower owned power utility Eskom has for a long time held rangement are said to be large industrial and com- Trading represents a critical step forward in the a monopoly in the local electricity market. mercial customers, particularly those with a signifi- “A new South African private electricity trad- energy department’s roadmap, opening for the un- cant national or regional property footprint. ing company is set to transform the country’s pow- bundling of Eskom’s generation, transmission and They say this regulatory relaxation is expected er market after recently being awarded a landmark distribution business units to enable the transition to drive an increase in the number of South Afri- “Owing to our multisource capabilities, we will licence that allows it to transport energy from inde- from a single-buyer model to a more competitive can IPPs and small-scale embedded generators be able to provide baseload along with the intermit- pendent power producers (IPPs) to private endusers open domestic open model. (SSEGs) and consequently, the availability of in- tent renewable solutions. Customers are accessing in any location across the municipal and national dependently-produced renewable energy, a move energy that is not produced by Eskom, which gen- electricity grid,” said the engineering body in a “Our vision is to enable much-needed addi- seen to be aimed also at quelling the country’s end- erally means it’s greener and it’s cheaper,” Enpow- statement this week. tional generation and storage capacity and to help less load shedding problems. er Trading managing director, Nikolai Germann foster an efficient power market by offering offtake was also quoted as saying. Awarded in February 2022, Enpower Trading, solutions to IPPs, competitive tariffs to customers, In terms of the Nersa’s announcement, Enpower a Cape Town-based company, has become the sec- and the sustainability of supply to municipalities Trading will sign an energy offtake agreement with IPPs will also benefit from the arrangement, ond private electricity trading company in South and their constituents,” Enpower Trading director, Nersa-registered IPPs, which are connected to ei- as Enpower Trading acts as a reliable offtaker of Africa to be granted a trading licence by the Na- Charl Alheit was quoted as saying. ther the municipal or Eskom grid. A Use of System excess generation and purpose-built plants with- tional Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), Agreement (UoSA) is then entered into between out needing to navigate government procurement and the first to be awarded such a licence in more He described the Nersa licencing as a very im- the municipality, as the distributor, and Enpower processes. Municipalities are set to be increasingly than 12 years. portant step that is aligned with the government’s Trading. The customers sign a Power Purchase looking to future-proof their business model and aim to liberalise the South African energy market. Agreement (PPA) with Enpower Tradingwhich will transition their business focus away from the sale The licence enables Enpower Trading to source We are proud to be a part of this process and fully outline the rate at which amount of energy to be of electricity and towards the sale of distribution competitively-priced, predominantly renewable support these recent changes in legislation”. supplied. Enpower Trading is expected to pay the network services. power from multiple IPPs and small-scale genera- municipality for the use of the grid, ensuring that tors, transport or ‘wheel’ this energy across the na- This follows an August 2021 amendment to the the municipality does not lose the income derived SAIEE says Enpower Trading has built its li- tional and municipal grid networks, and sell it to Electricity Regulation Act which exempts embed- from its mark-up on electricity sales. cence application on a cooperation model with SA customers at a discount to prevailing electricity ded electricity generation projects between 1 MW municipalities wishing to do just this. “The com- and 100 MW from the previous requirement of ap- Customers who sign a PPA agreement with En- pany’s trading platform is designed to facilitate plying for a generation licence, requiring them only power Trading will receive a lower tariff than the and accelerate investment into the sector while protecting the municipality from losing revenues that fund municipal service delivery. “One of the critical benefits of the Enpower Trading solution is that the municipalities do not result in the loss of any customers, but rather enables its customers to purchase cheaper electricity ensuring this income is not lost,” says SAIEE in a statement. The benefits for the municipality in terms of lo- cal economic development and investment in the municipality include investment in local power generation, attractive power tariffs and the provi- sion of green energy. Municipalities are thus able to boost local economic development with no public capital outlay. “We’re essentially unlocking additional capac- ity in the market without government or munici- palities having to add additional liabilities to their balance sheets, and further making sure the munici- pality remains whole from an income perspective in the process ” says Alheit. BUSINESS: Briefs 000 each. The formal sector was the most affected pact on the stakeholders that the company nating paraffin by R2.51/l. by job losses while job gains were recorded in the Serves. Meanwhile, Parliament’s Portfolio Com- UNEMPLOYMENT RATE informal sector (an increase of 9 000). Viresh Maharaj, Executive of Strategy and JUMPS TO RECORD HIGH Customer Experience, says: “Our new brand re- mittee on Mineral Resources and Energy has Although all provinces except Northern Cape flects of our purpose built from the DNA of our or- recommended that the government introduce a South Africa’s unemployment rate increased by experienced job losses, the largest employment ganisation. It simplifies our promise to our mem- ‘tax holiday’ or exemption on the country’s fuel 0,5 of a percentage point to 34,9% in quarter three decreases were recorded in Gauteng (down by bers customers and clients; unifies our customer products for a limited period.This, according to of 2021 compared to the second quarter of the 200 000), North West (down by 128 000), Kwa- value proposition across our range of services and the committee, should be considered as an imme- same year, shedding more than half a million jobs ZuluNatal (down by 123 000) and Limpopo amplifies our purpose to all stakeholders. It prag- diate response to the country’s record-high petrol in the same period, Stats SA announced this week. (down by 112 000). KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng matically represents who we are, why we exist prices, and is separate from the general review of provinces experienced riots and looting of busi- and how we add value.”-WSAM Reporter the country’s basic fuel price over the longer term. According to the Quarterly Labour Force nesses and these two provinces accounted for Survey (QLFS) for the third quarter of 2021, the almost half (48,9%) of all job losses in the 3rd REFRESH: Dawie de Villiers, CEO of A significant portion of South Africa’s basic number of employed persons declined by 660 000 quarter of 2021 compared to the 2nd quarter of the AlexForbes. fuel price is currently made up of levies controlled to 14,3 million compared to the second quarter of same year.-WSAM Reporter by the National Treasury, with approximately 2021. LOW PETROL PRICE HIKE R3.93 of every litre going to the basic fuel levy ALEXANDER FORBES RE- EXPECTED NEXT WEEK and R2.18 going to the Road Accident Fund Levy. The decline in employment is coupled with a BRANDS ITS VISION - WSAM Reporter decline in the number of unemployed persons to Next week’s petrol hikes may be smaller than pre- 7,6 million from 7,8 million, resulting in a decline Alexander Forbes, Southern Africa’s lead- viously anticipated, the latest data from the Cen- DISNEY EPISODES TO HIT in the labour force and an increase in the official ing employee benefits firm, says it has rebranded tral Energy Fund (CEF) has revealed. SOUTH AFRICA IN MAY unemployment rate. from Alexander Forbes to Alexforbes with a new tagline reflecting its purpose of pioneering insight According to the latest data from the CEF, Disney+, the streaming service from The Walt Stats SA says this is the highest official un- to deliver advice and solutions that impact on petrol and diesel prices currently look set for large Disney Company, has confirmed dates to 42 coun- employment rate recorded since the start of the people’s lives. increases on Wednesday next week – but not as tries for the launch in South Africa on May 18, QLFS in 2008. There was an increase in the num- big as previously feared. Based on the current 2022. ber of discouraged work-seekers (up by 545 000) Dawie de Villiers, CEO of Alexforbes, says : data, 95 octane petrol is set to increase by R1.84/ and an increase in the number of those that are not “This shift aligns wit0h its vision of becoming the litre, 93 octane is expected to climb by R1.76/l, South African pricing has also been an- economically active (NEA) for reasons other than most impactful provider of financial advice serv- diesel by between R2.98/l and R3.14/l and illumi- nounced at R119.00 per month, or R1 190.00 for discouragement (up by 443 000), resulting in a net ing both individual customers and institutional an annual subscription, the company announced increase of 988 000 in the NEA population over clients.” this week. this period. Stats SA statement says these results are reflective of a struggling economy suffering Expanding on the strategic shift, de Villiers With exclusive original content and thousands high job losses and high levels of economic in- says the company will over the next five years of episodes and movies from Disney, Pixar, Mar- activity, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic focus on: vel, Star Wars, National Geographic and general lockdown restrictions and, more recently, the July · Extending leading positions across adminis- entertainment from Star, Disney+ is the stream- 2021 social unrest that some parts of the country ing home for some of the world’s most beloved which experienced, which led to some businesses tration, retirements, healthcare & multiman- stories. being permanently closed. agement capabilities; · Exponentially growing the multi-national The company said subscribers will have ac- The statement said between the second and consulting business model into selected mar- cess to Star Wars’ “The Book of Boba Fett” and third quarters of 2021, the number of employed kets in Africa; “The Mandalorian” from executive producer and persons decreased in all industries except Fi- · Expanding advisory capabilities into adjacent Writer, Jon Favreau. In addition, the Marvel Stu- nance, where employment increased by 138 000. lines utilising its wealth of data; dios’ series “Moon Knight” starring Oscar Isaac The Trade industry shed 309 000 jobs, followed · Transforming into the most inclusive retail fi- as Steven Grant, which sees a mild-mannered gift- by Community and social services with 210 000, nancial advice firm in Southern Africa; shop employee becoming plagued with blackouts and Construction and Private households with 65 · Scaling up investment consulting footprint and memories of another life as well as Academy with a focus on alternatives and impact capa- bilities Award®-nominated “Shang-Chi and the Leg- · Demonstrating a meaningfully positive im- end of The Ten Rings” starring Simu Liu and Awkwafina, will also be available at the launch.- WSMA Reporter.
8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 01 April 2022 Comment IS THE WILL OF THE LAW CHANGING CAVING IN? MUSEUMS’ COLONIAL The latest report that police stations are increasing- FOUNDATIONS ly becoming soft targets for criminals, especially IMPERATIVE in parts of the Limpopo should be cause for great concern. This report follows an incident this week, LEGACY: The author argues why the typical museum narrative in which a suspected robber was shot and killed by regarding ancient Egypt must be challenged... police after he allegedly refused to surrender a fire- arm he grapped from a policeman at the Jane Furse By Jennifer Miller tion of Civilization.” This brightly coloured mural “the West.” This narrative remains in many ency- police station in the Sekhukhune area. For museums to truly grasp their colonial his- illustrates the ostensible progression of civilization clopaedic museums that often blatantly place their tory, self-examination must go beyond question- from ancient Egypt to America. Each step of evo- ancient Egyptian collections within European art Just five months ago, 20 armed robbers ing how they built their collections to how they lution carries its own contribution: Egypt with the collections. At the San Francisco’s Legion of Hon- stormed the Malamulele police station and robbed interpret them. written record; Judea for religion; Greece for phi- our, for example, visitors can enjoy elaborate Ro- several policemen of their firearms. They then losophy; Rome for administration; Islam for phys- man vases and detailed glasswork right alongside proceeded on a reign of terror, robbing local busi- Given the growing awareness of the museum ics; and America for science. The figures represent- ancient Egyptian friezes, small sculptures, and a nesses, ending with their arrest about two months field’s foundation in White colonial power, mu- ing each region were only White. standing mummy while waiting in line to enter the ago. The latest incident has prompted provincial seums are now taking action, rallying around the café. Likewise, the New York Metropolitan Mu- Democratic Alliance spokesperson on Transport word “decolonize” to expand community partner- Shortly after the completion of Blashfield’s seum of Art’s exquisite ancient Egyptian collection and Community Safety, Suzan Phala, to raise alarm ships and remove sculptures that celebrate White mural, James Henry Breasted, archaeologist, histo- is just down the hall from their equally exquisite at the problem of lack of resources at provincial domination, while reanalysing their own past and rian, and a founder of the University of Chicago’s Greek and Roman collections. But is this sequence police stations – something that makes these key present collection practices. At least outwardly, we Oriental Institute, published several textbooks that limited to museums? When we teach art history or state installations vulnerable. have seen a movement toward using more inclusive defined the “great White race.” In his books Ancient sixth-grade ancient civilisations, do these courses language, increasing accessibility, and diversifying Times, a History of the Early World (1916) and The not also often follow a similar approach? As pointed out by other stakeholders in the programming, but our field has much more work Conquest of Civilization (1926), Breasted outlined past, the problem of undertrained police officers ahead. the classification “White” that encompassed south- What might a solution look like? San Fran- with poor crime intelligence network – worse still, western Asia and North Africa, along with Europe. cisco’s Legion of Honour held a modest exhibition coupled with attendant issues of communities feel- For museums to truly understand and acknowl- titled “The Future of the Past: Mummies and Medi- ing unsafe as a consequence of police stations be- edge their colonial history, this self-examination Claiming Egypt as a White race reinforces cine” from May 2016 through April 2019. While ing under-resourced. must go beyond investigating how they built their Blashfield’s assertion that Egyptian civilisation the exhibition continued a singular focus on ancient collections into how they continue to interpret should be considered part of the creation of Western Egyptian culture and mummification, the walls This is unacceptable. For its part, the South them. Looking at how and why museums interpret civilisation. Breasted asserts, “In the Orient, during surrounding the displays revealed a possible con- African Policing Union (SAPU) has raised similar their ancient Egypt collections, we can see muse- the thousand years from 4000 to 3000 BC … slowly nection to contemporary art forms and interpreta- complaints on innumerable occasions in the past. ums’ role in creating a Western-based narrative that built up a high civilization, forming the beginning tion. The Legion of Honour invited American-born While pointing to the need for urgent intervention, has appropriated ancient Egyptian history, and frag- of the Historic Epoch. Civilisation thus began in street artist RETNA to cover the walls in a script the union has gone further to call for attacks on mented Egyptian history, culture, and identity to the Orient …” If the Orient, according to Breasted, inspired by Egyptian, Coptic, Hebrew, and Arabic. police officers to be classified as “crimes against create an incomplete and oversimplified narrative. gave rise to Western civilization, where did the Ori- This writing, inspired by graffiti art, seems to blend the state”, urging President Cyril Ramaphosa to ent originate? In the first sentence of the second ancient and contemporary senses together, which in declare them acts of treason. By the end of the 18th century, archaeology and chapter of The Conquest of Civilisation Breasted turn creates a bridge between past and present. Al- museum collecting in Egypt was well established states, “We are to begin our study of the early Ori- though RETNA is not Egyptian, what could such a In the union’s view, it was clear that the attacks by European, British, and American funders, re- ent in Egypt.” partnership between museum and artist or between on police stations have become a norm to criminals search organizations, and museums. The culmina- museum and living cultures offer audiences and the as they were continually committing the same pat- tion of these excavations was Howard Carter’s 1922 By the 1920s, the evolutionary progressions legacy of ancient history? – Hyperallegic tern of crimes with impunity. rediscovery of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. developed by Blashfied’s mural and the writings * Miller has been in the museum field since of James Henry Breasted, among others, led this Incidents that have outraged the union in the At the time of these excavations, from the mid- Western civilisation canon to become the standard 2007 with a background in Anthropology and recent past included the theft of firearms and am- 1800s to early 1900s, the narrative developed that college curriculum taught throughout the United Egyptology. She is currently an educator at the munition from a police station in the Northern Egypt was the birthplace of Western civilization. States. Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.Hyperal- Cape in August last year, and an attack on the Sir Where did this notion originate? Between 1890 and lergic is a about art headquartered in Brook- Lowry’s satellite police station in the Western Cape 1900, EH Blashfield painted a mural within the ro- In conjunction, museums presented the nar- lyn, New York. being attacked in October. tunda of the Library of Congress titled “The Evolu- rative of this now-established canon of develop- ment: from Egypt, through to Greece, Rome, and It noted that firearms and ammunition taken from police station raids were not just used for safekeeping, but to commit robberies, murders and other brutal related crimes, as it happened at the Malamulele police station, where the criminals went and robbed a filling station after robbing the police station last year. Similarly enraged by the scourge is the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru), which has decried attacks on police stations in Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape and the North West – meanwhile, calling for the restructuring of the police service to improve working conditions and to ensure fair allocation of resources. Needless to say, public safety is a key and in- controvertible characteristic of a nation that takes law enforcement and protection of its citizens seriously. When the will of the law is weakened, as is happening now, and so will the public confi- dence ultimately in the capacity of the law to pro- tect it, unwittingly tilling the ground for dreaded vigilantism. And, as the cold winds of the growing spectre whirl close to the face of the populace, we should heed the warning of the times that precipi- tated American author Jeff Cooper’s famous quote: “The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory.” Forewarned is forearmed, South Africa… v 060 936 2673 [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: PostNet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... Weekly SA Mirror subscribes to the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South African Print and Online Media. As a subscriber publication and member of the Press Council of SA, the publication is thus subject to the Press Code and to the jurisdiction of the PCSA’s com- plaints procedures.
Friday 01 April 2022 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR URGENT ACTION CRITICAL TO TACKLE AFRICA’S WATER SCARCITY - REPORT INFRASTRUCTURE: A Nigerian woman fetches wa- ter from a communal tap, highlighting scarcity of water in the rural areas. PHOTO: UNICEF/NIGERIA UNTENABLE: If current progress trends continue, very few African Union member states may achieve universal access to safely managed drinking water, safely managed sanitation or basic hygiene services by 2030… DAKAR – Achieving the Sustainable Devel- services. In rural areas, 4 out of 5 Worldwide, UNICEF works in over 100 opment Goals (SDG) targets on water, sanitation Achieving the SDG targets in Africa will re- people lack safely countries to help provide access to safe water and and hygiene in Africa will require a dramatic ac- managed drinking reliable sanitation, and to promote basic hygiene celeration in the current rates of progress, accord- quire a 12-fold increase in current rates of pro- practices in rural and urban areas, including in ing to a UNICEF/WHO special report focused on gress on safely managed drinking water, a 20-fold water, 3 out of 4 people emergency situations. We achieve better water, Africa. increase for safely managed sanitation and a 42- lack safely managed sanitation and hygiene results for children by fold increase for basic hygiene services, accord- sanitation, and 7 out working directly with schools and healthcare Launched at the World Water Forum in Da- ing to the report. facilities to improve access to these services, kar, Senegal a week ago, this special report calls of 10 lack basic hygiene providing life-saving support in humanitarian for urgent action to be taken on a continent where “Equitable access to drinking water, sanita- services... settings. The creativity and commitment of com- water scarcity and weak sanitation and hygiene tion and hygiene is not only the foundation of munity members supported as agents of change services can threaten peace and development. health and development for children and commu- sub-national regions and between the richest and can inspire climate-related collective action, nities. Water is life, water is development, water the poorest. In urban areas, 2 out of 5 people lack rallying around “nothing about us without us” Between 2000 and 2020, Africa’s population is peace”, said Marie-Pierre Poirier, UNICEF Re- safely managed drinking water, 2 out of 3 people where community members and government increased from 800 million to 1.3 billion people. gional Director for West and Central Africa. “In a lack safely managed sanitation, and half the popu- leaders identifying solutions to the challenges About 500 million people gained access to basic time when water scarcity fuels conflicts and water lation lacks basic hygiene services. In rural areas, they face. drinking water and 290 million to basic sanita- points are targeted, UNICEF calls for urgent ac- 4 out of 5 people lack safely managed drinking tion services, according to a report of the WHO/ tions. We need water, sanitation and hygiene in water, 3 out of 4 people lack safely managed sani- Hosted for the first time in sub-Saharan Af- UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water schools, especially for girls who may miss school tation, and 7 out of 10 lack basic hygiene services. rica on 21-26 March 2022 by Macky Sall, the Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP), launched because there are no toilets or because they have President of Senegal and Chairperson of the Af- during a session of the World Water Forum hosted to fetch water. Women and children need a safe rican Union, with the support of many partners by the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AM- access to water. As climate change puts additional including UNICEF, the 9th World Water Forum COW) with UNICEF. pressure on resources, we need climate risk-sen- on “Water security for peace and development” sitive and resilient water, sanitation and hygiene aims to provide a unique platform for the water On the continent, however, 418 million peo- services for children and their communities. And community and decision-makers to find solutions ple still lack even a basic level of drinking water we need it now”. to increase access to water and sanitation across service, 779 million lack basic sanitation services the African continent by 2030. – UNICEF (including 208 million who still practice open def- Significant inequalities persist within coun- ecation) and 839 million still lack basic hygiene tries including between urban and rural, between
10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FASHION/LIFESTYLE Friday 01 April 2022 CREATIVE PUSH TO DEFINE NEW BOUNDARIES FOR FUTURE DENIM MANIFEST: G-Star RAW’s Signatures Styles. By Mpumi Brown to a specialty of making raw untreated and un- No boundaries with futuristic denim designs G-Star RAW has been pushing the bounda- washed denim in a fashion that has since become a symbol of urban style all over the world. ries of denim design, manifesting the future of denim. The brand’s significant reputation owes This season is all about refreshing hues, re- laxed silhouettes, and innovative designs. AUTUMN STYLES FOR HIM The Pen Pocket shirt is cut in a straight fit. A flap pock- The Tweeter Zip Through sweater is designed in a et is added to the chest and offers a pen compartment. A straight fit and offers deep chest pockets with a flap and looped tape is placed just above the pocket. The double Velcro closure. The sleeves offer a ribbed cuff and the buttons at the cuff allow for a tighter fit when preferred. bottom edge is adjustable when the drawcords are ap- This shirt offers a button closure and shows side slits that plied. This lighter weight sweater jacket offers deep chest are semi closed with an insert panel. Style with your fa- pockets with a Velcro closure. The graphic print below vourite G STAR coat or sweater this Autumn season. the pocket signs it off. This lighter weight sweater offers the comfortable wear of a jersey top. Perfectly paired with any G STAR denims. STYLES FOR HER The Overshirt Bomber Collar 2.0 is cut in a loose fit. Offering a deep chest pocket with a flap and button closure. Additional pockets are set at the side seams. Reinforcement is added to the inside armhole by a wo- ven tape of which only the stitch down is visible on the outside. Long sleeves are finished with a comfortable ribbed cuff. This shirt offers a zipper closure and has a slightly rounded hem with side slits and pairs perfectly with any G STAR RAW den- im this season. This short sleeved shirt dress offers different styl- ing options through the 2-piece collar. By removing the flat collar, a band collar remains. Snap buttons are added to the placket below. This dress is designed in a straight fit, offering a loose design. The box pleat at the back creates ease of move- ment. An extended back and utility loops add char- acter to this dress, while side seam pockets are just handy. Style with your fa- vourite G STAR sneaker.
Friday 01 April 2022 FASHION/LIFESTYLE 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR GRATEFUL SEPHUMA’S ‘THANK YOU’ TO ENABLERS OF HER SUCCESS MISSION: Sephuma wants to be recognised as the By Gugu Sibiya plans,” she said, speaking glowingly about the girl who took a risk on her career and triumphed... After a two-year hiatus from music perfor- Gqebera-born guitar maverick, composer and mances, Judith Sephuma’s Legendary Night producer. “There’s something exciting about this CHARGED-UP: Songstress boasts silky-smooth voice that inscribes her signature to shows are back on track. journey, thinking who’s next on the legendary her tunes... stage. It reminds me of that time I was in a rut. I The long-awaited second edition of the series craved an international audience, strangers who’d kicked off at the Emperor’s Palace’s iconic Thea- never heard my music before. I organised gigs at tre Marseilles, in Kempton Park, last Friday – to jazz clubs overseas. “My tour began in the USA, much success and warm public reception. then UK’s cosmopolitan London. Someone liked my show and invited me to Switzerland’s Marion, “I started Legendary Night to celebrate all the one of the world’s largest jazz clubs. I wrapped up people that have impacted my life in a profound my whirlwind tour in Turkey,” she gushed. ‘It was way. I’m paying tribute to Selaelo Selota, the a great idea. I really needed that breather. When I most-deserving person for this accolade and the came home, I was recalibrated, thinking out of the timing’s right,” an excited Sephuma told Weekly box. It did wonders for me as you’ll notice when SA Mirror days before the show. I’m on stage. “Selaelo is the most appropriate person to cel- “I started the Legendary Night to create work ebrate with. He changed my life in the most amaz- for musicians who depend on me for provision. ing way, musically, career-wise and personally. It’s a huge responsibility. I couldn’t stay at home, He produced my debut album, A Cry, a Smile waiting for a call. What would that say about me? and a Dance. It remains my biggest release. I had to create work, and if I’m the chosen one, let me show up,” the trim, dark beauty said confident- “Last year, it reached its 20-year milestone. ly. “Coming up with a list of songs to perform at a I’ve been in the industry for two decades and one show, is always difficult. In the end we manage to of Selaelo’s massive hit offering Phurrr Phaa, has pull together favourites. I set the trend of dressing also hit its 20-year mark. So, there’s so much to elegantly for stage, a legacy from my UCT (Uni- be excited about and grateful for,” an emotional versity of Cape Town) days. I’m thinking classy, Sephuma said. “To this day, I still get calls from elegance, going back to that chic era on shows,” people who are mad about A Cry, a Smile and a she recalled, blowing her horn. Dance. Some say they were on the verge of com- mitting suicide when it came on, so they stopped. Silky-smooth-voiced Sephuma’s career owes Others recall how it restored their relationships. its origins to an iconic jazz club, Kippies, which And (there are) those that swear it’s an integral used to be in Newtown. After singing, cleaning part of their birthday, wedding or any celebrations. and sleeping there, she and then boyfriend Selota caught a break to study music at UCT. “I’d like to thank KG Moeketsi for putting that song on air when I really needed it to be heard. They subsequently got married, had children, I’m eternally indebted to her. Like Mme Motswa- and later went their separate ways, but remained di, A Cry is that song you can’t talk about without friends and each other’s career fans. telling a story,” mused the songstress, while remi- niscing about songs that have touched many lives “After varsity my career defined itself. I start- at the same time. ed playing with big bands and my career grew into this beautiful thing that feeds my soul. Selaelo “When I took the route of doing my own also grew into this amazing musician,” says the events, that would mean something to me in 2019. singer with seven albums under her belt. I started out with Brenda Mtambo. She’s one of the singers I love and have worked with. She Her spellbinding voice, Selota’s mesmerising struck out to launch her solo music career. guitar skills, their timeless tunes, combined, de- liver memorable magic. “My curiosity, wanting to “In 2021, I would have had the late Lawrence create good music, has kept me focused,” beamed Matshiza. He’s one of the people who’ve added the singer with a fiery spirit that wants to succeed, value to my life. I wanted music lovers to expe- to live. rience his phenomenal talent but God had other PASTOR’S in Johannesburg recently. In seven chapters, The RIVETTING Door – An Addict’s Journey uses metaphor of the PERSONAL door as an enduring theme, highlighting Mariri’s ACCOUNT OF A life phases – from his formative years in the then DORWAY TO HELL oppressive Nationalist Party-ruled Apartheid South AND BACK Africa (A closed door), his trials and tribulations of exile in the United States (Opening a new door), SURVIVAL: The author uses the door to a triumphant homecoming (Doorway to home) powerful metaphor to narrate an addict’s in 1994. tough journey towards recovery… Mariri’s life was then ruined by a fortuitous By Victor Mecomere I’ll take renowned speaker and make him a bore. wrong turn at a nightclub which became the begin- EPIPHANY: Abner Mariri has penned an “My name is cocaine – call me coke for short. I’ll take your mother a make her a whore. I’ll make ning of what was to be his hell on earth (The wrong easy-to-read book about the sordid world of I entered this country without a passport, and a schoolteacher forget how to teach. I’ll make door). substance abuse since then, I have made lots of scum rich. Some a preacher not want to preach. I’ll take your rent (of the users) have been murdered and found in money and you will get evicted. I’ll murder your In the last three chapters – Breaking down the a ditch. babies, or they will be born addicted. I’ll make you door, finding The door of hope and finally access- rob steal and kill…” ing The right door – Mariri tells of the angst-filled “I am more valued than diamonds and more salvaging of a life that was nearly destroyed by treasured than gold. Use me just once and you These are the opening lines to the poem, I am addiction, and this is punctuated by a tumultuous too will be sold. I’ll make a schoolboy forget his cocaine, which appears at the end of The Door – An time in rehab, ending with a self-discovery and the books. I’ll make a beauty queen forget her looks. Addict’s Journey, by pastor, entrepreneur and moti- learning and teaching of crucial life lessons. vational speaker Abner Mariri, which was launched Mariri’s book, which can be easily read and understood by both young and old; shows how drug addiction always begins with curiosity, fol- lowed by the temptation to go for just one more fix, and the next; but, before long an awful, obsession takes over, and that is when what was one’s normal, stress-free life becomes a living hell. By the time most addicts wake up from the throes of a nightmarish episode, their families, businesses, jobs, marriages, children, friends, rela- tives and siblings have disintegrated into a million irreversible fragments, with their dignity and sanity dangling in disgraceful tatters. Of all the people who had supported him as he fought his drug demons, including musicians Lebo M and Hugh Masekela, Mariri is most thankful to his wife, Nthabiseng, who had fasted and prayed for him, together with the Mariri’s family friends. “As for my incredible wife, wow,” gushes Mariri in the last few paragraphs of The Door – An addicts’ Journey. “There are no words that can truly express the deep gratitude I feel towards her for hanging in there, despite having every reason to run for the hills. She is, was and always will be the love of my life.”
12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 01 April 2022 ON TRACK; The much awaited Isuzu MOTORING:Briefs D-Max breaks cover in SA PETROL PRICE HIKE LAT- EST The latest data from the Central Energy Fund shows the petrol price was expected to increase by between R1.73 – R1.81/litre in April. The price of diesel is expected to increase by R2.97 – R3.12/litre. However, this is expected to be offset somewhat by an emergency intervention announced by finance minister Enoch Go- dongwana on Thursday (31 March). Godongwana said this would be done by temporarily reducing the general fuel levy (GFL) included in the Basic Fuel Price by R1.50/litre for the period between 16 April to 31 May 2022. These changes will be reflected in the cost of diesel and fuel as follows: · A reduction in the GFL in petrol from R3.85/litre to R2.35/litre · A reduction in the GFL in diesel from R3.70/litre to R2.20/litre- BUSI- NESSTECH LONG WAIT IS OVER DRIVER LICENSE RENEW- ALS DEADLINE EXTEND- SEVENTH-GENERATION: Isuzu D-Max ED finally ready and complete with modifications to suit local market conditions Motorists who missed today’s deadline to renew their driver’s licence card can LED: Foglights to enhance visibility breathe a sigh of relief. · Transport Minister, Fikile Mbalula, has By Ali Mphaki extended the deadline to 15 April. Tick tock tick tock the clock is slowing ticking LOGICAL: The interior is logically laid out and modern · All learner’s licences, driving licence towards April 7 when Isuzu officially unveils the much-anticipated seventh generation D-Max in tions to the locally produced D-Max at their R1.2- Enthusiasts can look forward to welcoming the cards, temporary licences, and pro- Mzansi. million plant. new D-Max range in either 4x2 or 4x4 guise, which fessional driving permits expiring by will be offered with the single-cab coming with the 31 March remain valid until 15 April Almost three years of waiting for the D-Max The investment resulted in the security of 1 000 1.9-litre engine choice while the extended-cab and 2022. will come to a screeching halt with the launch of a jobs across the whole value-chain. With the launch double-cab D-Max’s will offer both the 1.9-litre and · The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, vehicle originally officially planned for production of the much-awaited D-Max, Isuzu is confident the 3.0-litre turbodiesel engines. says the relief is minor and it’s not plant in Port Elizabeth plant when Covid-19 struck, newcomer will be somewhat of a game changer and enough time to clear the backlog of disrupting supply chains. most definitely give the opposition some thinking The 1.9-litre turbodiesel engine churns out 110 motorists waiting for their cards. to do. kW and 350 Nm of torque, while the revised 3.0-li- Outa CEO Wayne Duvenage said, “it’s The untenable situation would see Isuzu change tre turbodiesel engine emits 140 kW and 450 Nm a very slight relief about two weeks effec- gears and launch schedules, what with the added re- The news last week that the first locally engi- mated to a 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic tively. I think what he’s hoping is to see the sponsibility of ensuring the Gqeberha produced D- neered and produced 7th generation D-Max bakkie transmission. last half million to a million drivers apply Max suits the local conditions as well as customer rolled off production line at the Struandale plant, for and get their licenses.”-ENCA requirements. was a firm confirmation that nothing short of a mira- To prove its off-roading pedigree, the D-Max cle is going to stand in the way of the April 7 launch. offers 240 mm ground clearance and an 800mm ZIMBOS HOLD ON TO Whilst waiting for the right moment to unleash wading depth. THEIR AGEING JALOPIES the new generation tough, Isuzu SA has not been twiddling their thumbs and have been hard at work Let me not spoil the party further detailing the Zimbabwe’s car market full-year sales for on a number of prototypes applying some modifica- exploits of the D-Max, but save to echo Isuzu SA 2020 have been 2,603, reporting just a de- when it says with six generations of reliability, du- cline of 1.3% compared to 2019. rability and capability, what is one week of waiting for the boldest bakkie yet. In 2021 the year started quite positively with full-year sales at 2,424, reporting a REAR; Has a potential to turn heads away from Toyota Hilux,Ford Ranger SEATS; Cushy, comfortable and supportive with 6.9% decrease compared to 2020. Com- Wildtrak plenty of legroom panies and the Government remain major consumers of new vehicles.With average annual new car sales at 4 000, against im- ports of 60 000, there was no investment case for investing in new facilities, an ex- ecutive with a leading car dealer said. Last year, Zimbabwe outlawed the importation of vehicles older than 10 years. Brand-wise, this year the leader Toy- ota (+22.4%) gained 5.8% market share, followed by Tata (+8.2%), which gained 1.7% share. Isuzu (-9%) was in the third position and lost 0.5% market share. The most sold model in the country remains the Toyota Hilux with 278 sales (+27.5%), holding 13.8% market share. LOTUS CHINA-MADE ELECTRIC SUV LEAN AND MEAN British carmaker Lotus’s bid to move from bit player in the racy roadster market to mass relevancy rests on a 600-horsepower electric SUV. China’s Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., which in 2017 purchased a majority stake in the heritage brand, revealed the Lotus Eletre on Tuesday evening in Lon- don, where it was driven onstage by For- mula 1 champion Jenson Button. The Eletre is a key part of Geely’s pitch to pivot Lotus to “lifestyle” vehicles be- yond its sharp-handling, track-tuned sports cars, such as the lightweight, relatively af- fordable Elan and Exige. The SUV, which will be built at a new factory in Wuhan, China, is the first of a range of new Lotus EVs planned for the next four years, including a sedan in 2023, a smaller SUV in 2025, and an electric sports car in 2026.-BLOOMBERG
Friday 01 April 2022 FOOD AND WINE 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR CULINARY WORLD’S RISING STAR SHINES AT AWARDS PASSION: Free State-born Moses Moloi’s career as South Africa’s outstanding chef widely acclaimed… By Len Maseko the guiding hand of Eat Out’s Rising Star winner ACCOLADE: Nederburg’s Pieter Badenhorst and Jackie Olivier congratulate chef Moses As a young lad growing up in Botshabelo town- Candice Philip. Moloi (middle) after the Rising Star Award at the Luxe Restaurant Awards in Rosebank. ship in the Free State in the 1990s, Moses Moloi had a humble upbringing that hardly prepared “And that was the start,” Moloi says with a tive after the awards, Moloi had a mouthful to say Who were the individuals in his life who served him for the heady trajectory that lay ahead. glint in his eye. about his amazing career path… as a great inspiration? How would he describe his food? Neither did he have an inkling that his dream “It was at FYN, in Cape Town, that I really MOLOI: Most definitely my mom and to become a mechanical engineer was just that – a cut my teeth, once again having had the chance MOLOI: Simple and straightforward, fla- grandma. They’re my roots, my sustenance, pipe-dream – and nothing even remotely close to to work under chef Peter Tempelhoff, this time as vourful comfort food. Certainly not dramatic my foundation. what destiny held for him. head chef. or overboard in any way. Their guidance and inspiration have led me to What makes him curious, driving him to keep on the person I am today. And the tradition of Instead, he would later discover that destiny I’m most proud of leading this restaurant to discovering and bettering his best efforts? our family’s favourite recipes remains to this had predetermined a course rooted in the unlike- the 92nd position in the World’s Best Restaurants MOLOI: I have an innate curiosity when it day. I cook what my mom used to cook (and liest of places – right inside the kitchen of their 50-100 list as a new entry, just three years after comes to the amazing array of food products still cooks), and my mom copied by gran. So, modest home, where the home-brewed culinary opening,” he recalls proudly. I get to work with. It’s fuelled by the oppor- the legacy lives on. skills of his mom and grandmom produced heart- tunity of action – trying new ideas, being in- What is it about wine that captivates him? warming meals for the family daily. Last year, he returned to Johannesburg to novative and creative. MOLOI: What about it is not appealing? I become head chef at Zioux in Sandton, leading What is the most challenging thing he’d ever just love drinking red wine. I’m most defi- It would be his mum and grandmother to a team under seasoned culinary aficionado David done or experienced? nitely a Cab man. thank one day when the cooking bug unexpect- Higgs. He describes his current tenure there as MOLOI: Running the kitchen at FYN – How did he see his life unfold henceforth? edly bit him, revealing his new-found passion, “an absolute blast!” something I’m most proud of! The pressure MOLOI: I’ll be a food entrepreneur – watch which he pursued by enrolling at the Olive Chef was huge. But you know what! That stuff this space! School in Bloemfontein. This week, Moloi’s already illustrious young builds character. His message to other young South African life accelerated further to dizzying heights when I really learned a lot about the day-to-day run- chefs? After his graduation from the school, he relo- he scooped the the Rising Star Award, sponsored ning of a restaurant, dealing with staff and Sacrifice the time to learn the industry, work cated to the United States to gain some work expe- by Nederburg, at the prestigious Luxe Restaurant diner complexities, the works! It was a com- for the best chefs and establishments. Earn rience in the hospitality industry there, returning Awards on Tuesday this week. pletely real experience of being a head chef at your stripes. Pay your dues. Invest in yourself later to join the kitchen staff at The Greenhouse a top establishment. through learning, reading, studying, asking in Cape Town, under the tutelage of rockstar chef The judges described the 31-year-old Moloi questions and working really hard. Peter Tempelhof. as “South Africa’s most exciting new restaurant hero, lauding for his blend of “classical expertise Today, Moloi recalls his kitchen days work- and fine-honed Asian-inspired technique that he ing under Tempelhoff with special fondness as the has brought to Zioux’s exciting menu”. stint under the famous chef’s hawk eye served to open the pathway to The Saxon, Joburg’s swanki- Held at Rosebank’s new Ethos restaurant, est hotel. There he was coached by another leg- Luxe Restaurant Awards celebrate the country’s endary chef, Luke Dale Roberts, and later under top local culinary talent chosen by food critics and the public, via digital vote. In a question-and-answer interview conduct- ed by public relations company August Collec- EVENTS IN BRIEF THE 2022 LUXE RESTAURANT AWARDS when the Loxtonia Cider Experience takes place at tivity tomorrow when throngs of wine lovers visit Hosted by the Cap Classique Association, the WINNERS a local farm of the same on April 23. the suburb to attend the local wine show today. event is sponsored by Sanlam Private Wealth and will feature some of South Africa finest Méthode Restaurant of the Year (La Colombe); Chef of the Guests will enjoy Loxtonia’s award winning A total of 100 wines from 25 producers will up Cap Classiques (MCC) as well as a selection of Year (Wandile Mabaso); New Restaurant of the Méthode Traditionelle Cider, which was crowned for tasting, including some foodie delights from France’s best Champagnes and leading Italian Pro- Year (Pier); Style Award (Zioux); Culinary Icon overall champion at the 11th International Cider Noordhoek’s culinary icons, all while being ser- seccos. Brands include L’Ormarins, Siwela Wines, (Siba Mtongana); Culinary Media Personality of Challenge last year. Loxtonia Blush Méthode Tra- enaded by Newton & Co. Bon Courage, La Bri, Graham Beck, Taittinger, the Year (Zanele van Zyl); Culinary Innovation ditionelle Cider is one of the cidery’s first two bub- Bollinger, Nicolas Feuillatte. (Candice Philip); Culinary Rising Star (Besele bly-style apple ciders, and the other is the ultra-dry The event, which starts at 12noon, will be held Moses Moloi): Sustainability (The Test Kitchen Loxtonia Brut. at Noordhoek Farm Village, and tickets cost R250 Tickets cost R395 per person and include a Fledgelings): Service Excellence (Basalt); Pioneer per person and available via Quicket. glass as well as 10 tasting coupons. Dress theme (Luke Dale Roberts); Cookbook of the Year (Host- The all-day event runs from 10h00 till 16h00 is blue and white. The event starts 11am and ends ing with The Lazy Makoti, by Mogau Seshoene); on Saturday, 23 April. Tickets costing R80 per per- STELLENBOSCH PARADE TO ENLIVEN THE at 4pm. African Restaurant of the Year (Emazulwini); Bis- son are available on Quicket. TOWN’S STREETS tro of the Year (Embarc); Burger Joint of the Year SWARTLAND’S BRAGGING RIGHTS SHOW (BGR); Café of the Year (Le Parc by Tashas); Cof- SPIER’S WEEKEND FIESTA TOPS HARVEST The famous Stellenbosch Wine Harvest Parade re- Swartland’s own new wine festival, scheduled to fee Shop of the Year (Truth Café); Fine Dining CALENDAR turns to South Africa’s Wine Capital on April 9. take place in the area on April 30, is set to show- Restaurant of the Year (La Petite) Colombe; Hotel case its prowess as one of South Africa’s most dy- Restaurant of the Year (Aurum); International Res- It’s harvest time, and Spier is lining up a weekend The procession is characterised by farmers, namic wine regions. taurant of the Year (Ethos); Lifestyle Restaurant of of feasting for wine lovers keen to join in the fun workers and wine lovers mounting colourful floats the Year (Tang): Pop Up Experience of the Year activities linked to the annual event, billed for April and painting the town red to herald the end of an- The event – dubbed Swartland Sosiaal – will be (Katlego Mlambo at The Marabi Club); Steakhouse 22 to 24. other fruitful wine grape season. It starts at 9am, held at The Moorrees and will feature the region’s of the Year (The Blockman); Street Food Experi- leaving from the Toy and Miniature Museum. signature labels such as Mullineux & Leeu ence of the Year (How Bao Now); Wine Service From R3650 per person sharing, the weekend Family Wines, Leeuwenkuil Family Vineyards, (Michelle Moller, La Colombe) package includes two nights’ accommodation at The procession ends with a braai, live music, Org de Rac Organic Wine Estate, Riebeek Wine the Spier Hotel, including breakfast, as well two and refreshments, with special entertainment laid Co, Pulpit Rock Wine and Marras Wines, as well as CIDERY LINES UP APPLE-FILLED BLAST dinners, wine tasting with Spier’s winemakers and on for the kiddies too. The event is part of a local non-Swartland wineries like Zevenwacht Wine Es- Ceres – nestling some 90km from Cape Town – is wine-blending experience. Children’s activities tradition and supports the region’s wineries, wine tate, MAN Wines, Lievland Vineyards, Journey’s synonymous with the apple and juices made from are part of the mix, with a grape juice station to be route organisation. End Vineyards, Mount Rozier Estate, Nico van the fruit. lined up for their own fun tasting exercise, includ- Merwe Wines and Anthonij Rupert Wyne. ing live music and succulent spit roasts. JOBURG’S POPULAR BUBBLY FEST COMES So, unsurprisingly, an alcoholic drink made NOORDHOEK KEEPS CRUSH ON WINE ALIVE TO THE CITY Tickets cost R350 per person available via from fermented apples will be the one to be served Noordhoek, situated a 25 minutes’ drive from Cape Quicket, and include 10 tasting vouchers, a glass, Town central business district, will be a hive of ac- Gauteng wine calendar event, Johannesburg Cap R50 towards a bottle of wine as well as the live Classique & Champagne Festival 2022, will music and games. be held at the Inanda Polo Club in Sandton on April 9 and 10.
14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 01 April 2022 Dr Bernard Lushozi drapped in his red and canary yellow academic regalia flanked by Pirates’ Reggie Sekhoai (left), veteran Pirates matriach Moipone Moorosi,, former player and coach Tebogo Moloi (iin cap), executive Thabo Malia, and scribe Masoja Cele JOY AND NOSTALGIA AS SHOES CELEBRATES DOCTORATE HARDWORK: Former Pirates and The Birds defender urges current crop of players not to drop the ball when it comes to their education By Masoja Cele before his retirement from the game. On the field, he used to send shivers down the On Saturday, the brainpower Dr Lushozi was spine of forwards with his robust and hard tack- celebrated for his achievements at a glittering shin- les.Off the field, he is a gentle man with a pas- dig held at Zwane’s eatery in Orlando West (Phe- sion for education. feni) Soweto. PIRATE: Bernard ‘Shoes” Lushozi during EXCELLENCE: Ladies and gentleman The Zwane cafeteria owned by another Pirates his time at Orlando Pirates Dr Bernard “Shoes” Lushozi This is Dr Bernard “Shoes” Lushozi., former legend Eugene ‘’Stan’’ Zwane is a walking dis- dience were music icon, Sam ‘Cee” Ngobeni and active should consider their studies as a priority. Orlando Pirates and erstwhile Moroka Swallows tance from Phefeni Sport ground the field that gave Jozi FM DJ Collin Hans. Football is a short-term career,’ he said. Zwane a tough-as-teak defender. Football fans may have birth to Kaizer Chiefs and adjacent to the home of former Jomo Cosmos and Pirates player says he their varied opinions about his style of play, but Amakhosi chairman Kaizer Motaung. Speaking to Weekly SA Mirror Dr. Lushozi was inspired by Lushozi’s achievements one thing certain is that Shoes, as Dr Lushozi was The soccasion was the pioneer of Zwane and was philosophical, intimating that “the beginning known during his playing days, is a prime example former Bucs striker Mandla ‘’Metroblitz’’ Sithole. of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.” “Dr Lushozi is a great example to all of us. It is there is life after football, but it takes hard work Football luminaries like Kagiso’’Zero’’Mogale, proper that we celebrate and honour him while he and dedication to prepare for it. Joel ‘’Ace Mnini, Linda ‘’Mercedes’’ Buthelezi, “I have learnt to know God and live His word, is still alive’’ said Zwane. Edward ‘’Magents’’Motale, Teboho ‘’Tebza’’ he says. On his academic journey, Lushozi says While many of his peers are facing a life of Moloi, Andries’’ChakaChaka’’Mpondo, he was lucky to have rubbed shoulders with peo- Former Bafana Bafana midfield hardman Lin- difficulty after years of stardom and the limelight, Alfred’’Dance’’Malete to name a few, came in ple with a passion for education, the likes of for- da Buthelezi echoed the sentiments: Lushozi has a career to fall back on. high spirits to honour Dr. Lushozi. Other digni- mer Moroka Swallows team mates Aubrey ‘’The taries who graced the affair were veteran football Great’’ Makgopela and John ‘’Guinea’’ More, who ‘’ Dr Lushozi has inspired all of us with his Now 57 years old, it has been a long and wind- administrators Thabo Malia, Reggie Sekhoai who encouraged him not to drop the ball when it comes achievements. He has proved that a decent life af- ing road for Lushozi to attain his Phd in education represented (Bucs) Bernard Mtshali former Mo- to his studies. ter football does not come by chance and that those from the University of Pretoria (Unisa). His thesis roka Swallows official and Pirates longest serving who want it are bestadvised to prepare for it while was in learning support and counselling under edu- supporter Moipone Moorosi. Also among the au- The lanky former defender added that he would still in their playing days.’ cational psychology. Many will find it interesting also encourage his peers who dream of pursuing that Lushozi started burning the midnight oil long their studies to do so. Education has no age limit. “What he has achieved is rare in football cir- Even the current group of players who are still cles. Personally, I pride myself for his achieve- ments’’ said Buthelezi.
Friday 01 April 2022 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORTS: Briefs WINDOW CLOSING MEDICAL OFFICAL COLLAPS- FOR SAFFAS ES AND DIES AT GHANA/NIGE- ABROAD? RIA CLASH BREXIT: The end of the foreign SAFA President, Dr Danny Jordaan has joined the football world in mourning the untimely passing player rule to provide better away of Zambia CAF/FIFA medical officer Dr Joseph Kabungo who was the doping officer in England player development Tuesday’s FIFA World Cup match between Nige- ria and Ghana in Abuja. Dr Kabungo apparently opportunities looms BENEFICIARY: The current system allows the likes of Lood de Jager (in pic- collapsed at the match venue and was rushed to ture) to play regularly in the Premiership and earn big salaries hospital where he was certified dead despite efforts to resuscitate him. Dr Jordaan said he had worked By WSAM REPORTER ers taking the places of young English players at position going forward with regard to the regula- and interacted with Dr Kabungo on numerous oc- English-qualified quotas are expected to be Premiership clubs,” Erasmus wrote. “For us, it’s tory classification of foreign players. casions especially during CAF duties and came strengthened in 2024 which could directly im- wonderful. Among about 32 players we are look- across as a caring and professional individual. pact the number of South African players eligi- ing at, they’re probably earning 400-million rand “From summer 2024 there will be a new EQPs ble to be fielded in Premiership matches. that doesn’t have to come off our accounts. “Mean- system and new foreign player rules. There is fur- ‘’This is a sad day for Africa and world foot- while, back in South Africa, we have the next ther work to do to agree the detail of this subject to ball. We have lost an individual who had dedicated Under current rules, Premiership clubs are only South African lock coming through because there a new Professional Game Agreement and introduc- his life to the sport of football. He died while on allowed to field two foreign players in their match- is no financial incentive for players to come here. tion into regulation. Pending this, an interim posi- duty and to his family and friends, we join you in day squads. However, this does not include players tion will exist such that players who are or would mourning this African giant,’’ said Dr Jordaan. from South Africa, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga due to “Is it good for England that Faf de Klerk is have been classified as a non-foreign prior to 1 the 2003 European Union Association Agreement. starting ahead of Raffi Quirke at Sale? No. Is it January 2021 will retain such non-foreign classifi- BULLS DROP TICKET PRICES good for South Africa? Yes, it works for us.” cation until the end of the 2023-24 season.” TO R25 Britan’s exit from the EU had Premiership sides fearing that their South African and Pacific According to a report in the Guardian, the RFU Last year, the RFU signalled their intent to The Vodacom Bulls have dropped prices for Satur- Island players would be reclassified as foreign has opted to keep the current temporary laws until make it compulsory for Premiership clubs to have day’s Vodacom United Rugby Championship game players. the end of the 2023-24 season, when a new profes- at least 15 English-qualified players (EQPs) in a against Irish side Ulster to R25 to try fill the sta- sional game agreement will come into effect. match-day squad, bringling England closer in dium to fifty percent capacity. In a recent wide-ranging column for the Daily alignment to France’s JIFF ruling. Mail, Rassie Erasmus said that South African rug- “The decision on who can work in the UK is “This is unheard of. Where in the world have by and the Springboks were benefiting from the a matter for government. Player registration and “The intention is to move to a position where you seen a premier match between two sides with current system in England, which allows the likes classification rules, however, sit with the RFU and there is a mandatory EQPs system under which so much history and accolades opening their sta- of Faf de Klerk and Lood de Jager to play regularly within the bounds of English law, it is the RFU’s Premiership clubs must have a minimum of 15 dium at such low ticket prices,” Bulls CEO Edgar in the Premiership and earn big salaries. decision to determine who is classified as a foreign EQPs in each match-day squad and the end of the Rathbone said on Tuesday. “Lets make sure that we or non-foreign player,” the RFU said in a state- foreign player rule to provide better England play- get 25 000 people at Loftus. I’m committing that “People say South Africa are stupid for al- ment. “As such due to the United Kingdom no er development opportunities while giving greater we’ll make it start from R25 a ticket, and we are lowing our players to leave. Is it stupid? Look at longer being a member of the European Union, the flexibility for Premiership clubs to select non-EQP hoping that all the schools, clubs and supporters of England, there are six or seven South African play- RFU is working with stakeholders to determine the players of any nationality.” rugby in the area will come.” MOMENTUM PROTEAS’ “We are hoping to get a big crowd. The govern- FIGHTING SPIRIT LAUDED ment has given us the go ahead to open up t0 50 percent of the capacity, which is 25 000 for us at GRATIFYING: The entire world watched in awe at the abundance of Loftus. Hopefully, we will try to get those numbers talent that the South African women’s cricket setup was able to produce up this weekend,’ coach Jake white added in Jaca- randa FM’s breakfast show. OWN CORRESPONDENT mately translates to more money for the sport to produce. While the CSA Board commiserates with JOHANNESBURG – Cricket South Africa pay women better, build better training facilities the team and shares in their disappointment, we HAMBA KAHLE SHANE WARNE (CSA) and Momentum have lauded the Mo- and even stronger sport development programmes. will continue to support their growth as a team as mentum Proteas for reaching the semi-finals With #OneMoreFan we can do this.” Adds Bos- we look forward to hosting next year’s ICC Wom- “Looking forward to a future without Shane is in- of the 2022 ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup man. CSA Board Chairperson, Lawson Naidoo en’s T20 World Cup on home soil.” conceivable,’ his hearbroken father Keith said at in Christchurch, New Zealand and for waging said; “The Momentum Proteas performance at the the funeral service of the large-than-life “king of a gallant contest against the defending champi- ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup campaign war- In acknowledgment of the performance of the spin” who was honoured at a two-hour service at ons, England. The Momentum Proteas lost to rants praise. After winning their first four group Proteas team, Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, the Melbourne Cricket Ground with more 50 000 England by 137 runs on Thursday, bringing an stage matches, they were on the cusp of a place Nathi Mthethwa commented; “As a nation we re- free tickets handed out on Wednesday. The well- end to an impressive run of form. in the final. main very proud of our Women’s Cricket team. loved Australian cricketer died at a luxury resort in They managed to raise our national flag high with Thailand this moth from a suspected heart attack, Commenting of South Africa’s campaign, “It is however gratifying that the entire world their electrifying wins against strong opposition. aged 52, eliciting shock and grief from his millions CSA Chief Executive Officer-designate, Pholetsi watched in awe at the abundance of talent that the We call upon all cricket lovers to show their love of fans as well as prime ministers, rock stars and Moseki, said; “The team gave it their all during South African women’s cricket setup was able to as our cricket warriors return home.” fellow players. His father Keith added: “But we the campaign, winning many plaudits and admir- take comfort in knowing that Shane packed more ers along the way. CSA commends their fighting POOR ON THE DAY: into his life of 52 years, five months and 91 days spirit, dedication and determination, which they Ayabonga Khaka than most people would in two lifetimes” have continuously displayed. “Much as the loss is disappointing, there are important lessons that failed to live up to The funeral service was beamed live to cricket the team will have learnt, which will sharpen and expectations in grounds across Australia and watched around the strengthen their game going forward. This abiding world, with music superstars Elton John and Chris conviction underwrites our support for the team, their match against Martin performing by video link. and we enjoin the entire country to do same.” England TIGER OUT OF THE WOODS TO “The Momentum Proteas did an incredible job TEST MASTERS FITNESS at this year’s World Cup, being second on the log throughout the tournament and reaching the semi- Tiger Woods arrived at Augusta National on Tues- finals, it’s a momentous feat and if it’s possible day with son Charlie to play a practice round and for them, it’s possible for any female team,” says test his fitness for next week’s Masters, Sports il- Carel Bosman, Momentum Head of Sponsorships lustrated reported. Citing unnamed sources, a post- and Events. ing on the magazine’s website said the 15-major winner and five-time Masters champion who suf- “We are therefore urging the nation to con- fered severe leg injuries in a crash last year was tinue watching more Momentum Proteas’ games with his son Charlie. even after the World Cup has passed because when more South Africans watch, they ignite more view- If Wood plays next week in the year’s first ers which leads to more sponsorships which ulti- major tournament, it would be the first time he has played in an official event since a car crash in February 2021 left him hospitalized for weeks and struggling to walk for months. Since the acci- dent, Woods has played in a family event alongside Charlie and been inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame. BYE BYE CARLOS QUEIROZ Carlos Queiroz announced his immediate depar- ture from his role as Egypt manager after the penal- ty shootout defeat to Senegal ended their hopes of qualifying for the 2022 World Cup. Queiroz took charge of the Pharaohs in September last year and led the team to the Africa Cup of Nations final in February, where they also lost in a penalty shootout to Senegal. It was a case of history repeating itself on Tuesday as another shootout defeat to Senegal put paid to their hopes of reaching Qatar. A clause in Queiroz’s contract stipulated that it would be terminated if Egypt failed to qualify for the 2022 World Cup, and the Portuguese coach confirmed he would be stepping down with imme- diate effect.
MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... SOCCER FANS ARE BACK NORMALITY RESTORED: Soccer fans (like in the picture) cannot wait to return to the stands to root for their favourite teams By Ali Mphaki THE 12TH PLAYER: FREE ENTRANCE tinued to be barred from the stands. Free entry is guaranteed Mamelodi Sundowns FOR SUNDOWNS FANS WHILE THE The absent fan malaise was evident when our GHOST MUST PAY fans when their heroes engage Al Merrikh of Sudan Bafana Bafana were shell-shocked to play before in a CAF Champions League match scheduled for the precarious situation caused by the advent of the comes to coaches, the return of the fans is a double- a capacity crowd after almost a two-year hiatus the FNB stadium on Saturday. Covid-19 virus it has been a nerve-wracking time edged sword. against France in Lille on Tuesday for all stakeholders. Sadly, not so with the horde of Orlando Pirates Thanks to the restrictions, some of them have But now that the gates are swung open, the lo- fans, who have to fork out R40 to watch their team The whole eco-system suffered irreparable escaped the wrath of enraged fans and the igno- cal fan can still not fathom why they cannot be al- tackle Al-Ittihad Club from Libya in a TotalEner- damage with, for example the aunties selling their miny of having to leave the field under escort fol- lowed to fill up the stadiums, the greenlight agreed gies Confederation Cup clash at the Orlando Sta- wares at the stadiums, the security guards, the gate- lowed by all sorts of missiles and insults. by government and SA football bodies allowing for dium on Sunday. keepers etc. all negatively affected. only a filling of 50% capacity of the stadiums. Exciting days are definitely back. Though patently a question of different strokes Coaches would also confess that the missing Though seemingly the return of soccer fans to PSL head honchos seem to have applied the one for different folks, it is a welcome relief and a long crowd syndrome was having a negative effect to the stands was a decision taken at extra-time, it has game at a time approach when it comes to this one. time coming for soccer fans to be back at the stands the game, and that they were struggling to motivate always been a sore point for local fans to watch having been peeved enough by having to watch their charges. capacity crowds at football matches abroad ( the While excitement soars at the return to the their favorite teams on TV with fake crowd sounds recently completed Afcon as well), while they con- stands, the gesture to allow free entry to their vac- etc. Though it bodes to be mentioned that when it cinated fans by Sundowns is commendable and should be applauded and be emulated. It is also a relief for the players, what with the vuvuzela, the booing and cheering generated by the The long-suffering but loyal fan, faced with crowds creating a sense of urgency for them to per- sky rocketing petrol prices, hiked electricity tariffs, form to their outmost best. exorbitant club paraphernalia and general hardship deserves some relief. And what a better thank you Operating through the “eye of the storm” as than allowing them free entry to the first games aptly put by PSL chair Dr Irvin Khoza describing post Covid-19 restrictions. Even if only this once. FAIR WORLD CUP increase to 48 teams scheduled for the 2026 tour- DRAW FOR AFRICA nament in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. ALL SET: First time quadrennial international The reigning World Cup champions are France. Due to Qatar’s intense summer heat, this tournament held in the Arab world World Cup will be the first tournament not to be held in May, June, or July; it is to be played in a By Ali Mphaki wonder how FIFA could allow the quadrennial reduced timeframe of around 28 days. It is going to be a completely different FIFA international tournament be held in such a pariah of a state. HERE IS THE FINAL WORLD CUP DRAW IN World Cup in Qatar - that land where female tour- FULL ists are advised not to wear leggings, miniskirts, But bringing some solace is the fact that the Group A: Qatar, Ecuador, Senegal, Holland sleeveless dresses and short or tight clothing in 2021 Qatar FIFA World Cup draw on Friday, was Group B: England, Iran, United States, Wales/ public. a bit friendly for the five African teams which qualified. Scheduled to take place in Qatar from Ukraine/Scotland Infamous for its human rights abuses, with 21 November to 18 December 2022, the tourna- Group C: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, alcohol only served in select hotels, it is still a ment will be the last to involve 32 teams, with an Poland Group D: France, Peru/Australia/UAE, Denmark, Tunisia Group E: Spain, New Zealand/Costa Rica, Germany, Japan Group F: Belgium, Canada, Morocco, Croatia Group G: Brazil, Serbia, Switzerland, Cameroon Group H: Portugal, Ghana, Uruguay, South Korea
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