KELLY KHUMALO: RR WHAT DRIVES WAS IT MURDER NONHLE THEMA SHE WROTE? CRAZY 3page 12page Friday 10 June 2022 D E Q L MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... COVID DEATH TOLL MYSTERY Did Government exaggerate Covid-19 death numbers between 2020 and 2021 to create psychosis of fear and therefore boost 2its vaccination drive? see page
2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 10 June 2022 COVID DEATH TOLL LATEST RIDDLE CONFIRMED CENSORSHIP: More people died from natural causes than reported Covid-19 CASES OF deaths during the first two years of the pandemic, according to UCT researchers, COVID-19 IN SA raising the question why this information was withheld at the time... (10 JUNE 2022) By Thuli Zungu reported COVID-19 deaths within each province being one of the few developing countries to have The National Institute for Communicable There were more deaths from natural causes at indicates that the majority of excess deaths were built and instituted that system. Diseases (NICD), a division of the National the height of Covid-19 pandemic – between 2020 associated with COVID-19. Health Laboratory Service, continues to provide and 2021 – than reported the death toll from the “This study allows us to reflect at greater depth laboratory-based surveillance to inform the deadly virus, prompting the question whether Moultrie says many countries have found it dif- on matters that we do not usually have time for in public health response towards COVID-19 in the Government deliberately kept this crucial ficult to estimate excess deaths, or to identify and the preparation of the weekly reports: here we con- South Africa. information under wraps. report COVID-19 deaths accurately, demonstrating sider the differential mortality impacts of different the value of near-real time monitoring of mortality waves of the pandemic and the age-related burden Today, the institute reports 1,592 new According to new findings led by researchers at through the use and demographic analysis of data of mortality that has become apparent,” Moultrie. COVID-19 cases that have been identified in the University of Cape Town (UCT) and the South obtained from the country’s National Population South Africa, which brings the total number of African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), Register. He says hard lockdowns and alcohol bans cer- laboratory-confirmed cases to 3 976 653. This there were about three times the number of excess tainly affected unnatural deaths. Yet, the hard lock- increase represents a 7.6% positivity rate. deaths from natural causes during the first two years The study found considerable provincial differ- downs also materially reduced natural deaths of of the pandemic than reported COVID-19 deaths. ences in the impact of COVID-19, likely associated children under the age of five, he says. Today, the National Department of Health with differences in population age structure and reports 20 deaths, and of these, eight occurred This revelation prompts the thorny question density, patterns of social mixing, and differences “We do note however, that despite the consid- in the past 24 – 48 hours. This brings the total whether the Government had been aware of this in the prevalence of known comorbidities such as erable provincial variations in the timing of waves fatalities to 101,468 to date. reality at the time, but deliberately kept this critical diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. and excess mortality, the various interventions es- information from the public to allow the onset of calating the disaster lockdown levels under the na- A total of 25 467 671 tests have been panic among South Africans so to coerce them into Moutlrie says as the waves unfolded, levels of tional regulations was applied almost exclusively at conducted in both public and private sectors. vaccinating. natural immunity together with vaccination began a national level and were largely ill-timed relative The majority of new cases today are from to reduce levels of mortality. to the timing of the excess deaths.” Gauteng (34%) followed by Western Cape But, Foster Mohale, the spokesperson for the (23%). KwaZulu-Natal accounted for 14% and Department of Health, today dismissed suspicions He says mortality rates during the second-Beta- Moultrie says the study demonstrates the im- Eastern Cape accounted for 8%. Free State, of censorship of Covid-19 figures on the part of the wave were much higher than mortality in the third portance and utility of a near-real time monitoring Mpumalanga and North West each accounted government, saying the health authorities had been -Delta- wave, which were higher than in either the system for 5% respectively; Northern Cape accounted open about the issue of Covid-19 deaths. first or the fourth-Omicron-waves. for 4% and Limpopo accounted for 2% of “We urge changes to the system whereby deaths today’s cases. – Source: NICD Tom Moultrie, a co-author of the study and Moultrie says his study, published in the South are certified and reported, and note the potential to professor of demography at UCT, says although African Journal of Science, is built off the weekly expand this system to assist in future responses Mohale said, while the government had been the cause of deaths remains unknown, the strong data collected, analysed and prepared by the SAM- to disease outbreaks. We also note the significant open about the issue of Covid-19 deaths, the num- temporal correlation between excess deaths and RC-UCT collaboration, that has allowed the near- disparities in the quality of officially reported data, ber of deaths could be higher than what they were to-real time tracking of excess mortality in South and the importance of adequate and appropriate reported because of several factors, including that Africa throughout the pandemic; with South Africa provincial data systems,” says Moultrie. some deaths were not reported, especially those that happened at homes and the deceased were taken to mortuary without post-mortem conducted. “That’s why sometimes we report deaths cat- egorised as backlog deaths,” said Mohale, adding that the government had never forced anyone to take a jab, vaccination remains voluntary. “All we do, is to tell people about the benefits of vaccinating against Covid-19, ‘’ says Mohale. Anti-vaccination activists across the world have always cautioned that there was global con- spiracy around the pandemic itself, including the high death toll figures proffered by governments as being connected to Covid-19.
Friday 10 June 2022 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR KELLY KHUMALO: MIGHT IT BE THE MURDER SHE WROTE? NAMED: Singer Kelly Khumalo was mentioned as one who mistakenly GUNNED DOWN: Senzo pulled the trigger and shot boyfriend soccerite Senzo Meyiwa Meyiwa the Orlando Pirates keeper was shot dead in October 2014 By Ali Mphaki WHO DUNNIT? Startling evidence at the Presiding is Judge Tshifhiwa Maumela. Senzo Meyiwa murder trial keeps nation glued on Resplendent in his tomato red robes and perched their TV sets as they follow court proceedings on his leather-upholstered seat, he is decorum personified. But make no mistake, he will never CALCULATED: Judge Tshifhiwe Maumela a ROSE AMONG THORNS: Advocate ASSAULT: Defence lawyer Advocate allow the “tail to wag the dog” in his courtroom. drawback to the 70s era when the Afro hair Sibongile Mshololo is the only female Malesela Teffo showed no mercy to the was in vogue lawyer who represents accused num- Queens language Prima facie, watching Maumela scribble his ber five twister for the sweet-voiced lass. notes and making those calculated remarks, he In a country with 12 official languages, the Mosia, a B.Tech in Forensics Unisa graduate, comes out like the wise Biblical Solomon. irony of proceedings carried out in English when had reached his English tipping point and the only As an emphatic confirmation that law is not the judge, defence /State lawyers and the accused way was back to his mother tongue. a strictly male domain, defence lawyer Advocate Spotting his pitch-black Afro-hairdo and with are all black, is glaring. The use of the Sesotho interpreter, while giving Sibongile Mshololo, representing accused number a goatie sprinkled with grey/white hair, were he to Mosia some time to think his answers carefully, has five Fisokuhle Ntuli, is no shrinking violet. find himself in an (un)compromised scene, chances Inevitably something had to give, and enter unwittingly added some colour to the male domi- are the learned judge would easily be perjured for the Sesotho interpreter, this when first witness Ser- nated proceedings. Her probing questions, like the fresh braids of a bishop of a popular KZN-based church outfit, the geant Thabo Mosia somersaulted from his earlier Notwithstanding her bantuism, the title crim- her hair, has the knack to entangle a witness into strong Shembe. decision of giving his evidence in English, having inalistics-forensic-expert was a bit of a tongue a knot. done so for eight days. Conclusively, the judge leaves a lingering im- Coming eight years after the fact, the murder pression of a Samson, of one decreed never to have case of Meyiwa sees five men appearing at the his hair shorn, or one whose strength comes from North Gauteng High court, charged with his mur- their hair. der. Reports say the hairdo is an act of protest, af- They are Muzikawukhulelwa S’Tembu Sibiya, ter an incident during the 1976 Soweto Uprisings Bongani Sandiso Ntanzi, Mthobisi Prince Mncube, when the apartheid police tortured a young activist Mthokoziseni Ziphozonke Maphisa, and Fisokuhle Maumela pulling his long hair etc. Ntuli. They have all pleaded not guilty. Following his torture, he took a vow never to Proceedings got to a sticky start with the intro- be Delilah’d. duction of a “surprise” second docket on Wednes- day, an act which enraged Mshololo who expressed It has been two weeks since Maumela had been her shock at the manner in which the State was presiding over the proceedings in the murder trial conducting the case and how her client was subse- of Orlando Pirates goalkeeper and Bafana Bafana quently prejudiced. captain Senzo Meyiwa. Unlike the first docket, the second document The evidence has been quite hair-raising. Noth- mentions seven other people who were in the house ing it seems, could had prepared Maumela, a judge when the alleged murder happened, with the sus- since 2012, for what superficially looks like a pects identified including singer Kelly Khumalo, straightforward, but very complex case of the death her mother Gladness, her sister Zandi, Meyiwa’s of Meyiwa. two friends, Tumelo Madlala and Mthokozisi Thwala, Zandi’s boyfriend Longwe Thwala and Apart from ensuring the smooth running of Maggie Phiri. court proceedings, Maumela finds himself forced to give pro deo English lessons, as exemplified in Mshololo, who was busy with her cross-exam- one of his several exchanges with defence lawyer ination of Mosia, asked for some few days to study Advocate Teffo. the second docket. Judge: I don’t think you understand what the word There was no option but to postpone the case preliminary means. It is something that until Monday, another delay as far as the Meyiwa happens before another. This case has al- family and the accused are concerned, but a well- ready started. deserved short break for judge Maumela to enjoy Adv.Teffo: I don’t mean preliminary as in prelimi- his favourite drink – H2O, pure water – far from the nary. glare of TV cameras. Judge: Im saying you may not understand the meaning of the word. But if you insist on using that word carry on. Adv. Teffo: Yah its just a English. My Lord.
4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 10 June 2022 TRAUMATISED KIDS TOO SCARED TO REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE STIGMA: Victims feel responsible to protect their families to avoid the stigma By Monk Nkomo unnoticed and unreported, leaving the perpe- alent in all communities even at institutions of views.’’ Thousands of children who are victims of sex- trators to roam free and young victims with inade- learning like schools, colleges and universities Communities, the study added, should have ual and gender-based violence in South Africa quate care and long-lasting psychological effects. which experienced sexual violence challenges are reluctant to report their horror ordeals be- which formed part of a broader sexual and gen- access to services of equal quality and the man- cause they mistrust law enforcement agencies Reseachers in this study explored a myriad of der-based violence pandemic in South Africa. ner in which services are presented and offered including the police and fear being victimised services in place to support victims of violence Because of this scourge, service providers and should be in line with what women and children and ridiculed. in South Africa. It aimed to understand what sur- responsive services experienced empathy fatigue. needed and can related to.’’ Knowing exactly vivors of violence needed from these services what these needs are is important. It will help ser- These are the findings of a research by the and assessed and analysed the pitfalls. The study ‘’But this fatigue should not cause more harm vice providers to understand what they can do to University of Cape Town’s Children Institute fol- was conducted in partnership with Masiman- to victims and survivors. Service providers have a ensure that women and children seek services , lowing a new study titled : ‘’ Closing the gaps in yane Women’s Rights International, a non-profit duty to protect women and children against sec- participate in interventions and adhere to the nec- services that respond to violence against women organisation based in the Eastern Cape which is ondary trauma and their behaviour should not essary treatment.’’ and children’’. The study was led by researchers committed to supporting victims and survivors of silence victims and survivors further’’, said Titi. Professor Shanaaz Mathews, Dr. Neziswa Titi and sexual and gender-based violence. Schools also had a role to play to address the Lucy Jamieson. The study also noted that sexual and gender- issue of children being silent about being sexu- The study was released a few days after Po- based violence was not normal and all efforts have ally abused. Teachers needed to be trained to re- ‘’ Children also find it especially difficult lice Minister Bheki Cele released crime figures to be made to encourage women and children to spond to children and to refer them for psycho- to report perpetrators who are close relatives or for the first quarter of this year which revealed speak up. Titi said children were prevented from logical support. Law enforcement agencies and friends as a result of emotional ties and connec- that this period was violent, brutal and unsafe for seeking help because they did not trust law en- healthcare facilities should also adopt a trauma- tions and feel a sense of responsibility to protect many South Africans especially women and chil- forcement agencies. informed approach that assumed that young vic- their families from the stigma associated with dren. Murder and assault GBH of children under tims of violence had experienced trauma in the sexual abuse’’, the study found. the age of 17 recorded sharp increases. Murder of ‘’ Their concern that relatives, community past and to manage them sensitively and respect- children increased by 37,2 percent compared to members and religious leaders would dismiss fully. The researchers also established that aban- the same period last year. their cries for help is real too’’, Titi said. ‘’We doned and sexually assaulted was the daily har- should address this issue of silence as a matter of The study called on law enforcement agen- rowing reality for thousands of children in South Out of 6083 people killed in the first three urgency. If we want to empower children to speak cies and non-governmental organisations to pro- Africa. Sadly, many of these serious and violent months this year, 898 were women and 306 chil- up, we need to take a community-based approach vide specific services and these members should crimes go dren under the age of 17. that builds the capacity of families and commu- be adequately trained to respond to victims of nities to listen to children and to validate their violence and offer the support they needed. The research found that violence was prev- HASTINGS NDLOVU’S R80 000 MEMORIAL DERELICT VANDALIZED AND ABANDONED: Second death for first victim of june 16 1976 By Ali Mphaki Ndlovu was inciting other students when he was BEFORE: This is how the Hastings Ndlovu Memorial looked like back in the day. PHOTO: Boxer Ngwenya June 16, 1976: A bullet wound to one side of shot. Though Ndlovu’s death was somewhat his head, blood on the other side, the gurgle of overshadowed by that of another victim 12-year- AFTER: A sorry sight is what greets passerbys at what was supposed to be a sacred place death in his throat. This is how a doctor at the old Hector Pieterson (probably because of the to honour the first victim of the June 16, 1976 uprisings. PHOTO: Boxer Ngwenya casualty section described the “grisly scene” of dramatic pic of bleeding Pieterse, his sister Antoi- a dying Hastings Ndlovu on a stretcher at the net and Mbuyisa Makhubo taken by Sam Nzima). Three years ago in a statement by Joburg community to support the SAPS and the JMPD Baragwanath Hospital. However, a statue to honour the fallen Ndlovu city’s spokesman Nthatisi Modingoane, he said by reporting acts of vandalism and theft,” Modin- said to be worth R80 000 was commissioned by theft and vandalism of infrastructure and assets goane said. June 19, 2018: An amputated hand, scars on the Johannesburg Road Agency in 2010. is a major challenge. He said infrastructure such the forehead and torso, face down with mouth and assets commonly targeted in open spaces and As for what remains at the open museum, seemingly stretched in a rather painful grin. This Described as an outdoor memorial, it is situ- parks include ablution facilities, fencing, elec- Modingoane said the story boards that remain and is how a battered statue of Ndlovu (still in blue ated more or less opposite the bridge on Klip trical equipment, trees, buildings, statues, play have been damaged by the exposure of the sun and white school uniform) looks like in a safe Valley Road and Khumalo Street where Ndlovu equipment etc ”The city continues to call on the will be taken care of as part of the maintenance room at the nearby Hector Pieterson memorial met his demise. At this memorial a young Ndlo- programme. in Orlando West. Fact is there is no dispute as to vu, dressed in school uniform and standing on a who fired the shot that killed Ndlovu in ‘76. plinth, could be seen smiling and holding his arm up. There are also storyboards which lined each What is not clear is who vandalized his statue side of the bridge, on the sides of a new steel and in 2016. But most certainly it is the same peo- concrete structure, with seating, inviting visitors ple who are enjoying the freedom Ndlovu paid to walk down and take in the quiet memorial next the supreme sacrifice for. Ndlovu, the only 15 to the busy intersection. But just why a place of years old, is arguably the first youth to be shot such historic significance was not secured con- by apartheid police on that fateful day. He was tinue to boggle the mind. part of a students march from the Orlando North high school when they met with police towards Approached for comment, Eric Raboshakga the bridge on Khumalo Street. the city’s regional director of planning infrastruc- ture said he had referred our inquiry to a colleague The schoolboy died later same day. A rogue identified as Loyisi (no surname given) who will cop with a comical surname based at the Orlando direct us to the relevant department. Police station – a Colonel Kleingeld – later testi- fied with something in him of the coquette that But at the time of going to Print, no Loyiso had called Weekly SA Mirror.
Friday 10 June 2022 JUNE 16 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR By Gugu Sibiya LELETI Leleti Khumalo was a teenager when she RECALLS was first unleashed upon the country’s stages HOW SHE through a protest theatrical production Sarafi- STEPPED UP na. TO JUNE 16 PLATE Spellbound audiences were still coming to grips with the tornado that had just hit their stages PASSION: Whether on stage, film or TV, the when the play went overseas. On it’s triumphant return, it was adapted into a film. It’s this heritage veteran actress keeps it professional, because movie that etv will be showing on Thursday, June 16, to coincide with the historical comemoration of “it’s something I love very much”… the 46th anniversary of June 16 1976 uprisings. movie. our culture and the purity of language is explored right people. You’d think with the legends we had The children of Soweto fed up with being “Even now they are rehearsing for the play at through its rich idiom. there, there’d be drama or egos, there were none. force-fed Afrikaans as a medium of instruction, There was patience, compassion, desire to impart rose against the might of the apartheid regime. school and asked me to teach them so that they can “I work with people I love and respect, not to knowledge and we had a great time. Miriam had Armed with dustbin lids and stones as protection, have the edge over their mates. Last year, we ran a mention the youth who complete us. Mentoring this way of mothering you, making you feel safe. hundreds of school children were mowed down by challenge on etv, and we were flooded. In the fren- young people is essential,” says the actress who’s Whoopi is the sane one but ensures that you get soldiers, killing and maiming them. zy of it all, I caught covid-19,” she recalls in awe. also wearing a producer’s hat. She says working respect and everything that’s due to you. President with Anant Singh and Duma Ndlovu has been a Rolihlahla Mandela had a knack for making you Sarafina touch on this painful history of Black “After Sarafina, I got a meaty but emotive blessing and a wealth of wisdom imparted to her. feel like you’ve known each other for a long time. South Africans, expressing and keeping the mes- role in the film Forgiveness. Its storyline revolved In all these people, I had the best teachers. sage of hope alive that freedom will come. It was around HIV/Aids. It was too sad for me, I cried On the critics and skeptics who dismissed her 1992 and the prophesy came true two-years later in buckets of tears. Then there was Invictus, Free as a fluke that would never make it, she smiles with “I’m ready to swop my acting hat for that of 1994. Mbongeni Ngema is the legend that pulled State and Cry,The Beloved Country. serenity. “I’m not upset at them. They liked me on producer in the future, as well as producing new it all together with his stage and film productions. Sarafina and couldn’t imagine me doing anything stories. Mentoring KZN kids of is top of the agen- “Ticking another box, I gravitated towards the else. Versatility, growth and exploring other medi- da. Opening a school where I’ll impart knowledge “When I played Sarafina onstage and I the film, small screen. I could have stayed in theatre, but be- ums is not a bad idea. Whether on stage, film or to them is an ever-present dream,” she states wist- I never thought it was going to be this massive or ing here at home it doesn’t pay the bills. My first TV, it’s about acting, something I love very much”. fully. impact my life in this profound manner. Sarafina port of call was Generations, followed by Uzalo introduced me to South Africans and the world. Af- and now Mbewu. I love that Mbewu is about us, “Sarafina was shot at the right time, with the ter much success here at home, we spent two years on Broadway in the USA, and another two years on tour across America before coming back home, exhausted”. “I was barely rested when I was asked to au- dition for Sarafina the flick. Although people were surprised since I was already the lead on stage, my director encouraged me to do it. He said he had faith in me but that I had to prove that I could do it. I did, and got the role,” she recalls. Sarafina strutted the cream-of-the-crop enter- tainers such as the late Miriam Makeba, Whoopi Goldberg and Dr John Kani, Leleti felt intimidated on the first day of the shoot. “I was so petrified I just froze. I couldn’t utter a word, we postponed. Miriam and Whoopi understood, they took me un- der their wing, holding my hand through that excit- ing but nerve-wrecking time. “It’s been 30 years since we shot the epic mov- ie but it’s as popular as if it’s just been released. It’s put South Africa on the map. In fact, Sarafina has paved the way for many other productions that have gone overseas. It’s even launched interna- tional careers for those who’ve used the exposure and opportunity wisely,” she says with pride in her voice. “Sarafina made me! Mbongeni Ngema, the ge- nius behind the brand Sarafina, made me! We made history! It’s unforgettable as the frenzy around it demonstrates. You can’t celebrate June 16 without thinking of the movie. Even my nine-year old twins are crazy about it since their father played them the
6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR ENTERTAINMENT Friday 10 June 2022 GRATITUDE KEEPS By Gugu Sibiya players. When they fail, they involve gang- AGELESS ABIGAIL At 82, Soweto’s legendary actress and jazz sters. It’s a movie that show us at our best,” singer Abigail Kubheka is not slowing says the gangster’s moll. GROUNDED down. In the short film, The Deal, she de- livers a stellar performance that is likely to Reminiscing about gigs that blew her GRAND PLAN: The apartheid regime wanted to win her more fans and renewed respect for away: “I was a supporting act at Percy keep us stupid and poor, observes Kubheka her ever-green talent. Sledge’s amazing show when he was here. It wasn’t until we were on location in Eswatini, LONGEVITY: Songbird Abigail Kubheka relaxes at her Soweto home with long-time friend Thoba Mavimb- The film, directed by dancer and chore- filming Soul in Africa that I believed it was ela. Photo: Len Maseko ographer Paul Modjadji, features a constella- happening. tion of stars in Dr Jerry Mofokeng, Aubrey Poo, Napo Masheane, Matlie Mahepeloa and Singing with my idol was surreal, but Botlhale Boikanyo. The Deal premiers on incredible. What a friendly, down to earth, Tuesday. consummate professional and humble being he turned out to be,” says the singer who kills The seasoned entertainer plays the role of it when belting classics like Sebakanyana, an ageing woman suffering from dementia. Fever, My Baby Just Cares For Me, Summer- “I play Thandeka’s mom who’s paranoid and time, reflecting a bit of Miriam Makeba and confused most of the time. She can’t differ- Nina Simone, among others. entiate people. A widow, she forgets that her husband passed away and continuously calls “I was pleasantly surprised to be invited or talks to him. There are moments of clarity, to Mozambique for a film shoot that show- but dementia is now her reality. cased the country. We went to some of the stunning parts of Moz, shooting the flick in “I’m excited to play this role. Our people some of the picturesque locations. usually associate dementia with ageing, but it’s a condition like any other. It’s not curable “King Kong will always be special to me but controllable once the person’s on medica- because it happened by accident and I was tion. Witchcraft is often blamed for it, which young. Sis Zenzi and I were in the Skylarks is wrong. Our parents hid it. Had they known, and lucky to get into the musical in 1959. Al- they would have lived long. I hope the film though I was in the chorus line, I was mostly brings awareness to dementia, that there’s life in her scenes. She was the star on this mas- after it and to live a healthy lifestyle. sive film, but didn’t have an understudy. She fell ill, I stepped in on this fully booked show, Brightening up, she says, “I was excited packed to the rafters. when Paul offered me a part, though it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park, I was good “I was a nervous wreck on the first night, for it. I love working with young people, you but did it in Joburg, opened in Cape Town.” learn new things from them. I never step into By the time Miriam Makeba rejoined them, any job with arrogance. Humility opens doors Kubheka had gotten rave reviews. She says and people enjoy working with you,” she ad- King Kong is about Samson Dlamini, a boxer vises. from Durban, living in Joburg. Not only was he ugly as a sin, but vicious. Coincidentally, her other movie is open- ing soon. “I acted in Joe Bullet years ago as “His bouts ended abruptly. He ends up a gangster Joe Lopez’s girlfriend and night- killing a man and his girlfriend. King Kong, club singer. The apartheid regime banned as he was appropriately called, is arrested, but the movie they’d financed when it elevated dies under questionable circumstances at the Black people as smart and successful. It went Leeuwkop prison. against the grain of what they’d projected about us, globally. It didn’t stop them from “Working at Generations is amazing and releasing Joe Bullet overseas where it was am grateful for Mfundi Vundla’s vision. I en- well-received. joy all the antics Zondiwe gets up to. “After all these years, the film is finally In the same way I get joy from working going to be screened here, and I’m so excited with talented kids, young enough to be my because we never saw it, sad that most of the great-grandchildren’s age,” she says with her actors are dead. It boasted heavyweights like peculiar chuckle.. the late Cocky Two Bull Tihotlhalemaje, Ken Gampu, Lillian Thebe, Olga Malgas, Sol Ra- “It all started in 1957 and I was blessed chilo, Jim Sale and Dan Poo.” to have sis Zenzi insist on having me as her support act on her first show back at home, at Joe Bullet is about a rich man who owns the Standard Bank Arena. She and sis Dolly a soccer team. Jealous rivals try to poach his Rathebe paved the way for all of us. They taught us a lot and here I am because of those invaluable lessons and love,” she muses with air of sincerity. NEW EYE-POPPING SUSPENSE FOR JURASSIC FANS FRANCHISE: Sixth instalment packed with RIVETTING: Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neil and Laura Dern in Jurassic World: Dominion eerie close calls to keep one on edge of the seat... By Sonke Gumede Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill, who will be repris- blum) on their mission to stop a genetics company As in true Jurassic style, there’s a good story Movie: Jurassic World: Dominion. ing their signature roles from the original Jurassic trying to do wrong with dinosaur DNA. paired with a lot of eerie sequences involving di- Genre: Science Fiction. Park franchise. Four-years after the destruction of nosaurs. The close calls and the constant thought Cast: Chris Pratt. Bryce Dallas. Isla Nublar, dinosaurs now live and hunt along- The best thing about Jurassic World Dominion of “is this where a main character dies?” will have Howard. Sam Neil. side human beings all over the world. While some is having the old and new characters coming out you on the edge of your seat with suspense. And Laura Dern. Jeff Goldblum. humans accept and embrace the change, most live and interacting. Having recently watched all of if you’re a big fan of dinosaurs you’ll get to see Director: Collin Trevorrow. in fear of what this could mean for humanity in the previous Jurassic franchise films to date, I was a whole lot of them. What more can you ask for? Producers: Frank Marshall. Patrick Crowley. the coming years. super excited to hear that the Legacy cast would Release Date: June 10 have a major role in this instalment. There’s al- The director, Collin Trevorrow, has previous- The movie follows two converging storylines. ways something to be said when the OGs and the ly worked on Jurassic World and Jurassic World: This is the sixth and final instalment in the The first being that of Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) new kids on the block come together to make a Fallen Kingdom, for which he achieved main- Jurassic era of films. In true go-big-or-go home and Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) as they kick-ass team. We also finally get to see the dino- stream recognition. Trevorrow was also co-writer fashion, it’s an all-out affair. Alongside the main struggle to find their kidnapped daughter Maisie saurs running wild in the concrete jungles of the and director of The Rise of Skywalker. cast, Oscar-winning Laura Dern will feature with (Isabella Sermon), in a dinosaur-infested world. world. An aspect that both the Jurassic Park and The second one follows Dr Alan Grant (Neil), Dr Jurassic World film series had always alluded to So, if you’re a fan of the Jurassic franchise or Ellie Sattler (Dern) and Dr Ian Malcolm (Gold- but never fully explored, until now. just in the mood for a story with a lot of nail-biting action, this one comes recommended.
Friday 10 June 2022 ENTERTAINMENT 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEW YORK – Before Oprah Winfrey, be- ACCLAIMED LEGEND: Ellis “Mr Soul” Haizlip fore Arsenio Hall, there was Mr. SOUL! From DOCUMENTARY Reacting to the documentary’s latest award, 1968 to 1973, the public television variety show, SOUL! MR. SOUL! Melissa Haizlip said: “We are humbled and hon- RECEIVES oured for Mr. SOUL! to receive the Peabody Award. Guided by the enigmatic producer and host 2022 PEABODY Haizlip was an extraordinary producer and vision- Ellis Haizlip, offered an unfiltered and uncompro- ary. We are beyond grateful for Haizlip’s pioneer- mising celebration of music, politics, dance, Black AWARD ing work on SOUL! and his legacy to be recognised literature, and poetry. SOUL! was the first national by the Peabody committee. It is an extraordinary variety show to provide expanded images of Afri- NOSTALGIA: Award-winning film honour for this film to receive such a prestigious can Americans on television, shifting the gaze from award reflecting excellence in quality storytelling”. inner-city poverty and violence to the vibrancy of celebrates life and legacy of Ellis Haizlip, Prior to its public release, Mr. SOUL! received 33 the Black Arts Movement. nominations and won 21 awards, including 14 film pioneering producer and host of the festival awards. The film is executive produced by With participants’ recollections and myriad ar- award-winning actor and producer, Blair Under- chival clips, Mr. SOUL! captured a critical moment groundbreaking PBS variety show, ‘SOUL!’… wood, producer Chaz Ebert, and producer Stan La- in the African American community’s cultural rise, than. “Mr. SOUL!” is currently streaming on HBO whose impact continues to resonate across genera- Ali, The Last Poets, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sidney erta Flack, Kathleen Cleaver, Amiri Baraka, Car- Max. tions and cultures. Poitier, Mavis Staples, Black Ivory, Maya Angelou, men de Lavallade, Melba Moore, Max Roach, and Billy Preston, Toni Morrison, Bill Withers, Sonia a 16-year-old Arsenio Hall making his television Melissa Haizlip is an award-winning film- Now a celebrated documentary, Mr. SOUL! is Sanchez, Wilson Pickett, Kool & the Gang, Rob- debut performing magic tricks. maker based in New York. Prior to its premiere, produced, written and directed by Melissa Haizlip, Mr. SOUL! received 33 nominations and won 21 and the proud recipient of the prestigious 2022 awards, including the Critics’ Choice Documentary Peabody Award. The winning announcement was Award for Best First Feature Documentary; the made this week by Academy Award-winning ac- Best Music Documentary at the IDA Doc Awards; tor Morgan Freeman. Mr. SOUL! premiered on the Best Feature Documentary at the Pan African Independent Lens during Black History Month Film & Arts Festival; the Audience Award for Best 2021. Recognised by The New York Times as a top Feature at AFI DOCS Film Festival in Washington, Streaming Pick, “Mr. SOUL!” is the winner of the D.C.; the HBO Jury Award and Audience Award at Best First Documentary Feature at the 2020 Crit- the Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Fes- ics Choice Documentary Awards, and Outstanding tival; the Library of Congress Lavine / Ken Burns Writing in a Documentary (Television or Motion Prize for Film Finalist Award; and the Audience Picture) at the 52nd NAACP Image Awards. Award at the Woodstock Film Festival. Mr. SOUL! was also shortlisted at the 93rd The Peabody Awards honour the most power- Academy Awards in the category of Best Origi- ful, enlightening, and invigorating stories in televi- nal Song, for “Show Me Your Soul” by Grammy sion, radio, and online media. The annual Peabody Award-winning composer Robert Glasper and winners are a collection of stories that powerfully Grammy Award-winning singer Lalah Hathaway. reflect the pressing social issues and the vibrant emerging voices of our day. The Peabody Awards Mr. SOUL! celebrates rich cultural moments shine a light on the Stories That Matter and are a with astonishing footage of interviews and rare testament to the power of art and reportage in the performances by icons and luminaries such as push for truth, social justice, and equity. – PRNews- Al Green, Stevie Wonder, Patti LaBelle, Gladys wire Knight, Nikki Giovanni interviewing James Bald- win, Cicely Tyson, Harry Belafonte, Muhammad TOP GUN SEQUEL UPS HIGH ACTION-DRAMA STAKES By Sonke Gumede FLICK: High-flying to its predecessor, bringing a feeling of nostalgia action coupled with some for fans of the old-school favourite. While the Film: Top Gun: Maverick old school nostalgia first film focused on Maverick and Goose as the Genre: Action-Drama outcast duo trying to prove themselves, this in- Cast: Tom Cruise, Miles Teller, gerous to the USA by the Pentagon. The facility stalment has Maverick as the hotshot instructor Maluma, Jennifer Connelly, itself is armed with counter measures against at- trying to earn the respect of his students. Jon Hamm tacks in the form of surface to air missiles, GPS Director: Joseph Kosinski jamming or enemy jets. Maverick is tasked with The overall chemistry between the characters Producers: Jerry Bruckheimer, Tom Hanks, the job of planning the attack as well as getting is fantastic, but the standouts definitely have to be Christopher McQuarrie, David the pilots ready come mission time. Cruise’s Maverick and Teller’s Rooster who’s on- Ellison screen chemistry yields some of the most power- RELEASE DATE: 27 May Initially finding it difficult to instruct the pi- ful performances in the film. lots due to their rebuffing his attempts at teach- After more than 30 years of being the navy’s ing, particularly by Lt Bradley “Rooster” Brad- The Director Joseph Kosinski delivers a phe- Tom Cruise as Maverick in the movie Top Gun: test pilot, Pete “Maverick” Mitchel (Tom Cruise) shaw (Miles Teller), the son of Maverick’s late nomenal movie, easily one of his best works. Not Maverick has been avoiding every chance of advancement best friend, Nick “Goose” Bradshaw (Andrew only is every scene beautiful to look at, but the in his career that would ground him. Edwards). The group eventually work through balance of emotion with the characters will leave this heartfelt resolution and mutual respect, thus you satisfied. Hearing that Rear admiral Chester “Hammer” growing closer as a team. Cain (Ed Harris) plans on shutting down the hy- Kosinski previously worked on Oblivion, personic scramjet programme to fund his Drone Top Gun: Maverick is the sequel to the 1986 starring Tom Cruise. He also lent his magic touch project, Maverick ends up destroying a drone. He film Top Gun. The film has a lot of love letters on And Only The Brave featuring Miles Teller. is forced to become a TOPGUN instructor to a This is also the second legacy sequel he’s direct- group of young elite pilots. ed. The first being TRON: Legacy. The programme itself is meant to train these This is the kind of movie that makes you pilots to undertake a perilous mission to destroy ask yourself “why don’t they make ‘em like this a uranium enrichment plant. It’s deemed too dan- anymore?” So, if you’re in the mood for some high-flying action coupled with some old-school nostalgia, Top Gun: Maverick is the one for you.
8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 10 June 2022 Comment INACCURATE REPORTING OF SA POISED TO DEATHS MUST STOP CHANGE HIV The possibility that reporting of the actual num- THERAPY? ber of Covid-19-related deaths by health authori- ties throughout the world may have apparently not THERAPY: World’s largest HIV treatment been accurately captured, has always been raised programme could shift almost entirely to World from time to time Giving content to this possibility Health-Organization-preferred first line regimen… are the new findings by researchers at the Univer- sity of Cape Town and the South African Medi- By Laura Lopez Gonzalez cialist with the University of KwaZulu-Natal who explains, “For example, first-line therapy may now cal Research Council, which have revealed that The majority of South African HIV patients helped draft the society’s guidelines. refer to either TEE or TLD and – following NA- there were about three times the number of excess could be switched to the World Health Organi- DIA and VISEND -- TLD can also be second-line deaths from natural causes during 2020 and 2021 zation’s (WHO) recommended first-line regimen “A clinician may do the viral load and then they therapy.” than reported Covid-19 -related deaths. if the country adopts advice from leading doc- may not see may not that patient the next month, tors. This would allow most people currently on and then no one switches the patient,” he says. It may be better just to name specific regimens The lapse in the capturing of accurate figures the antiretroviral drug tenofovir to stay on that “This guidance removes one additional stop or rather than trying to talk in terms of ‘first-line’ or of people who perish due to the Covid-19 pandem- medication while adding dolutegravir and lami- blockage in terms of that transition.” ‘second-line’, he says. Updated terminology from ic should be cause for concern. Death certificates vudine to their HIV treatment regimen. the World Health Organization is expected soon. are expected to reflect the correct causes of death The society is expected to meet with the South so that the bereaved families can be able to under- South Africa runs the world’s largest HIV treat- Africa’s National Health Department to discuss its Despite mounting evidence of tenofovir’s ef- stand why their loved ones had died. ment programme. Of the 5.4-million people on new guidance. If adopted nationally, the guidelines fectiveness as a recycled drug, healthcare workers antiretroviral treatment as of June, roughly 60% would enable the majority of the country’s HIV pa- in South Africa have been sceptical, Moherndran The new study, which has been published in are already on the country’s first-line dolutegravir- tients on treatment to switch to the World Health Archary says. “There’s a fair degree of resistance the South African Journal of Science, is built off based regimen, according to local news organisa- Organization-preferred regimen of TLD. and disquiet among clinicians — both nurses and the weekly data collected, analysed and prepared tion Spotlight. doctors — around that switch,” says Archary, who by the SAMRC and UCT collaboration that has University of Cape Town Infectious Disease explains that a hesitancy to switch patients to TLD allowed the near-to-real time tracking of excess But this proportion could skyrocket if the Professor Graeme Meintjes tweeted that the guide- when it would mean swapping out a single drug is mortality in South Africa throughout the pandem- government adopts recent guidance issued by lines represent a major paradigm shift. perhaps understandable given decades of thinking ic. South Africa is one of the few developing coun- the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society that around HIV treatment. tries to have built and instituted that system. Ac- would remove barriers for access and represent the “For the vast majority of people on antiretro- cording to the latest research, many countries have strongest guidance yet around ‘recycling’ tenofovir viral therapy in South Africa, TLD is the appropri- “We’ve ingrained it into our healthcare work- found it difficult to estimate non-Covid deaths or in patients. ate treatment,” he wrote, “Well-tolerated, safe and ers that you never do a one-drug switch… and then to identify and report Covid-19- related ones ac- effective [and] will improve treatment outcomes.” we come along and say it’s okay,” he says. “It’s a curately. In 2019, South Africa adopted dolutegravir / bit confusing for them and they’re a bit uncertain.” lamivudine / tenofovir (TLD) as its preferred first- Concepts like ‘first’ and ‘second’ line treatment The study has now demonstrated the impor- line regimen, replacing a regimen known as TEE or increasingly outdated. The Southern African HIV Archary says this uncertainty among clinicians tance and utility of accurate monitoring systems to tenofovir / emtricitabine / efavirenz for most adults Clinicians Society update draws on recent results has played a part in slowing down the country’s determine real causes of deaths, not only of those and children starting treatment over the age of 10. from the NADIA, ARTIST and VISEND studies dolutegravir rollout, along with concerns about who perish as a result of Covid-19. The study also that show it is possible to safely reuse tenofovir in weight gain and birth defects. Still, the society’s found considerable provincial differences in the Existing TEE patients were allowed to make first and second-line regimens for patients. new guidelines contain the strongest and clearest impact of Covid-19 likely associated with differ- the shift to TLD, provided their HIV viral load was language around the dolutegravir switch yet, based ences in population age, structure and density. suppressed, meaning that the level of the virus in The shift goes against decades of conventional on new evidence. their blood had fallen to less than 50 copies / mL. thinking that it was impossible to switch out a sin- The current challenge facing health authorities Patients who were failing TEE were not transitioned gle antiretroviral drug within a regimen or reuse The United States President’s Emergency Plan is to intensify their ability to capture the correct to TLD because experts feared recycling tenofovir medicines in first and second-line treatment without for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supports almost half of data relating to people who die of Covid-19, in- as part of a new regimen could fuel resistance to risking the emergence of drug resistance. Africa’s national HIV treatment programmes and is stead of casually classifying the cause of almost the drug. Instead, these patients were switched to strongly encouraging countries to adopt TLD. Most every death as natural or in some cases classifying a second-line regimen of zidovudine / lamivudine “Traditional teaching has been that drugs like countries in Africa have now shifted to dolutegra- a natural death as Covid-19 related. Health insti- / dolutegravir. tenofovir couldn’t be recycled between first and vir-based regimens, says Dr Lazarus Momanyi, tutions have facilities to conduct post-mortems to second line therapies — you’d have to change it who is a technical advisor for Kenya’s National determine the real causes of death. Pathologists Updated HIV treatment guidance released in out for another drug, typically zidovudine (AZT),” AIDS and STI Control Programme. are also there to help determine the real causes of May by the Southern African Clinicians Society explains University of the Witwatersrand infectious death that must be reflected on the respective death would greatly simplify antiretroviral therapy in the diseases specialist Dr Jeremy Nel who co-authored Kenya transitioned to TLD as a first-line regi- certificates. It is unprofessional and unethical for country. The guidelines recommend that people the new guidelines as part of a panel of society ex- men in 2017 – two years earlier than South Africa health institutions to reflect inaccurate cause of whose TEE regimen is failing can switch to TLD, perts. - and more than 90% of Kenyan adults on HIV death on a certificate. It also makes a mockery of as more studies show it is possible to recycle teno- treatment now take dolutegravir. However, Kenya’s institutions that treat and admit patients after diag- fovir between regimens. The update guidance also Twice-daily AZT is relatively poorly tolerated, treatment guidelines do not include the reuse of nosis of their different kinds of maladies, only to eliminates viral suppression and testing as a prereq- requires more monitoring and is more expensive tenofovir except in cases where a patient is living inaccurately register their causes of death. Failure uisite for starting TLD in adults and children older than TDF, Nel adds. “Finding that you can safely with HIV and hepatitis B, because tenofovir is also to reflect a patient’s correct cause of death borders than 10 years — a requirement that can translate and effectively retain tenofovir from first to second active against hepatitis B. on inefficiency and lack of care. The new findings into months’ long delays in switching patients. lines not only upends our traditional virological have now correctly called for changes to the sys- assumptions in HIV but also allows for better out- Historically, the Southern African Clinicians tem on how deaths are certified and reported. The Although about 75 percent of adults on antiret- comes for the patient and cost savings to the health- Society’s guidelines have been held up as best prac- researchers have also noted the potential to expand rovirals had received at least one viral load test in care sector,” he says. tice in the region, so it’s possible that more coun- this system to assist in future responses to diseases the past year, doctors and nurses may have to wait a tries may now consider recycling tenofovir and this outbreaks. They have also raised concerns about month or more to deliver the results to patients who In its treatment update, the Southern African will help more people receive dolutegravir-based the significant disparities in the quality of official- usually come once a month or every three months HIV Clinicians Society notes that evidence sup- regimens. – NAM Aidsmap ly reported data and the importance of adequate to collect medication, explains Professor Mohern- porting the recycling of tenofovir and also lamivu- * AM is a charity based in the United Kingdom, and appropriate provincial data systems. dran Archary, a paediatric infectious disease spe- dine between regimens is increasingly making tra- ditional terms like ‘first’ and ‘second’ line regimens that proclaims to change lives by sharing in- The health authorities are urged to heed the confusing and inaccurate. formation about HIV & AIDS. concerns raised by the researchers who have also noted that their study has allowed them to reflect at “There are so many different and overlapping greater depth on matters that they did not usually choices for first- and second-line therapies,” Nel have time for. v 060 936 2673 [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: PostNet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... Weekly SA Mirror subscribes to the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South Af- rican Print and Online Media. As a sub- scriber publication and member of the Press Council of SA, the publication is thus subject to the Press Code and to the jurisdiction of the PCSA’s complaints pro- cedures.
Friday 10 June 2022 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR By Billy Selekane HOW TO CREATE simplifying them. I have learned to say to people, We are all pursuing different objectives in ac- SUSTAINABLE “Show me the proposals, point me to the people cordance with the diverse journeys we may have SUCCESS IN to whom we need to pitch, and let us close the chosen for our lives. deals, make meaningful progress, then I will be- WHATEVER YOU lieve your millions of stories.” Many people al- I have seen these various traits and results in ARE PURSUING ways say we should dream big and I totally agree the senior representatives of a number of Fortune with that, however, we need to always start small. 500 companies and SMEs, heads of State and top QUEST: Choosing several key principles to Many great organisations were started in garages, athletes whose habits I have studied over the years. achieve one’s purpose... like George Bezos’Amazon, Steve Jobs’Apple and And, among these different people, I have seen Richard Branson’s Virgin. Their dreams were big others becoming super successful, while the others argue about small and big decisions. For example, effect. and remain big, but they started small. So do not continued to vainly huff and puff, and not being ef- I have overheard a couple in a restaurant and one If you want to start running, do not wake up have fifty goals, just have five major goals in your fective at all. partner would ask the other, “So, what are you go- finances, relationships, health, education and social ing to drink?’ And there would be a nonchalant an- and run ten kilometres, your body will start to ache life. When you simplify things and remove the clut- Clearly, there is no silver bullet or simple for- swer, “Anything.” Unfortunately, no one sells any- the next day and our brain will tell your body that ter, you will also reduce your stress levels and you mula to achieve and sustain success, however in thing, anymore, because no one wants anything, this running thing is a bad idea, and you will decide will easily find your rhythm. my observations of these different men and wom- anymore. So you either have a beer, soft drink, or to dump the idea altogether. However, if you start en, I have noticed several extraordinary principles whisky. You cannot just have anything. It helps to walking two kilometres, then four kilometres, then About productivity versus being busy, there which have enabled some of them to succeed. be specific. five kilometres and eventually run three kilometres is that zero-effect buzzword, “I am busy.” Unlike These principles, which I urge you to apply in your and then add two kilometres every second day, the those people who like to say that they are busy, yet life and business and be able to create sustainable Many people would say, “Next year I am start- power of the compound effect will begin to kick in; achieving nothing, I have chosen and decided to success, are Decisiveness and action orientation; ing gym.” Or, soon, I’ll be studying this or that.” and, before you know it, you will be running ten start being productive with my time and my team’s Simplicity; Productivity versus being busy, and; So, I am challenging you to look at your life or kilometres a day. So, with small yet continuous ac- time. Seemingly, being busy has since become an Preferring positive and Inspiring association. business and look at where it is. I promise you that, tions, growth begins to happen and takes root. addiction and a high energy activity which, in most if you were to look hard enough, you would real- cases, does not produce any results, but many more, Regarding decisiveness and action orientation, ise that it is not even at 35 percent of the potential Concerning simplicity, there’s a profound Mi- mostly futile meetings. You need to ask yourself There is nothing which is a killer of success than that you have. When you make certain choices and chael Angelo quote – “simplicity is the ultimate questions like, “What have my meetings produced procrastination and inaction. I have heard people decisions and act upon them, even if this is through sophistication” – which implies that it is the simple this past week?” Illustratively, I am productive now small yet continuous actions, an amazing force gets approach in life, careers and business that makes and not busy, I am producing content which is go- into play, becoming a powerful force which pro- things easy, helping you to gain momentum in the ing to outlive me. At the end of writing this content, duces amazing results, that is called the compound long run. I am a stickler to simplicity. I always I can look at it and say, with certainty, that I have like finding exceptionally-complex situations and produced content which is going to inspire and em- power other people and transform their lives. So, are you still going to be busy, or will you start being productive? Relating to positive and inspiring associa- tions, if you can show me your close circle of five likeminded associates, I can predict exactly how far your life would go and what you are likely to achieve. We are the sum total of the people we hang around with. Success is guaranteed when you have a clearly-defined criterion of the people you choose to associate with. You will never achieve anything significant when you spend time with negative peo- ple, especially those who consistently dismiss your dreams. Carefully choose your company and they will add fuel to the fire which is going to launch your world and ensure that you create sustainable success and leave a powerful, lasting legacy. By Isaac Moledi WELCOME Strange financial times, such as the current TO KILLJOY rising interest rates and inflation, can further ERA OF HIGH complicate the transition to retirement, some- INTEREST thing market experts say can be tricky at best of times. RATES In theory, inflation and interest rates are in an SURGE: Things to get worse as recent “inverse” relationship. This means that when rates geopolitical events affect energy prices, are low, inflation tends to rise and when rates are pointing to growing inflationary pressures… high, inflation tends to fall. placency about their retirement prospects. pact of any volatility is most pronounced, in ab- periods of five years and longer. So, this strategy Market experts have already cautioned about “But the dramatic inflation surge and the re- solute terms.” should make your savings last longer and/or af- the hiking circle of interest rates and have warned ford you a higher draw-down. consumers to think of taking their retirement sultant urgency to ratchet up interest rates, is kill- To mitigate this risk, Tuck advises investors when the “music stops” as a further 100 basis ing the mood. And it may get worse as recent geo- to invest with their time horizon in mind. “Tim- It’s a double whammy for retirees, he says, points in hikes is expected this year. political events, especially as they affect energy ing risk is a bigger threat for those buying a guar- adding that higher inflation ratchets up living prices, point to growing inflationary pressures.” anteed annuity, as their investment term is short. costs, while steadily rising interest rates may re- “Challenges for the economy include the con- You need to start de-risking and preserving your sult in some years of negative investment returns, sumer price inflation (CPI) which, although un- According to Tuck, the retirement transition is savings a few years ahead. That means gradually as happened during the mid-Seventies. changed, remains at the upper target range while precarious at the best of times.”You have to make lowering your exposure to equities and invest- the rand has come under pressure,” said a recent some hard decisions, and probably live with the ing more in bonds and cash. Cash should hold “In such an environment, you may lose your statement from Seeff. consequences for the rest of your life. You risk its nominal value while you are hedged against nerve, and switch either to a guaranteed annuity, locking yourself into a strategy or a product that falling bond prices as these translate into lower or to a defensive portfolio. This would mean lock- Announcing the rationale behind last month may not suit in a few years’ time.” annuity prices.” ing in your losses and a lower income for life. But 50 basis points hike in interest rate, the South even if you do not change your strategy, you may African Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kgany- He warns that should you choose a guaranteed Alternatively, those choosing a living annuity lock in some losses as drawing income makes you ago said the decision was due to a combination annuity you are stuck with the one you choose. might want to invest conservatively, for more sta- a forced seller in a bear market.” of short-term factors, as well as the flooding in “A living annuity comes with more flexibility, but ble returns. But Tuck says this won’t provide the KwaZulu-Natal, including the continued electric- also the risk that your investment and draw-down above-inflation growth needed to make savings “People in or approaching retirement should ity supply constraints. strategy will not serve you later,” he cautions. last over an extended retirement. perhaps revisit their lifestyle expectations and moderate their spending plans, on the assumption The trend of rising global producer prices and Then there is timing risk, because what hap- According to Tuck, investing in a well-di- that their portfolio, even if it is well-diversified, food price inflation in recent months was also pens in the markets ahead of this period could still versified high-equity portfolio in South Africa may give back some of the gains of the last three expected to continue on the back of the Russian- scupper one’s plans. “Retirement is when your has historically delivered superior returns over years,” Tuck says. Ukraine war, which Kganyago said was likely to savings are near their peak, which means the im- persist for the rest of 2022. He added that “higher than expected inflation has pushed major central banks to accelerate the normalisation of global policy rates, tightening global financial condi- tions”. Discussing a few factors those approaching retirement will want to consider, Andre Tuck of 10X Investments believes that these financial times are out of joint. “The wealth explosion in recent years has been at odds with the economic reality on the ground.” Tuck says while financial markets partied on, drunk on too much liquidity and negative real in- terest rates, the real world grappled with the fall- out from Covid containment measures: millions of people losing their livelihood, entire economic sectors obliterated, supply and labour constraints and record debt levels. “What cursed spite for those born at the wrong time, who have to set the retirement affairs right during the hangover period that will surely follow. They would have seen their investment accounts balloon during this phase, fueling a sense of com-
10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FASHION/LIFESTYLE Friday 10 June 2022 LOSE THE SOCKS AND SPOIL DAD IN STYLE THIS YEAR PAMPER: 5 Gift ideas for your Dad By Mpumi Brown of sustainably-sourced African ingredients and plant- We’re just a week away from celebrating our fa- identical scientific actives. R780 thers. Sunday, June 19 is Father’s Day, so you can expect to see empty shelves where soap-on-a-rope, If it’s a scent you’re after, but you don’t know men’s underwear packs, cartoon socks and corny where to start in the perfume aisle, then take a look at mugs once were. the Playboy VIP Cologne for just R214 and the Gold Series Pour Homme EDT for just R71.99. The scents Perhaps it’s time to look beyond the ‘traditional’ are world-class, and you won’t be breaking the bank Father’s Day gifts and blow your dad’s expectations to find the perfect fragrance for your pops. You can out of the water with something a little more exciting. find them at selected Clicks and Dis-Chem stores or shop for them online here (Playboy VIP Cologne / Here are suggestions for making the man in your Gold Series First Edition EDT) life feel like number one! It is important to acknowl- edge that; even dads need a skin care regime and If there’s something your dad is likely NOT to be now’s the time to get him hooked on an awesome lo- able to resist, it’s a good bottle of wine. Treat him to cal brand. a case of wine from Reyneke Wines, South Africa’s ONLY biodynamic wine farm, located in Stellen- Try lelive products, namely the 3-piece oily / bosch. The Reyneke Organic Cabernet Sauvignon combination set. This 3-step routine gently controls Merlot 2020 has distinct mulberry, blackcurrant and breakouts, unclogs pores, fades dark spots, smooths cherry characters, along with cedarwood and spices. texture and calms redness without causing dryness, At R618 for six bottles, it’s a steal to sample the best tightness or flaking –in which all using a combination Stellenbosch has to offer. Perfect for your dad! Of course, if alcohol isn’t for your dad, then you’ll be glad to know that you’ll still be able to pack- age the perfect mocktail from SA’s first alcohol-free specialist retailer, Drink Nil . How about a bottle of Origiin Berg Spice Gin? Berg Spice is a carefully in- fused blend of Pear, Elderflower and Cape indigenous Rooibos, with our 100% Wood Fired Hydro Distilled Juniper H2O spirit. The fresh stone fruit aromas, balanced out with exotic brown spices, like star anise and cinnamon, in- fuse exceptionally well with the Juniper H2O spirit to form a bold amber gin like spirit. Pair it with a six pack of gorgeous tonic and you’re done! R349. Black Betty provides the perfect spoil for the too- cool-for-school, slightly boujee, serving alternative with a side of grunge dad. Black Betty has a selection of men’s rings and chains and is also offering all dads 20% off a tattoo (Sea Point, CPT), a free piercing (ex jewels; Parkhurst & Sea Point) and a free chain zapping service (ex the chain; CBD - Parkhurst & Sea Point coming soon).
Friday 10 June 2022 SOCIALS 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR SAMA28 NOMINEES ANNOUNCED The Garden Venue Boutique Hotel in Honeydew was the place to be for the announcement of the SAMA28 nominees and our roving photographer SIPHO MALUKA was there mingling with the celebrities in tow. Teboho Moloi the gospel singer with Nolwazi Sjava and Lawrence Maleka Ngubeni Speedy Penny Lebyane and Puleng March Phiwokuhle “Phiwe” Shabangu and Chriselda Kananda
12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 10 June 2022 BEHIND THE MOTORING:Briefs WHEEL WITH NONHLE THEMA NEW AMAROK TO BE BUILT IN SA EXTRA CAUTIOUS: Talent Coaching Academy founder and former Channel O The teaser campaign for the 2023 Amarok presenter dreams of owning continues, with Volkswagen revealing the tailgate a Porsche Panamera of the long-awaited ute. The latest teaser shows a set of more visually interesting LED tail lights, By Ali Mphaki the freeway. while a V6 badge points to the continued avail- NT: I remember I was so scared I drove on the ability of a V6 engine – a rarity in this segment. yellow line. I may have been crawling between Weekly SA Mirror caught up with the effervers- 20 and 40km/h. CONSCIENTIOUS: Nonhle Thema imagi- Instead of a Volkswagen engine, however, cent and diligent Nonhle Thema during the week AM: How was your first drive with your late father nes herself as a very good driver it’ll be sourced from Ford. Developed by teams and managed to squeeze some time off her tight Derrick Thema? in Australia and Europe, the latest version of the schedule to discuss things motoring. NT: Yes, he was so happy for me. As you knew NT: It has something to do with an intersection. so-called ute will be produced in Silverton, South him, he was shouting instructions all the way. AM: Electric cars are the future. Would you buy Africa in future. The current model is assembled The former darling of the goggle box - even AM: Have you ever bribed a traffic officer? one? in Argentina, and the Ranger will continue to though lately she has adopted a strictly private per- NT: (Laughs) Most of them know me and I al- come from Thailand, by contrast.-CAR EXPERT sona -was humble enough to open up about her ex- ways keep some goodies in my car, which I am NT; Well, with our electricity challenges I am periences behind the wheel, letting us into some of only glad to share with them whenever the op- not so sure. But if it comes with its own charger BMW TO STEAL THE SHOW AT her motoring secrets and dreams. The daughter of portunity arises. If that is bribing I do not know. etc. I would not mind buying one. GOODWOOD FOS former Miss Black SA and ac - tress Cynthia Shange AM: What is highest traffic fine you have ever re- AM: Are you a Lewis Hamilton fan? and the late journo and writer Derrick Thema, Non- ceived? NT: Yes. I am happy for him. He has done very The BMW M2 will finally be revealed to the eyes hle imagines herself as a good driver but not in the NT: About R500 well for himself. of the world in person during the Goodwood Fes- mould of Formula One stars like Sir Hamilton. AM; How do you approach a sharp curve. Is it fast AM: What is your favourite brand when it comes tival of Speed running from Thursday June 23 in slow out, or slow in fast out? to cars? to Sunday June 26 at the Goodwood House – a In her mind, she is so cautious in her driving that NT: I am so cautious that I always adopt a slow NT: I have always been smitten by the Mer- 12,000 acre estate in the United Kingdom. And the JMPD should reward her some points, redeemed in and fast out approach when I get to a sharp cedes-Benz brand. I even bought my parents you can expect the car to look quite different to when she renews her car’s licence disc. curve. each their own Mercs. the first-generation M2. Power is expected to AM: Have you done any advanced driving cours- AM: If it were up to you, which car would you rise somewhat, though it will remain rear-wheel Here is how the interview went. You be the es? rather be driving. drive. Following on from the BMW M2 will be a judge! NT: Not yet. It’s something I have to seriously NT; It has to be a Porsche Panamera. It ticks all likely reveal of the BMW M4 CSL . Power has in- Ali Mphaki: How did you learn how to drive and consider and do. the boxes for me. creased from 375kW to 405kW thanks to revised how many times you failed your drivers’ license? AM: What is the highest speed you ever drove? AM: How is your DIY? Can you change a spare engine tuning. NT: it should be 130km/h. tyre etc, Nonhle Thema: Not one to bother my parents AM: Do you think the mandatory 120 km/h speed NT: Oh no when it comes to DIY i am hopeless. Mercedes-Benz is also slated to reveal some with their cars I enrolled at a driving school limit on our freeways is OK? If I get a problem with the car whilst on the road of its new work, including the bonkers Mercedes- where I underwent about 15 to 20 lessons before NT: Yes, its just fine. Some people can be reck- I just get out and ask for help. AMG GT63 E Performance 4 Door (yes, it’s a I went for my driving test. I failed once because less and increasing the speed limit could result very long name). This beast will have outputs of of parallel parking and you don’t want to know in more fatalities on our roads. 620kW and “more than 1400Nm of torque” fed to how depressed I was. I even cried. AM: Without going to Google, what do you under- all four wheels thanks to a hybrid V8 powertrain. AM; When you applied for a learners license did stand by the sign Junction Chevron? they examine your hearing? Limited tickets are available, but if you don’t NT: Phew… I do not remember. Its years ago, have the cash to fly over there and experience it but I think they did. in person, Goodwood will livestream the whole AM: Describe your first driving experience on event for you to watch somewhere comfortable like the couch.-CHASING CARS COROLLA CROSS CLINCHES CAR OF THE YEAR AWARD CRUISE MAY START CHARG- ING FOR DRIVERLESS TAXI By Motoring Reporter EVOLUTION: It is the third time the nameplate RIDES IN SAN FRANCISCO Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM) is proud to scoops the coveted accolade Cruise has slowly been allowing members of the have bagged an impressive array of trophies at the public to ride in one of its driverless taxis on the 2022 South African Car of the Year Awards. The 16 Executive. tional contenders and their proud makers,” says Carl streets of San Francisco since February, but un- star of the show was the Corolla Cross, clinching The newly-crowned COTY champion, Corolla Wepener, Chairman of the South African Guild of til now the company hasn’t been able to charge three titles – including the prestigious SA Car of Mobility Journalists (SAGMJ). a fare. the Year; Compact Family Category as well as Cross, represents the first foray into the crossover/ New Energy Category for the hybrid variant. SUV space and combines the respected core-prod- The SAGMJ said over 49 vehicles spanning, The self-driving technology startup, whose uct characteristics Corolla is known for, with a new eight segments, competed in this year’s COTY com- main shareholder is General Motors, last week The Corolla name has a rich and diverse his- bodyshape that offers enhanced function and utility. petition to be crowned king of their categories. “On was granted permission by the California Public tory spanning 12 generations, having racked up over Launched towards the end of the 2021, the Corolla behalf of the Toyota family – including our dealers, Utilities Commission to start charging a fare for 50 million global sales – making it one of the most Cross is offered in both petrol as well as hybrid vari- colleagues at the plant as well as the sales and mar- its rides. Anyone looking to take a ride in one of successful vehicle model ranges ever. Originally ants and is built locally at Prospecton Plant in Dur- keting group – we are truly proud of how the Corolla Cruise’s driverless taxis still needs to sign up on spawned as a compact city car in 1966, the Corolla ban. Cross has been received not only by our customers the company’s website and await an invitation. has continued to evolve in line with the needs of the but by the local media as well. Commercializing its service is a major milestone times and of the regions it is sold in. According to COTY, this year saw top-quality for the company which was founded in 2013. entrants participating for the coveted award in the SA “While it might have taken 33 years for Corolla However, getting to the point where there will It is the third time that the Corolla nameplate market. “Although we saw the competition develop to win another COTY, we do feel this one is really be a large fleet of Cruise driverless taxis zipping clinched the COTY accolade. In fact, the first front- and grow over the past 36 years with introducing special as this is a locally produced model that shoot around San Francisco will take some time. wheel drive Corolla launched in 1984 won the inau- category winners, additional categories, automated the lights out the moment it hit the dealer floor,” says gural SA Guild of Motoring Journalists’ Car of the scoring, the public’s favourite and Juror’s Excel- Leon Theron, Senior Vice President of Sales and Cruise currently has permission to operate Year award in 1986. Three years later (1989), Corolla lence Award, one thing did not change – the excep- Marketing at TSAM. 52 of the so-called robotaxis in the city, but only was once more voted the SA Guild of Motoring Jour- between 10 pm and 6 am, when the streets are nalists’ Car of the Year award, with a GLi Twin Cam mostly empty. The vehicles are limited to 30 mph and cover only certain parts of the city, skipping busy areas like the Market Street business corri- dor, though this is expected to be expanded within months-MOTOR AUTHORITY. HARVEY WEINSTEIN SUES CHRYSLEY OVER JEEP ACCIDENT Former Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein, now in prison after being convicted of sex crimes, on Tuesday sued the U.S. business of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles over a 2019 crash in which he flipped a Jeep Wrangler while trying to avoid a deer. Weinstein is seeking $5 million in damages, saying the Aug. 17, 2019 accident in Bedford, New York, about 40 miles north of Manhattan, left him “catastrophically injured and rendered paralyzed” with “significant and continuing con- scious pain and suffering” from what his lawyer called “severe spine and back injuries.” Accord- ing to the complaint filed in a New York state court in Manhattan, Weinstein was wearing his seatbelt when the brakes on the 2017 Wrangler failed as he approached the deer, causing a rollo- ver. Weinstein said the defendant FCA US LLC, now owned by Stellantis, had provided him the “unreasonably dangerous” vehicle in exchange for product placement in one of his films. “We intend to vigorously defend our product against these claims,” Stellantis said in a state- ment.
Friday 10 June 2022 FOOD AND WINE 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR FIVE LIVES ENCHANTS WITH DELICATE, UNDERSTATED POISE TRIBUTE: : Steenberg’s newly released Bordeaux-style red blend recognises resilience of wine farm’s founder… LUSH: Steenberg Five Lives By Len Maseko expanse of vineyards, luxury residential golf estate, A sip from a glass of Steenberg Five Lives Red exclusive boutique hotel, a swanky tasting room and Blend instantly invokes a range of senses – not two fine-dining restaurants. only the five senses of smell, taste, touch, vision and hearing – but also conjures the remarkable life of For its part, Five Lives Red Blend has turned out to the personality, to whom it is dedicated. be alluring medium-bodied wine, luscious and sensual, deriving its soft structure from the dominance of Merlot Thanks to Catharina Ras, who founded Steenberg (76%) and structure from Cabernet Sauvignon (24%). wine farm in Constantia in 1682, the 2019 Bordeaux- Thanks to Merlot’s dominance and influence, the wine styled Five Lives Red Blend has become a reality – all endowed with a velvety texture interspersed with plum to tantalise our tastebuds. A fitting tribute to Catha- notes while benefiting from a fairly restrained Caber- rina’s life-long resilience and courage, which made her net Sauvignon presence for its great length and hints one of the most daring and controversial figures ever of blackcurrant cassis. What a delicious wine, pleasur- to settle in the Cape. ing the unsuspecting palate with a bright, alluring fruit, that radiates with a soul-lifting freshness. Yet, there is Having arrived in the Cape from Germany only 10 still more to come from this wine, through the vestiges years after Jan van Riebeeck landed in 1662, Catharina of time. Cellarmaster Elunda Basson says the wine will lived a life characterised by adventure and zeal. In fact, cellar for up to five years. “With our new red blend, we it was largely underscored by seemingly insurmount- show our admiration for our remarkable founder, Ca- able challenges – thanks to a rollercoaster of fateful tharina Ras by imagining her life of adventure and zeal occurrences in her life, including marriages to five hus- into a tale of five chapters, each chronicling a series of bands, each of whom weaved just as many tempestu- seemingly insurmountable challenges,” she adds. ous chapters to her intrepid journey. Oddly enough, the temptation to compare the Inevitably, each of the five chapters added a sa- wine’s rather restraint character is irresistible – only lacious grist to the mill of Cape folklore at the time, because of Catharina’s swashbuckling life with all its giving rise to the characterisation of her drama-filled pulsating spills and thrills. Perhaps, the red blend to existence as “the five lives of Catharina”. This is how derives its subdued essence from the understated deli- newly released Five Lives Red Blend got its name, cate and effeminate side of the legendary woman of thanks to her ability to harness courage to adapt and be steel. Instead, the sizzles with sensual poise and slick resilient in a male-dominated world, something that in- integration of tannins and fruit – a stark contrast Ca- spired the Steenberg winemaking team to immortalise tharina’s feisty nature. Yet, credit to Basson’s team for her with a special memento. being equal to the Herculean task of producing an of- fering oozing finesse and opulence as fine expression Today, Steenberg proudly celebrates its colourful of her rich legacy. roots and heritage by ensuring Catharina’s persona galvanises all winemaking activities on the wine farm. Taste and purchase the wine at the Steenberg Tast- From the humble beginnings of the 17th century, the ing Room at a cellar door price of R175. For online farm has evolved into a magnificent tourism destina- purchases, visit tion in the cool-climate Constantia boasting a wide wine-online/. EVENTS WINTER WINE SHOW Some 40 wineries will converge on the show to offer un- exclusive accommodation and nature- The Cellar Rats Club will host its Winter Wine Festival on limited tastings of more than 200 varietals. based experiences in one of the largest areas managed by the Riversands Farm Village in Fourways on In addition to wine, guests can enjoy craft beer, Gin, vari- CapeNature, the De Hoop Nature Reserve. July 3. ous liqueurs, whisky tastings as well as a Visitors to the show will enjoy an afternoon of wine tast- taste of some South African artisan craft cheeses and olive KLEIN KAROO’S WINE JAMBO- ing along the riverbank. A host of producers oils. REE will present a variety of wines, bubbles, craft gin and deli products. WINE & WHALES Calitzdorp ExPRESSed will whip up a carnival fiesta in Kids welcome as an entertainment area for them will be The annual Whales Music 2022 takes place in the south- the Klein Karoo town between June 17 and 19. available. No cooler boxes, picnic baskets or ern Cape town of Bredasdorp from June 24 Organisers promise a weekend filled with fun, entertain- braai's will be permitted. Tickets start at R240. to 26. ment, stalls, wine tastings, music and The venue is De Hoop Collection on the Garden Route. sightseeing. Show activities will occur across 31 venues, TASTING ON THE VAAL Organisers say guests can book for this which include award-winning wineries, 2022 Vaal Wine Expo is scheduled to be held at its usual weekend on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis which in- delectable restaurants, quirky pubs, shops and bakeries. home – Stonehaven on Vaal – on the banks cludes: wine and cheese tasting and high tea. Tickets, available for purchase on Quicket of Vaal River in Vanderbiljpark. The De Hoop Collection just outside Bredasdorp provides and valid for all 3 days, cost R190 a person. Scores of premier wineries will participate in the show. Tickets costing R250 a person are limited to 1 JOBURG’S PREMIER DRAM 000 this year. Ticket includes unlimited tasting, a choice SHOW of 30-minute Vaal River Cruise voucher or R50 food voucher. There is access to the Stonehaven on After a three-year pandemic break, the annual the Only Vaal River and bar. Sales will open from Whisky Show is finally back for its fourth June 30. year! The show, which takes place on July 28, will showcase KNYSNA WINE FEST RETURNS over 200 premium whiskies, some including For the first time since Covid-19 outbreak, the Knysna new expressions to be presented by producers and brand Wine Festival 2022 is back to entertain its ambassadors, all the while learning more droves of loyal fans. It takes place on July 8 to 9. about your favourite drink. The venue is The Deck @ It will take place at the Premier Hotel Knysna, George Wanderers, Illovo. Rex Drive, Hunters Home. Tickets cost R180. Tickets cost R600 a person, and are strictly limited to 500 The festival will celebrate its 15th anniversary at this people a night and allow you to taste as year's Knysna Oyster Festival. much as you can responsibly drink. Doors open at 6pm and close at 10pm
14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 10 June 2022 NETBALL SOUTH AFRICA INTRODUCES PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTS GROUNDBREAKING: Players can rely on a pay cheque from playing netball and representing the country By WSAM Reporter ensure that the selected 24 can rely on The coach also sounded warning to FIRST; Netball SA president Cecilia Molokwane de- In a groundbreaking announcement, a pay cheque from playing netball and the current players contracted by NSA lighted at the number of players that have signed Netball South Africa has revealed that representing South Africa at the highest stating that they cannot afford to relax as 24 players as well as technical staff level. One of the benefits in this agree- there are a lot of players knocking on the on the dotted line have been handed professional con- ment is the all-important medical aid. door as the performance-based contracts tracts. Molokwane confirmed that if a player commenced on the 1st of April 2022. is injured, Netball South Africa will foot President of NSA Cecilia Molok- the bill and cover the expenses to ensure For former player Chauke and now wane, alongside SPAR Proteas Head full recovery for the players. assistant to Badenhorst, this was a beau- Coach Dorette Badenhorst and Assistant tiful day of reflection because during her Coach Dumisani Chauke, announced Seven of the 24, are playing over- days of playing she could only dream of this first for the country’s netball mother seas while others are locally based and receiving such a contract and validation body in Rosebank, Johannesburg with have been playing in the current season from the national body. Proudly, now a few SPAR Proteas contracted play- of the Telkom Netball League. she can say she has become part of his- ers present, including captain Bongiwe tory and was a part of the first group of Msomi and members of the media in at- Molokwane also added that this is technical members that are contracted tendance. not the final number of contracts, if the by Netball South Africa. technical team spots talent in the lo- List of Contracted Players As Follows: “I think players lives have changed,” cal leagues such as the Telkom Netball said President Molokwane in delight as League, they will not shy away from Khanyisa Chawane; Marlize de Bru- she listed the number of players that awarding them a contract. in; Izette Griesel; Kamogelo Maseko; have signed on the dotted line. Tarle Mathe; Tshina Mdau; Nomfundo Something we expect to happen Mngomezulu; Bongiwe Msomi; Lungile This contract will allow players to judging by how SPAR Proteas Head Mthembu; Sesandile Ngubane; Refiloe receive a salary from NSA among other Coach Dorette Badenhorst spoke so Nketsa; Lenize Potgieter; Karla Preto- benefits, thus allowing the coaching highly of the level of talent and skill rius; Lefébre Rademan; Monique Rey- team exclusive access to the players. displayed in the ongoing TNL: “The neke; Nicola Smith; Nicholé Taljaard; As it is known globally, some women in standard is increasing. I’ve seen great Elmeré van der Berg; Shadine van der sport have to juggle playing sport, even games out there. And it’s important for Merwe; Jamie van Wyk; Ine-Marí Ven- in at the highest level, with motherhood us to know that we do have great talent ter; Zanele Vimbela; Boitumelo Mahl- and a full-time job. This contract will and we can see it with the standard of oko; Phumza Maweni the #TNL.” JESSICA JOINS ELITE LEAGUE OF INDUSTRY LEADERS GRADUATE: The Amakhosi marketing director part of hand-picked candidates identified as the future of sports administrators REFLECTIVE; Jessica graduation. South Africa, Cricket South Africa, South African lieved would be able to make bold decisions for Motaung happy to have During the course, the group recently went Institute for Drug Free Sports and a number of pro- sports in South Africa. graduated and look- vincial Rugby Unions, including the Sharks and ing forward to take to San Francisco in the United States, where they Vodacom Bulls. We will continue building with this same group many lessons back to interacted with the San Francisco Giants Baseball and will be looking to extend this programme with Naturena team and Golden State Warriors NBA Basketball There were also a number of SuperSport em- them, as we believe these candidates are the right By WSAM Reporter Franchise. ployees, Premier Soccer League staff and repre- people.” Kaizer Chiefs marketing and commercial direc- sentatives from other top flight clubs who were part tor Jessica Motaung graduated from the Super- These visits were conducted in conjunction of the course. For her final presentation on transformation in Sport Industry Leaders Programme, conducted with the University of San Francisco, a partner sport Jessica was part of a four-person team made in conjunction with the Gordon Institute of of the prpgramme. Of these Motaung added, “we “We had a Springbok World Cup winner with up of Wafeekah Begg Jassiem, legal manager for Business, at their campus in Illovo, Johannes- learnt a lot in the United States and this is where we us in Bryan Habana and a wide range of very moti- the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport, burg on Thursday afternoon. Motaung (replace got to see how valuable the fan experience is to a vated and highly enthusiastic and forward-thinking Yusuf Jackson, Competition and Tours Specialist: the Chiefs Marketing director). team. We have a lot to implement here for our fans individuals in our programme. Together we will Amateur from the South African Rugby Football “It was a very reflective process and one that locally to duplicate these and to build a stronger interact and work to ensure that we plan a way for- Union and Edgar Rathbone, the CEO of the Voda- built in me in various ways. I got to undertake bond and to keep on bettering the game day experi- ward for the betterment of the sports industry in the com Blue Bulls Rugby Union. many physical and other journeys during this time. ence for our fans.” country,” Motaung said of the unique experience. There are many lessons I bring back to the Vil- Kaizer Chiefs would like to congratulate Jes- lage at Naturena with me,” Motaung said after her Motaung also enjoyed the opportunity to work SuperSport CEO, Marc Jury, commenting on sica and her peers for graduating from what was with other sporting codes and representatives from the graduates and the programme said: “We hand- a very intense nine-month course which began in the South African Rugby Union, University Sports picked 18 people with the federations who we be- October last year.
Friday 10 June 2022 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORTS: Briefs RIN GSIDE V NEMASHUNGWA TO IEW BRING GLORY TO FOUR CLUBS BANNED FOR TOWEEL STABLE LIFE VETERAN TRAINER: Allan wants to keep South African fourth-tier sides Matiyasi FC, Shi- vulani Dangerous Tigers, Kotoko Happy Boys PULE his great boxing family on the map and Nsami Mighty Birds have been banned for MOKHINE life after being found guilty of fixing matches. By Pule Mokhine holder, come the end of his upcoming clash in BANTAMWEIGHT: Rofhiwa Nemashungwa If there is any boxing trainer that is running three weeks’ time. Tigers and Matiyasi were fighting for the top will have Allan Toweel at his corner for his against time to add a third South African cham- position to gain promotion; the former claimed a next fight on July 8 pion to his stable, then Allan Toweel fits the bill Nemashungwa, who hails from Thohoyandou 33-1 win over Happy Boys as Matiyasi defeated perfectly. in Limpopo, is no slouch at all. He is hellbent on Mighty Birds 59-1. dethroning the Malindi and add to the number of The ambitious mentor will be clutching the national champions in their stable. He comes into This obviously caught the attention of admin- ropes with anticipation and bated breath as his the bout with a record of 23 professional fights and istrators and investigations were done, with the charge Rofhiwa Nemashungwa challenges Roland facing an experienced opponent in Malindi. clubs found guilty. Malindi for the SA bantamweight title at Steve Tshwete Banquet Hall in Middleburg, Mpuma- “ This is Rofhiwa’s major fight as he will be “Our investigation found Matiyasi and Nsami langa on July 8. an underdog facing an undefeated champion. We wanted to stop Shivulani, who at the time were know that the road towards the SA title challenge leading with a three-point gap and a goal differ- The accomplished Toweel who comes from has not been easy for him, but we are optimistic he ence of 16, from topping the league so they agreed the well-documented and famous South African will be crowned new champ the day of the fight. He on fixing the match to prevent this from happen- boxing family that is comprised of his namesake is fully prepared to snatch the title,” said Toweel. ing,” Vincent Ramphago, who is the president of and late uncle Allan Toweel, who is credited for the Mopani region, told BBC Sport Africa. being the country’s first world champion. “I’m aware that my man is been thrown into the lion’s den against an experienced foe who RONALDO REDUCES MOM TO So Allan, the son of the late Willie Toweel, one is unbeaten in 18 professional fights. I intend to TEARS of the South Africa’s best ring tacticians who also cause a major upset by knocking him out and bring honed the skills of Brian Mitchell on the latter’s the belt home.” Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother couldn’t hold back way to annexing the WBA junior-lightweight title the tears as her son reached 117 goals for Portugal in 1996, believes he is well on his way to keep- But no seems optimistic like Nemashungwa, at his boyhood stadium. ing the surname of his forebears on the fistic fame. who reckons he will be too good for the champion This will come by producing the third national given the fact that he (the challenger) would be The 37-year-old bagged a quick-fire brace in kingpin to their stable which is based at Linden, coming into the fight as an underdog. his side’s rampant 4-0 victory over Switzerland in Johannesburg. the Nations League. Ronaldo, captaining the team “ I won’t be under pressure during the bout after starting on the bench in last Thursday’s 1-1 He has guided Tshifhiwa Munyai towards win- for the mere fact that not much is known about me draw away to Spain, got Portugal started with 15 ning the SA lightweight belt and Bandile Nyan- by fans. This will work in my favor and I’m de- minutes on the clock by blasting a free-kick to- gane to capturing national mini flyweight diadem. termined to win by knockout and make my trainer wards goal and allowing William Carvalho to tap Munyai has since left the stable while Nyangane and followers proud by winning,” says Nemashun- in the rebound. won the belt against Siyakholwa Kuse in East Lon- gwa who has won 13 times in 23 bouts. don in 2020 and defended it successfully against Then the Manchester United superstar got on Loyiso Ngantweni at The Gallery in Sandton in “ I know very that I will be up against a very the scoresheet himself, netting twice in the space April. good champion, but I will knock him out. “ of four minutes with a pair of first-time finishes, set up by Liverpool ‘s Diogo Jota-Mirror. Now Toweel is hellbent on ensuring that Action is expected to be galore during the Joy Nemashungwa will become his third national title 4 Joy bill that will also feature the WBF Womens KGOTHATSO MONTJANE FALLS super bantamweight world title between Matshidi- SHORT AT ROLAND GARROS so Mokebisi and England’s Katy Wealy. South African wheelchair tennis star Kgothatso Six more bouts will complement the bill. Montjane and her new Japanese partner, Yui Kam- iji, fell just short of claiming the doubles title at SPARKS Roland Garros, going down to number one seeds OF FIRE Diede de Groot and Aniek van Koot on Sunday. LAUNCHED Their contest was suspended during a match MEMOIRS: Former Orlando deciding tiebreak due to rain on Saturday. The scores were at 6-7, 6-1, 4-4 when the match ref- Pirates goalkeeper Patson Banda eree called the players off court. pencils book about his life and When play resumed on Sunday, it was tight throughout the first-to-10-point tiebreak but the times WHO WAS BEST? Kaizer Chiefs former goalkeeper Joseph “Banks’ Dutch top seeds were able to convert their oppor- Sethlodi and former Bucs goalminder Patson “Sparks” Banda shar- tunities to take it 10-8 and clinch the title, winning ing a moment at the latter’s book launch in Durban last week. 7-6(5), 1-6, 10-8. By Ali Mphaki intrigue. duced. Banda’s story is urgent in that one by one “What a tough, yet close match! I wish we The much-awaited book about the life and The reader will get to know how Banda was these supreme and exceptional athletes of former finished yesterday (Saturday) because we looked times of Patson Masisi Kamuzu Banda, for- years are being called by the creator leaving a like we were going to pull it off,” said Montjane.- mer Orlando Pirates goalkeeper launched at once kidnapped, how the famous Bucs keeper huge void of institutional memory desperately SA ATHLETICS the Durban ICC last weekend. stole cars, his banishment to Malawi, but more needed as an inspirational springboard for future tellingly, how some of the Pirates’ bosses were generations. BUTHELEZI DIES FOLLOWING Several sporting heroes were in attendance, killed, the likes of Washington Mposula and the BOXING BOUT IN DURBAN which included the likes of former Kaizer Chiefs affable Aggrey Mbathani, both who were also There is no doubt that most soccer veterans keeper Joseph “Banks” Sethlodi, as well as for- school principals. are a rich reservoir of our country’s sporting his- South African lightweight Simiso Buthelezi has mer Bafana Bafana coach Ephraim “Shakes” tory but very few have taken their time to docu- died after suffering bleeding on the brain follow- Mashaba. Though a single-source narrative, in his book ment their stories. Save for a few exceptions, ing a boxing bout at the weekend in Durban. Banda has managed to piece together events of there’s never been a culture of writing about their The book, entitled “Sparks of Fire – The Life those years, and does so only in the manner the journeys among soccer players. The 24-year-old faced compatriot Siphesihle and Times of Patson Banda” is likely to unruf- former goal minder can do. Mntungwa for the WBF All Africa lightweight fle some feathers as his story interweaves into the Equally, it is a serious indictment on writers title on Sunday, but the 10-round contest was lives of his teammates, several soccer personali- All those who were blessed to witness the that to date no single book has been written about stopped by the referee after Buthelezi appeared to ties and the club’s glorious and turbulent history legendary former Pirates goalie in action, would the journeys of glittering soccer stars like Kaizer shadow box an invisible opponent. (1970 – 1983). attest he was one of the mainstay of the erstwhile Motaung, Jomo Sono, the late Pule Ace Ntsoelen- Bucs team, turning in exceptional performances goe, Teenage Dladla, etc. Footage of the fight showed Mntungwa fall- Banda’s story encompasses his personal throughout. ing through the ropes and then, after the fight was growth, achievements, triumphs over adversity, As part of promoting his book, Banda will be restarted, Buthelezi advancing towards an empty violence and kidnappings, injuries, murders, and Today, after decades of retirement from the on a road-show firstly in his province of KZN be- corner where he started to swing punches. Mn- game, Banda still carries the tag of being one of fore proceeding to other provinces. tungwa was declared the winner and Buthelezi the greatest goalkeepers the country has ever pro- subsequently collapsed and was rushed to hospi- tal. He was placed in an induced coma after it was discovered he had bleeding on the brain. Boxing South Africa (BSA) confirmed Buthelezi had died on Tuesday evening in a statement jointly issued with the boxer’s family. HAMILTON”S MOTIVATION QUESTIONED BY VETEL Lewis Hamilton’s motivation to continue racing in F1 has been questioned by Sebastian Vettel. The Aston Martin star said he would be ‘surprised’ if Hamilton was as ‘fired up’ just scoring points at Mercedes as new team-mate George Russell. The comments come after months of specula- tion surrounding Hamilton’s future in F1. He said: “Everybody is different, but you need to be fair from the outside and say, look, is Lewis naturally going to be as fired up about finishing eighth as George probably is? “No, and I would be surprised if he was.”
MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... MUST WIN FOR SWALLOWS ELITE STATUS: BIRDS HAVE SLIGHT ADVANTAGE OVER ALL STARS By Masoja Cele ready out of the promotion race. boots with full laces on. RISE TO THE OCAS- Swallows FC coach Dylan Kerr’s aspira- Should they win against Swallows they This has been their Archilies Heel re- SION; Talented Swal- tions were wholly granted when Igugu le- lows winger Mon- kapa held AmaTuks to a one all draw at will finish the race on four points, it could sponsible for being in the play-offs. napula Saleng needs Tuks Stadium on Wednesday. make for an exciting grand finale between The Dube Birds have in many instances to show some grit in The Birds and Tuks, a match dubbed ’The his type of play The draw gave Swallows a slight advan- Clash of The Titans”. lost or drew matches that they could have tage leading to their penultimate do or die easily won. fixture against All Stars at Danie Craven The Dube Birds are sitting on four Stadium on Saturday at (15:00). points after two matches behind Tuks who However, against Igugu lekapa they are on five points having played one more can’t afford that complacency as they might In any football lingo the Soweto ensem- game than Swallows. see their chances of returning to the DStv ble need to grind a win on Saturday if they Premieship vanish into thin air. still harbour any hope of playing in the DStv No doubt Igugu lekapa, as All Stars are Premier League next season. known, would want to bow out of the mini- Dependably front men Ruzaigh Gamal- playoffs with dignity and pride. dien, Mwape Musonda and Keletso Mak- The Dube Birds prevalent concern is galwa must redeem the situation and do converting those opportunities. Swallows In many ways this is a dangerous game better against Igugu lekapa. Swallows will have so far collected four points from their for Swallows. They will want to press Swal- pin their hopes on their two lively wingers two play-offs outings and having scored a lows for the better part of the match. in Monnapula Saleng and Dillon Solomons. paltry two goals. The two some are highly effective on the Veteran midfielder Michael Morton can wings and always supplied decent crosses. They beat All Stars 2-1 in Pretoria and be dangerous if given space to manoeu- As for Solomoms he has scored a few of the played to a scoreless against University of ver. He showed his mettle against Tuks on Swallows goals coming from deep. The pair Pretoria last Saturday. Wednesday after he was introduced in the always adds weight into Swallows forays second stanza. While another legend Eleazar whenever in offensive.. Against All Stars, the once Mighty Rogders looked dangerous after coming on Birds face a wounded opposition who have in the second period. The experience of the The Dube Birds will have to win this only registered one point in their three play- two old campaigners has helped the youth encounter to hold a massive chance to up- offs matches. Even if they beat Swallows to adapt well into the philosophy of All set Tuks in their final episode of the play- on Saturday, the Western Cape outfit are al- Stars. Swallows who are notorious of wast- offs next Wednesday at Lucas Masterpieces ing clear scoring chances should bring their Moripe Stadium at (15:00).
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