2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 25 February 2022 SHOOTINGS EXPOSE SOUTHERN AFRICAN CRIME NETWORKS CROSS-BORDER: Police take-downs yield arrests of gangs consisting of Botswana, try, Botswana, have tightened the grip in the fight to the previous reporting period. However, com- Zimbabwean and South African nationals… against cash-in-transit robberies taking place in pared to the same period in 2019/2020, 8 more both countries. On Wednesday, a 42-year-old cases were recorded. By Frank Maponya lice pounced on them and a shootout ensued. The man was also arrested in Tembisa two days after Two incidents involving fericious shootouts robbers were part of a group of about 11 armed the Rosettenville incident and reported to have “It is clear that the thugs involved in CITs this week between police and gangs of sus- men who allegedly attacked and robbed a Secu- been responsible for shooting at a police helicop- will stop at nothing to get what they want, includ- pected robbers in Botswana and South Africa, rity Systems cash-in-transit vehicle of almost a ter which was in hot pursuit of the robbers. Dur- ing killing police officers and putting the lives which left 17 robbery suspects dead, have ex- million Pulas (Botswana currency), approximate- ing the arrest of the suspects, four assault rifles of innocent people at risk,” he said. In June last posed dangerous links between criminal net- ly R1,3 million. and five pistols were recovered. year, Police conducted a take-down operation in works around the Southern African region Midrand, where police intercepted a group of 27 and possibly across the continent. The robbers then fled the scene and were Ten men arrested after the shootout in Ro- heavily armed gang planning a CIT robbery. In later on followed and confronted by the police. settenville have since appeared in the Johannes- the exchange of fire, 23 of them were arrested On Monday, eight suspected robbers were An exchange of fire ensued, resulting in fatal in- burg Magistrate’s Court, and are scheduled to and four were fatally wounded. killed and 11 of them arrested during a shootout juries to some of the robbers. Police also arrested appear again on March 10. In his release of the with police in Rosettenville in Johannesburg, a 30-year-old Motswana woman, who was alleg- latest crime statistics this week, South African Four of the 15 vehicles found on the scene with some those arrested identified as Zimba- edly in the company of the robbers. According to Police Minister Bheki Cele indicated that there were confirmed stolen, and high-calibre firearms bwean nationals and a citizen of Botswana. a statement released Botswana’s assistant com- was a reduction of 7.7 percent in cash-in-transit were found on the scene as well. In a separate in- missioner of police Dipheko Motube, four pistols robberies in the last quarter of 2021. cident, in Brakpan, police also pounced on a gang Two days later, ten men of Botswana and and an AK47 assault rifle were found in the rob- plotting a CIT robbery three weeks earlier that South African origins, aged between 20 and 35, bers’ possession, while an undisclosed amount of “The decrease in CIT (cash in transit) rob- resulted in the fatal shooting of a police officer. were shot dead in a fierce gunfire exchange with cash was also recovered from them. beries in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Western members of the Botswana Police Service in Gab- Cape are attributable to the specialized CIT task The national commissioner has sanctioned orone on Wednesday. Some of the suspects are Those arrested in Botswana will most like- teams established country-wide to infiltrate and an urgent internal investigation into the allega- believed to be Zimbabwean nationals based in ly face a death penalty as that country takes no take down these well-organised and sophisticated tions of theft of firearms by police members at South Africa. The men had allegedly committed prisoners when it comes to the commission of criminal gangs. It is through the acceleration of the Norwood Police Station, allegedly used by a robbery at the Main Mall in Gaborone when po- heinous crimes. The incidents show that govern- policing momentum and improving our working the CIT gang. The police operation resulted in the ments of South Africa and its neighbouring coun- relations with communities that the crime pic- arrest of 19 suspects and the recovery of scores ture can be improved,” the Minister said, adding of vehicles and firearms. Police wre starting to that 46 Cash-in-Transit heists were committed make much needed gains in responding to brazen between April and June last year. These figures gangs targeting cash vans, with 12 less cash in show there were 27 more CITs heists compared transit heists were committed between July and September last year.
Friday 25 February 2022 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR By Gugu Sibiya MISS SOWETO An ecstatic Miss Soweto Ludina Ngwenya is yet CONQUERS CROWN to dislodge from cloud nine after being present- ed with spanking-new wheels, a Toyota Starlet, AND EMOTIONAL last Friday. SCARS Barely containing her excitement, Ngwenya ELATED: Scarred beauty does it for other says, “I’m so happy, the car’s going to make my life easier. When I attend events, I’ll be able to kids trapped in trauma… bring my family along. They truly need to feel part and parcel of this joyous life-changing time in my Miss Soweto Ludina Ngwenya with her life. They’re my fans who’ve rooted for me from brand-new car. the day I embarked on this journey. Lack of trans- Ifelt and wanted to enjoy more of that same feeling port almost reduced their role to that of spectators again, hence Miss Soweto.” on the side lines’’. “This crown is a dream come true and a game Emphasising timeliness of the car’s landing, changer. If it’s not people praising me for my brav- Ngwenya elaborates that coincided with her sani- ery, I get stopped by parents asking for advice on tary pack drive. “Some girls reached out to me for how they can help their kids to be confident like pads. Collecting and getting dignity packs to them me. Others reach out through social media to talk by public transport was nightmarish. This project to their scarred kids. “I just want them to know never crossed my mind but now that I’m here, I they’re not alone. I was thrilled when this girl who like it”. She would appreciate more sanitary towels told me that she wore a skirt for the first time after to assist girls – a charity project that keeps her busy seeing I wasn’t hiding my scars. People’s attitude while studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Educa- towards us, must change,” she adds, pointing out tion. it’s tough enough to be different, though. Miss Soweto was not her first shot at pageantry. “For, now, I’m working with the Mthimkhulu “I’ve made moves to enter before but never fol- Home for Disabled Children. My prayer is to com- lowed through because of certain requirements. plete the house I’m building for my mom. I’d be For this title, I moved mountains to make it happen! grateful if I could motivate scarred youths to pur- My instincts were spot-on. Here I am, queen to one sue their dreams and fulfil their purpose. They must of the biggest, highly sought-after crowns from the learn to shut their ears to negativity. My gratitude most popular and history-laden townships, Soweto. to White Star and Miss Soweto for supporting me and providing a powerful platform for aspirational “I represent my grandmother who lives in girls. You’ve provided me with a stepping stone to Meadowlands, Soweto. Not only is she over-joyed modelling and pageantry,” she gushes before rush- at my windfall, but extremely proud to see me ing to the airport to fulfil her queenly duties in Cape splashed across the media. Everything is still sur- Town real,” Ngwenya says, chaffed that her family has been amazing. “The title of Miss Soweto is credible and one of the oldest in the country, after 42 years of exist- ence. Associating with this brand that’s produced legends like Dorothy Hlabatau, Basetsana Kumalo and Augustine Chuene, will help me realise my dream of breaking into pageantry and modelling. “As a burn victim, it’s always on my mind that, unlike other girls who don’t come with this baggage, I might not have a free pass into these platforms,” says the girl with the toothpaste smile, touching on the sensitive subject that often leads to body-shaming. “My crown enables me to represent all the girls who use their internal or external scars as barriers to realising their dreams. I’ve never seen a contestant with scars and I’m happy that, I am not only a representation of myself, but all other girls with similar aspirations but need a dose of encour- agement. “At school I tried to hide the scars to no avail. I was questioned a lot about them, though reluctant to spill the beans. It led to my being bullied badly. As a result, I hid myself and didn’t participate in anything,” she says mournfully. “After a heart- to-heart with a teacher, I felt better. It had been sparked by my refusal to wear an outfit I thought was revealing. She talked me out of my wounded state of mind. Together we hatched a response for all the nosey inquisitions. It was magic! I grew out of wearing jerseys at the height of summer. “Once I came out of my shell, I realised how I’d hidden from a lot of good things like sport. I discovered that I’m a great athlete. It paved the way to modelling. Everybody urged me to go for modelling, that I’d be a great at it. So, I went for the school beauty contest and won. I loved how By Gugu Sibiya SA MOURNS RICK’S One of the most recognised faces and leading EXIT TO “THE lights in the hip hop arena, Rikhado Muzi- OTHER SIDE” wendlovu Makhado (34), is to be buried on Tuesday. YONDER: Popular rapper to be given private burial on Tuesday The charismatic, good-looking rapper from Kwa Mashu, Durban, was found hanging at his often lending a helping hand to newcomers. At composer and rapper that it was time to act rather Riky Rick will be remembered as a cultural icon. Johannesburg home, on Wednesday morning. one of the awards, he delivered a scathing attack at than talking to a brick wall. Riky Rick had swag and pizzazz. His clientele was industry top dogs, accusing them of stifling young just trying to keep up. Although it’s not clear what led to this tragic talent through gate-keeping them out of opportu- With a finger in a number of pies, the Kwa situation, it’s a known fact that he was suffering nities. Sentiments that resonated with young art- Mashu-born rapper was an entrepreneur to boot. On one social media post, the soft-spoken rap- from depression. In one of his television inter- ist, newcomers and custodians of progress. Deter- He was a fashion designer who made a mark with per said “It’s your boy Riky Rick. If I don’t talk to views, Riky Rick as he was affectionately called, mined to make a point, he turned up at some event his crafty collections, explaining why he was such you again, see you on the other side.” said: “I suffer from chronic depression, but it’s in an outfit made out of plastic a natty dresser. Whatever event he graced with his not something I like to talk about”. presence, stood out, including his stylish get ups. Rikhado Riky Rick Muziwendlovu Makhado In 2019, he started the popular Cotton Fest. will be given a private funeral as he requested. The gifted rapper exploded into the hip hop One of his objectives was to showcase existing A year ago, he bought into the Legends fran- A memorial service will be held on March 4. He scene with the hit single Nafukwa in 2014. Hot talent while shining the highly needed spotlight on chise, setting up shop in Roodepoort. His upmar- leaves behind his wife, Bianca Naidoo, two chil- on its heels, he dropped another offering Family newbies. This was a cue by the brilliant producer, ket barber salon was visited by discerning men dren, a mother and five siblings. May his soul rest Values in 2015. When it scooped a platinum disc, who thrived on looking immaculate all the time. in eternal peace. it launched him as a force to reckon with. Intent on keeping his hip hop cred, he unleashed the sizzler Sidlukotini and the party-banger Amantombazane, which solidified his spot in the culture. He was a smooth wordsmith who lyrically waxed through his messages with conviction. It’s no wonder his tracks became a staple favourite at parties. A feat that amassed him a huge fan-base and respect. That led to memorable collaborations with Casper Nyovest, Okmalumkoolkat, Major League Djs, Nadia Nakai, Da L.E.S, Kwesta, Black Motion, Zano and Frank Casino. Riky Rick was passionate about the industry,
4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 25 February 2022 SILENCED SOBUKWE PENSIVE: The late founding REMEMBERED president of the PAC Robert Mangaiso Sobukwe pictured outside his home in Kimberly where he was banished to by the apartheid regime COMMEMORATION: Re-tracing the footprints of one of the most feared man by the apartheid regime By Ali Mphaki with his voice recordings apparently destroyed or Close to fifty years since he died and almost ‘banned’, just like during the apartheid era. There’s been efforts to try obtain Sobukwe’s thirty years of ANC rule, no one has ever heard voice recordings, but so far these have borne no the voice of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe, the fruit, with PAC activists blaming the ANC gov- founding president of the PAC. ernment’s ‘deliberate efforts to silence Sobuk- we forever’. Once considered the most dangerous man Former SABC spokesman Kaizer in South Africa by the apartheid regime, Prof, as Kganyago, now with the SIU, once Sobukwe was known, died due to lung cancer on asked about Sobukwe’s recordings February 28, in 1978. is on record that he does not know if the public broad- After precipitating a breakaway from the caster had his recordings ANC in the late 50s, Sobukwe formed the Pan or not. Africanist Congress of Azania in 1959. The soft- Approached for spoken but fiery Sobukwe on March 21, 1960, led comment this week, a march to the Orlando Police station joined by acting SABC his followers in protest against the carrying of a spokesperson pass book at all times. Gugu Ntuli could also not say if the With his lieutenants they had purposely public broadcaster made themselves guilty under terms of the Pass had any of Sobukwe’s re- Law. Arrested and charged, he was convicted of cordings and asked to be given incitement and sentenced to three years in prison. time to consult with their archives de- partment. But it was in a similar protest in Sharpeville ‘We will definitely respond to your inquiry on the same day that police opened fire on a by Monday,’ she said. Efforts to obtain comment crowd of PAC supporters, killing 69 people in from the department of arts and culture spokes- what came to be known as the Sharpeville mas- person C Phiri drew a blank. There was neither sacre. no acknowledgement of our media inquiry from the department. So dangerous was Sobukwe that the National On the anniversary of his death, a rally will Party government and its parliament enacted the be held at the hall opposite the Mofolo Park in “Sobukwe clause”, a statute specifically intended Soweto from noon onwards on Sunday. to authorize the arbitrary extension of Sobukwe’s Proceedings to honour the gallant son of the imprisonment on Robben Island. soil will begin at 9am around the Crossroads precinct in White City where PAC members will The Sobukwe clause meant allowing his im- converge before engaging in a door-to-door mo- prisonment be renewed annually at the discretion bilization campaign before converging at Sobuk- of the Minister of Justice. we’s former house at 684 Mnisi Street. Mofolo. The proceedings will then move to the hall This would see Sobukwe being kept in prison where PAC’s deputy president Lunga Mantashe for a further six years, after he had served his will deliver the keynote address. three-year sentence, isolated from other prisoners on Robben Island. PAC activists want to know why is it that South Africans and the world over have heard the voice recording of the late former ANC presi- dent Nelson Mandela’s celebrated Rivonia Trial speech, yet Sobukwe continues to be “silenced” ‘HELP OUR DAUGHTER GET A WHEELCHAIR, PLEASE’ HARDSHIP: Poverty-stricken family survives on daughter’s paltry disability grant… PARAPLEGIC: The family of disabled Matshepo Mabelane moves her around By Frank Maponya “My daughter cannot balance herself properly. She in a ramshackle wheelchair A destitute Limpopo family has made a passionate also needs clothes, which we are unable to provide,” add- public plea for a wheelchair to help their daughter ed the mother of five. The family depends on the disabled move around. girl’s social grant, which is not enough to support them. The family of Matshepo Mabelane said she was born “The grant she receives from the government is not with cerebral palsy which affected her ability to walk 21 enough to buy her food, clothes and nappies. Also, the years ago. The family lives at Ga-Moloi Riverside village, wheelchair she currently uses to move around is hurting near the small town of Jane Furse. They say her illness left her. The woman is a mother to two boys and three girls, her epileptic, unable to hear and talk. Her mother, Lesia Matshepo, Kgothatso, Surprise, Kgotso and Tumisho. “My Mabelane, is unemployed and cannot afford to buy her a husband is unemployed and has for many years been look- wheelchair, and so her father who has been struggling to ing for jobs without success,” she said. get employment with his matric certificate and driver’s li- cence. She said her wish was for her daughter to get a wheel- chair and a school that caters for children with disabilities. The 46-year-old mother has appealed to Good Samari- This would help to go out to look for a job to support her tans to help donate a wheelchair to her daughter. She said family. her daughter has been using an old dilapidated wheelchair which was making life difficult for her, and unable to play Her husband, John Mabelane, said he believed that giv- with her peers. ing back to families ravaged by poverty will bring change in the lives of those living with disabilities to restore their “Life has been difficult for my daughter as it’s quite dignity. He said they had been praying day and night for a struggle each time I have to take her to hospital to get his daughter to get the necessary assistance. treatment,” the mother said. “We appeal to donors to come forward and assist my daughter,” said the 47-year-old father.
Friday 25 February 2022 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS UNSUSPECTING Office. Mlambo responded to this e-mail in which “You are about to make an online purchase of BANK CLIENTS he said he was aware of and had not collected yet. CHF 1, 000.00 at BIGO Live”. Steyn says since it was clear from the message that the payment was FLEECED Mlambo then received an SMS from the Post not to the Post Office and that the purchase amount MILLIONS Office advising him to pay a fee of R42.50 for the was not R42.50, the OBS found against Mlambo BY SCAMMERS package to be released and sent to his nearest Post and concluded that he was unfortunately a victim of Office, says Steyn. a phishing scam where he willingly compromised FRAUD: Banking fraud has become a lucrative his confidential banking details. Mlambo followed the instructions on the link business for online scammers he received, and the link opened to a payment op- HANDY TIPS tion on an “official” Post Office Payment page. By Thuli Zungu when considering that these funds are mostly lost • Banks will never ask you to confirm your Consumers have lost over R295 million due to by individuals and small businesses who, in the He then inserted his card details and received confidential banking information over the internet banking, credit card, current account majority of cases, are not in a financial position to an “Approve It “message on his cell phone. He ac- phone. fraud and ATM card swap scams last year. suffer any kind of financial setback. In addition to cordingly approved the transaction says Steyn. • If you receive a phone call requesting con- the negative effects of Covid-19 on finances, most Reana Steyn, Ombudsman for Banking Ser- of these victims will sadly never be able to recover “Soon thereafter, he received another “Ap- fidential or personal information, do not vices (OBS) says fraud continues to pose the risk from these financial losses,” says Steyn. prove It “message from his bank and he noticed respond and end the call and contact your of serious financial losses for banking customers. the word Singapore and realised that he was being bank’s fraud hotline immediately. According to the OBS’ 2021 records, the Ombuds- There are new scams and an increasing number defrauded. He immediately reported the fraud to • If you receive an OTP on your phone with- man received and investigated over 2 880 banking of the victims. She says the basic modus operandi his bank and instructed the bank not to release the out having made a transaction, it is likely fraud related cases. This was a significant increase of these scams is not new. However, over the years, pending transaction of R16 061, but it was too late. that it is a fraudster who has used your per- of 7.5% from the fraud cases that were investigated there is a constant change in the execution tech- sonal information. Do not provide the OTP in 2020. niques that fraudsters have applied. “The success of “Since the transaction was authorised with the to anybody and contact your banks fraud these scams, and their evolution, is heavily guided use of the card details and the “Approve It “mes- hotline immediately; Steyn says most of these matters were due to by how the consumer will react in each situation,” sage, the bank had already released the transaction • Don’t click on links or icons in unsolicited bank customers falling victim to internet banking, says Steyn. She highlighted two recent matters that and refused any liability for the loss that was suf- emails or SMSs. credit card, current account fraud and ATM card were investigated by her office where two private fered,” Steyn says Mlambo then reported the inci- • Do not make payments into an unknown swap scams. These scams are avoidable and Steyn banking customers fell victim to the same scam un- dent to the OBS and asked for assistance with his person/merchants’ account without first called on bank customers to be extra vigilant to der the exact same circumstances. The story behind complaint against the ban. “The OBS determined verifying their authenticity. If you are un- ensure that they do not suffer significant financial convincing the victims to disclose their confidential that Mlambo had in fact made the payment himself sure, go to your nearest bank branch and losses over a scam that could have been avoided banking information was new. However, the basic and approved the transaction through his Banking speak to a representative. had someone taken the time to consider the pos- scam remained the same, as did the results. App. The OBS further found that although Mlambo • When doing online shopping, only use your sibility that they are being defrauded. advised that he thought he was making a payment card to make payments on secure websites; She says there is the new Phishing MO Scam. for R42.50, but, the message he received from the • While transacting, always keep an eye on She says fraud claims or losses for OBS com- Explaining this scam Steyn says Mncedisi Mlam- bank for the authentication of the payment read: the ATM card slot to ensure that your card is plaints exceeded R295 million last year. Steyn says bo* was advised that he received emails suppos- not removed, skimmed and replaced with- banking fraud has become a very lucrative business edly from the South African Post Office. out your knowledge. for online scammers. • Report lost and stolen cards immediately. The emails informed him that he had unclaimed • Be alert to your surroundings. Do not use “This is an extremely worrying trend especially packages waiting for him at the Post Office Head the ATM if there are loiterers or suspicious people in the vicinity. Also, take note that fraudsters are often well-dressed, well-spo- ken and respectable looking individuals; • Key in your PIN in such a way that no one else can see it e.g. cover your PIN when punching in the numbers even when alone at the ATM as some criminals may place se- cret cameras to observe your PIN. • Don’t let anyone stand too close to you in order to keep both your card and PIN safe. STATE AUDITORS STRIKE DEAL TO TACKLE MUNICIPAL CHALLENGES ENHANCE: Khomotso Letsatsi ACCORD: Saiga CEO Russel Morena By WSAM Reporter TRAIN: The aim is to empower local govt. tor in RSA and the rest of Africa. “As such, from The South African Institute of Government workers with latest quality training Saiga’s point of view, this partnership with Salga Auditors (Saiga) and the South African Local will help contribute towards upskilling individu- Government Association (Salga) have entered a multi-disciplinary approach, is underpinned by cial management and good governance practices als to be more accountable in the public sector. into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to four pillars, which are the institutional capacity; the municipal performance in these areas shall be This Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) will also collaborate on various capacity development financial management; leadership and governance enhanced,” said Letsatsi. help enhance the visibility of both institutions,” programmes; knowledge sharing on standards and the conclusion of this agreement shall enhance Morena said. and best practices with a view to ensure compli- the gradual realisation of the MASP objectives. Russel Morena, Chief Executive Officer for ance with applicable rules and regulations. the Southern African Institute of Government Au- “Together we will be able to lead state enti- “The strengthening of institutional capacity ditors said this MoA will assist Saiga in contribut- ties to pursue a collaborative approach and lever- The MoA includes the accreditation of lo- at municipalities through targeted and accredited ing and improving the challenges that many mu- age the combination of our core competencies and cal government entities at Saiga training offices. training initiatives in collaboration with profes- nicipalities are facing in terms of capacity as well those of our partners to increase customer value in Khomotšo Letsatsi, Chief Officer of Municipal Fi- sional bodies such as Saiga will assist the organi- as ensuring that the right processes are put in place addressing the needs of South African citizens.” nance, Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth at Sal- sation in advancing MASP objectives. to pass their respective audits. He said this will ga, said the collaboration agreement is aligned to also assist Saiga in parting the right knowledge Morena said through this collaboration, Saiga its Municipal Audit Support Programme (MASP) “It is further anticipated that through knowl- to graduates in the auditing and accounting sec- aims to up-skill and empower local government with its object of gradually enhancing the munici- edge sharing of best practices in the area of finan- working force with latest quality training which pal audit outcomes and service delivery to com- cut across different sectors, with the tools they munities. need to succeed in the current work environment. He said the MASP which is implemented in “We are pleased to be a part of this initiative working in partnership with various stakeholders to provide development training services,” he said.
6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 25 February 2022 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT By Isaac Moledi not settle. Frustrated, he looked for a new oppor- IS SOUTH AFRICA’S Learnerships are the key to tackling South tunity and stumbled across an advert for a learner- GREATEST SOCIAL Africa’s youth unemployment exclusion, ac- ship with EduPower. His application was success- CHALLENGE cording to EduPower Skills Academy executive ful, and he started his Business Administration head of sales Sean Sharp. “With nearly eight LEARN: Edupower gives youths opportunities to out of every 10 young South Africans unable to NQF Level 4 and qualified in August last year. find work, our youth is most vulnerable when it While he was blown away by the camaraderie of learn entrepreneurial skills comes to poverty and social exclusion. the theoretical, classroom component of the learn- ership, initially he found the work experience They have neither the skills nor the work ex- daunting. perience to progress in the labour market, and we should be asking how we can empower them to “I was shocked when I learned that I was go- become economically active.” But the solution, ing to be calling people on the phone. But even according to Sharp, lies in broad-based black eco- though there were many challenges, I worked at nomic empowerment (BBBEE) and specifically it and with the support and mentorship we got skills development as a mechanism to create em- from the coaches on the EduPower team, I was ployability. surprised to find that I actually started enjoying it,” Mdlalose says. As South Africa on Tuesday marked Inter- national World Day for Social Justice, a day that According to Sharp, EduPower’s set-up is raises awareness, promotes social justice and rec- unique among local skills development training ognises efforts being made to tackle issues such as providers as it has a fully customised 500-seat poverty, exclusion, gender equality, human rights, contact centre that is used exclusively by the learn- and social protection, Sharp urged South Africans ers. The Academy sources live campaigns for its to contemplate one of the country’s greatest social learners so that they gain real experience talking challenges, youth unemployment. to real people. And as they are hosted under one roof for the training and the work experience, their According to him, learnerships are usually learners “work” a regular 5-day work week, eight funded by companies as an important part of their hours a day, says Sharp. While he was progress- skills development required spend and have the ing well, Mdlalose’s world was completely shifted potential to add up to 25 points under this prior- when a learner coach position became available ity element. He believes that work-based learning and he landed the job. “I was really stressed be- programmes or learnerships are directly related cause working as a leader is something that I had to an occupation or field of work. They consist never done before. I came in on my first day as a of 30% theoretical training and 70% work ex- coach dressed in my hallmark two-piece suit and I perience; with the latter being a deliberate focus haven’t looked back.” to teach the practical skills learners will need to succeed in the working world. “B-BBEE funded Even though he is only halfway through his learnerships sponsored by companies are without learnership, Mdlalose says the skills he has al- a doubt, the best way to give our inexperienced, ready acquired have completely changed his fu- unemployed young people the means to become ture prospects. “EduPower has given me the op- learners. It provides them with the skills and work portunity to learn entrepreneurial skills and put experience necessary to access the job market,” them into practice. I’ve always had ideas and Sharp says. dreams, but they’ve been in the back of my mind. Now, I am running my own business and every He believes that 23-year-old Thabiso Md- Sunday, I am selling. If I hadn’t come to EduPow- lalose is a shining example of how powerful er, I would never have learned this skill. It is my these 12-month learnerships can be. In just three time to shine.” months, Mdlalose progressed from being a learner to a mentor coach and now, with his new skills and Sean says watching Mlalose’s growth has confidence, the talented Kwa-Zulu Natal - raised been incredibly rewarding as it confirms that lad is excited about his future. learnerships can unlock potential and opportu- nities. He believes that to address the economic Born in Inanda, Mdlalose completed his mat- futures of low skilled and under-educated youth, ric but studying further was not an option. He B-BBEE funded learnerships are the best vehicles worked in numerous entry-level positions but did to impart skills as they lead to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. By By WSAM Reporter TRAIN Second, the system is easily movable and The ArcWorld robotic welding system is EMPLOYEES leaves a smaller footprint. As many factories re- changing the automotive industry with its ro- TO MAXIMISE structure assembly lines or even move premises, botic welding innovation after its unique solu- POTENTIAL OF it is crucial to have solutions that can adapt to the tion was installed at an AeroKlas Duys, an au- ever-changing surroundings and floorspace. tomotive manufacturing supplier for Ford in ROBOTS Silverton outside Pretoria. In terms of ArcWorld, Low says it is wheela- WELDING: The new ble so it can be moved to a new position without According to Sean Low, Southern Africa’s welding system set to much effort. “All that is necessary here is to un- national project manager for Yaskawa - the com- change the automotive plug, raise the built-in jacks of the cabinet, and pany that produces and install the robotic weld- industry. wheel it away to a new location.” ing machine – there is a demand for simplicity and instant use of access, as the rapid pace of position. “As long as there is a flat surface on the In addition, there are customisation options Naturally, a company such as AeroKlas Duys life doesn’t allow for waiting periods or loading factory floor and it is connected to power, the sys- available. “The ArcWorld robot systems can be has the strictest health and safety requirements, so screens. He says in the world of robotics, the same tem is ready to be installed and deployed in no paired with any welding machine brand,” Low the solutions it utilises need to adhere to stringent type of quick-start solutions is necessary, as the time.” says. “We understand most automotive OEMs regulations. Low explains that this is not an is- ways of working evolve and transform with the (original equipment manufacturers) like to retain sue for ArcWorld, namely because Yaskawa is a Fourth Industrial Revolution. He says while the solution-in-a-box model is consistency in brands used, so we will pre-install global brand of the highest standards. “The high- appealing due to its straightforward nature, Arc- their desired brand of equipment into our solu- quality cabins are built in Europe to EU standards, In the case of AeroKlas Duys, Low says the World holds another two key benefits. The first is tion.” so they already come equipped with the required company required something unique for its rear how it is completely integrated and modular, al- European safety features.” What is critical, how- bumper step assembly of the Ford Ranger and the lowing for the systems to work together and with ever, is the training for robot operators. VW Amarok. “At first, the company explored the the current assembly line. option of custom-built robot cells for its weld- As many companies embrace robotic solu- ing requirements, but after seeing the benefits of tions, a need arises to upskill and train their em- our ArcWorld system, it decided that the solution ployees on how to maximise the potential of the matched the criteria and proceeded in ordering robots and how to use them safely. three systems.” For Yaskawa, Low says this has always Founded in 1915 by Keiichiro Yasukawa, formed part of its value proposition as it offers Yaskawa is one of the largest manufacturers of in- training courses to each of its clients, including dustrial robots, with over 400,000 robots installed AeroKlas Duys. There is also the opportunity for worldwide. Since 1991, Yaskawa Southern Africa companies to enroll their operators in the South- has installed more than 2,500 Yaskawa MOTO- ern African Institute of Welding’s ongoing welder MAN robots in the automotive, manufacturing course that allows them to receive a certification and packaging industries in South Africa. from the local technical body. Low define the ArcWorld robotic welding “Welding requires a high level of precision system as a compact, flexible and cost effective and reliability that only a robot can provide. At ready to use innovation and says the solution is the same time, businesses and industries need preassembled, preprogrammed through offline 3D to think of the time and money associated with CAD models of the jigs, and designed in such a robotics. With solutions like ArcWorld, though, way that it can be easily removed from the con- it pushes everyone closer to the demands of the tainer, put on its wheels, and moved to its desired Fourth Industrial Revolution, while still maintain- ing simplicity, flexibility, compactness, and (most importantly) cost-effectiveness,” says Low.
Friday 25 February 2022 FOOD AND WINE 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR VERITAS TASTING – CAPE TOWN JUBILATION: Boplaas wines’ Carel Nel and daughter Margaux celebrate after is set to operate every weekend from then on- receiving five medals at the annual Veritas Wine and Spirits Awards last year. Their wards, on Saturdays and Sundays. Highlights in- DATE: March 8 wines are among those to be tasted at the Veritas Tasting in Cape Town at Spier wine clude a pop-up Tshisanyama experience, a variety TIME: 17h00 – 20h00 estate on March 8. Boplaas received three Double Gold medals and two Gold medals. of local flavours and crafters, live music and ex- COST: R220 p/p pansive lawns, offering the perfect place to relax VENUE: Spier Historical Wine Cellar, Stel- WINE AND and enjoy the vibe. FOOD EVENTS lenbosch VILLIERA HARVEST TABLE 2022 With one of the most successful years of the MOUTHWATERING: Delheim’s cup cake and wine pairing sessions attract a lot of Veritas wine competition completed in 2021, wine lovers. DATE: March 12 wine lovers will be able now to taste the 235 TIME: 17h30 Double Gold and Gold wines and brandies to ited seats available to allow for social distancing. LUSH: Visitors to the Nederburg market COST: R750 pp their hearts’ delight after the Covid pandemic had Bookings are essential. All Covid protocol will be can spoil themselves with picnic VENUE: Villiera Wines, Stellenbosch interrupted these tastings for some time. strictly adhered to.nFor bookings, please email nibbles on the estate’s sprawling The results of the 2021 competition were [email protected] or call 021 865 2330. lawns in Paarl. After more than 20 months of limited contact, only announced in November last year, hence the DATE: February 26 and 27; it seems fitting to celebrate coming together dur- tastings only being presented now. CAPE WINE ACADEMY WINES OF March 5 and 6 ing the 2022 harvest under the majestic old trees It will also be the first time that wine tasters THE WORLD ONLINE COURSE TIME: 9am – 3pm on the Villiera lawns. will be able to use the VinoVeritas App at a wine VENUE: Nederburg Wines, Paarl tasting by ordering their wine on the go during DATE: Saturday, February 26 Guests will be welcomed with Bubbly and tasting. The App was already launched in 2020. TIME: 18h00 Slow down and unwind with a visit to the Canapes followed by a Tapas-style dinner feast, In accordance with the Covid regulations, the COST: R2970 p/p popular Slow Market, now located at Nederburg. served on platters for two in keeping with covid number of tickets for each tasting event is limited VENUE: Online regulations. A mini dessert selection plated to and all the Covid protocols will be adhered to. The market will reopen on this weekend and share will end the harvest feast. Dinner includes The tastings times are 17:00 - 20:00 and tick- Are you curious to know more about wines a selection of Villiera wines and will be accom- ets cost R220 per person, including an elegant beyond our sunny South African shores? Join ac- panied by live music. Enjoy sharing long tables at wine glass. Light snacks will be on sale. Book on claimed Sommelier Germain Lehodey for a whirl this alfresco affair. Quicket website. around the world for a great introduction to the wines, styles, varieties and characters of wines Villiera Reserve and Domaine Grier wines are BUBBLY & GIN TASTING FESTIVAL from 9 major global wine regions. not included in the selected wines but may be pur- chased on the evening to accompany your dinner. DATE: March 12 Here’s what you need to know: To book email [email protected] or call 021 865 TIME: 12h00 • Lectures are online presented in live time 2002. Book early as tickets are limited. 5:30pm COST: R300 • Course runs over 2 consecutive Saturdays: 19 - 8:30pm. VENUE: Bridge Street Brewery, 1 Bridge & 26 February THE JOBURG SEAFOOD AND JAZZ Street, South End, Gqeberha, • Includes a great course manual RACING FESTIVAL Eastern Cape. • Tutored tasting of 18 wines from around the It’s time to pop some corks & celebrate Sum- DATE: March 5 mer! Mingle with friends as you sample some of world TIME: 11am the top Methode Cap Classiques in the country. • You’ll receive a certificate and a pin on com- COST: From R50 to R450 per person Sip Local Craft Gins under a canopy of trees VENUE: Turfontein Racecourse, Johannes- whilst listening to the soulful beats of gorgeous pletion Cape Town DJ Tanya Vee. All MCC and gin stock Book by emailing info@capewine- burg will be for sale at wholesale prices. or online. #wineeducation Experience exciting racing, gourmet delights The cost is R300 per person and includes a #winesoftheworld #wineappreciation #WineTast- and live jazz from the Billy Monana Quartet, the champagne glass & 20 tasting coupons. And don’t ing #learnaboutwine Sisonke Xonti Quartet and the Romy Brauteseth forget our white summer theme. Trio. The day is perfect for high octane racing, * A portion of proceeds will be donated to PARK IT AT THE MARKET EVERY delectable seafood delights from food trucks and Save-a-Pet for the sterilization project. For more WEEKEND AT NEDERBURG WINES prawn stations accompanied by live jazz, buskers information - Follow us on social media to keep and kids entertainment. up to date - Racing includes the World Sports Betting SA brewery_pe/ Classic and the Wilgerbosdrift SA Fillies Classic. The Joburg Seafood and Jazz Racing Festival is a OPERA UNDER THE STARS fun day out for families and friends. Guests can spend the day enjoying world- DATE: March 6 class racing from the seafood-themed village with COST: R 95 - R 545 a stage hosting live Jazz performances, a chil- VENUE: Blaauwklippen Manor House dren’s play area, a food court with multiple drinks and food stations. All qualifying spectators must “Werf” Lawn, Stellenbosch be fully vaccinated. Blaauwklippen presents a splendid celebra- General entry is R50 (adults) and under-18 tion of opera with a world-class classical perfor- (R25), family (R100). Seated dining with Buffet mance on the Blaauwklippen Manor House lawn. R450 per person. Tickets Tel: 021 700 1649 or Four renowned singers come together for this email: [email protected] or Web- one-of-a-kind performance with a glorious array site: No under 18s of music including Bizet’s Carmen and Delibes’ Lakmé to Mozart, Lehár, Puccini and more. FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL Soprano Brittany Hope Smith, mezzo-sopra- WITH CRAIG URBANI no Minette du Toit Pearce, tenor Makudu Senaoa- na and bass-baritone Conroy Scott will showcase COST: R250 their outstanding talents together for the first time. TIME: 5.30pm – 11pm The singers are accompanied by a stellar quartet VENUE: St Andrews School for Girls, made up of Suzanne Martens (violin), Petrus Coetzee (viola) Peter Martens (cello), and the cel- Senderwood, Germiston ebrated pianist, Elna van der Merwe. Support our first fundraising festival in two Food Options: Additional options to pre- years! Grab a group of friends and help us raise book: much-needed funds, while you have a great time! • A picnic-style snack platter (for 1) and glass Only R250pp entry includes a wine-tasting of wine for R150 to enjoy before and during glass, and excludes online fees of only R17.94. the show This is a CASH-LESS event - no cash accepted at • A 3-course dinner at Blaauwklippen’s restau- the venue, only cards. No U18. No food or drinks rant for R250 after the show may be brought onto the campus. Food and drinks • A full bar will be available (own alcohol not for sale at additional cost. Please party responsibly allowed) and arrange a taxi service. Contact 0114539408 Casual picnic-style. NB: bring your own chair and/or blanket BICYCLES STOKVEL PRESENTS WAX AND WINE HARVEST FESTIVAL AT MURATIE WINE ESTATE DATE: March 27 TIME: 12noon to 10pm DATE: March 5 and 6 VENUE: Crisp Lifestyle, Vosloorus Muratie Wine Estate TIME: 11h30 The family friendly event is curated for peo- COST: R180 ple to come and relax, listen to some beats provid- VENUE: Stellenbosch ed by our trusted dj’s, enjoy some bottles of wine in a picnic setting. Do bring your picnic blankets The Melck family will once again be hosting and baskets. Food and Alcohol will be sold. No their annual Harvest Festival at Muratie Estate in alcohol allowed. The address is 7519 Sithohimela Stellenbosch on 5 & 6 March 2022. The festival, Street, Vosloorus . which takes place under the ancient oaks that guard this historic wine estate, is a celebratory WINE & CUPCAKE PAIRING family event featuring good food, fine wine, great company, live music and lots of fun stomping the DATE: February 28 newly harvested grapes. TIME: 11am VENUE: Delheim Wines, Stellenbosch After a welcome drink on arrival, fun and laughter trampling grapes and wine tasting, enjoy Welcome back students’ campaign at Del- a long lazy Farm Kitchen lunch sipping on Mura- heim for the month of February. Pay for one Wine tie’s much-loved wines and soaking up a chilled & Fynbos Cupcake Pairing experience and get live performance by the ever-popular Kitchen 50% OFF on the 2nd. Valid for students – Febru- Jammin Blues Band. Wine and Food available to ary 2022 Mondays to Sundays 11:00 and 15:00 purchase. Bookings Essential 021 888 4600 or email cellar- [email protected] or book online https://www. Adhering to Covid protocol, there will be lim- • Compiled by Len Maseko and
8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 25 February 2022 Comment HATS OFF TO MEN AND BEATING WOMEN IN BLUE THE BBBEE BACKLASH Hardly a few days after promising the country that police were committed to rid- By Kurt April EQUITY: SA organisations may need to move ding South Africa of criminal elements, Police Minister Bheki Cele’s men were all The chasm that separates the haves from the beyond mere compliance with Broad-based Black out in Rosettenville, Johannesburg, to ap- have-nots is clearly illustrated by Stats SA’s Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) legislation prehend 25 suspected dangerous criminals Multidimensional Inequality Trends Report, and expand their practices to effectively address apparently about to commit a cash-in- which states that unemployment remains high- the lack of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion transit heist. est among Black (31%) and Coloured South (JEDI) in the workplace. Africans (23%), while being significantly lower Showing disdain at police who con- among Indians (11%) and White people (6%). engagement, they tend to make less errors and col- novations that will make tangible differences in fronted them at their hideout, the suspects laborate better, while creativity and innovativeness people’s lives, and thereby provide constructive brazenly took on the law enforcement con- In terms of spending power and disposable are enhanced. Employees also report higher levels outlets for people’s intent-to action. tingent with heavy calibre weapons – instead income, White South Africans are still the biggest of belonging and subjective happiness. The use of INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP of handing themselves over. Armed with fire- earners and spenders of any racial group, with Indi- storytelling to share and explore each other’s lived power which included AK-47 assault rifles, ans spending half as much, Coloured people spend- experiences and life histories results in reciprocal Leaders will always carry a significant part of they were so daring that they even shot at a ing close to a quarter of Whites, and Blacks one empathy and is probably one of the most power- the burden in bringing about workplace transfor- police helicopter that was part of the sting tenth of what White South Africans spend. Shock- ful transformative tools available to organisations mation and South African organisations need lead- operation. ingly only 11% of South Africans have access to when facilitated well. ers who are advocates for diversity in terms of race the internet at home, 28% own a private vehicle, BLACK AND WHITE FATIGUE and ethnicity, gender and gender fluidity, sexual They showed no care for life, endangering and just 17% have access to medical aid. orientation, diversibility, social class, educational the lives of residents in the neighbourhood, People of colour in South Africa have, over background, as well as psychometric- and thinking including teachers and pupils at a nearby Affirmative Action and BBBEE remain highly their entire lives, needed to deal with accumulated style differences. school. Unfortunately, such a display of con- relevant in addressing these historical imbalances. pain, as well as unjust and inequitable experiences tempt towards police has become par for the The idea behind these policies is that humans will that too often lead to ongoing marginalisation and The country needs leaders who have the cour- course in South Africa, where police restraint not willingly give up their ‘hard worked-for’ privi- a continual questioning of their credibility in the age to recognise and highlight the commonalities is routinely mistaken as a sign of weakness or lege, and therefore will only respond to an external workplace. among people, while at the same time celebrate the timidness on their part. Of course, this time mandate for equity, equitable access to resources differences among them. impunity provoked deadly force with fatal and opportunities, and the collective unlearning of Employers have an opportunity to provide a consequences – as a dire warning to many prejudices. And yet, in recent times, there has been ‘voice’ to Black fatigue and allow Black individu- Such leaders have the responsibility to find others used to treating our men and women increasing resistance towards BBBEE from both als to authentically share what it is like to walk in ways to inspire people to change those aspects of in blue as easy game. employers and their employees. their shoes. They can provide them with platforms society that are inequitable. They must address the to speak about the daily overt and micro-aggres- barriers and challenges that perpetuate injustice, True to Cele’s vows, police stood their The South African workplace remains a very sions experienced in the workplace; to educate inequity and especially economic discrepancy and ground and fought like men gone berserk. In complex space and organisations wishing to move about the effects of implicit biases on others; to ex- access. the end, eight of the 25 suspects lay motion- through the BBBEE backlash to bring about deep press their desire to see tangible reparations from less on the ground. Ten of them also motion- change in workplace cultures and organisational those who benefitted from their economic and so- It is time for businesses and organisations to less, but alive, in handcuffs. The eleventh orientations may need to consider a different way cial demise; as well as to let others know what it commit to having courageous conversations to suspect, alleged to have shot at the hovering forward. In particular, they can look to incorporate feels like to constantly feel undervalued, invisible change the workplace – inwardly and outwardly. police helicopter, was arrested in Tembisa, two philosophical approaches: the psychological and disrespected. In doing so, they demonstrate the need for, and Ekurhuleni, a day or two after the incident, approach, where individuals engage in profound- rebuild the sense of, national unity (which can- and appeared in court like others. The sus- ly personal work, often complemented through On the other side of the spectrum, White fa- not be left up to sporting events only) and mutual pects were described by Cele as dangerous coaching, in which they begin to accept their own tigue is rooted in perpetually feeling under suspi- responsibility (business, the government and civil criminals who hailed from KwaZulu-Natal, internal diversity so they can accept the external cion despite constantly apologising for Apartheid society) for making a difference in the lives of all Botswana and Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. diversity they see outside of themselves; and the and explaining how they are not racist. Organisa- South Africans. spiritual approach, which seeks cohesion and rela- tions need to help and equip all employees to talk Two days after this shootout, nine sus- tionship alignment by getting individuals, teams, about race, race experiences and enduring privi- Inclusive leadership, in an emerging economy pected cash-in-transit heist robbers were customers and stakeholders to dialogue about their lege. like South Africa, requires a reorientation toward gunned down by police in Gaborone, Bot- values and purposes. social activism and responsibility for the public swana in an unrelated incident. The group Leaders can also find projects and outlets good – something that cannot be left only up to the had robbed Gaborone’s Main Mall of nearly In recent research at the UCT Graduate School for the thousands of individuals across the coun- national government. one million pulas. The suspects included a of Business we highlight several practices that can try, Black and White, who want to contribute to *Professor Kurt April is the Endowed Allan Gray South African citizen and Zimbabweans. help to embed these two approaches into organisa- building a more equitable country, but simply do Chair and Director of the Allan Gray Centre for tional cultures. not know how. There is a massive opportunity for Values-Based Leadership at the UCT Graduate After being subjected to heavy criticism STORYTELLING forward-thinking organisations to drive social in- School of Business. This article first appeared in for failing to curb crime in South Africa, po- the University of Cape Town’s GBS Newsletter. lice should be lauded for their brave stance Organisations can use narrative inquiry and in fighting to push back crime, a menace to the storytelling approach to provide the necessary our society. They should be commended for psychological safety for people to explore their putting their lives on the line to ensure that feelings of, among others, justice, exclusion and these dangerous criminals are apprehended – inclusion, respect and disrespect, empowerment even though questions are most likely to arise and disempowerment and when and around whom whether they did not apply excessive force in they are able to act authentically. this particular instance. Such questions will, of course, arise in the course of law whenever Storytelling engenders trust. Research tells there has been a loss of life. us that trusting work environments are more pro- ductive as people have higher levels of conscious Also, to be lauded is police intelligence, which had earlier given appropriate red flags following tip-offs from informers. Needless to say, the report was spot-on since, instead of giving up, the suspects responded with predicted violence to the sting, going as far as opening fire at the police helicopter. That said, the National Prosecuting Au- thorities must waste no time in charging these suspects. The courts must also play their part and mete out effective jail sentences as a warning to other criminals, that there is no place for impunity in this country. v 060 936 2673 [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: PostNet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... Weekly SA Mirror subscribes to the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South African Print and Online Media. As a subscriber publication and member of the Press Council of SA, the publication is thus subject to the Press Code and to the jurisdiction of the PCSA’s com- plaints procedures.
Friday 25 February 2022 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR ARTISTIC DUO HONOUR ICONIC ACTIVISTS PARTNERSHIPS: Bloke and his American Bantu mark black history month By Victor Mecoamere The men’s correspondents which is often nos- Ncube had often shared some of his own special talgic, bittersweet, cajoling, consoling and or chid- role development and sharpening techniques. It is common knowledge that partnerships are Actors Dos Moleele and Anele Nene in a scene ing – have been creatively adapted by Mahala from mutually beneficial, and this holds true regard- from the play, bloke and his American Bantu the contents of more than 50 letters that were ex- In Mahala’s own words, the fashioning and ing the thriving alliance of astute academic- changed between the two men between 1960 and staging of Bloke and his American Bantu is a his- cum-playwright Siphiwo Mahala and arts all- 1967. They imaginatively detail their kinship, love torical first, because, as Mahala puts it, the play rounder Sello Maake ka Ncube. for life and laughter, and shared despair and hope commemorates Black History Month in a special for the black man in the world during the most op- way. While Mahala, formerly a senior Arts and Cul- pressive white rule in their respective homelands. ture Department official for more than a decade, has In the exchanges, Modisane had likened exile to “In the past, in South Africa, we used to stage emerged as a keen researcher of the colourful Drum the continuation of the constricting life he had lived American productions to mark Black History magazine scribes of the 1950s, Maake ka Ncube’s under apartheid, while Hughes had harboured no Month,” an elated Mahala told the audience dur- is in his fourth decade of undoubted excellence as optimism regarding the lot of the black man in the ing a post-opening night performance panel discus- an internationally acclaimed actor, dramatist, direc- United States. In many ways, Hughes was a timely sion at the Keorapetse Kgosietsile Theatre at the tor and producer on stage, television and in film. cushion for Modisane’s fragile disposition amid University of Johannesburg, where the play ran despair, loneliness and financial challenges during from February 16 to February 26. “This time, we Significantly, Mahala and Maake ka Ncube which his pride was tested mightily. are marking Black History Month with an original share a passion for adding their voices in the lit- South African production.” erary and artistic telling of the authentic stories of Playing Modisane is Durbanite Nene, a drama the South African liberation struggle through the and creative arts graduate of the Creative Arts Col- Disappointingly, though, the Sello Maake ka immortalisation of the Drum Magazine era scribes, lege in KwaZulu-Natal who has won the Ovation Ncube Foundation’s attempts to find a staging slot and this had first manifested with the staging of Award at the 2020 National Arts Festival for his for Bloke and his American Bantu on the estab- Mahala’s play, The House of Truth. one hander, The Hymns of a Sparrow, which haunt- lished theatre circuit had failed, hence the produc- ingly descripts conflicts, mediation and healing in ers’ decision to pursue partnerships with the uni- Directed by veteran artist, Vanessa Cook and rural settings. Nene – who has appeared in Menzi versities, where the performances are expected to starring Maake ka Ncube, The House of Truth pre- Mkhwane’s Pockets of Knowledge and Secret val- be followed by solution-seeking discussions with miered to rave reviews at the 2016 National Arts ley of the Kings, Musa Ntuli’s There Lays Ubuntu the students. Festival, enjoyed a sold-out season at The Market and Double You and in Mnqobi Msimango’s Asazi Theatre, and was also staged at the Soweto Theatre – is proud that Maake ka Ncube had specially hand- But to Mahala and Maake ka Ncube, this is in Jabulani, Soweto the same year. picked him for the part. Clearly, Maake ka Ncube nothing new because the powers that be at the 2016 had been tracking Nene and had seen him as a per- National Arts Festival had sought to confine The The House of Truth chronicles the bittersweet fect fit in the partnership. House of Truth to the annual event’s fringes, but life and times of one Daniel Canodoise “Can” Mahala had insisted that his production was worth Themba, the exiled witty and insightful former Playing Hughes is Moleele of Gauteng who its salt. Drum Magazine assistant editor who died of coro- has acted in SABC dramas including Zero Toler- nary thrombosis in his flat in Manzini, Swaziland ance, Generations Skwizas, Strike Back and Bin- Mahala said at the end of the festival, The on 8 September 1967. Coincidentally, Mahala re- nelanders, etv’s Rhythm City and Mzansi Magic’s House of Truth had drawn a full house each night cently earned a Ph.D for his dissertation on Can The Queen. His play, Call Us Crazy, in which he and had been recognised as one of the best plays Themba’s life and literary work. coincidentally directed Maake ka Ncube, is a his- at the event. The partnership of Mahala, Maake ka torical winner of three Vita awards. Moleele has Ncube and director Vanessa Cooke had done the Mahala and Maake ka Ncube are continuing also bagged the Naledi Theatre award for the dance trick. their strategic partnership with Mahala’s latest play, musical, Tapsula. Bloke and his American Bantu, which is directed Maake ka Ncube, himself, had always sought and produced by Maake ka Ncube, and is featur- Nene and Moleele told Weekly SA Mirror in to sink his artistic teeth into meaty local content ing the acting talents of Dos Moleele and Anele interviews conducted before opening night that which told the authentic stories of the local human Nene. The play narrates the iconic companionship they had endured more than ten weeks of intensive conditions, and working with the likes of Mahala of writers and activists Bloke Modisane, who was rehearsals under Maake ka Ncube’s judicious tutor- had left him fulfilled as both an actor and a director. born in Sophiatown, South Africa and Langston ship for a plausible enactment of the iconic bond Hughes, who is a native of Harlem, New York in of Modisane and Hughes, during which Maake ka For the entire production, good prospects await, the United States through captivating monologues including a potentially lucrative tour of the United and dialogues. States, especially if their marketing and promotion nous is on point. This can only be possible through mutually benreficial partnerships.
10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FASHION/LIFESTYLE Friday 25 February 2022 NZINGA QUNTA A FASHION REBEL WITH A CLAUSE GRAMMARIAN: TV newscaster and facilitator who studied law unique in her Pan African dress sense MAJESTIC; TV personality Nzinga Qunta as a facilitator in one of the major conferences About three years ago, I started covering my ting compliments from women always feels hair everyday on air and finding my style and lovely and affirming as it comes with so much what worked best for me. warmth. REGAL: Nzinga Qunta in her trademark Africa traditional attire WSAM: Do you have a special designer you WSAM: Have you picked up any negative re- work with? marks about your style, whether from work cor- By Ali Mphaki will be forced to watch me on TV,” seems be how ridors, friends, acquaintances etc. Growing up there was no television set at Nz- her life had turned out. After all, the good book NQ: I work with Precious Salizwa to design inga Qunta’s homes, be it in Botswana, Zimba- enjoins us that the Good jealous Lord shall “pun- most of my outfits. She works with her mom NQ: I actually have not heard people saying bwe and even back home in South Africa. ish” the children for the sins of their fathers. and have a shop that makes beautiful outfits, I bad things about the way I dress now. Even if give them ideas and they execute them beauti- they did, that is not my problem. Born in exile in Sydney, Australia, from anti- What makes her unique, however, apart from fully. WSAM: We daily see you on TV spotting a new apartheid Black Consciousness activists Chris- her eloquence and grasp of the topics she handles, WSAM: Would you like to see more women fol- attire. How many attires you have? Is your tine and the late Vuyisa Qunta, her parents were is her dress sense with an Afro touch. lowing your dress sense by wearing their African wardrobe overflowing with garments? resolute that they want their children to be friends garb daily instead of only on Heritage Day, wed- NQ: (Chuckling) I definitely do not have as with the written word rather than become coach The mom of one daughter is no ordinary pret- dings etc. much clothing as I want. potatoes watching television. ty face, having studied law and English Literature NQ: I think the great thing about South Africa WSAM: Shoes are said to be the latest bag. at Wits, degrees she accomplished when the fam- is that we have freedom of choice in how we Could there be a little Imelda Marcos in you Strewn all over their seating room were mag- ily came back from exile in the 2000s. express ourselves. with a thousand pair of shoes? azines, books, and more books. Not that her par- It is beautiful to see the different versions of NQ: I am very far off from Imelda Marcos but ents were so destitute not to afford a goggle box; When she is not on air she dabbles in facilita- that and I would not like to dictate to other I appreciate good quality and very high heel they had made a conscious and deliberate deci- tion, a job that brings so much joy to her as she people how to do that. shoes and what they do for your posture, look sion to do without its encroaching distraction for learns so much during her preparations and get to WSAM: When last did you wear what is usually and mood. their two little children. interact with some of the brightest and most in- referred to as “power dressing” – business suit WSAM; Your favourite colour? novative minds on the continent. etc. NQ: Anything bright and bold. Christine and Vuyisa would never compro- NQ: I occasionally wear blazers and the like. mise on their “no television at home” principle to Weekly SA Mirror caught up with her this accommodate their young urchins. One can only week to talk about her fashion style; WSAM: It is often times said that women dress *Nzinga can be seen daily on SABC 3 and DStv wonder what went through the mind of a young WSAM: Who and what inspired your dress for each other. Does that describe you? Channel 404 spotting her Afro looks with her Nzinga and her late sister (the critically acclaimed sense? Erika Badhu-like headwraps. author) Yolisa when unlike other children, had no NQ: I dress for myself but I must say get- access to a television set at home. NQ: I dress as an expression of my pan Af- rican outlook, and more importantly what I PAN AFRICAN: The look that viewers have become accustomed to of Nzinga Qunta as Named after an Angolan heroine who fought view as classy and African. she daily appears on TV. against Portuguese invaders in the 1500s, it prob- WSAM: How long have you adopted this dress ably was her parents aversion to television that style? prompted her desire and wish to appear on the NQ: I started wearing headwraps in 2006 and box. on television occasionally in 2013 and 2014. “They did not want me to watch TV, now they
Friday 25 February 2022 FASHION/LIFESTYLE 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR GET YOUR By Mpumi Brown tion as a whole is a modern take on Studio BAG LADIES Craft, quality, and an utterly unique look. 54-esque, disco-era fashion.#FendiSS22 ACCESSORIES: An utterly unique the The #Fendigraphy bag brings a new dimen- “Our woman has let loose a bit – she’s #Fendigraphy bag brings a new dimension... sion to our signature collection of accesso- going out, dressing up. We’ve all been locked ries. away for so long that I think that’s what we all need right now.”-Kim Jones” Fendi focuses on the glitz and glamour of dressing up for Spring 2022, this years The Fendi Baguette is transformed into runway was a combination of mixing the old a stunning tapestry-woven rainbow while with the new. Kim Jones centred this collec- the Peekaboo appears featuring graphic art- tion with a flair of beautiful, glitzy glamour- work. The Fendi First, Jones’ first bag for ous bags the House, is seen in this collection as well, reimagined in stunning hues, leathers, and Kim Jones has cemented his vision for textures. The return of the hobo is celebrated Fendi, and it’s bold, beautiful, glitzy, and this season as well, with a new silhouette that glamorous. At the brand’s spring 2022 run- appears in multiple sizes, clutched via hand way show last week, it was clear that Fendi, in a tiny version by models or slung over the under the creative direction of Jones, is fo- shoulder in larger sizes. cusing on the more fun aspects of fashion, dipping into its archives to facilitate a resur- The price range for one of these exclu- gence of Fendi’s playful side. The collec- sive pieces range from R17 000.00 to R57 000.00 By Mpumi Brown ergy and remove obstacles and hurdles from your It has been said that our astrological footprint path. 4. They help you to align spiritually and birthstone plays a pivotal role in guiding our desires and life callings. Wearing your birthstone Birthstones help to balance chakras, align you, or zodiac stone is believed to be a way to tap into both spiritually and mentally, and improve your your own personal power. It is also said that wear- mood and outlook. ing your gemstone may help you gain that bit of 5. They uplift your daily fashion extra strength and grounding that you need in that moment. It goes without saying that these enchanting gemstones come in a range of deep and beautiful It’s this belief in birthstones that led jewellery colours. Birthstones help to enhance your outfit designer Kristin Weixelbaumerfrom Black Betty to with vibrant colours. They’re also a conversation introduce a brand new Zodiac range. starter in many situations. “Everyone was born on a specific day and at a Find your birthstone: specific time. Astrology assigns a deeper meaning January: Garnet to this event by mapping out how the sun, moon February: Amethyst and planets were aligned when you entered the March: Aquamarine world.” April: Diamond May: Emerald Weixelbaumer worked closely with Cape Town June: Moonstone OR Pearl astrologer Nicole L Smith to create the range, and July: Ruby with each piece that Black Betty sells, the recipi- August: Peridot ent will receive a personal reading by Smith for the September: Sapphire year to come. “This collection is something special October: Tourmaline and personal. We wanted to give each piece a spe- November: Citrine cial send off to its new owner,” says Weixelbaumer. December: Tanzanite We wanted our customers to understand the full power & story of wearing one’s Zodiac. FIVE REASONS TO WEAR YOUR She outlines the five main reasons to consider wearing your birthstone: BIRTH STONE 1. They have healing properties MYSTICAL: Tapping into healing properties The healing properties of birthstones are well of birthstones for meaningful existence... documented. The stones may help to ‘release’ blockages in your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. They are said to have the power to fo- cus healing energies of the planet onto your body, through contact with the skin. They can also help you to feel more relaxed and stimulated. 2. They restore your ‘cosmic colour’ Birthstones help to align your zodiac sign with you. When your being is aligned to nature ‘cosmic colours’ are able to come into alignment. The cos- mic colour assists in making you feel stronger, both physically and mentally. 3. They bring you luck and prosperity Birthstones work to strengthen your weak en-
12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 25 February 2022 MOTORING:Briefs SINFULLY GORGEOUS: The Aston Martin Valhalla comes with vertical tailpipes and ram-air intake on roof AUDI HERALDS NEW ERA OF MOBILITY ASTON MARTIN VALHALLA REVVING Audi South Africa has officially launched its e-tron range in South Africa, heralding a new era UP FOR 2024 of mobility for the Four Rings in the local mar- ket. This week, the brand launched six new elec- HYPERCAR: Boasts tric vehicles (EVs) in Cape Town, headlined by the RS e-tron GT. Called the ‘Night of Progress’, a V8 engine with a the event is also the launchpad for Audi SA as they adopt e-mobility, and Sascha Sauer, Head of capability of taking the Audi SA, is proud of what the automaker’s local arm achieved. mandatory 0-100 km/h He says: “Never has any automotive brand sprint in a blistering 2.5 anywhere in the world launched this many elec- tric vehicles in one go. And so, (the launch) was seconds EXTRAORDINARY: Aerodynamics forged in Formula One immerses the driver in unprec- a historic moment not just for the Audi brand, but edented supercar driving experience for South Africa too. By accelerating our transi- tion towards e-mobility, we are fully embracing By Ali Mphaki What will see a lump form and even fascinate MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE; Battery power is Audi’s global mission in transforming towards Delayed, but definitely on its way. This is the the hardest of cynic is how when it has to reverse, directed exclusively to the front axle when being a provider of premium sustainable mobility word from the British marque Aston Martin as instead it spins the electric motor the opposite way. in EV mode. and in line with our Brand’s global commitments impatient millionaires wait for the sensational towards the Paris Climate Agreement.” Audi SA Valhalla to make its debut, moving from con- Incredible, if you ask me. Unbelievable as also confirmed that they will be launching at least cept to the real thing. well is how Austin Martin punts the Valhalla as one new EV per year.-Wheels 24 an everyday supercar. Though slightly affordable First seen as a concept car at the Geneva Mo- than its siblings, it may just be that with the intro- VW HUGE LOSS OF CARS tor Show in 2019, the Valhalla should had, as per duction of the Valhalla, the British supercar maker FROM CARGO SHIP FIRE promise, be making its way to at least reach us in is actually widening the consumer’s choice in the South Africa by the third quarter of the year, but market for a hypercar. Volkswagen Group says the many of the 4,000 not so. cars from its multiple brands aboard the Felicity For all its virtues it is not going to be an easy Ace are a total loss because of a fire on board that Could be the management changes happening ride for the new Valhalla, which has formidable forced the crew to abandon the container ship in at the Aston Martin headquarters were responsible opposition in the likes of Ferrari SF90, Bugatti the Atlantic Ocean last week. for the delay, but good news is that the Valhalla Chiron as well as the Koenigsegg Jesko. is almost production ready and first deliveries ex- The Panama-registered Felicity Ace caught pected end of 2023. In case you impatient ( a bulging wallet has fire on February 16 and was reported adrift more that effect) and need to ogle one, try the latest than 1,000 miles off the coast of Portugal. The Unlike what the world saw in Geneva, the new James Bond movie No Time to Die where the Val- 22 crew members on board were evacuated the Valhalla comes with some significant twitches, halla can be seen in all its glory, yet sadly not used. same day. The ship was carrying 3,965 vehicles with the company doing away with the twin-turbo from the VW, Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini and V6 engine in preference for an AMG V8 motor. What is apparent, however, is that Aston Mar- Bentley brands destined for the U.S. market. The tin now has three super V’s in its arsenal. There is fire could cost VW Group $155 million, accord- The Mercedes-Benz 4.0-litre twin-turbo under the Valkye, the Vanquish, and now the Valhalla. ing to one consultant’s estimate the bonnet is offered in conjunction with 2 elec- tric motors which develops a stunning combined The choice is yours. Estimated price for the “We fear that the fire on the ship has damaged output of 699kW enough to consume 0-100km/h 2024 Valhalla is R10-million. a large number of the nearly 4,000 Group-brand in 2.5 seconds. vehicles to such an extent that they can no longer be delivered to customers,” the company said in With a top speed of 330 km/h, it does the Nur- release sent to Automotive News Europe Friday. burgring Nordschleife lap time in a blistering 6m “More detailed information is not yet available.” 30s – making it the fastest production car around clipping the Porsche GT2 RS (6m 43 3s) record TOYOTA COROLLA’S WORLD with more than 10 seconds. REIGN UNDER THREAT Carbon-ceramic brakes will be standard. Us- Toyota has been reliably churning out over a mil- ing an eight-speed twin-clutch, the Valhalla does lion of them every year across its global produc- not have a reverse gear. tion network for quite a while now. Its appeal is almost universal, and whether in hatchback, sedan, coupe, wagon – and now SUV – form, there’s seemingly a Corolla variant that’s the ‘right fit’ for pretty much every market on the planet. However, its time as the world’s most beloved new car is on the verge of ending, and last year could have very well been its final year of sales dominance. While the Corolla might cling on as Toyo- ta’s most popular model for another year or so, it appears almost guaranteed that Hyundai’s top- seller the i30 hatch and i30 sedan/Elantra/Avante will no longer be a small hatch and sedan after 2022 is done and dusted.- carsguide – Australia. 2023 MERCEDES-BENZ G-CLASS SPIED ON We’ve already spotted prototypes for an updated version of the standard G-Class, and now we have spy shots depicting a tester for the updated G63 from AMG. Both G-Class versions are ex- pected to debut later this year as 2023 models. Judging by the camouflage gear on the G63 prototype, we’ll likely see a revised fascia intro- duced up front. And while the general shape of the grille should remain unchanged, a new mesh pattern is expected. The G63 is powered by a 4.0-liter twin-tur- bo V-8 good for 577 hp and 627 lb-ft of torque. While AMG has just launched a plug-in hybrid powertrain using this V-8 in its GT 4-Door Coupe, we don’t expect the G63 to go the plug- in hybrid route just yet. An electric powertrain is planned for the G-Class, though it won’t arrive until 2024.-MOTOR AUTHORITY PRODUCTION READY: The roads await the As- EYE-POPPING; The Aston Martin Valhalla ton Martin Valhalla to be launched late 2023 lights up the roads
Friday 25 February 2022 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR PRIVATE ridge area was close to 75%,” says Jerry Mabena, SECTOR MUST CEO of Motsamayi Tourism. “Now, take into ac- UNLOCK VITAL count that, since then, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. We can only anticipate that UPSKILLING these statistics look worse now. DIGITAL “We knew going into the Kruger Station and LITERACY Kruger Shalati projects that we needed to create EMPLOY: Experience and education should employment opportunities for young people in the SizweSihle Dlamini, customer experience not be a requisite for employment Mpumalanga area. Once we started interviews for director at Hoorah Digital the jobs offered we had over 5 000 CVs from peo- ple in the area. Jobs are rare and people are desper- By Isaac Moledi value of upskilling. which innovation regularly occurs tend to be more ate,” says Mabena. Learners and educators be warned: Skills ex- According to the World Economic Forum’s Fu- receptive to change, while cultures that are heavily regulated tend to err on the safer side of things and “It is against this backdrop that we made the perts say what may have been a valuable set of ture of Jobs Report, by 2025, half of the world’s invariably innovate far less. As such, the ability to decision to invest in local youths and upskill them skills a decade ago may no longer be relevant in working population will need to be reskilled. So, influence and manage the turnaround of such staid in the tourism industry.” the workplace today as the workplace itself has ask experts, “should we consider education and ex- models will be worth gold (or lots of bitcoin) in the evolved and new job responsibilities have been in- perience as a measure for hiring? near future,” says Dlamini. According to the International Finance Corpo- troduced. ration, 230 million jobs in sub-Saharan Africa will An open-ended approach to working will in- Ultimately, the ability to constantly learn, un- require digital skills by 2030. Emerging technolo- Today there are skills that can be learned, such clude responding to what their solution is to the learn and relearn will be the skill most valued in a gies like Artificial Intelligence and automation are as digital skills.And then there are inherent soft skills gap, and the unemployment crisis facing tech-enabled future. also transforming the job landscape in a way that skills such as being agile and open to change or be- South Africa. is changing the needs and requirements of certain ing naturally curious. Many of these skills are un- “And it starts, simply, with a mindset that val- job roles, making existing jobs redundant, and even likely to be taught in schools or universities. SizweSihle Dlamini, Customer Experience ues the utility and importance of a fluid approach creating completely new jobs that did not exist be- Director at Hoorah Digital, believes that the skills to learning.” fore. And, if this is the case, experts wonder why do needed to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution so many companies still require education and ex- (4IR) economy are where we need to be focusing For the Kruger Station precinct and Kruger Robin Fisher, Senior Area Vice President of perience as a prerequisite for employment. our attention. Shalati: The Train on the Bridge - both based in the Salesforce Emerging Markets, believes that it has Kruger National Park - the focus has been on how never been more important than now to actively In his State of the Nation Address (SONA) last “Rather than competencies like coding and data much the organisation can do for individuals who seek out new skills. “A fortunate side-effect of week, President Cyril Ramaphosa urged the private analytics, we need to look to the social or ‘soft’ need work in the area, rather than how much the the last two years of disruption has been the shift sector to consider removing experience as a hiring skills that allow for a more fluid, open-ended ap- candidates can bring to the table. towards a more online learning environment at a criteria in order to provide as many young people proach to working, learning, developing and inno- large scale. Learning platforms like Trailhead from as possible with their first jobs. And, according to vating,” says Dlamini. According to, 36% of the Salesforce are making digital skills learning fun, experts, in a country like South Africa where the Ehlanzeni population are youths (aged 15-35), of easy and accessible by providing anyone with the school system is confronted with numerous com- The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs which 60 - 72% of people between the ages of 15- opportunity to learn critical skills for free online, plicated challenges and the unemployment rate is Report counts skills including problem solving, 24 are unemployed. anywhere and at any time,” says Fisher. at an all-time high, prioritising education and ex- self-management, working with people, and tech- perience may be a nail in the coffin for many. What nology use and management among those likely to “In an impact report that we carried out for He says the platform offers globally-recognised matters, they argue, is that businesses recognise the be the most in demand in the future. Shalati and Station, we noted that it was expected credentials that demonstrate their expertise to cur- that, by the end of 2019, the real unemployment rent and future employers and through the Trail- “These skills will be heavily influenced by the figure for the youth (aged 16-35) in the Bushbuck- blazer Community, learning is not relegated to a organisational culture in question. Environments in silo. There are already more than 3 million people who are scaling up their digital skills using Trail- head, says Fisher. “Both the public and private sectors have a re- sponsibility to unlock vital upskilling, reskilling, and digital literacy within both the current and fu- ture workforce, in order to prepare people for the future of work and develop the capabilities to ef- fectively drive innovation and growth. By better understanding the challenges to closing the digital divide and skills gap, and shaping our response and support accordingly, we can make a difference. But, we need to see a concerted collaborative ef- fort to break down barriers to learning and create an equal and accessible pathway into a digital-first future.” Skills experts believe that while young people in South Africa are having difficulties finding work, the only way to improve the country’s unemploy- ment rate and economy is for the private sector to rethink employment strategies and place a priority on ongoing upskilling and reskilling. NEW SATELLITE By Isaac Moledi zero or near-zero downtime: Twoobii, a hight- SERVICE Is your company or an operation currently horoughput smart satellite connectivity service, HAILED powered by the latest Intelsat platforms and man- located far beyond the reach of conventional aged by leading satellite engineering enterprise, AS INTEGRATED technologies and not connected to the national Q-KON. SOLUTION telecom network grid via 3G, Fibre or ADSL? “We were delighted to be contacted by a MINING: The Do you need a reliable “pay-per-use” back- major open cast iron ore mine in South Africa’s mining industry is up service? Now to be connected 24/7, experts Northern Cape province. They were looking for one of the most say all you need is Twoobii, the new smart sat- an effective alternative to their existing, very lim- critical pillars of ellite broadband offering as a high availability, ited telecoms infrastructure,” says Dawie de the south african greatvalue, standalone or integrated back-up or economy primary communications solution for remote Wet, Group CEO of Q-KON, the leading sat- business locations. ellite engineering enterprise behind Twoobii, the Dawie de Wet, group CEO of Q-KON Smart Satellite Services. “Their need for a very Experts say the mining industry is one of the reliable communications link led to them contact- most critical pillars of the South African econ- ing Twoobii in search of a solution.” omy, and while it continues to contribute very significantly to GDP and job creation, it is an Through pioneering advances in satellite industry that faces unique challenges. Many of business broadband technology, De Wet believes these challenges are due to the remote locations that Twoobii has proven its worth as either a stan- in which mining operations typically take place dalone service or as a component of integrated – far beyond the reach of conventional communi- network architecture solutions. cations technologies such as fibre, LTE or 4G/5G. Just as the requirement was clear, so too Despite this, the operational demands of min- was the answer, according to de Wet. “A cus- ing – and the pressure on profit margins – mean tom-designed 1+1 high-availability solution that that alongside continuous rotating shifts, being in consisted of dual satellite terminals (primary and constant contact with suppliers, service providers secondary circuits), each offering 99.95% uptime and senior management are an essential aspect in an automatic failover configuration.” of modern mining. This is particularly true with bulk ore mining, where vast quantities of material According to de Wet, in the absence of mains need to be moved according to a strict timetable. power, a hybrid solar and generator solution was engineered to provide a cost-effective way to en- Experts believe that without communications sure near 100% uptime. functionality, this scheduling would soon break down, leading to confusion and costly delays. In order to service all the operational loca- tions within the mine complex, additional wire- A further factor related to the remoteness of less links were included in the installation. The mining operations means that repairs to mission- impact in terms of business efficiencies was im- critical equipment cannot easily be carried out, mediate and profound, as André Slabbert, placing an onus on the reliability of the technol- ogy used, including of course their links to the General Manager of the open cast iron ore outside world. mine explained. “Our business suffered by not having communications at the mine, but since However, experts believe there is a clear re- we had the high availability Twoobii satellite so- quirement for an available anywhere, always-on lution installed, we are now in constant contact and highly reliable connectivity solution with with our employees, and our business processes are running semi-automated;.
14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 25 February 2022 ZERO MY HERO to evade dangerous tackles,” he says, once more proving the adage that it is not the size of the dog, MERCURIAL: Former Orlando Pirates left- but the bite that matters. winger attributes his success to hard work and dedication Arguably one of the finest left-wingers this country has ever produced, pity Mogale played his MY HERO: Kagiso Mogale during his hey- football when South Africa was barred from inter- days at Orlandp Pirates national participation, which probably could have By Masoja Cele seen him most definitely playing for his country Bafana Bafana. Zeroooooo roared a packed Orlando Stadium DAZZLING: Kagiso “Zero” Mogale seen waltzing past defenders during a Mainstay Cup game or wherever when he was in possession. Of me- It obviously hurts that such a utility player dium height, he was a menace for defenders, his volving Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates at the helped him to settle. Again, it was his humility, has no caps for his country, but he will find solace uncanny dribbling antics with a knack of leav- Orlando Stadium. “I guess I put up a sterling per- willingness to learn and hard work which prob- in the many Soweto derbies he featured against ing defenders sprawled on the turf. formance for after the final whistle I was mobbed ably paved way for his success at Pirates. Size, Kaizer Chiefs, at a time when rivalries between by fans and the Bucs officials told me to join the they say matters. This, however, would not be a the two teams were fierce and ran deep. He recalls In his wake, defenders would be kicking Orlando East team in their next training session.’ deterrent for Mogale, who despite playing against that unlike these days, there was no comradeship where they thought the ball was, especially when bulky defenders in the likes of Rodney Charles of amongst fans of both teams and this overflowed to he was in top flight on the left channel. He could “As they say the rest is history,’’ he says Swallows, Sam ‘’Ewee’’Khambule (Sundowns), the field of play, even though outside the field the also shoot, amazingly with both feet, even though proudly. The transition from amateur to pro foot- John Salter (Cosmos), Simon ‘’Bull’’Lehoko players had a convivial relationship. his preferred mode of scoring goals was to place ball was no easy feat for Mogale, but he will for- (Kaizer Chiefs), continued to shine. the ball rather than to “kill” the keeper. Tongue ever be grateful to greats like Johannes Khomane, Mogale while he believes today’s derbies are hanging out his mouth - his characteristic gesture Bigboy Kholoane, Brains Mchunu and goalkeep- “I relied extensively on my skill and speed more financially motivated than a display of tal- when enjoying what he likes - he played football er extraordinaire Patson “Sparks” Banda, who to eliminate the enemy. I had to be at my best ent, he also decries the glaring absence of a talis- with an immense joy, which was almost conta- man in both the current Chiefs and Pirates squads. gious. He is yet to see a player in both squads who The Sophiatown-born Kagiso Mogale, his can emulate the likes of Pule “Ace” Ntsolengoe family a victim of forced removals, grew up in and Jomo Sono, players with a knack to take the Diepkloof, Soweto, where he started his football- game by the scruff of the neck and singularly lift ing career at a relatively young age playing for the their team to glory. Sadly, we don’t such talent to- erstwhile local outfit Blue Whales in the early 70s. day’’ laments Mogale. This is where he teamed up with, among oth- Whilst he admits there may be a few glitter- ers, former Moroka Swallows Frederick “Congo” ing stars in the current PSL, players like Themba Malebane, while a younger John “Shoes: Mo- ‘’Mshishi’’Zwane and Dennis Onyango both shoeu featured in the lower division of the club. Downs) and Luvuyo Memela (AmaZulu) who are quality and constant performers, in his opinion the As fate would have it, their team Blue Whales standard of local football hasn’t improved much. had to honour an appointment with Naledi Young Texas in a curtain raiser for the Soweto derby in- What is unfathomable to him is the seeming runaway dominance of Sundowns, winning the league four consecutive times. ‘What about the other 15 teams in the league. What are they do- ing,’ he asks. Mogale is also of the opinion that Sundowns will make it fifth time in row by once more winning the 2021/22 DStv league, what with the point margin currently between the Brazilians other teams almost a 20 points difference with sec- ond placed Orlando Pirates and with only ten or eleven rounds to close the curtain. “Only a miracle can stop Sundowns from win- ning the league,” says the man who confesses that among the toughest defenders was the late Mo- roka Swallows Aaron ‘’Roadblock’’ Makhathini. Mogale is married and lives in Protea, Soweto. GET-TOGETHER; Former Amakhosi greats (from left) William Shongwe, Gadner Seale, Bobby Motaung (manager),Mike Mangena, Gary Bai- the team” in reference to his teammate and former ley, Albert Byalwa, Shane MacGregor and Mark Tovey. Chiefs striker, who scored 19 goals in that cam- paign. AMAKHOSI CLASS CEO Sello Hatang of former President Nelson OF ’89 REUNION Mandela’s private archives and office, before pro- Bailey went on to add more seriously that ceeding to Madiba’s Houghton residence the Sanc- “Shane’s contributions were immense. He showed SPECIAL: Former players reunite to reminisce and tuary Mandela, which has now been converted into what a strong team we had all around, with four rekindle memories of their proud playing days a boutique hotel. great attackers, a strong midfield with Doctor Khu- malo, a solid defence and me and William Shong- By WSAM REPORTER 1989, among them Mark Tovey, William ‘Cool Cat’ It was an opportunity for the club to bring to- we rotating in goal. I think this was the best team in Kaizer Chiefs hosted a very special reunion this Shongwe, Mike ‘Sporo’ Mangena, Gardner Seale, gether its former players and to reunite them over the history of South African club football.” weekend of Amakhosi’s class of 1989, as some Shane Macgregor, Albert Bwalya and Gary Bailey tall tales of their successful playing days, as they of the Club’s iconic former players were warm- caught up on Saturday to reminisce and rekindle remained true to the club’s ‘Love & Peace’ ethos. Another of the attendees Mike Mangena, who ly hosted by the Nelson Mandela Foundation memories of their proud playing days representing scored four goals in 16 games during that campaign, (NMF). the Gold and Black. “These engagements with our legends are very was complimentary of his former teammates. crucial for the club. We pulled this gathering off Members of Chiefs’ quadruple winning team of The group gathered at the Nelson Mandela in a short space of time, but we are very happy to “It was an honour to play with these guys. We Foundation for an intimate tour hosted by NMF work with our former players to host these kinds of had a good team and we were very close. Thirty events. Engaging with the class of 1989 helped us three years is a long time. We need to meet sooner understand from a human and football element just and not wait so long,” said Mangena. what these extraordinary players meant to us a club and to football in the country – and also what drove Chiefs defender Rudolph Seale also gave his them to succeed,” said Chiefs Marketing Director, anecdote. Jessica Motaung. “When I joined Chiefs I was scared. I was hap- The chirps between the former teammates flew py at Giant Blackpool, then look at all these names. thick and fast, with former Chiefs goalkeeper Gary But these guys made life easy for me and I enjoyed Bailey quipping that “Shane Macgregor’s contribu- my time at the club,” said Seale. tion in 1989 was being the most booked player in Zambian born former Chiefs striker Albert Bwalya gave numerous anecdotes and spoke of his love for Chiefs. “To this day I still feel the love for this team, and they for me. They continue to remember me to this day. From the beginning my story in getting to Chiefs is an interesting one and given the political situation at the time it took me a journey via Leso- tho and Eswatini (formerly) Swaziland to get to this great team”. Former Chiefs defender Mark Tovey, whose brother Neil joined Chiefs in 1990 after he had left in 1989, joked that ”most people remember Neil. I was better than him and I think I won more than him,” before adding “it was an honour to have played for this team, and it still is an honour to have represented this club and have won what we did in 1989”. Hatang was very happy to have hosted the club, especially given the club’s special history with the former President. “Kaizer Chiefs and the late President have a history going back a while. We are very happy to have been able to welcome Kaizer Chiefs to our premises to renew this connection,” said Hatang. In conclusion, the Chiefs Marketing Director said “we have a few more of these reunions planned for the coming year. It is crucial for us as a club to connect with our past, as it makes us stronger go- ing forward. We hope to include our current sen- ior team and youth team players in some of these events in the future”.
Friday 25 February 2022 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORTS: Briefs CHAMP FANA WANTS TO REVIVE BOXING IN W CAPE RONALDO AND UNITED REELING LEGACY: Rose of Khayelitsha bemoans lack of boxing talent that put the township on the global commitment from young fighters map with his talent, says he is keen to help revive Manchester United were held to a goal- boxing in the expansive coastal area. His moni- less draw at home to lowly Watdoed at Old By Pule Mokhine ker is similar to that “Rose of Soweto” given to Trafford on Saturday denting their hopes Dingaan Thobela for bringing the shine to Soweto of a top four finish in the Premier League. The dearth of boxing talent in the Western THREE-TIME WORLD CHAMPION: Mzonke after winning the world crown during his fighting Cape has dealt former three-time world cham- Fana bemoans lack of quality boxers in the days . The result leaves United on 47 points in pion Mzonke“Rose of Khayelitsha” Fana a low coastal area fourth place, two points ahead of Arsenal but blow as result of the dearth of world champions “ There are lots of good young fighters in the Gunners have three games in hand. in his area. Khayelitsha, but they are not motivated enough due to a lack of commitment. My aim is to visit Christian Ronaldo struck the post in the To this end, he feels the time is ripe for him each and every gym to help train them so as they fifth minute with a shot in the turn and then to take up the cudgels by helping produce more can develop the passion that will see them develop had an effort ruled out for offside but for all quality boxers in his home province that will ulti- the winning mentality,” says Fana. their pressure, Ralf Rangnick’s side failed to mately become global titles - just like himself dur- create enough clear chances. ing his prime. The coastal area has not produced “ If all goes according to plan, I ‘d like to open any top-class fighters in a long time as compared my own gym there where I will invest all my time Watford remain next to bottom on 19 to other provinces such as the Eastern Cape and on training fighters. Western Cape has not pro- points, three points behind 17th placed Ever- Gauteng that are hotbeds for raw talent. And this duced a single champion in a very long time. My ton. is a cause for concern for Fana who feels the sport aim is to get at least two or three youngsters that of the fisticuffs is not being taken seriously in that will win provincial, national and ultimately the RUSSIAN GRAND PRIX part of the world. world championship belt. Fana earned cult hero CANCELED status of being the “Rose of Khayelitsha” after Fana (48) who has now retired from throwing snatching the IBF junior bantamweight belts from The Russian Grand Prix scheduled for Sep- punches competitively, is the only boxer from that 2014 to 2015 and WBO in 2017 before he called tember 25nhas been cancelled in the wake province to lift belts of two different top global it a day. Looking at the current state of boxing in of Russian’s invasion of Ukraine, the sport’s sanctioning bodies - the International Boxing the Western Province, he feels there is an urgent owners Formula One announced on Friday. Federation (IBF) twice and World Boxing Or- need to have more gyms in the area to get young ganization (WBO) in the junior bantamweight and upstarts involved in the sport. F1 was reacting to Russian president bantamweight respectively. No one else from there Vladimir Putin defying Western warnings to has been able to achieve his feat in the ring. “ I am actually toying with the idea of open- unleash a full-scale invasion on Thursday that ing a gym here myself. At the moment I’m looking quickly claimed dozens of.lives and displaced Before his ra, another Capetonian Gary Mur- for a space to develop the youngsters here. Who at least 100 000 people. ray had been the sole Capetonian fighter to lift a knows, I might be able to produce a world cham- world crown by annexing the inferior World Box- pion myself from the Western Cape in the near fu- “On Thursday evening Formula 1, the ing Union welterweight diadem. But his feat does ture,” explains Fana, who chalked up a profession- FIA, and the teams discussed the position of not match Fana’s pound for pound. al record of 38 wins and 13 defeats in his career. our sports and thenconclusionnis, including the view of all relevant stakeholders, that it is But Fana, who hung up his gloves in 2017, Rose was virtually unknown on the boxing impossible to hold the Russian Grand Prix in feels it is important for him to help develop top- scene until he challenged and defeated Malcolm the current circumstances,” read the Formula class pugilist from the area to be able them to Klassen for the IBF super featherweight belt in One statement. win championships and ultimately become future 2007. Before then, he was knocked out by for- world title holders of note like himself during his mer Hall of Famer Marco Antonio Barrera in two Red Bukk driver Max Verstappen prime. rounds for the WBC featherweight diadem in his said;”When a county is at war, it’s not right to first world title challenge. run there,” while Vettel was more forthright. The man who was born in Qumbu in the East- ern Cape, but now hails from Khayelitsha where He surrendered his WBO diadem to English- “For.myself, my own opinion is i should he earned his nickname of Rose because of his man Terry Flanagan by a unanimous decision in not go, I will not go.” Cardiff in 2016. Npw Fana wants to expend his energy on honing skills of youngsters and put the JC RITCHIE LEADS IN DUR- coastal area back on the global trajectory. BAN VOLKSWAGEN DRIVES JC Ritchie will take a 10-stroke lead into the ALEX GIRLS CRAZY final round of the Jonsson Workwear Open after another magnificent performance on the By Sports Reporter MULTI-TALENTED: Striker-turned- fairways of Durban Country Club on Saturday The Volkswagen Train 4 Life initiative, goalminder excels in new-found role... that broke Challenge Tour record. launched in partnership with the Department of EMPOWERMENT: Steffen Knapp head of the Volkswagen Passenger Car Brand in SA With a bogey-free third round of 64, Ritch- Basic Education, aims to empower young girls giving out a medal to a girl soccer player in Alex ie pulled away from the field and to a distant by driving the sporting passions and life skills 25-under par that eclipsed the Challenge education of over 1 800 young girls from Alex- young girls and inspire their journeys. The Al- take to the Volkswagen Vaya Cup, the national Tour’s previous 54-hole scoringbrecordnof andra, Gauteng. exandra-born national football star is a powerful youth Soccer League for boys and girls which 23bundee par series by Kristoffer Brobeeg in mentor for the girls because she is living proof will be held in December 2022. the 2012 Rolex Trophy. The programme, which works alongside that all dreams are possible. six Alexandra-based high schools has two core In April 2022, Volkswagen will also roll out “It was another brilliant day. This golf focuses: driving healthy habits and passions “My personal goal is to empower young girls the life skills education portion of the programme course has been generous I keep trying through a girls-only soccer league and laying through soccer so that we can grow both the sport for Grade 8 girl learners at the six participating to respect this golf course as much as I can down positive foundations through a life skills and the dreams of South Africa’s young girls in schools. The workshops will impart valuable life and it keeps giving. I’m just very pleased,” education programme. The programme aims to a positive environment,” said Dludlu. “The Volk- skills on topics such as personal hygiene, self- said Ritchie. provide a safe platform for young soccer play- swagen Train 4 Life initiative allows me to fol- defence and road safety. ers to upskill, develop and showcase their talents, low this ambition with girls from my home com- FIFA SUSPENDS ZIMBABWE whilst also imparting valuable life lessons. munity in Alexandra; one of the toughest training “We are proud of the Volkswagen Train 4 grounds in the world.” Life initiative as we want to empower our com- FiFA finally acted on their threats on Thurs- “At Volkswagen we believe that sport, espe- munities and we hope the tools the programme day when they suspended Zimbabwe and cially soccer, is more than just a game. Soccer Dludlu will be scouting from the current provides can inspire and motivate South Africa’s demanded the reinstatement of the Felton has the potential to play a vital role in youth de- league of girls to form her own team that she will young girls to dream big,” concluded Knapp. Kamambo-led ZIFA board for the suspension velopment, as a tool to help facilitate individual to be lifted. and team growth while building healthy passions and habits. Providing young girls with a safe The world football governing body also platform to embrace their soccer talents and the suspended Keny after the East African coun- benefits of team, sport is a core purpose of our try kicked out the leadership of their national Volkswagen Train 4 Life initiative,” said Steffen game. Knapp, Head of the Volkswagen Passenger Car Brand. FIFA has set conditions for Zimbabwe’s reinstatement which includes the reconstitu- The inaugural girls’ soccer league kicked off tion of the suspected board, and their chief in 2021, with six girls-only teams and this culmi- executive Joseph Mamutse. nated with the finals hosted by Volkswagen on 22 February 2022 at the Three Square Sports Stadi- They also want the Sports and Recrea- um in Alexandra. Kwabhengilanga High School tion Commission to withdraw the court case proudly claimed the title of champions of the first against the ZIFA leadership, who are facing Volkswagen Train 4 Life Girls Soccer League fraud charges at the magistrates court, for il- and won soccer training kits for their school. legally using ZIFA letterhead after they were suspended. Former Banyana Banyana captain and deco- rated coach, Simphiwe “Shorty” Dludlu, has SWALLOWS CLIMB OUT partnered with Volkswagen to help train the DANGER ZONE Swallows FC overcame a stubborn Sekhuk- hune Inuted sideb1-0 at the Emerates Airline Park in the DStv Premeirship on Saturday. Amaswaiswai climbed out of the relega- tion zone as they are now placed 13rh on the league strandings, while Babina Noko re- mained sixth on the table. Both teams had chances in the closing stages of the match, but the score line re- mained unchanged after a goal by Musonda in the 50th minute. Swallows next game is against Royal AM midweek.
MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... ROYAL AM NEARS THE THRONE SECOND PLACE: A WIN AGAINST SUPERSPORT WILL SEE MAMKHIZE’S BOYS CLIMB OVER PIRATES By Ali Mphaki In their last DStv game Royal AM away PREDATOR: SuperSport United Will it be Sepana Letsoalo doing his vic- to Chippa United on February 19, they were goal poacher Thamsanqa Ga- tory jig after scoring a goal or will it be the able to collect a point in a 2-all draw. buza would enjoy scoring one lanky Thamsanqa Gabuza with his idiotic against Royal AM celebrations when Supersport United hosts In their previous game against Sekhuk- Royal AM at the Lucas Moripe stadium on hune four days earlier they won 1-nil, while Sunday afternoon. SuperSport went down 2-1 away to Maritz- burg. While it is accepted that every game is Gabuza and Letsoalo are among the top different, it is obvious that SuperSport are goalscorer so far in the PSL, which makes for coming into this game as underdogs, and they a interesting encounter as both desperately would want to make amends and start collect- want to catch up with leading scorer Sun- ing points. downs’ Peter Shalulile, whose scoring boots seem to have deserted him lately. With their veteran striker Thamsanqa Ga- buza on song, ably assisted by Bradley Grob- At position three in the league and with elaar, SuperSport can never be under rated. one point behind second placed Orlando Pi- rates, a win for Royal AM will see them frog On many an occasion when they have leap above the Amabhakabhaka who are en- been written off, they have continued to defy gaged in CAF football this evening against the odds and went on to produce giant killing Swaziland outfit Leopards at the Mbombela performances. But with the likes of Tebogo stadium in Mpumalanga. Undoubtedly the Potsane, recent signee Mxolisi Macupha and surprise package of the season, Royal AM, defender Ricardo Nascimento, it would see having bought the status of erstwhile Bloem- nothing is gonna stop the seemingly runaway fontein Celtic has confounded its critics by Royal AM train. dishing out scintillating football which have seen them in the top 8 standings as they con- An added incentive for Royal AM is that tinue to amass those vital points. in case they win against SuperSport and retain their second position, they stand a chance of Against an out-of-sorts SuperSport Unit- featuring in the CAF champions league. ed currently on 8th position, Royal AM if in the right frame of mind should be able to It is all to play for and all indications are brush aside Matsatsantsa and bag those three that come the final whistle, it will be Thwihli points on offer. Thwahla that will be smiling while Matsat- santsa will be contemplating what could have been. Kick off 15.30.
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