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WEEKLY SA Mirror 9th ED

Published by didiphooks, 2021-07-16 13:58:48

Description: WEEKLY SA Mirror 9th ED


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Friday 16 July 2021 D E Q L MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY

2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPOTLIGHT ON PROTESTS Friday 16 July 2021 AFTERMATH: Naledi Mall in Vosloorus township, Ekurhuleni, lies in a state of ruin after looters ransacked and damaged shops this week. Photo:Tladi Khuele/Bochabela Photography FREE-FOR-ALL: This is the extent of rampage left by the looting brigade at Pan Africa Mall’s Pick n’ Pay in Alexandra this week, causing damage estimated at R60 million. The supermarket owner, Tshepo Ndlovu, provides jobs to more than 150 locals, who are now stranded with an uncertain future ahead. See story Page 3. Photo: Supplied by Ndlovu family

Friday 16 July 2021 SPOTLIGHT ON PROTESTS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR “ONE OF THE RINGLEADERS” BEHIND LOOTINGS NABBED TRACKING: Police are tracking on 11 other suspects. By Monk Nkomo ince to 1478, said Ntshavheni. ‘’Reported deaths the violence. POLICE made a major breakthrough today that have been verified as linked to the violence Ntshavheni said six bodies were discovered are cumulatively 91 in KZN.’’ in arresting one of the alleged masterminds of the on the roof of Tembisa South mall in Tembisa and orchestrated deadly trail of looting, deaths and Ntshavheni added that the provincial Com- an inquest has been opened. destruction of property in KwaZulu-Natal and missioners of the SAPS had activated the SAPS Gauteng. social crime prevention strategy and had been en- ‘’We also note that there are reports of some gaging with various stakeholders including com- armed community members brandishing firearms In a move that could shed light on the reasons munity based organisations, traditional leaders and or dangerous weapons publicly in an appar- behind the destructive deeds that left both major and the business community in order to amplify ent retaliation against perpetrators of the public and small businesses in dire straits, Acting Min- current operational plans to best tackle the looting violence. ister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, and destruction of property currently prevalent in said police were on the hunt for eleven other ac- KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces. Government would like to caution the public cused who are ring leaders of the massive looting that although persons are entitled to protect their and almost the total collapse of economic activity ‘’ The Government would like to commend property and lives, as long as this is done in a especially in KwaZulu-Natal. the collaboration between the police and commu- manner that everyone’s right to life is protected nity through established platforms such as Com- as provided for in our Constitution; and can only ‘’One of the 12 alleged instigators is in cus- munity Policing Forums and Community in Blue. be infringed in extremely limited circumstances, tody and the SAPS tracking team has increased in order to, inter alia, protect the life or bodily the surveillance of the remaining 11’’, Ntshavheni ‘’Since the media briefing of yesterday af- integrity of the defender. We don’t want a situa- said during an update on the security situation in ternoon, there have been a number of develop- tion where members of the public are at logger- the country. The identity of the most sought af- ments with regard to the security situation mainly heads with the law after such a noble effort,’’ said ter dangerous criminals have not yet been made in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. We are pleased Ntshavhen public. with the reports that the Gauteng province is largely calm and there have been fewer incidents ‘’Of concern to us as government are the re- She also reported that the situation in KZN overnight”, said Ntshavheni. ports of racial tensions in areas such as Phoenix, remained volatile but much improved towards Durban. The Ministers have visited the area and stability. Overnight, 39 incidents had been re- Another 139 suspects had been arrested in engaged various stakeholders to resolve racial ported and 392 additional arrests had been made Gauteng bringing the total to 725 arrests. To tensions. Furthermore, members of the SANDF bringing the total number of arrests in the prov- date, the SAPS had received reports of a total 26 and the SAPS have been deployed in the area to deaths so far in Gauteng which were related to restore law and order in the area.’’ ALEX LOOTERS DESTROY Gauteng that had been affected by the unrests, al- rauding mobS of looters, leader of Action SA my parents, that I would see our own people BUSINESSES AND JOBS beit at minimal extent. The meeting was fruitful Herman Mashaba, made a startling announce- complicit in burning down the country. I fully as all stakeholders involved committed to work- ment that he would be briefing lawyers to sue understand the desperation born of poverty and Pick n’ Pay retailer Tshepo Ndlovu ing together with the government in responding President Cyril Ramaphosa, Police Minister unemployment which lures people, especially Mobs who looted businesses and retail out- to the challenges of the food supply chain, and Bheki Cele and the entire executive over the ex- our youth, to join this chaos. But I must appeal access in the case of KwaZulu-Natal following tensive damage to property in the past few days. to all of us to take a step back and consider the lets inside the Pan Africa Shopping Centre in widespread violent protests and looting. damage being done through our own actions,” Alexandra and Wynberg this week, destroyed Mashaba said the government had an obli- the king said. He said the ones who will suffer jobs of hundreds of workers as widespread pro- The Minister has further set up a technical gation to protect and maintain law and order in the most from a weakened economy are the poor, tests against the jailing of former president Jacob team comprising experts from the industry and the country. He said this while most community the vulnerable and the struggling. When food Zuma took hold. For scores of local businessmen government to monitor the implementation of members in the affected areas were taking part in cannot be delivered because trucks and ware- who lost millions of rands after their businesses all the issues raised urgently. The Minister was widespread mop- up operations. houses are burned, “our people will go hungry”. were ransacked, the deployment of the SANDF joined in the meeting by the ministers of Health, troops on Tuesday was a show of force too late to Small Business, in the Presidency, Trade, Indus- ALLIANCE PRAISES LIMPOPO SHOPPING MALL DEVELOPER have prevented the anarchy and misery that un- try and Competition, and Public Enterprise. RESIDENTS FOR CALM SUFFERS MAMMOTH LOSSES folded in Alexandra and the adjoining Wynberg business district the previous day and overnight. DEPUTY MINISTER TO VISIT The Tripartite Alliance in Limpopo has com- COMMUNITY BUILDER: MIKE NKUNA UNREST-HIT ESHOWE mended the citizens of the province for the calm- Top Soweto business reportedly suffered Pick n’ Pay supermarket owner Tshepo ness and respect for the rule of law as displayed Ndlovu, whose outlet suffered damage estimated Home Affairs Deputy Minister Njabulo Nzu- during the recent unrests taking place in some losses in the region of R1 billion after several of at more than R40 million, described the occur- za will today assess the damages at the Home Af- parts of the country. his businesses - including malls - around Sowe- rence “as a sad chapter for black-owned busi- fairs office in Eshowe which was vandalized on to and Diepsloot were damaged and looted by nesses like mine, which supports local charity Tuesday following unrests in KwaZulu-Natal. Parts of the KwaZulu/Natal and Gauteng mobs this week. Property tycoon Mike Nkuna, a causes and employs 120 with more than 500 provinces are experiencing sporadic incidents of well-known philanthropist with a heart of gold, dependants.” He said rebuilding the supermar- As a result of the acts of vandalism, the looting and vandalism as community members arguably incurred the biggest losses in Soweto as ket would take many months, while employees office has had to close down. In this regard, have gone on the rampage. The alliance, com- most of his businesses were targeted by the mobs struggle without livelihood. Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has prising the ANC, SA Communist Party and the since Monday. instructed the department to use alternative sites Congress of SA Trade Unions, said “the unfor- Destroying black businesses, as happened to register deaths to assist grieving families and tunate” incidents had the potential to dent the The affected businesses in Soweto were across the country, goes against the very grain of funeral undertakers as some offices in Gauteng democratic state and give it a bad name. It also Jabulani Mall, Protea Glen, Mangalani Centre, the so-called Radical Economic Transformation and KwaZulu-Natal are inaccessible. noted an isolated incident that took place in the Mangalani Garage, Bara Mall, Shell Garage in behind these protests, said Ndlovu, who buried Moutse area in Sekhukhune, where police were Jabulani. His other property, Diepsloot Mall, his mother only last week. – Staff Reporter To this end, Deputy Minister Nzuza will visit quick to bring it under control. was also ransacked. the Eshowe Hospital where deaths will be regis- DIDIZA MEETS FARMERS tered as an interim measure. The Deputy Minis- “The government has made tremendous de- A friend, Sam Muofhe, said Nkuna has OVER FOOD SECURITY ter will also join the local community in efforts velopments towards spatial transformation in helped dozens of people without expecting to clean up the town of Eshowe. – most of our towns, including the revitalisation of anything in return. “He grew up in Soweto and Yesterday, the Minister of Agriculture, Land local economies by building malls and shopping knows what it means to sleep without a meal. Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Did- ZUMA NOT IN FAVOUR OF complexes in economic nodes. I am sure he will rise again from these losses.” iza, met with various stakeholders in the Agri- LOOTING - NDABENI Nkuna was quoted as saying he was disappoint- cultural and Food sector to discuss issues related This is a quantum leap to bring economic op- ed that businesses that had taken so many years to food access problems, logistics around trans- Communications Minister Stella Ndabeni- portunities closer to the people. We are united in to build, and provided jobs, had been targeted. portation to KwaZulu-Natal, and various parts of Abrahams has dismissed the insinuation that our refusal to be mobilised in acts of violence, He said it was going to be an uphill battle to con- former President Jacob Zuma was responsible looting, property destruction and civil disobedi- vince investors to return to the targeted shopping for the massive looting and destruction of prop- ence,” read a statement released by the alliance. malls. - Staff Reporter erty in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Instead, – Frank Maponya she said, Zuma would have called a stop to these violent acts of violence if he had access to com- KING CONDEMNS munication platforms. VIOLENCE AND LOOTING She was speaking during a visit to the Jabu- In a statement on Wednesday, King Misuzulu lani Mall in Soweto which was also extensively said what the country was witnessing , the damaged and looted this week. Ndabeni- Abra- wave of chaos and looting that has swept across hams said: ‘’ Mr Zuma understands the Consti- KwaZulu-Natal and the rest of the country since tution very well’’, and would have condemned the arrest of former president Jacob Zuma, the violence and instead called for calm. People “I believe is not the right way to express our should stop engaging in violent actions in the dissatisfaction”. name of the former President, she added. “It creates a picture of a people who have MASHABA TO SUE lost their identity. What is even more saddening RAMAPHOSA AND CELE is that so many of those who are drawn to law- lessness and criminality are members of the Zulu While the affected communities were now nation. It has brought shame upon us as fingers uniting in their efforts to stand against the ma- are pointed at my father’s people. “I never thought, after the tragic passing of

4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 16 July 2021 TSHOLA THE VILLAGE MIRROR POPE TAKES THE Briefs LAST BOW PROVINCES URGED TO USE R1,3BN SET ASIDE FOR THE By Gugu Sibiya LEGEND: Tshepo Tshola POOR One of the most amazing voices of our time, Tshepo Tshola (67), The Minister of Human Settlements, Water is no more! He died at a Lesotho hospital. and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu has called on the The gravelly voiced singer, affectionately called The Village provinces to utilise the R13.4 billion allocated to them to improve quality service delivery on the Pope, reportedly succumbed to Covid-related complications. ground during the financial year 2021/22. He was part of the Afro-pop group, Sankomota, which relocat- This after the National Department of ed to Britain where they honed their craft, before going solo later Human Settlements revealed in its preliminary in his singing career. On their return from overseas, Sankomota expenditure report for the first quarter (April to moved to South Africa, churning one chart-buster after another. June 2021) that R3.3 billion against the target of Their lyrics which encouraged black children to rise and be inde- R4.2 billion had been transferred to the provinces. pendent, fell on fertile soil. Sisulu said, to address the multiple socio- Among the eclectic hits were Ho Lokile, Madambadamba and economic challenges and ensuring the real needs Stop the War and Boipatong, a duet with Brenda Fassie. A grief- of poor communities are met, the provinces must stricken Joe Nina, still mourning singer Steve Kekana’s recent deliver on their set planned targets, spend their passing, said it felt like a double blow. “I last spoke to Tshepo on budget allocations to provide affordable housing Thursday. I was at Steve’s funeral. He was very sad about the loss, opportunities. telling me how he wished he could have been at the funeral as well. He said he understood that he had to respect the Covid protocols. This to avoid a situation in which some of Our conversation was normal, he didn’t sound sick or complain their resources are reallocated to other well- about any pain. performing provinces. “At the time, he was already in quarantine for Covid. When I Minister Sisulu has appealed and encouraged got the news of his passing, I was shocked. I was not even aware Provinces to ensure that they deliver on what is that he’d gone to hospital,” Nina said, adding he once shared a expected of them. – house with Tshola for two years, and learned a lot from him. EC LAUNCHES ONLINE VOTER Miss Soweto pageant founder Leonard Sithole said: “Tshepo’s REGISTRATION PORTAL passing, including that of Steve Kekana, Peter Mokoena, and now Pat Shange, is devastating. They’ve been around for so long, pro- The Electoral Commission has today launched ducing good music and just like that they’re gone. To me they are an online voter registration facility allowing new not just artists, but friends.” voters to register and existing voters to update or amend their registration from the ease and Sheer Entertainment owner and promoter Joe Chakela said he convenience of their homes or elsewhere. was devastated. The online voter registration facility is part of “Tshepo and I have had an on-and-off relationship for years. the Electoral Commission’s on-going commitment However, in recent times we were really tight. When I got a call to provide greater accessibility and convenience last Tuesday that he had collapsed and the doctors diagnosed him to voters. It follows the implementation of a range with Covid. I was to talk to him about looking after himself, I was of other digital service channels over the past 5 devastated.” years including online candidate nominations, online special vote applications and online party PUBLIC ALARM AS NORTH WEST funding declarations. HOSPITALS AND CLINICS RUN OUT OF CHRONIC MEDICINES More than 350 000 voters have made use of this system since its introduction. Eligible voters can register in just a few easy steps by going to – za DITHERING: AHealth department says medication shortages due to service MOB KILLS MAN ACCUSED OF providers failing to deliver on time LIQUOR STORE BURGLARY By Boitumelo Tshehle to the hospitals,” he said. Another doctor said the tending to the matter. A Limpopo man suspected of being Doctors in the North West have expressed their shortage of medication was not only experienced “The department acknowledges that there have responsible for stealing alcohol was brutally at local clinics, but in different hospitals as well. attacked and allegedly burnt to death by the frustrations with the shortage of medication par- been challenges of shortages of some medication community of Nkomo village, near Giyani, on ticularly for chronic patients.They say the province “We also struggle to treat Covid-19 . You go to and some items, largely due to the service provider Tuesday morning. has been running short of medications for months casualty you will find that some medications, espe- suppliers who have not delivered on time. and that makes their job difficult as they cannot cially emergency medication that we normally use, Jabu Shilubane, 32, was accused of stealing control their patients’ treatment properly. is not available,” he said. “We are going to try to speed up delivery to the from a local bottle store the night before. He was areas and hospitals where the shortage is experi- apparently spotted by community members who A doctor, who did not want his name to be The doctors said whenever there was a shortage enced. We do also realise that there are challenges blocked the road, pulled him out of his car and mentioned, said patients that were referred to local of medication, it took more than two weeks before internally in terms of the supply chain processes driven to the nearby sports ground where the clinics because their health was stabilised, often re- new stock arrives. and even in terms of paying some of the service community members allegedly started assaulting turned to the hospitals in a deteriorating condition providers. him and later burnt him to death. caused by not taking medication. He said they were Lerato Modise is a mother of a six-month-old then forced to improvise when prescribing medica- baby. She says she was returned from a local clinic That is something that the management of the They also allegedly torched his car. Police tion. in Itsoseng because there was no medication for department is attending to, to make sure that no ser- have condemned incidents of mob justice and mmunisation. “We are all living in fear because vice provider will have a leg to stand on as far as further warned community members to desist “Most of our patients come to the centres com- of Covid-19. So we are not sure how this situation failing to deliver,” Lekgethwane said. from taking the law into their own hands. plaining about lack of medication at the local clin- will affect babies with weak immune systems,” she ics. Some patients unfortunately when they don’t said. Lekgwthwane has also has apologised to pa- Anyone with information that can lead to find medication at the local clinics they don’t return tients who were affected by the shortage and en- the arrest of the suspects is requested to contact North West Department of Health spokesman couraged them to go back to healthcare facilities to Captain Khazamula Mchabi on 082-729-0343 or Tebogo Lekgethwane, said the department was at- collect their medication. the Crime Stop number 08600-10111. Mahikeng Provincial Hospital experiencing medication shortages. Photo: Boitumelo Tshehle COPS SEARCH MISSING MOM AND TWO KIDS A search operation has been launched for a mother and her two children following their mysterious disappearance in the Lebowakgomo area last week. Mom Nonhlahla Lushaba, together with her son, Renti, 3, and daughter, Nokuhle, 6, left their home in Ga-Maja Kopermyn village on July 6, heading for Pretoria but reportedly never reached their destination and have been missing since. The matter was reported to police on Monday, and a search operation for the missing persons was immediately activated but had not yielded any positive results. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the missing trio is requested to contact Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Baloyi on 082-565- 8234 or the Crime Stop number 08600-10111.

Friday 16 July 2021 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS POTHOLES TO NAVIGATE WHEN BUYING A CAR SALES AGREEMENT: Consumers warned not to pay anything before signing sales agreement. By Thuli Zungu Tlokana said he was looking for a car he could a huge discrepancy, he said. dealership a SMS notifying him about this discov- Buying a car is a milestone for anyone who has buy for his son when he spotted an advert placed “Both state that the car had clocked 101 501 ery, he was told that he could not be helped as he by G.P Combrink car sales on the internet. He later signed a disclosure form. They did not disclose an- never owned a vehicle before. It does not matter visited their dealership and was assisted to apply kilometers except for their delivery note, and the ything, and how can they hold me liable for some- whether it’s brand new or a second hand one. for car Finance at Wesbank, he said. odometer reading while the delivery note and the thing they did not bring to my attention, and for car had a 40 000 kilometer reading,” he said. them to have had it, they must have known that the Judging by the number of complaints received, Tlokana said he was verbally advised that he He approached the dealer for clarity and was told mileage was tampered with,” Tlokana said. the most problematic purchase is always that of a qualified for four free services as his car was still that he signed a disclosure form which states that second-hand vehicle, consumer Eye has observed. under service plan. “The advert, a delivery note I the dealer could not verify the correct mileage and Tlokana was later offered R5000 to cover the signed and the odometer showed that the car had they are exonerated from blame for its inaccuracy. cost of the service which he found unacceptable Section 56 of the consumer protection act does clocked only 40 000 kilometers which I was happy as the dealer had been dishonest from the onset, offer protection, but some car dealers have no re- about,” he said. His shock came last week when “I did not read all the documents except for the I think they are trying to bribe me,” he said. He gard for the law and deny consumers their right to his son tried to book the car for 45 000 kilometers delivery notice with 40 000 kilometer reading and said the car still belongs to the bank and they fi- demand refund where the car is faulty and not suit- when Honda told him it had actually clocked more was shocked when they showed me that these doc- nanced a car that had clocked 40 000 and not 101 able for the purpose for which it was intended. than 100 000 kilometers, he said. uments with high mileage were among the docu- 500 kilometers reading which appears in the other ments they gave me,” he said. two documents. Instead, they pretend as though they have more “After giving Honda the VIN number I was told rights to choose than the consumer. The worst cul- the car was out of service already and the last time “Still this written mileage does not correspond To wiggle off this fraudulent transaction they prits are those who temper with the mileage and it was serviced was in 2017 when it had clocked 29 with the odometer reading on the car,” Tlokana also asked him to produce proof that the car clocked make a consumer sign a contract showing a lower 940 kms,” said Tlokana son Mahlaste. said. He said the dealer was dishonest and tem- over 100 000, when they were the ones who point- mileage and a disclaimer that they have nothing to pered with the car’s mileage from 101 501 kms to ed it out on the documents he signed, he said. do with its inaccuracy. Honda further told his son that they only cover 40 000 kms and made me sign the documents with- for the first 2 services which iaws 15 000 kms and out his knowledge regarding the origin kilometers Tlokana wrote to Wesbank asking the bank to The case in point is that of Malose Tlokana, a 30 000 kms from the date of purchase and it did of the car. “I’m a pensioner and some information cancel this contract, but has since not received any pensioner who bought a car that was advertised for not qualify for further free services, Mahlatse said was verbally communicated and with this discrep- response from them, he said. 40 000 kms for the price of R112 000. Tlokana, 63, Upon a closer look at the documents, he received ancy rearing its ugly head, I had to get assistance of Limpopo who is no stranger to buying second- from the dealer, one from Bryte insurance company from my children to help try and investigate the Loura Brown, the Wesbank spokesperson, told hand cars, accused G.P Combrink car sales of mis- and the warranty issued by Impact Auto Elite Plati- matter,” he said. Consumer Eye they are investigating the alleged representing the mileage of the car to induce the num, and a delivery note he noticed that there was misrepresentation and could only comment after sale of the car he bought last month. After sending Clive Du Toit the owner of this getting a response from the dealer. CAR BUYERS WARNED OF “HAIRCUTS” MILLEAGE: Unscrupulous car dealers have a tendency to tamper with the odometer By Thuli Zungu produce any bank statements or proof of employment, she RELIEVED: Nomsa Mauvha refunded a portion of her money The Gauteng Office of Consumer Affairs is investigating said. Being a first-time buyer, she thought that’s how things are done when purchasing a car. Smitten by the looks of an alleged unfair business Practice against T.J Trade Ven- what was supposed to be her new car, Mauvha deposit R55 tures T/A We Finance Cars after it kept fifteen percent of 000 into the dealership acoount. a consumer’s deposit for a car sale agreement which was never concluded. “Sadly, when I got back to the dealership, I could not find a car I liked or would have bought leading me to cancel This comes after Consumer Eye alerted their office the contract. “I was told I signed a form allowing them to de- about Nomsa Mauvha’s complaint that she almost lost R11 duct 15% of the purchase amount should I decide to cancel 000 which she was charged for cancelling a “car sale”. the contract,” she said. The copy she allegedly signed which Consumer Eye has seen does not even have her name on it. But her worries are over, thanks to Consumer Eye as she was refunded within a day after our intervention. With the assistance of an attorney she enlisted, Mauvha was only refunded R44 000. Mauvha , 30, a prison warder at Johannesburg Prison was looking for a car she could use for work purposes when Sanele Mthuli, the Gauteng Office of Consumer Affairs she came across We Finance Cars on their Facebook account Consumer protector told Consumer Eye that her office will in June this year. investigate this alleged Unfair Business Practice. Mthuli advised consumers who want to buy a car to not sign any Upon inquiry, Mauvha was required to give them her document without reading or explaining. She said consum- Identity number to enable the dealership to check her credit- ers must also not pay anything before signing a sales agree- worthiness. She later received a WhatsApp message inform- ment or choosing what they want to buy. ing her that finance is sorted for her and she did not need to

6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 16 July 2021 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE FROM BOTTLE RECYCLER TO CONDIMENT PRODUCER HOTSPOT: Soweto entrepreneur innovates own chillie product with unique ingredients By Bongiwe Mkhwanazi The Chillies Jar’s customers include the local Meadowpoint Pick n Pay, White House Pub and What had started as a bottle recycling idea has INNOVATIVE: Lindi Dlamini produces eggleston and oil free mayonnaise and other four tasty condiments Checkers. Her next goal is to partner with other lo- turned into a thriving condiment-manufacturing cal retailers, including, Spar before she can expand and job-creation venture for irrepressible 43 year to other retailers outside Soweto. Dlamini, who old Meadowlands, Soweto Resident Lindiwe has also undergone food hygienic training, has ap- Dlamini. plied for for a food safety certificate, which will enable her to start distribution to a wider retailers’ Food manufacturing is truly an accidental vo- network. cation for Dlamini, as she was previously making a living as a hairdresser, hair products distributor and Dlamini is happy that the Chillies Jar is reg- salon owner, until the worldwide recession of the istered and has a certificate from the South Afri- late 2000s had led to the closure of her Headlines cans Bureaus of Standards (SABS), allowing her to Hair Salon in 2010. produce her own food products. “The compliance process of the SABS is so diligent and strict that “I started collecting empty bottles which are we were required to produce 1000 containers for usually used for condiments like mayonnaise from the product for tasting before we were given an ap- relatives, friends and neighbours, and had intended proval,” Dlamini said. to recycle and reuse the containers. But, inspired by my mother, who was making her own chillies Dlamini’s products are now registered and salads and pastes, I had soon realised that I could barcoded through a leading South Africa Barcode start my own condiments-manufacturing venture.” solution supplier of GS1. “Meaning I can sell my product nationwide, Dlamini said. Packaging is Dlamini had started with manufacturing chil- done at home and her products are properly la- lies. “But, as the business grew, I was able to diver- belled as required in terms of the Consumer Pro- sify and manufactured several other condiments,” tection Act, she said. said Dlamini, who currently manufactures condi- ments including the Cheesenise Sauce, Chillinase “This is a family business. We are also expand- Relish, Sour Cream Sauce, Chillienise Sauce and ing the business in KwaZulu Natal where my mom Shisa Hot Sauce. These come in three flavours, is based,” she said. namely the hot, mild & extra hot flavours. Dlamini, whose business is known as the Chillies Jar, also Dlamini is also expanding the business in Kwa- specially prepares Sushi Platters mostly for clients Zulu Natal, where her mother is based and owns who hold finger lunch parties. a chillies farm that supplies the Chillies Jar with fresh chillies all year round, to circumvent the cold Dlamini had started with one brand, which was winter months, during which chillies is scarce and the hot chillies sauce, but her clients had encour- tends to be costly to source from a small number of aged her to expand her condiments range, which specialist suppliers. also includes a mild cheese-infused sauce, known as the Cheesenise Sauce, to meet small children’s Dlamini, whose mother’s chillies farm was sensitive taste buds. Dlamini, whose mayonnaise is started in 2018, said, “Farming chillies in summer eggless and oil free, said, is not a problem, because there is enough rain, but – besides sourcing, at high cost, from specialist sup- “I had started mixing my own spices, mostly pliers in winter – our other problem is the water from the left-over ingredients, when the idea had supply, which is preventing us from buying chillies come to diversify further”. at reasonable prices from the market”. SPECIAL GRANT FOR Lindiwe Dlamini, the 43 year old owner of The Chil- Weekly SA Mirror has now arranged with the Food- UNEMPLOYED IN lies Jar, a condiments-manufacturing and distribution bev SETA to visit and start an assessment process for FOOD SECTORS business in Meadowlands, Soweto is happy that she is Dlamini and her business. The FoodBev SETA fulfils the receiving help from the City of Johannesburg. mandates of the National Skills Development Strategy by TRAINING: SETAs fulfil mandate of promoting, facilitating and rewarding skills development skills development act “The City of Johannesburg has given me a place to in the food and beverage manufacturing sector, including work from, and have sponsored the business with kitch- food preparation, beverages, processed foods and diary. en units, stoves and most of the other important equip- ment that will help my business to flourish,” Dlamini told Meanwhile, the FoodBev SETA has committed to of- Weekly SA Mirror this week. fer comprehensive education and training programmes in the urban and rural areas of South Africa by offering bur- But Dlamini, who regularly trains groups of unem- saries to unemployed people who have been accepted to ployed women to manufacture and sell their own condi- study at TVET Colleges South Africa. ments, had not een aware that she could register and apply for a special grant or apply for apprenticeship or artisan- For more information, interested candidates should ship from a sector and education and training authority. contact Bigfish Mashau on 0 11 253 7341 or Bigfishm@ And one suiting Dlamini and her business’ needs is the; or Llewellin van Zyl on 011 253 7323 or Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector Education and [email protected]. – By Weekly SA Mirror Staff Training Authority (FoodBev SETA). Reporter. By Bongiwe Mkhwanazi STYLING HAIR A learnt that hairdressers also had to offer therapy to cli- TAYLOR’S Hair Design is a popular salon in WORK OF BEAUTY ents,” Maseko said. When he turned 22, Maseko did Soweto because its owner is an industrious innova- his trade test at the Department of Labour-accredited tor who strives to improve his knowledge and ex- QUALIFIED: Helping others to turn heads around Indlela Trade Centre in Olifantsfontein in Ekurhuleni pertise while also helping to nurture others. and obtained an artisanship recognition certificate “The client had not straightened her braids or washed comb the hair, and the remaining few hours to dye her based on the recognition and acknowledgement of his Personal care practitioner Taylor Maseko from her locks for a long time, about three months. So, in- hair. Then they had washed the hair, then implanted a prior learning in the personal care sector. Meadowlands, Soweto also seems to believe that stead of cutting the customer’s unkempt hair, spent number of new hair extensions. any thriving hair stylist should also double up as a several hours unpicking the tangled-up braids, which Maseko said he was able to start his own venture therapist, once in a while. Maseko, 52, who started had then refashioned into fancy dreadlocked strands,” “By the time the woman walked out of our salon, after he had saved R80 000. He subsequently regis- his career aged 15 in 1984 for bus fare and pocket Maseko said. He said, in all, they had spent about she was happy and free of any possible anxiety; and tered with the Service Sector Education and Training money, says he was motivated by a local hairstylist ten hours with the downhearted woman; four hours I could also feel that the stress she, too, had brought Authority (Services Seta) as a registered facilitator, in Meadowlands who had a contagious passion for of which they had unpicked the braids, two hours to on us had also vanished with her previously unclean coach and assessor. This has enabled him to train oth- treating other people’s hair, and also had an undying and dishevelled hair. And, from that day, I had also ers, especially youths, so that they, too, could pursue empathy for others, especially those who were going careers in hairdressing. through hardships. “I also provide training, mainly theory and upon According to Maseko, an example of this had oc- completion I take the learners on specialised intern- curred, one day, when they were attending to a cus- ship programmes to assist them in gaining experience, tomer who was seemingly suffering from depression. and also help them to gain workplace exposure and experience,” Maseko said.

Friday 16 July 2021 ENTERTAINMENT 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR ELAINE IT’S SAMA KELLY KHUMALO TIME SCRAMBLE: Categories up for grabs NOMCEBO AND MASTER KG OF JERUSALEMA FAME DJ MAPHORISA AND KABZA DE SMALL MFR NASTY C SHANE EAGLE By Gugu Sibiya vited his partners on the beat: Black Mo- SHASHA MISS PRU The long awaited SAMA 27 is finally tion, Shimza and Amy Faku on uWrongo AMI FAKU happening, albeit virtually. This is large- for Record of the Year. BLAQ DIAMOND ly due to the pandemic’s vicious grip on PRINCE KAYBEE the world. As a result our country is on Sun-El Abumanga alongside Msaki Alert Level 4. joins the league of Record of the Year nom- inees. Nasty C on There They Go and Easy Known for their glamour and for the Video of the Year category. Once razzmatazz, the Samas will be aired on again DJ Maphorisa invited Kabza De SABC 1 on July 31st, at 8pm. Between Small on Lorch, featuring Semi Tee, Miano 7.30pm and 8pm, nominees who will be and Kammu Dee get a shot at Music Video pre-recorded on the red carpet, will be of the Year. shown on Real Goboza. Most fortunate Orlando Pirates player Artists across the genre spectrum may Thembinkosi Lorch, is lucky not only to not be strutting their stuff live on the red have a song dedicated to him likr in the case carpet as usual. However, the excitement of Doc Shebeleza. His song will go head to and tension will be just as electric. All eyes head with Master KG’s international an- will be firmly fixated on the presenters who them Jerusalem, boasting Nomcebo’s vocal are the bearers of good or bad news, de- prowess and skill penning the unforgetta- pending on what’s in the envelope. ble lyrics. Whatever happens, music lovers and As if the possibility of walking away fans will have a final say on who takes with Record of the Year is not fantastic which major award home between the high- enough, Amanikiniki by MFR Souls featur- ly contested Record of the Year and Music ing Kamo Mphela Nasty C and Bontle, is Video of the Year SAMA. also gunning for Music Video of the Year. Neck and neck for the most coverted Also in the running for Music Video award at the SAMA 27, are Blaq Diamond of the Year is uWrongo, by Prince Kaybee for their monster hit Love Letter and Sum- featuring Black Motion, Shimza and Ami mer Yomuthi, against MFR Souls with Faku.Also in the queue for the big one is maverck rapper Nasty C’s Amanikiniki Molo by Aubrey Qwana, Your Love by featuring Major League DJz, Kamo Mphela Azana and You’re The One by Elaine. and Bontle Smith. Joining the ranks of those vying for the Staking a claim at the most sought after honor of taking Music Video of the Year is affirmation in the land with their dance till Okokoko by Sphectacula and DJ Naves the break of dawn song Love You Tonight, featuring Thebe and Unathi. are Kabza De Small, DJ Maphorisa and Sha Sha. Sexy and contreversial Kelly Khumalo Not to be left out is Kwesta’s Njandini. with Empini, books her space within the top Also jumping into the mix is Focalistic’s 20. Meanwhile Sha Sha’s Tender Love fea- Ke Star, featuring Vigro. turing DJ Maphorisa and Kabza De Small has captured fans who hoping for a SAMA. Raising their hand to be counted for the Video of the Year is,Malome Vector’s Simmy who features Sino Msolo, has Dumelang featuring Blaq Diamond. An- been nominated for Ngihamba Nawe. A gling for the most wanted award, Paris by consterlation of stars nominated for You’re Shane Eagle featuring the wonder kid Nas- The One for Music Video of the Year and ty C, is also in the running. Miss Pru on Price To Pay that features Blaq Diamond and Malome Vector.The silky Local artists have grown by leaps and smooth Shekhinah rises to the ocassion on bounds. Collaborations are exciting and Fixate featuring Bey T. spell growth. They’ve broadened the ar- tistic landscape, cultural output and spread Azana’s Your Love with its happy, sing of wealth. The industry is richer for all the along melody joins the ranks of the chosen creative outpouring and love in the studio stars. Innovative ideas paid off for Master that culminate in popular hits. KG on the global anthem Jerusalema which features the talented Nomcebo. Artists have worked hard, keeping peo- ple’s spirits up during these trying times. Once again Kabza De Small with eM- It’s time to enjoy a well deserved pat on the cimbini featuring DJ Maphorisa, make a back. Nominations already mean they are showing on the Record of the Year, deter- among the best in the land. mined to take it home. Prince Kaybee in- Fans can Dial *120*49495# to vote for their favourite star. closing date for voting is July 16.

8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 16 July 2021 Comment GBEATNTLEDFEORR EQUALITY ARREST THOSE BEHIND GRAND-SCALE ECONOMIC IN AFRICAN MEDIA SABOTAGE CHANGE: 25-year study shows Africa’s news media lags behind in closing the gender equality gap in the news THE wanton looting and destruction of property witnessed in the past few days, which Women make up only 22% of the people seen, Spanish to account for the over 100 countries the territories convened late 2020 to get a snapshot of almost grounded this country to its knees eco- heard or read about in the news in Africa, the survey covers. how gender was represented in the media for the nomically, was surely an orchestrated plan by results of the Global Media Monitoring Project Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP). Over people who did not even anticipate the devastat- report launched on 14 July show. The perfor- CfA participated in training country coordina- 30,000 stories that were broadcast, published or ing consequences of their dastardly deeds. mance of the continent’s news media has stag- tors in Latin America, Middle East, North Africa tweeted on 29 September 2020 were monitored. nated as that of media in the rest of the world and Asia Pacific to use the platform. In addition, Large numbers of men, women and children has improved across the quarter century that CfA developed video tutorials with step-by-step Unlike previous studies, this year’s monitor- broke into shops and factories in KwaZulu-Na- the research has been running. guides on the different platform features. The final ing happened against the backdrop of the Covid-19 tal and Gauteng and stole anything they could analysis was conducted using summary statistics pandemic. As a result, the project, which was ini- find – in one of the most bizarre acts of impu- “At the world level, women are only 1 in 4 of generated from the platform. tially slated for April 2020, only started five months nity the country has ever experienced. Super- subjects and sources in the news. This proportion later. Various aspects of it had to be changed to ac- markets, petrol-filling stations and even health is marginally better in the digital news space but Women are least visible in politics and econ- commodate the new reality. institutions and doctors’ consulting rooms were at the cumulative pace of change over time, it will omy looted and destroyed. take at least 67 more years to close the average Organisers, for instance, had to grapple with the global gender equality gap in news media content,” The analysis shows that women are much less overwhelming number of stories revolving around Inevitably, this trail of massive destruction Sarah Macharia, Coordinator of WACC’s Global visible in politics and the economy, subjects which Covid-19. While stories had somehow diversified of property has left thousands of workers with- Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) said. often dominate news coverage across the world. by the monitoring day, regions like North America out jobs. Worse, the government’s vaccination Even when they make it to the news, women are and the Middle East still recorded 37% and 36% of programme has been indefinitely put on hold. However, in a more positive development, still overwhelmingly being portrayed as “home- Covid-19 stories respectively. To allow historical And pensioners have not been spared either. women in Africa tend to be featured more as sub- makers”, the GMMP study found. Worryingly, comparability, additional questions were included The facilities from where they receive their jects on science and health stories at 30%. Inter- there was a decline in the number of women report- and enumerators asked to code the most relevant monthly grants have been extensively damaged, estingly, this topic is also covered by more women ers in Africa, from 35% in 2015 to 32% in 2020. secondary topic. and, in some instances, gutted. reporters than average. The positive correlation The report also indicates that they overwhelmingly NEW REALITIES supports the idea that having a more diverse news- cover gender-related issues at 65% and science and To add salt to injury, most of the destruction room leads to more diverse stories. health at 43%. While 36% of the typical newsroom When it first started in 1995, the study looked occurred in the townships, perpetrated by the in Africa is made up of women reporters, 43% of into media stories from 71 countries. That number very people who were supposed to protect these Happening every five years, the GMMP study science and health stories were covered by them. had grown to 116 countries by September 2020 and businesses. What a shame! is the largest and longest longitudinal study on gen- Women subjects and sources made 24% of all for the first time included Iraq, Central African Re- der in the world’s media. The 6th edition took place crime and violence stories in Africa and 23% of all public and Myanmar. What started as a campaign for the release in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic and some social and legal issues. of former President Jacob Zuma, who is serving adjustments had to be made on the schedule and Over the last 25 years since the study started, a 15-month sentence for contempt, turned into data capture, including offline coding tools. Enu- Women reporters were also more likely to media’s complexity has grown to encompass a widespread acts of criminality and madness. It merators used the innovative GMMP app, devel- highlight gender inequality issues (16%) compared wide array of outlets. In 1995, for instance, social was well timed as the action became the grist to oped and maintained by Code for Africa (CfA), a to men reporters (11%) just as they were more media barely existed as we know it. Today, it is a the mill of prevailing extreme poverty and un- technical partner in the sixth GMMP survey, to re- likely to include more women as subjects in their formidable tool for reaching out to audiences, just employment in this country. cord data. That meant doing heavy re-engineering reporting at 26% and 19% respectively. as it is a powerful tool for getting feedback. Sadly, around the 2015 code base. Additionally, users in women feature far less on news websites and twit- The madness that punctuated the protests different regions can now view results and inter- “The results are mixed with regard to the ter feeds at just 16% on issues of politics and gov- was characterised by indiscriminate rampage actively compare them with other regions, thanks presence of women’s voices when reporting the ernment. that targeted critical public amenities such as to GenMAP, a customised visualisation tool, devel- Covid-19 crisis. The predictable continuity of this public health facilities and the theft of medi- oped by CfA. pandemic requires collective efforts to overcome • The Global Media Monitoring Project cines and machines and even the doctors’ steth- it. The media must be on top of these efforts. Its (GMMP) is coordinated by the World Association oscopes. What type of poverty drives people to The app was designed to allow enumerators to role to shed light on the impact of Covid-19 on for Christian Communication (WACC), a global try and burn a hospital, where patients receive capture the complex data points the study required, women’s lives is necessary and required,” Dr. Azza NGO that promotes communication rights for chronic medication and care from doctors and while still being accessible to volunteers with vary- Kamel, GMMP MENA region co-ordinator said. social justice. Code for Africa (CfA) is the conti- nurses working hard to save their lives? ing levels of computer proficiency. Additionally, MONITORING STORIES nent’s largest network of civic technology and data the app was made available in English, French and journalism labs, with teams in 21 countries. The consequences of their actions are going Hundreds of volunteers from 116 countries and to be felt for many years to come. Thousands of people who were holding on to the scarce jobs available, have now been rendered jobless, many companies are going to fold, others are going to take months, if not years, to rebuild their businesses. There is going to be a massive shortage of food and petrol. The malls and the small businesses in the townships could take years to operate again. Yet, this conflagration adds to the calamity already visited upon this country and many oth- ers across the globe by the Covid-19 pandemic. Cry the beloved country! That said, we are heartened by the commu- nities that have pushed back the advance of the marauders. They have said enough is enough. Some have galvanised themselves into neigh- bourhood watch groups to turn the tide against the wanton destruction of public and private property. We commend the efforts of these heroic community members who took it upon themselves in their respective areas to fend off the marauding mobs. Police too played a huge part to maintain law and order, though they were completely outnumbered, and, in many instances, gave in and resigned themselves to the role of spectators amid the anarchy. Thankfully, the deployment of the SANDF strengthened the feeble arm of the law – but it all proved too late to put an end to the destruction. It is a moot-point whether the country’s intelligence networks failed the nation, but the build-up to this week’s anarchy should have been sufficient warning to the law enforcement agencies to pre-empt the protests’ shock troop- ers. Whoever is responsible for this grand-scale economic sabotage must be brought to book. They have set the country back by a decade. This country cannot be held to ransom by those whom the gods have made mad, in order to de- stroy. v 060 936 2673 [email protected] PEARL RANTSEKENG.................... Editor MOLEFI MIKA ..................Deputy Editor THULI ZUNGU ................ Associate Editor GUGU SIBIYA ................. Lifestyle Editor

Friday 16 July 2021 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR UNSUNG MASHABELA’S RICH LEGACY LIVES THROUGH HIS BOOKS MILITANT: He had a fair share of challenges under apartheid; constant harassment, torture, detention Suzette Mafuna IN CANADA In a BBC radio interview on his Book, “A People on the Boil,” Harry uses the term “cruel” several times in reference to the pungent measures used by the system to cower dissent “by any means necessary”. He describes police action on protesting resi- dents as “cruel”. He had earlier been assured by black policemen that no harm would befall the protesting crowds. Then, to his horror, excruciat- ingly painful cries and shouts of women and chil- dren erupted immediately as the same policemen attacked following the assurance. He alludes to such cruelty as what gave him reason and the passion to participate fully in tak- ing on the role of media spokesperson on behalf of June 16 was not a one- A collage composed from an image by the late Sam Nzima and a picture of the late veteran journalist and author Harry Mashabela. day wonder or isolated incident, but a culmination dad’s would be given just one cow a month by his lage and didn’t want him to leave, accusing him of to South Africa. farmer employer, in lieu of his monthly wages. It being “useless”. She couldn’t understand why her His book A PEOPLE ON THE BOIL remains of historical, was there in his tone as he recalled the eight pound son preferred school when his peers in the village irrational and overall wages a month (about R158 today) at his first job, were all working to support their families. the only source of information regarding SOWETO only to realise that a young white girl, fresh from UPRISING. Unfortunately for my uncle, he was a betrayal of black school and new in any job was earning double his Mashabela had his fair share of personal chal- critic of Apartheid and ANC government. That is people by a white wages and being trained in line for an advanced po- lenges and in politics. From detentions, constant why he is not being celebrated. History will never system that applied sition in the company and a higher wage than his. hounding and harassment by the special branch, forget him, because history is not biased. the most appalling and culminating in a vicious assault which broke his inhuman systems to His voice took on a deep and whispered tremor neck and left him semi-paralysed. The final review is by scholar, blogger and demean and devalue a as he described to the BBC interviewer, some of book reviewer, Thato Rossouw: The Diary of The group of fellow South the key moments when the reality of apartheid While poring over some of the books he pub- Literature Man For The Love Of Literature! It was Africans just because they shook his sheltered village notion of what apart- lished, his recall of events of political turmoil is posted on January 24 2016, and updated on Febru- could and cause they had heid meant to black people and opened his eyes uncanny. He remembered names, dates, settings, ary 4 2016. granted themselves the to the tragedy that his people in their own country locations, the names of the dead, he remembered means and the power endured. the religious hymn which Tsietsi Mashinini had led In his review, Rossouw writes: “A chapter to the students to sing en masse, leading to the crucial look out for is chapter 12, in which Mr Mashabela the voiceless. He was driven by an uncontrollable He quoted an incident when, on noting some march. writes about Steve Biko, The Black Consciousness rage which precipitated a determined urge to write imminent trouble nearby, he had turned politely to Movement – the many groups that came because – through his books and media articles – about the a black policeman standing next to him and asked He remembered the lyrics word for word. He re- of it – and the role they played in the development immense suffering of his people. him politely with reverence to his position, hope- membered a sign with a defiant “NO SBs, ENTER of the consciousness and mindset of the youth in fully, but directly “are you really going to kill our AT YOUR OWN RISK”. He remembered Winnie the 70’s. He discusses the loss of this charismatic In his writings and overseas recordings, Har- children?’’ Mandela’s military chant and simply describes the and zealous leader and the banning of the BCM and ry’s story of June 16 is different from any reportage lyrics thus, “She did not mince her words”. how these events affected the spirit of all African from any other journalist or media sources locally The policeman’s bold “no” was interrupted by people during the struggle for a better education. or internationally. a booming sound of gun shots and a cloud of bil- I now wish to share an observation which of- lowing black smoke that seemed to smother the en- fended, dismayed and disappointed as I was skim- “He also describes the rise of another promi- For Mashabela, June 16 was not a one-day vironment and brought home to Mashabela a new ming through whatever had been written about nent youth-led organisation – Cosas, the role it wonder or isolated incident, but a culmination of realisation that he could no longer be a spectator Mashabela, particularly while searching through played during the struggles of the 80s. He also historical, irrational and overall betrayal of black but had a responsibility as a somewhat privileged the book reviews. One is by some big shot, high- mentions other organisations that played an equal- people by a white system that applied the most ap- black journalist and humanitarian to make his own flying Asian dude whose major complaint is that ly important role in the fight for the realisation of palling and inhumane systems to demean and de- contributions towards the emancipation of his peo- Harry had failed to explain some foreign and mean- a more “democratic education” but didn’t get as value a group of fellow South Africans. ple. ingless words and terms which occupied a major much media attention the others. These include part of the book and lacked clarity. This, despite a Project Matriculation (PROTEC), Khanya College, A BBC journalist who interviewed Mashabela His story about his upbringing seemed to con- succinct foreword by the esteemed, Es’kia Mphahl- Funda Centre, and the Council for Black Education introduced him as somewhat stiff, old-fashioned firm why Harry remained so focused on whatever ele. and Research. with a military disposition, adding that he was pas- task he set out to do and also spoke to his stubborn sionate in his anger. Well, I wouldn’t call him stiff, nature even as a 14-year-old boy who herded his It took all of 30 years for yet another academic “This book is a chronicle of the fighting spir- just guarded and self-preserved. He never seemed father’s livestock. scholar to eventually publish “Pan-Africanism: Po- it of the African child, a testament to the maxim too eager to entertain any small talk with strangers litical Philosophy and Socio Economics” in 2015, “united we stand and divided we fall,” and proof or engage in frivolous matters of a social nature or Curious why a pal whom he met over an initia- as if he had been trying to find an African source that the young people, if they put in the effort and in gossip. tion process had stopped herding his family’s cat- to extract information for the African content of work together towards a common goal, have the tle and sheep, he learned that the pal was attending the book. The book contains some direct Harry power to change the course of history. Of course, Harry was passionate and angry school. He had never been to school because the Mashabela over five pages. about a rotten and evil system but as far as looks only mission school was eight miles away from the “Even though events such as the #FeesMust- go, he always seemed like an agitated old teacher village. Each Mashabela quote occupies at least a third Fall, #TransformWits/UCT/Rhodes et al, and the who had to be in control and never let up, no matter of a page, and I believe that is unethical, he might #RhodesMustFall campaigns – which are led by what it took. And, while the idea of going to school had nev- just as well asked Harry to be co-author. It occurred young people throughout the country – shocked er occurred to him before, he immediately went to to me that the author depended wholly and exclu- many, this book shows that our history as a country And perhaps what the journalist was refer- tell his father that he wanted to go to school. sively on Harry’s writings to complete his book is filled with events and movement in which young ring to was Harry’s militant demeanour which he and to justify the “African” component in Pan- people took control and changed the course of his- seemed to adopt with any discussion that pertained “When do you want to go school,” the father Africanism. As would be the case, local reviewers tory. It is a must-read for every young person,” to matters related to apartheid and the suffering of asked. “In the morning,” he shot back., “But who of Harry’s book have a better grasp of the story line Rossouw summed up. his people. The militancy was in the voice which is going to take the cattle to the dip, if you go to and events mainly because they understand all the told of his rural upbringing where his hard-working school in the morning,” his father asked. nuances and subtleties of local speaking Finally, I suppose we should be proud that Mashabela’s work has been roundly recognised “I will start at the dip with the cattle and then I “My name is Nicholas Mashabela, the nephew and appreciated throughout the world and that he go to school,” he insisted. of Harry Bjalane Mashabela. My uncle Harry be- probably would not mind that some chunks from came a beacon of hope and inspiration to us. He his book have been incorporated wholly into some Though his parents had never been to school, was one of the first black journalist in South Africa. foreign scholarly research papers. his father supported him wholeheartedly and even He and Alf Khumalo worked for Drum magazine: accompanied him all the way to his new mission- in mid 60s they welcomed USA president Kennedy And, as has been often said, “copying is the ary-run secondary school. He noted the disap- best compliment”. pointment in his mom who had never left the vil-

10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FASHION & BEAUTY Friday 16 July 2021 WHEN “THINK TWICE” HAS A DIFFERENT MEANING THEBE MAGUGU DOUBLE THINK SS22 COLLECTION POLITICAL STATEMENT: When the clothes on your back speaks more volumes than words as depicted in the men’s collection which debuted at PITTI UOMO recently Bloodied hands or pockets of the greedy politicians depicted in this modern trench coat If men can cry they surely also can wear Thebe’s collection of his take on the African modern way of making political statements without ut- shawls and brochures tering a word The colour green which is traditionally as- sociated with money, ambition and greed By Mpumi Brown and social attitude. World-acclaimed fashion designer Viviene West- “This started the collection’s strong western influ- ence, which explores the idea of Black Hat Bandits and wood once said: “I just use fashion as an excuse to talk White Hat Heroes,” he adds. about politics. Because I’m a fashion designer, it gives The collection offers various suits in dark green, me a voice which is really good.” blue and grey checks as well as abstract political art prints. It has knee length coats worn with three quarter Westwood is considered as one of the most uncon- cowboy boots. Each look is given its own monotonous ventional and outspoken fashion designers in the world. colour with one fully green from head to toe – green tie, And, from the look of things, it seems 26-year-old fash- shirt, bag and coat which may symbolize money. One ion designer Thebe Magugu draws his inspiration from of the coats has deep red hand stains below the pockets her. which could easily be interpreted as blood on the politi- cians hands. Magugu is slowly earning himself the title of a Whether you believe in the idea that fashion and designer known for powerful and politicised women’s politics coexist in the same space is neither here or there wear collection. however, designers like Westwood and now Magugu use clothes or fashion to send messages that speak He says his inspiration comes from the social com- strongly to the wearer’s disposition. plexities of his home country. Dressing with meaning and standing for something A classic suit in grey which signifies a sign either political, social or environmental is the reasons of masculinity but is toned down with a hat In his latest collection titled “Doublethink” Magugu why you should double think about what you wear. and a pair of cowboy boots says his inspiration came from Mandy Wieners’ book, “The Whistleblowers“ which he used as inspiration. IMPORTANT 31 JULY.......................................... RICHARDS BAY FASHION WALK FASHION DATES 9 - 15 SEPTEMBER.......................NEW YORK FASHION WEEK “Doublethink”is a term coined in George Orwell’s 13 SEPTEMBER............................MET GALA seminal novel “1984”, which is defined as the act of 17- 21 SEPTEMBER......................LONDON FASHION WEEK simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory 22-28 SEPTEMBER.......................MILAN FASHION WEEK beliefs. SEPTEMBER (TBC.........................SOUTH AFRICA FASHION WEEK 27 SEPTEMBER 6 OCTOBER........PARIS FASHION WEEK “Corrupt politicians are conscious of the truth, 5-7 OCTOBER................................BEAUTYWORLD MIDDLE EAST while telling carefully constructed lies the art of know- 15 - 17 OCTOBER..........................PORTUGAL FASHION ing and not knowing,`’ says Magugu. 20 -25 OCTOBER...........................SEAUL FASHION WEEK 24 - 25 OCTOBER..........................VACOUVER FASHION WEEK He says his menswear collection, which debuted at 26 NOVEMBER..............................BLACK FRIDAY PITTI UOMO, looks at corruption and the whistleblow- 6 - 10 DECEMBER. NEW YORK FASHION WEEK ers who challenge it. PRE-FALL & FALL/WINTER “In many ways, the societal ills we wrestle with stem from the insidious actions of its leaders. In South Africa, we have regularised the daily tales of miss- ing millions and economy-controlling families,” says Magugu. He has chosen to shine the light at the plight of whistleblowers in South Africa, in the hope of advocat- ing for a change in legislation, organisational support

Friday 16 July 2021 FOOD AND WINE 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR Wine-ly NO DREAM IS TOO BIG TO ACHIEVE FOR Yours GUTSY MAKHOBELA GO-GETTER: Makhobela sets his sights on growing his wine to become premium brand By Len Maseko Tommy Bruce Makhobela, owner of Billion Congratulations on your debut wines? wine label, is gearing to build an interna- tional brand A -Thank you so much, it is been a dream that I really am grateful to live. preciated by everyone. Also, a lot of people How did you come up with the idea of starting have made it their Number One wine to date. your own wine label? When consumers encounter your wines for the A -My love for finer things really led me to first time, what is it that you want them to experi- the birth of Billion, and what’s finer than good ence and to know about the philosophy behind wine? Nothing. So, as I was exposing myself the crafting of the wines? to wine tasting events in Stellenbosch and A- I want them to see a dream come to life Port Elizabeth I got attached to the industry. of a young man from a place regarded as an Also, I saw it was white people who were informal settlement, which is Orange Farm. A dominating the game. I wanted to be an inspi- place where no one thought something great ration to my black community, to show that would come out, but a young dreamer from no dream is far-fetched. them managed to give the world one of the What inspired your liking for wine? best premium wines. A - I love how wine matures with time, the What challenges have you faced so far when it complexity of orchestrating it, which is then comes to marketing your wine? made easier when one pours it into a glass, a A – Truly, we were able to market the brand marvel journey that a few get to witness. very well, with it being recognised by big All this has turned to teach me one thing in retailers and restaurants. The only challenge life, patience is virtue. has been the supply as there were too many How did you arrive at the choice of grape varie- stops and go’s because of Covid Lockdown ties to make your wines? restrictions. A - As my wines are blends, the red being Do you make the wine yourself? What training made of Pinotage, Merlot and Shiraz. While have you had in winemaking? the White is made of Chenin Blanc, Sauvi- A - I am hands-on in the project. However, gnon Blanc and Chardonnay. These grapes it is not that hectic as I would love it to be, are part of the leading grapes in the industry, the French farm owner and other farmers have which people love and appreciate. I thought to been of amazing help, though, and the train- myself, why not give the best of 3 worlds in one bottle to marvel my customers? SELF-DRIVEN: Tommy Makhobela reaches out to consumers to introduce his wines Where do you source the grapes for your wines? difficult for us, winemakers, to thrive. How- world’s billionaires in the nearer future. A - Our wine farm in Stellenbosch is inspired ever, I managed to launch my wines online, What does your range consist of? by the French tradition as the owner of the something a lot of people really appreciated farm is French. as the first batch of over 1 000 bottles got sold A - We have Premium Red and Premium He genuinely comes with amazing ways used out during the first month. White. My wines are blends, the red being in France to grow grapes and harvest them in What has been your milestone since starting made of Pinotage, Merlot and Shiraz. While SA, which makes our wines an international your own label? the White is made of Chenin Blanc, Sauvi- breeze for those who know their wine, and A - Having to see my bottles being shelved at gnon Blanc and Chardonnay. Also, we are also swings in the beginners in the industry to both Pick n’ Pay and Ultra Liquors. Another busy with producing Billion MCC, which is appreciate good wine. sweet memory, was getting a thumbs-up from to be launched soon. wine experts at our first exhibition event, Do you export your wine? How do you work as a team in terms of styling which happened in Centurion, among other A - Covid 19 has been a challenge really to your wines? winemakers. Ours was in the top 2, and we fully expand to the export market. However, were just months old. we have managed to export a couple of cases As said previously, the farm owner is French. What does the name of your wines signify? to Botswana and Lesotho. He has taught a couple of farmers his tricks A - Billion Premium Wines is named after a How much wine do you bottle at present? and different ways to produce good premium luxury word that don’t get spoken of every- A - We are bottling about 5 000 bottles at pre- wine. We are all dedicated to quality win- day, but everyone in this world wishes to have sent. emaking, and everyone has their role in pro- their name and a billion in one sentence. This How have your wines been received so far? ducing wine that will really make a statement, is also because of my desire to become one of A - It has been a humbling and amazing jour- without saying a word. ney. Our wines have really been greatly ap- How did you go about launching your wine? A – It is amazing that my wine turns a year Billion wines owner Tommy Makhobela serves guests eager to sample his wines at a show in ing I have received from the owner has really today. As I am answering these questions Centurion. been an international one. I am also currently I have since launched it online. The Covid studying towards a sommelier qualification. lockdowns in our country have really made it What lessons has your journey taught you so far? A - That no dream is too huge for anyone to achieve, that dreams are on the other side of willingness. What can we expect from you in the five years? A - Billion will be globally competing with big brands that are well known. We should be global by then, making a presence in every continent. Besides making wine, what do you do? A - I am a serial entrepreneur with a couple of start-ups specialising in brand architecture, investing, and strongly interested in the digi- tal economy. What is your favourite slogan or mantra, the one that keeps you going, no matter what? A - Don’t just exist, because your breams are valid. That’s the one. We must live our dreams.

12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 16 July 2021 ALFA STANDS OUT IN BrMOTORING: iefs STELVIO STYLE VISUAL: The exciting new Alfa Stelvio EXTRAORDINARY XBUS MODULAR ELECTRIC VAN EXPENSIVE TO RUN: Perfomance its calling card Ahhhhhhh. Isn’t this adorable? It’s called the XBUS and it “is the most innovative and modular light vehicle in the world” according to its German manufacturer It might just be the most versatile vehicle we’ve ever seen, too. ‘ A modular setup allows you to build what- ever you like onto the back - everything from flat-bed pick-ups through to passenger-carrying buses, big boxy vans or even the cutest camp- ervan you ever did see. Solar panels allow it to accrue up to 200km (124 miles) of range, we’re told, ElectricBrands plans to expand availability outside of Europe sometime around mid-2022, and an alert that appears atop its website indi- cates US reservations will open in September.- TopGear. By Ali Mphaki leaving the likes of Audi, and BMW in contempla- compare favourably with the opposition. BMW’S LIMITED X5, X6, AND X7 tive mood. As optional extras, you have a semi-autonomous Monkey see monkey do was never Alfa’s credo. It may be that Alfa as a brand, has had issues driving mode. Safety has not been compromised ei- German luxury carmaker BMW recently From time immemorial the brand, short for pertaining to reliability, fuel economy etc. but ap- ther, Alfa Romeo has made autonomous emergency introduced its Sports Activity Vehicles (SAV) Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobil, which parently all that is forgotten once you experience its braking a standard feature. Coming to the Ti model X5 and X6 limited editions in Black Vermilion means Lombardian Car factory, has churned out gutsy acceleration emanating from the 2-0-litre tur- in the Performance package, this is where, among and Sports Activity Coupe (SAC) X7 limited unique products that stands out from the crowd. bocharged engine under the bonnet. Cabin wise, the others, you’ll be first impressed by its aluminum editions in Frozen Black metallic to be made Those of my age will recall how were awed by pretty dashboard features an 8.8-inch touchscreen paddle shifters. available in the US and Europe. The models can the Alfa Guiletta when it debutted in our shores ear- infotainment system which can be customized to the On the Premium package blowing those blues be ordered with immediate effect, with the mar- ly 80s. The memory of the late journo Jeff Masek- driver’s preferences. away is the Harman Kardon stereo, to be enjoyed ket launch beginning in August 2021. BMW X5 wameng lingers each time I think of the Guilleta. Smart switches and knobs and wireless smart- with bums resting on heated back seats, not forget- and X6 Black Vermilion editions get a double My buddy social giant Allen Makokomela will phone-charging pad in the centre-console completes ting wireless charging. In local lingo you could say kidney grille with model-specific red bars that also boast how he was able to weave his way down a a welcoming ambience, even though it does not the Stelvio is not umapakisha. create an effective contrast to the BMW Indi- woman’s pants having flattered the im- This is due to its laughable boot vidual special paint finish Frozen Black metal- pressionable lass that he was driving a space and a bit claustrophobic back lic. “With the M headlights Shadow Line with Guiletta. Kikiki. seat. This is where the alternatives like BMW laser light, including accented lighting the Lexus RX and BMW X3 give the with blue X signature, complete the distinctive THAT WAS THEN.. Stelvio a jab in the face. look of the front end,” the release said. Set to titillate the senses in more God willing we could have the op- ways than one reminiscent of the Gui- portunity to sample the Stelvio in the EVERYTHING KEEPS GOING... letta era is the new Alfa Romeo Stelvio, not too distant future, but leaving us undoubtedly an eye catcher. Visual flair with a lump in our throats and wrigging Tokyo: Japan’s Toyota reclaimed the title and unique characteristics conspire to our hands in anticipation are the rare of world’s top-selling automaker in 2020, ac- make the Stelvio a gorgeous crossover reviews we’ve seen about the car so far. cording to data released by the firm on Thurs- SUV – a first in the company’s 116 Adjective like gorgeous, enticing, day, pushing Volkswagen into second place for years of existence. highly entertaining driving matters and the first time in five years. With its sexy design and rich Ital- energetic turbo-four engine roll out eas- ian heritage, the Stelvio offers the dis- ily from the reviewers. Toyota said it had sold 9.53 million vehicles cerning motorist a gorgeous alternative We also concur that the Stelvio is around the world last year, overtaking the 9.3 to typical compact luxury crossovers, ROUND MOUSE: Taking care of your entertainment business a treat to the senses. million sales made by its German rival. NEW ASTRA AND GOLF The Japanese giant took the lead despite a GTi 8 TO BOSS RIVALS decline in global sales of more than 10 percent as the auto industry suffered the effects of the EXCITING TIMES AHEAD: Compact coronavirus pandemic. “Despite the Covid-19 pandemic... Toy- ota was able to continue corporate activities through comprehensive implementation of various infection prevention measures, and by working together with partners including sup- pliers and dealers,” it said in a statement. The last time Toyota held the top spot was in 2015, with VW edging it out in the following years. hatchback segment hots up MEN DON’T ASSIST ... By Ali Mphaki generation Peugeot 308. This after Group PSA EIGHTH GENERATION: The new Opel Astra Most women couldn’t care less about the Whilst we were still digesting news of Opel un- owners of Peugeot and Citroen bought Vauxhall South Africans will only enjoy one derivative. workings of a motor vehicle and how to change veiling its all-new eighth-generation Astra fam- from General Motors in 2017) and Fiat’s holding a tyre. Unfortunately most modern men are as ily hatchback that will go on sale in the UK next group, FCA. bringing a total of 14 brands under Standard features include; 18-inch Richmond al- helpless in this respect as most women. year, comes news of the launch of the iconic Golf one banner. Whether it’s a good thing or not, prod- loy wheels, Lights and Vision Package includ- GTi 8 in South Africa. ucts from this stable are likely to be similar in me- ing high-beam control light assist, sports steering This may come as a surprise, but studies chanics, even though with different brands. wheel with touch control and shifting paddles, GTI also show that unfortunately the males of this This will no doubt cause serious thinking for Vienna leather seats, keyless locking and starting generation don’t seem too keen on helping compact hatch lovers not sure which brand to go Like the new Peugeot 308, the Astra will be system, Black Styling Package with black 18-inch women in need. for. If a picture indeed does not lie, it is evident available with a choice of two plug-in hybrid pow- Bergamo alloy wheels, Head-up Display, Opel engineers have outdone themselves in up- ertrains, alongside a more conventional range of So, if you’ve got a flat tyre as a woman marketing the Astra, a car once popular which has petrol and diesel motors. From R325 000 Available in three solid paint exterior colours and are expecting a chivalrous man to stop and become a shadow of itself in recent times. Break- GTi 8 IMPORTANT FACTS: (Pure White, Urano Grey, and Moonstone Grey), help you, a damsel in distress, you might be left ing cover into a terrain that has undergone seismic four metallic colours (Dolphin Grey, Atlantic Blue, waiting for a long time. changes, it does not need a traffic cop to check out The iconic Golf GTi 8 has been given 11kW Kings Red and Reflex Silver) and two pearlescent how much speed the new Astra has to gather in more power than its predecessor. The 2.0l turbo- colours (Deep Black Pearl and Oryx White Pearl). A survey done in the UK revealed that 52% catching up with especially the likes of Mercedes- charged front-wheel drive engine now develops of the men admitted they would keep on driv- Benz A-Class and the bitter rival, the Ford Focus. 180kW and a torque of 370Nm. The four-cylinder Prices to be announced. ing if they spotted a woman with a puncture – engine is coupled with a 7-speed dual clutch trans- despite feeling guilty about it. The survey also What is of interest with the new Astra is that it mission. It takes 6.4 seconds to complete the 0 – found that younger men are more reluctant to is being built on the same platform as the new third 100km/h sprint. stop due to ignorance of basic car maintenanceI Anyone can easily change a tyre, even a woman or a girly-boy. What’s important is to get your punctured or flat tyre fixed or replaced as soon as possible. - WomenonWheels

Friday 16 July 2021 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR COVID NOT SO HOMELY FOR DOMESTIC WORKERS NO FINANCIAL SECURITY: More job losses on the cards By Isaac Moledi most comprehensive view to date of the impact Potentially because domestic workers are pro- • 42% of their wages is spent on rent, 38% on A research by SweepSouth report on pay and of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic workers tected by better laws, SA workers are also least food, 19% on transport working conditions for domestic workers in across sub-Saharan Africa. likely to have experienced abuse in the workplace. Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa has revealed • 67% are in debt a grim outlook with issues like spiralling debt, “The report takes an in-depth look at the con- Verbal abuse: SA (23%); Kenya (42%); Ni- • 56% owe money to a shop or store reduced earnings and little-to- no financial se- ditions in the domestic work industry, in the con- geria (55%) curity the daily reality for most workers in this text of significant economic hardships wrought by Physical abuse: SA (4%); Kenya (15%); Ni- About 1 in 5 people polled felt their mental sector. the pandemic,” says Pandor. geria (19%) health had negatively been affected over the past Sexual abuse: SA (2%); Kenya (16%); Nige- year. Of those, 12.2% received a mental health The fourth annual SweepSouth report, which In Kenya and Nigeria, about 2 in 5 domestic ria (19%) assessment, with depression being the most com- takes an in-depth look at domestic workers’ fi- workers lost their jobs due to the pandemic ver- When it comes to basic living costs, the pan- mon diagnosis (72%), followed by anxiety (25%). nancial reality and conditions in these countries, sus 1 in 5 in South Africa. On a positive note, the demic’s economic fallout has had a devastating also shows how domestic workers rely on their survey revealed a clear correlation between bet- effect on domestic workers’ livelihoods. While Issues weighing them down ranked from un- churches and their pastors for their mental wellbe- ter employment protections for domestic workers living costs are down, Pandor says it’s likely due employment (52%), to debt (25%), and family ing support. and their work conditions. to them sacrificing variable-cost items like food problems (15%). to stretch their earnings, which strongly suggests With this lifeline heavily severed due to While South Africa’s extensive protections a falling quality of life. Another fascinating finding, according to Pan- lockdown restrictions, the report says there is a specific to domestic workers lay down basic On average, domestic workers are earning R2 dor is the vaccine hesitancy and concern across growing number of women reporting their mental rights and principles in achieving decent work for 536, while their monthly living costs are R2 890, all the countries, with South Africa showing the health being negatively affected. them, Kenya followed suit in some areas, while meaning they’re forced to take on debt or reduce greatest hesitancy, despite 39% of respondents Nigeria’s regulations are not as extensive as those spending costs on vital items to make ends meet having experienced the loss of someone they SweepSouth CEO Aisha Pandor says her in SA or Kenya. every month. know to COVID-19 and having comprehensive company’s 2021 survey is the first to be conduct- Average number of days worked: SA finance findings at a glance knowledge of the virus. ed across the three countries and respondents did • 8% have personal savings or pension not require mobile data to complete the survey, to SA (4); Kenya (5); Nigeria (6). When it comes • 2% have medical aid “As we reflect on the impact of the pandemic, promote wider access. She says more than 7 000 to work which is more than 10 hours a day, SA • 17% are part of a stokvel many of us would have predicted that the worst respondents took part, making it the largest and (3%); Kenya (13%); Nigeria (31%). Work 7 would be behind us a year later,” said Pandor. most detailed survey of its kind, and offering the days a week: SA (4%); Kenya (7%); Nigeria “However, we continue to see job losses and eco- (33%). nomic hardship for domestic workers and even though there are some encouraging signs, the general outlook is still grim.” DEBT REVIEW AND COUNSELLING EXPLAINED OUTCOMES decides to seek protection, these assets cannot be IMPORTANT: To included in a debt review process. sort out own or look for So, when you are under debt review you: assistance • Cannot enter into any new credit agreements; By Isaac Moledi that is, you cannot apply for any loans or fi- Many of us may not know the difference between nance from any institution; debt review and debt counselling as the two terms • Pay additional fees to the debt counsellor for are used interchangeably and refer to the same services and controlling the payment of your process. But the question that needs to be answered debts; in relation to the two terminologies, according to • Pay higher interest because you will be paying financial experts, is whether the financial situation for longer periods; an individual is in can be retrieved and the person • And of course, your credit profile will be af- placed on a sound financial footing once the pro- fected. cess has been completed. The advice from the financial experts is that because of the higher interest and additional fees “When a consumer realises that he or she is in you will pay while under debt review, this process financial trouble, the choice is whether to sort the should be considered only when increasing person- problem out personally by consolidating his or her al financial discipline and consolidating debt will debt with the assistance of the bank, so that only not help. Remember that with debt consolidation, one amount needs to be paid every month or enter- all of your debts, be they personalised loans from ing the review process,” says Old Mutual head of various credit providers or any other debts, are financial education, John Manyike. consolidated under a single loan; and high-interest debts are settled, and accounts closed. Then you So, according to the institution, debt review remain with one debt repayment per month to the involves a debt counsellor assessing an individual credit provider who granted the consolidation loan. outstanding personal debt and putting a restructured So the benefits of debt consolidation include debt repayment plan in place. The debt counsel- borrowing money at a low-interest rate (rates are lor then renegotiates interest rates and repayment low at present) to pay off loans or credit cards that schedules with creditors to make his or her debts are at a higher interest rate, and this can save mon- manageable. According to Old Mutual, the major ey. You also have fewer payments to make each advantage of somebody who is under debt review month and this can improve your credit scores. is that his or her assets are protected from being How do you know that you are involved in a le- repossessed by the credit provider. This is because gitimate debt review process? the process is a legal one and that a court order, As many consumers have been duped by un- which incurs costs, is passed providing protection scrupulous debt counsellors, you need to ensure to you as the consumer. This means that creditors that the debt counsellor you are involved with is cannot take back your property or your assets. registered. As with all things, the fees they charge for services can differ. Essentially, the end of the If, however, a finance provider is already tak- process is the granting of a court order- the con- ing legal steps to recover debt when a consumer sumer should ensure that a counsellor follows the process, and meets the requirements and that a court order is obtained. If a provider says a court order is not required, seek other help.

14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 16 July 2021 JOMO SONO PRODIGIES AGAINST EACH OTHER AT THE CAF CUP FINAL MOSIMANE AND ZWANE: Both coaches nurtured by the Prince of Soccer NERVOUSNESS, more than anything is sure Mosimane’s mentorship. Molefi Mika ingly at times seems to not recognise its own great to rule the roost when in a never experienced If Mosimane’s interaction with the media in value due to image damaging tendencies. situation, opposing benches in a CAF final TOUCHLINE would have some of their members, inwardly the past days is anything to go by, he’s either up MUSINGS Nothing wrong if you were also to refer to or openly, responding to the singing of Nkosi to his old mind-game tricks if not being nervous them as suicidal tendencies. Sikelela iAfrika together. already. went out there as one of the PSL coaches, a highly successful one for that matter, never mind being The PSL almost as part of its fixtures would This will be the case when South Africa Responding to questions from the media proudly South African. be found wanting when it comes to sorting out proudly parades Kaizer Chiefs at Casablanca’s about their chances recently, Mosimane said: DC matters timeously, something that in certain Stade Mohammed-V Stadium in Morocco for “And, I think Arthur Zwane feels the same way, Sadly though, this league which attracts play- instances end up threatening the smooth running their CAF Champions League Cup final against or should I say Stuart Baxter. I am not sure. ers from all over the continent of Africa including of its National First Division league and the pro- Egypt’s Al Ahly. Oceania, Europe and South America disappoint- motion process into the elite league. “You know in South Africa there’s too many Amakhosi whose bench will possibly be oc- … you just don’t know who’s who sometimes The seemingly indecisiveness of its DC has cupied by among the others assistant coaches Ar- with the coaches there. Is it Arthur Zwane or Stu- more often than not opened flood-gates for foot- thur “10111” Zwane and Dillon Sheppard. A look art? Because I saw some of you saying ‘why don’t ball matters to be taken to the courts, notwith- at the opposition bench will show head-coach Pit- you give credit to Gavin Hunt who took the team standing the fact that our soccer is now also be- so “Jingles” Mosimane together with a technical to the semi-final?’” sieged by characters who seem to be there for staff that includes fellow South Africans Kabelo “instant-fame” and making a quick buck. Rangoaga and Cavin Johnson. Come what may, South Africa and her con- tribution in football either through Chiefs lifting Enjoy this Amakhosi vs Red Army clash As the singing of the anthem fills the air and the Cup or for that matter Mosimane winning which can also be dubbed a battle of “Determina- with our flag flapping – never mind the outcome – his third CAF Champions League title it would tion against Experience”. like it or not, part of Mzansi will be proud to have be worth the effort of singing the Nkosi Sikelela contributed in recording this aspect of our African iAfrika anthem with vim, be it from the bench or Mjomomana wherever he is must be mutter- football history. at home. ing something like “Mintiro ya bula bula” in re- gard to this coming unique final. Mosimane and You don’t even need to be a Amakhosi fol- That Chiefs will also be there to represent Zwane are after all products of Matsilele “Jomo” lower to wish them to also emulate Orlando Pi- the country against a team coached by former Sono who introduced them to professional soccer rates who won this coveted club competition Sundowns mentor, also speaks volumes about through his Jomo Cosmos FC. in 1995, nor walk in the footsteps of Mamelodi the league they represent in this case the Premier Sundowns the 2016 champions who won it under Soccer League (PSL). Of course, when Mosimane # Molefi Mika is the author of two non-fic- snatched the 2016 Champions League title he tion books: Resilient Ntate Molemela and Dance Siwelele SMOKING ZOL BLOWS Lionel Messi SHA’CARRI’S OLYMPIC DREAM Breaks International VICTIMISED: Family claim sprinter was dropped from Olympics Duck With after smoking weed ‘because she’s a black woman Argentina BANNED: US sprinter Shar’ “Carri Richardson wont be going SHA’CARRI Richardson’s family suing her dreams. “We don’t have that Lionel Messi has finally won a trophy with Ar- to the Olympics. believe the top sprinter was dropped many young black women out there get- gentina! It took the six-time Ballon d’Or five tries from the US Olympics team for smok- ting their dreams. “She’s doing the best to get his hand on an international trophy. ing weed because she’s an African- that she can and I’m going to continue American woman. supporting her whatever she does. “As Lionel Messi’ inability to win an international long as she’s going out there and doing title with Argentina always left something missing The fastest woman in America was her best and making everyone proud, I’m beside his name on the all-time greats list, and this dramatically left out of the 4x100 relay with her 100 percent. was one point Cristiano Ronaldo fans used to rub it team that will be representing the US at in on Lionel Messi supporters post Portugal’s Euro- the Tokyo Games after testing positive “The positive test was something pean Championship success in 2016. for marijuana. that we were surprised about but no one knows what we all do behind closed However, after the Copa America win, they She was disqualified last month doors. “I believe it was just a stressful won’t be able to do that anymore. and it was none from participating in individual Olympic moment at the time and it was just like other than Cristiano Ronaldo’s former Real Madrid events after testing positive for THC, the sipping some wine. teammate Angel Di Maria who helped Argentina chemical found in marijuana. Fans had and Lionel Messi lift that elusive title. His first-half hoped America’s fastest woman would “I don’t fault her for that at all.” strike was enough for the Albiceleste to win their be picked for the relay as it is set to take ha’Carri has received the support of first international trophy after 28 years. place after her suspension ends. numerous figures in sports, politics and show business since her ban was an- Lionel Messi is finally a winner at international But a roster released by USA Track nounced. level after finishing on the losing side in four previ- and Field last week did not include the ous finals - three times in the Copa America and 21-year-old track athlete. Sha’Carri Democratic Congresswoman Alex- once in the 2014 World Cup. - claims that she only smoked weed to andria Ocasio-Cortez branded the move cope with the pain of finding out that her as “racist and colonial”. She tweeted: biological mother had died. “The IOC should reconsider its suspen- sion of Ms. Richardson and any athletes Leaping to her defence, her cousin penalized for cannabis use.” Chasity Lanell said it was “just a little marijuana” - but also admitted that the Superstar Kansas City Chiefs quar- positive drug test had come as a surprise terback Patrick Mahomes also defended to the family. Chasity, 30, a nail techni- Shar’Carri this week, telling ESPN’s cian from Dallas, Texas, told The Sun: First Take program: “She put in the work. “I really feel that it’s unfair. “Sha’Carri really does inspire a lot of people and “Even though she made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes. like we all make mistakes ... to not let her be at the Olympics at all is pretty ri- “She is going through a very hard diculous to me.” time because of the loss of her moth- er. “It’s unfair to take something from The track and field star also received someone who started from the bottom support from celebrities such as Cardi B, and made their way up to the top, from Drake, Snoop Dogg and Gabrielle Un- nothing. “People are judging her from ion. the outside but they don’t really know what she’s going through on the inside. However, President Joe Biden ap- peared to defend the ban when asked “I know she will come out of this about it. He said: “The rules are the very strong, she is a very strong young rules, and everybody knows what the woman and has a lot of supporters. “Eve- rules were going in. ryone makes mistakes, no one out here perfect. “As Sha’Carri stated, she is hu- “Whether they should remain the man. rules is a different issue, but the rules are the rules.” Sha’Carri herself said this She’s a young person who is pur- week that she is “accepting” of the ban and focused on the future. - The Sun

Friday 16 July 2021 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR KOLPAK PLAYERS A DUCK FOR CRICKET SA TRANSFORMATION PROJECT: Afriforum ruffles players with new terminology describing black players BACK TO SA: Jacques Kaliis observations pointing out were the ransformation Strangely, the civil body applauds the exploits KOLPAK VICTIM: Kevin Pieterson By Dumile Mateza project has floundered, and seemed somewhat of white South African players who opted to under- 1 January 2021, all Kolpak players have had their AT THE HEARINGS skewed towards black Africans to the exclusion of mine the Cricket South Africa transformation poli- registration cancelled by the England and Wales The Social Justice and Nation Cricket Transfor- white players. cy and programme by plying their trade in England Cricket Board with immediate effect due to Brexit. mation hearings chaired by Advocate Dumisa with the hope of playing for England. Will they be eligible to play for Proteas without Ntsebeza SC continued for a third week running Tracing the transformation project from the censure? These players it should be remembered this week with presentations by former players formation of the United Cricket Board through This is the route players Kevin Pietersen, Kyle thrashed the Transformation policy of CSA. Until Omar Henry, Aaron Pangiso and Roger Telema- to Cricket South Africa from 1998 to the present, Abbott and a host of other players took, taking ad- recently Jacques Kallis took up a post with England chus. Afriforum’s submission also quote every instance vantage of a ruling by the European Court in a case and cited the transformation policy of CSA as an where a black player was selected in the place of, that involved a Slovak Basketball player, a ruling obstacle to his progress. But the most anticipated submission will be according to their submission, a better white player. similar to the Bosman ruling in football. that of civil society group Afriforum. In a carefully The hearings continue next week. researched submission Afriforum has made several Afriforum has for some reason changed its vo- The Kolpak ruling is a European Court of Jus- cabulary with reference to black players from Non- tice ruling handed down on 8 May 2003 in favour white players, African or coloured or Indian players of Maroš Kolpak, a Slovak handball player. It de- to Players of Colour- a term which has not gone clared that citizens of countries which have signed down well with some section of the black commu- European Union Association Agreements have the nity at the hearings. same right to freedom of work and movement with- in the EU as EU citizens. Surprisingly there is no reference to the apart- heid of Sport of the past years, at the height of . A Kolpak player, or Kolpak, is a term used National Party rule. No mention of the events that in the United Kingdom for players in the domestic shaped the fights against apartheid in sport, stories leagues in cricket and both rugby codes from over- such as the Papwa Segowlum story, who after win- seas, subject to the Kolpak ruling. These players in ning a golf tournament at The Royal Durban, was line with this European Court of Justice were eligi- presented his trophy through the window in the ble to be selected for England, in the same way as rain after beating favourite son Gary Player of all Kevin Pietersen qualified to play for England. people. The protest by the apartheid government against the inclusion of Basil D’Oliveira in the . The question now will be, now that there had English team to tour South Africa in 1968. been a Brexit. What is going to happen to these players? Are they going to be a special case? As of SITTING DOWN WITH RUDOLF SEALE SEVEN YEARS SERVICE: One of the best number 3s at Kaizer Chiefs By Masoja Cele High we played Wednesday matches against other INDUSTRIOUS: Rudolf Seale during his playing days With Kaiser Chiefs playing their CAF Cup Final equally talented schools. School football was still Saturday, we caught up with former left back in vogue then. We packed the fields into capacity MC: Re-counting your stay at Blackpool how and a Castle Challenge Cup. I guess I had an illus- Rudolf Seale to discuss this and that…. and football bosses and coaches would constantly would you describe your loan spell with the club? trious career at Chiefs. Masoja Cele: (MC) Great to have you dazzle on attend. So every time when Morris played, I was MC: After your well seven celebrated years with our Weekly SA Mirror pages. frequently pursued by this soccer boss with a view RS: Undoubtedly, it was pretty good. Truth the Phefeni Glamour Boys, a tempting offer pre- of joining his team. I then reported the matter to our be told, it was at Blackpool where my game de- sented itself at your door step and went to join an- Rudolph Seale: (RS) Thanks my brother and I then trainer ‘’Ryder’’ Mofokeng. Such was the for- veloped significantly. The Eagles boasted an ar- other football giant in SuperSport United. am grateful for the opportunity. titude of coach Mofokeng that he relayed the mes- ray of great football luminaries such as , the MC: You had an incredible career starring for sage to Amakhosi boss Kaizer Motaung. late John ‘’Shoes’’Moshoeu, Gavin ‘’Stability’’ RS: Correct, SuperSport offered me a lucra- football giants Kaizer Chiefs and SuperSport MC: You were then a step closer before penning Lane, Benedict ‘’Thaka’’ Lekopa, Jerry’’ Legs of tive deal that I couldn’t easily turned down. The United, but how it all began for you? a professional contract with a great club. Then Thunder’’Sikhosana, to mention a few. The team package was real tempting. And I signed aa three what transpired during the consultation between was solid and played enthralling football. Certain- year term with the Pretoria team. This was another RS: Well my football journey originated from Glamour Boys managing director and coach Mo- ly, my stay at Blackpool was a success. When I was trophy laden period with Matsatsantsa. I won two the dusty streets of Rockville (Soweto) at a very fokeng? recalled at Chiefs I was then a refined product. MTN8 titles with the team. youthful phase. I am the product of what was MC: Rudolph, you are on you second stint with MC: Finally, how are you related to the legendary known as ‘’Challence’’. Football ‘’Challence’’ was RS: Well, I was summoned to a meeting at AmaKhosi after having left the team to play at former Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates great played from sunrise to sunset. The stake could be as the clubs offices. And that’s when I was signed at Blackpool. How was the reception from the Chiefs Johannes ‘’ Big Boy Kholoane? high as fifty cents or one rand a match. Those were Chiefs. My arrival to the senior team was like a family on your return? brilliant days of my youth, it was football and just union with my former mates in the reserve team. RS: He is my uncle. Strange enough, when I football and nothing else. Players like Khumalo, Mthimkhulu and Welling- RS: Very emotional. The playing personnel and was still playing he never like to interfere in my MC: Brilliant. Kaizer Chiers was your first profes- ton ‘’Akalahlwa’’ Manyathi had already signed the technical team were so excited to see myself game. He would only involve himself when I was sional outfit, how did you join the Phefeni Glam- for the senior team. The reception was excellent. and Madida back. After my return I was really on moving from one team to another. our Boys? I was recommended to the first team Nevertheless, it was not easy breaking into the top of my game. MC: Rudolph Weekly SA Mirror would like to by the late Johannes ‘’Ryder’’Mofokeng. The for- first team. As a left back I was competing with thank you for the interview and wishes you all the mer Chiefs captain was the coach of the reserve another no-nonsense defender Lancelot’’ Tear- I made the left back position my own. I strut- best. team. Myself, Doctor ‘’16v’’ Khumalo, Trevor Gas’’Maphike. I played a few games before I and ted in that position for seven years and claimed two ‘’KKK’’Mthimkhulu, Brian ‘’ Zero’’ Johnson and Fani ‘’Didiza’’Madida were loaned to the late Col- league titles, the JPS trophy, three BP top 8 medals RS: You always welcome Phillimon ‘’Hammer’’Mohaneloa were playing oured Passmore’s Giant Blackpool. in the reserve division. While the likes of Khumalo MC: Weren’t you disappointed with the decision and Johnson were promoted to the senior side, I of Chiefs dispatching you to a loan spell before remained with the second tier for another season you could even settle with the team? before I could be promoted to senior team. MC: Please continue. RS: Well, I guess everything happen for a rea- son. I accepted the decision with morality. Admit- RS: While I was student at Morris Isaacson tedly, Maphike’s performances were of high stand- ard. In the process I learned so much from him.

MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... CHIEFS TO LOOT CAF CUP HISTORY BECKONS: IF PIRATES CAN DO IT… DEPENDABLE: Eric “Tower” Mathoho SAFE HANDS: Chiefs goalie Daniel Akpeyi. By Masoja Cele The Phefeni Glamour Boys would be playing with the towering defensive partnership of Eric goal against Wydad Casablanca in Morocco. It’s a thirty minutes or so drive from the na- in their first-ever CAF champions League final af- ‘’Tower’’Mathoho and Daniel ‘’Gilbrator’’ Car- Just as patriotic preferences not immediate heat ter their impressive 0-0 against Moroccan football doso. From the beginning of their road to the final, tional airport to the Mohammed V Stadium in the powerhouse Wydad Casablanca in the second leg the two have formed an impermeable human brick- of passion is called for looking ahead off this epic Moroccan capital of Casablanca. Named after free- of their semi-final at FNB Stadium. Chiefs claimed wall – with enough experience to thwart the Red clash, Al Ahly are unquestionably a formidable dom fighter King Mohammed V – a figure revered an important 1-0 victory over Wydad in the corre- Devils’ front- runners. But it is in the goalkeeping outfit. The nine times CAF Cup champions are de- like our former president Nelson Mandela – the sponding fixture away from home. On both games department that Chiefs could win or lose it. termined to make it 10. stadium with a record attendance of 110 000 is set Chiefs playing personnel showed grit, determina- to witness another history in the making come 9pm tion and character. There was hunger in their over- Daniel Akpeyi, the Chiefs Nigerian goalmind- The odds look stacked against Chiefs, but if Or- Saturday. all display as they pillaged their opponents. The en- er, though erratic at times, has the knack to rise lando Pirates could do it in 1995 in hostile terriroty tire team brought some good memories with their to the occasion when most expected. He can use against AC Mimosa in Corte de Voire, the Amak- This is when an epic duel between South Afri- explosive display. Somewhat, this well could be hands as well as his feet and perform those high hosi can take a leaf from that feat. My crystal ball can soccer giants Kaiser Chiefs and Egyptian slay- a defining moment for Abafana Bokuthula Noxo- flying saves. Chiefs would be best advised to stick shows that inside Chiefs bus back to the Mohamed ers Al Ahly to arbitrate the winner of the 2020.2021 lo. Spirited Chiefs have a balanced team that can with him at the goalpost. V airport will be a new trophy to put in their cabinet winner of the prestigious CAF Cup Champions match Al Ahly in all departments. They are blessed back home. As you read this, designers are putting League final will take place. Upfront, Samir Nurkovic is an automatic finishing touches to a new Chiefs jersey with a star. choice. The Chiefs talisman scored the important Rise ‘Khosi Rise! RACISM SCORES OWN GOAL AT EUFA EURO ‘20 though: the racists have been taken to task by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying play- By Ali Mphaki MISSED PENALTIES: England’s black ers deserve to be lauded as heroes, not racially It’s tempting to say it was bound to happen. players suffer backlash via vicious social media abused on social media. There has also been overwhelming solidarity for the three players Three missed penalties in succession by black Tables were suddenly turned. The three cotted social media for a weekend. from their team mates and respective clubs. players. First it was Marcus Rashford, Then players’ villain. Vile racist abuse via social me- A banana was thrown at Pierre-Emerick Jadon Sancho. And just when you thought it dia would follow. And it didn’t end there. England’s Football Association said in a would get better. Aubameyang after he scored a penalty in 2018- statement Monday that it was “appalled by Rashford had a mural defaced. The racist 2918 Dog-whistling proliferates throughout the the online racism that has been aimed at some Buyako Saka. His tame shot parried by the machinery in overdrive. Commentators were game when Raheem Sterling is not playing well of our England players on social media” and Italian goalkeeper. The three missed penalties quick to say it was the same old England. for England. Since Sunday’s game, Twitter re- called for toughest punishments. would see England sorely lose out to Italy in the moved more than 1,000 tweets and permanent- EUFA Euro ’20 finals. Plunging the hitherto So depressingly familiar. Just four months ly suspended a number of accounts. Not to fear, A hundred and five years ago, the great vociferous England crowd at the Wembley sta- ago on April, the wider game in England boy- black scholar William Edward Burghardt Du dium into mourning. Bois prophesied that the problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line. Sadly, to this day its still true. Another own goal in what was an exciting tournament.

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