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WEEKLY SA Mirror 56th ED

Published by didiphooks, 2022-07-03 07:08:48

Description: WEEKLY SA Mirror 56th ED


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MYSTERY DEATH RR MALOKA’S OF EX-BUCS SIZZLING PIC STAR PARADE 4page 3page Friday 24 June 2022 D E Q L MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... BOSSES’ COVID-JAB DEMAND REJECTED Big rethink among employers as mandatory 2workplace vaccination ruled unfair... see page

2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 24 June 2022 By Thuli Zungu LANDMARK It has been established that the same company The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation RULING has previously fired four of its employees who had and Arbitration has ordered two companies to AGAINST refused to take the jab. pay compensation totalling hundreds of thou- sands of rands to two of their employees one of MANDATORY The employer has a policy and among oth- whom was suspended and the other retrenched WORKPLACE ers, clause 10 of their policy reads : “Employees for refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccination who refuse to be vaccinated will be in breach of jab. COVID JAB the company policy and their service may then be terminated for operational reasons. There is no al- The landmark ruling is expected to open the INJUSTICE: A victory for human rights as ternative position or role that do not require vac- floodgates for similar applications from employ- companies ordered to pay compensation to cinations.” ees who lost their jobs for refusing to take the jab sacked unvaccinated employees:.. citing either their constitutional or religious rights. Tshatshu’s refusal was on the grounds that she A number of companies are also expected to aban- TO JAB OR NOT TO JAB; The CCMA has ruled that the dismissal of two employees for refus- had an adverse reaction t0 years ago when she took don their vaccination mandate policies which have ing to take vaccine unconstitutional a flu vaccination. been ruled as unfair by the CCMA. ciary, from the Constitutional Court down to the place on “a no work and no pay basis” is akin to He employer demanded proof which she A major insurance company is among the latest Labour Court including the CCMA and Bargain- suspension as Smith was willing to render his ser- sought from the doctor who treated her back then, institutions which have indicated that they were go- ing Councils have not instituted any rulings among vices. Another client who was helped by Van der but the employer felt it was not sufficient as it was ing to drop their vaccination mandate policy after themselves requiring compulsory vaccinations. No Merwe is Khomotso Tshatshu who was fired by only a note the doctor had written. Going to anoth- a trade union representing its workers and Schalk state has implemented any of this sort. Why? Be- Baroque Medical (PTY) LTD last year for refusing er doctor who was professed to be a specialist on van der Merwe, leader of the National Conserva- cause that would amount to discrimination and be to vaccinate on medical and constitutional grounds. Covid -19 matters did not help either as the doctor tive Party who is also a law activist, intervened in unreasonable.” The company was ordered on June 22 to pay her a refused to give her a detailed report. According to the fight against companies that dismissed employ- salary of 12 months totalling R279 600 by the 25th the CCMA, her employer then retrenched her with- ees who refused to take the jab. Commissioner of the CCMA, Motlatsi Phala, of July this year. out paying her a severance package. said the reason to exclude Smith from the work- Van Der Merwe announced on his Telegram The aim of this company policy was to mini- platform on June 13 this year that he won a case for mise transmission of Covid-19 and improve the his client following an arbitration process. This was health of the employees and was touted as an oper- after his client was suspended for refusing to take ational requirement in that it would reduce the time the mandatory vaccination. the employees spend at home than at work due to illness which affected productivity of the business. “We’ve got our first win. Unfair suspension and PCR testing,” he wrote. Tshatshu, a senior inventory controller, rejected the vaccination on both health and constitutional Colin Sean Smit, his client, was suspended by grounds. The company deals with the supply of his employer, Clear Freight (PTY) LTD, for refus- cardio, Endocrine and neurological equipment to ing to vaccinate on the grounds of his constitutional hospitals and other end users. She did not work in rights. The CCMA ruled that the suspension was a medically- controlled environment but in an open unfair and awarded him R41 400 in compensation plan office. for the two months he was suspended. The stock room is medically controlled, the Smith took 10 days annual leave last October representatives and drivers are not allowed in the and on his return his employer asked if he would building and she communicated with them via take the vaccination and he said he would not be- emails and telephonically. The CCMA found that cause he has a constitutional right not to. the employer experienced several difficulties in dealing with the mandatory vaccination policy. Smith’s employer then sought advice and later told him to go home. Although he was allowed to In conclusion, the commissioner in Tshatshu’s take his laptop with him, it was later logged and his matter, Richard Byrne said since the company had emails were diverted to someone else. decided beforehand that they would dismiss every employee who did not vaccinate, they were to con- Smith was paid for two months before his sal- sider any objections on medical, constitutional or ary was stopped in January this year. religious grounds. Their request to Tshatshu to get a medical report was just lip service, he said. In his application for relief from the CCMA, Smith said he was of the view that he deserved to The rule regarding vaccination was unreason- be paid because he did not choose to languish at able and Tshatshu’s dismissal was substantially un- home. The CCMA found that the communication fair, said the Commissioner. ordering the employees to vaccinate was conducted via emails and there was no existing policy. Among When considering the Equity Clause, Section other things the policy should have a provision for 9 of the Constitution, freedom and security of the objections on cultural religious beliefs and health person, limitation of rights, the lack of reasonable- considerations. ness of the rule, Government response to the rule of law it issued, it becomes unmistakenly clear that In awarding the compensation, the CCMA the rights to issues of any law of general applica- referred to Section 9 of the Equity Clause which tion in respect of the rights to Covid-19 vaccina- states that: “Everyone is equal before the law. tions, rest with the Government and an employer Everyone and not just employees of a particular has no right to formulate any Covid 19 mandate company are equal before the law. The state has vaccination. It is the government’s prerogative, the not unfairly discriminated against anyone or judi- Commissioner said. MINISTERIAL EGG-DANCE OVER COVID WORKPLACE CODE? SORTED: Health Minister Joe Phaahla CORNERED: Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi CONFUSION: Nxesi accused of being ters of health and safety in the workplace and is intention to drop their vaccination mandate policy reluctant to drop controversial mandatory still the responsibility of all leaders to design an after a trade union representing its workers and workplace vaccination protocols… inclusive environment that promotes safety and Schalk van der Merwe, leader of the National makes workers comfortable in the workplace”. Conservative Party, intervened in the fight against By WSAM Reporter file a new application in the High Court to set aside companies that dismissed employees who refused Employment and Labour Minister Thulas these “unprocedural and baseless” protocols. The Code provides a guide to employers and to take the jab. Van Der Merwe announced on his Nxesi faces tough times ahead following the workers as to what are reasonably practicable Telegram platform on June 13 that he won a case recent successful legal challenges against the While Health Minister Joe Phaahla last week measures in managing SARS-CoV-2 (the Covid for his client following an arbitration process. workplace Covid protocols and stiff opposition lifted the remaining Covid-19 protocols, Nxesi virus, he said. Hazardous biological agents, of This was after his client was suspended for refus- from public interest groups and some employer has seemed unenthusiastic about following suit, which the SARS-Cov-2 is one, are regulated by ing to take the mandatory vaccination. associations. cautioning instead recently that the lifting up of the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents. the remaining regulations did not mean employ- Meanwhile, Van Der Merwe said early this In a dramatic twist, two employees who lost ers must “adopt a cavalier attitude towards health According to Nxesi, this regulation places a week in a press conference held by the Minister of their jobs for refusing to take the Covid-19 jab and safety in their workplaces”. Two months ago, statutory obligation on employers to conduct a Health, Thulas Nxesi admitted that the workplace have won compensation following a landmark public participation platform DearSA to wrote to risk assessment to determine measures to limit code was issued illegally. He said they were ultra ruling by the Commission for Conciliation, Me- Nxesi, threatening court action against his depart- infection and, transmission and mitigate the risk vires (outside the bounds of law), but after that diation and Arbitration (CCMA) recently. ment if the code was not dropped. In a statement of serious illness or death of an employee or other press conference the codes were replaced by the last week, Nxesi seemed to be digging his heels, persons who may be directly affected by the activ- same invalid codes the same night. Sensing Nxesi’s reluctance to heed warnings saying rather that: “The Code of Practice on the ities of the workplace, such as visitors, customers, regarding mandatory workplace vaccination, one Management of Exposure to Sars-Cov-2 in the and contractors. Meanwhile, the CCMA has or- However, Nxesi’s acting media spokesman workers’ organisation has indicated that it would Workplace remains the guiding principle on mat- dered two companies to pay compensation to two Mokgadi Pela could not be reached for comment. of their employees, one of whom was suspended and the other retrenched, for refusing to take the Gerhard Papenfus, the CEO of National Em- Covid-19 vaccination jab. ployees of South Africa (NEASA), said Nxesi admitted to his organisation that Covid Code of Consequently, a number of companies are Practice was issued unlawfully. However, the also expected to abandon their vaccination man- Minister issued a replica of the code he undertook date policies ruled unfair by the CCMA. to withdraw, claiming it was crafted by Nedlac, according to Papenfus. A major insurance company has indicated its

Friday 24 June 2022 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR Owami and Olwethu Siko with Pitso Mosimane AND THE WINNER IS............ It was a night of song, dance Zinzi Zungu with Miranda Ntshangase and the blue carpet at the DStv Viewers Choice Awards held at the Sun Arena in Pretoria. Voted for by the South African public, the DMVCA honoured top achievers over the past two years in television, radio, music, sports, and comedy. SIPHO MALUKA was there..... Tamia with her husband Andile Mpisane Thando Thabethe Ntando Duma with Lawrence Maleka Abdul Khoza S’java Lasizwe Dambuza with Sana Mcunu

4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 24 June 2022 By Isaac Moledi ONCE-MIGHTY Denel, South Africa and the world’s one-time re- And the question must DENEL nowned supplier of state-of-the-art military and surely be asked: defence equipment, is slowly becoming a living Who benefits? ‘A ROTTING proof of “a strategic disaster” likened to a rot- It is certainly not CARCASS’ ting carcass. South Africa…. DISASTER: By destroying the defence and This giant and strategic State-owned defence ogists are welcomed and in high demand, Mashaba technology conglomerate, government has and technology conglomerate has, like many State- says. sabotaged and wrecked its valuable strategic owned enterprises (SOEs) before it, been hollowed asset and foreign currency earner…. out and driven to the point of collapse. “It, furthermore, sold off defence-related intel- lectual property and manufacturing facilities that Thanks to incompetence, mismanagement, a took years and many millions of taxpayers’ rand lack of leadership foresight and corruption, says to develop and refine. Those elements of Denel not defence commentator Simon Mashaba, adding that sold off, were hollowed out and neglected to the the once a defence-pride-of-the-nation has “mor- point, they cannot be replicated. phed into a starving shell of its former self”, unable to even pay its employees. This smacks of something very wrong in our collapsed defence industry. And the question must “The hollowing-out and bankrupting of the surely be asked: Who benefits? It is certainly not South African arms industry, under the leaky um- South Africa.” brella of Denel, was a strategic disaster South Af- rica could ill afford,” says Mashaba in one of the According to him, the planned replacement of country’s defence newsletters defenceWeb. the Ratel infantry fighting vehicle was an expen- sive import to be built domestically. Known as the “What was once a world-renowned and trusted Badger, R7.6 billion is already spent but with no supplier of defence equipment is now a rotting car- vehicles. “Surely this is an indicator of something cass,” Mashaba moaned. very, very wrong with what is happening in Denel and other SOEs. Perhaps the aim is to equip the The struggling conglomerate has been strug- SANDF with commercial vehicles and expect them gling to pay its roughly 2 800 employees their full to conduct real military tasks.” salaries since May 2020, to the point of being or- dered by the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria He says while government has focused its at- to pay R13.2 million in outstanding salaries to 42 of tentions on non-relevant matters and non-entities its current and former employees. of no value to South Africa and its citizens, it has neglected Africa. “In the process, it lost the trust of Armscor, the country’s security material manu- the continent along with the ability to project any facturer and also the acquisition agency for the form of defence or industrial power. As the Russian department of defence, is also said to be facing its invasion of Ukraine continues, so too does the re- own financial problems after the United Nations quirement for defence equipment escalates” discarded the SOE from being its approved vendor last September. Had Denel not been “wilfully destroyed,” Mashaba postulates that “South Africa would have However, Armscor group executive for corpo- a perfect opportunity to not only boost our defence rate support, Advocate Ndodomzi Mvambo, refut- industry, but play an important role in assisting and ed the claims, saying the acquisition agency was no supporting African armies refurbish and maintain longer a registered UN vendor because “Armscor their equipment. It would have been a perfect op- decided not to renew membership as it did not de- portunity to assist those governments with new rive any value for the duration of the affiliation.” equipment – ‘proudly made in South Africa’ – as well”. He said such parastatals as Denel were a major foreign currency earner and could successfully be He said this lack of forward thinking opened utilised by government to project influence. doors to numerous foreign defence contractors and companies. “The defence industry not only equips the armed forces to counter a host of diverse threats, “By failing to recognise an important market, but also drives technical and scientific innovation. both government and Denel disadvantaged them- It encourages strong public-private partnerships selves, the nation, our armed forces, our economy, and entrepreneurship. our industries and the continent.” It generates foreign income with export sales. It employs thousands and creates a multitude of new jobs,” Mashaba said, writing in defenceWeb. By destroying Denel, not only has government sabotaged and wrecked its valuable strategic asset, but it also drove South African defence innovation to foreign shores where “our scientists and technol- By Ali Mphaki JERRY Kholoane and Yster Khomane to mention a few. After almost two weeks of frantic searching, SADIKE After what is arguably a glittering career, which missing former Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando saw him achieve the rare feat of having played for Pirates winger Jerry “Jair” Sadike was found FOUND DEAD both Chiefs and Pirates, Sadike decided to hang dead at a mortuary in Johannesburg Thursday his boots when there was a split at the latter in morning. MYSTERY DISAPPEARANCE: The 1985. former Bucs/Chiefs star last seen going to It was on Monday June 20 when the former the Jo’burg city centre “I was afraid of my life and decided to quit footballer was last seen saying he was going for football,” he was quoted in one of his newspaper some “business” in the Jo’burg city centre, ac- DECEASED; Former soccerite Jerry Sadike, left, with Fish Abrams a former Swaraj player interviews. The incident that broke the camel’s cording to his sister Mama Sadike, who shares and Oupa Nkwe, secretary of the Soweto Masters and Legends at a meeting last year. back was on March 25, when fans in anticipa- their family home with him in Orlando East, tion of a football spectacle between Pirates and Soweto. Jomo Cosmos were instead shocked at the hor- ror of seeing three Okapi wielding men stab one A post shared by his homeboy and former China ‘Dibaba” Hlongwane at a packed Ellis Park team mate Ephraim “Shakes” Mashaba on the stadium. Soweto Legends and Masters social media ac- count late Thursday evening said; The bloody attack began when Hlongwane led a rebel line-up to the pitch, but the mountain “It is with great regret that I inform you all of a man survived, going on to boast “I am not a about the passing away of Jerry Sadike who was dying type”. Though he survived the stabbings, found at Edenvale hospital mortuary this morn- his luck eventually ran out when he was gunned ing. Further details will follow.” down in 1993. Its been a torrid almost two weeks search for Funeral arragements have not been finalised Sadike, lately of ill health. yet. Since he quit football in 1985, things have not been going well for Sadike, his venture into the estate market not flying as expected. As if it were not enough, a car accident last year left him with serious injuries. He has also subsequently suffered a mild stroke. It has been a highly stressful period for the family, who had to scour police stations, hospi- tals, mortuaries and the like trying to locate their brother. Sadike had played for the erstwhile Orlando Highlanders, moved to Pimville United Brothers, PUBS, before joining Chiefs and later Orlando Pirates Another feather in his cap is that Sadike was among the first black players to feature for a Whites-only side Highlands Park, where in his own words ‘I played the best of my football”. Among his white teammates were the likes of Martin Cohen, Stuart Lillie, Des Bakos, Bobby Viljoen and others. At Pirates he played alongside the old time greats like Jomo Sono, Patson Banda, Bigboy

Friday 24 June 2022 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS BUYING GROCERIES IN BULK CAN CUSHION THE PAIN OF INFLATION By Thuli Zungu SAVE: Buying non-perishable itmes in bulk is an value in South Africa. On average, private brands South Africa is experiencing the effects of its easy way to save money pricing is 27% lower than national brand pricing highest inflation in five years as the Covid-19 across items such as maize meal, rice, UHT milk, pandemic and the war in Ukraine continue to will benefit as much as they did in the past years. you need for stocking your pantry. At first it will sunflower oil, tinned pilchards and dishwashing impact on the cost of food, fuel and electricity. National retailer, Makro suggests bulk-buying take some monitoring to work out how many items liquid. you consume on a monthly basis, for example toilet This volatility is causing havoc for many non-perishable items as an easy way to save money paper, toothpaste, washing powder or even break- Not only are these household items in the pri- families who are having to rethink their shopping and stock up your pantry. “Not only does it prevent fast cereal. However, once you figure it out you vate brand category seeing an uptick in demand but behaviour. Some consumers form grocery stokvels top-up basket shopping, but it enables shoppers to can easily calculate the amount you will need for a also in other categories such as small appliances and buy in bulk and are also offered discounts at secure staple items like oat flour and maize bread longer period of time. and health equipment. It’s a great way to enjoy certain major stores on their groceries they share that are expected to rise by 20%, at today’s prices,” Save on time. quality and value. equally at the end of the year. says Makro. Loyalty programmes. What has become somewhat of a trend for in- Dorothy Mkhwanazi, 58 of Protea Glen in The following reasons are why bulk-buying is store shoppers is buying different products from- Many retailers offer loyalty or rewards pro- Soweto says their Masakhane grocery stokvel start- a smart way to beat rising food costs. different stores during one shopping trip. Having grammes and if you are looking for ways to save, ed 10 years ago and has grown in leaps and bounds. Cost-savings. the ease of shopping for all your goods under one it’s important you pay close attention to how they roof, will also save you money in the long run. work especially if you are loyal to a particular re- There are twenty members who contribute It is often cheaper to buy pantry-fillers in bulk Gain access to high quality exclusive labels. tailer. R1000 a month and these amounts are collected because you save on excessive packaging which is and then deposited into their Makro account. a big plus for the environment. Many stores often When bulk-buying, consider exclusive brands MRewards for example can save customers Mkhwanazi says they buy non-perishable items have major deals for products bought in bulk which as they can save you a considerable amount of money on their monthly shop. With Christmas just which last them almost a year. you can cash in. And should prices rise in the near money. six months away, it is an ideal time to start earn- future you will not be affected. ing rewards. To save money requires planning and “We then buy groceries worth R12 000 each No waste. Research conducted by Nielsen HQ shows that changing your shopping behaviour. at the end of the year,” she says. The members can private label products represent 24% of total basket Bulk-buying has been known to save families reduce or increase their contributions and buy gro- Buying in bulk means you get exactly what ceries according to their contributions. With the UP to 10% of their usual household goods. skyrocketing cost of living they don’t think they Lookout for the best deals and when you find them, stock up for the long haul. By WSAM Reporter FUEL HIKES DRIVE R10 per litre per quarter in eBucks over the next Ahead of yet another record-high fuel price SKYROCKETING three months. Johan Moolman, CEO of eBucks increase in South Africa, First National Bank FOOD PRICES Rewards, says their efforts to provide eBucks to has announced additional eBucks incentives to members with fuel relief demonstrates the ethos help its clientsoffset the impact of high petrol RELIEF: The relief demonstrates the bank’s of their rewards programme which is to reward prices. ethos of their rewards programme members for their behaviour while helping them save and stretch their budgets. From today until 30 September 2022, FNB To qualify for the additional benefit, custom- million FNB Retail and Commercial customers will give qualifying retail and commercial cus- ers have to pay with their FNB and RMB Private will automatically have access to the additional “A customer who uses FNB Aspire would tomers an additional R2 per litre back in eBucks Bank Virtual Cards when paying for fuel at En- benefit, says Makanjee. “Customers who fill up have earned 60 cents per litre at Engen, but due for fuel purchases made at Engen. This benefit is gen, and also complete at least one online Virtual at Engen and have vehicle instalments with Wes- to this benefit, they could earn R2.60 in eBucks available to customers irrespective of their reward Card transaction per month at any merchant. Bank are still eligible for the Double Up benefit until 30 September 2022. Similarly, Private Bank- level and is in addition to what they would have where they earn up to R8 per litre per quarter in ing and Commercial Banking customers who earn ordinarily earned. Raj Makanjee, CEO of FNB With over 500 000 additional customers set to eBucks. These customers will now earn up to up to R4 per litre at Engen could earn up to R6 per Retail, says fuel is one of their customers’ larg- be eligible to earn eBucks as of today, nearly 3.4 litre for the limited period. Similarly, FNB cus- est expenses and while eBucks has been helping tomers who swipe their Clicks Clubcard at Engen customers to mitigate the cost for years, the recent when filling up will earn an additional 10 cents fuel price increases are unprecedented. per litre in Clicks Clubcard points,” says Mool- man. “As a result, we encourage our customers to maximise this limited benefit to reduce the impact With the price of fuel in South Africa expected of fuel on their budgets, especially in light of other to reach yet another record high from the second rising costs such as food, electricity and interest week of July, FNB’s additional eBucks benefits rates.” will provide timely relief to many. FNB’s eBucks Rewards programme was recently recognised in- Makanjee says over the years, their fuel re- ternationally for its Best Use of Technology and wards with Engen have provided FNB customers named the Middle East and Africa’s Regional with more than R1 billion in value, and are de- Champion of the Year. lighted to continually increase the impact of their rewards to customers who bank with FNB. FNB has been ranked the Best Loyalty Pro- gramme in Financial Services for the last 3 years.

6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 24 June 2022 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE TECHNOLOGY PAVES THE WAY FOR ARTISTS TO PROMOTE THEIR OWN WORK END: Without enough commission musicians could end up in the streets By Isaac Moledi have failed to translate into significant material of cents every time someone streams their content.” what their fans want. “And if they take the right ap- Technology has fundamentally changed the real- gains.” . For their part, he says brands are all too aware proach, creators can leverage those advantages and ity of being a creator and is making life easier for that knowledge to build more secure incomes for artists. Who could have imagined that a multia- According to Koldits, the average musician in of this disconnect and use it to hold all the power themselves.” ward winning artist Casper Nyovest can fill up South Africa, for example, earns less than R10 000 in creator collaborations. “They know that, even The FNB Stadium, a first for any South African a month which he described as a small amount. The for creators with reasonably large public profiles, The past couple of years have taught us exactly artist without the support or help of other local degree to which creators’ incomes remain unstable they’re often the most significant source of in- how uncertain life can be. They also showed that or international act? How did he do it? was starkly brought home during the COVID-19 come.” creators can be hit by that uncertainty harder than pandemic, where Koldits argues that many lost most. Even with the world fully open again and According to Erki Koldits, co-founder and their livelihoods entirely. The ecosystem is also overly fragmented, events back in swing, it’s still worth giving them CEO of digital enabler of online communities’ meaning that creators are almost constantly direct- a little more certainty. Direct fan relationships are, app, PopSport, technology is changing the reality “In desperation, especially as it became clear ing fans to other platforms in order to consume undoubtedly, the best way to do that. behind South African artists’ agency and is giving that help from the government wasn’t forthcoming, their content. It is, in other words, a situation that artists the agency to remain authentic in their art many turned to their communities of fans for sup- suits no one other than the various platforms and “Fortunately, technology is changing that real- by cutting out middlemen and garnering the direct port. Many of the available avenues for doing so, their shareholders. ity. By allowing creators to interact with, and get support of their fans. however, proved inadequate. support directly from their fans, they also get a “Fortunately, Web3 is paving the way for crea- much better shot at retaining a sense of authentic- “By directly speaking to his fans about his “Fortunately, a new wave of technologies can tors to build mutually beneficial direct relationships ity.” goals using social media and other technologies, a help here too. Not by further lowering the barriers with their fans. This decentralised, blockchain-cen- multi-award winning artist Casper Nyovest made to entry for creators or providing another avenue tric vision for the future of the web could eliminate Koldits says the very fact that the concept of history when he filled up FNB Stadium, a first for for them to promote their output, but by making it many of the issues presented by the current online “selling out” exists should tell us that there’s some- any South African artist without the support of an simple for them to build direct, mutually beneficial, options available to creators. thing fundamentally wrong with the mechanisms international act,” says Koldits. relationships with their fans,” says Koldits. currently in place to support creators. “If creators “Perhaps most importantly, however, it pro- According to Koldits, the barriers to entry He laments however that part of the problem is vides avenues through which creators can build were able to live comfortably on their own have been dramatically lowered. Musicians, sing- that many of the platforms creators currently use to direct relationships with their fans. Imagine being terms and keep creating the art they want, then ers and rappers can, for example, produce studio share their product and promote themselves, simply able to buy your favourite Amapiano artist’s new there’s every chance that they would. quality songs in their bedrooms with free software aren’t built with creators in mind. “Even if that was single straight from a post teasing it and knowing and skills they’ve picked up online. There are also their original intent, most start to feel the pressures that almost all the money goes straight to them,” “But that becomes difficult to do when you’re dozens of platforms where artists can share and of revenue and end up serving investors and share- says Koldits. putting out multiple albums annually to try and promote their work. holders. maintain your streaming revenues while still gig- In a world where the economic realities of ging for most of the year and doing all the social “For all but a select few creators, those lower “It’s for that reason that social media algo- social media leave many fans feeling alienated, networking stuff necessary to promote yourself as barriers to entry and an abundance of platforms rithms show you more posts paid for by brands than Koldits says it’s a way to reimagine the fan-crea- an artist. For visual artists, the situation may be original content from your favourite artists. It’s also tor relationship in new and authentic ways. It also even worse. Without enough commissions, they By WSAM Reporter why musicians and singers end up getting fractions means that creators have a much clearer idea of could literally end up on the streets,” says Kodits. The digital transformation of procurement is well underway and any organisation that is TECHNOLOGICAL clinging to analog procurement in today’s digi- REVOLUTION DRIVES tal world, is in danger of extinction. This was GLOBAL BUSINESS VALUE one of the key messages from the experts who SHIFT: A radical cultural shift should be shared their insights with IT and procurement professionals who gathered online for the third promoted in the workplace annual IT Sourcing Summit recently hosted by Smart Procurement World. During the COVID-19 pandemic and other Data scientists are now integral members of Sourcing Summit. “There were great, enriching supply chain crises in recent years, MTN’s early the procurement team at MTN, ensuring that the engagements,” commented Margaret Ngari, Chief Held under the theme : “Digital Darwinism investment in digital transformation paid off, ac- right data shapes procurement decisions and strat- Manager of Supply Chain Management Strategy - Embracing the Technological Revolution”, the cording to Karl. Hetold IT Sourcing Summit at- egy. Karl’s other message for IT Sourcing Summit and Planning at the Kenya Revenue Authority. summit put the spotlight on the state-of-the-art tendees : “We were in a position to respond to delegates was that procurement professionals must procurement technologies, processes, tools and the disruptions with a different kind of expertise develop their technology skills and know-how. “In A well-received addition to the 2022 IT Sourc- expertise that are driving bottom-line value for than other operators. Our business resilience ex- our digital transformation journey, we have looked ing Summit was a series of vendor-led demonstra- businesses that have invested in the digitalisation ercises delivered business value. We can ensure at the skill sets of our people and we have had a tion sessions that offered procurement buyer del- of their procurement. early bookings in terms of capacity and that our radical cultural shift. We now have a huge empha- egates an important opportunity to learn about and 19 markets across Africa get supplies in time. If sis not only on the core expertise someone brings evaluate the latest innovations and market-leading In his riveting presentation, MTN’s Group there are logistics issues, including issues at ports into sourcing or brings into a supply chain but also solutions. They could also engage with vendors Executive and Chief Procurement Officer, Dirk and borders, we can reroute materials. We have the their digital capabilities and skills.” such as leading source-to-pay software provider Karl, discussed the top enabling technologies for entire supply chain function on our watch.” Oxalys and procurement analytics specialist Agi- procurement and revealed how these are being Attendees have commended the 2022 IT lus and Tradeshift. leveraged by the continental telecoms giant which has an annual procurement spend of 12 billion US dollars MTN’s Global Sourcing and Supply Chain (GSSC) division has developed and successfully implemented several digitalisation initiatives. These digital programmes are focused on combining a high-performance blend of automa- tion with intelligence as well as business analytics with machine learning.

Friday 24 June 2022 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR RECORD FOOD PRICE INCREASES TO HIT SOUTH AFRICAN CONSUMERS DELAY: Severe delays for importers and retailers at ports due to backlogs By Isaac Moledi This is costing companies thousands or even Pointing to the effect of these rising input costs, to double the volume of containers unpacked each South Africans should expect the prices of sta- millions of rands extra in transport and storage the Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity day at the port. fees, says Hume. group (PMBEJD) reported that the price of frozen ple foods such as meat and frozen chicken to sky- chicken prices rose 16% in the year to May 2022. According to him, the organisation was granted rocket and become unbearable for ordinary con- “Seen together with escalating fuel prices and a similar concession during the July riots in 2021 to sumers due to the ongoing congestion and backlogs delays at ports have meant a five-fold increase or “Households are already at the financial break- manage the added burden placed on the Gqeberha at South Africa’s ports. more in logistics expenses for the food industry, ing point and, unfortunately, low-income families port after two cold stores in Durban were burnt which is quickly hitting end-consumers’ pockets. are more often the real victims of supply chain down and a third damaged. This is the stern warning from the global leader disruptions and blockages. In difficult times for the in the importation and distribution of frozen foods, “Then consider surges in meat prices resulting country, government and businesses urgently need “This concession immediately meant that Frederick Hume, Managing Director of Hume In- from higher feed costs and the price of staple foods to come together to find creative solutions for keep- we could double the volume of products moving ternational. such as chicken will soon become unbearable, es- ing prices in check to manage a growing hunger through the port and we even hired additional staff pecially for poorer households.” crisis,” according to Hume. to help manage the workload which was another He says the ongoing congestion and backlogs benefit for the surrounding area. But although it at South Africa’s ports are further fuelling meteoric The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the His company’s call on government to imple- was a perfect solution, government declined to ex- food prices, driving increases of up to 500% in United Nations’ Cereal Price Index rose 29.7% in ment a State of Emergency concession at Gqeberha tend the concession once it lapsed and refused our transport and logistics costs for importers, retailers the year to May 2022, emphasising the dramatic to help alleviate the congestion at its port facilities, request to make the concession permanent,” says and ultimately consumers. rise in grain and animal feed costs seen over the which remains an ongoing issue, have been met Hume. past few months. with silence. Damage to vital infrastructure and cold-store “A concession would be an easy win for help- facilities in Durban caused by the April floods, in- Further adding to cost pressures for meat This concession would have enabled the ing to keep prices in check for businesses and con- cluding the loss of key arterial roads and rail lines, producers and consumers, Hume says fuel is cur- company to pay for a secondary state veterinary sumers and also enable us to expand our operations combined with capacity constraints at other ports rently 39.5% more expensive than just 14 months inspector or assignee to be appointed to its facili- and create more job opportunities in the region. such as Gqeberha, has led to severe delays for im- ago, with inland 95-octane petrol increasing from ties to perform the necessary quality checks on all But more than a month later, we’ve yet to hear any porters and retailers. R17.32 per litre in April 2021 to a record-breaking imported food items, which in turn would allow it feedback.’’ R24.17 in June 2022. By WSAM Business Reporter LONG-TERM to no direct bearing on real estate portfolios. “That The conflict in Ukraine has impacted all indus- INVESTMENTS said, implications of the conflict are indirect and tries and in turn, global trade and investment. APT ANSWER TO based on broader macroeconomic impacts such as Major problems such as the Russian capture MARKET VOLATILITY interest rate hikes. As these tend to fluctuate, again of the Zaporizhia nuclear power station have investors will need to maintain a long-term view.” had ripple effects on the world’s stock markets, SELL: Investors tend to buy and sell at low with the US FTSE 100 dropping by over 250 He says assets like property are also a hedge points in a single day – the biggest dip since prices during turbulent times against inflation – another side effect of the war. March 2020. This is because over time, property values tend to a flight towards safety by diverting capital into These assets are expected to retain or increase remain on a steady, upward trajectory and rent/in- The turmoil has also seen the Dow Jones assets like property and gold which are safe and in value during times of market turbulence. Picken come or yields are often pegged to inflation. falling by 11% in the year to date, the S&P500 predictable. says the current crisis, for instance, has very little by 13.4% and the Nasdaq by 19%. With no end “Moreover, a predictable income has been in sight to the war, founder and CEO of Wealth proven to be one of the best strategies for rid- Migrate, Scott Picken believes that it is easy to ing out uncertainty. Investors should opt for as- see why investors are concerned especially with sets that can help them earn this - another reason the impact the conflict has on inflation which why property is a preferred asset. His belief is that has led to America experiencing a 40-year infla- regardless of the state of the market, people will tion high in May 2022, causing further volatil- always need places to live, buildings where they ity in the stock market. “It is vital that investors can receive medical treatment or logistic centres don’t get distracted by the noise when it comes to to service e-commerce. mitigating the impact of volatility. Markets will Diversify. always be affected by current affairs, with recent events including South African prime interest Diversification is crucial for building a portfo- rates climbing above 25% in the late-1990s, the lio that is resilient in unexpected conditions and so dot com boom and bust, the global financial crisis, investors should diversify their investments across Brexit and now, the Ukraine war.” countries, currencies, and assets, says Picken. According to Picken , in turbulent times, there Quoting US billionaire and investor, Ray are three strategies investors must adopt: Dalio, he says investors should have 15 quality Look to the long-term. investments that are not tied together, and as long as they do that, they will reduce their risk by 80%. “What disruptive events of the past reveal is that markets move in cycles and so too do in- Plus, argues Picken, they will increase their dustries, assets, countries and cities. In times like risk return ratio by a factor of five. What this these, investors tend to struggle with analysis pa- means is a very resilient investment strategy. ralysis or take money out of the market, buying high and selling low.” “Technology is enabling people to diversify their portfolios more easily. Previously, investors According to Picken, investors must consider were stuck investing in one country, in one cur- long-term cycles and trends when making deci- rency and one asset. Now, with $100, ordinary sions. “What might happen in the next month, the South Africans can invest in 10 different deals, in next three months or even the next year, is irrel- 10 different assets, in 10 different countries and in evant. Rather, think about the long term - the next many different currencies.” five, 10, 20 or even 30-year cycles – to maximise that investment.” Although uncertainty represents an enormous Opt for safe haven investments. opportunity for investors, Picken believes that investing in diversified, sustainable assets for Picken says when faced with uncertainty in the long term cannot only help them weather any global world economies, savvy investors make storm regardless of whether there’s another war, global financial crisis, rising inflation cycle or crypto boom and bust, but also profit once calmer waters return.

8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 24 June 2022 Comment BUSINESS UNUSUAL FOR WILL DA TURN JOBURG INTO SA SOCCER TRUE WORLD-CLASS CITY? South African Football Association president By Andile Ntingi LESSON: Municipality Andile Ntingi Danny Jordaan comfortably retained his seat A quick drive through Johannesburg’s inner needs to tighten by- opments for commercial and business use, student with a landslide majority during elections last city central business district (CBD) on a busy law enforcement and accommodation, and low-cost housing units. week. But, the message from the majority of day provides a window to a vibrant economy to gentrify to attract the football fraternity is succinctly clear: that dominated by small traders, street hawkers, res- investment, boost Mashaba, who is currently ActionSA leader and the administration of soccer in this country is taurants, pubs, night clubs, liquor stores, and a employment and was a Johannesburg mayor under DA’s ticket, want- in a mess and needs immediate redressing. whole host of other small businesses. incomes… ed property developers to provide affordable hous- ing with monthly rentals ranging between R800 and After being at the helm of soccer’s highest While there is something wonderful about the tion – with minimal success – to confiscate illegal R1,000. During his three-year stint as a mayor from body in the country for many years, Jordaan city’s flourishing economy, there is also something and counterfeit goods from traders and street ven- 2016 to 2019, Mashaba claims he released more disappointingly has done very little to devel- troubling about what is happening there. dors. than 150 hijacked buildings worth R32 billion for op South Africa’s biggest sporting code to a redevelopment. world-class level. The city is a paradox of application of skilful However, the traders and vendors, mainly im- entrepreneurship, but simultaneously a contraven- migrants, did not take kindly to their trade being According to an article by GroundUp, pub- He has been SAFA president for a long tion or lack of enforcement of municipal by-laws, interfered with. They responded by pelting police lished in Citizen website on 5 November 2021, the nine years that have seen local football hurtle contributing to the CBD’s slide into squalor and ur- armoured vehicles with bottles, stones, and petrol hijacked buildings are dilapidated, and many have from one disaster to another. ban decay in the end. bombs, forcing the police to withdraw to avoid no electricity or have illegal electrical connections bloodshed. and no proper water and sanitation provision. Resi- Then, then at a time when all and sundry The urban decay has been worsened over the dents in these buildings are charged monthly rentals felt a change was imminent with fresh minds last two decades by the migration of large, blue- The operation was undertaken following com- of R250 by hijackers and slumlords. being bandied around to rejuvenate the popu- chip companies from the CBD to Sandton, Rose- plaints about a spike in the sale and distribution of lar sport, Jordaan – alas – stood for election. bank, Fourways, Randburg, Waterfall, and many illegal goods in the CBD – something that has im- There is no doubt that the inner city requires And, thanks to the politics of patronage, he other modernised CBDs. pacted negatively on companies whose brands were gentrification, but one which does not lead to the won in a move which will keep him in the being counterfeited and sold in an open market to displacement of low-income residents through mas- position until 2026. In some parts of the Johannesburg inner city, unsuspecting customers. sive hikes of rents by property developers. the failure to enforce by-laws has created some History has taught us that very few people form of laissez-faire, free market economy that is Yet, the victims of this illegal trade face unfair A study done in 2019 by Quentin Brum- make good leaders if they cling too long to unhindered by government intervention. Yet, there competition from competitors that have not invest- met of University of Chicago and Davin Reed of their posts after their stipulated period of rul- is no evidence of government policing businesses, ed in intellectual property rights and marketing of Philadephia Federal Reserve Bank found that gen- ing. Jordaan has stressed that he was on the restricting trade and collecting taxes. the legitimate brands. trification has long-term benefits for low-income verge of quitting when he was persuaded by neighbourhoods and caused little displacement. the majority of SAFA members to stand for The city is a melting pot of stiff economic com- Not only has this illegal trade resulted in loss of election. At 70, he is now faced with the most petition between formal and informal businesses revenue and employment, but has also led to loss of The study, which focused on 100 largest US difficult four years ahead of him. The clear providing similar products or services, closely potential tax revenue. metro areas, also found that low-income neighbour- message was that he may have won, but the packed together, vying for customers. hoods that didn’t gentrify between 2000 and 2012 majority of the football-loving fans have long Despite the challenges faced by the CBD, in- lost 8% of its residents and that average incomes lost confidence in him. If laissez-faire proponents and economists cluding the prevailing culture of impunity, crum- declined by 21% in those neighbourhoods. The Adam Smith and David Ricardo were still alive bling infrastructure, overcrowding and hijacked lesson for Johannesburg is that it needs to tighten A large number of local soccer legends today, they would be very impressed to see their buildings, the Johannesburg inner-city is still home enforcement of bylaws and to gentrify to attract in- have called for transparency and major brand of economics in action in the CBD, the city to some of the best prime commercial and residen- vestment, boost employment and incomes. changes in the way football was being run in once roamed by the Randlords, who built its econo- tial real estate in South Africa. this country. my after the discovery of gold in 1886 in the city’s . outskirts. But there have been attempts before to rejuve- • Ntingi is founder of GetBiz One of SAFA’s objectives is to provide an nate or gentrify the inner city by attracting investors open forum to tackle issues and challenges It remains to be seen if the DA-led coalition mu- and property developers in places like Braamfon- facing football loving communities in the nicipal government, which now controls Johannes- tein, Newtown, and Maboneng Precinct. Yet, a lot country. It is to open pathways through the burg under the mayorship of Mpho Phalatse, will more still needs to done to turn the CBD around. development of strategic partnerships. have the will and wherewithal to impose by-laws in the city, surrounding suburbs and townships. In 2018, former Johannesburg mayor Herman After his re-election last week, Jordaan Mashaba came up with a plan to release 500 hi- must ask himself if SAFA has lived up to its In streets, traders and street vendors block jacked or abandoned inner city buildings to property mission statement. Very little has been done sidewalks, pavements, and litter on the pavements, investors and financiers. The plan revolved around to improve the quality of the game especially making a mockery of the much-vaunted notion that consolidating the buildings into mixed-use devel- in the rural areas. In some townships, soccer Johannesburg is a world-class African city. stadia have turned into white elephants. Nkuli Mbundu, Johannesburg’s Mayoral Com- Jordaan must hit the ground running and, mittee Member for Economic Development, has if need be, engage with soccer legends for ad- promised to bring R30 billion worth of investment vice in an effort to instill confidence in the into the CBD and to formalise informal trading soccer fraternity. He also needs to discuss the through allocation of permit to small traders. If he sensitive issue of the country’s national coach succeeds in his mission, the move will drastically following the constant failure of foreign enhance the fortunes of the inner city. coaches, many of whom did very little to im- prove our standard of play. All this is happen- The last time government attempted to move in ing while we have our own capable coaches on the trade in the city centre, violence broke out. who are successful at their local teams. In August 2019, the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Johannesburg Metro Police Depart- South Africa has waited too long a time ment (JMPD) conducted a law enforcement opera- for change in the administration of football. Jordaan must accept this challenge by extend- ing the olive branch to those of sage in the business of running football to take our soc- cer to the next level. Failure to do so will only serve to keep our football in the abyss. v 060 936 2673 [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: PostNet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... Weekly SA Mirror subscribes to the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South Af- rican Print and Online Media. As a sub- scriber publication and member of the Press Council of SA, the publication is thus subject to the Press Code and to the jurisdiction of the PCSA’s complaints pro- cedures.

Friday 24 June 2022 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR By Ali Mphaki umnist, the murder was brutal to the extreme: Flags have been flying at half-mast in the Demo- “..Lumumba was ousted, condemned and hand- cratic Republic of Congo this week in mourning and for the third reburial of Patrice Lumumba, ed over to his bloodthirsty enemies in the seces- the country’s first democratically elected presi- sionist region of Katanga, which was led by Moise dent. Tshombe. Incongruously, there was no body to inter. Only ‘On their flight to the mineral-rich province the his gold-platted tooth - encased in a wooden casket nationalists were beaten like pinatas. to give some semblance of dignity to the somber and ghoulish shebang. “When they arrived, the betings did not stop. “In the evening they were driven to the killing His gold crowned tooth harvested from his de- field, where 35-yer-old Belgian inspector Frans Ver- composing corpse and kept in Belgium as a maca- scheure pushed each of the three individuals in front bre memento by some general, flown back from the of the burial hole. Another low-ranking Belgian of- colonial country last week. ficer Captain Julien Gat, gave the order to the firing squad while Tshombe and his posse of political of- Lumumba’s remains were taken around the ficers amusingly looked on. country throughout the week before his burial on At 9.43pm on that fateful January 17 evening Thursday June 30, incidentally a day that marks the Lumumba was dead and his bullet riddled body bur- DRC’s 62 years of independence from Belgium. ied in a shallow grave. The following morning the villagers who heard gunshots he previous evening Ironically, the restitution of the relic happens in stumbled upon the graves. the same week as the African Union, AU, deployed Fearing the scene would become a ”shrine a 600-strong peacekeeping force in that mineral- where ghouls might procure sacred relics and me- rich but troubled country. It also follows after Bel- mentos”, the assassins decided to obliterate the gium’s King Phillipe earlier this month expressed memory of the nationalists. his “deep regrets” for his nation’s abuses in its Afri- Enter Gerard Soete, another Belgian offic- can former colony. er, who exhumed the corpses the following day, wrapped them in a canvass sheet and transported Following a private ceremony in the presence them near the border with Zambia, where he buried of relatives of Lumumba during which the federal them. prosecutor handed over a case containing the tooth, Soete later returned, unearthed the cadavers Belgium’s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo told and after hacking off their arms, legs and heads Congolese offificals and Lumumba’s family that the using a hacksaw, dissolved the decomposing parts restitution came way too late. in sulphuric acid, but not before he kept the gold- platted tooth as a keepsake.” This even though two years ago the prosecutor’s While Belgium may have returned his gold- office said there is no absolute certainty that the platted tooth and somewhat apologized to the peo- tooth being retuned is Lumumba’s since no DNA test could be conducted. PATRICE LUMUMBA: The first democratically elected president of the DRC killed on January 17, 1961 THE SHAMEFUL ASSASINATION OF PATRICE LUMUMBA PAN-AFRICANIST: Only his gold-platted tooth returns from Belgium encased in a wooden casket to give some semblance of dignity to the somber shebang but there is a grave silence over reparations TORTURED: Patrice Lumumba and one of his ministers after they were captured by Mobuto Sese Seko forces PUPPET; Mobuto Sese Seko ruled over the DRC for more than three decades ”It is not normal that Belgium held onto the re- ple of the Congo, contemporary research also points mains of one of the founding fathers of the Congo- out USA and UK complicity in the elimination of lese nation for six decades,’ said De Croo, who also Lumumba. offered apologies for the role played by his country in the assassination, as quoted in the Washington It is also cause for concern that Belgium’s King Post. But it was Lumumba’s daughter, Juliana, who Phillipe is mum about reparations. More tellingly, while agreeing with De Croo that the return was in her latest book “White Malice; The CIA and the long overdue, gave a heart wrenching response. Neocolonisation of Africa” (Hurst Publishers 2021) Susan Williams posits that the U.S supporting the “Father, our hearts bled for 61 years,” speaking removal of Belgium control in the Congo was not next to a coffin with a picture of her late father on the same thing as supporting genuine independence. top of it. The book further notes that Congo was at the “We your children, your grandchildren and centre of U.S neocolonialisation strategy, in which your great grandchildren – but also Congo, Africa it wasn’t necessary to maintain an explicitly colo- and the word – we mourned your death without an nial regime to reap the benefits of being a colonial eulogy,” she said. power. Elected in May 1960, Lumumba was over- The country’s mineral wealth made it important thrown less than six months later by a coup led by to control, especially as the source if the richest ura- Mobuto Sese Seko. He was captured by Mobuto’s nium in the world. History will also record that the forces in a house in which he was sheltering in two bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Stanleyville after Mobuto’s coup in December and 1945 were developed using uranium from Congo- murdered in January 1961, along with two of his lese mines. ministers, Maurice Mpolo and Joseph Okito. “The Congo is the most vital region of Af- It is in the manner in which they were killed – rica strategically, geographically and politically,” goriest ever imaginable – that brings a sickening Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first democratically dread. elected president himself also assassinated at the behest of the CIA would later write. Like pushing a stiletto into a nation’s heart. At the time there were many versions, the first official And with Lumumba’s golden platted tooth fi- line was that they had been murdered by irate vil- nally at rest in the land of his forefathers, the lyrics lagers after they had escaped from custody. But as of Bob Marley’s Redemption Song ring true. succinctly explained by a Zimbabwean Herald col- “How long must they kill our Prophets….”

10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR ENTERTAINMENT Friday 24 June 2022 By Gugu Sibiya INTROSPECTION: Jerry Mofokeng is a master at juggling a number of balls and by the dad. I looked in the rear-view mirror about my jour- One of the country’s iconic actors Jerry Mo- looks of it, succeeding at it. ney, then in the windshield at what kind of man am fokeng wa Makhetha is playing a role that has I raising my son to be. How am I modelling, men- touched the father in him, in the film The Deal, SEASONED toring, everything manhood, things that I do, say igniting the protective flame for all those vulner- ACTOR MEETS and preach,” he says talking about what inspired I able daughters who have never enjoyed the se- am a Man. curity of having a protective father. HIMSELF IN ‘THE DEAL’ “Can you imagine finding out who your dad is “I wrote the book ‘I am a Man,’ where I talk at the ripe age of 58-years? How many of us are about identity and manhood. So, when this gripping POIGNANT: There are many wounded tigers walking around with birth certificates that are tell- script landed in my hands, I was sold. The Deal is out there and they are spreading their hurt, says ing lies?” he asks painfully. “I knew, I didn’t know, about this little girl who has issues with her dad the veteran actor… but I knew I wasn’t who I was told I was. I’d al- and a possibility of being abused by rich boys. It ready gone on a wild goose chase with no clue, di- touched a raw nerve in me and I just thought Lord, CONFLICT: Jerry rection, nothing. really! Mofokeng wa Makhetha “And then out of the blue, I meet a lady at “When you play a role, you have to find it in Woolworths in Bloemfontein. She said by the way yourself, asking what is the synergy or the common solute waste of time, this trying. We take a young and correcting young men. All of us should put our my brother, we share a father! At first, I was re- thread and what is it that you have to mine and dig man to a strip club to prepare him for manhood,” heads together in doing that, so that young men lieved, and then sat in pain for the next six months, for this part. Because of the book, it wasn’t too dif- he says, outraged. can learn to live with a no, for an answer when it’s crying a lot,” he states, as if still wrestling with the ficult. The man, the father in me, just kicked in,” right. It takes a village to raise a child. A village after-shocks from his life-changing experience. he recalls. “A brother once asked who raises a boy. All of that’s absent now.” us! What’s problematic to me is single moms hating “Of course, I was punished, accused of insulting “I work in this rich, rich place. I dish access bastards who impregnated and abandoned them. The actor’s own life story has powerful life- my mother and embarrassing the Mofokeng family. cards for people to come into this environment. I Now they teach boys to hate the run-away dads. defining twist in the late stages of his personal jour- They forgot that I wasn’t consulted or involved in know the people they are going to. So, when this When you hate men, you hate yourself. Young men ney. At the ripe age of 58-years, he found out who my conception. How could it be my fault?” he pro- little girl says, I’m going to Unit 6, I just think, no are taught hatred and disrespect. his father was. tests, echoing an inner turmoil, bewilderment, akin you can’t be going there. I don’t need to guess, I to the sentiment of most children who’ve been in a know what’s going to happen to you. (But) I don’t “There’s a challenge about raising, mentoring “That’s what started my identity and that of my similar situation. have the authority to stop it as a worker,” says Mo- fokeng, admitting to the conflict that raged between “Listen, the situation in the film with this lit- a pained father and an employee within him. tle girl in her teens, finding herself in a situation where she’s a potential casualty, disturbs me. The “That was the journey in acting that role that absence of fathering girls is a serious issue. A girl touched a nerve, even though I still had to act. It’s who’s fathered, knows protection, love, direction, that role where that Director almost says “don’t act, correction and it’s built from the inside. just be.” He says with emotion, adding that it’s a role that walks with you long after the cameras “Those qualities minimise her being made a have stopped rolling. casualty. There I am at the access door, and there she is because of the absence of protection and di- Confessing to not having seen the movie yet, he rection from a father. Just that scene with the two concedes to seeing the trailer. “It still touches me, of us, tsho! I hope you understand!” he exclaims, that moment just watching the trailer. I go to other lost for words. places, I check into hotels and what I see reflects that film. So, it’s not just a job but a reflection of “I pray and hope that The Deal touches con- life. Working with young people is great. sciences of a few powerful men because they’re the ones who are never advised or called to order. I “They bring in new, fresh energy. They bring hope that just before they get their claws into these their way of telling stories with the lenses, editing virgins, innocent girls, they think what if it was machines and sounds almost like a hip-hop, but still their child or niece. I pray that some young girls touching and keeping their finger on the raw nerve. make the difficult choice of going hungry rather I look at the trailer and feel proud of these young than do that. For me, it’s not just entertainment. I people. Proud of helping to bringing this beautiful pray The Deal becomes a mirror to our society.” story to life,” he says, patting Paul Modjadji on the back for a great job. On where he is with prostate cancer, he says, “My results have been extraordinary. I’ve always “Fortunately, because of the book, I have a said most of the medication is in the head not the platform to speak to men across the age spectrum, blood. I didn’t fall victim and I refuse to be afraid. address the question of restoring positive mascu- You hear cancer and wonder when you’re dying. linity. I get an opportunity to talk tough to young men about manning up. I talk about healing the “I’ll die at the right time not because of cancer. wounded tigers. Not everybody does that because Men are either scared of death or the inability to of motive, people are spreading their hurt to others perform in the bedroom because that hits their ego in a big way. and pride. That’s sad because that’s what kills us inside, not the virus, but things in our head that de- “From now on, nobody must talk nyamezela stroys us,” he says, with an infectious zest for life. emshadweni (persevere in marriage). Because we get a young girl into the bedroom for an hour to try A zest that galvanises his sense of purpose, and turn her into a woman, wife and mother. Ab- which has always driven him to be the man he has committed to be, not only to his son, but to other kids too, to fill the void in “the empty village”.

Friday 24 June 2022 ENTERTAINMENT 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR BASSETT’S TWINS SHOW APPLE DOES NOT FALL FAR FROM TREE EVERGREEN: Angela Bassett Is record- FAMILY AFFAIR: Angela breaking Actress — and she has a set of Bassett, hubby Court- twins that are following in her entertainment ney B. Vance and their footsteps… twins. Bronwyn and Slater Last year, Angela Bassett became the highest- age working actor is receiving, it’s nowhere near former and a producer. Rather, she’s also a wife and es, according Afrotech Editors. paid woman of colour on broadcast television as much as Angela Bassett deserves — given her a mother: married for more than 25 years to fellow In an interview with People, Angela Bassett when she renegotiated her salary for the hit Fox history, her pedigree, and her talent. veteran actor Courtney B. Vance. What’s more, per series, “9-1-1.” Celebrity Net Worth, Angela Bassett has an esti- explained how she “drilled” musical prowess into “Higher per-episode paydays were received by mated R410 million net worth to match. And, to- her twin children. And she explained that both her Vanity Fair reported that the veteran actress Sofia Vergara, who earned a reported R8,2 million gether, Vance and Bassett share a set of twins daughter and her son enjoy their music lessons. now receives R7,3 million per episode — and this an episode of ‘Modern Family’ by the end of that salary encompasses both her acting and her execu- show’s run, and Kaley Cuoco, who reportedly re- Let’s take a look at how Angela Bassett and Slater Vance is following his parents into the tive producing of both the flagship show and its ceived R14,8 million per episode of ‘The Big Bang Courtney B. Vance’s children are making their own entertainment industry, but he’s choosing to go into spin-off, “9-1-1: Lone Star.” Theory’ during her sitcom’s final seasons,” report- way in the entertainment industry. the music end of the business. He’s released some ed the outlet. music, which you can check out in the Instagram Afrotech editors reports that, and while, cer- The net worth listed in this piece is a specula- post above … and it looks like he has a bright fu- tainly, $450,000 per episode is more than the aver- That said, the veteran actress isn’t just a per- tive estimate drawn from a variety of online sourc- ture ahead of him!. – Afrotech Editors BACK: Gru and the Minions trail blazing through town By Gugu Sibiya TONS-OF-FUN Film: MINIONS: The Rise of Grue MINIONS ARE BACK! Genre: Action-Comedy. Cast: Steve Carell. Taraji P. Henson, Mi- SEQUEL: The perfect movie to take the little people to see, hop along if chelle Yeoh, RZA. Jean-Claude Van an adult hankering for popcorn-fun in a kiddies’ fantasy world... Damme, Lucy Lawless, Dolph Lundgren, being the biggest fan they have, auditions for the you repentant. Dolph Lundgren plays Svenge- citement. There is also the introduction of a new Danny open slot. It goes bad and things take a turn for the ance, a Swedish roller skater with the deadliest Minion named Otto. A braces-wearing barrel of Trejo, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, worse. That’s after Gru decides to steal a precious spin kicks this side of the equator. Danny Trejo is laughter, whose eagerness to prove himself gets Alan Arkin. stone pendant from them, with the help of the Stronghold, a man with giant iron hands that are him in all sorts of trouble. Director: Kyle Balda. Minions. Now on the run, and with the Vicious 6 as dangerous as two wrecking balls. Other charac- Co-Directors: Brad Ableson, Jonathan del Val hot on their heels, Gru and the Minions will have ters such as Gru’s mother (Julie Andrews) and Dr The Director Kyle Balda who is known for Producers: Chris Meledandri, Janet Healy, to turn to an unlikely source for help. Nefario (Russel Brand) also make appearances as having directed two instalments in the franchise Chris Renaud their younger selves. (Despicable me 3 and Minions), has taken the Release Date: July 1 Starring as the Vicious 6, is Taraji P. Henson reigns again in this sequel. Back in the 70s suburb, a 12-year-old Gru (Ste- as Belle Bottom is the cool and confident leader of Much like its predecessors, this instalment ve Carell) is already plotting to take over the the 6. Jean-Claude Van Damme as Jean Clawed, features the franchise’s iconic subversive humour All in all, this is a great escapist-fun movie for world from his mother’s basement. His plans boasts a robotic claw. Lucy Lawless is Nunchuck, mixed in with over-the-top action sequences that the school holidays. The perfect film to take the aren’t going well at all, that’s until his fateful a nun whose expert use of Nunchuck will leave will have you rolling over with laughter and ex- little ones to see. You can either go by yourself or meeting with the Minions, then his plans begin with your significant other. to take shape. With the Minion’s help, Gru builds his first lair, plots out his first mission by designing dif- ferent weapons. When a supervillain group known as the Vi- cious 6 drive out their leader and legendary fighter Wild Knuckles (Alan Arkin), things heat up. Gru

12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 24 June 2022 DIESELGATE STALL MOTORING:Briefs HYUNDAI AND KIA CARS LIKELY WON’T GET ANY NO PANIC: Hyundai and Kia CHEAPER SOON buyers in SA not affected, says company The automotive industry is in a tight squeeze right now, wedged within the transition from internal- FACTORIES combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to battery-elec- RAIDED: Claims that tric vehicles (BEVs) amid a global pandemic, a Korean manufacturer war in Europe, and supply constraints and rising sold cars fitted with material costs. illegal defeat devices Several BEV automakers including Tesla, Hummer, Lucid, and Rivian have raised their prices in recent weeks, and other automakers have delayed orders, limited buyer options, and in some cases, shipped vehicles without supply-lim- ited components, with a promise to fulfill missing parts when supplies are available. That’s the outlook through 2024, according to a report from industry analyst AlixPartners. In particular, the report says semiconductor shortag- es will likely force automakers to continue to hold back on production levels, meaning the number of cars on sale will probably remain limited for a few more years. This gives automakers more pricing power if demand for new cars remains high, so cars likely won’t get any cheaper anytime soon.-MOTOTREND “AN SUV WITH A BED” – BABY TOYOTA HILUX REVEALED Toyota’s baby HiLux would be less a traditional workhorse and more an “SUV with a bed”, as the brand plots a way to jump in on the sales suc- cess of the Ford Maverick and the Hyundai Santa Cruz in the USA. That’s the word from Toyota in America, where the brand’s Vice President of automotive operations, Jack Hollis, told US pub- lication Automotive News that “there is space” in its line-up for a model that would sit below the Tundra and Tacoma or HiLux. Eriksen went on to detail just what a baby HiLux would offer, suggesting it would take on more of an “SUV with a bed” philosophy, with plenty of cabin space for passengers. We probably need something a little more spacious on the in- side, more of an SUV-with-a-bed concept, so it’s really dialling it in,” he said. By Ali Mphaki PAJERO MINI TO TAKE ON SUZUKI JIMNY First, it was Volkswagen. Now we hear Hyundai FUTURISTIC: Hyundai contin- violations of the Clean Air Act. could be facing a similar scandal, over claims they ues to churn out one amazing After the Dieselgate scandal of 2015, more scruti- Mitsubishi’s reported Pajero Mini would be built allowed more than 210,000 diesel vehicles fitted product after another in partnership with Nissan and could be revealed with illegal defeat devices to be sold. Just last month, the Volkswagen Group agreed to ny was placed on car manufacturers. The Transport & as early as next year ahead of a 2024 launch date, pay out £193 million to more than 90,000 UK motor- Environment agency found in 2016 that Hyundai was according to new reports out of Japan. Consumer bodies believe that Hyundai and Kia ists over the Dieselgate scandal. The group reached an one of the worst performers for high emission levels, deliberately misled its customers as to the real levels out-of-court settlement following a seven-year battle. with many of their vehicles emitting around 6 times Japanese scoop șite Best Car Web is report- of emissions their vehicles produce. But already in the UK websites are cropping up more than permitted European NOx limits. ing that rumours are building in Japan that Mit- asking customers if they interested in the Hyundai subishi could revive the Pajero Mini nameplate in As such, without the operation of a defeat device, diesel “fraud” claim, imploring motorists who have The dangerous pollutant NOx has been linked to answer to the booming popularity of the Suzuki the vehicles would not pass the necessary regulatory ever owned or leased a diesel Hyundai or Kia vehicle multiple diseases, including childhood asthma, can- Jimny around the world. The reports also suggest tests As a result of these vehicles being on the road, that was first registered between 2009 and 2020, “you cer, poor foetal development, and depression. Reports electrification will be included in the powertrain adults and children may have suffered respiratory may be able to claim compensation”. suggest that air pollution, which is primarily caused options, hinting that an EV-only offering could be problems from breathing in the high volumes of toxi- Issues began in 2014 for Hyundai when they were by NOx, is estimated to cause 40,000 premature on the cards. More likely, though, is the option cants found in polluted air. fined $100million, jointly with their sister brand Kia, deaths in the UK each year. of petrol and petrol-hybrid solutions, along with by the United States Environmental Protection for Mitsubishi’s S-AWC 4WD system. Business premises at eight Hyundai properties in EMISSIONS: Dangerous pollutant NOx Germany and Luxembourg were this week searched has been linked to multiple diseases TOYOTA POWERS THE as part of the operation coordinated by the European SPRINGBOKS Union agency Eurojust, Reuters reports. A spokesman for Hyundai, which owns Kia, confirmed the raids and SA Rugby and Toyota South Africa Motors said the company was working with the authorities. (TSAM) announced a new three-year sponsorship agreement on Thursday, with the famous brand It added: “Hyundai is fully cooperating with the joining the partner family as the Springboks’ new Public Prosecutor and will not make any further com- vehicle sponsor. ments on this matter at this time.” “For many, many years Toyota has been one Whilst this may be so, Hyundai customers in of the most trusted motoring brands in South Af- South Africa are apparently not supposed to panic, ac- rica, and to have them on board as one of our new cording to spokesperson Deon Sonnekus. sponsors is a great moment,” said Jurie Roux, CEO of SA Rugby. “We are living in particularly “The South African consumer is not affected by challenging times, but it speaks volumes of the these developments at all. We source all our imported value of the Springbok brand that we are still able vehicles from Czechoslovakia and not Germany,” he to welcome new partners, and it gives me great told Weekly SA Mirror on Friday. pleasure to welcome an iconic brand such as Toy- ota to the family.” Asked about likely reputational and brand dam- age, Sonnekus said it was too early to say since inves- TSAM has become as much a part of South tigations were on-going and that he could only speak African culture as the vibrant South Africans for the South African market. that drive the Toyotas, since their arrival in the country in 1961. With rugby remaining amongst Claims are that Hyundai engineers apparently the top 10 interests of SA consumers throughout used this engine software which became infamous the years, there were no surprises when in 2010 following the Volkswagen Dieselgate scandal in 2015. TSAM changed from avid watcher to proud back- er of the local game and picked a favourite team. This software can detect when the car is being tested and then change engine performance to im- prove results. The software in this instance is thought to have come from suppliers Bosch and the former Delphi Technologies, according to a statement from the Frankfurt state prosecutor’s office.

Friday 24 June 2022 FOOD AND WINE 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR GIFTED CHEF PHUMI READY TO RAISE HIS CULINARY GAME GASTRONOMY: Weekly SA Mirror is excited to introduce the talented young cook as a regular feature, focusing on food and other related matters… SELF-DRIVEN: Chef Phumi Ngondo By Len Maseko they have to join this profession. Indeed, it is in the United States as an intern at the Reun- What are your future plans? Meet budding, qualified chef Elkanah Phume- not for the faint-hearted. It’s easy to become a ion Resort & Golf Club. I participated in mul- My future plans is to network more and travel lele “Phumi” Ngondo, who has a whole lot of chef, whether one really has what it takes to be tiple departments, from banquet kitchen to the more. I still need to learn different styles of promising future ahead of him. Hailing from the a very good cook, is another question? fine dining restaurants in that resort. Working cooking in and out of South Africa. I do not south Johannesburg suburb of Gillview, Ngondo It’s a really amazing career because you get to internationally has helped me to think out of want to be limited to South African cuisine obtained his chef’s diploma from Johannesburg network with a lot of people all over the world the box, you actually realize that you are not only. Instead, I would love to travel more and Culinary & Pastry School and also furthered his and meet equally amazing people. Culinary limited to anything in this world, with the right gain more experience internationally. Once set- culinary training in the United States. Arts is very diverse. I am truly grateful to be mindset and the right surroundings you are able tled down in future, I can open up my own culi- mentored by Chef Siya Kobo as he really does to move very far in life. nary school and teach the ones who are willing But he says it was his grandmother who ignited some amazing work with his modern African What did you learn about how Americans ap- to learn to become independent chefs and open his passion for cooking, and who has always en- cuisines. proach there cooking? doors and opportunities and create jobs, espe- couraged him to be a chef. The twenty-five-year- What would you describe as your signature dish? Americans are very consistent especially when cially during these times of covid 19. old chef currently works at K&K Bakery and Res- It is quite simple. I didn’t want to complicate it comes to their food. They respect their cul- taurant in Orlando West, Soweto. anything. It makes it easier for me as well to ture and American culture is very interesting, What things should one consider when cooking Who mentored you in your earlier journey to be- somebody else who’s willing to learn. My sig- I must say. Their style of cooking is totally with wine? ing a chef? nature dish is that of a Cape Salmon fillet with different from ours, here in South Africa. The sautéed vegetables, rocket and a creamy lemon only blight against American food is that most Do not cook with wine that you do not drink. I was mentored by a chef named chef Siya butter sauce. However, I use a certain decon- Americans eat a lot of processed food, which When you cook red meats, rather use red wine. Kobo. He is one of the people who have guided structed plating technique that brings out the is why the obesity-rate is high. However, there And, when you cook fish or chicken, white me in my chef’s journey. Before then, I found first letter of my name on the plate. Whoever are very wonderful restaurants in and around wine is your go-to ingredient. Even when you myself studying for something that I didn’t en- has tasted this dish will know this is my work. Orlando, Florida. don’t drink, taste your wine to see if it blends or joy which had a very negative impact on me What led me to create this kind of dish is my What dish did you enjoy cooking in the USA? will likely compliment your food or not. and my self-esteem. love for seafood. One thing I noticed was that they are big on What things does a chef to ensure that a dish is Siya introduced me to the culinary world, Where in the USA did you train, and who did you their steaks and fish. There actually were two compatible with the wine already selected for the where as I fell in love with this profession at work for? dishes that I really loved. I enjoyed making the meal? first sight. Being a chef is not easy because Firstly, I received my diploma at Johannesburg Rib Eye steak and also the Mahi-Mahi fish. Wine allows ingredients to release their own you literally have to put your social life aside Culinary and Pastry School, which helped me These are expensive dishes, but they are very flavours and enhances the dining experience. since you are working all the time. You have to train myself to become an independent chef. tasty, best-selling dishes in Orlando Florida. Personally, I use a lot of red wines with red mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for Internationally I worked in Orlando, Florida, meats when cooking, and I also have my red the hard work that comes with it. Not everyone meat dishes with dry red wine because of the will understand what you go through unless dryness of that particular wine. EVENTS JOZI’S GO-TO WINE SHOWS CABERNET LOVERS’ FIEASTA VAAL WINE EXPO The first of the two wine shows topping the weekend rev- Cabernet Sauvignon lovers will feast on wines from the 2022 Vaal Wine Expo is scheduled to be held at its usual elry scene is the Pick n Pay Wine, which takes place at Stellenbosch genre at the stylish MESH Club in Rosebank home – Stonehaven on Vaal – in Vanderbiljpark on July Waterfall Park, Waterfall City at Mall of Africa tomorrow on July 30. 30. (sat). Billed “the Stellenbosch Cabernet Collective’s (SCC) Ca- Scores of premier wineries will participate in the show. The second – The Winter Wine Festival – will be held on bernet Through the Ages”, the event is set to wow Gaut- Tickets costing R250 a person are limited to 1 the Riversands Farm Village in Fourways on the follow eng wine lovers passionate about the grape. 000 this year. Sales will open from June 30. Ticket in- day on Sunday. Two time slots will be made available to visitors. The first, cludes unlimited tasting, a choice of 30-minute Vaal River More than 20 estates will be in attendance and tasty treats ideally suited to those wanting to learn more about this Cruise voucher or R50 food voucher. There is access to will be available from Pick n Pay’s Butcher, Fishmonger, varietal, will be a Cabernet-themed masterclass between the Stonehaven on Vaal River and bar. Sales will open Dairy and Greengrocer’s Promise ranges, prepared by 3pm and 5pm. from June 30. professional chefs. Tickets cost R200 a person, and the For those wanting to walk around, chat to the winemak- show starts at 12noon, lasting until 6pm. ers and sample more than 40 wines on display, the walk- OYSTERS AND WINE The Winter Wine Festival will feature a host of wine and around tasting will be between 4pm and 7,30pm. Wine The Knysna Wine Festival 2022 takes place in the south- gin producers, who will present a variety of wines, bub- expert Michael Fridjhon will present the wines. ern Cape coastal town on July 8 to 9. bles, craft gin and deli products. Kids are welcome as an Due to the rarity of the wines being tasted, seats are lim- It will take place at the Premier Hotel Knysna, George entertainment area will be available for them. No cooler ited. Rex Drive, Hunters Home. Tickets cost R180. The festival boxes, picnic baskets or braai packs will be permitted. The masterclass ticket price includes access to the walka- will celebrate its 15th anniversary at this year’s Knysna Tickets start at R240 round tasting afterwards. Oyster Festival. . Some 40 wineries will showcase more than 200 varietals. UNPACKING WORLD WINES In addition to wine, guests can enjoy craft beer, gin, vari- JOZI WINERY TASTINGS Uncorked 2, a wine course focusing on international ous liqueurs, whisky as well as taste of some South Afri- Joburg’s only winery nestles on the urban farm overlook- wines, will be presented at the Houghton Place in Johan- can artisan craft cheeses and olive oils. ing Delta Park in Craighall Park. Ower New Zealander nesburg on July 9. Kath Gerakaris is a garagiste winemaker, who sources The course is a continuation of the first one previously TASTE 200 WHISKIES grapes from Swartland region int eh Cape to make her offered by The Wines of South Africa. The annual the Only Whisky Show is takes place The wines, aged and bottled on site. The winery currently pro- Uncorked 2 will cover international wines from France, Deck @ Wanderers, Illovo, in Johannesburg on July 28. duces five wines, including a syrah and chenin blanc to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, A total of 200 premium whiskies will be presented by be sampled on the winery’s tasting room. Tastings cost and South Africa. producers and brand ambassadors. Tickets cost R600 a R100 and can be booked online in advance on weekends. The day includes lunch and 10 international wines for person, and are strictly limited to 500 people a night and Tastings are on Wed, Thu and Fri 12:30–17:00, Sat 11:00– tasting. allow you to taste as much as you can responsibly drink. 16:00, Sun 11:00–14:00. Find out more and book here. Tickets, available via Webtickets, cost R1 599. Doors open at 6pm and close at 10pm. The winery’s address is 20 Marlborough Ave, Craighall Park

14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 24 June 2022 CHAKA CHAKA A MIDFIELDER PAR EXCELLENCE MAESTRO: The POSITIONING; Former Swallows midfielder Andries Mpondo, right, seen shielding Mike versatile Mpondo Mangena of Kaizer Chiefs in one of their encounters of yesteryear could play in whatever position By By Masoja Cele enough to boost my confidence. We won 3-1 and I planned to upset The Phefeni team’’ explained It was the late charismatic Moroka Swal- played well. Even the guys who were on the bench Mpondo. lows Limited chairman David ‘’Pine’’Chabeli heaped the praises of my performance. This was ‘’Today it’s sad to Swallows flying so low. who had an eye to grasp them young. Andries the day that I won the admiration of the so hard to This is not the Birds team that we all know. ‘’Chaka-Chaka’’Mpondo was one of the prodi- please Swallows fans. They were then convinced The team that used to challenge for hon- gies to don the maroon and white colours of MELLOW; Andries “Chaka Chaka” Mpondo that I was the right player to plug the gap twisted ours. The club that once paraded the skill Swallows at a very tender age. as he looks today by the parting of Molatedi’’. of great football luminaries like Andries join his team and plugged the void created by the ‘’Panyaza’’Maseko, Daniel’’Vader’’Mophosho, The erstwhile midfield workaholic signed for departure of midfield great Fetsi ‘’Chippa’’ Mo- ‘’And I was the first player to score and the Mthunzi ‘’Shadow’’Kota, Joel’Ace’’Mnini, The Dube Birds in 1984 at the age of 21. Mpondo latedi who had joined Kaizer Chiefs. To be honest, first recipient of a red card at the newly built FNB Jeffrey’’Tornado’’Ntsibande, Aubrey’’The was simply a marvel to watch. He could run for I couldn’t believe my ears with such news. Nev- Stadium. This was during the 1989 Bob Save Cup Great’’Makgopela to mention a few. Surely, hey the duration of the match with the same tempo ertheless, I agreed on Chabeli’s request and join final against Chiefs. I was on top of my game in must be turning and tossing in their graves with like he had one extra lung. One minute he would the Beautiful Birds. As they say the rest is history. that final. Scoring a goal against Gary Bailey who the state of current affairs within the team. The be helping with defensive duties and here the next had previously played for Manchester United was Swallows management must get quality young- instigating an explosive move against the opposi- The Meadowlands born midfielder received a a milestone in my football career. However, my sters who will restore the pride history of the tion. warm welcome by Birds seasoned playing person- supreme display on the day was spoilt by the ref- sleeping giant. nel. They helped him to adjust to the environment eree Des Goslet who sent me for an early shower The generations of your era were christened ’’Yeah, I was recruited by the late Chabeli. I of professional football. foe allegedly remonstrating against some of his with meaningful monikers that suits the style of was then playing for Meadowlands Inter Africa dubious decisions. The weird concern was that he individual players. And you were dubbed Chaka in Soweto. He came and pleaded with my mother ‘’True, old campaigners like Rod- had told me that he would send me off before the Chaka. to let me join his team. My mom had no qualms ney ‘’Stumbo’’Charles, Aubrey ‘’The match. The memorable match I played in Izinyoni ‘’Definitely, my generations were nicknamed about me landing into the Birds nest. She made it Great’’Makgopela, Frederick ‘’Congo’’Malebane colours were against Amakhosi in the 1986 JPS with exciting monikers that were identical with clear to the el supremo to approach and tabled his and Joel’’Ace’’Mnini made my life easy at Swal- Cup final at the over flowing Ellis Park Stadium. your style of play. I guess my name was derived intentions to me. The Swallows boss told me that lows. They encouraged and pushed me to work The venue capacity is 60 000 but, 110 000 specta- from my other nickname Chafkop and coinci- he had been following my football development hard. I still intensely remember my debut against tors crammed the arena. Again, we lost 2-1 after dentally that was the period when Yvonne Chaka at Daliwonga High School and at Inter Africa re- AmaZulu at Orlando Stadium. The trio told me to squandered so many goal scoring opportunities. Chaka sizzled with her music. spectively. He explained to me that he wanted me play the football that I played at training and not We were disappointed with the loss as we had try to do fancy stuff. That superiority advice was SOLD OUT! ‘BOKS TO FACE WALES AT FULL CAPACITY LOFTUS ALL TICKET AFFAIR: This will be the Springboks’ first match in front of home fans since their 2019 World Cup victory CAPTAIN FANTASTIC: Siya By Sports Reporter extra cover in the backline if needed. Kolisi to lead the Boks The Springboks will face Wales at Loftus Jacques Nienaber has opted for a six-two split against Wales on Saturday Versveld in front of 50 000 fans on Saturday as between backs and forwards on the bench in the the “sold out” signs went up at the ground on match-day 23 for the first of three Tests against Tuesday afternoon. Wales. With nationwide Covid restrictions lifted last There are just two backline replacements: week, last Saturday’s Currie Cup final between scrumhalf Herschel Jantjies and fullback Willie Griquas and the Pumas was the first full-capacity le Roux, who can also cover flyhalf and wing. sporting event in over two years in the country. However, if the worst does happen and the Local rugby fans wasted no time in snapping Springboks suffer a number of injuries in the first up tickets to see South Africa in action this week- Test at Loftus Versfeld, sevens convert Smith, end either, with tickets selling like hotcakes over who regularly plays at loose forward, said he the past week. would be eager to jump in and mix it with the backs. This will be the Springboks’ first match in front of home fans since their 2019 World Cup “I played sevens for a lot of tournaments and victory, as both the British and Irish Lions series there was a lot of space to cover there as well. It and games in last year’s Rugby Championship is the last resort but I am really keen for that chal- were played in empty stadiums. lenge,” Smith said. The Blue Bulls Company and SA Rugby are “I made my Currie Cup debut [for the Lions cautioning fans about purchasing fake match-day ] on wing,” he added. “If that challenge comes, tickets, which may be in circulation from fraudu- then I will step up to it … I will give my every- lent websites that have no rights to sell any rugby thing and try my best to contribute to the team.” tickets in SA. Wales are expected to name an experienced Only tickets purchased at the Loftus Versfeld back row for the first Test, with Taulupe Faletau ticket office or online on the Ticketpro website joined by flanks Josh Navidi and Dan Lydiate. will be valid. Any other tickets that have been bought elsewhere will not grant fans entry into “The Welsh team have good loose forwards the stadium. and they are strong at poaching turnovers, so it is going to be a big battle at the breakdowns. It will Kick-off on Saturday is at 17:05. Meanwhile, be a good challenge for us to measure ourselves SA Rugby News reports that as one of six for- against them.” wards on the bench for the clash between the Springboks and Wales in Pretoria on Saturday, Smith is joined on the bench as loose-forward Kwagga Smith says he would be up for offering cover by 24-year-old debutant Elrigh Louw, who will be running out for the first time in the green and gold if he gets on to the field.

Friday 24 June 2022 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR FROM THE RING TO A MATCHMAKER By Pule Mokhine LITTLE ROCK: fights I choose,” says Mnisi. He describes being the country’s current ex- In an era where professional boxing has seen a Mnisi uses his steady decline of top-class fights due to a lack of professional fighter to do matchmaking as being a former professional boxers that have ploughed great deal. back to the sport after hanging up their gloves, His desire to perform his tasks is, he says, driv- experience to bringerstwhile prized fighter Abby Mnisi has decided en by a “profound love for boxing”. to follow an unusual route of being a match- “ Many of my peers took different routes by be- maker. coming trainers, but not matchmakers . My passion was driven by the fact that as a former fighter my- quality fightsA matchmaker’s primary task is to liaise with self, I know who the perfect contestants inside the ring are in order to be able to match them against the governing body Boxing SA and promoters to one another during the bout. And so far, I feel I’ve select suitable combatants that will be matched done well so far by way of ploughing back to the against each other in a tournament. Most of the sport, “ explains Mnisi. matchmaking in the country has for a long period Other top matchmakers currently include Luyanda PLOUGHING BACK; Former pugulist Abby of time, being done mainly by persons that have not Kana from Eastern Cape, Bheki Msibi of KwaZulu Mnisi Mnisi admires Golden Gloves’ late matchmak- contested in a sport of the fisticuffs themselves as Natal and Western Cape’s Wally Saayman. But the much-talked- about bill that featured celebrities er Reuben Rasodi as the man who inspired his love pro boxers in their careers. trio have never seen the inside of the ring as prized Cassper Nyovest against NaakMusiQ at Sun City for doing his job. fighters themselves during their era. in April. His overall selections this year has also This has often led to paying fans being subject- included international, SA titles and developmental In his heyday in paid ranks, “ Little Rock” ed to some of the poorly matched bouts that lack And this makes the 49 -year-old Mnisi a cut bouts. compiled a resume of 22 victories and eight defeats the spark to make events exciting as their fighters above the rest. out of 20 bouts. His most notable fight was defeat- invariably do not entice anyone watching the action Mnisi’s last involvement in charge of pugilists ing Mzi Dintsi to snatch the African Boxing Union as it unfolds in the ring. With a boxing career spanning 10 years since competing was witnessed last Sunday when Mama superfly weight crown at Carnival City in 2000. he retired in 2003 in the professional ring as a Rocks Promotion staged an international contest Majority of ex-boxers have taken the route prized fighter himself, the man aptly nicknamed at Meropa Casino in Polokwane. Top of the bill His last fight was a points defeat he suffered at of becoming trainers when their boxing days are “Little Rock” during his glittering fighting career, during the event featured Khensahosi Makondo the hands of Thailand’s Komrit Lukkuongmuekol over, with no interest shown in selecting pugilists has dimmed it fit to help keep the boxing flame up against Christiano Ndombassy of Angola for in 2003. to showcase talent. But not with the Tembisa, East alive by matching boxers to fight,. the WBF international junior middleweight scrap. Rand-based Mnisi who chose a different path to There were several other boxers on that bill that Mnisi, who also at some stage competed for the gather fighters that fit the bill for a particular show- From 1993, Mnisi’s profound love for the Mnisi matched on the day of a thrilling showpiece. WBU in Italy title which he lost against Italy’s Lui- down. sport in which he participated as a super flyweight gi Castlliano in 1997, says his wish is to see many has earned him his spurs. “ As a former boxer myself, I feel privileged to of champions coming through the ranks through his Unlike many of his peers, Mnisi has thought it follow the route of becoming a matchmaker after matchmaking prowess in the near future. prudent to follow a unique calling for what he sim- Since retiring from boxing in 2017, Mnisi who quitting the ring to pursue my passion. I am glad ply describes as his passion – being a matchmaker. obtained his matchmaking license that year, has to this is working pretty well because of the quality of “ Before I became involved, the standard of date, matched pugilists in 50 tournaments, most of matchmaking in the country was low, but things He is currently ranked amongst the country’s which excited fans. have improved now since I came into the picture. prominent officials that select boxers, and so far My wish is to make a big mark in the ring,” was being the only ex-combatant to do so at present. This year alone, “ Little Rock” selected fights Mnisi’s parting shot. in 14 matches. This includes the undercard of the MAJIYA EXCITED “BLACKBERRY” ABOUT BANYANA FOR TSHAKHUMA BANYANA ADVENTURE TSHA MADZIVHANDILA AWCON: Youngest player in squad says it’s all EXHILLARATING: to play for against Nigeria on Monday DStv eKasi Champ of champs finals this By Sports Reporter excited, but nervous because this is my first expe- weekend The youngest member in the Banyana Ban- rience in the national team set up. I just want to yana squad currently doing duty in Morocco, win the tournament and make our country proud.” BALL JUGGLER: Xolane ‘BlackBerry’ Nkala 18-year-old Nthabiseng Majiya, has voiced her excitement ahead her first ever participation in The player said the Banyana Banyana techni- By Sports Reporter rest with a cool finish to give his side the lead. a major tournament. cal team has helped her develop a lot. Xolane ‘BlackBerry’ Nkala will turn out for It proved to be the winning goal for his side, as Limpopo side Tshakhuma Tsha Madzivhandila Chego held on to become the first ever club to The Richmond Ladies forward, who was “The coaches are hard on me and I expected (TTM) next season after his previously report- qualify for the final of the DSTV eKasi Champ awarded the Young Player of the Season accolade it. I wanted them to be hard on me because this ed move to Free State Stars did not materialise. of Champs. in the inaugural Hollywoodbets Super League, is the national team and the level is high.” A foot- conceded the intensity she has already experi- ball career demands a good support system and Blackberry follows in the footsteps of Tshe- They were later joined by Chipolopolo, who enced in coach Desiree Ellis’s squad. She says the Majiya says her family is also there providing po Skwarma Matete, who last season was on the edged Beke le Beke in the other semifinal played the national team intensity has been very high and this strong backing. “Even during the times when books of the Limpopo side. Nkala put pen to paper at the same venue. Chipolopolo won the tie 1-0, completely different to what she is used at club I could not find a balance between my studies and in Sandton on Tuesday and will be at the club for courtesy of an own goal from Beke le Beke in the level. The teenager sensation said she is relish- football, they did not force me to drop one for the the next two years with an option to extend his second half. Despite trying to push for an equal- ing the experience as Banyana Banyana continue other and suggested I find a balance,” Majiya con- contract for another two years. izer in the final stages of the game, Beke le Beke preparations ahead of their Africa Woman’s Cup tinued. was unable to find the back of the net. of Nations opening match against arch rivals, the The 26-year-old has previously played for Super Falcons of Nigeria, on 4 July 2022 at the Majiya said he is extremely excited by the Mbombela United in the National First division. It means Beke le Beke will have to battle it Moulay Hassan FUS. “It has been hard for me but prospects of facing Nigeria’a Super Falcons in TTM have also signed 22-year-old Ambassadors out for third spot with La Masia on Saturday, July I did push to reach a higher level, and I am learn- their opening AWCON encounter. “In our group FC defender Sabelo Mhlambi. 2 (15h00). ing from the senior players who are giving me ad- I am most looking forward to facing Nigeria. vice and motivation as to how I should prepare They have great players that I have always looked The DSTV eKasi Champ of Champs will see In the plate section, Vaal Monate will take myself,” the player told forward to meeting and I just want to do my best Chego 17 and Chipolopolo FC going head-to- on Ambassadors in the final on Sunday, July 3 when that chance comes.” The player has also en- head for the ultimate prize after the sides booked (13h00), after they beat Free Agents FC and A.T. “I have to say the intensity is very high here, couraged South Africans to keep supporting Ban- themselves a spot in the final of the competition, Mambas respectively in the semifinals. The plate but I am getting there and I am pushing a lot. I am yana Banyana as they aim to make the country set to be played at Dobsonville Stadium on Sun- third place play off will be contested on Saturday, proud in the continental tournament. day, July 3 (15h00). July 2 (13h00). PROTEGE: Nthabiseng Majiya,18, undeterred Prize Money split: by the occasion. Born and bred in Philippolis in the Xhariep The cup semifinals were tightly contested and Cup region, Majiya (18) has been part of the u.20 na- the fact that only a total of two goals were scored tional women’s team since 2020. The junior team across both matches is evidence of this. La Masia 1st Prize: R250 000 competed in the Fifa u.17 World Cup qualifiers. and Chego met in the first semifinal at Moletsane 2nd Prize: R75 000 Sports Complex in Soweto, determined to qualify 3rd Prize: R10 000 Majiya’s latest call-up to the senior team for the final of the inaugural DSTV eKasi Champ 4th Prize: R5 000 follows her excellent scoring form in the Holly- of Champs. Plate woodbets Super League, South Africa’s premier 1st Prize: R70 000 women’s football league. It was a cagey affair with both sides getting a 2nd Prize: R25 000 feel for one another, but the deadlock was finally 3rd Prize: R10 000 Banyana Banyana have settled well in Moroc- broken by Chego just after the half hour mark, 4th Prize: R5 000 co after their arrival on Wednesday, 23 June, and when jersey No 9 Alricko Pandemoya latched the team had their second training session on Fri- onto a flicked header into the box, and he did the day morning with coach Desiree Ellis impressed with the drive and enthusiasm shown by players. “We were welcomed warmly when we arrived at the airport. We are coping very well and there has been so much enthusiasm and drive at our training session,’’ said Ellis.

MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... RACIST By Ali Mphaki PUNCTURE He may be a Sir, but that did not stop former FOR Formula 1 world champion Nelson Piquet Sr HAMILTON calling him a ‘nigger”. CALLED THE ‘N” WORD: JUST ONE “The n******* put the car in the wrong way PERCENT OF EMPLOYEES IN F1 WERE and didn’t let [the other driver swerve],” he said in FROM BLACK BACKGROUNDS Portuguese. POWER; Sir Lewis Hamilton, like most “The n******* put the car in the wrong way black athletes in Europe, has been on the corner, it’s because you don’t know the on the receiving end of racism and curve,” Piquet could be heard using the racial slur archaic narratives. ‘neguinho” to refer to Lewis Hamilton in an audio clip from November 2021 which emerged on Tues- day. The 69-year-old was discussing the Mercedes star’s 2021 British Grand Prix, during which he collided with Red Bull ‘s Max Verstappen, who is in a relationship with Piquet’s daughter, Kelly. Hamilton, who is the only Black driver racing in F1 and the only Black world champion, has been at the forefront of efforts to enact change within motorsport. Taking on to social media to address the matter on Tuesday afternoon, Hamilton said: . “I’ve been on the receiving end of racism, criticism, negativity, archaic narratives and under- tones of discrimination for a long, long time, and there’s nothing really particularly new for me,” the seven-time F1 champion said. “It’s more about the bigger picture.” Piquet apologised on Wednesday and said his comments from November last year were “ill thought out” - but denied any racial intent. Hamilton had already posted on social media that “archaic mindsets need to change” in response to Piquet, 69, and he expanded at Silverstone. “These archaic mindsets need to change and have no place in our sport “There has been plenty of time to learn. Time has come for action,” he said. Earlier, however, Hamilton responded with; “Who the f**k is Nelson Piquet?’ then closed twit- ter”, which he quote-retweeted with the message: “Imagine”. Piquet’s racially abusive remark of seven-time Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton has reportedly earned the Brazilian a ban from the pad- dock. Racism in sports has been a prevalent issue throughout the world, and in particular racism to- wards African Americans has been especially se- vere over the course of the history of sports in the United States and around the world Hamilton established The Hamilton Commis- sion, which conducted a report looking into the representation of Black people within motorsport. It found that just one percent of employees in F1 were from Black backgrounds. Along with his Mercedes team, Hamilton launched the Ignite charity last summer as a joint initiative to support greater diversity and inclusion, which works in tandem with Hamilton’s personal Mission 44 foundation. Ferrari showed its support to Hamilton via so- cial media, saying: “We stand alongside F1, Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes AMG-F1 against any form of discrimination.” Aston Martin added: “We stand with Lewis Hamilton and all those around the world affected by racism or discrimination of any kind. There is no room for this abhorrent behaviour in our sport or society.” Hamilton is on record that he would like to see F1 coming to South Africa.

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