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WEEKLY SA Mirror 18th ED (1)

Published by didiphooks, 2021-09-18 10:34:42

Description: WEEKLY SA Mirror 18th ED (1)


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VACCINE DOCTOR THULI ZUNGU’ INIQUITY FACES TACKLES BAD PUTS AFRICA ‘DOCTORED’ 5CONSUMER 10AT RISK 4CV RAP page page DEALS page Friday 17 September 2021 D E Q L MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... BLACK HAIR FACE-OFF 18 Black women launch class-action lawsuit against Clicks, Unilever over 3“racist hair advert”, demand millions of rand in damages see page

2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 17 September 2021 ANC DEFRAUDED By Monk Nkomo utilized the contributions deducted from STAFF MEMBERS THE African National Congress their salaries for their benefit or the ben- OF MILLIONS OF fraudulently amassed millions of efit of the ANC. This was done to the RANDS - NIEHAUS rands over a period of almost three prejudice of the complainants, the UIF years that was intended to benefit its or Provident Fund, Medical Shield Fund RIDDLE: Contributions never paid to intended recipients... employees in various schemes in- and the SARS. cluding medical aid countrywide. The two complainants also accused These allegations are contained in a the five executives of having wrong- summons served on the ANC’s top five fully unlawfully and intentionally stolen executives in which two complainants and appropriated money belonging to – former ANC member, Carl Niehaus, them and the UIF, or Provident Fund, who was recently fired – and MacDon- Medshield Medical Aid and the SARS ald Mathabe, allege that the organi- ‘’with the intention to deprive them per- zation which is led by the five execu- manently of ownership and possession tives, committed acts of fraud, theft and thereof’’. corruption between the period January 2018 and August 2021. The two filed The accused also accepted gratifica- the complaint at the Johannesburg Cen- tion in order to illegally fund the ANC, a tral police station on Wednesday. move that was in breach of trust, in vio- lation of their legal duties and or in the The two complainants cited the ac- performance of the constitutional and cused as Cyril Ramaphosa, President of contractual obligations, the complain- both South Africa and the ANC, David ants alleged. Mabuza, Deputy President of South Af- rica and the ANC, Jessie Duarte, Deputy ‘’The practices referred to are Secretary-General of the ANC, Gwede widespread and have taken place on Mantashe, National Chairperson of the a massive and nationwide scale over ANC, Paul Mashatile, Treasurer of the a substantially long period , amount- ANC and the ANC as an organization. ing to hundreds of millions of rand, if not more,’’ both Niehaus and Mathabe The two complainants allege that claimed. They added that this action was during this period, the five executives only lodged by the two of them in order individually or in common purpose, did to protect others from victimization, in- wrongfully unlawfully and intentionally timidation and harassment. and with intent to defraud , made mis- representations to the complainants and The accused persons, the complain- or the Unemployment Insurance Fund ants alleged, have confessed to their or the Provident Fund and the Med- conduct and ‘’ pleaded with the com- shield Medical Fund and the South Af- plainants , among others, not to refer the rican Revenue Services.They allege that matter to the police’’. despite assurances from the accused, the deductions or contributions from staff Niehaus and Mathabe alleged that salaries towards these schemes were the victims of these alleged crimes ran never paid to the intended recipients. into hundreds of thousands of people over years.’’ Some of the victims have The ANC deducted large sums of since passed on and thereby created fur- money from salaries of their staff mem- ther victims in the form of their family bers having promised them that they members or dependants who have had would receive these benefits upon ter- to incur unnecessary and unanticipated mination of their employment but this hospitalization, funeral and other costs never happened, the two complainants when they shockingly discovered at the said in their summons. time of the bereavement that their de- parted loved ones were not entitled to The ANC, they added, continued to the benefits which the accused persons deduct these amounts ‘’ whereas in truth had falsely misrepresented to be due to and in fact the five executives ought to them.’’ have known that such representations were false and untrue.’’ The complain- The complainants said the alleged ants alleged that the five executives had conduct of the accused persons still con- tinued and it would do so into the fore- seeable future. By Mirror Reporter CALL ON WORLD vaccine equity. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has LEADERS TO PUSH It called on countries to: urged leaders attending next week’s 76th ses- • Fulfil their dose-sharing pledges immediately sion of the United Nations General Assem- FOR VACCINE bly (UNGA) to guarantee equitable access to EQUITY and to swap their near-term vaccine deliveries COVID-19 vaccines and other life-saving tools with COVAX and AVAT (African COVID-19 to Africa. UNFAIRNESS: More than 5.7 billion vaccines Vaccine Acquisition Task Team); • Manufacturers to prioritise supplies to CO- The organisation also called on the assem- administered globally, but 73% of all doses VAX and partners, and bly to ensure the world was better prepared to • Join manufacturers in facilitating the shar- respond to future pandemics; and renew efforts hoarded by just 10 countries… ing of technology, know-how and intellectual to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals property to support regional vaccine manufac- (SDGs). The 76th session of the United Nations cine inequity persists, the more the virus would of the population of every country by the end of turing. General Assembly (UNGA) takes place virtually keep circulating and evolving, and the longer the this year, and 70% by the middle of next year. COVAX is the only global initiative that is next Wednesday. social and economic disruption will continue. These targets were achievable if countries and working with governments and manufacturers to manufacturers make a genuine commitment to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are available world- The COVID-19 pandemic has already claimed WHO’s targets were to vaccinate at least 40% wide to both higher-income and lower-income the lives of nearly 5 million people around the countries. So far, COVAX has shipped more globe, and the virus continues to circulate actively than 260 million doses to 141 countries. “Even in all regions of the world, according to the WHO. as countries focus on ending this pandemic, the world must also prepare for future pandemics and “Vaccines are the most critical tool to end the other health emergencies,” the statement added. pandemic and save lives and livelihoods. More COVID-19 caught the world – including than 5.7 billion vaccine doses have been admin- wealthy nations – unprepared for a pandemic of istered globally, but 73% of all doses have been this speed and scale. It hit vulnerable populations administered in just 10 countries,” the WHO said particularly hard and exacerbated inequalities. in a statement released today. SEE PAGE 10 High-income countries had administered 61 times more doses per inhabitant than low-income countries, it noted. It warned that the longer vac-

Friday 17 September 2021 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR BLACK WOMEN TAKE CLICKS, UNILEVER TO COURT FOR DAMAGES OVER ‘RACIST CLICKS HAIR ADVERT’ FRIZZY AFFAIR: Applicants demand millions of rand for women’s organisations By Monk Nkomo and many other black women across the country, of THE RELIEF SOUGHT Clicks Group and Unilever SA have been slapped the infamous pencil test of the apartheid days. The BY THE 18 WOMEN test entailed white policemen in particular, sticking a with a multimillion-rand class-action lawsuit by 18 pencil in black people’s hair. If the pencil rested com- By Monk Nkomo The Applicants have sought relief black women who demand that each must pay 10 per- fortably in the hair when the head was shaken, such • ‘The current position in our common against Clicks Group Ltd and have refused cent of their annual net profits for the next 10 years person was classified not white but black. However, to join Clicks Retailers to these proceedings. – as damages for “the offensive, unlawful, racist and If the pencil dropped when the head was shaken, the law is that the only remedy available to a However Clicks neither commissioned nor demeaning advertisement about black women’s hair person was classified white and enjoyed all the perks person who has suffered an infringement published the TRESemme advertisement. It they posted on their website two years ago”. that came with whiteness.’’ of a personality right is a claim for dam- also had nothing to do with the editing there- ages. of or the subsequent publication of the dis- The relief is sought by the women in papers sub- The Applicants also submitted that the negative • Although the Respondents did apolo- torted image on social media. Clicks Group mitted in the Equality Court in Cape Town, request- portrayal of black females’ hair as somewhat unin- gise, their lack of remorse in the letters Ltd therefore cannot be held liable as sug- ing a declaration that Clicks and Unilever pay this teresting, dull and unattractive is one that made use of apology does not constitute significant gested by the Applicants. amount to women’s organisations that promote and of historical benchmarks of discrimination against relief for the harm caused. UNILEVER SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) support gender issues, women’s wellbeing and uplift- black people. ‘’ The unfair discrimination has result- • We are alive to the fact that it will be dif- LTD RESPONSE. ment programmes in the nine provinces. ed in severe inequality and psychological trauma on ficult to quantify the hurt a person has black people’’. caused another. However the letters of There is no basis to conclude that the In the summons served on the two companies, apology do not suffice in this regard. actual content, viewed objectively and as a According to the Applicants, both Clicks and • The Court to consider the impact the whole, propagated the idea that black wom- We submit that the Unilever companies have been doing business in advertisement had depicted and the im- en or black women’s hair was inferior. The companies’ apology South Africa since the apartheid era. They were pact it has had on the dignity of black Applicants’ claim therefore falls to be dis- aware of the sensitivities around the foisted notion of females. missed. was not enough, the superiority of whiteness. The Respondents ought CLICKS GROUP LTD RESPONSE : not sincere… to be alive to the struggles for fairness and equal The application must be dismissed by The Applicants have failed to establish treatment that black people are forced to assert on a the court because amongst others, there is no any breach of the Equality Act. Once that is the women said the lawsuit followed the posting of daily basis. authority, precedent or justification for the so, no question of remedy arises. the TRESemme advertisement during May and Sep- financial sanction sought by the Applicants. tember 2019 by the respondents that portrayed black They added that the Respondents’s intentions It also ignores the many restorative and re- Even if we are on some basis wrong and women’s hair as ‘’ frizzy and dull’’ in one image and were clear and deliberate. ‘’ The racist content of the medial measures that have been initiated and a breach of the Equality Act has been shown, ‘’ dry and damaged’’ in another and the depiction on TRESemme advertisement undermines the progress implemented by Clicks Group Ltd. the Applicants’ proposed remedy is still un- non-black women’s hair in one image as ‘’ fine and the country has made to dismantle systematic racism Clicks Group Ltd did not commission or tenable.The Applicants seek an order direct- flat’’ and in another as ‘’ normal’’. The advertisement and the advancement of the values of the Constitu- publish the TRESemme advertisement, or ing Unilever to pay 10% of its annual profit drew countrywide outrage and looting of Clicks tion and the Equality Act.’’ have anything to do with the dissemination for a period of 10 years towards women’s stores by black communities. of the edited image. The application is with- organizations in the nine provinces of South The fallout in the social media and the protests out merit. Clicks Group Ltd does not deny Africa. The applicants submitted that despite the apol- that followed the advertisement, the Applicants the hurt that was caused in relation to the ogy that followed from the respondents, the adver- submitted, supported the motion that the apology TRESemme advertisement. There is no precedent or basis for such tisement disseminated the idea which propounded the furnished by the Respondents was not enough. The It has taken appropriate steps to ac- relief. At no stage has the Equality Court racial inferiority of black females based on their hair magnitude of the impact that the advertisement has knowledge and address that hurt, as a re- or even the High Court ever made an order texture.’’ We submit that the apology is not enough. had on the black community and especially black fe- sponsible corporate citizen that is committed approximating the scale of the order now It is neither sincere nor is it equitable bearing in mind males, required relief of the same magnitude. both to its customer base and to the South sought. the magnitude of the hurt and offense that the re- African project of reconciliation, human spondents have caused’’, they said. The Applicants submitted that Clicks was notori- dignity, substantive quality and the celebra- We therefore submit that even were this ous for causing offences and had no respect for black tion of diversity. Court find that there has been a breach of the The 18 women added that dignity was a unique people in general and females in particular.They cit- The TRESemme advertisement was the Equality Act, the appropriate relief is a dec- quality that was priceless and irreplaceable and con- ed the Clicks BabyClub advertisement which they communication of retail information about laration coupled with a mandatory apology. stituted every individual’s inherent dignity. ‘’ It is say, showed images of a happy non-black family of beauty products. It did not deny the Appli- If any damages award is to be made, it would therefore submitted that an offensive depiction of a a man and a pregnant non-black female, seemingly cants opportunities, impose costs on them, or have to be purely nominal in nature. unique quality that is attributed to a specific group, enjoying their pregnancy together. Alongside this im- otherwise interfere with their ability to exer- in this case, black females’ hair, is an infringement age is another of a black female alone with a child.’’ cise their rights. It therefore did not amount THE APPLICANTS : of their dignity’’. This message is clear for all to see. Black women to ‘discrimination’. Ntombizodwa Cingiswa Baba, Lan- have children with absent fathers, or babies outside gathani Thembelihle Sibanda, Lozitla They 18 also submitted that for far too long black Mahlangu, Katlego Menoe, Zoleka Radebe, people, in particular black females, have had to bear The companies’ Winkey Maluwa, Fezeka Mshona, Tshepiso the brunt of racism in their own country. This had to settlement with EFF Mosidi, Khanyisile Hlatshwayo, Lesego, be stopped by the courts. The respondents, they add- to provide 10 000 Motowane, Ofentse Mbhuthi, Bongiwe ed, had arrogantly settled this matter with the EFF, Badela, Siphokazi Zamxaka, Nwabisa Phi- a political party. ‘’ The terms thereof are an insult sanitary pads ka, Zanele Zamxaka, Mbali Macu, Duduz- to black female dignity - 10 000 pieces of sanitary was an insult to ile Faith Macu and Nomonde Aphane pads’’. black female The applicants submitted that South Africa has dignity… been trying to heal since 1994. The TRESemme ad- vertisement had taken away all that effort. ‘’ There of the normal family units. This is racist to the core. has been little or no support from a minority white In doing so, Clicks perpetuates the stereotype that section of big corporations. There has been no out- black men and women are irresponsible and or are rage from non-black females in support of the de- unworthy of living life such as that depicted by the meaned black females. This must make one think, non-black couple in the advert.’’ The Applicants does it not?’’ To compound the humiliation, the of- also cited two other Dove advertisements including fensive advertisement came in the wake of the Black one which showed a black woman ‘’turning herself Lives Matter social movement that was raging across white’’ after using Dove Body Wash. the world, the Applicants said. This is a movement • Clicks total turn over for the year 2019-2020 fi- aimed at spreading awareness of discrimination and nancial year increased by 7. 2% to R31.4 billion ac- racism. The hair advertisement was demeaning and cording to the group CEO report. psychologically damaging. Its impact was without • Unilever SA, which employs about 3 000 employ- measure, the Applicants said. ees in its 971 companies countrywide, generated about 518.4 million US dollars in revenue. It’s glob- ‘’ The advertisement reminded the Applicants al revenue in 190 countries in 2020 financial year amounted to 50.7 billion Euros (about R862 billion)

4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 17 September 2021 COPS LAUNCH PROBE AFTER MIRROR MISSING GIRLS FOUND DEAD Briefs ALARM: Five kids in mystery deaths in three weeks in Limpopo MEC SLAMS ‘BARBARIC’ SUPPORT: Blouberg municipality mayor Maseka Pheedi visits the Rapasha family of the ASSAULT ON UBER DRIVER two young girls found dead in a veld in Limpopo this week. Photo supplied Gauteng MEC for Public Transport and By Frank Maponya probe into the mystery deaths. SLAIN:Siblings seven-year-old Kamogelo Roads Infrastructure Jacob Mamabolo has A police investigation is underway to establish Blouberg local municipality mayor Maseka and five-year-old Tshegofatso condemned the attacks on an Uber driver in the circumstances surrounding the death of two Katlehong, Ekurhuleni. young Limpopo girls, whose bodies were found Pheedi, who visited the bereaved Raphasha fam- in the veld this week – nearly three weeks after ily on Wednesday, said they were working together The unnamed driver was apprehended by a they went missing. with the family in preparation of the funeral of the group of taximen in Katlehong yesterday fol- children. lowing a car chase which ended in his vehicle The bodies of seven-year-old Kamogelo and crashing into a tree, being yanked out, sjam- her five-year-old sister Tshegofatso Raphasha, of The incident follows another the grim discov- bokked and forced into a local association’s ve- Marobjane village, were discovered in a decom- ery recently of three children whose bodies were hicle. A video of the incident went viral, show- posed state by a passer-by in the veld near Ga- found floating in a river at Phooko village outside ing the Uber driver being whipped mercilessly Mashalane village on Tuesday. They had been Dennilton, near Groblersdal. The bodies of siblings with a sjambok. missing since August 23, the day they were last nine-year-old Nonjabulo and her younger brother seen walking with their aunt, who suffers from a eight-year-old Themba Ngomane as well as that of “I am appalled by the level of savagery and mental illness. Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo said a neighbour Katlego Sibande, 15, were discovered hate displayed by the individuals who perpe- an inquest docket had been opened to establish the on September 7, floating in the Mohlabetse River. trated this act of violence. These acts are unac- circumstances surrounding the girls’ death. Provin- They were last leaving their homes on August 30 ceptable and must be condemned. We pledge cial MEC for transport and community safety Ma- to school, but never returned. Police believed the our solidarity with the victim and wish him a vhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya has called for a swift children may have been kidnapped as they were speedy recovery,” said Mamabolo.A suspect allegedly seen boarding a white Toyota Avanza be- has reportedly been arrested on charges of as- fore the gruesome discovery a week later. sault and inflicting injuries on the Uber driver in Katlehong. Another suspect involved is be- TOP HEALTH ing sought by the police. – Mirror Reporter OFFICIAL AWAITS MBULI CALLS ON “DARKIE FATE OVER TO WAKE UP” DOCTORED CV The People’s Poet, Mzwakhe Mbuli, is to SCANDAL release his latest album called Vuka Darkie, which is clarion to call blacks to wise up. IN THE DOCK: Former finance The prolific poet/musician whose uncom- MEC and Superintendent-General at promising lyrics have made him a household name in South Africa and globally, in his lat- the Department of Health face fraud est eight track album continues on his crusade urging blacks to be self-reliant while also and theft charges ACCUSED: North West Health HOD Dr Thabo Lekalakala and former finance commenting on other social ills. Vuka Darkie, MEC Wendy Nelson in court this week. Photo: Boitumelo Tshehle the title track, urges people to cease the initia- By Boitumelo Tshehle tive and take control of their destiny. Another The North West head of department accused This made Judge Hendricks Their charges were related to the appointment monster track is entitled Covid 19, warning to have fake his qualification to get a job in set the date for the duo’s next appearance as of Lekalakala to the position of Superintendent- the people about the deadly pandemic. Other government, earning total of R8 million in September 29, so the legal representatives of the General in the Department of Health, where Nel- tracks include Religious Mamparas, Racism is salaries, is likely to know his fate before the accused can submit their oral arguments. “See- son was a member of the panel during the inter- Barbarism, uJehova. end of this year. ing that you now have the opportunity to prepare view. written submissions, you don’t need to address Mbuli says the motivation behind the title Dr Thabo Lekalakala appeared in court this me the whole day. “ The fraud is valued at about R8 million, Vuka Darkie is that “destiny is not determined week, together with former Finance MEC Wendy which is the amount Lekalakala received as re- by foreign concepts but by the choices we Nelson facing charges of fraud and theft. Even “Please you can confine your oral submis- muneration as Superintendent-General at the De- make”. – Ali Mphaki though Nelson’s representative was ready with sions to 40 minutes at the maximum. Please, if partment of Health. Lekalakala gained infamy for his submissions, Lekalakala’s legal representa- you have the written submissions ready during giving a Gupta-linked company R30 million for a SUSPECTED TAXI HITMEN tive told the court that he was not ready. the course of today and this week, please let me mobile clinic in 2017. NABBED have it, is that understandable?” he told them. Their R20 000 bail amounts were extended Four men arrested in connection with The duo pleaded not guilty on both counts. until the next court appearance. the killing of a Limpopo taxi owner and his companion three weeks, are expected to ap- pear in court soon. The four were arrested after an intensified police operation. This fol- lowed the execution-style murders of Fourie Maphayi and Deborah Moila at a filling station in Mohlabaneng Cross in Limpopo on August 10. The first suspect, a 36-yearold male, was arrested in Tzaneen town with the assistance of Willikie K9 Security company. The operation continued to Tembisa in Ekurhuleni, where three others – aged between 30 and 40 – were arrested. During the arrests, one of them allegedly sped off and was caught later after a high-speed chase and a shootout. He will face additional charges of unlaw- ful possession of a firearm and ammunition, including of reckless and negligent driving. A 9mm pistol with ammunition and the getaway BMW 3-series and Toyota Quantum were con- fiscated. – Frank Maponya PRINCIPAL FROG-MARCHED AFTER ALLEGED THEFT Parents of learners at Rekopantswe high school in Fafung, outside the North West town of Brits, physically chased away the school’s principal after he was allegedly caught red- handed with stolen school doors last weekend. On September 15, the parents said the inci- dent followed a recent case of vandalism at the school. They want the education authorities to appoint a new principal. The principal was al- legedly caught last Saturday, while leaving the school premises in his bakkie. A parent noticed the doors in the back of the bakkie. A parent Miriam Motshegwa said: “A par- ent followed the principal until he stopped at a filling station, and that’s where he was con- fronted,” she said. North West police spokeswoman Colo- nel Adele Myburgh said a case of theft was opened. North West education spokesman Elias Malindi was not available for a comment.

Friday 17 September 2021 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS DEBT-RIDDEN CLIENT IN ROW WITH INSURANCE COMPANY OVER REJECTED CLAIM BRAKES : The brake discs were in good condition By Thuli Zungu Nthangeni says the people who towed the OVERTURNED: Truck capsized Elle Nthangeni has accused insurance com- truck from Ingogo to Escort, which is about three months after brake pads pany, Mutual and Federal of unfairly re- 200 kilometres from the accident scene, did and disc’s were replaced jecting her claim after she complied with the so without releasing the bolt nut fully, which Road Traffic Act. Nthangeni 41 of Elands- resulted in the brake pads wearing out. The THE TRUCK WAS NOT fontein, says her claim was rejected on the truck was also looted by the community be- ROADWORTHY grounds that the brakes of her truck were cause the truck was not parked at a safe place, worn out. says Nthangeni. She took photos of the acci- René Morse National Claims Manager at Policy which read : -“ If your vehicle or any other dent scene which shows that the brake discs One Insurance Managers said they stand by their vehicle forming part of a combination of vehicles She said proof that the brakes of her truck were still in a very good condition before it decision to reject this claim as the insured failed together with an insured vehicle at the time of were indeed serviced in February this year did was towed to Escourt., she says “We found to ensure that her truck and interlink trailers, in- any accident giving rise to a claim in terms of this not convince the company which nevertheless the booster pipe disconnected on the scene and volved in an accident giving rise to a claim, were policy, is found to be in a state or condition which rejected her claim. Nthangeni bought a Mer- some parts were loose while others were sto- roadworthy in line with the Road Traffic Act 93 is not roadworthy or does not comply with Part cedes Benz truck that was financed through len,” says Nthangeni. of 1996. II of the regulations and standards promulgated several banks in September 2019. in terms of the National Road Traffic Act 93 1996 She has been paying a monthly premium She said they conducted all the necessary in- (as amended) then all benefits under this policy She later took an insurance cover with Fed- of R6 109 since October without fail. ‘’It is spections and also got a detailed expert report. shall be forfeited’’. eral and Mutual under a broker, One Insurance so painful to pay your insurance premiums and Which concluded that the brake system failed to REPLACEMENT: Insurance rejects claim though Managers. The truck was operating a family your claim is rejected’’. Nthangeni says she comply with the Road Traffic Act. She said their there’s proof that the disc and brake pads were business after they secured a contract with a was trying to make a living and instead she is expert further found that the brake system failed replaced. company called Kodav Bulk Logistics to de- now experiencing financial strain as she can’t to comply with the SABS standard for the testing liver goods around the country. afford to repay the loans she took from the dif- of motor vehicle roadworthiness. ferent banks who financed her truck. She says The truck became involved in an accident the insurance company has now threatened to “A brake required in terms of these regula- three months after the owner had changed the charge her storage fee if she does not remove tions, should be in good working order and con- brakes. The accident happened at Ingogo while the truck from their premises. dition whenever the vehicle to which it is fitted travelling from the Nelspruit side to Kwa-Zulu is operated on a public road,” said Morse. She Natal to deliver oranges. Nthangeni and her Nthangeni said they took pictures of the said the claim is generally rejected if any part of husband submitted the claim to the insur- accident . The tyres were intact. But later they the braking system is missing or is cracked, frac- ance but it was rejected on the grounds that established that the front tyre and spare wheel tured, damaged, distorted, loose or excessively the truck’s brake pads were worn out, says were missing. The tool box and batteries were worn. She said the claim could also be rejected if Nthangeni. damaged with but the thugs failed to take them lining pads or discs are excessively worn out. because they were secured by a padlock. She appealed and supplied Mutual and Considering the above, the claim was rejected Federal with a receipt from Africa Truck Parts “A lot of things were completely broken based on the Specific Exceptions in the Insurance confirming that the brake pads were replaced and a lot of things missing including the wheel with new ones on February 24. This did not lock nuts key,” she says. help as they claim was again rejected. “The photo of the mechanic changing the brake pads ‘’The truck was stripped. Some wheels and his affidavit still did not help to validate were Loose. The driver’s bag, the radio my claim.” speakers, the truck’s mounted phone and the truck’s keys were missing,” says Nthangeni. THE COLOUR OF THE CAR (should you be in an accident and require YOU BUY COULD COST YOU A paint work). FORTUNE, CAR DEALERS WARN “A darker shade car is less visible at night, WARN: Second-hand car buyers could pay so that certainly is a factor the insurer looks more premiums at. However, when we look at colour, we are also assessing the costs of replacement of paint By Thuli Zungu strained economic environment and the fact work. If someone has a limited edition, the ir- If you are on the market for a great second- that the supply of new vehicles was likely to be regular tone or colour of the car, can make hand car, now is the perfect time to shop slowed. The South African pre-owned vehicle paint work pricier should damage occur” says around for a good deal, but be warned that the market is expected to pick up over the coming Anneli Retief, Head of Dial direct Insurance. colour of the car you choose can affect your months but Consumers must be aware that the insurance premiums. colour of the car you choose, can affect your “In addition to colour, other factors that insurance premium. are taken into account include the make and Nunben Dixon, head of Gumtree Auto- model of your motor vehicle, where you live, motive, says there is a likelihood that the sale The main reasons why the colour of the where your vehicle is kept at night, who the of new cars could decline following the con- car can impact on your premiums, pertain to driver of the vehicle is, what purpose your ve- visibility (of the car at night) and paint costs hicle is used for and your previous insurance claims history,” added Retief. An important consideration is the fact that some cars are more susceptible to theft than others. “For ex- ample, a very common model on the roads is easy to obtain parts for, so it is likely to be a greater target for theft,” according to Retief. “So when you’re next shopping for a great second hand car on Gumtree, consider the col- our of your car wisely, as this can help you save on premiums down the road, ” said Dixon.

6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 17 September 2021 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE INTERPERSONAL SKILLS CRITICAL FOR YOUNG JOBSEEKERS COOPERATIVE: Thinking out of the box can take you places By Victor Mecoamere being creative, often involves looking for things SOUND CHECK Stagecraft technicians play a key role in concert preparations Apart from qualifications, job-seeking youngsters that need to be done and doing these without be- should be dependable, easy to get along with,and ing asked; which can also involve thinking crea- MZANSI be open to learning new things, according to ca- tively to make improvements to the way things STAGEHANDS reer-guidance portal Youth Central. ought to be done. This is also described in other IN DEMAND FOR quarters as “thinking out of the box”. Planning OVERSEAS JOBS Youth Central believes that these personal and organising feature working out what one may attributes form the foundation of the common need to do something, and how one would do such skills one may need to thrive in any workplace. a thing; and this also involves aspects including The portal also says an ambitious youth ought to the development of project timelines, and striving have competencies in areas including communi- to meet these set deadlines. In terms of self-man- cation, teamwork, problem solving, initiative and agement, one out to be able to do his or her job enterprise (also described as creativity), plan- without someone having to check up on them, all ning and organising, self-management, learning the time, setting and meeting one’s own deadlines, (or a preparedness for, or being open to learning also being able to delegate tasks to other people to new things), and technology. According to Youth ensure that things are done timeously. Central, communication means being clear about what you mean and what you want to achieve Learning or the preparedness to learn some- when you talk or write. thing new or being open to learning new things, is about being keen to understand new things and And that this involves listening and being grasping these, quickly; as well as taking on new able to understand where someone else is coming tasks and being able to adapt to change. from. Regarding teamwork, young people are en- couraged to work had at getting along with the Technology skills mean being able to use a people one may be working with, especially when computer for word processing, using spread- this involves working together to achieve a shared sheets and sending emails, or knowing how to use goal. office equipment, such as a photocopier. These skills also involve being adept at using social me- Problem solving means finding solutions dia, working with design or video editing software whenever one is faced with difficulties or setbacks, or knowing programming languages. Other tech- and it involves being able to use a logical process nology skills could relate to knowing how to use to figure things out Initiative and enterprise, or a cash register, a camera or a recording studio. PARTNERSHIPS: SA roadies group empowers disadvantaged youths By Thuli Zungu ing initiatives conducted by Sara in SA and abroad Newly trained stagehands will always have lit- have confirmed a high level of job creation being tle difficulty in becoming employable or being initiated among the ranks of trained personnel. able to create employment for similarly skilled backstage workers. Simply put, a newly trained sound technician and engineer will have little difficulty in extrapo- Stagehands and backstage workers are the lating the skill to service other requirements of a backbone of the entertainment industry and among customer and hire ten others to deliver the job. these crucial fellows, one finds technicians for And there are opportunities galore for the youth to sound, lighting, audio-visuals, stage work, moni- study abroad or improve their skills, and the Sara tors, rigging, designers for sound and lighting, is the best door to knock at. as well as engineers for sound, light and front of house configurations. Throughout the SA industry there are many Sara trained personnel to be found in full time While institutions that nurture roadies, as employment, and about 30 percent of the Sara’s stagehands and backstage workers are also known, countless apprentices have been able to start their are few and charge an arm and a leg, the South own enterprises, creating jobs for themselves and African Roadies Association (Sara) has been a others. Among other things, the Sara seeks to: proverbial home away from home for youths from • Develop a sustainable capacity to train and de- disadvantaged backgrounds. velop technical and production skills; SARA is a unique and dynamic non-profit • Be accessible to all young South Africans with training organisation which is dedicated to the ad- vancement and development of skills and knowl- an interest in the technical and production sec- edge among the youth in the technical and produc- tor; tion sectors in South Africa and across Africa. • Provide SAQA accredited training courses on an ongoing basis, as well as access to SARA’S Headed by one intrepid social development Entry Level On-the-Job Training Programme; activist Freddie Nyathela, the Sara was formed in • Initiate and maintain international relation- 1992 and registered in 1995, nurtures youths in the ships for education, training, equipment, lighting, sound, staging, power, rigging and audio- standards and experience; visual sectors through several SAQA accredited • Implement the national agenda in respect of Skills Education and Training Authority (SETA) transformation, skills development and job training courses, as well as its Entry Level On- creation; The-Job Training Programme. The Sara’s strategic partners include the United Kingdom-based Backstage Academy (www.back- Since its inception in 1992, the Sara has de-, the National Skills Acade- veloped and forged long term international part- my for Creative and Cultural Skills (www.ccskills. nerships with several technical bodies, resulting in, the Production Services Associations hundreds of South African youths travelling over- ( the Western Australia Academy seas to gain valuable training, skills development of Performing Arts( and and experience in the UK, Norway, Denmark, the German Entertainment Technology Associa- USA, Germany for on-the-job training, exhibitions tion ( and conferences and education. Sourced from The programme remains the main gateway for new blood into the professional ranks in the tech- nical and production industry in South Africa, and beyond. Technical and production skills and train-

Friday 17 September 2021 ENTERTAINMENT 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR UNAPPROVED BICYCLE CONVERSIONS POSE HEALTH HAZARDS BEWARE: Academic duo’s study tackles causes of acute and chronic injures prevalent in cycling… By Jacob Mawela Yet, scrutinised closely, some of the bikes Research on common injuries in cycling done manifested red flag traits such as dropped handle- by two South African academics could put the bars, saddleless bikes, bicycles not suited for their clamps on the wheels of young Soweto cyclists at particular age group, et cetera. I asked one, Madu- the centre of a do-it-yourself fad, if heeded. vha Ndou, a 17-years-old Grade 11 pupil, whether he was aware of the danger of riding around in a RIDE-ON: Soweto’s young group of cyclists, who call themselves Team Mosha, prepare for Titled, “Common injuries in cycling: Preven- standing formation (his wheels had no seat) for ex- a fun convoy ride along the townships’ streets. tion, diagnosis and management”, was published in the official journal of the South African Acad- tended distances, the question drew a blank from bike is demanding more than my car!” not come at the cost of their safety.” emy of Family Practice/Primary Care by Professor the youngster. For all their pragmatism - with those For his part, Tshepo had delayed in getting his To the effect to the cyclist’s back caused by rid- Martin Schwellnus and Wayne E Derman. The two among them from households whose parents could son his first ever bicycle – at the age of 13 – after ing in a prolonged hunched manner with dropped academics tackle causes of acute and chronic inju- not afford bikes for them, instead gathering frames wrestling with the memory of a 1983 scooter ac- handlebars, Mclean offered, “I love the idea of ries prevalent in cycling – with poor bicycle-cyclist from dumping sites or scrapyards, and components cident involving his messenger uncle, which had making bikes hip, bit like the Harley cult for cy- “fit”, a contributor to chronic injuries which can be such as handlebars, wheels, tyres, saddles, breaks, affected him immensely. He had to watch his quad- cling. However, youngsters are still growing and off-set by appropriate matching of a cyclist and a cranks, etc., from cycle shops – they constituted riplegic family member suffer for two years before their stabilising muscles are not fully developed bicycle. “misfits” far disposed from the cyclist and bicycle succumbing to the effects of his injury. “A bicy- or strong enough to hold these youngsters in com- synergy exhorted by the researchers. cle is not only to play, but there are implications,” promised position. Bike se-tup is not only about The research conjures the common scenario in A PARENT’S TAKE Seeiso’s father cautioned. comfort but also safety.” About riding around Soweto, and elsewhere, where teenage boys have On the parents’ side, I approached 15-year-old VIEW FROM THE PROFESSIONAL CYCLIST sans helmets, he responded, “This in a no, no. It’s introduced their own spin to recreational cycling by Saint Martin de Porres Grade 9 pupil, Seeiso Ke- I sought the viewpoint of Andrew Mclean – a against the Law,” adding, “I’m happy to donate a riding bicycles they have assembled by themselves. kana’s dad, Tshepo, on his take of his son’s hobby. multiple winner of the Cape Argus Cycle Tour who few helmets.” The fad is such that these owners of “pimped up” He recalled his ire at discovering his son had dis- co-founded Cycle Lab – on the youngsters’ trend. THE EXPERTS’ ANALYSIS rides are ubiquitous on any street and road from mantled a Mongoose bike, costing R2900, to over- Mclean weighed in, “Making bikes cool, pimping I consulted Bryanston-based chiropractor, Dr Pimville to Protea. haul it to the current contraption, whose cost kept them and stimulating other youngsters to be pas- Simon Workman, who also treats cyclists, to com- THE YOUNGSTERS​ escalating to a point that he protested that, “your sionate about bicycles is great. However, this can- ment on images of the youngsters’ doled-up bicy- cles. Indeed, he confirmed that a bike’s set-up is Citing the research to make some of the boys’ important, adding he often referred cyclists to Cy- conscious of the hazards lurking in the sort of non- cle Lab. SABS approved bicycles they ride, I approached Dr Workman referred me to Schwellnus and a Pimville-based crew known as, Team Mosha. Derman’s research, which resonates with the edu- Twenty-one members strong, they surrounded me cational context of this article. Among their find- with raucous laughter, upon my questioning their ings on the subject of chronic neck pain suffered by habit not to wear helmets when riding around, with cyclists, were predisposing factors caused by poor- one intoning a commonly held viewpoint among ly conditioned upper back musculature, “dropped” them, “What will people say; It’s swanky to ride handlebars, raised saddle, etc. Also, incorrect bicy- without one!” To whether any of them had ever cle set-up (incorrect frame size, saddle height and been involved in a crash or injured, the adolescents incorrect saddle position) predisposes chronic knee were candid enough to admit to an injury having pain – a common injury suffered by cyclists. been inflicted to one of their own through a col- Furthermore, the duo urges that prevention of lision with a car. This was during a “ride” around lower back pain is related mainly to proper bicy- Soweto, some years back – one serious to land the cle set-up, with the adjusting of the saddle angle, victim in hospital, and render him incapable of cy- saddle height, handlebar height, handlebar position cling again for a considerable while. and handlebar length cited as effective in reducing back pain during cycling. Parallel, they encouraged Our engagement was interspersed by a display the wearing of hard-shell cycling helmets as an im- of will-‘o-the-wisp “toys” embellished with 12- CRANK-UP: Photojournalist Jacob Mawela inspectors some of the parts used by cycling portant measure for preventing serious acute head watt speakers, shiny long nuts, chrome bull bars youngsters to modify their bicycles into fancy contraptions, something research has and neck injuries, the most serious injuries suffered and yellow boards emblazoned with catchy state- revealed might pose safety problems for them by cyclists and accounting for most of the fatalities. ments such as, “Inkinga yakho umona” (your prob- lem is jealousy), etc.

8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 17 September 2021 Comment WEST’S VACCINE HOARDING NEGATES ICONIC: Late Henry Nxumalo NOTION OF HUMAN SOLIDARITY HOW AMERICANS GOBBLED UP The call by the World Health Organisation A TRUE SOUTH AFRICA STORY (WHO) to the world leaders attending the 76th session of the United Nations General Assem- FLICK: How Drum film’s US financial backers prioritised American gloss over African bly (UNGA) to prioritise equitable access to telling story of SA magazine and Mafuna’s journalist dad Henry Nxumalo... COVID-19 vaccines and other life-saving tools, is more than valid – especially under the cur- By Suzette Mafuna I smelt a rat when to her, the film “depends on just a few too many rent dire circumstances of the pandemic. IN CANADA the “woke” big-screen cliches and predictable plot turns.” The “richly designed sets and costumes” were not able More than anything, it speaks to the moral im- It was in the early 90’s when a stranger named Capetonian argued to overcome the less-than-satisfactory” Drum. perative of human solidarity – a call that should Zola Maseko called to tell me about a movie that a Soweto street have been needless, if the developed countries had he wanted to produce on Henry Nxumalo, and A Cape Town-based advertising “creative” ap- acted with unforced moral gumption in the first could I give consent. It was the peak of exhila- had been named proached me after I had started talking with Wits place when it came to the issue of vaccine distri- ration and intoxicating euphoria, our formerly after my father… representatives about giving consent to a Post Hu- bution. Yet, the unheeded message to the leaders exiled brothers and sisters, returnee artists, poli- mous Doctorate in Literature Award to Henry Nxu- of the developed nations, is that the pandemic’s ticians. former askaris, double agents and infil- lifestyle magazine in Africa”. malo. vicious cycle will remain too great to be overcome trators were coming home tentatively and drip “[1] It was director Zola Maseko’s first film and – as long as the majority of the world’s population by drip. Brimming with excitement, gratitude I smelt a rat when the “woke” Capetonian ar- remain outside of the vaccine supply chain. At a and appreciation of such formidable attempt at deals with the issues of apartheid and the forced re- gued that a Soweto street had been named after my media briefing, WHO director-general Dr Tedros telling my dad story, I consented, but only after moval of residents from Sophiatown. The film was father, when my son, Khotso, and I had taken pho- Ghebreyesus frantically sounded the clarion call, I had sought and gotten the go-ahead from my originally to be a six-part television series called tos of us under the Henry Nxumalo Street sign in as he has to no avail in recent months, all to deaf close and extended family. Sophiatown Short Stories, but Maseko could not get Johannesburg city. Goch street, the historic scene of ears. Yet, again, this week Ghebreyesus was back the funding. The lead roles of Henry Nxumalo and a deadly confrontation between underground insur- at pleading with the world’s leaders to heed his I asked for the script, consulted with my young- Drum main photographer Jürgen Schadeberg were gents and armed to-the-teeth apartheid police, had call – not to allow the critical life-and-death mat- er and only brother - he was my most dependable, played by American actors Taye Diggs and Gabriel been renamed Henry Nxumalo Street. ter of vaccine iniquity to persist without swift in- and the most impartial, wise and instinctive critique Mann, while most of the rest of the cast were South tervention. As he made the call, he reminded the and counsellor ever. We didn’t reject it outright, but African actors”. The creative brother could not have known that world that the situation looked utterly grim, and, agreed it needed some rewrite, revisions, deletions, my first assignment of a political nature was a sig- the future threat even more so, and too ghastly to additions and so on. The film premiered at the Toronto Interna- nificant, sensitive, and intimate interview with the contemplate. That, the COVID-19 pandemic had tional Film Festival in September 2004, and did the overwhelmingly shocked and bewildered, mother of already claimed the lives of nearly five million For his part, Zola graciously informed me my rounds of international film festivals before going the brave young warrior, Solomon Mahlangu, who people around the globe, and the virus continued revised script was not acceptable to the sponsor and on general release in South Africa in July 2006. It had been executed for his alleged role in the murder to circulate actively in all regions of the world. he wouldn’t be able to produce the movie without was released in Europe, but failed to get a distribu- of a police officer during a skirmish between police the sponsor. tor for the USA where it went straight to DVD. and guerrillas on Goch Street. “The longer vaccine inequity persists, the more the virus will keep circulating and changing, I missed the launch of the movie Drum because The film was generally well received critically. How could I be wrong about the location of the longer the social and economic disruption will it came out, when I had already moved to Canada, It was awarded Best South African Film at the Dur- Henry Nxumalo Street, a national tribute to my continue, and the higher the chances that more but managed to watch it online. I watched it once ban International Film Festival, and director Mase- dad’s valour, now named after a most courageous variants will emerge that render vaccines less ef- and despaired. Only one US reviewer was scathing- ko gained the top prize at the Pan-African Film and and daring young soldier who died for his people fective,’’ Ghebreyesus warns. ly critical of the made-in-America African movie (I Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO). to be free, what a poignant and humbling gesture. HUMANE CALL have copied and saved the review). BBC News writes “The hero of Drum is the fun Two Black men, one an older journalist who A warning of this magnitude ought to – at Secondly, Drum won Zola an approximately loving, hard-drinking philanderer, Henry Nxumalo, was stabbed brutally for exposing the impact of the least – jerk the world’s leaders into some instant R120-million prize. I believe he was under pressure a magazine reporter. Nxumalo’s enterprising report- country’s racist laws on black people - the other, a response. But, none tangible so far, except a deaf- to feature US artists and crew in order to draw US age leads him into direct conflict with South Afri- young guerilla fighter who was executed for fight- ening silence along the Washington-Belgium axis audiences. ca’s apartheid machinery with fatal consequences”. ing to free his people from bondage. His grieving of Western power. Perhaps, a signal of things to mom could not believe that the racist regime had come – come UNGA’S 76th session next Wednes- Wikipedia provides the following summary of The leading role is taken by African-American waited for her son to turn 21 before carrying out the day. When, at most, we can expect a woolly re- Drum a 2004 film based on the life of South Af- actor Taye Diggs. Maseko was awarded the Etalon execution - by law, no executions were allowed of sponse to be fashioned for the international gal- rican investigative journalist Henry Nxumalo who d’Or de Yennenga or the Golden Stallion of Yennen- anyone under 21. lery, to crown the usual bombast of the highfalutin worked for Drum magazine, called “the first black ga, and a cash prize of 10m CFA francs ($20,000) at toenadering which characterise similar august the end of the week-long film festival”. “They waited to execute my son after his 21st occasions. Yet, the challenges abound – WHO’s birthday in imprisonment,” she cried. How could targets to vaccinate at least 40% of the population One of the most critical reviews was by Franc- this advertising Capetonian be so ignorant, flippant of every country by the end of this year, and 70% esca Dinglasan of Box Office Magazine. Dinglasan, and ill-equipped to execute such a monumental and by the middle of next year, seem insurmountable who gave Drum 2.5 out of 5 stars, was unimpressed crucial task that he was assigned by his advertising currently when viewed against the current inertia. by the “unoriginal plotting techniques to convey the employer. story of an investigative journalist attempting to ex- But, as WHO points out, these targets are pose racial injustices in a society coming to grips I never heard from him again. achievable if countries and manufacturers make a with the newly introduced edicts of apartheid.” Al- *In this first-part of two articles, Canada-based genuine commitment to vaccine equity. For now, though Diggs’s acting was “engaging”, according veteran journalist Suzette Mafuna catalogues her the picture looks unedifying. More than 5.7 bil- battles to protect and preserve the legacy of her fa- lion vaccine doses have been administered glob- ther, journalism extraordinaire Henry Nxumalo, ally, but 73% of all doses have been hoarded by whose character is central in the award-winning just 10 countries. Needless to say, the unfairness film Drum. of this situation defies words. For his part, Ghebreyesus has called for some common sense – that those to whom the message is directed muster their deep sense of humanity and respond accordingly. He has called on “all countries to break the cycle of ‘panic and ne- glect’ seen after previous health emergencies, and commit adequate financial resources, as well as political will, to strengthening health emergency preparedness across the globe”. Future pandem- ics looming, our collective fate rests at equitable interventions. So, the call is out there for the most humane of world’s leaders to rise to be counted, to support the quest for Africa WHO’s push for eq- uitable vaccine distribution. The message is clear: share a jab and reaffirm your humanity. That’s the humble call to the world’s rich nations. v 060 936 2673 [email protected] PEARL RANTSEKENG.................... Editor MOLEFI MIKA ..................Deputy Editor THULI ZUNGU ................ Associate Editor GUGU SIBIYA ................. Lifestyle Editor Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: Postnet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror commits to truthful, accu- rate, fair, balanced reporting. The publication is in the process of submitting its application to join the Press Council.

Friday 17 September 2021 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR A SAGA OF DEHUMANISED BLACK FAMILY LIFE BEHIND APARTHEID’S IRON CURTAIN DRACONIAN: The profundity of Poli Poli lies, not only in the brilliant prose, but in how it centres Black women - often relegated to footnotes of history books - in stories of resistance... Reviewed by Malaika Wa Azania urban life in South Africa. There, in the belly of were the easier target because they were already order that her children and grandchildren may live The story of colonial conquest and imperial deprivation, she is forced to surrender a part of rendered infants by the apartheid regime. on their feet. Though apartheid takes a lot from devastation is often told in the language of herself in order that she may be accepted into a Ouma Johanna, including her home, her daughter macro impacts – in the amount of land violent- school that is reserved only for so-called Col- But while Poli Poli is a story about life under lost in part to the migrant-labour system, and her ly dispossessed, the number of the colonised oured children. This confrontation with racial colonialism and apartheid for Black people, who only son Khalo, who is brutally murdered by rac- shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to work as classification is an assault not only on her identity, in many ways were natives of nowhere, it is fun- ist youth to whom killing Black people is sport, slaves in the plantations of the Americas, and but patriarchal traditions that insist that children damentally a story about Black women. In Ouma she insists on surviving. She insists on waking up in the statistics of the brutally maimed and belong to their father’s people. Johanna, we meet a Black woman whose life was each morning to hold the Masekela family togeth- murdered. radical. It may not seem so by today’s standards, er. I cannot think of anything more radical. Her father’s response to what he deems an af- but for a Black woman to raise and educate her This is also true of the story of apartheid in front on his manhood reflects the anguish of many children on her own, under a system that insisted The profundity of Poli Poli lies not only in the South Africa – a story often told about draconian Black men under apartheid: being stripped naked, on Black people being nothing more than hew- brilliant prose with which the story is told, but in laws that stripped Black people of their human- figuratively and literally, and denied the things ers of wood and drawers of water, was an act of the ways it centres Black women who are often ness, of the massacres that claimed the lives of that define, in a traditional sense, manhood. Ex- defiance. nothing more than footnotes in history books and the unnamed, and of the heroes, mostly men, who pressions of emasculation litter the story, some- in stories of resistance. The myth of the African went to prison for decades or led the liberation times presenting as bravado. Ouma Johanna’s creative traditional beer as unthinking has been cemented by centuries of movements from underground. brewing enterprise was also a radical act of defi- colonial literature and the pseudo-sciences of eu- is especially pronounced in young men like ance – refusal allow the system’s destruction of genics. And while it is true for all peoples of the Very rarely is the story of colonialism and of Ntambo, a feared criminal who would forcefully businesses owned by Black women who were continent that we have been rendered unthinking, apartheid told as a story of families – ordinary and violently attempt to have a relationship with unwilling to sell their labour to White-owned fac- and that Black people continue to be diminished men and women who experienced the brutalities Masekela. In an environment like Alexandra tories or be indentured labour on their farms. But to a permanent state of childhood, it is especially of forced removals, pass laws and existence in a where Black men were animalised and dehuman- her radicalism is also expressed in her silences – so for Black women. zone of non-being. ised, this aggression was inevitable, and women and in the sacrifices she makes on her knees in Those who have benefitted greatly from the Apartheid is described as a system that af- erasure of Black women, and from laying claims fected many, and yet, there is minimal intentional to our intellectual labour that exists in multiple engagement with the geo-histories of these name- sources whose contributions have been expropri- less and faceless people – these families who ated and appropriated, argue that this epistemic were forced to exist and resist under conditions violence is the result of Black women being transmitted from centuries before. voiceless. Such is nothing more than a convenient explanation for this injustice, for in the profound In Poli Poli, Barbara Masekela tells the story words of Indian author and activist, Arundhati of colonial imposition and apartheid barbarity that Roy: centres the lives of ordinary people. She tells the story of men and women in the coal mining com- “There is really no such thing as the voiceless. munity of KwaGuqa, the Place of Kneeling, who There are only the deliberately silenced, or the had arrived carrying their meagre belongings and preferably unheard”. In Poli Poli, Masekela in- with tears steaming down their forlorn faces, hav- sists on the deliberately silenced and ignored be- ing been forcefully removed from yonder distant ing heard and seen. With gentleness, she unlocks lands they had once called home. De-agrarianised even the complexities of Ouma Johanna and the and dispossessed, they had made their way to this many women in her life whose existence is not place where easy but who refuse still, to die. Masekela would begin the journey of her life She paints a confronting picture of what in the home of her grandmother, Ouma Johanna Black people lost under apartheid beyond the land Mabena Bower, the central figure in this story and economy. We lost families, identities and the of survival, sacrifice and belonging. Ouma, seen innocence of childhood. Masekela also lost her through the eyes of a young Barbara in a constant citizenship – a decision she made when she took state of evolution, is a towering figure in a way an exit permit out of the country of her birth, to that history does not allow Black women to be. newly independent Ghana that represented eve- rything colonised people were fighting for across Proud and somewhat stoic, she raises her the continent, and which would take South Africa grandchildren in a home where, though not many decades to achieve, at a cost so high it has overtly displayed, love lives. Like many women not been sufficiently calculated. in KwaGuqa and across the country, she raises her grandchildren in order that their parents may Poli Poli demands to be read, if not for any- work or study in faraway cities to provide a mate- thing else, to honour the many Black women to rially better life. whom we owe this democracy, but whose names and faces we may never fully know. It must be Though Masekela’s parents undoubtedly read for our grandmothers who suffered and sac- love her and her brother Minkie (the iconic Hugh rificed, and for our mothers who, like Sis Pannie, Masekela), they make difficult choices imposed Masekela’s mother, even with chains of patriar- on them by a system that is brutal on the Black chy and oppressions of culture, served our coun- family structure. The consequence is the orphan- try and fought for our right to be human. hood that would define the life of Masekela even *Wa Azania is the bestselling author of Mem- when, in the 1950s, she would eventually move to oirs of a Born Free: Reflections on the Rainbow the sprawling township of Alexandra to live with Nation and Corridors of Death: The Struggle to them. Exist in Historically White Institutions It is in Alexandra where Masekela is intro- duced to the brutality of the apartheid system on

10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR COVID-UPDATE Friday 17 September 2021 VACCINE INEQUITY POSES GRAVE RISK TO AFRICA’S PEOPLE INJUSTICE: More than 5.7 billion doses administered globally, but only 2% reached Africa, according to WHO director-general Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus (left) As you know, WHO’s global targets are to sup- here today – Strive, John, Vera and Benedict – for WHO’S port every country to vaccinate at least 40% of their leadership of AVAT, and acknowledge the role VACCINE its population by the end of this year, and 70% of President Cyril Ramaphosa in initiating AVAT as PROGRAMME of the world’s population by the middle of next Chair of the African Union. Yesterday and today, we OVERVIEW year. had a very constructive meeting between partners from COVAX and AVAT to agree on a way forward. • WHO’s global targets are to sup- • So far, COVAX has shipped more So far, just two countries in Africa have reached port every country to vaccinate at than 260 million doses to 141 coun- the 40% target, the lowest of any region. As I said Vaccine inequity is a solvable problem. We call least 40% of its population by the tries. last week, that’s not because African countries don’t on manufacturers to prioritize COVAX and AVAT; end of this year, and 70% of the have the capacity or experience to roll out vaccines. We call on countries that have already achieved high world’s population by the mid- But as you know, COVAX has It’s because they have been left behind by the rest coverage levels to swap their near-term vaccine de- dle of next year. So far, just two also faced several challenges, with of the world. liveries with COVAX and AVAT; countries in Africa have reached manufacturers prioritizing bilat- the 40% target, the lowest of any eral deals and many high-income More than 5.7 billion doses have been admin- To fulfil their dose-sharing pledges immedi- region. More than 5.7 billion doses countries tying up the global sup- istered globally, but only 2% of those have been ately; And to facilitate the sharing of technology, have been administered globally, ply of vaccines. administered in Africa. This leaves people at high know-how and intellectual property to support re- but only 2% of those have been ad- risk of disease and death exposed to a deadly virus gional vaccine manufacturing. ministered in Africa. • Last year, the African Union es- against which many other people around the world tablished the African COVID-19 enjoy protection. We call on all countries and manufacturers to • The longer vaccine inequity per- Vaccine Acquisition Task Team, or share information on bilateral deals with COVAX sists, the more the virus will keep AVAT, as a compliment to COVAX This doesn’t only hurt the people of Africa, it and AVAT so we understand where vaccines are circulating and changing, the long- to purchase vaccines for AU Mem- hurts all of us. The longer vaccine inequity persists, needed most; And to share information on supply er the social and economic disrup- ber States. Yesterday and today, we the more the virus will keep circulating and chang- and delivery projections so countries can be ready to tion will continue, and the higher had a very constructive meeting ing, the longer the social and economic disruption immediately roll out vaccines when they land; And the chances that more variants will between partners from COVAX will continue, and the higher the chances that more we call on all countries to recognize all vaccines emerge that render vaccines less and AVAT to agree on a way for- variants will emerge that render vaccines less effec- with WHO Emergency Use Listing. effective. ward. Vaccine inequity is a solv- tive. able problem. I may sound like a broken record – I don’t care. It was to avoid this situation that WHO, Gavi, I will continue to call for vaccine equity until we get CEPI and UNICEF established COVAX last year, to it. But you don’t just have to hear it from me. Today accelerate the development and equitable distribu- I’m honoured to be joined by several leading voices tion of vaccines. So far, COVAX has shipped more to talk about how COVAX and AVAT are working than 260 million doses to 141 countries. But as you together to achieve our shared vaccination targets in know, COVAX has also faced several challenges, Africa. with manufacturers prioritizing bilateral deals and many high-income countries tying up the global First, I’m very pleased to welcome Mr Strive supply of vaccines. Masiyiwa, the African Union’s Special Envoy for COVID-19. Strive, thank you for joining us, and for Last year, the African Union established the everything you’re doing with AVAT to deliver vac- African COVID-19 Vaccine Acquisition Task Team, cines to Africa’s people as soon as possible. Thank or AVAT, as a compliment to COVAX to purchase you for your leadership. You have the floor. vaccines for AU Member States. *Dr Ghebreyesus delivered the Covid-19 overview at a media briefing on Wednesday I would like to thank my friends and colleagues EVENTS MANAGEMENT COACHING & MENTORING MARKETING & MEDIA ACTIVATION FOR ENQUIRIES CONTACT US: HR SUPPORT [email protected] +27 79 037 7930

Friday 17 September 2021 FOOD AND WINE 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR COMPETITION JUDGES NAME SA’S ‘BEST-EVER’ 2021 CHENIN BLANC WINES Wine-ly Yours KLEINE ZALZE SCOOPS BEST BRUT PRIZE MOUSSE: : It beats 134 other bubblies to receive the honours CRITERIA: Top 10 winning wines ​NOTES ABOUT SOUTH AFRICAN The Kleine Zalze Vintage Brut MCC 2015 set benchmark for the grape globally CHENIN BLANC was yesterday named the Best Brut Cap Classique at this year’s bubbly competi- By Len Maseko • Many wine drinkers tend to buy wine for tion, the 2021 Amorim Cap Classique Chal- immediate enjoyment. Fresh young Chenin lenge. The announcement was made at an Rarely does one find a collection of wines, made PANEL: Chenin Blanc wine judge Penny Setti Blanc wines answer this call admirably. awards function at Tintswalo Atlantic at from the same grape variety and tasted together entered for the competition, as blind benchmarks, These wines have seductive fresh fruit and Chapman’s Peak in Hout Bay, coupled with by a panel of judges to search for Top 10 selec- something that lifted the criteria “a notch this year,” delicate floral aromas and a host of fruit salad the naming of the bubbly’s home – Kleine tion, ultimately declared the best-ever represen- according to Pietersen. flavours, sometimes apple or melon, apricot, Zalze wine estate – as Best Producer Over- tation of that grape in a country so far. guava and pineapple, all backed by firm, all. The Kleine Zalze Vintage Brut MCC “As a panel, it is essential that we evaluate the crisp, natural acidity that make Chenin Blanc 2015 scooped the ultimate prize from 134 The operative term here is “best ever” and that submissions within the wider context of best in the wines so perfectly balanced. other local Cap Classique wines. rare moment happened yesterday when the Stand- field. I’m glad to say that even when matched against ard Bank Chenin Blanc Top Ten Challenge winning these non-entrants, we saw a healthy consistency in • Oak introduces a great complexity of fla- The 2021 Amorim Cap Classique Chal- wines for the year 2021 were announced and ac- outcome,” he said. vours and a richer mouth feel. Chenin Blanc lenge Trophy for Best Blanc de Blancs claimed as the benchmark for the category to date. rewards lengthy bottle maturation. The col- wine went to Mariëtte Chardonnay Blanc “The quality of South African Chenin has never been Immediately noticeable about the judges’ Top our deepens to a gorgeous straw-gold, and de Blanc from Stofberg Family Vineyards. better”, said the 2021 Standard Bank Chenin Blanc !0 Chenin Blanc wines is nine of 10 come from the honey and nuts are added to the palette of fla- The Best Rosé category winner is Graham Top Ten Challenge judges. 2020 vintage, though originating from different win- vours. In South Africa, Chenin Blanc previ- Beck Pinot Noir Rosé 2017 and Best Nectar emaking locations. The majority were from Stellen- ously held a reputation as a workhorse grape, (demi-sec) Graham Beck Bliss Nectar Rosé Judging panel chairman James Pietersen said bosch, six of the winning wines, while the rest rep- a vigorous variety with high yields used for (non-vintage). South Africa had set “the benchmark for the grape resented areas such as Worcester, Piekenierskloof, simple, large-production wines and the base globally and because of the healthy competitive Swartland and Paarl. for local brandy distillation. But the variety The trophy for Best Museum Class Cap spirit of innovation amongst local winemakers, the has taken on an entirely new image. Today, it Classique, awarded to a wine from a vin- country remains the pre-eminent source of the most Among the Top 10 were newcomers to the com- produces high-quality wines across multiple tage of eight years or older, was grapped by exciting and delicious expressions”. For the record, petition – Guardian Peak, Le Belle Rebelle and styles and appellations within the country. Boschendal Wines for the Boschendal Jean Chenin Blanc is the most widely planted grape in the Lievland. Other winning wines, like Stellenrust, le Long Prestige Cuvée 2009. country and its first plantings reportedly date back to have featured eight times in the annual line-up while • Known to acclimate to a variety of conditions, WINNER: Kleine Zalze Vintage Brut MCC 2015 the 17th century. British wine expert Tim Atkin once DeMorgenzon has appeared seven times consecu- Chenin deftly expresses­terroir. Cool-climate described local Chenin Blanc as “South Africa’s tively since 2015. selections showcase zippy acidity and notes greatest grape”. Well, the judges should know better, of citrus peel, while those from warmer ap- having tasted a staggering 138 local Chenin Blanc This year’s judges included winemaker Boela pellations offer a broader mouthfeel and ripe wines to arrive at this impressive collective con- Gerber of Groot Constantia; sommelier Higgo melon or apple characteristics. clusion. For the first time, the judges introduced to Jacobs; Penny Setti, former sommelier at Chef’s the judging process, critically acclaimed wines not Warehouse and now owner of Penny Noire wine bar. • Wines from sites surrounded by fynbos, the The challenge is organised by the SA Chenin Blanc natural shrublands and heathlands of the ​The 2021 Standard Association. Cape Winelands, reflect those herbal influ- Bank Chenin Blanc ences, in contrast to those from coastal sites Top Ten Challenge that are pinned with an unmistakable saline accent. Granitic soils contribute a linear, winners are: flinty mineral character, while wines from clay-rich soils frequently exhibit rounder tex- • Bellingham The Bernard Series Old Vine tures and riper fruit expressions. Chenin Blanc Limited Release 2020 • Chenin Blanc initiatives like the Old Vine • DeMorgenzon Reserve Chenin Blanc 2020 Project seek to preserve­these sites to keep • Guardian Peak Donkiesbaai Steen 2020 the old vines and soils healthy and viable. • Ken Forrester Terre Noire Chenin Blanc 2020 Wines produced from such old vines exhibit • Kleine Zalze Wines Vineyard Selection a natural balance between­concentration and finesse. They’re complex wines of depth and Chenin Blanc 2020 intrigue that can cellar gracefully from five to • Kleine Zalze Wines Family Reserve Chenin 15 years, if not more. SOURCE: SA Chenin Blanc Association; Blanc 2020 Wine Enthusiast Magazine • Le Belle Rebelle Solitude Chenin Blanc 2020 • Lievland Vineyards Old Vine Chenin Blanc 2020 • Simonsig Wines Avec Chêne Wooded Chenin Blanc 2019 • Stellenrust Old Bushvine Chenin Blanc 2020

12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 17 September 2021 MOTORING:Briefs NO BEER WITH MAX - HAMILTON Lewis Hamilton has flagged the possibility of sharing “a beer” with his 2021 champion- ship rival Max Verstappen. Their intense and tantalisingly close title battle came to an ugly crescendo at Monza when the pair collided, with Mercedes’ Toto Wolff calling Max Ver- stappen’s move a “tactical foul”. However, Red Bull’s Dr Helmut Marko in- sists the subsequent beat-up was essentially a Mercedes “show” focused also on Verstappen failing to check on his rival’s well-being and Hamilton’s supposed light head injuries. After the race, Hamilton travelled from Italy to New York for the prominent Met Gala event, which he attended in an extravagant outfit. Formula 1 insiders, however, report that the 36-year-old is also consulting with a specialist after suffering from headaches and a stiff neck due to his helmet making contact with Verstap- pen’s rear wheel. MORE GROWN-UP FIESTA DYNAMIC NEW YORK ZERO EMISSION 2035 REJUVENATED: Mid-life facelift for Ford’s supermini makes for Following a trend set by a number of states greater road presence in the U.S., New York state has passed a law that sets a target for 100 percent of new pas- senger cars and trucks sold or leased in the state to be zero-emissions vehicles by the year 2035. The legislation was signed by Governor Kathy Hochul just a few days ago. The legislation contains a similar goal for off-road vehicles and equipment by 2035. The law also establishes a goal for all me- dium- and heavy-duty trucks sold or leased in the state to be zero-emission vehicles by 2045, “for all operations where feasible.” – Car and Driver REAR: Contrasting black surrounds ROUNDED: New Fiesta face BMW EV RANGE CAPPED AT 600KM By Ali Mphaki form in the throat - not that its a novel in today’s cars now a bit of a mapakisha with extra curves giving German luxury carmaker BMW says it is No disrespect to the outgoing Ford Fiesta, but it - is that the new model is well endowed. the vehicle a bit rounded face. Remarkable is the not pursuing a driving range greater than 600 was only three years into its life that its engineers Fiesta’s new family face, which will feature on all kilometres for its electric vehicles (EVs), forc- started to see new opportunities to give the car Standard or with optional extras are electro- of the brand’s upcoming models. Within the angular ing Australian drivers to rely on charging infra- more ‘personality” - a project that culminated in gimmicks such as lane-keeping assist, lane-depar- grille is Ford’s blue oval badge, previously above structure for long-distance travel. When asked the birth of the newcomer – the new Ford Fiesta ture warning, speed-limit sign recognition, adaptive it. At the rear the light clusters – optionally LED- whether the company was developing EVs 2022. cruise control, blind-spot warning, and cross-traffic equipped – have gained contrasting black surrounds. with 1000km of driving range, BMW i4 pro- warning for when you’re reversing to a road. ject leader David Ferrufino told WhichCar the It was eight years ago when the outgoing mod- The new Fiesta is offered in a slightly restruc- company had made the decision to introduce a el was launched to rave reviews, but with seismic Another feature that will bring a smile on a po- tured trim line-up, comprising Trend, Titanium, cap across its electrified line-up. changes in the B-segment, it was about time for Ford tential buyer is the unique feature called ‘Wrong ST-Line and Active variants, along with the ST to spruce up its supermini, the hot hatch getting a Way Alert’, which uses a camera mounted to the hot hatch. Overall, the Ford supermini has become “One thousand kilometres of range is not 10 percent boost in torque from its 1.5-litre engine. windscreen in conjunction with the car’s naviga- bolder and from whichever way you may look at it a target we have with our fully-electric cars,” tion system to warn the driver if they are travelling – its grown up. Rivals include the Opel Corsa and Ferrufino said at a media conference this week. Ford says it completes the mandatory 0- 100 against oncoming traffic. This once happened to me the VW Polo, the latter recently having enjoyed a “We are aiming for 600 kilometres [of driving km/h sprint in six and a half seconds and reaches driving against oncoming traffic, and I know the de- facelift. Ford SA will announce pricing towards range] for our fully-electric cars, and 100 kilo- a top speed of 230 km/h. But what will see a lump pressing feeling… launch sometime next year. metres with our plug-in hybrids in everyday driving.”-WhichCar BMW 628CSI The body styling is unmistakably Fiesta, though – LUXURY HOW TO PRONOUNCE PORSCHE By Ali Mphaki coupe; the 635CSi. Its 3.5-litre engine taken straight AND POWER Fashion designer Pierre Cardin always insisted from the M 49 racing powerplant and delivered un- While the Porsche is thought to be pro- COMBINE that “elegance is the what, chic is the how”. At diluted dynamics. In 1979 the BMW 630CS was nounced “Porsch,” with a silent “e” at the end. the same time his peer Yves Saint Laurent also replaced by the 628CSi, and five years later the This pronunciation is incorrect. TRADITION: chided that “elegance should not be confused company presented the most powerful model in the Significantly longer with snobbism”. Looking back into the 70s no range – the BMW M635CSi. “Porsche” is actually a two-syllable word and wider than its other car could strike a nice balance between with a stressed vowel on the “e” with Ger- predecessor sporting prowess and luxurious elegance like the In addition to quality of design and technologi- man pronunciation. In proper German pronun- first 6-series models, the 630CS and the 633CSi cal refinement, comfort and safety played an im- ciation, Porsche is pronounced “Por-shuh” or fitted with new six-cylinder in-line engines. portant role in the 6-Series Coupe. Crash tests and “Por-sha”, again with a stressed, flattened “e” computer analysis saw the return of the B-pillar as a instead of a “silent e” in typical American Eng- Then in 1978, BMW unveiled its new flagship stabilizing element. lish pronunciation. Despite its lofty price, the BMW 6-Series Coupe The Porsche Maycanne as “mah-kaan.” proved to be succesful and remained in The first syllable has a soft “ma” pronuncia- production for 14 years – longer than tion, while the second has a short “K” sound any model before it. The last of the alongside a soft “A” which will sound like 86,216 coupes left the assembly line “ah.” While the Cayene goes like “kye-anne.”- in 1989 and it was another 14 years before the 6-Series enjoyed a majestic renaissance in the shape of the BMW SOME OF THE BEST CAR 630i and BMW 645Ci. MOVIES OF ALL TIME Boasting state-of-the-art technol- ogy, powerful engines and a distinc- The automobile has provided a backbone tive and aesthetically pleasing design, for modern life almost as long as movie thea- they were following very much in the tres gave drivers a destination. Perhaps that’s tradition of sporty yet elegant luxury why vehicles and movies feel so intrinsically coupes at BMW.-additional reporting linked: from The Perfect Line. Cars are a conveyance for the body, movies are one for the imagination. Moreover, movies have repeatedly showcased the possibilities of what man can do in cars - first, to build and per- fect them, and later, to push them to unimagi- nable feats of speed, strength and endurance. CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING LIST: Grand Prix (1966) · Bullitt (1968) · The Italian Job (1969) · Duel (1971) · Two-Lane Black- top (1971), Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry (1974), Smokey and the Bandit (1977),The Driver (1978), The Blues Brothers (1980), The Can- nonball Run (1981, The Road Warrior (1981) Days of Thunder (1990), Ronin (1998).

Friday 17 September 2021 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR TEACHING YOUTH ABOUT VALUE OF MONEY AND SAVING LITERACY: Early training readies kids for adulthood economic decisions By Isaac Moledi that teaching your children to save, and the value EARLY START: A piggy bank is the way to begin to introduce a child to understanding money Some few years ago, a friend’s four-year-old of money is one of the most important lessons for collected a toy from our local store and asked anyone to learn, get the leg up that tax incentives give because they same when giving cash gifts. his father to buy it for him. The response from don’t engage with them. - Model good spending and saving habits: As par- his father was that he did not have such a lot The organization believes that lessons about of money to buy him the toy. The child looked money should start at a preschool age. “As soon “In our credit-mad society, parents should teach ents, we have the biggest influence on the way at his father and said: “Just go to the bank as children can count, introduce them to money,” children that credit has a role to play in a respon- children save or spend. If you’re telling your and they will give you money.” Overwhelmed, Mwandiabira says. “Take an active role because sible financial plan, but its use should be managed child to be wise with money but you go out to I looked at the young lad and asked him why repetition and observing others are the two meth- carefully. They should understand the difference buy the latest phone or trendy fashions, what his father should go to the bank and asked for ods they learn by. Parents need to try and instil between big, value-adding purchases, such as an message are you really sending? money for his toy. The boy then replied, “What money management as more of an ingrained habit education, a home or even a car, and nice-to-haves, SPENDING are the banks for? Are they not meant to give and attitude towards money, rather than just learn- like dinners out and new clothes,” said Mackey. - Show them the money: Adults may transfer people money?” ing the facts about finance.” . funds electronically and pay with credit cards, Sasi provides some helpful tips to teach the fu- but youngsters will understand money better I then realized there and there that maybe at He says without a working knowledge of mon- ture generations the value of money, and the impor- when they see actual bills and coins growing up. that age; it is important for parents to teach their ey, it is extra-ordinary difficult to do well in life. tance of savings. You will have to consciously make sure you’re children about money - how it is made and for what SAVING your child understand cash as the basis for learn- purposes it is for. After all, as parents, we want the Brett Mackay, investment consultant and group - Get a piggy bank or a jar - preferably one that’s ing more about money later. Even though their best for our children. But this should not necessar- retirement annuity manager at 10X Investments, generation may not use cash, they need to see ily mean we want them to have the best clothes, says parents should teach their children about fi- transparent so children can see the money add- there is a tangible object. Teach then the experi- the latest toys or even the coolest gadgets to play ing up. This is more meaningful for younger ence of paying: If you’re stopping for a snack with, but that they should know that money does As soon as children children who can’t add or count that well, so after school or day care, give your child a few not grow on trees or that one can’t just go to the can count, introduce they have some sense of moving toward that rands and let him or her make their own choices. bank and demand it. goal. He will quickly learn the difference in the value them to money.. - Take them to a bank to open their account: This of a small bag of chips and a large one. Financial gurus also believe that it’s up to every helps youngsters understand where their money - Teach them the difference between want and parent to teach his or her kid “smart financial hab- nancial concepts like investing for wealth and taxes is going and introduces them to the concept of need: Talk to them about how commercials and its” and how they make their money in order to lay a by setting up a tax-free savings investment for their financial institutions. Also, check if your local advertisements are designed to make them feel a good foundation that they can build upon and to do children as soon as they are born. branch holds any special programs or tours for need for the item they are selling. well in life. Though financial Illiteracy is a global children. - Ask them: What’s it worth? It’s okay to let them phenomenon that affects not only children but also “Ideally, aim to invest as close to the maximum - Let them choose their own savings goals: It may buy some cheap items, but also point out which individuals, families, and communities, experts say annual allowance of R36,000 as you can manage, sound like a good idea to have all of your child’s of their play things last longer or hold their in- a lack of it from that young age can also affect the and make sure you are not losing a disproportion- savings go toward education, but little children terest better. economy and eventually spread out globally. ate amount of the growth to high fees. When they can learn a lot from setting short-term goals that - Compare prices with older children: If you are are old enough, you should talk to them about this are fun and meaningful to them. The payoff shopping for a new TV or computer, ask your The experts believe that the lack of financial account. It will allow you to introduce them to a shouldn’t be too far in the future and unattain- child to help look at sales flyers or search for the savvy among children may not fully prepare a number of financial topics like investing for wealth, able. best deal online. young person for later years to face real-life eco- reading the small print, compound growth, and - Consider savings and spending guidelines: - Let your children learn from experience: The nomic decisions like buying a house, understand keeping an eye on costs,” he said. Some families have children set aside a certain best lesson is where children start to learn the workplace benefits, investments, or saving for percentage of their money for savings. If you value of things and to make smart choices retirement. The South African Savings Institute Mackey adds that it’s also important to talk to do so, make sure to give the children money in (Sasi), an independent non-profit organisation children about taxes and what to expect when they small bills—and ask their grandparents to do the dedicated to developing a robust culture of saving one day start working. “Some people never under- in South Africa, says it is important to make your stand taxes, why we pay them and why certain ex- children money wise. “There is more to teaching penses – such as saving for your retirement – attract children about money than just giving them pocket tax relief. It is a real pity that many taxpayers never money,” says Sasi’s Gerald Mwandiambira, adding By Isaac Moledi COVID 19 DEMANDS dip, you have less support to give to the emotional The choice to thrive as businesses and place COMPANIES TO ADAPT and mental needs of your team.” the emotional wellbeing of employees upfront - CARE ABOUT WORKERS’ is imperative despite the Covid- 19 pandemic EMOTIONAL WELLBEING One of the best ways to support oneself, he having flipped the world on its head. says, is to master emotional regulation. “Recog- ILLNESS: Managers asking for toolkits to help nising and understanding your emotional states This is the opinion of Grow Business Coach- mentally ill workers can help you optimise resilience, wellbeing and ing CEO Andrew Aitken. “While we may not ever performance. have imagined living in a world like this, we can, “Well, in today’s world, health experts agree that “We explored what was happening within our as leaders, still make the choice to thrive. In fact, we are in the midst of a mental health pandem- clients’ companies, how the pandemic has im- An effective way to emotionally regulate and we need to make the choice to thrive,” says Aitken ic while WHO says the Covid-19 pandemic has pacted their employees’ productivity and mental improve your mood is to create a morning ritual whose company ensures that it unlocks potential caused more ‘mass trauma’ than World War II. wellbeing, how it’s affected business processes, – start your day with purpose and control.” Al- in the businesses, the teams, and the people they And the cracks are showing.” and most importantly, we explored how these though individuals need to find what works for coach. mid-market adaptive leaders could effectively them, Aitken suggests starting the morning by en- He says for the first time ever, managers are support their teams through these uncertain times gaging in what he calls 3 simple mood-boosters Aitken said business was no longer purely actively asking for toolkits and skills to help them by developing best practices.” which he says are hydration, exercise and a mind- about strategy and execution (head and hands) identify and support team members who could be fulness practice. anymore. “We’re seeing it first-hand in our busi- struggling with mental illness. As part of its work Aitken provides the following fundamental Show vulnerability and understanding ness coaching practice that chief executives of in guiding and supporting growth-stage, business key learnings and profound best practices to assist mid-market organisations who are balancing leaders who want to scale, business executives growth-stage businesses deal with the disruption He says when you’re having open and hon- head, hands and heart are the ones who are build- who want to grow their businesses effectively to of Covid-19 : est conversations around mental health issues and ing more resilient and capable organisations than create a strong culture and a winning team, his coping strategies with your staff, it is important those who are ignoring the heart space. Ultimately, company recently hosted a series of coaching ses- One cannot lead unless one is fully equipped for you to be able to show an appropriate degree what this pandemic is demanding is that we adapt sions with a focus on the impact of the Covid-19 to do so. “When you’re stressed, you may be un- of vulnerability in a way that supports your team. as leaders and place the emotional wellbeing of pandemic. consciously contributing to your team’s stress, and our employees front and centre.” when your emotional and mental strength takes a “Leaders who show vulnerability by actively living out a compassionate leadership style and According to him, the impact of Covid-19 was who take a genuine interest in their teams can cre- not just physical and economical, but also a bur- ate a culture that gives people the assurance that geoning mental health issue. “Of course, mental it’s okay not to be okay’.” health has always been a concern – long before Be proactive we ever heard phrases like ‘flatten the curve’ and ‘second wave’ or experienced national lockdowns Aitken says beyond simply steering the busi- and periods of isolation. ness outcome, leaders must influence the health and the lives of their team members, and to help Depression was already a leading cause of dis- them thrive daily. While support in a crisis is ad- ability worldwide, according to the World Health mirable, it would be better to prevent that crisis Organization (WHO).” from happening in the first place. Aitken says a South African Stress and Health “As a leader, it is your calling to proactively Survey projected that the total annual cost to the equip your managers and staff to prevent, identify, country in lost earnings due to mental illness stood and respond to mental health issues and to take ad- at R40.6 billion – but that was way back in 2013. vantage of the power of the one-on-one meetings.

14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 17 September 2021 PRINCE DEDICATES SPORTS: Briefs FIGHT TO HIS NAMESAKE WHAT HAS CRISTIANO GOT ON JUNIOR WELTERWEIGHT: By Pule Mokhine Among some of the most notable bouts HIS PLATE? Dlomo to throw punches for late Soweto’s only boxing champion and idol that Mayisela had during an illustrious ca- boxing great Arthur Mayisela Sibusiso “ Prince” Dlomo has put his reer, was an epic clash in which he -defeat- Asked to elaborate on what was on Ronaldo’s plate head on the block by proclaiming that ed the then-fancied white hope, Harold “ on the Friday night before their Newcastle game DETERMINED: Sibusiso “Prince” Dlomo he will win his next fight and dedicate The Hammer” Volbrecht by clear points for last weekend where the Portuguese striker went the victory to his late namesake Arthur “ their SA welterweight clash at Sun City in to score a hat-trick, Manchester United reserve Fighting Prince” Mayisela. the same year prior his death (1986). How- goalkeeper Lee Grant said: “I’ll tell you one of his ever, the outcome of that encounter was plates - he had several. One of them was quinoa, Dlomo, who hails from Mzimhlophe ruled a technical draw by the now-late ref- avocado and a couple of boiled eggs. Hostel in Soweto, is the only current na- eree Alf Buqwana - thus depriving May- tional title holder in the sprawling town- isela of a clear-cut win. Soweto and the en- United’s squad stayed at the Hyatt Hotel in ship. He will put his SA junior welter- tire country’s entire boxing fraternity went Manchester and at dinner the dessert selection weight belt on the line against Siseko beserk at the decision. included apple crumble and custard and choco- Makeleni from Eastern Cape at Booysens late brownies with cream. But Grant has revealed Gymnasium, Johannesburg next Sunday. So Dlomo (36) wants to keep the spirit that none of the players dared to touch such sweet of the Meadowlands-born Fighting Prince delights - and some even wanted to know what Soweto has never had a charismatic alive by dedicating his wins to ‘”my late Ronaldo was eating before making their own se- fighter like Mayisela, who held the same hero”. lections. national championship belt and defended it successfully on six occasions in the 1980’s. “I was given the nickname Prince by It would seem Ronaldo is already forcing a Fighting Prince earned the moniker be- my fans because I fight the same way as change of eating habits at United, with the for- cause of the impressive manner by which Mayisela used to. I used to follow him ward’s obsessive approach to living a healthy life- he dished out punishment to his foes in the when I was still young, hence I copied him. style cited as one of the factors behind his remark- ring. He was destined to have a crack at the I wish to dedicate my fight against Makele- able longevity and reasons he still remains one of glorious world diadem before he passed ni to Arthur’s memory,” says Dlomo. the world’s best players at 36 tragically in 1986.Sadly, Mayisela departed this world after being knocked out by a car Dlomo, who was born in Pietermaritz- CASTER SPRINTS TO SWISS on the side of the road in Johannesburg burg but now lives with his father and sister FEDERAL COURT while trying to fix the tyre of his own car. in Soweto , believes he will beat Makeleni hands down and keep the crown in “Sowe- The South African Human Rights Commis- That was the end of an era as well as to where it belongs” sion (SAHRC) has announced that it will be a third the moment that dashed the hopes of many party in the appeal matter between 800m runner boxing fans who looked up to the Fighting “ I believe Soweto has never had a na- Caster Semenya and the Swiss Federal Supreme Prince - the man who put Soweto of the tional champion in my division in a long Court which will be heard at the European Court map with his fists during that era – to bring time since William Gare from Meadow- of Human Rights.Semenya is seeking to overturn a them glory inside the boxing ring, lands won the belt in 1999 by defeating ruling by the Swiss Federal Supreme Court which David Potsane. Gare made nine successful upheld a Court of Arbitration for Sport ruling to defenses maintain World Athletics’ (previously known as International Association of Athletics Federation) AMAZULU change in competition eligibility rules for females IMPI TO in certain races. The regulations, known as the BLUNT Difference of Sex Development (DSD) rules, bar ARROWS female athletes who have what the athletics body calls “high levels of endogenous testosterone” from competing on the international stage in cer- tain races – including Semenya’s favoured 800m competition – unless they reduce and maintain low blood testosterone levels. Semenya has refused to do this and was effec- tively barred from defending her 2016 Rio Olympic title in Tokyo and her 2018 world championship af- ter the rules came into effect in 2018. The commis- sion said it will make written submissions to the European court by October 12, KZN DERBY: DStv Premiership midweek game puts Abafana Bes’thende in CRICKET JUSTICE DELAYED the eye of the storm ahead of Cricket South Africa’s Social Justice and Na- tion-Building (SJN) hearings are due to resume on their MTN8 clash weekend October 18, seven weeks after they were initially supposed to, and more than three months after the SCORING HABIT: Arrows striker Knox Mutjila celebrating another goal process began. That means CSA won’t have the fi- nal report by ombudsman, advocate Dumisa Ntse- By Ali Mphaki KZN derby. It’s no secret that as they sit in their dugout beza, on September 30 as originally planned. Lehlohonolo Seema could be wondering what The added hazard of his players sustaining how McCarthy and Nomvethe wish they could he got himself into ahead of two crucial fix- turn back the hands of time – to show the boys Those who have been adversely implicated in tures which could prove his mettle, or worse... injuries in the derby also causes some disquiet, how it is done! testimonies given between July 5 and August 6 will The recently appointed Lamontville Golden which has the knack to see all his plans for the have an opportunity to exercise their right to reply Arrows coach is facing an acid test with the MTN8 game come crumbling down like a house Word is out that when he goes home McCa- in the second phase of the hearings. Those parties, Wednesday derby against Amazulu a tricky of cards. rthy would do with some Strepsils for his patched and any others who wish to respond to allegations hurdle ahead of his team’s MTN8 second leg throat, a result of shouting incessant instructions. of racial discrimination, were originally given until challenge versus Mamelodi Sundowns away Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown for Watching from the comfort of her home, the ever August 18 to submit written affidavits. That dead- next Tuesday. not markedly different is the situation at Ama- solicitous Mrs McCarthy can also attest that hub- line was subsequently extended thrice, to Septem- zulu, where coach Bernie McCarthy and co are by could have buried some of the chances that his ber 16. Several people, including Smith, national The Lesotho-born coach is sleeping with one fast running out of excuses for their uninspiring charges let go a-begging. men’s head coach Mark Boucher and AB de Vil- eye open trying to fathom how to approach the start of the 2021-2022 league season. liers, have made written submissions, which Ntse- KZN derby when only a few days later his team But since the league is a marathon, both rival beza will read over the course of the next month has a tantalizing MTN8 semi-final date. How he McCarthy’s charges need to bring back that coaches Seema and McCarthy can be given the before the oral testimonies begin. The other impli- wishes to be like King Moshoeshe at Thaba Bo- smile - as wide as the Umgeni River - on boss benefit of the doubt that it is still “early days”. cation of the extension is likely to be the cost. CSA siu his men rolling boulders downhill to crush the Sandile Zungu; One of the few club head hon- However, of the two mentors it is Seema who is believed to have budgeted R5 million for the ini- invading British enemy. chos who attends games without any pretensions wishes the derby could not have come at such a tial process, which includes the ombudsman’s fees with his coterie of singing and chanting associ- precarious time. as well as a daily rate for the legal counsel who But since he seemingly does not have enough ates. have been present at the hearings. This is expected arsenal (rocks) in his troops to offset the ap- For the incumbent, anything less than a draw to go up. proaching invasion, sleep has become a rare Excuses like “it’s only the beginning of the against Amazulu won’t be good enough, just as commodity for the former Orlando Pirates cap- season” or “it is not how you start but how you a loss to Sundowns would not be palatable for FEMALE BOXER DIES tain now coach. finish” simply don’t wash. Every point counts his boss Manto Madlala and the Arrows’ horde and these like morning dew simply evaporate are of supporters. If history is anything to go by, in Welterweight Jeanette Zacarias Zapata has Forget the nice sounding platitudes like “we not in the habit of waiting to be amassed late in their last 24 games in the last seasons, Arrows died from injuries suffered after her knockout loss taking every game at a time” or some such pre- the season. managed nine wins, while Amazulu registered 12 to Marie Pier Houlento in Montreal, Canada, two text, a kingsize headache for Seema and his co- wins, and there were three draws. weeks ago. She passed out in the ring after the fight coach Mabuti Khenyeza is how to make their True that sometimes you might spare a was stopped in the fourth round and spent some charges forget – even for a moment - about their thought for the former prolific striker now coach Arrows scored 26 goals in the head to head time in hospital in an induced coma but never re- forthcoming MTN8 game and give their all in the McCarthy and his lieutenants’ former goalkeeper meetings, while Amazulu blasted the net 28 gained consciousness. She was 18-years-old. Moeneeb Joseph and another goal predator Siya- times. Sugar Ray Xulu Stadium in Clermont is bonga Nomvethe watching their charges fumble the venue. Kick off 3pm. In SA Phindile Mwelase is one female boxer to one scoring opportunity after the other. die after sustaining injuries in the ring 15 days after he collapsed in the ring.

Friday 17 September 2021 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR WHITHER By Molefi Mika Is there anything at all that ASA is doing in the SA ATHLETICS FACE-TO-FACE: In this question-and-answer form of helping these two athletes and what’s the POST TOKYO interview, Athletics South Africa (ASA) presi- progress like? dent, James Mosebetsi Moloi, a former middle JMM: We have challenged the World Athlet- PRESIDENT: James Mosebetsi Moloi distance and road runner, one of the best in the then Transvaal province, chats with Molefi ics on her behalf (Semenya) and the case will INJECTIONS: Funding, facilities and crowds Mika about his involvement in sports… be heard next year and Luvo is now attending are key to athletics rehabilitation. When did you start participating in sports, and in What do you consider to be your major challenges which sporting codes in particular? concerning athletics, particularly when it comes JMM: I started around 1985 and from the word to: 1 - Proper facilities and qualified trainers in the rural areas and townships; 2 – Would you say go I chose Athletics. I actually fell in love with the sport is taken seriously at our schools, if not athletics at primary school and since then I’ve what are you doing about it; 3 – For most of the never stopped. above to be achieved an organisation like ASA Please name some of your best performances. would have to be enjoying good funding from JMM: I won the Duiwelskloof 21km (half- both Government and sponsors since the sport is marathon in the 1990s), I was a runner-up in largely amateur, how is the situation like for you the Bliss 21km locally but went on to later win to realise your goals in this regard? the Lens 21km in France and another half- JMM: We need more facilities in the town- marathon race in Belgium. However, I finished 10th in the same distance out in Philadelphia, ships. We need funding for the youth that have America. qualified for international competitions, fund- Being Soweto-born, you later left and for the East ing for camps, and I am pleading with private Rand (Ekurhuleni today) by choosing to reside in companies to sponsor our events. If companies Vosloorus. What influenced your decision? can invest in athletics, our athletes can beat the JMM: I left Soweto because I wanted a quiet whole World. On the one hand, we will also place where one would train with ease. consistently encourage our provinces to lure young girls and boys to join athletics, the same will be done with the school structures. It’s an open secret that athletics is one of those No doubt, historically speaking, preparations for sporting codes in the country that were earlier be- the Tokyo Olympics 2020 were the most difficult sieged by racism, would you agree and if so, why? ever, despite some athletes managing to set world JMM: I really agree because, even though records. However, most performed dismally, in- cluding the SA team, particularly considering that as different races, blacks and whites we ran crowds were not allowed as a precaution against together and our kids were also at school to- the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. gether, yes, things were, nevertheless, not nec- JMM: I hope all of us will be vaccinated very essarily okay. But that experience helped me to be where I am today. As the newly elected soon and also hope that the Government will ASA president it seems you also came into of- give us the green light to participate and allow fice at a time among other things when athletics the fans to be back to support our events. had not really dealt with the sadness regarding: *The buoyant Moloi was one of the dignitaries 1 – Former 800m Olympics champion Caster from sports, business and the creative sectors at Semenya’s confusing situation with regard to the FNB Stadium last week, when Deputy Presi- the supposed study of her medical testosterone dent David Mabuza hinted that there was a plan levels, something that prevented her from de- to fully open stadiums and theatres. He men- fending her title in Tokyo; 2 – And also long tioned this during a Government vaccination jumper Luvo Manyonga’s ban after not being social mobilisation campaign dubbed “Return available for some drug test. to Play – It’s in your Hands”. PLATINUM CITY SOCCER SCRIBE ROVERS ON TOP MOHOLOA ABC CHAMPIONS: GladAfrica debutantes REMEMBERED make their presence felt in debut season LEGACY: Tournament By Masoja Cele Sporting boasts quality playing personnel. The named in honour of The GladAfrica Championship Newbie, Plati- likes of Mohau Mokate , Vusumuzi Ngubane, Da- Ramatsiyi to benefit num City Rovers is hasty proving to be a thorn hou Lebahi and Matome Mabeba have traded in the Polokwane youth in the flesh of the opposition in the GladAfrica DStv Premiership before. Championship. The North West Province side FOOTBALL SCRIBE: The late Ramatsiyi Moholoa clinched promotion to the second tier last season. AmaTuks should be wary of the above men- tioned players. In another interesting fixture on Sat- By Masoja Cele 21, 1km marathon at 6h00 am with the winner They were the overall champions of the ABC urday, basement side Jomo Cosmos travel away to The youth around the gorges of Seshego in receiving R2000 , with runners-up 2 nd and 3rd Motsepe League last season. After three match- Sivos Training Centre Stadium in Kathu. Ezenkosi Polokwane will be the principal recipients receiving R1000 and R500 respectively. es Rovers are on the summit of the GladAfrican face another newcomer, the pride of Postmasburg, of the newly established Ramatsiyi Moholoa Championship League. In their opening match of Hungry Lions. The team from the Northen Cape Foundation (RMF). Second on the programme will be the 10 km the 2021/2 season Rovers beat Free State Stars 1-0 have not disappointed at all. Lions are lying fourth run at 6h30 am with the winner claiming R1000 away and followed the feat with another impres- on the table. At the other end the East Rand based The posthumous recognition model of the and 2nd and 3rd receiving R500 and R250 sepa- sive 3-2 at home. Last weekend they beat Polok- team have just collected a single point from three late repute Sowetan sports journalist is the inno- rately. And closing the curtain would be a 5km wane City 2-1 at home to intensify their grip on matches. Cosmos would have to be sharp as a razor vation of his younger sibling Moropeng Mohol- Family Fun Run which doesn’t carry a prize for the log. Their next assignment is against Tshakuma blade if they entertain any idea of winning this bat- oa with the aide of his two colleagues Mathanya winners. Participation fee for the 21, 1km race Tsha Madzivhandila FC on Saturday at Thohoyan- tle. Moeamo and Simon Maeko. All three are the will be R150 and the minimum age is 20 years. dou Stadium. The North West based outfit roped directors of the foundation. The devotion of this in the experience mentor Ashwin Sutton. The well Richards Bay who were so impressive in the noble idea is to preserve the legacy of Ramat- The 10 km contest entry fee will be R100 travelled coach has in the past guided teams like last campaign entertain DStv Premiership drop out siyi Moholoa and encourage the youth from his and the minimum age is 20 years. While the 5km FC AK, Mbombela United and Sivutsa Stars. His Black Leopards at Richards Bay Stadium on Satu- hometown to follow in is his footsteps in terms Family Fun Run contribution fee will cost R50 coaching experience in the GladAfrica could be vi- day. The Rich Boyz participated in the national play- of education and profession. He was passionate and minimum age is 16 years. Entries will close tal for Rovers. offs but lost both their matches against the experi- and dedicated about his profession. on the 20th September 2021. And all games will enced Chippa United. Leopards who were relegated be held under strict Covid 19 regulations. Foot- Thabiso Nkoana and William Radebe are the from the DStv Premiership are rapidly becoming the Ramatsiyi knew all sporting codes from the ball lovers would also be represented with four key players for Sutton’s team. Second on the stand- YoYo team of the Premier League. Lidodha Duhva back of his mind. The RMF would also give op- divisions battling it out during the two day exhi- ings is JDR Stars who trail City Rovers with three have dropped for the third time down to the second portunities to vendors to sell food and beverages bition. The U 11, U 13 and U 15 boys divisions points. The Pretoria team has collected six points tier. Will they bounce back against the Rich Boyz? during the tournament. We are also going to em- and the U 17 girls will play the quarterfinals on out of nine. Their only loss came against Rov- They have only amassed two points from 3 matches ploy a number of security personnel to oversee Friday and complete the semi-finals and the final ers in their second game of the season. They host while the Natal team have four points. Second from the smooth running of the event. In essence, this on Saturday. Also in the menu will be netball Rodger De Sa led ensemble Cape Town All Stars at bottom Pretoria Callies host Free State Stars at Lu- will be an economy boost for Polokwane. In his and the aerobics. RMF director Moropeng Mo- Soshanguve Giant Stadium. JDR Stars would want cas Masterpieces Moripe Stadium on Sunday. Like honour, the charity would launch the inaugural holoa is convinced that the inaugural exhibition to pick up all the points to be among the early pace Cosmos, The Romans only acquired one point from Ramatsiyi Moholoa Foundation games. will be a success. ‘’We anticipate a successful setters However, All Stars are desperate for a win so a possible nine from three games. tournament that would inspire and attract many they could improve their current log standing. The The spectacle will take place at Seshego businesses in the near future. Cape Town team are sitting eleven position on the They lost two successive matches against TS Stadium on the 24th (Heritage Day) and 25th log. Sporting (1-0) and Hungry Lions (2-!). And they of September 2021. We have packaged an ex- The aim of the foundation is to carry the last- played a scoreless draw at Cape Town All Stars. citing different sporting activities starting with ing legacy of the late fearless journalist’ ’con- Last season title contenders TS Sporting will Callies have signed the well travelled Zambian for- cluded Moropeng Moholoa. host University of Pretoria at Kabokweni Stadium ward Collins Mbesuma and former Moroka Swal- in Nelspruit on Saturday. Last weekend Abantu lows striker Edward Manqele with the intention of Bomthetho beat Black leopards 1-0 away from nipping the goal scoring drought. Former Kaizer home. They are three points behind City Rovers. Chiefs midfielder William Twala has also sign for The Romans.

MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... WOUNDED BIRDS TO FLY OVER SUPERSPORT EVENLY MATCHED: IT’S A EVERGREEN: Swal- MOKOENA VERSUS MOKOENA lows Lebohang DEBACLE AS SWALLOWS SEEK TO Mokoena MAKE AMENDS FOLLOWING THEIR RISING STAR; Teboho Mokoena of LOSS TO BUCS SuperSport United By Masoja Cele tween his defence and attackers ably assisted by On my left resplendent in white and maroon another exciting young midfield general Sipho strip is veteran Lebohang “Cheeseboy” Mokoe- Mbule. na of Swallows FC. On my right in blue attire with shades of white and red is young prodigy With bristling talents in the midfield on both Tebogo Mokoena, in the employ of the unpre- sides, this makes for an exciting contest, also con- dictable SuperSport United. sidering the two team’s somewhat contrasting but similar style of play. But come Sunday the two Mokoena’s despite sharing the same totem - the crocodile - will have Just as Swallows have striker Ruzaigh Gamal- to put their family ties aside when their teams bat- dien as their marksman, so does SuperSport with tle it out in a DStv Premiership game, Dobsonville goal poacher Bradley Grobler. Gamildien is Swal- Stadium 3pm kickoff. lows deadly striker. He finished the last campaign as Birds leading goal scorer with 11 goals. In the Leading his wounded Swallows - their bubble current season he scored a brace against Bucs in form burst out last weekend with a 1-0 loss to Or- the MTN 8 quarter-finals. Grobler boasts a similar lando Pirates in a league fixture - the veteran mas- pedigree. He was among the top scorers in the past ter-schemer ‘’Cheeseboy’’ whose experience is un- season and seems not to have lost his predatory in- questionably evident in the field of play where he stincts. conducts the midfield orchestra with great aplomb. There is vast experience on both sides, with Despite his high mileage “Cheeseboy” has Swallows apart from their Mokoena boasting the contributed largely to the resurrection of Swallows likes of Vuyo Mere, Musa Nyatama, and goalkeep- and proven to be an important cog in their machin- er Virgil Vries. SuperSport have the burly forward ery. The other Mokoena at SuperSport seems to be Thamsanqa Gabuza, defender Bhashera, and goal- maturing like good wine. On his day he’s got the keeper Ronwin Williams as part of their arsenal. knack to singularly take the game by the scruff of Likely to further make this encounter more excit- the neck and netting those crucial goals, either via ing is that Matsatsantsa a Pitori were in action on his good shot or when he’s got to convert those set Tuesday against AmaZulu at Kings Park Stadium. pieces, ala Beckham. Their match ended in a stalemate (0-0) and they desperately need every point going forwards. During the recent 2020 Olympics games in To- kyo, Japan, the midfielder raised his hand for South This is a game of the wounded versus the limp- Africa. He was brilliant and a marvel to watch the ing…and even with one wing much is expected entire tournament. Mokoena played as a link be- from Swallows in this encounter. A loss is not an option for The Birds.

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