2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 15 October 2021 WARNING SIGNS SHOCK RISE IN OF SUICIDE: TEENAGE • Talking about suicide SUICIDE • Depression • Preparing for death – giving things away, INCIDENCE saying goodbye INCIDENCE: Reports show the phenomenon as • Drastic changes in personality coinciding with Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns • Risk-taking behaviour – drinking and driving • Writing poems, essays about death or painting images of death SA TEFEANCSTUSICIDE By Frank Maponya abuse, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia,” A total of 59 youths took their own lives in Limpopo she said. 9.5%DEATHS DUE TO SUICIDE RISK FACTORS alone between January this year and this month – raising the alarming spectre of South Africa’s teen “Mental health illnesses have never been treated of SalAl taereenddueeattohs drug abuse suicide-rate and mental illness against the backdrop as medical emergencies, like we do with other medi- in family of the Covid-19 lockdowns. cal conditions such as heart attacks, despite the fact suicide and that, if not prioritised, all these cases have the same Preessepnecceiaollfymdeenptraelssililonness Alcohol the These statistics exclude the national tally of end result, death,” she said. in related incidents but support the alarm raised by a recent report by the South African Depression and This year, global communities observed the WARNING OF INTENTION Ffainmainlycicaol npfrloicbtsleamnsd Anxiety Group (Sadag), which revealed that 9% World Mental Health Day under difficult condi- 75% owionfartaerflnanl imtsniuogiilncyosidmftetoehsmeagibrifvreieernsodme of all teen deaths were due to suicide and the fact tions precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which Previous suicide the incidence was on the increase. In the 15-24 age has had a serious impact on the mental health of attempts in the family group, suicide is the second leading – and fastest multitudes. Many people have lost their jobs, were growing – cause of death, according to the report. now without source of income, and children left or- 10 – 19 Evxiopleonsucereotrotfraamumilya Child abuse/sexual phaned as the unprecedented Covid 19-related car- reTleaetinoangsehidpaitsisnuges abuse Sadag said children as young as 7 had commit- nage visited extreme emotional stress upon families, Rejection by friends ted suicide in South Africa. “Every day 22 people who are now mourning their departed loved ones. YRS OLD take their lives. Suicide is on the increase and the Increased divorce cases had also increased, com- One gorfotuhpeshfiogrhseusitcide Mcaorintafllpicpatrrobebnelttewsmesenor question is why?” pounding matters. risk Bullyinbgulalynidngcyber- Almost one in 10 teenage deaths in South Africa Sadag, South Africa’s largest mental health ini- AFRICAN RESEARCH SHOWS every year were the result of suicide, according to tiative, said 90% of adolescents who die by suicide the South African Society of Psychiatrists (Sasop). have an underlying mental illness. ostfrtuegegnlsinagrewith “Up 20% of high school learners have tried to take 23.6%SOUTH fheoeplienlgesssonfess and their own lives. However, suicides rarely happen “Our teens are depressed and often have no-one sadness without warning, and learning and recognising these to turn to for support”, says SADAG founder Zane signals is the most effective way to prevent suicide,” Wilson. “Combined with a lack of resources, fam- Schoopl aronbdleamcasdemic oveOrpvreortinevcotilvveedpaorrents Sasop said. ily problems, poverty and loss, suicide all too often seems to be the only answer for these children”. Rsueisceidarecthhnaontmedaltehsat more female teens commit Imeiftfaetcbiotesnhoaofvrsiocuouicpriydcaal t Two months ago, the World Health Organiza- tion issued a global alert about the rise in teen sui- She said today’s teens were impatient, “over- ⅓ ASLHLOSUUILCDIDEBTEHTRAEAKTESNANSDERATIOTEUMSPLTYSAaadtttmheimirsdspiotosfniasnllvfohorolvsseupiticteaiedlnesDmRiesecfneltaraeimlnhceeera:sltT:hSh.hAiseDianAdfGoo-;ffgSicrcaehp@lehlbiicfuedshcoehea,sl2tnh0oc0at5rce;o.Acvoled.rzaaeS.vmTerhiyteta,ins2pf0oe0rcm8t aotfioteneins sdheaprreedssoionncaonnddistiuoincidthea. tCroenasdueltrsawdiollcmtoarkief ythoeuiraorewcnodneceterrnmedinaabtioount, idnecplurdesinsgiosneaenkdinsguaicdidviaclebferhoamviaouhrecaoltnhtcaacrte0p1r1o2fe19ss9io6n2a6l.oEr&OE. cide against the backdrop of Covid-19 lockdowns, loaded with media and entertainment, techno savvy FOLLOW US ON adding that 10 percent of children and adolescents and street smart” – yet they lack the awareness and around the world experienced a mental disorder; maturity, and were emotionally naïve. Life Healthcare “and for young people, suicide is a leading cause of death”. “Today’s teenagers know a lot more than their @LifeHealthcare_ parents in terms of technology but they have also ac- In addition, WHO director-general Dr Tedros complished something their parents’ generation did Life Healthcare Ghebreyesus said more than one billion children not - they are killing themselves far more than any were exposed to violence every year - in their other generation,” she said. DIAGRAMS: SA Depression and Anxiety Group homes, schools, communities, and online, often be- cause of conflict and other humanitarian crises. Research had indicated that 75% of people who WARNING SIGNS OF committed or attempted suicide had given some DEPRESSION: “Children who are exposed to violence are warning. Sadag called on psychiatrists and psy- significantly more likely to develop mental health chologists to warn parents, educators and friends • Loss of interest in fun activities conditions, including depression, anxiety, post- to take these threats seriously and get professional • Sadness that won’t go away traumatic-stress, and behavioural and substance use help. Another warning was that physical and so- • Feeling irritable or angry a lot disorders,” he said. cial changes that occur during adolescence could be • Eating too much or too little overwhelming and sometimes unresolved conflicts • Sleeping too much or too little Meanwhile, Limpopo’s shock teenage suicide from childhood also surfaced during this time. • Missing school figures released this week by the provincial health • Having trouble making decisions MEC Phophi Ramathuba had shocked provincial Sadag educator and counsellor Janine Shamos • School marks drop authorities. The release coincided with November’s said, disturbingly, more and more teens were us- • Thinking a lot of dying or killing yourself World Mental Health Month – and came just a week ing the Internet and SMS as their primary means of after the country commemorated the World Mental communication. “Time spent ‘socialising’ online is Health Day on October 10 under the theme, “Mental time spent away from socialising in the real world. health in an unequal world”. Kids spend hours online or on their cellphones in chatrooms but don’t actually speak to each other Ramathuba said her department’s forensic pa- much anymore. Teens have forgotten how to have thologists’ report had indicated that 59 teenagers real conversations with real people”. committed suicide between January and October this year, describing the situation as alarming and Yet, studies have shown that spending time on appalling. “Our forensic pathologists have ob- the internet and sms chat services reduce social in- served the most appalling trend of teenagers being volvement, increase social isolation and increased suicidal due to mental health and depression,” said loneliness and depression. Ramathuba. Sasop quoted the 2011 Youth Risk Behaviour “Of the 59 total number, 49 of the victims have Survey, which found that a quarter of grade 8-11 hanged themselves while five died by injecting learners across all provinces had felt so sad or hope- themselves with substances and another four died less that they could not engage in their usual daily from overdose intake of pills,” said the MEC, add- activities for two weeks or more. More than one in ing that one had died from a gunshot wound. six had either thought about suicide, made plans to commit suicide, or attempted it at least once in the “These statistics are a cause for concern as they past six months, the organisation said. The WHO indicate the seriousness and critical mental condi- has developed guidelines and tools to help inte- tions that many people in our society suffer – com- grate mental health support and violence prevention mon mental disorders like depression, substance and response into schools, community and primary health care. – additional reporting by Len Maseko
Friday 15 October 2021 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR SULTRY BUOYED: Mrs-SA-in-waiting MRS SA Anele Sikhakhane FINALIST BRIMS WITH NATION BUILDING IDEALS EPIPHANY: Crown or not, Anele Sikhakhane feels the pageantry lead to her to discovery of new purpose By Gugu Sibiya es or are involved in community projects. The interaction has been Anele Sikhakhane’s life was everything I’m drawn to how intentional and vibrant great for me. she’d ever dreamed and prayed for. So they are. why did she feel like the walls were clos- That void is gone! ing in, that there was a piece of the puz- “I’m so happy that I’m here for the Once again the zle missing. finals. At the core of Mrs SA, are mind- blowing workshops. Speakers oozing sunlight is shining “I looked at all the facets of my life. wisdom and knowledge, have taught us brighter and that I was a wife, mother to a 16-year-old, so many things, but most importantly I’ve businesswoman, studying towards my learnt a lot about myself. happiness has masters in marketing management, and a helped me to community builder, yet I’d begun feeling “At first I was overwhelmed. Once like there’s a higher purpose I still need we got to know each other, I learnt that resolve things I didn’t to fulfill. every woman had a story to tell. We were know I had issues with. given a chance to come out of our shell to “Dispelling feelings of losing myself, run our race. Part of our journey was to be I knew I had to go back to finding out who vulnerable together. I’ve made friends for I am in the grand scheme of things. After life since we share the same values and in- reimagining myself and thinking about terests,” Sikhakhane beams, adding she’s what I still want to achieve, it would come found her voice. to me. “The interaction has been great for That’s when it hit me that I’ve always me. That void is gone! Once again the toyed with the idea of entering the Mrs sunlight is shining brighter and that hap- South Africa beauty pageant,” Sikhakhane piness has helped me to resolve things I adds. didn’t know I had issues with.” Forging ahead with her new found “Mrs SA has enabled me to discover objective, self-development, Sikhakhane the best version of myself. Whether I get says that’s what her studying is about. Di- the crown or don’t, I’ve already got what gressing a bit from pageant talk, she says I came here for. I’ve reconnected with her studies towards a masters in market- myself and learnt so many skills amongst ing management are an integral part of her which is how to use social media to get development. sponsors. Smiling like a Siamese that’s had “This has been a transformative jour- oodles of cream, Sikhakhane says: “My ney that has taught me self-love and ac- research revolves around my studies on ceptance. I wasn’t sure why I wanted to sustainable luxuries, why Millennials buy come here or find words to articulate it. second-hand luxury goods. My findings Now I know,” she breathes as if she can’t were that, not only are they chasing af- believe this experience. fordability, but looking after the environ- ment. Sikhakhane says the pageant is 11 years old, yet most people, except for the Thrifting is a trend that has long been contestants, do not know the impact it has happening overseas. Rich people buy had on their lives. goods they use once or never at all, but sell these exquisite branded items through “We work with charities like Woman thrift shops to people who’d never oth- for Woman which does a lot for the fair- erwise have accessed them,” she says, er sex. We get to fundraise through the revealing that she will complete her dis- events we host. The process we’ve gone sertation next year. through, helps us to teach children, among other things, about the challenges of teen- “ Millennials or people in general age pregnancy. That’s massive! want to choose where they buy. Interest- ingly, luxury shops don’t have sales, but “When we came on board the first rather burn whatever hasn’t been sold. workshop, there was a bevy of 120 beau- ties. It’s since been pruned down to 30 Not only do leather goods go up in finalists. smoke, but most of these young people believe killing animals for manufacturing Together we’ve learned that part of is unethical,” adds the beauty with brains, our journey is to be vulnerable together.” educating us. Through their 2019-initiated founda- Back to the pageant. “I had a wish to tion, Sikhakhane and her husband sup- enter Mrs SA, but it was easier said than port hardworking high school students of done. You’d think that after deciding I’d Mzimkhulu in KZN. “We encourage stu- rush. I dilly-dallied and submitted my dents to work hard. At the end of the year, forms at the last minute. we select Top 10 student achievers to be present with certificates of excellence for Once I was in, it was a different ket- a job well-done.” tle of fish altogether. I was excited, I im- mersed myself in this amazing experi- Go-getter Sikhakhane says when she ence,” she says. entered Mrs SA, nobody knew her. “With all the exposure, contacts and skills I’ve “Here I’ve met a lot of dynamic wom- acquired, I’m going home a better version en from different walks of life. They are of myself. I’m confident that now I can smart, beautiful, educated, own business- do anything I set my mind to,” she ends, rushing to another workshop.
4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 15 October 2021 GOOD SAMARITANS PUT BACK SMILES ON SPECIAL CHILDREN’S FACES KINDNESS: Adventurous athletes’ yearly run between SA to Namibia raises thousands for vital surgeries CHARITY: Philanthropists-cum-athletes David Grier and Andrew The lives of 45 children born with cleft lip or pal- R5 500 per operation, thanks to the sponsorship Stuart of Cipla Foundation dedicate their time to changing lives ate and are set to change for the better, thanks to of Cipla and so many others that truly want to kind hearted athletes David Grier and Andrew bring joy to these children, Grier says. “These runs Stuart of Cipla Foundation are not about what Andrew and I achieve,” Grier said. “The runs are about the difference that we Cipla South Africa CEO Paul Miller told can make to these children, and to their families, Weekly SA Mirror this week that Grier and Stu- through our journeys.” art had been running between South Africa and Namibia as part of Operation Smile, a 14 year old Furthermore, to celebrate the end of the run, the charity drive that seeks to change the lives of chil- Cipla Foundation has partnered with another Good dren with cleft lips through sponsored corrective Samaritan, Dr Jean van Lierop, who has launched surgeries, and had already raised R10 million by the “45 to 45” mobile phone app, which challeng- running more than 25 000km so far. es users to complete their own 45 day Miles for Smiles related fundraising challenges. Grier and Stuart have just completed a three- week extreme road running adventure from Na- Yet another related fundraising project is the mibia’s Diamond Coast to the top of Signal Hill in Footprints campaign which gives other compas- Cape Town Miller, which is known as the Miles for sionate South Africans the opportunity to support Smiles fundraising campaign. the Miles for Smiles campaign. This is in the form of fancy hand-painted pebbles supplied by the The intrepid pair arduous1 000 km Diamond Gansbaai-based group of artists who are known as Run, along the harshest and most inhospitable Overberg Rocks. coastline in Southern Africa, started on September 10 and ended on October 1, with the aim of raising Miller said the pebbles, nicknamed “Foot- R250 000 to pay for the life-changing surgeries. prints”, were initially dropped at random intervals along the Diamond Run route, but are now distrib- Miller said the funds for the direly needed cor- uted across South Africa and have become totems rective surgeries had changed the lives of more of the event. He said those who find the pebbles than 3 000 children who would not have been able are able contribute to the fundraising efforts, while to brighten the lives of their parents, siblings, rela- also standing a chance of winning a diamond of tives and friends with their perfect smiles. Surgery their own, worth R10 000. can take as little as 45 minutes and costs roughly BUDDING LIMPOPO MEDIA MOGUL NAKAMPE LEKWADU MAKES WAVES FORMER JOURNO: He now owns several publications including an on-line radio By Ali Mphaki cops wanting to arrest him for selling “the stuff”, BEHIND THE MIKE: Nakampe Lekwadu hosting one of the programmes on his on-line radio Not many will know that Nakampe Lekwadu Lekwadu would leave home and join the home- station less urchins on the streets of then Pietersburg now was once a snyman – selling ganja! Also not in the known as Polokwane. Mokone. Then came the idea of an online radio in his public knowledge is that the budding Limpopo me- At Sunday Sun Lekwadu went on to cover sev- home town of Zebediele with the slogan “It’s Your dia mogul was once a street kid. But what will inter- With his life fast approaching a cul de sac, Le- Platform, Naka Online Radio, now employs 20 est the reader is how this young man born without a kwadu says he decided to dust himself off and face eral international games which included two Africa young people even from neighbouring areas of Ga- silver spoon in his mouth was able to overcome all his demons head on. Cup of Nations in Egypt and Ghana in 2006 and Mphahlele and Lebowakgomo. odds to end up as a publisher of several newspaper 2008 respectively. titles as well as start an online radio station. With no journalism qualifications or experi- He also hosts the now annual Miss Lepelle Re- ence, he braved the odds and made his way to a A year later Lekwadu says he decided to chal- view, so as to give young women in the area a sense Plans are also afoot for a TV station and the publication house in his area then known as Leb- lenge himself further resigning from Sunday Sun to of purpose. With plans afoot for a TV station, Lek- former Sunday Sun sports journo has added a bit owa Times (now called Capricorn Voice) where he establish his own media company, Lenaka Media wadu’s skies definitely have no limits. The link for of glamour in his trade, organizing and hosting an harangued and cajoled editor Jake Mokgolo to give and Management Services, teaming up with former the radio is https//naka.airtime pro. annual beauty pageant known as Miss Lepelle Re- him a chance as a scribe colleagues Tumo Mokone and Eric Phiri to build view, named after one of his newspaper titles. their empire. Their first publication was Sports Fo- Mass political illiteracy – he so-calle blin ma- When the hard- nosed Mokgolo finally relent- cus, initially only a sports publication, which was hory syndrome – or the inability of the msses to Tumbling into this world in what is known as ed, Lekwadu took the opportunity with both hands well received by the market. decipher the difference btn popultics and the real Samaria farms around Tzaneen in 1968, like most starting as a rookie at Northern Times. politics… of us, Lekwadu had no idea what he wanted to be- This was followed by Lepelle Review, a knock come when older even though he says journalism This is where he got to be under the wings of and drop newspaper, named after his municipality As far as im concrtnrf the anc and da are birds was his first love. other reputable journos the likes of John Phadu, the Lepelle-Nkumpi n Limpopo. of he same bourgeois democratic feather late Malusi Monama, and where he was later joined Attending school was a huge challenge for by another sportswriter of note Matshele Mama- Lekwadu – what with parents with short pockets bolo. – and the young Nakampe, or Naks, as his friends call him, had to be creative which saw him selling Armed with a fierce determination it was not peanuts, sweets, lose draws, body lotions, fruits etc. long before his talents would be recognized when just to pay for his school fees and keep the wolf he was lured by another rag Northern Herald in away from the door. Tzaneen. Weekends would also see the young Naks sell- With his star on the rise, coupled with his gift of ing ganja and even alcohol at his grand-parents’ the garb, Lekwadu would land a job as a sports re- home in a place where he grew up called Tickeyline porter at the SABCs Thobela FM where he did ster- Ga-Maake. One can only wonder what his grand- ling work before moving to Jozi where he joined parents thought of the young lass at the time… the newly formed Sunday Sun in 2001/2. Frustrated and desperate to change his situation This is where he rubbed shoulders with the made worse by incessant bouts with overzealous likes of editor Phalane Motale, and also becoming a part of the award winning sports reporting team comprised of the versatile Linda Rulashe and Tumo
Friday 15 October 2021 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS CELLPHONE Refusal of MTN to cancel Pako Seate’s 20 days before its expiry date. CLIENTS 24 month contract opened a can of worms. Chetty also confirmed that Seate’s contract pany debited her account at the end of the month. UP IN ARMS OVER ended on December 9 last year and that of her eld- ILLEGAL Katherine Thompson of Chetty Law said est daughter on September 25. She said upon in- Section 14 of the CPA, stated that the supplier is vestigation MTN found that there had been an up- CONTRACT obliged to give the consumer written or any other grade requested for one of the cellphone services EXTENSIONS recordable form of notification of the pending ex- but this upgrade was cancelled in July 2021. ‘’Due piry of the fixed-term contract. to a technical issue on our new billing system the APOLOGY: MTN has apologised and number was not successfully migrated to a “Pay “Notice must be given 40 to 80 business days As You Go” option as was requested by our cus- promised to credit the client before the expiration of the contract’’. She said the tomer’’, she said. supplier must also include in the notice any materi- By Thuli Zungu in writing or telephonically of the imminent expi- al changes to the agreement, should the agreement She offered to credit Seate for incorrect bill- Consumers could be losing thousands of rands ration of his contract with MTN in December last be renewed; as well as the options available to the ing. “We apologise to our customer for the incon- due to certain companies that illegally extended year and the subsequent extension of the contract consumer in terms of renewal (automatic renewal; venience caused and a credit will be processed for their expired contracts without prior warn- without his consent.He later cancelled his debit or- termination; fixed-term renewal). the three months that our customer was incorrectly ing and consent from customers as required by der because he did not want to upgrade or renew his billed,” Chetty said. the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act contract.After doing that, Seate said MTN then sus- Upon the expiration of the fixed term contact, (CPA). pended his daughter’s services on her two phones it would automatically be renewed on a month-to- “We did not find a record of consumers re- apparently in a bid to force him to continue paying month basis, subject to the updated material terms questing cancellation of the second number. There- Automatic renewal of fixed contracts belongs for the extended contract he did not want. Between which were given to the consumer by way of noti- fore they would be liable for the invoices generated to history but it is still happening despite the fact May and July this year he parted with R3507 to fication. This shall occur, unless the consumer di- to date for this contract,” she added. that the CPA outlawed this years ago. Section 14, have his daughters’ phone services reconnected. rects the supplier to terminate the contract on the of the CPA requires the supplier to send a written expiry date or alternatively agrees to the renewal of Chetty said MTN would however use this que- notification to the consumer of an impending expi- “My youngest daughter uses it to do homework the agreement for a further fixed term, said Thomp- ry as written notice to process cancellation unless ration of the contract within 80 working days and and she can’t afford not to have a phone hence I’m son. the customer was able to provide the original can- not less than 40 days of its expiration. forced to pay these unwarranted amounts,” he said. cellation request. Leigh-Ann Chetty, senior Communication and It further allows a consumer 20 working days Seate said although he no longer used the sim Public Relations Manager at MTN said consumers “In line with CPA and MTN Subscriber Agree- to cancel the contract within 20 days before its ex- card of his phone , he was still billed for it. Instead were automatically migrated to a month-to-month ment cancellation clauses, our customers need to piration. Cellphone giant, MTN, is one of the com- of cancelling the expired contract, he added, MTN agreement if they did not cancel the contract within provide MTN with 20 days written instruction to panies accused by a customer of having shied away was regularly sending him messages to upgrade his cancel their contracts when the contract period has from its duty of informing him of his rights before contract. “In July I parted with R1168 on an ex- been reached,” said Chetty. his contract was allegedly extended without prior pired and cancelled contract,” Seate said. warning and without his consent. If no instruction was received, the contract His eldest daughter, who also have a contract would continue on a month-to-month basis until Pako Seate 46, of Dithakong village in with MTN, was also not called or notified of the they are instructed to cancel the month-to-month Mafikeng says he was never told of his rights either impending expiry date of her contract which ex- services. Consumer Eye pointed out to Chetty that pired at the end of September this year. The com- MTN was in breach of the CPA and suggested that they should consider changing these terms and con- ditions of their contracts and comply with the law. Chetty said they were not in contravention of the CPA to allow a fixed term contract to proceed on a month-to-month basis. Section 14 (2)(d) of the CPA states that suppliers are required to advise customers that the contract would continue on a month-to-month basis upon the expiration of the fixed term contract and would automatically be re- newed on a month-to-month basis. Chetty said MTN does inform its customers of the expiry of a contract between 40 and 80 days prior to the expiry of the contract. “This does not absolve the customer from send- ing the required cancellation notice. The contract clearly states that it goes on a month-to-month ba- sis unless cancelled in writing,” she said. By Thuli Zungu ONLINE SHOPPERS Mphahlele said several of these cases had been re- THE fear of Covid 19 – pandemic contamina- EXPOSED TO SCHEMES ferred to the National Consumer Commission for tion has driven a number of consumers to shop OF PRYING SCAMMERS failure to co-operate. At a meeting in August this online as they were not yet ready to fit clothing year, Ana Eleven Brand company promised to re- in-store and this has now created a boom for on- WARNING: Consumer goods ombud has solve all complaints within a week but had still not line scammers. This new online shopping spree received 328 complaints addressed the consumers’ complaints adequately, has been a perfect storm for scammers to fleece according to Mphahlele. unsuspecting consumers of their hard-earned OMBUDS: Magauta Mphahlele money since last year. “Taking money from consumers and then fail- ing to deliver the goods and services is a contra- Over the past nine months, Consumer Goods vention of Section 19 of the Consumer Protection and Services Ombud (CGSO), Magauta Mphahl- Act (CPA). ‘’In terms of section 19 of the CPA, ele, had received 328 complaints from consum- suppliers are responsible for delivering goods or ers who have lodged concerns with her against an services on the agreed date and time, or within online company selling women clothing called a reasonable time after concluding the agreement. Ana Eleven Brand. A month ago, Mphahlele also They are further required to deliver at the agreed warned consumers to tread carefully when buying place of delivery or performance of the services’’. goods from another company, Wiegenkind Bou- Where the supplier failed to honour the agreement, tique, an online shop offering baby clothing. the consumer had the right to cancel, without pen- alty or receive a full refund. She said over the past four months, 38 con- sumers had lodged complaints with the Ombud “Ana Eleven Brand and Wiegenkind compa- against Wiegenkind. She issued another warning nies also appear to be in contravention of sections this week against Ana Eleven Brand. This fol- 47 of the CPA, which forbids suppliers not to ac- lowed a large number of complaints against the cept payment if there was no reasonable basis or shop and their management’s alleged lack of co- intention to supply those goods, or intend to supply operation with the Ombud’s office in resolving the goods that are different from those which payment disputes, she said. According to the complainants, was accepted,” Mphahlele said. these shops either failed to deliver goods or deliv- ered wrong items and incorrect sizes. “Based on Furthermore section 30 and 41 prohibited sup- these complaints, it is clear that Ana Eleven Brand pliers from falsely advertising goods that were and Wiegenkind are engaging in classic bait mar- unavailable to deceive or mislead consumers about keting, by advertising products knowingly that their actual availability. they do not have sufficient stock,” Mphahlele said. Mphahlele advised consumers who shopped She added that as soon as these companies online to transact with reputable retailers and to received payment, they would inform consumers be wary of unrealistically low deals. “Consumers that the goods were out of stock, and in most cases must do due diligence before parting with their the promised refunds never materialised. If they hard-earned money by checking with online com- do refund customers, it would take a very long munities before purchasing from unfamiliar or time before consumers are paid back their money. new e-commerce websites,” she said. Mphahlele also urged all online suppliers of goods and ser- vices to ensure that they complied with the law.
6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 15 October 2021 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE MEC ENCOURAGES By Thuli Zungu modern businesses that are not contrib- NORTH WEST Information flow is an impediment to uting to agriculture,” said Mosenogi. YOUTH the youth in the rural areas of South Africa, compared to those in the sub- “We need more new farmers and TO JOIN FARMING urbs, but that is set to be history for Agro-processors to enter this sector. SECTOR the youth of North West. The economy needs young farmers who will produce maize meal, cheese, juice, GUIDANCE: Municipality strategically placed for potential Kenetswe Mosenogi, the MEC of peanut butter, red meat to mincemeat or markets for various businesses Economic Development, Environment, other forms of processed meat. Getting Conservation and Tourism, said young involved in agriculture does not require SECTOR: Kenetswe Mosenogi, people are an important seed for the one to buy a commercial farm, but ac- the MEC ofEconomic future of the country, and that the gov- cess to land, especially rural land,” she Development, ernment has a responsibility to nurture, added. expose and guide the youth, so that all Environment, Conservation their dreams and future plans can be re- “Many of you want to start busi- and Tourism, alised. nesses and are looking for guidance on how to do so. Some of you have Mosenogi said the country has already registered businesses with the inequality problems and infrastructure Companies and Intellectual Property backlogs, which includes connectivity Commission (CIPCP) and want guid- infrastructure, such as optic fibre net- ance on how to draft business plans in works and poor signal difficulty, even order to approach financing institutions for the optimisation of Wi-Fi perfor- for funding.” mance. “These instruments expose the youth to the “information highway”, Mosenogi said some of the youths and its government’s task to assign just needed non-financial assistance in agencies and institutions that carry such “repackaging their ideas, and evolving important information to the youth in these into a tradable substance. places and areas like Kagisano-Molopo municipality,” she said. It is those kinds of triggers that we are encouraging for the youth; and you Mosenogi said this area is one of must never be afraid to try and fail, so the poorest areas in the country, and she that you learn from those failures, as has predicted that the future trail blazers you go ahead pursuing dreams.” would come from its youth, hence the need to make information about oppor- She said South Africa needs more tunities available to the youth. Address- interest in entrepreneurship so that we ing the youths, Mosenogi said, “Apart can rebuild our economy, by taking from the retail sector employment in advantage of the new markets such as this area and (the ongoing) Community taking advantage of the Africa through Works Programme (CWP), which has African Continental Free Trade Area cushioned some households’ income (AFCFTA), which is a system of trad- here, there lies the opportunity for you ing among countries throughout Africa. to take advantage of the dominance of the crop and animal production agricul- Mosenogi said her department has ture in the kagisano-Molopo District. programmes that are directed bringing the youth into the local economy, and She urged the youth to change has agencies that can assist the youth their attitude towards agriculture and with business start-ups, so as to stop the get involved as producers rather than migration of the youth from the Kagis- employees. “Agriculture is an industry ano-Molopo municipality, who tended that will never go away as long as hu- to move to areas including Mahikeng, man beings need to eat and be fed. Your Rustenburg, Kimberly and Gauteng af- climate is conducive for both forms of ter completing matric, to look for em- agriculture, and they (young people) ployment. must take advantage of this. “This municipality is strategically She said there has been a serious placed for potential markets to any decline in the number of commercial form of business in that you are located farmers in the last 15 years in South Af- as a gateway to Botswana, through the rica because of retirement and the white Kgalagadi District, which is a market younger generation are not as interested on its own, then to greater Taung to the in farming like the ageing ones. “They south, and Northern Cape on the south- use the wealth generated by their retired west,” she said. Mosenogi appealed to parents from agriculture to start new the youth to make use of the available information and encouraged them to ask questions, and added that, “The fu- ture is in your hands!” GREAT FUNDING OPPORTUNITY FOR BLACK ENTREPRENEURS IN TOURISM SECTOR ENABLING: Successful applicants stand to receive up to five million rands By Weekly SA Mirror Reporter period of three financial years, up to 2020. sector for new and established small and micro is administered by the NEF on behalf of the Depart- Black investors and communities investing The grant funding will be used to reduce the black-owned tourism enterprises that provide ment of Tourism. in projects are encouraged to take advantage services to tourists as its direct clients; and of the Tourism Transformation Fund (TTF), funding gap that may exist between the prospective • Majority Black owned community – based pro- The pilot phase of the TTF which opened in which seeks to drive transformation in the sec- investor’s own contribution and the approved loan jects in which the Department of Tourism is 2018, went through a review process in 2021 which tor to nurture a new generation of black-owned finance and, or equity contribution by the NEF for already involved through its Expanded Public led to an increase in the grant funding provided to community, youth and women owned tourism tourism projects. Works Programme (EPWP) for which commer- successful applicants and also the consideration of enterprises. cial viability and long term sustainability have projects funded by other DFI’s. The Department’s The grant component will be capped at a maxi- been proven. grant contribution for approved applications is lim- The fund is a dedicated capital investment mum of R5 million per successful applicant to un- The Fund aims to drive transformation in the ited to fifty percent of the total funding approved funding mechanism that has been established by lock investment in the tourism sector by qualifying tourism sector in a more direct and impactful man- and is capped at a maximum of R5 million rands the Department of Tourism in collaboration with black-owned small and micro tourism enterprises. ner that will not only assist black-owned tourism per beneficiary. the National Empowerment Fund (NEF), and fo- The fund will focus specifically on: enterprises to expand and grow, but also catalyse cuses specifically on financial support for black • majority black owned tourism entities and the rise of a new generation of black owned youth, Applicants should submit their application entrepreneurs for projects in the tourism sector, and women and community owned tourism enterprises forms and supporting documents directly to the is capitalised by the Department of Tourism to the transactions that are commercially viable and to take the tourism sector to new heights. The Fund NEF, for the assessment of applications for com- tune of R40 million annual grant funding, over a sustainable, as per the results of the due dili- mercial and TTF eligibility. gence processes of the NEF; • Unlocking investment support in the tourism All the related applications and inquiries should be sent to: [email protected].
Friday 15 October 2021 ENTERTAINMENT 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR HOW HITMAKER MASKANDI DUO BRAVED REJECTION – AND PREVAILED COMEBACK KIDS: Once shunned Maskandi duo have the last laugh. SIBLINGS: Maskandi stars Jezilikhulu and Skhezana keeping the genre on the local and international music radar. ON THE MOVE: Skhezana By Gugu Sibiya last laugh. “Of the seven albums we’ve re- STEP AHEAD: Jezilikhulile Now that Abafana bakaMgqomeni have leased, the tide turned after our hit offering, 6 to 6. Not only did it fetch a gold disc, but we proved that they’re not riding on the coat tails scooped several, significant awards with it. of their late brother and mentor, Mngqomeni, besotted and insatiable fans cannot get “To date we’ve walked away with two enough of the maskandi duo. SAMAs. At Amantshontsho kaMaskandi, we scooped two awards, while three were Talking on behalf of the duo made up of snatched at the SATMAs as well as one him and his brother Sakhiseni Mseleku, af- bagged at the Crown Gospel Awards. We fectionately called Skhezana, Busani Nelisani have been awarded one gold disc locally,” an Mseleku fondly known as Jezelikhulu, re- ecstatic Jezi boasts a little. flects with a tinge of sadness over the unpal- atable episode that followed the passing of “All around, it’s been a couple of good their brother and mentor in 2009 – leading to years. Awards have elevated us to perform- public ridicule and rejection of their act. ing at what you could equate to a World Cup. Only that it was traditional artists in Russia. “When we started out in 2012, the name To crown it, we strutted away with a gold on everyone’s lips was Mgqomeni. He’d just disc. We topped Russia with a brilliant gig at passed away in 2009. the scenic island of Seychelles in 2019,” in- sisting they are the mainstay at most “it” fests “Hard at work, rumour mongers pre- in the country. dicted our imminent downfall. Accusing us of the nerve to attempt replacing a heavy weight “’Our music finds a home in people’s like Mngqomeni, they, sarcastically, nick- hearts because they can relate to it. We sing named me Jezelikhulu, meaning I was too big about love like in i6 to 6’s Sizomenza nini for my boots. Instead of cowering in a corner, umntwana. It’s about this girl who stays at I turned the tables on them by using that nasty shebeens until the wee hours of the morning. term as my stage name,” he says, chuckling. She turns around and accuses his man of fail- ing to impregnate her. He now invites her to “Skhezana and I started our duo to pay bed so that he can do his thing. People love it, tribute to Mngqomeni for being one of the you can tell by the number of awards it has greatest exponents of the genre. Keeping fetched. his legacy alive is extremely important. He taught us a lot about the industry. Aside from “Gender-based violence is a scourge being his dancers and backing singers, he’d we’re fighting through our music. We also set me up as the lead singer for Amaduma touch on the racist utterances at a Greek beach Amahle. Skhezana wasn’t left in the cold. He in Racism must fall. We heap praise where it’s was behind Ogezu’s mic”. due and criticise where warranted. Our great- est inspiration is the love and support of our The charming and eloquent Jezi shakes fans,” he says with heart-felt sincerity. his head when he recalls how mischievous people never understood the blood ties that Thoughtfully, Jezi discloses that they bound them together as the Mselekus. “As if have embarked on a serious educational we hadn’t been through enough, who could drive. “Our fans are still mad about CDs as forget Sibusiso Gcabashe the imposter? He opposed to using USB sticks. Times have pretended to be Mngqomeni, who’d been res- changed, technology is evolving, so we’re urrected from the dead. That caused a lot of encouraging our fans to adapt to buying our unnecessary hoo-haa. music online. Not to say we don’t understand why they’d still be attached to CDs. “Both Skhe and I worked hard to avoid, at all costs, dragging the family legacy Our songs are in stores, but when we re- through the mud. We stand on the shoulders lease, we send the bulk of it to our branches of giants. Our brother accepted the gift from who are doing a great job. We’re impressed our father, Mahawukela, also known as Ig- with the T-shirts they wear to show their un- cokoma likaMseleku, an extremely talented wavering support, “ Jezi says, with a broad and well-known maskandi maverick who smile that sums it all. produced and mentored lots of wannabes in his time.” “We’re already penning songs for our upcoming 2022 album. Our heartfelt grati- Regardless of all the hurdles that put a tude to all our fans. Please vaccinate, we want spanner in the works, their brand of maskandi to see you at the next festival,” he concludes has taken off beautifully. They are having the on a pleading note.
8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 15 October 2021 Comment SAVE THE CHILDREN, SAVE TARGET: Black Americans were targets of COP KILLINGS THE FUTUE attacks in a pattern of racism within the US criminal justice system... The world is today facing a dilemma of how to curb the spiralling numbers of deaths by By Monk Nkomo INVOLVING teenagers who committed suicide daily due Police violence and racism in the United States BLACKS, HISPANICS to mental health disorders – a phenomenon of America are the current manifestations of a UNDER-REPORTED, acutely raising its ugly head particularly amid system that was built to uphold racial hierarchy the Covid lockdowns. for most of the country’s history where more STUDY SHOWS than half of all deaths – mostly of black people - Not unduly alarmed, the World Health Or- due to police violence, were under-reported. TARGET: Black Americans were targets of attacks in a ganization (WHO) has alerted global nations to pattern of racism within the US criminal justice system... this worrying spiral, revealing that 10 percent of This is according to the latest study which children and adolescents around the world expe- also revealed that the misclassification of police The study also established that racial bias in the public health crisis. rienced mental disorders, and that suicides in this violence in the National Vital Statistics System USA did not exist in a vacuum but followed the ‘’Violence is a public health issue, affecting group were on the rise – against the backdrop of (NVSS) was extensive in that from 1980 to 2018, pattern of anti-Black racism in the criminal justice the Covid-19 pandemic. the NVSS did not report 17100 out of 30 800 deaths system throughout the country’s history. both physical and mental concern in other high- that the study had estimated. ‘’ In 2018, there were income mnations besides the USA’’. To address the Here at home, the nation is still trying to 642 deaths missing out of 1240 total estimated ‘’Police forces should exist to enforce laws that public health crisis of police violence, reform was make sense of the news that a total 59 teenagers deaths. protect public safety, but throughout the USA’s his- needed on how to document and respond to such took their own lives in the past nine months – in tory, police have been used to enforce racist and violence. one province alone, Limpopo. Eerily, the nation- The total under-reporting is also disparate by exploitative social orders that endanger the safety al picture must look just as grim, if not scarier. race and ethnicity . From 1980 to 2018 the greatest of the most marginalized groups in society.’’ The study recommended that beyond the issue under-reporting of deaths was among non – His- of reporting police violence accurately, the field of We are told 9% of all teen deaths nation- panic Black people with 5670 deaths missing out The latest study estimated 30 800 deaths across public health must turn its attention to ultimately ally are due to suicide – and this figure is on of an estimated 9540 total deaths’’. all races and states from police violence between eliminate the burden of police violence. the increase, as revealed by the SA Depression 1980 and 2018. This figure however represented 17 and Anxiety Group (Sadag) last month. Another This study examined the presence and extent 100 more deaths than reported by the NVSS. ‘’ Evidence suggests that there have been some shock from Sadag report is that, in the 15-24 age of concealing reports of police violence in the US successful reforms to reduce police violence from group, suicide was the second leading – and fast- government-run vital registration data and present- Over the life course, about one in every 1000 1970 to 1985. Fifty cities with populations larger est growing – cause of death. ed revised estimates of deaths due to police vio- Black men are killed by the police in the USA mak- than 250 000 residents halved their fatal police vio- lence in the country. ing them 2,5 times more likely to be killed by po- lence from 353 to 171 per year, primarily through “Children as young as 7 have committed sui- lice than White men. Black women were about 1,4 banning the shooting of non violent fleeing sus- cide in South Africa. Every day 22 people take The highest under-reporting in the NVSS oc- times more likely to be killed by police than are pects’’. their lives. Suicide is on the increase and the curred for deaths of Black Americans at 59,5%. White women. question is why?” Sadag said. The NVSS also missed 56,1% of deaths of non- Coroners and forensic medical experts have Hispanic White people, 32,6% of non-Hispanic ‘’Police are more likely to shoot Black civilians also proposed that to avoid incorrect assignment Adding their voice, the SA Society of Psy- people of other races and 50% of non-Hispanic than White civilians given the same levels of crimi- of causes of death due to pressure from the police, chiatrists have revealed that one in 10 teenage people of any race. nal activity , even when the civilian is unarmed. In politicians or the deceased’s family members, fo- deaths every year were the result of suicide. A addition to a disproportionate burden of fatal vio- rensic pathologists should work independently further breakdown by Sadag revealed that nine From 1980 to 2018 the top five states with the lence at the hands of the police, systematic racism from law enforcement agencies. percent of all teenage deaths were also due to highest under-reporting rates were : also makes non-Hispanic Black people more likely suicide. * Oklahoma with an estimated 83,7% deaths; to be incarcerated than other racial groups.’’ ‘’ Additionally, forensic pathologists often * Wyoming with 79,1% must investigate and testify in cases of police vio- Disclosing the provincial teen suicide figures * Alabama with 76,9% This study examined the presence and extent of lence. To ensure that pathologists are free from this week, health MEC Phophi Ramathuba said * Louisiana with 75,7% under-reporting of police violence in the US gov- pressures that could influence these cases, patholo- reports compiled by her department’s forensic * Nebraska with 72,9%. ernment-run vital registration data and presented gists should be awarded whistleblower protection pathologists revealed that – of the 59 cases – The states with the lowest estimated under-report- revised estimates of deaths due to police violence under the law.’’ 49 of the youths had hanged themselves. Most ing rates were : in the USA. poignant is that the statistics come during Octo- * Maryland with 16,4% The Massachusetts House passed a Bill in Au- ber’s World Mental Health Month, a global re- * New Mexico with 26,4% The burden of fatal police violence was an gust 2020, that would revoke qualified immunity minder about the insidiousness of mental illness * Massachusetts with 32,5% and urgent health crisis in the USA, the study found. for police policers who are ‘decertified from poor and its widespread prevalence. At the heart of * Oregon with 36,3%. Mounting evidence showed that deaths at the hands conduct’. it all is that children were exposed to violence, of the police disproportionately impacted people depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress. In ‘’The police have disproportionately killed of certain races and ethnicities and pointed to sys- ‘’Although it might seem drastic to many in some countries, unemployment – and, as a result, Black people at a rate of 3,5 times higher than temic racism in policing. Recent high-profile kill- the USA to defund, disarm or abolish militarized teenagers took their own lives. White people and have killed Hispanic and Indig- ings by police in the USA have prompted calls for police, there are many places where living without enous people disproportionately as well. The rate more extensive and pubic data reporting on police militarized police is already a reality.’’ The WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Ghe- of fatal police violence was higher in every year for violence. breyesus, in a report released two months ago, Black Americans than for White Americans.’’ A total nineteen nations including Norway and said one billion children were exposed to vio- The study revealed that police officers who the United Kingdom, do not arm their police offic- lence every year in their homes, school, commu- The study found that the under-reporting was killed civilians were rarely charged with a crime. ers or only armed select officers. nities and online because of conflict and other related to several factors including the coroner ‘’Mapping Police Violence reported that in 2017, humanitarian crises. Covid 19 pandemic and the or medical examiner failing to indicate police in- of 1147 deaths , officers were charged with a crime The difference these practices on loss of life lockdowns had exacerbated the situation. volvement in the text fields of the death certificate’s in 13 cases’’. was staggering as nobody died from police vio- cause of death section even when the death certifi- lence in Norway in 2019 and only three people “We must step up efforts to improve the cate showed police involvement. Movements against racially motivated violence were reported to have died in England and Wales prevention, diagnoses and treatment of mental have been long standing throughout the USA’s his- from police violence between 2018 and 2019. health conditions in children,” Ghebreyesus said. ‘’ There are also substantial conflicts of inter- tory. Recent tragedies had spurred social move- “And that starts with fully acknowledging the est within the death investigation system that could ments such as Black Lives Matter and public decla- ‘’ To respond to this public health crisis, the links between mental ill-health and violence”. disincentivize certifiers from indicating police in- rations identifying police violence and racism as a USA must replace militarized policing with evi- volvement , including the fact that many medical dence-based support for communities, prioritise the It is unfortunate and unforgivable for the examiners and coroners work for or are embedded safety of the public and value Black lives .’’ world’s nations to lose their children in such a vi- within police departments’’, the study found. olent manner due to socio-economic issues. Chil- dren are the future of every country. Children are Although vital registration systems in many a gift from God. They have to be properly nur- countries were considered to be reliable sources on tured, taken care of and educated and groomed as causes of death, they presented a potential conflict future leaders of our respective countries. With- of interest for deaths from police violence since the out them, the future is doomed. same State responsible for violence was also re- sponsible for reporting it. It augurs well for the future that WHO has developed guidelines and tools to help integrate mental health support and violence prevention and response into schools, community and pri- mary health care. For, a nation that fails to take care of their children cannot be expected to be taken serious- ly. The future is in their hands of the children. They are the world. v 060 936 2673 [email protected] PEARL RANTSEKENG.................... Editor MOLEFI MIKA ..................Deputy Editor THULI ZUNGU ................ Associate Editor GUGU SIBIYA ................. Lifestyle Editor Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: Postnet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror commits to truthful, accu- rate, fair, balanced reporting. The publication is in the process of submitting its application to join the Press Council.
Friday 15 October 2021 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR HONOURING “DD” – COMMUNITY BUILDER AND EDUCATIONIST PAR EXCELLENCE ACTIVE: A total of 40 years teaching at Johannesburg schools evolved to opening his own schools around Gauteng STALWART: Former Orlando Pirates boss and educationist Donald “DD” Dliwayo. Photo: Jacob Mawela By Jacob Mawela his family circumstances during his younger years Rosa Parks US Library and Innovation Studio in Mphahlele brought the scuffle to a halt!” A sunny October Sunday afternoon in the resulted in the precocious soul opting for a career White City: “I won’t forget one of DD’s wisecracks Tshabalala, furthermore, recalled a Bantu World Soweto neighbourhood of Pimville had family, path in education motivated by a need to make a around his definition of a cauliflower: a cauliflower friends, neighbours, the young and adults gath- difference in his community. is a cabbage with college education!” That had newspaper headline: DD Must Decide – which al- ering at the home of polymath par excellence, guests at the party in stitches! luded to a transfer saga involving an American Donald Daniel “DD” Dhliwayo, to celebrate and Having garnered a teacher’s qualification at a team’s interest in the services of the club’s kingpin, honour his rare nonagenarian milestone. then Northern Transvaal institution – the die was Latter day Orlando East community leader, Matsilele “Jomo” Sono. Helming the neighbour- cast on his march to establishing his credentials Vuka Tshabalala recalled that Dhliwayo’s career hood’s beloved Buccaneers as a vice-chairman The occasion to celebrate the great patriarch as a societal leading light. His journey spanning path wasn’t all smooth-sailing, mentioning a petty back in the 1970s bore travails for the educationist and community builder was filled with festival am- 40 years took him from teaching at Johannesburg tribal incident when then then Bantu Education of- at heart who opted to don different hats all in the bience befitting of the stature of the man of the mo- schools to eventually becoming a principal at Or- ficials opposed his appointment as the head of Ler- cause of bettering the lot of his community. ment, all of 95 years and cutting a suave figure in a lando East’s Leratong Higher Primary School. atong Higher Primary School, on the grounds that grey and blue suit! he wasn’t a “Mosotho.” Producing his “dompas” DD’s celebration weekend party rolled with All the while passionate about education’s which registered him as, South Sotho, DD was able colourful anecdotes of his early years with listen- It had been a very lengthy sojourn through a role in society, one of the kindred spirits sharing to make his detractors feed on humiliation pie! ing intently, all the while occupying a centrally life of hard knocks for the Musina-born son of a his quest was fellow academic, the mathematician positioned table alongside his 78-year-old wife, mine labourer, from having to assist his family’s Wilkie Kambule, former Orlando High School A treasure trove appertaining to Orlando East Thokozile. It was instructive that occasion oc- sustenance by selling fat cakes around his village principal – with whom he initiated a bursary geared history, Tshabalala also went down memory lane by curred just a few days after the observation of the in his pre-teens after the paterfamilias succumbed toward assisting pupils realise their goals. Ticking reliving an unsavoury incident when DD served a UNESCO inaugurated World Teachers’ Day. Apt to silicosis in his thirties – to finding his own feet boxes of all steps in the hierarchy, the ambitious stint as a soccer administrator at Pirates. This was coincidence for the iconic teacher heralding his lat- in life through sheer determination, and ultimately and industrious figure went from teaching, being during the period following the perishing of the est milestone. scaling heights by becoming a long-serving edu- a headmaster, a school inspector to establishing club’s executives in a car crash at Sasol on May cationist and soccer administrator of Orlando Pi- his own brand of schools in Protea, Orlando East, 5, 1975. Never short of wisecracks, DD coined memo- rates football club. Patriarch – the colossus fondly Orange Farm, Kagiso and Vosloorus. All in all, an rable gems such as: an excuse is a modified form of referred to as “DD’’ – is father to 14 children and epoch spanning more than four decades! “I remember one incident after a match at a lie – as well as, excitement is a modified form of blessed with 42 grandchildren! A resolve to es- Orlando Stadium, where (Pirates player) Rus- madness. With a mask on and appearing like the cape the fangs of impoverishment encompassing Reminisced one of former Orlando East resi- sia Jacobs confronted Tatane Dhliwayo with a master of all he surveyed, DD soaked the recollec- dents who came under his influence during his hot clap. Bra China Hlongwane intervened in a tions pensively as fellow celebrants warmed to the formative years, Vusi Kaunda, a librarian at the fist fight which ensued for an hour until Bra Joe company of the Last of the Mohicans! By Ido Lekota OF ELECTIONS, start seeing itself as representing the “nation” The local government elections’ trail is TONE-DEAF PARTY by virtue of its struggle credentials. heating up, with political parties upping the AND UNDYING This could lead to the party seeing itself as game in their quest to woo the voters. HOPE AND WILL OF an embodiment of the national voice – a bearer of the nation’s assumed goals, which a sacro- So far, the Economic Freedom Front seems PEOPLE sanct and only the party can pursue them. This to be some points ahead in the political boxing situation can be described as a “rule for the ring after landing some stinging blows against BULWARK: Voters must exercise democratic people” – essentially a distortion of “rule by the their arch-rivals, the African National Con- right to form extra-parliamentary structures to exert people.’’ gress. pressure on parties… So where does this situation leave the vot- A telling blow to the ANC solar plexus was meeting the prerequisites of a democracy, in- fought for the freedom of the previously op- ers? First, it is important to bear in mind that when the daughter of the late struggle icon cluding holding regular free and fair elections pressed majority. This has created a deep sense democracy is about the will of the people. This Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, currently South and a multi-party parliament supposed to be of affinity to the party among those whose free- means that the voter is an important motive Africa’s ambassador in Korea Zenani Man- the bulwark for the will of the people. Yet, the dom the party is seen to have fought. force when it comes to achieving real democ- dela-Dlamini, chose to attend the Red Berets Achilles’ heel in this situation is that the ruling racy. The vote is the most important tool that election manifesto launch, where they also hon- party remains the dominant party with hardly Given the country’s history, a situation voters have to hold those elected, as both their oured her late mother by naming their newly any fear of being replaced by any other contest- wherein a democratically elected government representatives and leaders, accountable. It is acquired offices after her. ing party. does have a full mandate to address the legacy also an important tool for voters as a motive of apartheid-colonialism is most probably nec- force for the deepening of democracy. This was after Mandela-Dlamini, daughter In the case of South Africa, this arises from essary. However, history also teaches us that of two ANC stalwarts, Madikizela-Mandela a history in which the ANC continue to be seen such an unchecked situation has the danger This is why it is important for the voters to and former president Nelson Mandela, had as a victorious liberation movement that has of creating a condition where the ruling party go out there on November 1, and use their vote snubbed an invitation by the ANC-led Free to elect those that they believe can effectively State government to a ceremony to rename represent them and ensure that the quality of Brandfort after her mother. their lives is improved. This includes also vot- ing out those who have been given an oppor- As it is wont to do, the ANC recently scored tunity to execute this mandate but failed to do. another political own goal when President Cyr- il Ramaphosa came out in defence of the now That said, history has also taught us that it disgraced former Health Minister Zweli Mkh- is not enough for voters to wait for five years ize. This followed the recent release of the Spe- before they use their power to ensure that those cial Investigation Unit (SIU), in which Mkhize elected into power do execute their mandate of was found to have told the truth and approved serving the people. The voters need to under- budgets illegally in the controversial R150 mil- stand that, in a democracy, they are expected lion Digital vibes tender. It is estimated that to serve as voices and agents that continue to Mkhize and his family benefitted to the tune of hold their elected representatives and leaders R8,7 million from the tender. accountable. To this end, it is also their demo- cratic right to form extra-parliamentary struc- Ramaphosa’s response is that of typical tures to unite them towards playing that role. political tone-deafness normally displayed by Ido Lekota is an independent socio-political a ruling party operating in a one-dominant- commentator. party democracy. This is situation wherein the country ticks the right boxes when it comes to
10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FASHION Friday 15 October 2021 FROM DIGITAL TO PHYSICAL, CAPE TOWN FASHION OUTFIT TAKES NEW FORM TACTILE: To touch, feel and experience wear once exclusively available on the web… By Mpumi Brown “When we were in lockdown Level 5, Cape Town’s highly sought-after fashion conceptualising and building the spring col- brand, Me & B social-media brand has of- lection, we realised that everyone was in a ficially opened its doors at Joburg’s lifestyle desperate need of some JOY! The last few spot - 44 Stanley Avenue. months have been so hard on us physical- ly, emotionally and mentally. So, we went Mother-and-daughter duo Kelly-Grace bright and colourful and fun! All our clothes Gibberd and Betina Swart created a brand are a reflection of my mom and my positive out of their relationship, attitude, and an invitation to step into some- thing comfortable and beautiful”. “ We launched our inclusive fashion la- bel Me &B as an online store from our Cape The Me&B sets are the bestsellers as Town studio in 2018, and the response has set-dressing is such an easy way to look pol- been incredible. As we were going to busi- ished and put-together! Comfort is always a ness together, (the name) it just sort of rolled key factor in the design process, so all their off the tongue, Me & B: I am the Me and dresses should be easy to wear with added Betina is the B,” says Gibberd. pockets to most of the dresses, All dresses range from R199 to R1199. “Working with brilliant local Cape Town-based suppliers and small businesses The power of fashion and how it influ- has been an incredible part of this journey ences how we feel about ourselves is a well- however the journey is only beginning!” documented topic. According to Prof.Caro- lyn Mair PhD, a behavioural psychologist T his launch could not come at a more and author of The Psychology of Fashion, opportune moment, as they relocated from when we feel good in what we are wearing, Cape Town to Johannesburg we tend to be more confident which, in turn, impacts our wellbeing. “ When 44 Stanley Avenue in Johannes- burg became vacant, we jumped at the op- With this context, fashion brands clearly portunity. We understand that finding high- have a role to play in empowering women quality, inclusive fashion no matter your yet inclusive fashion is still a niche when it size or age is something women across the really should be the status quo. country look for, and, of course, Gauteng FASHION ETHOS: Me & B’s garments exude poise, individuality and style. was the next big destination.” “Because there is no time like the pre- sent and we want more women to have more choices when it comes to finding beautiful and comfortable clothes.” T hese skilled and talented women, who started off in our sample room, have now been able to grow their own businesses as well. They pulled together a formidable team of female-owned entrepreneurs and factories from in and around Cape Town who have been critical in bringing Me & B to life. “Knowing that we are empowering oth- er women to grow as we continue to build the brand, spurs us on to scale even more.” You need a gorgeous dress for a func- tion. It’s a size 32 and you’re a size 40. Chances of finding the right size are as slim as the mannequin in the front window. Yet, fashion should be inclusive, ageless, and size less. And they are not just talking about it either, they are making it happen.This is a locally designed and manufactured brand for the full-size curve Swart joins in: “Of course, during Cov- id-19, being online was so important and the preferable platform with the need for low touch engagement. It was incredible to see the support in local brands during that time. However, now that we can finally see a silver lining as the country’s vaccination roll-out gains traction, we wanted to scale and grow.”
Friday 15 October 2021 FOOD AND WINE 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR A-LIST: Top Sauvignon Blanc wines for 2021 A BANG FROM SA’S TOP 10 SAUVIGNON BLANC WINES By Len Maseko DISTINCTION: Local winemakers produce gnon is the whipper-snapper. It’s not solid enough. Long regarded as a prime producer of high- best-selling, high-quality wines from the grape It’s violent, it’s sharp, it bites, it cries, it’s like a quality Sauvignon Blancs, South Africa has re- ferocious dog you keep on a leash”. – additional vealed its hand with a new tranche of “world- TANGY: Blogger Tshepang Molisana and THRILLED: Our Darling’s winemaker info sourced from Sauvignon Blanc SA and Wine class” Top 10 wines made from the grape. Sutherland’s Deon van Zyl. Martinique de Bruin. & Spirts Education Trust WHERE TO TASTE THE TOP 10 SAUVI- Sauvignon Blanc SA – the association of pro- Zalze Family Reserve Chenin Blanc 2020. across the world, for consistently producing high- GNON BLANCS ducers that dedicate themselves to fostering the Botha described the Kleine Zalze Family Re- quality, crisp and refreshing wines from the grape, * Next Thursday, at Fratelli Palmieri quality the country’s best-selling wine grape – an- whose styles fall into two broad categories. Some (021 015 5064, [email protected]) in Wood- nounced the winners of the 2021 Sauvignon Blanc serve Sauvignon Blanc 2020 as a big and bold are described as pungent and fruit driven, like those SA Top 10 competition, with most of the wines wine, espousing his approach to winemaking, to from New Zealand, but usually lighter in body, less stock. coming from the 2020 vintage. The 2020 has been craft wines that make a peculiar statement in the intense and complex. Other styles tend towards us- * On 28 October 28 at The Turbine Boutique Ho- described as the best for the grape varietal. glass. ing oak to make less pungent offerings. tel & Spa (044 050 3500, book@turbinehotel. These results were announced at awards cer- In his notes, he describes the wine as “lively Sauvignon Blanc’s characteristic aromas are in Knysna. emony hosted with the support of FNB and EVER and herbaceous with crisp layers of fruit. Intense reminiscent of green fruit and vegetables (goose- * In November at the Devon Valley Hotel (021 Solutions at five different restaurants in the West- palate with tropical and green elements. The grapes berry, elderflower, green bell pepper, asparagus). 865 2012, [email protected]) in ern Cape and Gauteng on Wednesday. for this Sauvignon Blanc were selected from vine- Cool-climate Sauvignon Blanc have tended to dis- Stellenbosch. yards in Durbanville and Darling. A serious wine play herbaceous notes. * A technical seminar that, among other things, The Top 10 judging panel was led by Cape with a long future. It will reward careful cellaring conveys information about the Top 10, will be Wine Master Dr Winifred Bowman as convener, as for the next five years.” Wine website,, notes “the refresh- held next Wednesday in Franschhoek. well as Charles Hopkins, cellar master of De Gren- ing Sauvignon Blanc is perfectly at home in South * A Sauvignon Blanc SA Top 10 Tasting is del, wine judge and author Fiona McDonald, Rüdg- Apart from enjoying the wine on its own, din- Africa. The diverse-growing regions make for planned in collaboration with the Cape Wine er van Wyk, winemaker of Stark-Condé Wines, Jo- ers are advised to serve it with seafood dishes; spe- wines that can be nice and grassy with plenty of Masters Institute. hann Fourie, chief winemaker of Benguela Cove, cifically with some fresh yellowtail or Kob; and is grapefruit and green apple skins. While the quality as well as two Cape Winemakers Guild Protégés, also especially suitable for vegan diets. His seafood is high, the price is still low.” SA’s 2021 TOP 10 Kelsey Shungking of Mullineux and Leeu and Vic- recommendation resonates with his fishing hobby, SAUVIGNON BLANC toria Davis of Boekenhoutskloof. making the compatibility between the two a wel- Gushing about the wine grape, world-acclaimed come stroke of serendipity. French chef Michel Troisgros once exclaimed: WINES RJ Botha, chairman of Sauvignon Blanc SA, “Sauvignon Blanc bangs you in the mouth – like said this year would be remembered as a world- South Africa’s illustrious history with Sauvi- an old peasant with his wooden shoe … The sauvi- • Bellevue Sauvignon Blanc 2021 class Top 10. The competition drew entries from gnon Blanc has earned it a formidable reputation • Diemersdal Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 96 producers “who can therefore rightly be proud of the performance of their 157 wines,” he said. 2021 • Flagstone Free Run Reserve Sauvignon “We see exciting innovation with six winning wines appearing in the Top 10 for the first time, as Blanc 2020 well as a good balance with four winning wines • Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Sauvignon that have already achieved this feat before. The re- sults confirm diversity and growth in South African Blanc 2020 Sauvignon Blanc, as well as diversity in origin with • Le Grand Domaine The Pledge Our Darling the winners coming from diverse regions, includ- ing Darling, Durbanville, Constantia, Stellenbosch, Sauvignon Blanc 2020 Elgin and Elim.” • Nitida Wild Child 2020 • Spier 21 Gables Sauvignon Blanc 2020 Having his own wine in the Top 10, Kleine • Steenberg The Black Swan Sauvignon Zalze Family Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2020, was a particularly special moment for Botha, who is cel- Blanc 2020 larmaster at the prize-winning Stellenbosch winery. • Strandveld Pofadderbos Sauvignon Blanc In an interview with Weekly SA Mirror, Botha was especially chaffed by the latest accolade as it adds 2021 to a string of awards garnered by the estate this year • Thelema Sutherland Sauvignon Blanc – and coming just a week after the Michelangelo Awards, where he picked up a trophy for the Kleine 2020
12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 15 October 2021 BYE-BYE AVANZA, HELLO RUMINION! MOTORING:Briefs FIVE MODELS ON OFFER: Wonder how isiZulu speakers will NO AMNESTY OVER SAUDI pronounce the newcomer NEWCASTLE TAKEOVER MPV based on the Suzuki Ertiga South African motorists may have to dig deeper to fill up their vehicle tanks in Novem- AVANZA REPLACEMENT: The new Toyota Rumion ber as the petrol price is expected to rise, the Bureau for Economic Research (BER) has By Ali Mphaki tic isiZulu language when deciding on the name of The Rumion rides on 185/65 R15 tyres. warned on Monday. Is it a Suzuki or a Toyota? Or is the motor indus- the newcomer. Brace your ears to hear things like PRICING try fast on a track where one model will be bap- ngiqhuba iLumion…. Kikikiki! And apart from the rising petrol price, con- tized in different names? Imagine a 3-Series be- The Rumion comes standard with a four-services sumers may also be faced with the first interest ing called GWM 3, or a Porsche Cayenne being My ever suspicion mind, however, tells me that or 60 000km service plan and a three-year or 100 rate hike in months when the Monetary Pricing referred to as Kia Cayenne. the Rumion was an answer to the steady but ever 000km warranty. Committee meets next month, the BER fore- These and other questions caused incessant mental growing band of lovers of the Suzuki Ertiga brand. • Rumion 1.5 S - R245 600 cast in its Weekly Review. gear changes in my mind when I first ogled the new • Rumion 1.5 SX MT - R273 500 Toyota Rumion MPV launched in South Africa this The Japanese motor manufacturer is not in the • Rumion 1.5 SX AT - R289 200 “Combined with disappointment after the week, a product with the same everything as the Su- habit of leaving anything to chance, especially in • Rumion 1.5 TX MT - R301 600 OPEC+ oil grouping voted against a more ag- zuki Ertiga. Well, there’s been some seismic changes segments where they are leaders. Whilst the Rumion • Rumion 1.5 TX AT - R317 200 gressive ramp-up of oil output, the increased in the motor industry, with manufacturers forming heralds a host of improvements over the Avanza, it demand for oil amid the gas price surge pushed alliances as a way of gaining an edge on the competi- shares the same 1.5-litre K15B engine as the Ertiga, DECENT: Interior is modern and functional the Brent crude oil price comfortably above tion and to also offset “ever rising” costs. producing 77kW and 138Nm. $80/bbl last week. REAR: Seven seater Rumion as it looks from Thing is the Rumion is the third vehicle in the Fuel consumption is a claimed 6.2-litres/100km the back This is notably higher than the average of Toyota-Suzuki alliance coming to South Africa, fol- with the five-speed manual and four-speed automatic $75/bbl in September,” the BER said. “If sus- lowing the Toyota Starlet (Suzuki Baleno) and Toyo- gearbox sending power to the front wheels, with a tained, the current oil price should see a notable ta Urban Cruiser (Suzuki Vitara Brezza). claimed 6.2-litres/100km fuel consumption rise in domestic fuel prices in early November. As always, the extent of the increase will also The Rumion MPV is based on the Suzuki Ertiga. The Rumion comprises five models, all carrying depend on local currency moves in the rest of What was perhaps unexpected is that with the new one of three grades: S, SX and TX. For instance, the the month,” the BER said model, it is bye-by to the popular Avanza. cheaper version, the Rumion S, features black exteri- or mirrors, colour-coded bumpers, and a three-spoke MY AUSTIN MARTIN RUNS Most owners, especially those who use them steering wheel. The second row of seats can be fold- ON WINE AND CHEESE- as taxis, rave about the Avanza, colloquially named ed in a 60/40 configuration, ventilated cupholders, a PRINCE CHARLES. Amaphele in several Gauteng townships. Its afford- 12-volt power socket in the front, electric windows, able, fuel-efficient engine line-up, tick all the boxes and air-con. Prince Charles has revealed the secret reci- as a reasonably sized seven seater people of goods pe he uses to power his Aston Martin - and it’s carrier. I think in my article on the Suzuki Ertiga a Coming to the Rumion SX, the difference here rather delicious. The British royal told the BBC few months ago, I did indicate that colleague Luvuyo is the colour-coded door handles, retractable exterior in an exclusive interview that he converted his Kakaza in Cape Town had enthused he wouldn’t be mirrors with power adjustment, chrome treatment for beloved car, which has been driving for over surprised to see the Ertiga taking over at the taxi rank the radiator grille, and a rear-window wiper. Remote five decades, to run on wine and cheese. The soon rather than later. central locking, a rear-window demister, additional Aston Martin uses a fuel called E85, made rear 12-volt power outlet, steering switches, park dis- from what he describes as “surplus English The prophesy has come through, seeing that after tance control (PDC) and rear air-conditioner are part white wine and whey from the cheese process”. two generations out goes the Avanza and in comes of the package. the Rumion At the back of my mind I could not help E85 typically refers to a fuel blend of 85 it but chuckle a bit when I thought how most isiZulu The top-spec Rumion TX adds keyless entry and per cent bioethanol and 15 per cent unleaded taxi owners would have their tongues twisted when -start, chrome door handles, fog lamps, a touchscreen petrol. Bioethanol, or simply ‘ethanol’, is a re- pronouncing the name Rumion. multimedia system with Apple CarPlay and Android newable energy source made by fermenting the Auto compatibility. The screen also relays the image sugar and starch components of plant byprod- Toyota SA should have taken into considera- from the rear-view camera. SX and TX models also ucts. This would usually come from sugarcane tion that the letter “R” is non-existent in the majes- boast Bluetooth, USB and Aux interfaces. Toyota and crops like grain, using yeast, but could also Connect is available across the range (even on the S- be made using the Prince’s wine and cheese grade sold without audio) and comes standard with a combination. Wi-Fi hotspot (including complimentary 15Gb data). Prince Charles is known for being outspo- MAHINDRA KUV 100 SPEEDS TOWARDS ken when it comes to environmental protec- REDEFINING URBAN MOBILITY tion. In 2020, he even ventured into sustainable fashion by collaborating with designers Vin + By Ali Mphaki STYLISHLY POLARIZING: You either like it or diss it…. Omi to produce a clothing collection made out Indian manufacturer Mahindra imagines the of nettles from his garden. new KUV 100 as one vehicle to redefine urban makes for easy gear reach, better access to controls KUV 100 can reasonably accommodate five adults, mobility once again. The manufacturer does not and the infotainment, while also increasing space and has lots of storage space. GENEVA MOTOR SHOW stop there, but goes on to say the KUV 100 is no room on the centre console. While interior space BROUGHT TO A SCREECH- meek and mild wannabe. is obviously a premium for a vehicle this size, the There is also a middle seat in between the two ING HALT BOLD: Not bad for street cred front seats which could occasionally be used as a “With its bold SUV stance, sporty styling and seat since it comes with a lap-belt, making it a flexi For the third year in a row, the Geneva Mo- imposing looks – it’s the ultimate urban warrior”, six seater. ABS brakes come standard while airbags tor Show will not be going ahead, with organ- is how the manufacturer trumpets their latest offer- are offered as an option. isers confirming they are cancelling the 2022 ing. On first sight it looks a bit bulky but since it edition due to COVID-19. Next year’s GIMS wears size 14-inch shoes with 185/65 R14 tyres, it Mahindra says the peppy mFalcon engine will was slated to run across February 19-27. conjures images of what in Sesotho is referred to as let you push your limits. mtsatsarapane in Sesotho. However, it has since been canned as the “Even more refined, it is quiet and offers an en- industry is dealing with “direct and indirect The face spots a seven-slat grille, both front and hanced driving experience with minimum in-cabin issues relating to the ongoing COVID-19 pan- rear bumpers incorporate silver skid plates, LED noise,” they say. For some who had the benefit of demic.” daytime running lamps, foglamps and folding mir- seating behind its wheel, like a colleague the other riors, no doubt cute for some, even though others day said “when you rev it up, point it down some While the primary reason for its cancella- think it’s trying too hard to look like a SUV. road and you’ll encounter a noisy din and handling tion has been put down to ensuring the safety that feels top heavy, and due to the sail-like profile of patrons, journalists and industry figures, the Inside what immediately attracts the eye is the suffers from being shoved around by cross winds”. ongoing semiconductor crisis is also a major uniquely placed gear lever on the vertically stacked The other downside is its 35-litre fuel tank, meaning factor in the postponement of the 2022 show – dashboard. more trips to the pump. as a majority of manufacturers face an unprec- edented supply shortage. Credit must be given to its designers for the in- Love it, or diss it. genuity of the vertically stacked dashboard, which AFRICAN VEHICLES FOR AFRICA – AAM PRESIDENT President, Association of African Automo- tive Manufacturers (AAAM), Mike Whitfield, has urged Nigeria and other African nations to put in place, Automotive Industrial Develop- ment Plan as part of measures to unlock the economic benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). Whitfield, who is also the Managing Direc- tor, Nissan’s Africa regional business unit, ex- plained that fewer vehicles are presently owned in Africa than anywhere else in the world and the industry is heavily dependent on govern- ment’s patronage. “Another compelling reason for Africa to start building its own vehicles and trading within its regions is that, in less than 30 years’ time, the vehicles that Africa has been accus- tomed to, absorbing from the rest of the world for so long, will be electric.
Friday 15 October 2021 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR INCOMPETENT BOSSES WHO THRIVE ON FRUSTRATING AND REJECTING EMPLOYEES THREAT: They view productive employees as a threat to their jobs. By Thuli Zungu and has joined her husband in the construction happy that she did not have to meet her manager ranged a prayer session for her colleagues who All that Munyandziwa Nemasetoni,* 44, of industry. Bosses from hell vary from workplace face to face. were frustrated by their bosses. They conducted Brackenhurst dreamt of was to pursue her ca- bullies, shouters, unethical behaviours to narcis- these sessions during their lunch hour at the roof reer as an advertising agent when she joined sists, Weekly SA Mirror has established. “I wish our company could make working top of their employment premises for months but a Gauteng- based advertising company but from home permanent,” said a mother of two. An- they were eventually stopped by management. when a new boss joined the company her Jeanne Sahadi, of once other employee said she and her colleagues hated dreams were shattered. stated that these types of bosses should be han- their boss but were not prepared to quit as they Ronald Riggio, a Professor of Leadership and dled with care because their subordinates are enjoyed seeing their manager struggling because Organizational Psychology and an author of near- Nemasetoni says in her working experience never sure what to expect from them. “Dealing he was incompetent. ly two dozen books and more than 150 articles, she encountered a number of incompetent and with them is like playing catch a knife. You never says there are 4 strategies on how to deal with a insecure and even the nice ones who threw her know when you’re going to get cut,” she says. Another emp0loyee said she had worked for difficult or bullying boss. under the bus with a smile- bosses from hell, she the same company for five years but had never calls them. Sahadi says even the nicest of them can kill been offered any training despite her several He says in any workplace, it was smart to productivity and morale and push good employ- requests. “I guess my manager is scared of the “manage up,” which means you should manage All her bosses caused her to seek greener pas- ees out the door. She says driven by fear, envy improvements I may gain at training which could and establish a relationship with your boss in a tures and her job- hopping messed up her CV and or just serious self-doubt, the insecurity of the lead to my promotion,’’ she said. Dorothy, not her mutually beneficial way. You need to make the that does not look good for her reputation. She bosses can manifest as: real name, said when his manager was fired for boss look good and do what it takes to be in his said any brilliant idea she suggested was rejected * Micromanaging: Bosses who are perfection- sexually harassing one of his female colleagues, or her good graces. Riggio says there is nothing and crushed into smithereens only to resurface they rejoiced and regarded the decision as good wrong with a little ingratiation, which is not the later from the executive management as a sug- ists : terrified of making a mistake, or losing riddance. same thing as trying hard to please someone. gestion from one of her line managers who al- their jobs will meddle and end up clogging up ways got credit for her proposals. workflow; Research by the University of the Free State Riggio also adds that if you have established * Indecisiveness: Some bosses shy away from has confirmed that workplace bullying was a a good relationship with your boss, you may Nemasetoni says at times she tried to change making the tough decisions that are beneficial source of poor mental, health and physical condi- be able to talk the problem through. But if not, her situation by working harder and when it did for the organization and garner the boss a rep- tion. you basically have four choices, none of which not improve the relationships, she would change utation for being ineffective. are great, but two of which are certainly doable. the way she looked at her boss. * Hide and seek: This boss is not able to give a Physical impacts vary and may include sleep These are : team a sense of purpose, and tends not to be and eating disorders; skin rashes, asthma and al- 1. Leave the company. “I would give the look that sorts of threat- very visible with employees or customers and lergies; weight changes; headaches, high blood 2. Try to change your boss’s behaviour. ens him to try and make him respect me but this often hunkers down in his office. pressure and digestion irritations. 3. Getting a new job within the company. If you helps’’. She says she was raking in hundreds of * Inability to give direction: The employee car- thousands of rands for the companies she has ries out the instruction as given but it turns Psychological effects also vary but centre like where you work, investigate the possi- worked for and the top executives knew that she out the boss wanted something else. Worse, around anxiety, depression and lowered self-es- bility of switching teams or moving into a was an assert except for her line managers who he wants you to figure out what he wants and teem. The research found that the effects of per- different position. This may be the spur you viewed her as a threat instead. becomes angry when you do not do that. sistent or intense bullying can sometimes amount need to move up or around. * Overcompensating: Insecurity can be dis- to post-traumatic stress disorder. Employees who 4. Accept the situation and develop strategies Her top performance was apparently viewed guised by bullying, arrogance or power-mon- witnessed bullying of other colleagues may ex- to unhook yourself emotionally from your by her line managers as a threat to their jobs. gering. perience health effects too, says the researchers boss’s behaviour. This was also one of the reasons why her bril- Sahadi says the worst bosses are those who from Sheffield University’s Institute of Work Psy- * Reframe how you see things. Change your liant proposals were swept under the carpet only take credit for employees’ success without ac- chology. mental model about what is going on. Instead to resurface after being slightly changed by the knowledging them. Some of them make employ- of seeing your boss as an insensitive jerk, try line manager. ees feel stupid in front of other workers or cor- This make employees dread going to work or to see him as someone who is scared. recting them or questioning their decisions. disengage. The employees carry the work stress * Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Stop “You know the proverbial saying that the fi- A number of employees interviewed by and tension home and this affects marriages and expecting your boss to be someone he/she is nal straw breaks the camel’s back? One Friday Weekly SA Mirror said the reason they could not family relationships. There are also often impacts not. Prepare for worst-case encounters. my line manager asked me to go and buy a goat escape from bad managers was the salaries they on an employee’s career - a heightened intention * Practice emotional detachment. Stop linking for her family tradition as she was scared to go earned and the problem of unemployment. Oth- to leave the current employer thereby disrupting your self-worth to jerks at work. Find another to Soweto,” Nemasetoni says. She offered to give ers said they stuck to the bully bosses to acquire career progression. Employees who are unappre- way to value yourself. her a day off as compensation. She refused to car- experience until they got a new job. ciated are also driven to absenteeism and alcohol- * Meet with your boss as rarely as possible. Do ry out the request which she viewed as an insult A single mother who wanted to remain anon- ism panic attacks and suicide. whatever you can to create buffers. to her profession. “I never laughed so loud and ymous for fear of reprisals, said she could not HOW TO DEAL WITH SUCH BOSSES. * Find people with whom it is safe to vent and good. The line manager could not believe what I find an alternative employment and with remote create strategies - sort of victim support did and to crown it all, I resigned with immediate working due to the Covid-19 pandemic, she was Some people go to their traditional healers group. effect the following Monday.’’ for fortification while others preferred prayers at their workplaces. Nemasetoni has since changed her career path Nomthandazo, a God-fearing soldier once ar-
14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 15 October 2021 LEGENDARY STRIKER SPORTS: Briefs METROBLITZ HAD THE KNACK OF SCORING TRULY NO AMNESTY OVER SAUDI MEMORABLE GOALS NEWCASTLE TAKEOVER BARNSTORMER: Goal-poacher’s name remains The Premier League has been urged to meet etched in both Buccaneers’ lore and fans’ hearts with Amnesty International after last week’s New- castle takeover by a Saudi Arabia-backed con- By Masoja Cele during the run-of-play and AmaKhosi equalised PREDATOR: Mandla ‘’Metroblitz’’ Sithole sortium. Amnesty UK boss Sacha Deshmukh has Scoring goals was his trademark. Ma ndla through “Scara”Thintwa. Nevertheless, I was also centre-back Brummie de Leur and Calvin Peter- written to Premier League chief executive Richard ‘’Metroblitz’’Sithole banged in goals like his equally excited to be the first player in the country son. Bucks were on song during that season. I Masters requesting a meeting to discuss proposed life squarely depend on the brand. The former to score a goal against Bailey after his return from scored a brilliant goal from a Donald ‘’Ace’’Khuse changes to the English top flight’s owners’ and di- Orlando Pirates striker scored goals that are Europe’ ’boasted Sithole. set piece and created the second goal that was rectors’ test. still inscribed in the minds of yesteryear foot- scored by ‘’Chippa’’ Chauke. Sadly, we lost the ball multitudes. The quicksilver ex-Buccaneer striker’s foot- final 1-0 to Chiefs. A consortium led by Saudi-based Public In- ball career began at a very young age in Soweto. vestment Fund was given Premier League ap- The former Bucs goal-getter recalls how he ‘’ I am pleased that I played my best foot- proval last week to take control of Newcastle, scored a great goal against world-renowned inter- ‘’My football career began at Naledi Hotspur ball at Pirates. Proof of that was when I won the sparking widespread criticism due to the Middle national goalkeeper Gary Bailey. ‘’True, I scored at a very young age. After spending my youth at 1985 Adidas Golden Boots. I scored and created East country’s poor human rights record. Amnesty a stunning goal against the intimidating Kaizer Hotspur I joined Meadowlands Shamrock Flow- so many goals for the Buccaneers. It was a fan- International described the reported £305m deal as Chiefs goal-minder. Bailey had just signed for ers. Joining Shamrock was a quantum boost to my tastic feeling to have played alongside stalwarts “an extremely bitter blow for human rights defend- Chiefs before our friendly match at Thohoyandou football career. Rubbing shoulders with great stars like Patson Banda, Johannes Khomane and Web- ers”.- The Telegraph. Stadium in Venda. You will remember there was like former Chiefs striker Marks ‘’Go-Man-Go’’ ster Dichaba. As the new kid at Pirates, I learned nothing friendly between Bucs and AmaKhosi Maponyane and my ex-teammate at Pirates James so much from these legends. They were true role SPRINGBOKS SUFFER FRONT- during that era. The venue was so jam-packed one ‘’Killer’’Mkhwanazi was awesome. We played models for the youngsters at Bucs,’’ added Sithole. ROW BLOW AHEAD OF UK TOUR would have thought we were playing a cup final. and beat most opponents in Soweto. Our populari- Chiefs were led by the influential maestro Patrick ty attracted scouts from Pirates, Moroka Swallows The now burly former Bucs’ target man de- Tighthead prop Frans Malherbe has been ruled ‘’ Ace’’ Ntsoelongoe, assisted by the nimble-foot- and Chiefs. The first to leave the team was Ma- cries the level of our football, which thinks has out of the Springboks’ three-Test end-of-year tour ed Nelson ‘’Teenage’’ Dladla, the workhorse Fetsi ponyane who was initially recruited by The Dube declined tremendously. to the United Kingdom with a neck injury. It is the ‘’Chippa’’Molatedi revealed Sithole. Birds, but ended up playing for Chiefs. Mkhwana- same injury that saw the 30-year-old sidelined for zi was next to leave to join Bucs. Not long long af- ‘’I wish I can turn the clock back especially the recent Test against the All Blacks and means he ‘’ However, we were not terrified as we also ter his departure, the Sea Robbers came knocking when I see the football that is played today. You won’t be available for the Springboks’ November boasted equally talented football luminaries, the at my door. The late Bucs chairman Sipho’’ Sixty’’ look at Pirates players there is no winning mentali- internationals against Wales (6 November), Scot- likes of Eric ‘’Chippa’’ Chauke, Nick ‘’Bazooka Mali told me that he wanted me play for his team ty in those boys. They play like they are not getting land (13 November) and England (20 November), ‘’Seshweni and Ernest ‘’Botsotso’’ Makhanya. and I grabbed the opportunity and went to excel paid at all. Our salaries at Pirates can’t be com- according to Rapport. We matched Chiefs pound for pound in all depart- at Pirates”. The Soweto-born Sithole believes that pared to what players earn today, but we worked ments during that game. I scored Pirates open- he performed to greater heights during the 1984 hard for the cross-bone badge of the team. We Malherbe is also set to miss the Barbarians’ ing goal after I received a defence-splitting pass Mainstay Cup tournament. knew that we had to carry on the legacy that was clash against Samoa on November 27 – should it from Chauke outside Chiefs danger area. I calmly left behind by great legends like Kaizer ‘’Chincha- go ahead – after he and fellow Springbok front- trapped the ball and forcefully challenged Jo- ‘’Yes, we played Arcadia Shepherds in the Guluva’’Motaung, Percy ‘’Chippa’’ Moloi and ranker Steven Kitshoff were called up to the invi- hannes ‘’Ryder’’Mofokeng and Sylvester ‘’City quarter-finals of the tournament at Atterdgeville Ephraim ‘’Jomo’’ Sono. It wasn’t about us but the tational side. ‘’Kole. After successfully dribbling past the two Super Stadium. Though, Shepherds were a diffi- history and that black and white uniform…” defenders, I noticed that Bailey was slowly drift- cult side to play against, I scored a brace against Meanwhile, in a second blow to the Spring- ing back to his goal post and went for a kill and one of the best goalkeepers in the country, Deshi boks’ pack of forwards, lock Nicolaas Janse van unleashed a thunder that was only stopped by the Baktawer, and we won 2-0. Then, we proceed to Rensburg will also be unavailable for the Spring- net much to the delight of the Pirates legions of the semi-finals and play against the red-hot Durban boks’ November internationals having sustained supporters. Subsequently, we lost concentration Bush Bucks who paraded the skill of the legend- a calf injury while playing for Montpellier in the ary Mlungisi ‘’Professor’’Ngubane. Other notable French Top 14 last week. stars who added quality to the Bucks team were DENMARK MAKE IT TO QATAR 2022 ATOMIC ON THE LIINE: Tshifhiwa Munyai defends fore the country experienced lockdown due to the SPYDER IN his title against Sanele Msimang on Octo- Covid-19 pandemic. PARIS - Denmark became the second team A CLASS OF ber 31. to qualify for the 2022 World Cup finals when HIS OWN division which he says was “uncomfortable for “ Nobody took my career seriously until I they beat Austria by a single goal on Tuesday as me”. These days, Munyai, who was born and joined Allan’s stable. Look at me now, I have England were frustrated by Hungary at Wembley. WEB bred in Makwarela in Limpopo but bis now won the national title. I used to fight as a feath- Joakim Maehle scored in the 53rd minute to send based in Gauteng, is the proud holder of the SA erweight under my previous trainer and felt my the Danes to Qatar as they build on their surprise LIFELINE: Munyai lightweight championship belt. career wasn’t growing until I decided to join the run at Euro 2020 this summer when they reached gets his career on new camp,” said Munyai. the semi-finals. track under Toweel He took the then vacant crown by beating Siphosethu Mvula at Blairgowrie in March last “Under Toweel, I feel now my boxing career “You can only dream about things like this,” By Pule Mokhine year. That fight took place just a few months be- is heading somewhere because I get regular ac- said Denmark midfielder Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg. When Tshifhiwa “Atomic Spider” Mun- tion unlike before. I didn’t think that I will ever “It’s crazy. This is huge for me, it’s huge for the fight for the SA title. But Toweel has made things team, for Danish football and for Denmark. With yai joined the stable of trainer Allan Toweel to happen for me.” the age and the quality we have, we will only keep three years ago, nobody gave him a ghost of a growing.” The Danes join Germany, who qualified chance to make a mark in the ring by become In his last defense in May, Munyai retained on Monday, in the finals. Host nation Qatar qualify a national lightweight champion of note one his belt in an actioned -packed encounter with automatically. day. a ninth-round stoppage victory over the num- ber one-ranked Khaya “ Destroyer” Busakwe at HWSL IN FULL SWING THIS But today, Munyai walks tall due to what he Sandton Convention Centre. WEEKEND has accomplished in the ring through the efforts of his mentor. Before teaming up with Toweel, During that bout, Munyai proved very tough Even though many matches have been post- Munyai used to have his skills honed by Warren for his challenger Busakwe. It came as no sur- poned due to unavailability of players, most of who Hulley whose gymnasium is based in Riverlea, prise in the ninth round when a left hook from are representing South Africa in the National U20 south of Johannesburg. He spent five excruciat- Munyai sent Busakwe crashing to the canvas. and Senior National teams, four Hollywoodbets ing years there before he bolted from the stable to The latter beat the count, but he was knocked out Super League matches will take place this week- team up with Toweel at Linden, north of Joburg. soon afterwards. end. Log leaders Mamelodi Sundowns Ladies who have opened a huge gap at the top will not be in The reason he cites for him switching train- Now the Atomic Spider gets another chance action this weekend, following their 2-0 and 2-1 ers, is that his career could no longer grow under to prove that he is worth the paper he is written back to back wins against Bloemfontein Celtic and the guidance of Hulley who he claims, only al- on by putting his title on the line against Sanele Golden Ladies this past week. lowed him to campaign as a featherweight – a Msimang from KwaZulu Natal at Booysens Box- ing Club on Sunday, October 31. Msimang is a Week 19 of the Super League will boast four mandatory challenger by virtue of him being the matches, with the live TV match scheduled for number contender for the championship belt. He Sunday in Bethlehem, Free State where Bloem- has recorded 15 wins (12 by knockout) and three fontein Celtic Ladies will be looking to climb up defeats in 18 bouts. This proves that he is a real the table when they entertain Ma-Indies Ladies at puncher. Gobler Park Stadium. But Munyai, who will be making his 41st ap- This match will be live on SABC 1 and Chan- pearance in the professional ring, is unfazed by nel 124 on Openview. Tsunami Queens will host his foe’s credentials. “Msimang is a left-handed Durban Ladies on Saturday, 9 October 2021 in fighter as compared to myself. But this is the Harrismith while First Touch Academy travel fight that I have to win at all cost to keep alive to Jan Smuts Stadium in East London to take on the dream of me one day taking a crack at the Thunderbirds Ladies and Richmond United Ladies world title. I am fit and ready to make a success- entertain Golden Ladies in De Aar. ful national title defense,” he says. MBAPE FOR 2021 BALLON D’OR Munyai’s mentor Toweel will man the cor- ner of his charge for the sixth time since the two Here is the list. worked together. “Tshifhiwa has been working 10. Mohamed Salah hard at the gym to ensure that he is in great shape 9. Kylian Mbappe for the bout,” said Toweel. 8. Erling Haaland 7. Kevin De Bruyne 6. N’Golo Kante 5. Cristiano Ronaldo 4. Lionel Messi 3. Jorginho . 2. Karim Benzema 1. Robert Lewandowski
Friday 15 October 2021 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR ALL SET FOR areas like townships and rural places is a major NETBALL WORLD problem that affects efforts to produce talent in a big way, thus hampering efforts to eliminate de- CUP 2023 spondency among the youth. Gazi reacting said: “The development of all players from all dif- NATION: Cape Town is the place to be after INF awards South Africa right to host tournament ferent areas in the country is an important issue for us. The problems faced within netball are Cecilia Molokwane the Netball SA well documented, and we believe that through president a World Cup of this nature and the collaborative By Molefi Mika effort of government, we will be able to effec- Building a bright future for a girl child tops the tively reach different areas across the country list of priorities for hosting the Netball World and assist in developing the game. Infrastruc- Cup 2023 in South Africa. ture or lack thereof is a serious challenge for most of our people in townships and rural ar- Added to that is the fact that president of Net- eas, we are aware of this problem, and we are ball South Africa (NSA), Cecilia Molokwane, a doing our best to make sure that we address it. former softballer who later played in the netball na- “Together with our sponsors we have been tional Under-21 squad and continued to become a looking at various ways of making sure that netball administrator, also wants women to play the we address some of the challenges if not all of sport as professionals, sooner than later. them. We have started introducing district tour- naments like Twizza Netball Club Challenge which saw districts getting funding to host and participate in this tournament. This has allowed us to travel to these districts and see first-hand what is happening and get solutions. This is just one of the many attempts we are making.” The coming event has the potential to once more put our country on the world sporting map in a big way. NETBALL FACTFILE But for these dreams to be realised netball cannot Bongi Msomi the SA netball captain in action in an international encounter against • Netball started in Britain in the 1990s afford to do this on their own according to Nnusi Malawi • The sport is said to be played by about 20 Gazi, NSA’s communications manager. “Netball South Africa as a national federation, the National Department of Sports, Arts & Cul- ca). For that matter some of the countries will million people in more than 80 countries ture representing the national government, the benefit in the legacy programme as well. and is popular in Commonwealth countries with custodianship of netball in South Africa Provincial Department of Cultural Affairs in the “Netball South Africa’s key objectives and • Netball was recognised as a sport in 1995 recognised and affiliated to World Netball, ini- Western Cape and the City of Cape Town, and its purpose to host this event was to turn profes- by the International Olympic Committee, tiated the process of bidding to host the Netball board chairperson is independent. sional after hosting the World Cup. Impact is strangely it is still to be allowed participation World Cup 2023 in South Africa. During the “It must be noted that government has set up to use netball to change the lives of girls and at the prestigious Olympics something latter process, NSA had an obligation to engage women for generations to come and the suc- blamed on world politics the National Department of Sport, Arts and an Inter-Ministerial Committee that will assist cess of the World Cup to boost the profile of • The sport is played more by women than Culture and SASCOC as guided by the Bidding NSA and the Board in delivering this project. netball by turning the game professional in men in separate as well as mixed teams and Hosting of International Sport and Recrea- This committee will be assisted by a techni- South Africa.” • An official netball match is played over 60 tion events Regulation of May 2010.” cal inter-ministerial committee, mainly being Meanwhile Molokwane had earlier also assured minutes with 15 minute quarters punctuated This is more or less the same pathway football had director generals or their representatives,” ex- that male players were not forgotten: by breaks to follow before the hosting of the FIFA World plained Gazi. “I believe in our men and they know I believe • Two umpires are allowed to officiate a match Cup 2010 here in the country, we recall. As to how the public and those in other African in them and I want them to be part of us. I in a 30.5m length and 15.25m wide court “After government gave NSA the go ahead to countries will be made aware of the coming big want them to enjoy the sport they love be- with two posts with nets at the opposite continue and bid for the event, International event, Gazi said: With the current COVID-19 reg- cause we cannot segregate from them wanting ends Netball Federation (INF now changed to World ulations in place, road-shows are planned for next to be men and play netball. We have to sup- • SA adopted the sport 1960 while being a Netball) awarded South Africa right to host the year. Netball South Africa has however engaged port them and support their quest but for now, member of the INF before being banned Netball World Cup 2023 in Cape Town. The with its affiliates, provincial and local structures let’s be realistic. Let me focus on building one in 1969 because of protests against its event is now a country’s event in support of including Associate members about the upcoming brand first.” apartheid system until 1994 NSA. Then a NWC2023 Company was reg- event. Sporting facilities and a lack of funding to pur- • Mzansi tops Africa’s rankings while it’s fifth istered which is a solely subsidiary of Netball Yes, the Netball World Cup, is the first of its chase own apparel for teams in black dominated in international rankings behind Jamaica South Africa.” kind in South Africa and the Continent (Afri- who are led by England (3rd), New Zealand The said company is to be managed by a Board (2nd) and Australia as per March 2021 of Directors from Netball South Africa, the three statistics spheres of government in South Africa being AMAZULU BUSINESS COLLEGE LAUNCHED FIRST: Initiative to ensure that footballers are financially stable during and after their playing careers By WSAM Reporter the newly launched AmaZulu Business College. EMPOWERMENT: Manqoba Zungu scoring a goal for self sufficiency of players AmaZulu have taken a huge step in an at- Zungu said some of the modules the college tempt to empower their players by launch- ing a business college this past weekend. For intends to touch on are Financial Management, years now, PSL clubs have been heavily criti- Communication, Personal Branding, Mental cized for not doing enough to help football Wealth (Health), and Gender Based Violence players manage their finances. (GBV). “A first of its kind in Africa! It was hum- bling working alongside Lucas Radebe, Benni And this is often seen when players retire McCarthy, Mbulelo OJ Mabizela, Thato Moeng, from professional football or even worse when the CEO Sinenjabulo Ntandoyenkosi Zungu as they are struggling to find clubs. However, Ama- well as Vuyo Mvulane from MAZI CAPITAL,” Zulu have taken the initiative to be, perhaps the said Zungu in a LinkedIn post. first African team to have its own business col- lege to educate their players. “AmaZuluFC Business College was launched this past weekend.” According to Get Ready Skills CEO Man- qoba Zungu, the intention of launching the Ama- “The intention is to ensure that our players Zulu Business College is to ensure that football- are financially stable during and post their ca- ers are financially stable during and after their reers through making the correct decisions to- playing careers. And this college will help them day. They will be graduates and/or entrepreneurs make the right financial decisions today, re- at the end of this,” he confirmed. vealed Zungu. “Some of the curriculum topics that we will Zungu said these players will be graduates at touch on are: Financial Management (including the end of the course, adding that some would be Investments), Communication 101, Personal entrepreneurs at the end of their careers through Branding (including substance abuse), Mental Wealth (Health) as well as Gender Based Vio- lence,” concluded Zungu.
MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... GLADAFRICA NO SURRENDER: CHAMPIONSHIP Hungry Lions Henry Fassie expected to inspire his charges not let up. GEARS FOR SPILLS AND THRILLS PRESSURE: FORMER PSL STARS EXPECTED TO SPARK FIREWORKS WHEN LEAGUE RESUMES… By Masoja Cele are lying third GladAfrica Championship League will resume this on the table with 12 precious points. week after the FIFA break. Surprise package Platinum City Rovers has already made the early onslaught. The North Windy Cape Town will West Province side shocked many and had a comfortable witness local boys Cape Town lead at the top of the table early in the season. All Stars entertaining KwaZulu Natal outfit Richrds Bay at Parow Park. Under the However, Bakone fairy tale came to an end with a bitter mentorship of the experienced Boebie Solomons, 2-0 defeat against Pretoria Callies and a 4-1 drubbing at the All Stars have managed to acquire satisfactory results hands of University of Pretoria respectively. The two de- in their last seven outings. They are currently lying seventh feats seemed to have knocked the confidence of the youthful on the log standings with 11 points. The manckey coloris team. nutella team still boast the prowess of the experience El- eazar Rodgers and Ndiviwe Mdabula. The pair were part of Rovers coach Ashwin Sutton will have to dig deep to Cape Town Ajax before they were relegated to the second his reservoir to resurrect the low morale of his team. It is ex- tier. Richads Bay are however struggling to find their foot- pected that senior players like new acquisition Oupa ‘’Ace’’ ing this season. Last season, The Rich Boyz were on a high Manyisa and former SuperSport United attacker Thabiso when they qualified for GladAfrica Championship national Nkoane should inspire the young team with their experi- play-offs. Another upcoming, exciting fixture is between ence. Free State Stars versus University of Pretoria at Goble Park (15:00 kick-off). Ealla Koto are one of the favourites to win They have surrendered their pole position to league promotion to the DStv Premiership next season. rookies Hungry Lions, and are now perched second on the log standings. If Rovers nurse any hope of arresting The Free State team has been consistent in their matches the slump, they need to re-energise their killer instinct and so far. From 7 matches they have collected 11 points, and maintain a full focus when they cross paths with struggling sitting sixth of the log standings. AmaTuks, who strug- Jomo Cosmos. The crunch fixture is scheduled for Saturday gled last season, have showed a different character in the at Profert Olen Park Stadium at 15:00. 2021/22 season. They are on good form, having amassed a total of 12 points from the same number of games. Ezenkosi are currently sitting at the wrong end of the table. They are tussling to get their rhythm into place. Cos- On Sunday at 15:00, novices Hungry Lions travel to mos owner and coach Jomo Sono even travelled the length Thohoyandou Stadium to face Tshakhuma Tsha Madzih- of the world to bolster his team. Sono has enlisted the ser- vandila. Lions are on the summit of the table with 13 points vices of two Brazilans, Luri Barbosa and Kassiano Soares from 7 outings. They are still to lose a match with only Mendonca and Argentinian Lucas Fernandez to add quality four draws. The Northen Cape team are raising eyebrows to the team. in soccer circles with their football acumen. In Henry Bas- sie Lions boast one of the best football tacticians. Bassie Black Leopards who are blowing hot and cold welcome has worked wonders with the team inherited from the ABC the in-form JDR Stars at Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Motsepe league. There are no big name players but only Polokwane. (Kick-off 15:00). Leopards, who are known for discipline and dedicated group of players. Pretoria Callies dismissing coaches when results are not forthcoming, have who are slowly climbing the log after a disastrous start to already employed three coaches during the 2020/21 season. the season entertain second from the bottom Cape Town After the departure of Lehlohonolo Seema, they gave the Spurs at Lucas Masterpieces Moripe Stadium in Pretoria on coaching reins to Morgan Shibambu. Today they are men- Sunday at (15:00). tored by former Royal AM coach Floyd Mogale with the assistance of former Orlando Pirates midfielder Benson Other matches to take place on Sunday (15:00) are Mhlongo. In their last outing before the FIFA break they Uthongathi vs Polokwane City at Princess Magogo Stadium suffered a 2-0 defeat at Cape Town Spurs. Lidoda Duhva in Durban, TS Sporting vs Venda Football Academy at Ka- should tread carefully as the The Hammerboyz are currently bokweni Stadium on top form and enjoying their game. The Pretoria ensemble SLUMP: Rovers coach Ashwin Sutton under pressure to take his team out of a plateau.
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