2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 07 July 2023 NOWHERE TO GO FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING SURVIVORS IMMIGRATION: They escape forced marriage, sex and labour exploitation, only to find the themselves difficult - even more so for crimes that were clan- encing a serious housing crisis. These survivors homeless and no help from foreign authorities… destine in nature, according to the Foundation. faced the risks of re-entering exploitative environ- ‘’Many crimes do not come to the attention of ments because they were struggling to find places By Monk Nkomo Report on human trafficking, has established that the authorities and may not be recorded even if to live. The Australian government is faced with a mas- human trafficking and modern slavery survivors reported. Criminal justice statistics are therefore sive problem of scores of foreigners who have faced barriers when trying to access housing or ac- influenced by reporting and recording practices. A recent article by The Conversation and co- escaped from the scourge of modern slavery, commodation after escaping exploitation. These authored by Raby and Chazal reflected on the rap- forced marriages and sex trafficking and were barriers included their immigration status , with ‘’This is compounded in the case of modern idly growing issue with the number of people living now finding it difficult to find jobs and accom- more than half of the survivors supported by the slavery, where the collection of statistics is affected in modern slavery more than doubling in the past modation in the country. Red Cross on a temporary visa. by the clandestine nature of the crimes, low report- four years to an estimated 41 000. ing due to mistrust in authorities and fear of de- The most significant barriers that these survi- The Walk Free Foundation in Australia, in portation, affected individuals not identifying as ‘’ Access to stable housing has a significant im- vors encountered when trying to find jobs and ac- their recent study : ‘’ Estimating the dark figure victims and victims not being correctly identified pact on survivors - it is crucial to their recovery commodation after escaping from the jaws of their of human trafficking and slavery victimization in as such by the professionals who encounter them.’’ but there is a shortage of available and suitable ac- captors, are related to their immigration status and Australia,’’ estimated that the number of these vic- commodation. We know we are in the middle of their inability to secure an ongoing income through tims between 2015 and 2017 was between 1300 According to Dr. Nerida Chazal, of the Univer- a severe housing crisis, worsened by the Covid-19 either employment or social benefit. and 1900. Using the Multiple Systems Estimation sity of South Australia (UniSA), the government pandemic which has affected housing affordability (MSE) technique, the Foundation said these figures ‘s Human Trafficking Visa Framework was intend- and the availability of rental properties and accom- Some survivors of modern slavery and work- revealed that there were approximately four unde- ed to support survivors who were foreign nation- modation services’’, says Raby. place exploitation might also not be ready to re-en- tected victims for every victim detected. als, but its design was limited. ‘’ Survivors are only ter the workforce after being forced to work exces- eligible for longer term visas and support if they Australian Red Cross ‘ Acting Lead for Traf- sive overtime, having restricted freedom, threats or ‘’ The true extent of crime victimization is un- participate in the investigation of a human traffick- ficking , Forced Marriage and Forced Labour, Lina severe violence made against them. likely to ever be known, yet new statistical tech- ing or slavery offence. This leaves behind survivors Garcia-Daza, says supporting survivors in their re- niques offer a promising method of uncovering the who are unwilling to engage with authorities due to covery was a complex issue that required a holistic This could manifest in symptoms of depres- ‘ dark figure’ of hidden victimisation.’’ their trauma – leaving them unsupported and vul- approach. sion, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. For nerable to homelessness.’’ many survivors, workplaces are simply not neutral The study also noted that between 2004 and ‘’ We need an approach that includes accom- spaces, but reminders of previous mental and phys- 2007, a total 841 cases of human trafficking and Immigration status was also a barrier for sur- modation services, but also ties in other supports ical violence. slavery were reported to the Australian Federal vivors being able to access a stable income to pay tailored to survivors’ needs that help with their Police. This resulted in 350 victims being referred for accommodation or housing services. Three recovery. The lack of accommodation for survi- The scourge of human trafficking and exploi- to the Support for Trafficked People Programme quarters of the surveyed accommodation providers vors of modern slavery cannot be addressed in a tation is plaguing most parts of the world with and twenty-one offenders arrested and convicted. require no proof of immigration status. However, a vacuum. Homelessness is the result of multiple the United Nations leading the way in mobilizing Since 2013, Australian Federal Police referrals survivor’s immigration status may not allow them variables including lack of income, immigration countries to fight this vicious crime that weakened had revealed a substantial downward trend in the to legally work in Australia. This means they can- status, the lack of specialized trauma informed and the rule of law. number of sexual exploitation and forced marriage not demonstrate ongoing income to pay for accom- person centre accommodation services and limited cases while reported cases of labour exploitation modation. resources available. A review by the University of South Australia remained stable. (UniSA) and the Australian Red Cross, released According to the University of Australia Ph.D ‘’Ongoing partnerships and collaborative work almost two weeks after the United Nations Global Determining the prevalence of any crime was candidate, Kyla Raby, Australia had seen an in- between the housing, migrant and modern slavery crease in the number of people formally identified civil society sectors, is vital in overcoming identi- as survivors of human trafficking and slavery dur- fied barriers in accommodating survivors of mod- ing the period when the country was also experi- ern slavery and working towards safe, suitable and sustainable housing.’’ TOP 10 FACTS ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN SOUTH AFRICA By Natalie Malek SCENARIO: It is estimated that globally, around • South Africa is a source, transit and destina- • Trafficking in South Africa is on the rise. At 21 million people fell victim in 2018, and South tion country for victims of human traffick- Africa is no exception… ing. Source countries are those which supply a press conference in 2018, Lt. Col.Parmanand the victims of the crime, transit countries are Jagwa, the Hawks Gauteng coordinator of the purposes. Around 45 percent of all trafficking comply with the minimum standards and are mediums/stopping points which the victims illegal migration desk, and deputy director victims in the country are boys and men. not making significant efforts to do so. travel through and destination countries are the Rasigie Bhika said human trafficking was a • South Africa is considered to be on the “Tier • It is estimated that 1.2 million children are final locations to which they are brought. South “growing activity” in the region. In response 2 Watchlist” for human trafficking. The trafficked each year, according to UNICEF. Africa is all three. to the rising numbers, the US Department of US Department of State has several methods Traffickers “recruit” children and give them State released a report criticising the govern- to track the levels of ongoing trafficking in a fake identification documents and are most • Ninety-five percent of victims experience ment’s methodology, noting that “the govern- given country. There are four tiers: Tier 1, Tier likely part of a network of organized crimi- violence in trafficking. This figure represents ment made little progress in prosecution of traf- 2, Tier 2 Watchlist, and Tier 3. These standards nals. Additionally, due to the high prevalence both physical and sexual violence and applies fickers connected to international syndicates, are outlined in the Trafficking Victims Protec- of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, many children to both men and women. which facilitated sex and labour trafficking tion Act (TVPA) of 2000. Tier 1 represents are left without parents and in poverty, making with impunity throughout the country” and that countries whose governments fully comply them more vulnerable to these diseases. • Some victims are forced into drug addiction. “the government did little to address reports of with the TVPA’s minimum standards, and Tier • Traffickers do not fit a single profile. They Law enforcement in South Africa reported that official complicity in trafficking crimes and ef- 2 represents countries whose governments do can range from strangers to a relative or close traffickers drugged victims to coerce them into forts by officials.” not fully comply with TVPA’s minimum stand- friend, especially in cases of child trafficking. sex trafficking. At the same time, some govern- • Girls are more likely to be trafficked for ards but are making significant efforts to bring They can also pose as significant others and try ment-run shelters denied victims of human traf- sexual exploitation and domestic servitude. themselves into compliance with those stand- to convince children to leave to “start a new ficking because of drug addiction. Overall, 55 percent of human trafficking vic- ards. The lowest level is Tier 3, which repre- life.” tims are women. Additionally, 43 percent of sents countries whose governments do not fully • The NGO Love Justice International is victims were used for sexual exploitation, and working to make conditions better in South 98 percent of which were women and young Africa. The group has 44 different transit mon- girls. itoring stations around the world in areas where • Boys are more likely to be trafficked for trafficking is likely to occur. The NGO focuses street vending, food service and agricultural on monitoring and spreading the message to reduce human trafficking and help victims es- cape. – Source: The Borgen Project
Friday 07 July 2023 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR DRAMA: A riveting scene from anti-human-trafficking movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on an incredible true story and shines the light on even the darkest of places of the international racket. By Peter Pinedo ANTI-HUMAN “We need a movement,” he said. “Why? Be- and WSAM Correspondent TRAFFICKING cause then we can put pressure on government so FILM this issue can become a priority. And when it be- Washington, DC – Sound of Freedom, an anti- STIRS EMOTIONS comes a priority, then together, society, govern- human-trafficking film made by Catholic filmmak- AND CONSCIENCES ment, entertainment, news media, we all together, ers Eduardo Verastegui and Alejandro Monteverde, we can end this terrible reality.” had a massively successful opening day in which it MISSION: Based on true story, Sounds of reached number one at the box office, beating out Freedom tops Indiana Jones on opening day – a The film was originally produced under 20th Disney’s fifth Indiana Jones instalment, and raking new movie inspired by fate of two million children Century Fox and finished in 2018, but it was in nearly R267 million. reportedly exploited in international sex-trafficking dropped after Disney bought the studio. Only after trade every year… being acquired by the Christian “Angel Studios,” By yesterday, 1,5 million tickets had been sold known for its TV show The Chosen, did Sound of in three days. The film producers targeting two mil- pressed, I couldn’t sleep for many days.” Ballard Ballard told him that even though his group Freedom finally make it into theatres. Tears to Piec- lion tickets sales. Sound of Freedom had an over- told him of how many of the kidnapped children are could save thousands of children, something more es During a sit-down interview with The Christian all production budget of approximately R287 mil- being “raped 10 to 15 times a day” and that “after was needed to help the millions of more children Post last month, Ballard and Verástegui spoke of lion and played at 2 600 theatres only on its July many years they open them and sell their organs.” suffering around the world. “I asked myself: ‘What their strong desire to get the film in front of as many 4 opening day. Meanwhile, Disney’s Indiana Jones can I do?’” said Verastegui. people as possible to encourage them to take a stand had a budget of R5,6 billion, played at many more “He told me the US is the number one con- against trafficking. theatres, and brought in nearly R230 million on the sumer of child abuse, number one consumer of As a filmmaker and actor, Verastegui said he same day. child sex. And Mexico is the number one provider,” has “a weapon of mass instruction and inspira- “I love this line that Jim Caviezel says in the Verastegui went on. “I was in shock, and I asked tion.” Verastegui felt called to build a movement to film. I didn’t say it in real life, but it definitely sums SA-born billionaire Elon Musk has reportedly him: ‘How come, if the United States is the most end child sex trafficking. “That’s when I realised I up my feelings. When he says to his boss at the US reached out to Angel Studios make the film availa- powerful country in the world, if you guys have the was called to make a movie, but not only a movie, government: ‘This job tears you to pieces, and this ble on Twitter – a move that is likely push the movie money, the intelligence, the technology, the army, I wanted to dedicate my life, along with Tim and is my one way to put those pieces back together,’” viewership to astronomical figures. the police, everything, how come we don’t finish many other soldiers around the world, warriors who Ballard said. this problem here?’ And he said: ‘Because it’s not are not afraid to fight, to eradicate child trafficking,” Speaking with EWTN News Nightly’s Tracy a priority.’” Verastegui said. After working for a decade as a DHS special Sabol in a June 30 interview, Verastegui, who pro- agent, Ballard founded Operation Underground duced and acted in Sound of Freedom, said the pur- Railroad, which rescues children from sex traffick- pose of the film was to raise awareness about the ing rings around the world. He said his passion for two million children exploited every year in the in- rescue work began when he realized that many traf- ternational sex-trafficking trade. ficked children live in a place where their govern- ments do not have the resources to get them out. In the film, Jim Caviezel, known for The Pas- The film highlights some of Ballard’s inner strug- sion of the Christ and The Count of Monte Cristo, gles about that and what he does about it. plays Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard, who quits his job and puts his life at risk to embark on a “Thanks to fans around the country, ‘Sound Of dangerous journey through the Colombian jungle to Freedom’ earned the top spot as America’s number save hundreds of children from sex traffickers. one movie on Independence Day. We’ve received numerous messages telling us theatres are either The film is based on a true story. In 2013, Bal- packed or sold out. This movie has now taken on lard and several former government operatives left a life of its own to become something more than their jobs to found Operation Underground Railroad that, a grassroots movement,” Neal Harmon, CEO (OUR), which works around the world and in con- of Angel Studios The film has had shocking success junction with law enforcement to rescue children and resonated with audiences across the country. from slavery and exploitation. Even Elon Musk took notice of the film, suggesting Angel Studios make Sound of Freedom available on Verastegui, a Mexican-born actor who is best Twitter. known for faith-based films such as Bella and Little Boy, explained that he met Ballard and his team, To which Verastegui responded: “Thank you consisting of former Navy SEALs, FBI, and CIA Elon, this is [a] great idea! God’s children are not agents, in Los Angeles eight years ago. for sale. Can’t wait for you to see the film. ¡Dios te bendiga hermano!” In a June interview with CNA, “When they explained to me in detail what Caviezel said that Sound of Freedom “is the best these children are going through…” Verastegui film I’ve done since the Passion of the Christ.” – said, “The pain, the suffering of these children, of CNA course on one hand I was very inspired by their work; on the other hand, I was in shock, I was de-
4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 07 July 2023 CHIEF OF THE ROADIES FOUND GUILTY ORDER: Failure to remove personal social media tweets targeting National Council of Arts lands SARA president in hot water.... LITIGANT: Former CEO of the NAC Marion Mbina-Mthembu RESPECT: SARA president Freddie Nyathela By Ali Mphaki taken to the High Court of South Africa. of arguments were not sufficient enough to defeat Part of the NAC statement read: The matter was heard at the High Court of the contempt of court proceedings. “There is suffi- The president of the South African Roadies cent evidence before me to suggest the defiance of “We are confident that this High Court ruling Association, SARA, Freddie Nyathela has wel- South Africa, Johannesburg on 24 April 24 2023 the court order was done with the wilful intention will serve as a reminder and deterrent to similar comed the High Court judgement which found him with Judge ML Senyatsi declaring Nyathela to be to undermine the court’s authority,” said Senyatsi. perpetrators that there are serious consequences on the wrong side of the law by failing to delete in contempt of the first court order which was is- for persons that slander, libel, distribute and pub- several social media tweets aimed at the National sued on 20 September 2018. The High Court has Nyathela was subsequently sentenced to 30 lish false, unverified and defmatory information Arts Counci, NAC, as per a court order. issued a sentence of 30 days imprisonment for Ny- days imprisonment suspended on condition he about others and/or organisations”. athela and he was also ordered to pay all the legal complies with the 2018 court order. He was also The matter is a sequel to a previous judgement costs incurred during the application of the matter. ordered to pay the costs of the application on a This is despite Senyatsi’s judgement that in the on September 20, 2018, when the court ruled “[Mr. scale between attorney and own client. In his re- previous order the High court never dealt with the Nyathela & SARA] are interdicted from making, In his court papers Nyathela did not deny that sponse to the sentence Nyathela said both he and question of defamation, a matter he regarded as publishing, causing to be published, retweeting, he failed to comply with the order but that the NAC SARA “respect and accept thejudgement” but have “irrelevant” in contempt of court proceedings. commenting on Facebook or Twitter, or dissemi- had not impugned the social media statements. reservations about Senyatsi’s comment that the de- nating any defamatory statements concerning the fiance of the initial court order was done with “wil- The Creatives Congress Movement, CCM, [NAC], including the same or similar statements as Nyathela also argued that since Marion Mbina- ful” intention to undermine the court’s authority. also weighed in on the matter and said they be- those forming the subject matter of this application Mthembu was no longer CEO of the NAC she was lieve “there is little to nothing that can be said to (within 10 days)”. not authorised to file an affidavit in the contempt Nyathela lambasted the NAC statement re- dignify the intimidation tactics of the NAC state- of court proceedings. He had further argued that a leased shortly after the judgement which in his ment directed to the arts industry organisations and Despite the above court ruling Nyathela delet- State entity or juristic person such as the NAC can view was “fake” news as it conflated issues. practitioners”. ed these after 10 days which led to the matter being never be defamed. “The intimidations must be treated as clown- Judge Senyatsi however said Nyathela’s point ish...,” reads a CCM statement. STOP OF ILLEGAL MINING – PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE TO PLAGUE: Gauteng community calls complete eradication of illegal mining after gas accident claims 17 lives... HAZARD: Plea to private security industry and community policing forums to continue By WSAM Reporter activity in the province,” Committee Chairperson, working with the police to stamp out illegal mining The Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Bandile Masuku, said. Committee on Community Safety has called for a total eradication of illegal mining that remains He said the province has over the years wit- an enormous problem in the province. nessed the “senseless loss of innocent lives” at the hands of illegal miners and “now calls for law en- This follows the tragic loss of innocent lives forcement agencies to develop dedicated and spe- at the Angelo Informal Settlement, in Boksburg, cialised units that will see the complete eradication due to a gas accident which occurred on Wednes- of illegal mining in Gauteng”. day night, claiming the lives of 17 residents of the squatter camp. He said, “The committee calls on community members of the Angelo informal settlement and all In a statement, the Committee noted allegations other citizens to refrain from engaging in this un- that the gas cylinder that caused this catastrophic safe and illegal mining.” incident was part of an illegal mining operation carried out by zama-zamas in the area. Masuku said the committee called on the pri- vate security industry and community policing fo- “We are saddened by these events. Over the rums to continue working with the police to fight years, Gauteng has recorded countless deaths of in- illegal mining. nocent residents as a result of illegal mining activ- ity that occasionally springs up in different parts of President Cyril Ramaphosa in a statement also the province. expressed his condolences to the families of those affected. Also passing his condolences, Gauteng “The Committee calls on law enforcement Premier Panyaza Lesufi said support will be given agencies to setup dedicated and special units that to families of those affected and the surrounding will see the complete eradication of illegal mining community where the incident took place.
Friday 07 July 2023 NEWS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR DAVID KAU – STILL KEEPING IT FUNNY AND CRACKING LIVEWIRE: Fresh from being outed from Saturday show, funnyman back at familiar territory – stand-up comedy… By Gugu Sibiya masked on Saturday night since the start of The celebrities get asked to come on the show. They ob- is still my first love. I’ve just come back from a Looking back on his surprise appearance on Masked Singer SA. None of the detectives came viously ask a celebrity and those who are able to show in Cape Town. Amazingly, three weeks back The Masked Singer SA, comedian David Kau is close to nailing who was sweating in the hippo’s avail themselves, to rock up. I had a marvellous performance in Nairobi, Kenya, still reeling from the thrill of being part of the costume. “Wow, first of all, when I heard of the for the very first time. My focus is firmly on staging show. The Masked Singer SA concept, I thought what “In terms of the song choice, there’s a list avail- shows from smaller venues to massive ones like a brilliant idea,” gushes Kau in his typical funny able to choose from. By the time I got in, contest- Blacks Only Comedy Show, which attracts thou- “I’d do it in a heartbeat if he had another way. “Anele Mdoda is the executive producer, so ants had already chosen most of the songs I like. sands of people. chance,” Kau muses, days after became the fifth she called me about being in the show. Khaya Mthethwa is an amazing music director who personality to be unmasked and sent packing from ensures that our songs match the voice range. He “I just want to be on stage, release more com- the popular reality series, The Masked Singer SA, “After a bit of consideration I thought, what a insisted that we need to strike a balance between edy specials on TV and streaming platforms. On last Saturday. dope idea. It’s been a while since television had an the song and what we can realistically pull off, to Saturday (July 15), I’ll be at Protea’s Fire and Ice exciting show like that. Since Pop Idols, The Voice go as far as we can in the show”. Looking back, Menlyn Hotel at 8pm. Tickets are available via No matter how much the celebrity detectives or You ThInk You’re Funny? It’s probably 12 or Kau says he’d do it in a heartbeat if he had another Webtickets. On September 15 and 16, I’ll be in the attempted to hazard guesses on who was behind the 13 years ago. So, it’s an awesome and refreshing chance. “I don’t know if it would be possible, be- Blacks Only Comedy Show in Johannesburg and mask and elaborate costume, the hippo’s identity idea,” he says warming to the conversation. cause, when people have seen you once before, it’s Savoy Theatre in Port Elizabeth. I just want to be eluded Skhumba, J Something, Sithelo Shozi and easy for them to rat you out fast. Truth is, I really on stage especially in other parts of Africa. My Boity Thulo, who was standing in for Somizi. “I love music, singing and dancing, which is had fun doing the show” he confesses. information is always on me social platforms” he probably why I was drawn to the show. I think the says, excited about life and comedy. David Kau was the biggest surprise to be un- producers genuinely don’t know anything when the Turning to his passion, he enthuses: “Comedy CELEBRATING 1789 FRENCH REVOLUTION By Own Correspondent MASTERPIECE: Opportunity for locals to Africa. We can’t wait to see what connections and After six years in the making, Sibikwa Arts engage with Liberty, Equality and Fraternity this exchanges the workshops bring about,” says Caryn Centre in association with the French Institute July as the world-renowned play 1789 plays at Green, CEO at Sibikwa. of South Africa (IFAS) and Théâtre du Soleil Sibikwa Arts Centre for a limited Season finally bring Ariane Mnouchkine’s epic theatre Sophie Boulé, Cultural Attachée and deputy di- piece 1789 to life on stage in Johannesburg for a of recreating the look and feel of the streets and Nomade also involved a two-week immersive rector at the IFAS, adds “We are proud and excited limited season this year. people of Paris in 1789 with costume, music and workshop series presented by Théâtre du Soleil, to help make Phyllis’ dream come true: to bring set design. which ended on July 1. Six artists from the French the Théâtre du Soleil to South Africa and recreate The production received support from the avant-garde stage ensemble will share their meth- 1789, in the hope that this project will help change French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, The cast features a host of talented individu- odology of collective theatre-making with 50 South lives. the French Institute in Paris and the City of Paris. als, including Joel Zuma, Mlindeli Zondi, Nomsa African creatives of all ages and interests from all Mbatha, Khanyisile Ngwabe, Siphiwe Nkabinde, over the country. It is the first time in its history that the Théâ- For this production, veteran directors (and Snenhlanhla Mgeyi, Masiza Mbali and Zevangeli tre du Soleil will be on the African continent. This founders of the Centre), Phyllis Klotz and Small Mamppofu. The cast is joined in chorus by students “We had a huge response to the open call and iconic institution is known in France for its revolu- Ndaba have assembled the talented cast and crew from Sibikwa. are pleased that we have been able to accommo- tionary theatre techniques that immerse, transport to bring this historical masterpiece to life at the date so many delegates from all over Southern and inspire the cast as well as the audience.” Sibikwa Arts Centre for a short season this July 14 This collaboration also brings with it the École to 23. Following the workshops, it’s straight back to the rehearsal room for the cast and crew to be ready 1789, so named for the year of the French in time to open to the public on Bastille Day, July Revolution, transports its audience to the streets 14. of Paris – to a country in turmoil on the brink of a revolution and follows the journey of a range of The run will also feature day time performanc- citizens and the rise against an oppressive regime es to accommodate schools – for whom the French in the quest for Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Revolution of 1789 is a vital part of the syllabus. The piece opens to the public on Bastille Day, July Tickets are available online at Quicket. – City 14, which remains a commemorative celebration LifeArts on the French calendar, to this day. ENSEMBLE: Cast of stage play 1789, which is based on the French revolution. Sibikwa is an award-winning multi-disci- plinary centre established in 1988 by renowned playwrights, directors, arts educators and stalwarts Ndaba and Klotz. Based in the City of Ekurhuleni, Sibikwa’s vision envisages transformed, vibrant and connected communities with access to arts and culture. “This is not a South African adaptation of a French play”, says co-director Klotz. “We’ve cho- sen to allow the themes of the piece to speak for themselves while staying true to the original work of commentary and satire developed by Ariane Mnouchkine and the Théâtre du Soleil all those years ago. We have no doubt that the audience will feel the echoes of resonance ripple in another revo- lution.” With musical theatre and physical style being part of the common language between Théâtre du Soleil and indeed South African theatre, the crea- tive team features opera stars Lehlongonolo ‘Bapi’ Musa and Bongiwe Musa at the helm of musical direction, and multi-award-winning theatre practi- tioner Toni Morkel as the production’s movement coach. Wilhelm Disbergen takes on the mammoth task
6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR BRICS Friday 07 July 2023 KZN SPRUCES UP FOR BRICS SUMMIT DEBATE: Provincial government to kick-off preparations with indaba featuring women political leaders next week… By Lehlohonolo Lehana inclusive. “The debate will also focus on iden- CONVENOR: Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube The BRICS WBA Trade Conference is a The KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) provincial gov- tifying revolutionary decisions, investments, and eralism” the objectives of the summit are to bring unique event that brings together 500 women- ernment is gearing up to host a series of high- measures of success that BRICS leaders need to together youth participants, affording them an op- owned businesses, including micro, small, and level engagements in preparation for the 15th deploy to promote gender equity and equality, fos- portunity to share ideas and work on a concrete medium-sized enterprises from 18 different coun- BRICS Summit, scheduled to take place in Au- tering inclusive and prosperous BRICS and Afri- Action Plan for co-operation in economic, human- tries, namely South Africa, Brazil, Russia, India, gust. can economies. itarian, mass media and the science sphere. China, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Zambia, DRC, Egypt, Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique, Led by Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube, the en- “Furthermore, the debate will emphasise The BRICS Urbanisation Forum taking place Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, and Lesotho. gagements will kick off with the BRICS Gender converting promises and hopes into practical so- from July 26 to 27, will also bring together various Dividend Debate to be hosted by the City of Dur- lutions and framing resolutions, to advance the stakeholders from the BRICS countries, including The conference is set to be a ground-breaking ban at Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Conven- BRICS needle on gender equality by 2030, con- BRICS Ministerial delegations, representatives event, featuring several highlights, including the tion Centre (ICC) on July 14. tributing to the Johannesburg XV BRICS Summit from local governments, policymakers, and other first ever physical meeting of BRICS WBA na- Declaration,” said the Premier. stakeholders to place key issues of urbanisation on tional chapters, the launch of the Agrowex e-com- The debate will be led by prominent female their agenda for action. merce platform, and the unveiling of the BRICS political leaders, including government officials, The event will be followed by the 9th BRICS Centre for Labour Mobility and Education Ser- and economists from BRICS (Brazil, Russia, In- Youth Summit and the Meeting of Ministers re- The Forum will highlight how to build pro- vices, “Work and Study”. dia, China and South Africa) and African nations. sponsible for Youth Affairs, to be hosted by the ductive and sustainable urban economies and live- National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) lihood survival strategies in urban environments South Africa will host the 15th BRICS Sum- Dube-Ncube said the objective of the debate which will be held from July 18 to 21. as well as creating inclusive urban spaces. mit at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannes- is to explore the political economy of gender in a burg, from August 22 to 24. multipolar world, framing “Tomorrow’s multipo- The BRICS Youth Summit is a platform for di- The last edition of the forum was hosted on- lar world, through a gender lens” for Women by alogue for delegates from member states, striving line under the presidency of China in 2022. The Summit will take place under the theme: Women in BRICS and African nations. for the promotion of peace, security, development “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Ac- in a multi-polar inter-dependent and increasingly The events will conclude with BRICS-AF- celerated Growth, Sustainable Development and She said the main topics of discussion will in- complex, globalizing world. RICA Women Business Alliance (BRICS WBA) Inclusive Multilateralism”. – www.fullview.co.za clude the impact of the evolving BRICS and Af- Trade Conference, taking place from August 20 to rican political and economic landscape on trans- Held under the theme “BRICS and Africa: 21. forming industries to become gender-neutral and Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilat-
Friday 07 July 2023 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR TELKOM CLOSES DOOR TO TAKEOVER BID INTEREST: The telecommunications company dumps negotiations to acquire 35 percent by former CEO Sipho Maseko and partners… By Lehlohonolo Lehana Telkom was trading down more than six per- BIDDER: Sipho Maseko, former Telkom CEO Telecommunications Group Telkom has reject- cent in the afternoon session on Friday as investors ed a proposal from a consortium that includes digested the latest news. its former group CEO, Sipho Maseko, saying it’s “not in the best interest of shareholders”. The South African government owns 40.5 percent of Telkom, while another 14.8 percent The consortium comprises Maseko’s Afrifund is owned by the Public Investment Corporation Investments, Madagascan operator Axian Telecom, (PIC), which is closely linked to the government, the Government Employees Pension Fund, and the according to Broadband. Public Investment Corporation — Africa’s largest asset manager. The consortium was looking to ac- This means that government has power over quire a 35% stake in the company. the company — and is why it’s known as Telkom Telkom has now officially shot the deal down. SA SOC (state-owned company). “The Telkom board of directors, having con- Telcom was born out of the then government- sidered the indicative proposal, has decided not to owned Department of Posts and Telecommunica- continue discussions with the consortium, as the tions (DPT), which was broken into Telkom and the board is of the view that the indicative proposal is SA Post Office on 1 October 1991. not in the best interest of shareholders and that the current Telkom strategy will yield better value,” it The government started Telkom’s privatisation said in a notice on the JSE news service. journey when it allowed the fixed-line operator to join forces with mobile giant Vodafone to start Vo- Telkom withdrew a cautionary announcement dacom. that it issued in June warning shareholders to exer- cise care when trading its shares. It went one step further when it allowed Tel- ekom Malaysia and SBC to buy a 30% stake in The group’s rejection of the consortium’s pro- Telkom in 1997 through the Thintana consortium. posal could pave the way for MTN Group, which had previously entertained the idea of buying its On 4 March 2003, Telkom was listed on the rival, to return to the talks table. Johannesburg stock exchange (JSE) and the New York stock exchange (JSE). Although Telkom was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange on August 27 2009, it re- mains listed on the JSE. QUEEN’S STILL SMILING ALL WAY TO THE BANK IMMORTAL: Queen shows no sign of fading into history as band’s earnings jump 4.3 Percent to nearly R942 million in 2022… LEGENDARY: Queen still amassing scores of millions through royalties By Daniel Tencer estate of Freddie Mercury. The company’s turnover in the year 2022 was A few years ago, MBW (Music Business British rockers Queen saw a serious spike The company owns the band’s master record- more than triple the number in the year 2016, be- World) estimated that a sale of Queen’s catalogue in their earnings in recent years, owing in no fore buzz began around the Bohemian Rhapsody could bring in around R25 billion. Earlier this small part to the success of the Oscar-winning ings outside the US and Canada (where they are movie. That year, the company’s turnover came in year, sources told MBW that Queen’s catalogue 2018 biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. owned by Disney Music Group), and licenses them at R290 million. could sell this year for just about that amount, worldwide to Universal Music Group (UMG) as though other sources suggested the number could Nearly half a decade down the road from that its distributor and record company partner. The numbers are so strong that Queen Produc- be even higher. movie’s release, one would think the band’s earn- tions’ directors – the three surviving members of ings would be dropping back down again. Not so. The band’s publishing rights are owned by the band – seem to have changed their tune on the Such a sale would easily surpass the record- another entity, Queen Music Ltd., and are admin- company’s outlook. setting R9,4 billion-plus that Sony Music/Co- The latest annual report from Queen Produc- istered by Sony Music Publishing. Queen Music’s lumbia and Sony Music Publishing paid for the tions Ltd. – the UK-based company that collects financial statements suggest its income is being In the report for the year 2021, they predicted recording and publishing rights to Bruce Spring- the band’s turnover – shows that in the fiscal year paid through to Queen Productions. that, with the Bohemian Rhapsody biopic fading steen’s entire catalogue in 2021. ending September 30 2022, the band took more into history, income is “expected to decrease year than R900 million. The band’s royalties did drop a little in the on year.” However, in the latest report, they state: As of May of this year, the initial stages of a latest reported fiscal year, to R870 million, from “Given the success of Bohemian Rhapsody and sale process were underway, involving both music That’s an increase of 4.3 percent from the year R918 million the previous fiscal year, a decline of We Will Rock You in recent years, it is anticipated publishing and recorded music rights. Major mu- 2021, when turnover came in at just over R1 bil- 5.3 percent. But overall turnover was still higher the company will generate similar income in the sic companies including UMG, as well as private lion. The new numbers, available publicly on the in the latest fiscal year, thanks to “the success of year ended 30 September 30 2023 and in the years equity groups, have been in discussions regarding UK’s Company’s House, give the band a signifi- the We Will Rock You theatre production UK tour thereafter.” Simply put, Queen is here to stay. the sale. cant financial shot in the arm as it reportedly pre- as well as an increase in license fees on live music pares to sell its recording and publishing rights for touring,” the company’s report stated. As of July 2023, the band was the 49th most Bohemian Rhapsody holds the record for what could be a record-breaking sum above R18 popular musical act on Spotify, down from 44th highest-grossing biopic of all time, with a world- billion. The company’s profit before tax came in at spot a year earlier. But thanks to there being more wide gross of R1,7 trillion. A sale of Queen’s mu- R535 million, up 31.6 percent year-on-year from people streaming on Spotify overall, the number sic rights could put another all-time record under Queen Productions is owned in equal parts by R410 in the year 2021. The numbers indicate that of monthly Queen listeners is actually higher to- the belt of a band that – 53 years after its formation the three living members of Queen – Brian May, the boost in Queen’s popularity from Bohemian day than a year ago – 48.45 million listeners, up and 32 years after the tragic death of its frontman – Roger Taylor and John Deacon – as well as the Rhapsody seems to be having a very long tail in- from 40.3 million. seems to be as popular as ever. – SOURCE: MBW deed.
8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 07 July 2023 Comment SAVE THE CHILDREN TAIWAN: Loud clarion calls have been made – and IS ECONOMIC ENGAGEMENT still today – about the growing scourge of human STILL PART OF XI’S STRATEGY trafficking, especially its most brutal aspect – children kidnapped for the depraved profiteering CHINA UP CLOSE: For 17 years, Xi closely would not hesitate to take military action against motives of rings perpetrating this crime against watched Taiwan-governed islets… Taiwan. Xi too criticized Lee’s remarks, but the fu- humanity with impunity. Yey, none of the des- ture Chinese leader understood the importance of perate pleas have so far succeeded to awaken the By Katsuji Nakazawa economic relations with Taiwan. At the time, Tai- world to this toxic worm that is slowly eating wanese investments in China had become a pillar of into the fibre of humanity unheeded. In 1985, a 32-year-old Xi Jinping was assigned to ing on the island. (Photo by Katsuji Nakazawa) Fujian’s economy. The provincial government was the city of Xiamen, in China’s Fujian province, Strong iron barricades set up to prevent Chinese desperately trying to prevent Taiwanese companies Nonetheless, these rings nonchalantly perpe- to become the young vice mayor. He ended up from reducing or withdrawing their investments trate this global crime every minute – right under working as a senior official in Fujian for nearly ships from landing on a sandy beach still remain on due to the added tension in cross-strait relations. the noses of governments which sit on astronom- 17 years, eventually climbing to the province’s Kinmen. An array of old tanks still line the coast- ically fiscal budgets that prioritise resources, not governor, before moving to Zhejiang province as line. Meanwhile, across the water stand the high- The words “mini-three links” -- meaning link- to combat the insidious world malaise, but to- the top official there in 2002. rises of Xiamen. On Kinmen’s beaches, one can age through transportation, trade and communi- wards military agendas that make this world un- experience both the military battles of decades ago cation -- are displayed at the airport on Kinmen safe for the very children they ought to protect. It was during his time in Xiamen that Xi married as well as the subsequent peace. Island. (Photo by Katsuji Nakazawa) There was star singer Peng Liyuan. Now China’s president and flexibility on the part of Xi and other senior Chinese The International Labour Organization re- Chinese Communist Party general secretary, the top But what was the island like in 1985, when the officials. One of Xi’s responsibilities was to attract ports that human trafficking is a worldwide R2- leader of the world’s second largest economy, the 32-year-old Xi arrived in Xiamen to assume the big Taiwanese companies to Xiamen. trillion-a-year industry worldwide, enslaving roots of Xi’s political career lie in Fujian. Sitting post of vice mayor? China’s artillery shelling of around 21 million people in the modern world. a few kilometres off the coast of Xiamen are the the island had only ended seven years earlier. And After entering the 21st century, links between Kinmen Islands. While just a stone’s throw away China was only six years removed from fighting a China and Taiwan in transportation, trade and com- According to the non-governmental agency from mainland China, the islands are governed by war with Vietnam. munication started to function. For China, Kinmen World’s Children, 27 percent of trafficking vic- Taiwan, some 200 km away. The islands, from that Island became an important gateway to Taiwan. tims are children – a majority of whom are in- precarious perch, have had a significant impact on The shelling of Kinmen Island stopped amid a Short voyages from Xiamen and Quanzhou in Fu- volved in forced labour, entrapping more than 10 Xi. massive sea change in global politics. China for- jian to Kinmen Island also became popular. million adults and nearly four million children. mally established diplomatic relations with the U.S. Since Xi’s time in Fujian, two massive propa- to reject Soviet hegemony. And Deng introduced Lately, however, the movement of people be- Worse, children are four times more likely to ganda slogans have faced each other across the nar- his “reform and opening-up” policy to revive a Chi- tween Kinmen Island and Xiamen has dried up as be trafficked for labour rather than sex, accord- row body of water. On the Xiamen side lies a set nese economy that was left in tatters by the 1966- a result of COVID-19 and the visit of U.S. House ing to the agency, adding 66 percent of child traf- of massive, red Chinese characters that read, “One 1976 Cultural Revolution. An old tank once used to Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan last summer. ficking victims are girls; and 99 percent abducted Country Two Systems Unite China,” in line with defend Kinmen Island is now displayed on a beach for sexual exploitation are women and girls. a formula advocated by former paramount Chinese facing Xiamen. (Photo by Katsuji Nakazawa) The owner of a bed-and-breakfast near Shuitou leader Deng Xiaoping. Port on Kinmen Island, said half of her guests used Indeed, these statistics are a source of deep Yet, Xiamen remained mired in the doldrums to come from mainland China. Now they all come concern, showing that global communities are Meanwhile, on the small island of Dadan, one into the 1980s. The biggest challenge facing senior from Taipei and Taichung, on the main island of not winning the war against the traffickers – leav- of the Kinmen islets, is a white signboard that calls city officials, including then Vice Mayor Xi, was to Taiwan. Her B&B remains busy thanks to Taiwan’s ing millions of children vulnerable to the crime. for “Chinese unification” under “the Three Princi- boost the local economy. It is not difficult to imag- domestic travel boom and the summer holidays. ples of the People” as advocated by Sun Yat-sen, a ine Xi thinking seriously about economic and trade “As you can see,” she said, “we are full.” That said, could a new anti-trafficking mov- Chinese revolutionary often referred to as the “fa- relations with Taiwan on a daily basis while looking ie Sounds of Freedom – based on a true story ther of modern China.” The Three Principles of the east at Kinmen Island. Taiwan was already hurtling Since the Chinese New Year in February, China – succeed where governments have failed – in People are nationalism, democracy and people’s toward remarkable economic development at the has since resumed a shipping route from Kinmen energising a flagging global movement into col- livelihood. As the isles’ geography might suggest, time. In 1999, immediately after being promoted to Island to Fujian. The main objective has been to at- lective action against the scourge? Opening to a life on the Kinmen Islands can be tense. On Sept. 1, Fujian acting governor, Xi said Taiwanese compa- tract investments from Taiwanese business owners frenetic box-office in the US this week (1,5 mil- 2022, Taiwan’s military announced it shot down a nies’ legitimate interests would be guaranteed. He to boost China’s stagnant economy. A liner from Xi- lion tickets sold in three days), this movie has in- civilian camera drone that had entered its airspace was speaking at a meeting with officials from Tai- amen arrives at the port of Kinmen Island. Restau- jected new hope for the creation of world move- near the group of islets. wanese companies investing in the province. rants and inns on the island report fewer mainland ment to, not only heighten awareness around visitors these days. (Photo by Katsuji Nakazawa) this large-scale menace, but give impetus to the The drone is believed to have come from China, In an interview with Nikkei in Fujian in Sep- current, almost limp-wristed, anti-human traf- and similar incursions into Taiwan’s airspace by tember 1999, Xi gave the impression that he was Yet it is not clear if economic engagement is ficking efforts. For his part, Sounds of Freedom unidentified drones continued after that. While the paying particularly close attention to the protection still the central element of Xi’s Taiwan playbook. filmmaker and actor Eduardo Verástegui is truly drones are relatively new, battles go back decades. of investments by “Taishang,” Taiwanese doing breathing fresh air into these efforts, and in one In 1949, the Battle of Kinmen was fought over Kin- business in mainland China. On July 1, the Chinese Communist Party of the ways by using his influence to sound the men during the Chinese Civil War. In 1958, some marked the 102nd anniversary of its establishment. alarm in Hollywood with the new movie. 480,000 artillery shells were fired at the island from Lee Teng-hui, Taiwan’s president at the time, Party-led political campaigns have been held across Fujian, in what is known as the Second Taiwan was advocating his “two states” theory, describing China to coincide with the anniversary. The party The film that exposes the darkness of child Strait Crisis. cross-strait ties as “special state-to-state relations” has been pursuing Taiwan unification since the Peo- trafficking. It is centred on the real-life anti-hu- and drawing a strong backlash from Beijing. ple’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. And man trafficking hero, Tim Ballard, a former fed- China’s shelling of the island continued inter- now in Xi’s era, China has declared again that it eral agent who embarks on a dangerous mission, mittently until 1978, and now Kinmen County is fa- China criticized Lee for moving toward Tai- will never renounce the use of force to achieve the risking his life to free enslaved children. mous for its production of “Kinmen knives,” kitch- wanese independence and took a stance that it goal. en cutlery made of an abundant but not so natural Verástegui hits the nail on the head in his resource -- retrieved Chinese artillery shells. Does Xi continue to have the flexibility that assertion that many people are unaware that the he had during his Fujian days? Or, now that he has problem exists, so combating it was not a pri- An elderly woman who has lived on Kinmen great power in his hands, will he rush to realize Tai- ority. He wants Sounds of Freedom to motivate Island since she was born in the 1950s has related wan unification, even if by the use of force? people to act. harrowing tales to her children and grandchildren about surviving the fierce artillery shelling. The answer will significantly impact the future “[The movie] goes through the eyes. It of not only the Indo-Pacific region but also the en- moves the heart and the emotions, and then the She recalls being scared at night, when loud tire world, politically and economically. It is impos- feet move forward. That’s a movement! So, we explosions of the artillery shells being fired from sible to know where Xi’s mind is really at. move, movie to movement,” he declared in an China would fill her ears. For people of Xi’s gen- interview with Christian Post recently. eration, memories of the battles between China and But it may become possible to know part of Taiwan are still vivid. what Xi is thinking when a new Taiwanese leader Indeed, we truly hope more feet move for- takes office, succeeding President Tsai Ing-wen of ward henceforth – to force authorities to heed the The coast of Kinmen still has a number of de- the Democratic Progressive Party, after an election call to save the children. fensive measures to stop Chinese troops from land- coming up in January. * Katsuji Nakazawa is a Tokyo-based senior v 060 936 2673 staff and editorial writer at Nikkei. He spent [email protected] seven years in China as a correspondent and later as China bureau chief. Article sourced Weekly SA Mirror is published by first published in Nikkei Asia Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: PostNet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: www.weeklysamirror.news Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... Weekly SA Mirror subscribes to the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South Af- rican Print and Online Media. As a sub- scriber publication and member of the Press Council of SA, the publication is thus subject to the Press Code and to the jurisdiction of the PCSA’s complaints pro- cedures.
Friday 07 July 2023 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR ‘AFFIRMATIVE IS OVER – TIME FOR REPARATIONS’ FLASHBACK: A group of African American slaves pictured on a farm where they engaged in forced labour in the 1800s. There is growing pressure on the US government to offer restitution running to billions of dollars to the descendants of former slaves for the wrongs of slavery. COMPENSATION: After the (United States) tools to break down historic barriers of race. Such to the International Criminal Court in the book, The Supreme Court’s decision, the author argues policies worked to open doors in government of- Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Forgotten Crime that Black Americans must urgently refocus on fices, defence factories, and the armed services against Humanity as Defined by International Law. an agenda for equitable restitution addressing during World War II and afterwards. By the 1960s, In 2019, the United Nations High Commissioner on slavery and Jim Crow’s economic toll… civil rights leaders expressed confidence that “af- Human Rights concluded that the US was among firmative action” policies could deliver a measure the states that owe reparations to the descendants By Roger House As the dust from the of economic justice. of enslaved people. Affirmative action was a promise to deliver eco- Supreme Court decision nomic justice to Black America that fell short. From the start, however, the reliance on admin- In recent years, private actors have tried to find It was envisioned as an array of “helping hand” settles, Black political istrative tools as a primary means of restitution was ways to wrest back stolen wealth, as documented policies for the descendants of enslaved people leaders would be stifled by persistent legal challenges, political op- by Ta-Nehisi Coates in his famous essay for The designed by the authorities that had enslaved position, and negative court decisions. Critics have Atlantic, The Case for Reparations. Family claims them. It offered a slow walk to restitution based prudent to explore a promoted the alternative policy of a “colourblind” have been made to recover the value of lost farm- on fair access to schools, loans, jobs, and hous- new agenda of approach—though it has failed to address the his- land, business, and homes. State and local institu- ing. toric and systemic inequities. tions have also explored pathways to restitution, restitution for the such as a California task force on reparations. The Supreme Court decision on college admis- unjust enrichment from The Supreme Court decision on the Harvard sions upends the promise. By a vote of 6 to 3, the and UNC admissions programs will affect the way As the dust from the Supreme Court decision court rejected the programs at Harvard University slavery and Jim Crow. students apply to colleges and universities and, ul- settles, Black political leaders would be prudent to and the University of North Carolina as unlawful. timately, the number of Black students enrolled in explore a new agenda of restitution for the unjust college admissions — even to correct historical the schools with the most resources. enrichment from slavery and Jim Crow. The decision involves the admissions processes wrongs of racism — is unconstitutional. at Harvard University and the University of North Since the Civil War, Black Americans have Any agenda should encourage reliable struc- Carolina, the flagship institutions of private and Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the ma- initiated claims for restitution for the unjust en- tures for filing claims. And it should prioritise the public education. jority, agreed that the “admissions programs lack richment from slavery. Understand that more than distribution of awards in the areas of pensions, suffic iently focused and measurable objectives 90 percent of Black Americans are related to the workforce development, affordable housing, debt The cases share a common petitioner: Stu- warranting the use of race, unavoidably employ original 400 000 Africans brought to America as relief, health insurance, and youth recovery. dents for Fair Admissions (SFFA), a group whose race in a negative manner, involve racial stereo commodities of labour. The pool grew to more than members believe that the consideration of race in typing, and lack meaningful end points.” 4 million by the Civil War, and their bodies made The agenda should also seek new ways to gain America great. access to the resources — educational, employ- The decision returns Black America to a cross- ment, and contracting — to the upper-tier schools, roads of restitution for the wrongs of slavery and America became an economic powerhouse most of which were enriched under slavery and Jim Jim Crow. Since the decades after the Civil War, from the institution of slavery, according to authors Crow. One approach is the reparation initiative by the challenge has been to find pathways to eco- Sven Beckert and Seth Rockman in Slavery’s Capi- students at Georgetown University. nomic justice. talism: A New History of American Economic De- velopment. Africans were the primary assets of na- To be clear, the Black community will gain One strategy has looked to individual and tional wealth as commodities for work, sale, rent, more from an agenda that directs investments to class-action claims for reparations, another to the and childbirth. They helped to build the industries HBCUs (historically Black Colleges and Univer- promise of affirmative action and inclusion. of agriculture, shipping, manufacturing, railroads, sities) and programs at community colleges and publishing, finance, and insurance. urban public colleges that serve large numbers of Since the 1930s, Black leadership has em- their students. braced government and company employment In addition to slavery, people have initiated claims for restitution for the unjust enrichment Beyond the question of financial wholeness, from Jim Crow, the laws and practices of racial the demand for reparations for slavery and Jim subjugation. The loss of wages, farmland, family Crow has cultural merit as well. Randall Robin- wealth, and markets for business stretched nearly son, in The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks, a century and even excluded Black workers from argued that the demands for reparations have roots transformational government programs like Social in the dignity of Black America. Security. * Roger House is associate professor of Ameri- Among the notable claims for restitution in can Studies at Emerson College and the au- recent years was the 2002 lawsuit by attorney thor of “Blue Smoke: The Recorded Journey Deadria Farmer-Paellman. She filed a class action of Big Bill Broonzy” and “South End Shout: in federal court against financial institutions with Boston’s Forgotten Music Scene in the Jazz ties to slavery. The claim received a degree of vali- Age.” A version of this commentary first ap- dation in the proceedings. peared in The Daily Beast. The article sourced from Word In Black… Attorney Patricia Muhammad explored appeals
10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR HEALTH Friday 07 July 2023 KEY FOODS TO ADD TO YOUR DIET TO AVOID HEART DISEASES RISK: Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally... By WSAM Correspondent cated that in five independent studies to measure health outcomes in different world regions and in HAMILTON, ON (July 6, 2023) – A study led people with and without prior CVD. by McMaster University and Hamilton Health “Previous diet scores – including the EAT- Sciences researchers at the Population Research Lancet Planetary Diet and the Mediterranean Diet Health Institute (PHRI) has found that not eat- tested the relationship of diet to CVD and death ing enough of six key foods in combination is mainly in Western countries. The PURE Healthy associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular Diet Score included a good representation of high, disease (CVD) in adults. middle, and low-income countries,” said Salim Consuming fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, Yusuf, senior author and principal investigator of fish and whole-fat dairy products is key to lower- PURE. As well as being truly global, the PURE ing the risk of CVD, including heart attacks and strokes. The study also found that a healthy diet Healthy Diet Score focused on exclusively protec- can be achieved in various ways, such as including tive, or natural, foods. “We were unique in that focus. The other diet moderate amounts of whole grains or unprocessed scores combined foods considered to be harmful meats. Previous and similar research has focused on – such as processed and ultra-processed foods – Western countries and diets that combined harmful, with foods and nutrients believed to be protective ultra-processed foods with nutrient-dense foods. of one’s health,” said first author Andrew Mente, This research was global in scope and focused on PHRI scientist and assistant professor at McMas- ter’s Department of Health Research Methods, Evi- foods commonly considered to be healthy. The World Health Organization estimates dence, and Impact. “There is a recent increased focus on higher nearly 18 million people died from CVD in 2019, representing 32 per cent of all global deaths. Of consumption of protective foods for disease pre- these deaths, 85 per cent were due to heart attacks vention. Outside of larger amounts of fruits, veg- and strokes. PHRI researchers and their global col- etables, nuts and legumes, the researchers showed – as long as they are unrefined whole grains and umes and two to three weekly servings of fish. Pos- laborators analyzed data from 245,000 people in 80 that moderation is key in the consumption of natu- unprocessed meats.” sible substitutes included whole grains at one serv- countries from multiple studies. The results were ral foods,” he said. ing daily, and unprocessed red meat or poultry at “Moderate amounts of fish and whole-fat dairy The PURE Healthy Diet Score recommends one serving daily. published in the European Heart Journal on July 6. an average daily intake of: Fruits at two to three Researchers derived a diet score from PHRI’s are associated with a lower risk of CVD and mor- servings; vegetables at two to three servings; nuts There was no specific funding for this analysis, ongoing, large-scale global Prospective Urban and tality. The same health outcomes can be achieved at one serving; and dairy at two servings. The score although each study that contributed data was fund- WATERRural Epidemiological (PURE) study, then repli- with moderate consumption of grains and meats also includes three to four weekly servings of leg- ed separately and conducted over a 25-year period. FASTS: THE PROS it. She figured if she was going to comment, she gained back all they had lost in a five-day water fast AND CONS should investigate the existing research. within three months. In two other studies, only a BENEFITS: They can help you lose weight, but small amount of the lost weight returned, but those you might gain it back quickly… The new paper is a literature review of eight studies encouraged participants to restrict their cal- studies on water fasting or Buchinger fasting, a orie intake after the fasts ended. ByEmily Stone small number of calories a day, said Krista Varady, medically supervised fast that is popular in Europe professor of kinesiology and nutrition, who led the where people consume only a tiny amount of juice In contrast, it was clear that the metabolic ben- Water fasts — where people consume nothing research, which is published in Nutrition Reviews. and soup a day. Varady’s team looked at the results efits of the fasts disappeared soon after the fasts but water for several days — might help you lose from each of those papers to see what story they ended. Improvements to blood pressure, choles- weight, but it’s unclear how long you’ll keep it “My overall conclusion is that I guess you cumulatively tell about the fasts’ impact on weight terol and blood sugar levels were short-lived, re- off, according to research from the University of could try it, but it just seems like a lot of work, loss, as well as a number of other metabolic factors. turning to baseline levels quickly after participants Illinois Chicago. And the other metabolic ben- and all those metabolic benefits disappear,” Varady started eating again. Some of the studies included efits of water fasts, such as lower blood pressure said. She stressed, however, that no one should un- Fasting did seem to spur noticeable short-term participants with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, who and improved cholesterol, seem to disappear dertake one of these fasts for more than five days weight loss, the researchers found. People who suffered no ill effects from the fasting, though they soon after the fast ends, the researchers found. without medical supervision. fasted for five days lost about 4% to 6% of their were monitored closely and had their insulin doses weight; those who fasted for seven to 10 days lost adjusted while fasting. However, there do not appear to be any serious Varady, an expert on intermittent fasting, said about 2% to 10%, and those who fasted for 15 to 20 adverse effects for those who do a water fast or a she wanted to study water fasting because she sud- days lost 7% to 10%. The most common side effects of these pro- similar kind of fast where people consume a very denly started getting contacted by journalists last longed fasts were similar to those from intermittent fall who wanted to hear what she thought about Only a few of the studies in the review tracked fasting, Varady said, such as headaches, insomnia whether participants gained back the weight they and hunger. There were no serious negative effects had lost once the fast ended. In one of those, people in the studies, such as metabolic acidosis or death. She did note that the participants in these pro- longed fasts lost about two-thirds of their weight in lean mass and one-third in fat mass. This is the opposite of what happens most of the time during weight loss, where more fat is lost than muscle. It makes sense that these extreme fasts would have this result, she said, because “your body needs a constant intake of protein. If it doesn’t have that, then it draws from muscles.” Varady’s research into intermittent fasting has looked at how well the regime works for weight loss, as well as at specific questions, such as wheth- er intermittent fasting affects fertility — she found it does not. Varady said she would encourage someone hoping to lose weight to try intermittent fasting in- stead of a water fast, “because there’s a lot more data to show it can help with weight management,” she said.
Friday 07 July 2023 FITNESS/LIFESTYLE 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR Tshegofatso Ramachela,Odwa Mtati with Joan Thomas Edwards Hide Sakagusi,Sindi Mzamo and Max Bhoqwana Anga Jamela,Phindi Ndlovu with Naledi Moleo DIALOGUE ON Angie Mphahlele,Sifiso buthelezi with Bontle BUSINESS Headbush SUSTAINABILITY Scores of dignitaries attended the International High Level Forum for Sustainable Blue Economies held at River Meadow Manor in Pretoria... SIPHO MALUKA took the pictures MARTINI CELEBRATES 160TH ANNIVERSARY Wednesday night saw iconic vermouth brand Domani. MARTINI toast its 160th anniversary at Italian hot Guests toasted to MARTINI’s iconic past and spot DAZI Milano, attended by an array of famous faces, and stylish global guests. bright future with cocktails including the classic MARTINI Fiero and tonic, and a MARTINI Non-alcoholic The exclusive event hosted some of the world’s Vibrante Spritz, alongside the bespoke Elixir No. 160 hottest talent including Dakota Johnson, Lucien Lav- and the Mirto Negroni. iscount of Emily in Paris, Chiara Ferrangi, and stylist Harry Lambert; who danced the night away to the Ital- The evening also celebrated MARTINI’s iconic Ital- ian singer songwriter Tanani, performing alongside ian heritage that has touched so many parts of cul- internationally renowned DJs Mia Moretti and Club ture and style since it was founded in 1863 by entre- preneur Alessandro Martini and herbalist Luigi Rossi. SUAVE: American actress Dakota Johnson and British Lucien Laviscount were spot- SWAG: R&B superstar Usher receives a SoundExchange Hall of Fame Award from SoundExchange ted at the MARTINI 160th celebration at hotspot Dazi Milano in Italy last night. President & CEO Michael Huppe backstage at Dolby Live at the Park MGM in Las Vegas, home of Photo by Stefania M. D’Alessandro/Getty Images Usher’s My Way: The Las Vegas Residency
12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FOOD AND WINE Friday 07 July 2023 TROPHY SPIRITS SHOW 2023 WINNERS TROPHY WINNERS RUSTIC: The 2023 results of annual The Trophy Spirits Show, sponsored by Investec, were announced in Johannesburg on Wednesday * Trophy for Best Cognac night. As in previous years, spirits vying for the awards came in from producers in places as far afield as the USA, England, Scandinavia, * Vinolok Trophy for Best Premium Spirit Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Sri Lanka, the sun-washed islands of the Caribbean, the highlands of Scotland, the deserts of Mexico, * Investec Trophy for Best Brandy of the villages of Cognac and so on. Included among these exotics were at least 50 different brandies, liqueurs, whiskies and gins from the Cape and Gauteng. Show Martell XO Cognac Njabulo Phewane from KWV with trophies for Best Distilled Gin and Trophy for Best Grain Whisky, Heidi v Wyk (Vinolok) and Tinstwalo * Investec Trophy for Best Distilled Gin Best Gin of Show for Imagin Classic Andy Watts and Anita Mabun- Baloyi with the trophy for best pre- * Riedel Trophy for Best Gin of Show gizi mium spirit for Martell XO cognac Imagin Classic Gin GROOT * Investec Trophy for Best Malt Whisky * Investec Trophy for Best Whisky of Show Aberlour Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18 Years Old – Double Sherry Cask Finish * Investec Trophy for Best London Gin Gordon’s Special London Dry Gin * Investec Trophy for Best Blended Whisky Johnnie Walker Blended Scotch Whisky Aged 18 Years * Investec Trophy for Best Single Pot Still Whisk(e)y Redbreast Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey Aged 12 Years * Trophy for Best Pot-distilled Brandy Van Ryn’s Single Potstill Brandy Aged 12 Years * Trophy for Best Grain Whisky Bain’s Cape Mountain Single Grain Whisky * Trophy for Best Rum of Show Red Heart Original Imported Rum * Trophy for Best Tequila of Show Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal Chichicapa CONSTANTIA PAYS HOMAGE TO 17TH CENTURY ROOTS LONGEVITY: SA’s oldest wine-producing CAPTION: Some of the rare vinous treasures hibernating at Groot Constantia’s vault farm celebrates 338 years of history-laden existence… By WSAM Reporter tage Vault on the estate to make a limited amount Cellar; JP Cloete’s Pontac wine, which achieved King George V of England. To add to its notabil- July 13 marks the 338th birthday of South Af- of their famous and collectable wines available to acclaim at the International Exhibition in Paris in ity, Charles Dickens celebrated Groot Constantia’s rica’s oldest wine-producing farm Groot Con- taste and purchase. 1855; as well as a few bottles of wine that were sweet wines in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Jane stantia, which has an uninterrupted record of originally produced for the Duke of Northumber- Austen’s character recommended it as a cure for producing wine since 1685. In addition, from July 13 to the end of August, land. a broken heart to heroine Marianne Dashwood in Groot Constantia is rolling out a unique Vintage Sense and Sensibility and Charles Baudelaire com- Groot Constantia was founded on July 13 1685 Vault Experience on the Estate that will see guests One of the oldest surviving trademarks in the pared Constantia wine to his lover’s lips in his most by Simon van der Stel, the then Governor of the treated to an exclusive tasting of these coveted world, the estate’s wines have been favoured and famous volume of poems, Les Fleurs du Mal. Cape, and since then became one of the country’s wines in the alcoves of the historical Manor House sought out over the centuries by dignitaries such as most iconic wine farms. No stranger to accolades, – an experience never offered to the public before. Louis Philippe (King of the French); Frederick the The Vintage Vault Experience can be booked it has garnered local and international awards as Great of Prussia; the French military commander via Dineplan at R500 per person from July 13. To far back as 1855. To mark this birthday milestone, Among the Vintage Vault’s rare treasures is and political leader, Napoleon; British noble, The add to the experience, bookings are open for a meal Groot Constantia is celebrating by opening the Vin- a bottle of Groot Constantia’s iconic Grand Con- Duke of Northumberland; German statesman and to follow the Vintage Vault Experience at either stance wine produced in 1821 (the oldest bottle diplomat, Otto von Bismarck; and British monarch, Jonkershuis or Simon’s Restaurant on the estate. stored) produced and bottled in the famous Cloete
Friday 07 July 2023 MOTORING 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING: Briefs GAUTENG AFRICA’S AUTO- INTERCONNECTED: Through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) MOTIVE POWERHOUSE communication systems, the trucks in a convoy are able to maintain consistent speeds, brake simultaneously, and The Gauteng Department of Economic De- velopment (GDED) is looking to turnthe prov- react swiftly to changes in traffic conditions ince into Africa’s automotive powerhouse, by creating a favourable regulatory environment THE FUTURE OF for the rollout of new energy vehicles (NEVs) TRUCKING EFFICIENCY in SA. PLATOONING: The system holds the promise wide, with numerous pilot projects and initiatives This was the word from Blake Mosley-Lef- of revolutionizing the way goods are transported taking place in various countries. atola, HOD of the GDED, speaking at a recent on our roads auto roundtable on new energy vehicles. It was For instance, the European Truck Platooning hosted in Pretoria by the Tshwane Economic By Motoring Reporter b) Enhanced Safety Challenge brought together multiple manufacturers Development Agency, in collaboration with The trucking industry is constantly seeking in- Truck platooning can enhance overall road safe- and transport companies to showcase the potential the GDED, Gauteng Growth and Development novative solutions to improve efficiency, reduce of platooning across borders. Agency (GGDA) and Automotive Industry De- fuel consumption, and enhance safety. ty through its synchronized and coordinated actions. velopment Centre, a subsidiary of the GGDA. The interconnectivity between the trucks allows Similarly, countries like the United States, Ja- Mosley-Lefatola discussed the importance of One such groundbreaking concept that has pan, and Singapore have launched trials and re- developing a clear policy framework that will gained significant attention is truck platooning. for quicker response times to potential hazards, re- search programs to evaluate the feasibility and ben- help better prepare SA for the electrification of ducing the likelihood of accidents. efits of truck platooning. transport. By leveraging advanced technologies and inter- b) Commercial Deployment connected communication systems, truck platoon- Additionally, improved stability and reduced SA’s NEV sales increased by 18.8%, from ing holds the promise of revolutionizing the way aerodynamic drag contribute to safer driving condi- Several commercial trucking companies have 1 401 units in the first quarter of 2022, to 1 665 goods are transported on our roads. tions, especially during adverse weather. already begun exploring the integration of platoon- units in the first quarter of 2023, according to a c) Traffic Flow And Congestion Reduction ing in their operations. National Association of Automobile Manufac- In this comprehensive article, we will delve into turers of South Africa (Naamsa) report. While the intricacies of truck platooning, exploring its po- By maintaining consistent speeds and reducing For example, major companies like Daimler, the country is ahead of its African counterparts, tential benefits, challenges, and the transformative unnecessary lane changes, truck platooning has the Volvo, and Scania have conducted successful trials SA lags significantly behind on the global impact it could have on the trucking industry. potential to optimize traffic flow on highways. and demonstrated the viability of platooning in real- front.-TWEB UNDERSTANDING TRUCK PLATOONING world scenarios. a) Definition And Concept This can result in a reduction in congestion, BUILD YOUR DREAMS easing the strain on transportation networks and re- These initiatives are crucial steps towards the TURNS REAL Truck platooning refers to a technique where a ducing travel times for both trucks and passenger widespread implementation of truck platooning in group of two or more trucks, closely spaced and in- vehicles. commercial fleets. Chinese electric automotive giant Build terconnected, travel in a convoy formation on high- OVERCOMING CHALLENGES AND CON- THE FUTURE OF TRUCK PLATOONING Your Dreams (BYD) recently announced its ways. SIDERATIONS a) Technological Advancements entry into the South African market — with a) Technology And Infrastructure its first vehicle on offer locally being the BYD Through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communica- As technology continues to evolve, truck pla- Atto 3 compact SUV. Outside of China, the Atto tion systems, the trucks are able to maintain consist- For truck platooning to reach its full potential, tooning is poised to benefit from further advance- 3 is already being sold in the UK, Europe, Aus- ent speeds, brake simultaneously, and react swiftly there are significant technological and infrastruc- ments. tralia, and New Zealand. While BYD follows a to changes in traffic conditions. ture requirements.Vehicles must be equipped with plethora of Asian carmakers — including Baic, b) How Truck Platooning Works advanced sensors, communication systems, and ro- This includes the integration of artificial intel- Chery, Haval, Omoda, and Proton — to firmly bust vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity. ligence, machine learning algorithms, and improved set their sights on South African motorists, it is Truck platooning relies on advanced technolo- sensors, enabling even more precise coordination, the first to do so with a fully-electric car. gies, including sensors, radar systems, and vehicle Moreover, the infrastructure must support the enhanced safety features, and seamless integration control algorithms. necessary communication networks and provide ad- with autonomous driving technologies. BYD said it chose South Africa as the coun- equate charging or refueling infrastructure for elec- b) Collaboration And Industry Support try had a growing market demand for cleaner The lead truck, also known as the “platoon lead- tric or alternative fuel-powered trucks. transportation options. “As one of the largest er,” sets the pace and communicates critical infor- b) Regulation And Standardization The successful implementation of truck platoon- economies on the African continent with nu- mation to the following trucks, known as “platoon ing relies on collaboration among various stake- merous challenges related to air pollution, there followers,” enabling synchronized actions such as To enable widespread adoption of truck pla- holders, including truck manufacturers, logistics is a significant opportunity for electric vehicles acceleration, braking, and lane changes. tooning, a comprehensive regulatory framework companies, infrastructure providers, and regulatory like those produced by BYD,” the company BENEFITS OF TRUCK PLATOONING and industry-wide standards must be established. bodies. By fostering collaboration and establishing said. a) Fuel Efficiency And Emissions Reduction industry-wide support, the trucking industry can This includes addressing legal considerations, overcome challenges, drive innovation, and realize EV SWITCH TARGET A CUL One of the most significant advantages of truck liability issues, and establishing guidelines for safe the full potential of platooning. DE SAC platooning is the potential for substantial fuel sav- and effective operation. Conclusion ings. UK ministers are under pressure to ease off Collaborative efforts between policymakers, Truck platooning represents a remarkable leap the pedal on their drive towards banning petrol By reducing air resistance through close vehicle industry stakeholders, and regulatory bodies are es- forward in the pursuit of efficient, safe, and sustain- and diesel cars by 2030. Exclusive polling for spacing, trucks in a platoon can experience fuel ef- sential to navigate these complexities. able transportation. the Daily Mail found that only a quarter of the ficiency improvements of up to 10-20%. REAL-WORLD IMPLEMENTATION AND public agree with the Government’s deadline. CASE STUDIES With its potential to significantly reduce fuel More than half disagree with the rush to switch This not only leads to cost savings for trucking a) Global Initiatives consumption, enhance safety, and optimize traffic to electric cars. companies but also contributes to a considerable re- flow, truck platooning holds immense promise for duction in carbon emissions. Truck platooning has gained traction world- the future of the trucking industry. Manufacturers and industry leaders have called on PM Rishi Sunak to rethink the dras- As technology advances, regulatory frame- tic timescale or risk ruinous economic conse- works evolve, and collaboration strengthens, we quences. Cabinet ministers are also known to stand on the cusp of a transformative era in truck- have raised concerns. The target is designed ing—one where platooning unlocks new possibili- to turbocharge the switch to electric vehicles ties for a more efficient and connected future on our as part of ministers’ efforts to achieve net-zero roads. -Sourced from Truckhive emissions by 2050. THAR THAR MAHINDRA The offroad-focused Mahindra Thar fam- ily will be expanding with a new 5-door model. The interesting part is the Indian-based brand has chosen South Africa for the reveal. The news comes from Autocar India, who claim the new Mahindra Thar will be revealed in South Africa on the August 15, 2023. As a reminder, the Mahindra Thar is a rug- ged two-door offroader in the same vein as the Suzuki Jimny. The current generation model was revealed back in the middle of 2020 and we had hopes that it would be introduced to our market. Sadly, it has not yet materialised, but three years on, the Mahindra Thar family is due to receive a five-door model. Not much is known yet, but the origi- nal source suggested the new Mahindra Thar 5-door model will be available with a choice of either a 2.2-litre turbodiesel and a 2.0-litre turbo petrol engine. We’d assume these are the same engines available in the Scorpio-N and XUV700 SUVs. It’s easy to understand why Mahindra has chosen our country for a reveal. Mahindra SA manufacturers the Scorpio bakkie in Kwa-Zulu Natal and its passenger car sales have shown good growth with the XUV range of SUVs. There’s a rumour we might see the all-electric XUV400 hitting SA roads at some point.
14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 07 July 2023 LUXOLO WORKING ON HIS “MENTAL FITNESS” EXPERIENCE: The fifth fastest man in the world finished the 200m in under 20 seconds to qualify for next year’s Paris Games OVERWHELMING: Luxolo Adams believe God is not going to place him in a sport whereby he doesnt have the power or the strength to go through By Sports Reporter ishing in under 20 seconds to beat Olympic Gold “This is the moment I’ve been training for. Despite his nerves, Adams won in the Nether- South African sprinter Luxolo Adams says he’s medallist Andre de Grasse, and in doing so qualify The whole world is watching me - top eight in the lands, with Kerley finishing third. been working on his “mental fitness” after find- for next year’s Paris Games. world. It should means something to me and also in ing last year’s World Athletics Championships the world, especially to my family, because they are It was the first lesson for the then 21-year-old in Oregon “overwhelming”. The WAC meet was almost the after event, my support system. So that was going through my about the “big time” and the start of a journey on however, for Adams following a dramatic race to mind. For me, it was just not to disappoint them.” which he is still learning. Making his maiden appearance at the event, compete due to visa issues that left some athletes the 26-year-old surprised pundits - and himself - by arriving only hours before their races. In the final, After his headline grabbing Diamond League “I get nervous and all that but I have to show reaching the final of the 200m. he finished eighth. victory last June, where he ran 19.82, Adams that office face. I cannot be getting there and then missed out on the Commonwealth Games in Bir- smiling like it’s normal,” he added. Speaking to BBC Sport’s The Warm-Up Track “Mentally, it was challenging, because it was mingham due to injury. “I was disappointed. I was podcast, Adams explained how he’ll be leaning on my first World Champs,” he said. “Two or three down,” he said. “I knew I’d definitely get a medal “Everyone is going through the motions. Some that experience to help him at this year’s World weeks before there was a visa issue. Days went by there - probably gold.” they have to show an arrogant face. Some they Championships in Budapest. and then we got closer to the meet and we [still] have to show: ‘Yeah, I’m gonna beat you’. don’t have visas. Expectations remain high for August’s WAC “Now I know how the world class meet oper- meet in Budapest though, and Adams believes that “They try to get into your head by doing all ates,” the South African explained. “I know how to “We managed to get waivers but when I got his glimpse of the big time and competing against these funny things. But if you’re mentally fit, and execute my races. Now, when I’m standing in the there, it was a different type of environment for the likes of Lyles are serving him well. then you know what to do, and then you focus on lane with with a Noah Lyles, I know how to man- me. I couldn’t know how to interact, I didn’t know execution, then you should do well. age my stress levels, I know how to manage all the how to, to move around, and also how to behave “I remember in 2018, my first meet in Hengelo, influences around me.” because now it’s a different type of meet. It’s a there was Fred Kerley, “Adams said. “I was fright- “We invested: my coach, my therapist, my world class. ened: ‘Is he competing with me?’ physio. They’ve played a huge role in building my “I’ve got enough experience in store.” Adams mental fitness. We were trying to create a team in arrived for his WAC debut in Oregon last year as “It was overwhelming. I don’t know what I was “That night, I just wanted to withdraw from order for me to manage that level. the fifth fastest man in the world following his vic- going through but one thing was in my mind: God from the race. I guess it’s part of the journey. It’s a tory in last year’s Paris Diamond League meet, fin- is not going to place me in a sport whereby I don’t learning curve - you just have to go there and face “[In Oregon] I made some notes and then I took have the power or the strength to go through. your fears.” it back to my coach - ‘this is what I’ve seen the big boys doing. I think if you can just implement few things then I can do better next year’.” NO OEDIPUS COMPLEX FOR KIPCHOGE BOND: World marathon holder opens us about special relationship with mum INSEPARABLE: Kenyan super-athlete Eliud Kipchoge was raised by a single mom seen By Sports Reporter some even insinuated that children raised by single here proudly displaying her son’s portrait It is often said that boys form an inseparable mothers would never be successful. bond with their mothers and it is no different from world marathon record holder Kenyan Kipchoge, however, defied all odds to make Eliud Kipchoge who shares a special relation- history in the marathon. In 2019, he became the ship with his mother, Janet Rotich. first human to break the two-hour barrier over the marathon in the INEOS 1:59 Challenge. Kipchoge is the last born in a family of four and he revealed that he was very close to his mother He is also a two-time Olympic Marathon cham- growing up after he lost his father at a tender age. pion, a feat that has not been achieved by many. He is however not resting on his laurels as he seeks to The four-time London Marathon champion win all the World Marathon Majors before he calls noted that his mother is the reason why he is where time on his career. At the moment, he has already he has reached the moment. cleared the London, Berlin, Tokyo, and Chicago Marathons and he is yet to conquer the Boston and “I was taken care of by a single mother…I think New York City Marathons. she is a strong woman who took care of us. I’m the last born and I’m really close to my mother…I “My life growing up was not that easy…I trust that she injected me with the knowledge on would go to school and hear people talking about how to grow and do good things,” Kipchoge said in their fathers. At the time, society would always be- an interview with Al Jazeera. The four-time Berlin lieve that people who were raised by single mothers Marathon champion revealed that his upbringing should not get power. was not a walk in the park because going to school, he could hear people talk about their fathers and “But I broke the two-hour barrier without a father…so those who have fathers should beat my time then,” he said.
Friday 07 July 2023 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORTS: Briefs BANYANA BANYANA IN NEW ZEALAND The South African senior women’s team can of- ficially commence with their FIFA Women’s World Cup preparations after the second group were ex- pected to land in Wellington, New Zealand tommor- row on Saturday morning. The team travelled in two separate groups due to insufficient business class seats in the first flight from Johannesburg. The South African Football Association committed to ensuring that the whole team travelled to the FIFA Women’s World Cup on business class. The first group left South Africa on Wednesday evening (5 July 2023) while the second group left the country on Thursday (6 July 2023). The Women’s Africa Cup of Nations champions quickly got into the business of things in the cold in Wellington with gym sessions to help with recov- ery from the jet lag. The team will have an official training session on Sunday as the focus shifts to their final friendly match against Costa Rica at the Nga Puna Wai Sport Complex in Christchurch, New Zealand, on 15 July 2023. SMANGELE SA BOXER OF IMPEPHO: Netball SA president Cecilia Molokoane hoisting the VNWC trophy flanked by Eastern Cape MEC for Sport, Recreation, Arts THE YEAR and Culture Nonceba Kontsiwe and Khoi young lions at the handover which took place at the Tsitsikamma Khoisan Village on Monday The African Boxing Union and South African GOING BACK dignitaries, cultural groups and performances by female flyweight champion Simangele ‘Smash’ Ha- TO THE ROOTS local entertainers on Monday, the NWC trophy was debe was delighted after bagging the female box- taken to the Tsitsikamma Khoisan Village where er of the Year award at the South African Boxing HONOUR: Netball World Cup tropy tour takes a Eastern Cape MEC for Sport, Recreation, Arts and Awards. turn among the Khoikhoi and San who are believed Culture Nonceba Kontsiwe officially completed to be among the oldest cultures in the world the handover to Anroux Marais, the Western Cape With at least 13 wins, the Johannesburg South Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport. champ won the female prospect of the year award in By Sports Reporter Even more significant was that the handover 2017 and 2018 and added a third award to her name. With less than a month to go to the Vitality Net- took place at the Tsitsikamma Khoisan Village – “The Western Cape Government is very happy ball World Cup (VNWC2023) in Cape Town, so honouring the indigenous inhabitants of South and honoured to receive this trophy and to embark The local SA flyweight recently made headlines the official Trophy Tour reached a particularly Africa. The Khoikhoi and San are believed to be on a tour across our province to get all commu- when she dominated in the ring, beating WBC Asia significant point this week. among the oldest cultures in the world. nities excited for the Netball World Cup,” said champ Phannaluk Kongsang in an eight-round bout Marais. in Ormonde on May 6. Having travelled across the country over the Apart from its pristine beaches, the Tsitsikam- last month, the famed trophy crossed from the ma area is well-known for its enticing tourist attrac- “Cape Town is ready and looking forward to “I’m happy and proud of how far I’ve come Eastern to Western Cape provinces of South Africa tions, including one of the highest bungee jumps hosting the Netball World Cup for the very first since I started my boxing career. This is my third – the Western Cape being its final destination be- in the world at the majestic Bloukrans Bridge, and time on African soil. award. Previously, I won the female prospect of the fore being handed to the VNWC2023 champions the Tsitstikamma Canopy Tours through Outeniqua year award in 2017 and 2018, and now I’ve won the when they are crowned on August 6. Yellowwood trees that are up to 700 years old. “Although all the matches are being played in female boxer of the year. It really does show much Cape Town itself, we want to include the whole improvement in my career,” Hadebe explained. After a special celebration in Kareedouw with province in the build-up and actual tournament and so we are very happy that various municipalities SAFA LAYS CHARGES AGAINST have partnered with us to host fan zones and view- HENDERSON ing centres. “These will ensure that people across the province can watch the live matches for free at The South African Football Association (SAFA) a venue close to their homes. has laid charges against Bart Henderson for circulat- ing what they term defamatory statements and start- “During this trophy tour, we will also encour- ing a petition against the Association, the President age people to watch the matches at these venues Dr Danny Jordaan and CFO Gronie Hluyo. so that we can make sure that no-one is left out in supporting our home team,” added Marais. SAFA Vice President Bennett Bailey, CEO Lyd- ia Monyepao, CFO Hluyo, former General Man- The VNWC2023 takes place at the Cape Town ager of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Legacy Trust, Joe International Convention Centre from 28 th July Carrim, and SAFA’s legal representative, Lesedi to 6 August 2023, with 16 teams from across the Mphahlele, addressed the members of the media globe all vying for top honours. at SAFA House on Friday (7 July 2023) and gave them an update on the action being taken against Details on tickets and travel packages and Henderson. Also present were representatives of the more information are all available on the official forensics department at law firm ENSafrica. tournament website (www.nwc2023.org.za) with a range of tickets and packages still available. Henderson, who claims he is a forensic inves- tigator, said he was recently employed by a former AIN’T NO GOING DOWN Trustee of the now dissolved 2010 FIFA World Cup UNDER FOR AUSSIES Legacy Trust and was asked to investigate SAFA and the Trust, for supposed fraud and corruption. DEFENDING CHAMPS: The Diamonds dominated group of players is really focused on how they can winning all their matches and emerging with a seventh title contribute to the Diamonds’ legacy and looks for- SAFA rejected the false accusations and a case in the Netball Quad Series in Cape Town early this year ward to the challenge of taking on the world’s best was opened against Henderson at Booysen Police in Cape Town,” she said. Station in Johannesburg following a decision by the By Sports Reporter we are going to have to play at our very best at the NEC last month. “Fast, dynamic and relentless.” That’s how Netball World Cup,” said Marinkovich, who took The last time the Australian netball side were coach Stacey Marinkovich describes the cur- over the reins as Australia’s coach in 2020. “The in Cape Town was at the beginning of this year TEAM SA FOR COMMON- rent Australian netball side’s style of play. It’s Australian team is constantly striving to improve for the 2023 Netball Quad Series which also fea- WEALTH GAMES ANNOUNCED an ominous prospect for the teams taking on the and challenge against the best teams in the world. tured New Zealand, England and South Africa. Aussie Diamonds at the Vitality Netball World They dominated that tournament, winning all their The South African Sports Confederation and Cup 2023 which gets under way in Cape Town “Our connection both on and off the court is matches and emerging with a seventh title. “The Olympic Committee (SASCOC) has announced a in less than a month. our strength, and we have a real understanding of Netball Quad Series in January was incredibly im- team of 49 athletes to represent Team South Africa what we are trying to achieve together,” she added. portant, both from a performance and travel per- at the 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games in Trini- Ranked number one in the world, the Austral- spective,” explained Marinkovich. dad and Tobago, from 4-11 August. ians head into the 28 July to 6 August tournament Marinkovich said team preparations are on among the favourites for the title. But they still track and her side are feeling confident. “We’ve “We were able to familiarise ourselves with The seventh edition of the Commonwealth know they have to be on top of their game to re- had a really targeted approach as we build towards the environment and the courts, and continue our Youth Games is expected to host over 1,000 ath- gain the title they last held in 2015, having lost by the Netball World Cup. We’re really pleased with build to Cape Town.” As for returning to the conti- letes and para-athletes between the ages of 14-18, just one goal to New Zealand in the Vitality Netball how the squad is coming together, and making sure nent for a first ever Netball World Cup on African participating in seven sports. World Cup 2019 final. Since then, they’ve gone on our time together is purposeful.” While heading soil, Marinkovich reckoned: “It is exciting for the to claim Commonwealth Games gold in 2022, but into the tournament as 11-time champions comes people of Africa, to be able to host and watch the Team South Africa will be represented in seven not before losing a group game to Jamaica. with certain pressures, Marinkovich believes that’s world’s best netballers. “It provides a great op- sporting codes, namely Athletics (including para- all just part of the team culture. portunity to showcase the sport in Africa, and we athletics), Cycling, Netball, Rugby sevens, Swim- “Australia is a proud netball nation. We know are really excited to experience the magic of Cape ming, Triathlon, and Volleyball. The largest con- “When you’re part of the Diamonds pro- Town again this year. tingent will be in Rugby sevens, with a squad of 13 gramme, you inherit a successful history. This players. “Netball has a growing reach, and I hope the Netball World Cup will inspire the next generation SASCOC President, Mr. Barry Hendricks, ex- of netballers in Africa and globally.” Australia will tended his congratulations to the selected team, kick off their campaign with their first Pool A game stating, “Congratulations to Team South Africa on against Zimbabwe on July 28 before facing Tonga your selection to represent the nation at the seventh on July 29 and Fiji the following day. edition of the Commonwealth Youth Games. Like the AUSC Region 5 Games and Youth Olympics, Commonwealth Youth Games serve as invaluable testing grounds where we are able to gauge talent and map ways to nurture that talent going forward.”
MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... HANKERING: Dingaan WANTED: Brian Mitchell Thobela WHO’S BEST... THE ROSE OR MEAN MACHINE? DECIDER: 50-YEAR-OLD WHITE BUFFALO’S the comeback trail as he (Thobela) by his own were still active boxers, but their clash never COMEBACK JOLTS THOBELA INTO GETTING admission, says that he has been hankering for a came to fruition. BACK INTO THE RING AGAINST MITCHELL match against Mitchell to prove who really is the best between the two pugilists. And Thobela feels despite his advanced age By Pule Mokhine Boxing Federation (IBF) and World Boxing As- with that of Mitchell’s, the much-awaited fight The proposed coming back to the ring of leg- sociation (WBA) titles during his fighting career, Interestingly, both Thobela and Mitchell can still take place to appease the fans. endary heavyweight boxer Francois “White announced that he would return to the square who campaigned as lightweights, are erstwhile Buffalo” Botha has jolted Dingaan “The jungle in Ohio, US on Augusts 12. The duo is world title holders, with The Rose later fight- “If Botha can be given the chance to come Rose” Thobela’s desire to come out of retire- expected to trade blows for the new champion- ing as a supermiddleweight. During his prime out retirement to fight again, I feel me, and ment to face his long-time rival Brian “Mean ship called World Alliance Boxing Association before he hung up gloves, Thobela who is now Mitchell can also bounce back and give our fans Machine” Mitchell to prove who is the best heavyweight title. 56, famously held the WBO lightweight diadem something to be cheerful about in the form of a between the two rivals. from 1990 to 1992; WBA lightweight in 1993; long-awaited clash. I believe myself and Brain The bout will enable “White Buffalo” to and the World Boxing Council supermiddle- slugging it out is long overdue. I can’t wait any In a surprise move last week, the 54-year-old make history in boxing by breaking George weight crown in 2 000 at the prime of a glittering longer for that moment to come,” said Thobela legend Botha set tongues wagging in the boxing Foreman’s record after the American became fistic career. Mitchell, who is a thriving boxing this week. “The Rose” believes despite himself fraternity by announcing that he would emerge world’s oldest heavyweight champion at the age trainer has now reached the age of 61, having and rival Mitchell having reached “advanced from obscurity to fight a tough and much young- of 45 when he stopped Michael Moorer to cap- competed from 1981 to 1995. He held the WBA ages”, their match would appease the boxing er American foe Trevor “The Dream” Bryan Jr in ture the WBA and IBF heavyweight belts MGM super featherweight diadem from 1981 to 1985. fans immensely. a mega-fight next month. Grand Arena in Los Angeles in 1994. He was WBA super featherweight kingpin from 1986 to 1991. Among his possessions were also “Look, I believe no fighter says no to com- Botha, who famously held the International But Thobela is not the one to be outdone by the IBF super featherweight belt that he held pete in a comeback bout, as long both are de- the “White Buffalo” in the popularity stakes of from 1991 to 1992 prior his retirement from clared medically fit to compete. So, if Botha has fighting competitively. been declared fit to come out of retirement to box again, surely myself and Brian can be given Now with Botha about to bounce back into the greenlight as well to compete. The ball is in the ring, Thobela feels himself and Mitchell jus- Boxing South Africa’s court to subject us both tifiably owe it to the boxing fans to also come to undergo a medical fitness test,” Thobela said. back from retirement and meet each other in a big fight. In fact, the fight enthusiasts called for If Thobela’s aspiration for a match-up with the Thobela- Mitchell bout when both pugilists Mitchell is anything to go by, boxing fans wil really be in for a treat whenever the fight comes to fruition.
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