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Home Explore Tools for Evangelism 2016 7.cdr

Tools for Evangelism 2016 7.cdr

Published by davidgtzg, 2016-11-18 12:02:36

Description: Tools for Evangelism 2016 7.cdr

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Global Recordings Network Tools for Evangelism

ver two-thirds of the world's people are oral communicators; they prefer to learn and Ocommunicate using oral rather than wri en methods. The mission of Global Recordings Network (GRN) is to record and distribute evangelis c messages in the languages and dialects of the least reached people groups. These messages are o en the only way that many will ever hear the good news of salva on. With the following resources, you can join GRN in con nuing the Lord's commission by taking the knowledge of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

Recordings GRN has recorded evangelical gospel messages in over 6,000 languages and dialects. Recordings vary by language and are chosen from our library of biblically based scripts. Recordings can be shared through a variety of media and can be accessed free of charge. Use these recordings to share the gospel in the heart language of an individual or group. The easiest way to listen to, download or share any GRN recording is through, and it’s also available as a free phone app. In addi on, when searching on the website you will find links to other useful materials in a par cular language such as The Jesus Film and audio Bibles. Simply search for a recording by country or language name. GRN can provide you with 5fish business cards to share with those you meet.

CDs/CD Rack One way to share GRN recordings is on a CD. GRN can burn and label CDs for you in any of the over 6,000 languages available. GRN can provide a CD rack to churches, clinics, ministries and organiza ons. Each rack holds up to 12 of the most common languages found in your area.

SD/Micro SD Cards/Flash Drives Cell phones have reached the most undeveloped areas of the world. Many of these phones are equipped with SD cards. GRN can load mul ple recordings on one card. SD cards are one of the easiest ways to bring the story of Christ into closed countries or to share with those without internet.

Audio Players The Saber Player is an mp3 audio player with both a 1 gigabyte onboard memory and SD card capabili es. It can be charged through electricity or hand-cranking and has a speaker volume great enough to reach a large group of people. You can also purchase smaller, solar powered devices. Each of the devices can be loaded with a variety of audio material used for evangelism and discipleship.

Flip Charts GRN offers pocket booklets, handheld books and extra-large flip charts that are the perfect complement to the Good News, Look, Listen and Live, and The Living Christ series. These flip charts, combined with a Saber player loaded with recordings, is an effec ve tool on the mission field.

Wildlife STORYTELLERS The Wildlife STORYTELLERS have been designed to bring comfort to children and adults who have experienced trauma. This high quality plush animal has a special pocket that holds a portable, solar powered audio device. This player can be loaded with Biblical stories and evangelis c messages in the language of the recipient. Wildlife STORYTELLERS are an effec ve tool in refugee camps, orphanages, special needs clinics and with the elderly.

BibleBox With cell phones being used in even the remotest parts of the earth, you can give individuals access to Chris an materials (Bibles, recordings, films, music) anywhere and any me. The BibleBox is a portable wifi router which provides anyone with wifi enabled devices access to digital resources made available on the a ached USB drive. Once connected to the BibleBox wifi network, a user can open their web browser and freely access files. There is no login necessary and no user informa on is stored. The BibleBox is a special order item that can be configured to meet your specific needs.

Pico Projector Share audio-visual resources in a jungle village or an office se ng with this pocket sized LED projector. Light weight and easy to carry, the Pico Projector comes equipped with 90 minute ba ery life, 125 lumens, media player, and mini-HDMI connec on. It is perfect for sharing audio-visual GRN recordings and The Jesus Film. The Pico Projector is a special order item that can be configured to meet your specific needs.

Place Your Order Contact us for current cost of materials, to place an order, or to donate toward the distribu on of materials. GRN Orders 951.719.1650/888.444.7872 Email [email protected] Web Learn more about GRN at Or (interna onal site) Mail 41823 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92590

Global Recordings Network 41823 Enterprise Circle N. Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92590 1.888.444.7872 M I S S I O N E X U S

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