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Published by asakriyakc, 2021-07-20 05:46:53

Description: SCIENCE


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4. What is the carrying capacity of the earth?  The development activities which can be held by the earth is called its carrying capacity. SUM M ARY ” The environment is the surrounding that includes physical, biological and socio– cultural aspects. ” Biodiversity of a place is determined by genes, species and the ecosystem. ” Biodiversity can be classified into the genetic diversity, species diversity and the ecosystem diversity. ” There are 118 different types of ecosystems in Nepal. ” Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs. ” Sustainable development contributes to economic and social development. ” All living beings are the integral parts of the nature. ” A healthy habitat, a balanced diet, health services, employment security a peaceful environment, quality education are some of the elements of a sustainable society. ” The exploitation of resources should be within the limit of the carrying capacity of the earth. ” Sustainable development has the following importance. i. Sustainable development helps to use the natural resources in limited amount: ii. Sustainable development makes the boundary of development: Sustainable development iii. Sustainable development makes people responsible: iv. Sustainable development helps development with public participation: v. Sustainable development helps to develop the basic needs of people: vi. Sustainable development helps people for long term thinking: Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks. (a) The environment includes ………., ………… and ……………….. aspects. Environment and sustainable Development 297

(b) ………….. the hereditary unit. (c) The group of organisms which can freely interbreed with each other is called ………………………… (d) Dogs and cats are of …….species. (e) Grassland is a …………… ecosystem. (f) …………….. development helps people for long term thinking (g) There are …………… different types of ecosystems in Nepal. 2. Write down true for correct and false for incorrect statements. (a) Living beings get their needs from the non-living world only. (b) Biodiversity shows the variation of species. (c) Children of the same parents are different due to the genetic diversity. (d) Ecosystem should be always large. (e) Sustainable development sustains development activities. (f) Sustainable development makes people accountable towards the nature. (g) Even unskilled people can contribute to sustainable development. (h) Sustainable development has a short vision. 3. Write short note on: (a) Environment (b) Wetland (c) Biodiversity (d) Carrying capacity (e) Genes (f) Principles of sustainable development (g) Species (h) Conservation of ecosystem (i) Ecosystem (j) Skilled human resource. 4. Short Answer Questions (a) What is biodiversity? (b) What is genetic diversity? (c) How is the species diversity related with biodiversity? (d) Which factors determine the ecosystem diversity? (e) How does sustainable development limit development activities? (f) List the principles of sustainable development. (g) Why is sustainable development called long lasting development? 298 New Creative Science and Environment Book - 8

5. Long Answer Questions. (a) What is biodiversity? Explain its types. (b) What is sustainable development? What are its principles? Explain briefly. (c) What will happen if principles of sustainable development are not followed? Write down the effects. (d) Write a short note on ecosystem diversity. (e) \"Sustainable development fulfils the needs of the present as well as the future generation\". Justify it. (f) Sustainable development acts as a bridge between the present and the future generation, how? (g) Explain briefly conservation of cultural heritages and development of human resource as principles of sustainable development. G lo ssa ry Bi diversit - di erent inds ivin r anis s et and - s a p area r area vered ith ater - eara e r that an run r a n e Sustaina e - isuse r usin are ess p ita n Environment and sustainable Development 299

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