Calculus Legal Costs Holdings Limited Tel: 01704 508 240Rufford House Efax: 00 44 1704 337 11852 Bath Street Email: [email protected] PR9 0DH Web:
Contents4................. W elcome7................. About us8................. How we work11............... Why choose Calculus?12............... Our values14............... Our team19............... Contact usCalculus LEGAL COSTS HOLDINGS LTD 3
Welcome to Calculus Legal Costs Holdings LtdWe are a specialist, professional provider of bill drafting, costs negotiation and advocacy,delivered with a market leading service to law firms across the UK.John Hayes, founder and Managing Director Valued by our clients for our collaborativeestablished our company in 2003. Together working style, we provide you with awith his experienced team he brings years true partnership and will help move yourof technical acumen and experience to an business to a winning position.industry in constant change. We recognise and promote opportunitiesOur primary focus is achieving optimum for growth through innovative partnershipsresults for our clients on time, every and have built effective workingtime. We are confident in our approach relationships with solicitors, funders andand ensure that we are at the forefront business consultants in order to secure newof understanding the ever changing sources of work and develop the network ofregulatory environment. We maintain the our business partners.highest professional standards at all times,maximising costs recovery, speeding up cashflow and ensuring that our clients legitimateentitlement to costs is preserved.4
Justin Goodman — Legal Director at Enable Law “Calculus are always my first choice costs services provider. They ensure the quality of advice and service isexcellent throughout the whole costs recovery process from initial instruction to drafting, negotiation and recovery.”6
About UsHow we started Our expertiseAfter 18 years of working in the generalinsurance arena and having held roles which From the outset, we have only recruitedincluded a responsibility for a claims budget the very best people and provided themof £50 million, John noticed a gap in the with cutting edge training. Our advocatesmarket place for costs and Calculus was born. are highly skilled technicians, who have a strong grasp of the issues which are likely toHis focus and determination has allowed impact upon costs recovery. We recognisethe company to expand and we now the need to retain a balanced approachinclude a number of top legal 500 firms which promotes positive cash flow withoutwithin our client base. undermining the integrity of the result. Our proactive management of the costs phases ensures we keep your cases firmly on track. 7
How we workWorking exclusively with claimant solicitor Our service offering includes;firms, we undertake all aspects of civil • Retainer Advice litigation recovery and are recognised as • Cost Budgetingspecialists in the serious injury and medical • Effective Cost Capturenegligence arena. • File Audits • Drawing The BillWe will tailor our approach to meet your • Negotiationindividual needs and we will take the • Advocacytime at the outset of our relationship and • Trainingthroughout to ensure our approach is • Consultancyaligned to your specific and / or strategicobjectives. Our focus is to achieve theoptimum level of costs recovery within theshortest possible timeframe.We will help you to strengthen and developyour team’s performance by providingsensitive and constructive feedback and toreinforce best practice techniques to aid indelivering improved results.8
We increase average profit costs per case.By maximising costs recovery we have a positive impact on your bottom line.
Why choose Calculus?Having contested hundreds of cases and Our dedicated team understand the issueswon over 95% of the provisional / detailed relating to costs litigation and is determinedassessments that we have undertaken, to deliver the best possible results, givingwe are confident that our approach is you peace of mind that the optimumwatertight and that our work will stand up to outcome will be obtained.scrutiny at the highest level. We have worked across the profession toWe pride ourselves in the relationships ensure that, as a partner organisation, wewe have built with clients and external are fully compliant with the General Datasuppliers. To ensure that we have accurate Protection Regulations.and up to date information we alwaysconsult all relevant experts.We leave no stone unturned in our pursuit forenhanced profit.With our technical acumen and wealth of expertisewe endeavour to achieve optimum results. 11
Our valuesExcellence TeamworkTo deliver the best result, on time, every We work in true partnership and our clientstime and be outstanding in all that we do become part of our team as we hope to befor our clients. recognised as an integral part of their team.Transparency TrustBeing open, honest and accessible at alltimes, whilst maintaining the highest ethical Building trusted relationships by workingstandards. closely with you. Offering personalised support, aiming to provide total peace of mindIntegrity that we will do all we can to achieve the bestWe take great pride in the excellent possible outcome for you and your clients.reputation we have built, always acting withintegrity and professionalism with clients,staff and third parties.InnovationWe actively work with our clients tounderstand their needs and requirementsin an ever changing market. We embraceinnovation as a means of developing ourbusiness, people and processes to set usapart from the rest. Best practice is alwaysat the forefront of our minds.12
Supporting charitable causesAt Calculus we believe in giving something back.We are proud to support a number of charities and help raise awareness of the great work beingdone to provide support, information and services to those that need it.We are always happy to talk to you about ways we can help to make a difference. 13
Our teamJOHN HAYES JON CAPEMANAGING DIRECTOR TECHNICAL [email protected] [email protected]: 07966 969 761 Tel: 01704 508 240John is a strong business leader with over Jon helped found Calculus back in 2003,25 years’ experience of managing customer having worked with John Hayes in arelationships in a blue chip environment. previous role at a North West based firm ofHis primary focus is to ensure that the Costs Draftsman. Jon is a qualified Costscompany meets customer expectations on a Lawyer and brings with him over 15 years’consistent basis. He has a particular interest experience of working in the legal costsin complex clinical negligence claims and is industry. In that time he has representedpassionate about securing the highest level hundreds of clients at various costs hearingsof profit costs for his clients. and has advised on a broad range of issues and cases - including cases that have goneAway from the office John is a competitive all the way to the House of Lords / Supremedinghy sailor, a keen snowboarder and an Court. Jon has a keen eye for detail and isaverage golfer. He enjoys food and wine driven to provide the highest standards ofand travelling whenever time permits. quality and service at all times. Away from the office Jon is a keen sportsman although the demands of his family, particularly his two young children, mean that these days he tends to view rather than participate. Jon does however occasionally find time to play golf and somehow maintains a six handicap.14
MARK FARRELL LISA JACKSONCLIENT SERVICES DIRECTOR OFFICE [email protected] [email protected]: 07506 222 002 Tel: 01704 508 240Mark joined Calculus in June 2017 and hasbrought a wealth of experience having Following an extensive career in Americaheld senior management roles at RSA, and Spain within the Life Settlement industryAon, Capita Insurance Services and Hilary Lisa joined the Calculus team in SeptemberMeredith Solicitors. 2013 and has since played an instrumental role in developing the business. Her primaryHe has worked for both Defendant and focus is ensuring customer service levels areClaimant Law firms and has an excellent maintained at the highest level across allunderstanding of the litigation process and aspects of the therefore well placed to understand themany challenges faced by claimant law firms. Lisa’s administrative background lends itself well to the smooth integration andMark has a strong strategic and operational management of new and existing processes,background and has developed a large with a keen focus on consistently deliveringnetwork of trusted partners during his time excellent results. She is often the key liaisonin the profession and as a result he is able to point for new and existing clients and sheadvise clients on a variety of business solutions. excels at building strong relationships.Away from the office Mark is a qualified On a day to day basis Lisa has significantfootball coach and a keen surfer. involvement in all aspects of the business. Away from the office Lisa is a keen runner having successfully completed two marathons. 15
KRISSI FLETCHERBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT [email protected]: 07809 608 692Krissi joined Calculus in October 2017and brings 11 years’ experience withinthe personal injury sector. She is highlymotivated to achieve growth and provideexceptional customer service. Her key focusis building strong working relationshipswith like-minded individuals and supportingclients at all stages of the process frominception to completion.In 2014 Krissi was awarded ‘OperationsManager of the Year’ at the Personal InjuryAwards. It was highlighted that she wasa perfectionist who would always go theextra mile for her clients, operating withinstrict deadlines.In 2016 she achieved ‘Highly Commended’as a Business Development Professional inthe Personal Injury arena, having createda vast number of new connections andensuring all clients’ needs were met.Away from the office Krissi likes riding herhorse Tilly and spending time with herhusband and two sons.16
Sandra Patton — Head of Medical Injury, Ashtons Legal“Calculus dealt with this case in an exemplary fashion;from preparation of the bill through to detailedassessment. They consistently provide me with a highquality costs service. Knowledgeable; efficient; robust…I really cannot sing their praises highly enough.”
Justina Molloy — Partner at MW Solicitors“Calculus are my go-to costs draftsman. Wehave achieved excellent results time after time.Everyone in the team is a pleasure to dealwith; their knowledge, experienceand attention to detail areoutstanding.”
Contact usIf you would like to discuss our services and how they can be tailored to meet your needs, orhave any questions about what we do, please get in touch. We truly believe you won’t look back. Calculus Legal Costs Holdings Limited Rufford House 52 Bath Street Southport PR9 0DH Tel: 01704 508 240 Efax: 00 44 1704 337 118 Email: [email protected] 19
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