Country Profile ALGERIA O f f ic ia l N a me : People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria C a p it a l: Algiers. P o p ula t io n: 40 606 052 Inhabitants. Ar e a : 2 381 740 Sq km. P o lit ic a l s ys t e m: Présidential. O f f ic ia l la ng ua g e : Arabic, Tamazight. B us i ne s s la ng ua g e : French and Arabic are generaly used in business, However some companies use English M a i n c it ie s : Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Tlemcen, Sétif N a t io na l C ur r e nc y : Algerian Dinar (DZD). DZD Indicative Rate (25/02/2018) G DP: USD159,05 Billion GDP by sector: G DP Per Cap it a: USD 3 917 Agriculture: 13,3 % 1 USD = 114,838 DZD 1 DZD = 0,00870792 USD G DP G ro wth : 3,3 % Industry: 37,8 % 1 EUR = 141,177 DZD I nf lat ion R at e : 6,4 % Services: 48,9 % 1 DZD = 0,00708326 EUR 1 CNY = 18,1370 DZD 1 DZD = 0,0551359 CNY Trade exchanges between Algeria and the World in 2017 Exports Imports USD34 763 Million USD45 957 Million Main products exported to the world Tubs, pipes , iron and steel profiles Elictrical apparatus for phone or line telegraphy Hydrocarbons/Gas Sugar and other food-processing products Solvent-Naphta Iron or Steel semi-finished products Ammoniac Premium gasoline « Super» Fertilizers Steel frames Helium Maize Methanol (alcohol methyl) Gasoline Sugar Gas-oil Natural Calcium Phosphate Dates. Flat and tempered glass Washing machines Benzene Main products imported from the world wheat and Meslin Motor cars Medicines Poudered milk
Who are we? The National Agen- cy for the Promo- tion of Foreign Trade (ALGEX) has the mission of contribu- ting, under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade, in the develop- ment of Algerian non-oil exports. Our teams provide Algerian enterprises with advice and in- formation on the public apparatus for export support, the in- ternational trade regulations and business opportunities, in order to help them prepare their access to foreign markets, particularly through its reception and counseling unit Expor- ter’s House». To increase the visibility of the Algerian offer internationally, ALGEX contributes in the promotion of the Algerian products, through the support of Algerian companies in international trade fairs. ALGEX offers also to Algerian enterprises contacts and busi- ness matching with foreign importers to develop their trade relations and find foreign markets for their products. ALGEX has also the mission of the identifying Algerian com- panies with the potential and capacity which allow them to develop internationally, encouraging them to be orientated towards foreign markets and supporting them on their ex- port routes.
MEWA SCHOOL SARL DISHES Contact : MrSOUFEL Tel : 00213 (0)550 48 51 51 Mob : 0550 48 51 51 E-mail : [email protected] Adresse : Z I Ilot 03 N° 10 Ouled Tlelat Oran CHAMIA QODS SNC Tel : 00213(0) Mob : CONFECTIONERY Mob : 00213(0)770 Contact : Mr ABOULKACEM Fax : 00213(0)25 25 1551 21 28 43 09 0560 00 05 91/92 AddressRoute Fax :00213(0)21 28 04 33 E-mail : [email protected] Adresse : Coopérative J8 N°44, Jolie-Vue, Kouba ALGER EL SABAH SARL OLIVE Contact : MR BOUTRIK Ouahid 77 09 47 E-mail :[email protected] de Hamam Melouane zone urbaine Bougara BLIDA
ANABIB EPE SPA STEELPRODUCTS Contact : Mr MOALI Ahcen Tel : 85 10 Mob : 0770 41 13 Fax : 85 10 E-mail : [email protected] Adresse : BP 131 Route de la gare Réghaia WIISSO ALGERIE EURL COSMETIC PRODUCTS Tel 0560 47 92 70 E- Contact : Mme BABAR Nesma Mob : 0560479270 mail : [email protected] Adresse : 59 Zone D'acitvité Ain Smara Constantine
Address : Route nationale n°05 El-Mohammadia- ALGER -Algérie Phone : 00213 (0) 21 52 12 10/52 15 71 Fax : 00213 (0) 21 52 11 26/52 14 85 E-mail : [email protected] Site web:
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