Reports Tacera Print/Save Reports Reports generated in Tacera can be printed or saved to your computer. 1 On the Reports screen, click Preview. The Report Viewer dialog-box appears 2 Use the navigation and viewing options to view the report. Figure 2-37 The Reports Viewer dialog-box 3 Click the Save button to save the report in the following file formats: • PDF • HTML • Single Sheet XLS • CSV • RTF 4 You may also click Print to select the print options and print the report. 5 Close the Report Viewer dialog-box.50 July 17, 2014 Chapter 2: Tacera Functionality
SETTINGS 3 The Settings menu facilitates administrative functions as well as GUI configurations. These functions are usually performed by the administrator or a senior staff member.Austco July 17, 2014 51
Overview Tacera Overview Administrative functions are located under the Settings menu. While most of the site configuration is done in the separate IP Connect Site Configuration application (see the Tacera Configuration Guide for details), some administrative functions can only be performed in the Settings section of Tacera. 1 On the Tacera window, use to navigate through the menu items. 2 Click . The Settings screen appears. Figure 3-1 The Settings screen 3 Select a configuration option: • Devices Configuration - add or modify devices. See “Device Configuration” on page 54. • Contacts Configuration - add or modify contacts. See “Contacts Configuration” on page 58. • Speed Dial / PA Configuration - helps you set up the Speed Dial and PA group details using the same interface, See “Speed Dial and PA Configuration” on page 61. • Display Assignment - assign annunciators to areas and priority levels. See “Display Assignment” on page 62. • Preset Messages - add Preset messages, especially for Public Address (PA) announcement you send regularly (i.e. visiting hours). See “Preset Messages” on page 64. • Profiles Configuration - helps you define many different user environments. See “Profiles Configuration” on page 66. • Connection Parameters - define the server IP address that the client GUI connects to. See “Connection Parameters” on page 68. • Date/Time Settings - modify the date and time settings for the local Tacera GUI. See “Date/Time Settings” on page 70.52 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Overview • Location Name Display - define the location display messages for the local Tacera GUI. See “Location Settings” on page 71. • Telephone Settings - define the Telephone Settings for connected SIP sessions. See “Telephone Settings” on page 72. • Language Selection - select the language for the user interface. See “Language Selection” on page 74.Austco July 17, 2014 53
Device Configuration Tacera Device Configuration Devices are the pagers and telephones used to receive messages and alarms from Tacera. These are defined during configuration, but can also be set up in the Device section. Viewing the Devices Configuration 1 On the Settings screen, click Devices Configuration. The Device Configuration screen appears. 2 All available devices configured for the site are displayed. To see only one type of device, select the type from the Device Filter list. The number in brackets identifies how many devices of that type are available. Figure 3-2 The Device Configuration screen 3 You may add new devices or edit the details. See “Adding New Devices” on page 55. 4 To remove a device, select that device from the Devices list and click Delete. A confirmation message appears. 5 Click Yes. The Device is deleted. Warning This action is permanent and cannot be undone. 6 Click Back to return to the Settings screen.54 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Device Configuration Adding New Devices 1 On the Devices Configuration screen, click New. The Device Editor dialog-box appears. Figure 3-3 The Device Editor dialog-box Tip 2 Select the Device Type from the list. The available fields depend on If you use a touch the selected device. To automatically create a contact associated with screen monitor, the device, select the Auto-Generate Contact(s) check box. you may click Keyboard to bring 3 Enter Device information. up the on-screen For pagers, define: keyboard. a Protocol b Device NameNote c Pager Number The Auto-Generate Contacts and Bulk • PagerBase IP (For Ethernet pagers) Create features are • Pager Capcode only available when For telephones, define: creating new a Device Name devices and are not b Phone Number accessible when For Email, define: editing existing a Device Name devices. b Email AddressAustco July 17, 2014 55
Device Configuration Tacera For SMS, define: a Device Name b Phone Number For Cisco Phones, define: a Device Name b Phone Number For SpectraLink Phones, define: a Device Name b Phone Number For Vocera badges, define: a Protocol b Device Name c Member ID[:Site Name] d Vocera Server IP 4 Select the Send Call Resets check box to send a cancel message to the device when the call is cancelled (from the callpoint). This option is available for the following services: • Pagers • Telephones • Cisco Phones • Email and • SMS 5 To create multiple devices of this type: a Select the number from the Bulk Create list. b Click Bulk Create. A confirmation message appears. c Click Yes. The Edit Bulk Devices dialog-box appears. Edit the auto-generated information for each device: Figure 3-4 The Edit Bulk Devices dialog-box56 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Device Configuration d Select a Name from the list. The device’s information appears in the fields on the right. e Enter a new Name and Number for the device. By default, the Name is the name of the device that you enter on the Add Device screen, followed by an incremental number. The contact number is the same for all devices created in bulk. f Click Update to save your changes before adding information for the next device in the list. g Repeat for all added devices. 6 Click OK. The device or devices are added to the Devices list. 7 Repeat for all required devices.Austco July 17, 2014 57
Contacts Configuration Tacera Contacts Configuration The administrator or a senior staff member is responsible for creating contacts (staff members), and assigning them to shifts and notification levels. All contacts to which a device is assigned or who need to be available for messaging should be created in Tacera. Viewing the Contacts Configuration 1 On the Settings screen, click Contacts Configuration. The Contacts Configuration screen appears. Figure 3-5 The Contacts Configuration screen 2 You may add new contacts or edit the details. See “Creating Contacts” on page 59. 3 To remove a contact, select the contact from the list and click Delete. A confirmation message appears. 4 Click Yes. The contact is deleted. Warning This action is permanent and cannot be undone. 5 Click Back to return to the Settings screen.58 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Contacts Configuration Creating Contacts 1 On the Contacts Configuration page, click New. The Contact Editor dialog-box appears. Figure 3-6 The Contact Editor dialog-box 2 Enter Contact Name and click Apply. Contact names are used to send messages and for call assignments. This name can be generic to a staff position or specific to a particular device (i.e. Day Staff 1, Pager 2, Nurse Kent Pager). The contact is added to the Current Contact list. 3 If the contact created is a group, you need to assign contacts to the group. See “Assigning Contacts to a Group” below. 4 Select the Available Devices from the list. The Assign button is enabled. Caution Devices must be created before you can assign them to contacts. See “Adding New Devices” on page 55. 5 Click Assign. 6 Click OK. The contact is added to the Contacts list. 7 Repeat for all contacts. 8 To delete contacts, select them from the Contact Name list and click Delete. A confirmation message appears.Austco July 17, 2014 59
Contacts Configuration Tacera Tip 9 Click Yes. The Contact is deleted. To remove assigned devices Assigning Contacts to a Group or contacts, select them and click A contact group allows you to define a list of people that can be contacted Remove. at once. For example, the contact group Emergency could have all available contacts (and their devices) assigned to it. 1 On the Contact Editor screen, select a Contact group from the list. 2 Select Available Contacts from the list. The Assign button is enabled. 3 Click Assign. 4 Repeat for all contacts in this group. Note When you assign a contact, all devices assigned to that contact automatically follow. You may assign the same contact to multiple groups.60 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Speed Dial and PA Configuration Speed Dial and PA Configuration Speed dial and Public Address (PA) configuration may be performed from the same screen. To set this up: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Speed Dial / PA Configuration. Figure 3-7 Speed Dial / PA Configuration 2 If you want to add a new PA group to the configuration or create a new speed dial, click New. If you want to edit already existing PA details or speed dial sets, click Edit. Note For PA, extensions of different locations are already grouped and assigned a unique extension number. In the Speed Dial / PA Configuration dialog-box, you need to enter the group extension. Figure 3-8 New/Edit Speed Dial/PA 3 In the Speed Dial / PA Configuration dialog-box, fill in the details. 4 Click OK.Austco July 17, 2014 61
Display Assignment Tacera Display Assignment Displays are configured in IP Connect Site Configuration. You need to ensure that displays are created for your site before you can assign them to a location and shift. In the Settings section, you may specify the annunciators to which an alarm is directed. You may also modify the priority notification for each display. To assign displays: 1 On the Settings screen, click Display Assignment. The Display Assignment screen appears. Figure 3-9 The Display Assignment screen 2 Select the Location from the site structure on the left. Assignments for the location are displayed. Caution Displays must have been created in IP Connect Site Config for them to be listed in the Displays list. Tip 3 Select annunciator(s) from the Displays list. To select multiple options, continue to 4 Select the Shifts from the list. click all desired 5 Select the Call Type from the Priorities list. options. To remove 6 Select the notification level from the Notifications list. An example of a selection, click it once again. The notification is defining that all the notification level 3 calls are directed blue selection bar to the annunciator closest to the nurse station, ensuring that the toggles on and off. nurses are made aware of those active calls. 7 Click Save All. A confirmation message appears.62 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Display Assignment 8 Click Yes to replace any saved assignments. An annunciator icon appears next to the selected location. 9 Repeat for all displays for all required locations.Austco July 17, 2014 63
Preset Messages Tacera Preset Messages The Preset Messages section is used to create messaging templates that can be used to quickly send a message to contacts. You can create and store messages, which are either sent regularly or only on certain emergency situations. Viewing Preset Messages 1 On the Settings screen, click Preset Messages. All existing message templates are listed. Figure 3-10 The Preset Messages screen 2 You may create new messages or edit existing ones. See “Creating New Preset Messages” below. 3 To remove a Preset Message: a Select the message from the Preset Message list and click Delete. A confirmation message appears. b Click Yes. The message template is deleted. 4 Click Back to return to the Settings screen.64 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Preset Messages Creating New Preset Messages 1 On the Preset Messages screen, click New. The Preset Message dialog-box appears. Figure 3-11 The Preset Message window 2 Add a Message Label. The label should be short but informative. 3 Type the Message Content of the field. Avoid long messages, as messages may also be sent to pagers, scrolling through long messages is time consuming for staff. Note The message content may be edited before sending. 4 Click OK. The message template is added to the Preset messages list.Austco July 17, 2014 65
Profiles Configuration Tacera Profiles Configuration Profiles define users’ work environment. You may customise profiles by selecting the Locations, Contacts, Devices, Displays and PA/Speed Dials you want to see in your profile. Having specific profiles for Nurse Stations is optional. Figure 3-12 Profile Configuration Adding a Profile To add a new profile: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Profiles Configuration. 2 Click Add. 3 Select New Profile. 4 Edit profile name in the Name text-box. 5 Click Location. Select the Locations from which you want to receive calls. Location information toggles between select and deselect on click. 6 Use forward key button to include a location in your profile. In this case the selection location(s) are moved from Available Locations to Selected Locations. 7 Use backward key button to remove a location in your profile. In this case the selection location(s) are moved from Selected Locations to Available Locations. 8 Repeat steps - 5, 6 and 7 for Contacts, Devices, Displays and Speed Dials. 9 Click Save,66 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Profiles Configuration Editing a Profile To edit a profile: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Profiles Configuration. 2 Select the Profile. 3 Follow steps 4-8, as required. 4 Click Save. Applying a Profile To apply a profile: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Profiles Configuration. 2 All the available profiles are listed under Profiles. Create a new profile, if the profile you want is not in the Profiles list. See “Adding a Profile” on page 66. 3 Edit profile, if you want to make changes to a profile listed under Profiles. See “Editing a Profile” on page 67. 4 Select the profile you want to apply and click Apply. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes. The applied profile is indicated with a green tick. Note You can apply only one profile to a Nurse Station. Removing a Profile To remove a profile: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Profiles Configuration. 2 Click Remove. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes. The profile is un-applied. Deleting a Profile Warning The profiles are stored on the server and are commonly shared with all Nurse Stations. From your Nurse Station, if you delete a profile that is being applied at another Nurse Station, then the other Nurse Station loses that profile. To delete a profile: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Profiles Configuration. 2 Click Delete. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes. The profile is deleted.Austco July 17, 2014 67
Connection Parameters Tacera Connection Parameters 1 On the Settings screen, click Connection Parameters. The Connection Parameters screen appears. Note When you change the Server Address, the application restarts immediately to take effect. Figure 3-13 The Connection Parameters screen 2 The Server Address field displays the IP address of the IP Connect Server you are currently connected to. Enter Password if you want to set password restriction for those who try to change the server address using Choose Server (see Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3) option while opening the Tacera GUI.Click Apply. Lost Connection Configuration Whenever the Nurse Station is unable to contact the IP Connect Server, then the application steps into polling mode as indicated in the following screenshot. Figure 3-14 Tacera GUI polling mode mute/unmute68 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Connection Parameters Polling is accompanied by a tone, which you can set up by performing the following steps: 1 In the Tacera GUI, go to Settings > Connection Parameters. See Figure 3-13. 2 Select the Play sound when the connection is lost check-box. 3 Click Choose a sound file. option. 4 On the Select sound file dialog-box, navigate to the sound file you want to play during polling and click Open. 5 To test the tone, click Play the chosen sound file. If you are fine with the tone, click Apply. 6 If you don’t want the sound, click the red cross, and then click Apply. Alternatively, you can leave the Play sound when the connection is lost check-box empty without selecting.Austco July 17, 2014 69
Date/Time Settings Tacera Date/Time Settings The date and time settings section is used to define how to display the current date and time on the Tacera window, and for call date, time, and durations throughout the application, for reporting, database logs, etc. To define the date and time formats: 1 On the Settings screen, click Date/Time Settings. The Date/Time Format Settings screen appears. Figure 3-15 The Date/Time Settings screen 2 Select the desired Time Format from the list. 3 Select the Short and Long Date Formats from the lists. 4 Click OK. 5 Click Back to return to the Settings screen.70 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Location Settings Location Settings The Location Name Display of the Settings section allows you to define how many location levels are included in the call alarm message-text that is displayed at various locations in the application. To define display message format 1 On the Tacera window, use to navigate through the menu items. 2 On the Settings screen, click Location Settings. The Location Settings screen appears. Figure 3-16 Location Settings screen 3 On the Location Name Display Settings section, select the levels that have to be included in the location name. On the Location Name starts from drop-down list, choosing • a positive value means you skip N nodes from root and display the rest • negative value means you include N nodes from leaf • zero means you start from root and display all levels 4 You may also define the Separator between levels. 5 Click Apply. 6 Click Back to return to the Settings screen. Note The settings made in the Location Settings applies only to the locations locally, and not to the other Nurse Stations, annunciators, or other devices.Austco July 17, 2014 71
Telephone Settings Tacera Telephone Settings The Telephone Settings section is used to define the parameters for the SIP audio used with the Tacera Nurse Station. These settings work for the Telephone dialog-box (Figure 2-6) that is used to communicate with intercoms in patient rooms or telephones throughout the site. The audio settings are usually defined in the Control panel of your Windows environment. For more information on how to configure these settings, please refer to the Audio Settings for your Windows environment. Note Make sure the Audio System is always set as portaudio. Figure 3-17 Telephone Audio Settings Successful audio configuration means that all rows of the Applied column are filled. Hands Free / Notification Settings Information about the hands free audio devices available with the Nurse Station or computer are auto-populated in the Hands Free / Notification Settings section. If there are more than one hands free audio device (both mic and speaker) available with your Nurse Station, the Tacera GUI auto-configures the details of the first device that it detects. If you want to use some other available device, you need to select from the drop-down lists corresponding to Audio System, Audio In and Audio Out. The Nurse Station detects the hands free audio devices only when the application starts. While running, when a hands-free device is unplugged, it is not removed from the Applied section and when you reconnect the device, the configuration works without any problem.72 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Telephone Settings When the Nurse Station application is running without IP-NSHS or any other third party handset configurations, if you connect IP-NSHS, it will auto configure handset settings whereas if you connect a third party handset, you need to manually configure the settings. Figure 3-18 Hands Free / Notification Settings Handset Settings If you use the Tacera Nurse Station Handset (IP-NSHS), then the device details are auto-configured and the fields are greyed out. If you are using any other USB handset, the information is populated in the Audio System, Audio In and Audio Out fields and the first detected handset info are applied. If you want to change the handset info, you need to manually choose from the drop-down lists. Figure 3-19 Handset Settings Note The auto-configuration and the function of auto-answering/ disconnecting a telephone call when the handset is lifted off/ replaced on the hook are exclusive to the Tacera Nurse Station Handset (IP-NSHS).Austco July 17, 2014 73
Language Selection Tacera Language Selection The Language Selection option is for localisation of the Tacera GUI. You may select one of the available languages to use Tacera in a different language. To select a Language for the UI: 1 On the Settings screen, click Language Selection. The Language Selection screen appears. Figure 3-20 The Language Selection screen 2 Select a language from Available Languages. 3 Click Apply. Tacera restarts. You need to log in again in the language selected.74 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
User’s Guide Support Support In case of difficulty, please contact your Reseller. All Austco Communications Resellers and technicians are factory trained, and issued a complete set of technical documentation to clarify installation and operating procedures. All Austco Communications Resellers are authorised to carry out repairs, and upgrade Austco Communications software and product hardware. We also offer the following technical support and information services: • Telephone: +61 8 9244 4499 - office hours Monday to Friday, West Australian time. • E-mail: [email protected] - provide details of the equipment model, serial number and a description of the difficulty encountered. • Write or fax: Austco Communications Systems P/L 40 O’Malley Street, Osborne Park W.A. 6017 Australia Fax: +61 8 9244 4727Austco July 17, 2014 75
Support Tacera This Page Intentionally Left Blank76 July 17, 2014 Chapter 3: Settings
IndexA DefiningActive calls 23 Call Assignments 41Activity, Site 44, 46 Date & Time Formats 70Add Filter 25 Rosters 35Adding Device Configuration 54 New Call Filters 25 Device Configuration, Viewing 54 New Devices 55 Device Editor 55 Shifts 36 Devices, Adding New 55Administrative Functions 52 Dialing an Extension 29Answering an Audio Call 19 Display Assignment 62Assigning Contacts to a Group 60 Duration Filter, Selecting 47Assigning Displays 62 EAudio Call, Answering 19 Editing Forwarded Calls 44Available Contacts 27, 29, 31, 32 Editor, Device 55B Escalations 42Bulk Create 56 FC Filter Management 25Call Assignment 40 Filter Scheduling 25Call Assignments Summary, Viewing 42 Formats, Defining the Date & Time 70Call Assignments, Defining 41 Forward 39Call Filters 19, 24 Forwarded Calls, Cancelling 40Call Filters, Adding New 25 Forwarding Messages 39Call Filters, Viewing 24 GCall History (Detailed) 44, 46 General Overview 4Calls 24 Generating Reports 45Calls, Viewing 19 Group, Assigning Contacts 60Cancelling Forwarded Calls 40 HClick to Call 20 HTML 50Configuration I Contacts 58 Installation & Configuration 7 Device 54 IP Addresses 9Contact Editor 59 IP Client, CallCare 12Contact, New 59 IP, Accessing CallCare 7Contacts Configuration, Viewing 58 Is Scheduled? 25Contacts, Available 27, 29, 31, 32 LContacts, Creating 59 Language Selection 74Creating Contacts 59 Location Filter, Selecting 49Creating New Preset Messages 65 MCSV 50 Maintenance Call 21D Manual 38Date & Time Formats, Defining 70 Manual Swing 38Date Range Filter, Selecting 46 Map 23Date/Time Settings 70 Map, Viewing 23Austco Communications 77
Index TaceraMessage History 44, 46 Call Filters 24Messages 27 Calls 19Messages, Forwarding 39 Contacts Configuration 58Messages, Preset 28 Device Configuration 54N Map 23New Contact 59 Preset Messages 64New Devices, Adding 55 Sent Messages 29O Vocera 56Overview, General 4 XP XLS 50PDF 50 XML 50Preset Messages 64Preset Messages, Creating New 65 IndexPreset Messages, Viewing 64Preview 46Priority Filter, Selecting 48RReport viewer 50Reports 44Reports, Generating 45Roster 35Rosters, Defining 35SSave 50Selecting Date Range Filter 46 Location Filter 49 Priority Filter 48 View Option 15Selection, Language 74Send Call Resets 56Send Later 28Send Now 28Sent Messages, Viewing 29Settings, Date/Time 70Shifts, Adding 36Site Activity 44, 46Support 75Suppress Maintenance Call 21Swing 38TTelephony Settings 72Time Filter 47Timeline 38UUndo forward 40VView Option, Selecting 15Viewing Call Assignments Summary 4278