newsrackSubscribe UKWA Newsletter September 2016contents NCaotniofenraelnce CmflioocrkreCmflioocrkreClick on tabs for the full story! Cmflioocrkre20SDap1sCinaroeoEyr6csmtOstUaKlyWALi‘sontgehWMwiCsetaaPrircneCesathapgoiiellu’orste MTaaxkPwiDmnroogiugtremkitcianstlgingBACKTdvhsiiirtrseaocynntedmiaoaernr’dnsastUn,. sdKtWrfaoAtceuNgsiaseetsidofnooarnlgtCrhooewncftehhraeannngcdienrgatoibsoiunksgianiennsedswuestnr-y Cmflioocrkre AsfdeiuPnndsltefuierAhio‘telpLneemmrsopc-rselesegoieWtTnnirvefasgttoaertifdalrirlEcrdnDaoohusdmmiEmarsiostLd,ntmpdIUtreiVha-eeelKcEice’lsvshWetRseneagmaYrAednagyowntceCseseeottErsvtlrnehoeOaftanentatrtgi-l’.CmflioocrkreTa2haft0eriuhse2glel0cyrrouae.vddrTferoiihergcrneneaitmtlpaalaylercontnuoadptnxnopdwsssleuiaeedrlndrtwevas-raitrcteiyaooef.nondbgrepmyinlrisogvce, er sCsmflioocrkre NsDeuwigrraraeortceuithvn’esodutipnrsuegebasStlitmpcaioeftfryn,ttmsoufsitts SoMeLfcpaLotowtnhaLgenoaecAimfsrgreUtokdberissKceerehssnWlrCiotcvLsPhApeeeaeCrawtcWeorUecdntaonKahirnttu.eehgrgrehesrl,aooAefwuuuilarlnpshistaceetfnhrrpceoiemlo’st ACasoitstntnoaoeowetxcttwiphopaioaerkrenrtokeceegtphtpeuomaaloacrvnsgectrettheemnrmi.ncnegbIamtwonFhelatlOleripihacngnReantgthiWrrdotsteniAcidnRulDtahre, T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected]
Click on tabs for the full story! UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg SponsorsNational Conference 2016This year’s UKWA National Conference took a new On day two, the landmark study Feeding London 2030direction and focussed on the changing business was launched with commentary from Tim Ward ofenvironment, strategies for growth and raising industry Transport for London (TfL), the conference heard thestandards. latest updates on infrastructure from leading property consultants and gained a glimpse into the future fromOn day one, Jade Rickman, from the CBI’s EU/UK technology specialists Simon Clark of WiseTech GlobalNegotiations Team shared the latest information and and Chris Warren of Proteus.insights into the developing post-Brexit businesslandscape, delegates enjoyed a lively presentation by Neil CEO Peter Ward commented: “My thanks go to theAshworth of Collect+ and Mark Thornton of Maginus on exceptionally high calibre speakers who provokedwhether Amazon constituted ‘Friend or Foe’ and were such thoughtful debate around some of the big issuesfascinated to hear from Clare Bottle of worldwide brand facing our industry, peers and colleagues from acrossCoca Cola how the giant corporation will drive diversity the industry who attended the event and not least toand inclusion in the supply chain workforces of the future. our valued sponsors for their support in helping UKWA deliver an informative, vibrant and forward looking National Conference 2016”.BACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
Click on tabs for the full story! UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg SponsorsLogistics is the ‘new retail’Addressing Europe’s most senior- “The ‘madness’ around meetinglevel omni-channel fulfilment and these demands is settlingdelivery event in Amsterdam, down, as retailers and logisticsUKWA CEO Peter Ward attracted providers come to terms withstrong support from delegates at costs to serve and developthe eTail DELIVERY conference for viable, effective fulfilmenthis message that ‘Logistics is the models robust returns handlingnew retail’. operations. As e-commerce sales in Europe are set toWith the rise of the big online exceed €500bn (£380.9bn) thisretailers like Amazon, ASOS and year, significantly after a yearAlibaba, customer expectations in which UK retailers took moreare changing. It’s about price, than a third of all Europeanbut it’s also about convenience, online sales, clearly e-commercespeed and delivery, putting is the new ‘normal’ and logisticslogistics at the heart of the is the new ‘retail’.”retailing process. Delegates included senior“Customers have become more representatives from Asda,demanding in terms of the Nike, Proctor & Gamble,delivery options they expect: Nespresso, Adidas, Alibaba,click & collect, next day delivery, AO and John Lewis Partnership.same day delivery and evensame hour delivery,” he says.BACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
Click on tabs for the full story! UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg SponsorsMaking Tax DigitalThe government plans to deliver a • e xtending cash basis accounting to unincorporated propertyfully digital tax service by 2020. businesses, making life simpler for landlordsThe proposed reforms are radical andwide-ranging, therefore a consultation • h ow the voluntary pay as you go arrangements announced atprocess is currently underway.iting f this year’s Budget will workHMRC has recently launched six Making Tax Digital (MTD) • c hanges to tax administration to effectively underpinconsultation documents, setting out detailed plans on how compliance with MTD and ensure a fair and proportionatethey propose to make tax digital and to simplify the tax system, penalties regimecovering: • h ow HMRC will make better use of the information they• how digital record keeping and regular updates will operate currently receive from third parties to provide a more• options to simplify tax for unincorporated businesses, transparent service for customers. including how the self-employed map accounting periods The consultation period runs to midnight Monday 7 November onto the tax year, extending cash basis accounting and 2016. reducing reporting requirements for unincorporated businesses These proposed changes will affect members’ businesses, so for further information and advice please contact us Contact usBACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
Click on tabs for the full story! UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg SponsorsSports Direct “Pay, working conditions and long term career prospectsanomaly says of staff across all levels of the industry compare veryUKWA CEO favourably with other markets and there is no doubt that the logistics industry is a dynamic place to be at the moment. It is essential that logistics attracts our brightest school and university leavers and UKWA is working hard to encourage more young people to enter the industry as a conscious career move. We will not allow the Sports Direct debacle to de-rail this progress.”Negative publicity surrounding SportsDirect’s treatment of its warehouse staff,must not be allowed to impact on thereputation of the entire logistics industry,says CEO Peter Ward. Sports Direct is ananomaly and far from typical of industryemployers in the 21st century.He comments: “While the media storm surroundingSports Direct has played to the stereotype of thelogistics industry being a poorly paid, low-skilledindustry where people spend their days beingmistreated in cold, dirty warehouses, the reality isquite the opposite.BACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
Click on tabs for the full story! UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg SponsorsWarehouse Manager CPC pilotSeptember saw the launch of the UKWA UKWA CEO Peter Ward and Peter Jones MD at LLA, believewarehouse manager CPC course at Logistics the course will set not only the UK standard, but will alsoLearning Alliance’s conference centre, where meet global standards for the future.LLA delivered the first pilot workshop to a The pilot course included attendees from Eddie Stobart,group from across the UK. Miniclipper Logistics, Henry Diaper Ltd, and RPM, who were the first to start the new standard CPC for warehouse managers in the UK. The course will be an on-going programme for anyone aspiring to become a warehouse manager or for warehouse managers looking to achieve a recognised standard and gain a qualification. Logistics Learning Alliance is also working with UKWA to provide a standard for supervisors; this course will be introduced in spring 2017. To join the programme contact us Contact usBACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
Click on tabs for the full story! UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg SponsorsProtecting Associate member Citation has highlighted a new reportworking calling on the government to take urgent action to protectmums new and expectant mothers in the workplace. In particular, increased protection against mothers and pregnant women being forced out of work. According to the Women and Equalities Committee, over the last decade the number of women leaving work due to discrimination against these groups has doubled to 54,000. The committee recommends changes to health and safety practices, including individual risk assessments, preventing discriminatory redundancies and increased protection for agency, casual and zero-hour contract workers. In the UK, it’s illegal to dismiss a woman for issues relating to having a child, however companies are able to choose redundancy for other reasons. The report says the Government has a clear responsibility to ensure that pregnancy and maternity discrimination laws and protections are better enforced and recommends action from the government within the next two years. Contact Citation, or in the first instance contact your association for more information Contact usBACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
Click on tabs for the full story! MTaaxkiDngigital SDpiorerctst PWCiloaPrtCehouse PWMrooutremkcistningg UKWA Newsletter September 20162016NCaotniofenraelnce LisRogethtisaetiilncesw Sponsors Sponsor Messages... click for further information CEO Peter WardBACK T: 020 7636 8856 E: [email protected] FORWARD
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