Phothisamphan Phitthayakhan School Thailand Education Hub International Programme Learn Art with Teacher Rengie Anciano
Introduction to Visual Arts Visual Arts: unique expressions of ideas, beliefs, experiences, and feelings presented in well- designed visual forms.
Purpose of Visual Art Ceremonial – ritual, celebration, artworks created to support worship ceremonies. Artistic Expression – artwork to express or communicate emotions, ideas, feeling, (for self-expression, to decorate or beautify objects.
Purpose of Visual Art Narrative – artworks that tell stories, describe and illustrate experiences, or communicate information, art to document important or historical events (Lange’s photography of the Depression Era) Functional – artistic objects used in everyday life (pottery, quilts, baskets, etc.)
Purpose of Visual Art Narrative – artworks that tell stories, describe and illustrate experiences, or communicate information, art to document important or historical events (Lange’s photography of the Depression Era) Functional – artistic objects used in everyday life (pottery, quilts, baskets, etc.) Persuasive – artworks that promote ideas, philosophies, or products ( advertising, marketing, propaganda, ideology, etc.)
- 2- Famous Artists In The World 1.Leonardo da Vinci 2.Michelangelo di Lodovico 3.Raffael Sanzio da Urbino 4.Sandro Botticelli 5.A van Dyck 6.Rembrandt van Rijn 7.Johannes Vermeer 8.Francisco Goya 9.Pablo Picasso 10. Auguste Rodin 11. Peter Paul Rubens 12. Salvador Dali 13. Henry Moore 14. Paul Jackson Pollock
- 3- Leonardo da Vinci Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper Mona Lisa Vitruvian f t a n The Virgin and Child Leonardo di ser Piero d a Vinci (April 15, 1452 – f t a y 2, 1519), was a n I t a l i a n polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, botanist a n d writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance m an, a m a n whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention.[ 1] He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of a l l time a n d perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.
- 4- Michelangelo di Lodovico Gallery: M ichelangelo St a t u e of D a vi d Pi et a Saint Bartholomew Sistine Chapel M ichelangelo d i Lodovic 6 f t a r c h 1475 – 18 February 1564, was a n I t a l i a n Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, a n d engineer. Two of his best-known works, the Pietà a n d David, were sculpted before he tur ned thirty. f t i c h e l a n g e l o also created two of the most i n f l u e n t i a l works i n fresco i n the history of W estern art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling a n d The Last Judgment on the a lt a r w a l l of the Sistine Chapel i n Rome. As a n architect, f tic helangelo pioneered the f t a n n e r i s t style a t the Laur entian Library. A t 74 he succeeded Antonio d a Sangallo the Younger as the architect of Saint Peter's Basilica.
Raffael Sanzio da Urbino Ga ller y Sybyl Sistine f t a d o n n a W e d d i n g of the Virgin M a d o n n a of M e a d o w Raffaello Sanzio d a Urbino April 6 or M a r c h 28, 1483 – April 6, 1520 better known simply as Raphael, was a n I t a l i a n painter a n d architect of the High Renaissance, celebrated for the perfection a n d grace of his paintings a n d drawings. Together wi t h f tichelangelo a n d Leonardo d a Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of that period. f t a n y of his works are f o u n d i n the Apostolic Palace of The Vatican.
Sandro Botticelli G a lle r y : Sandro Venus a n d S t a r s The Birth of Venus Botticelli PrimaAvera Sandro Botticelli or Il Botticello (1445 – f t a y 17,1510) was a n I t a l i a n painter of the Florentine school d u r i n g the Early Renaissance. He was born i n the city of Florence. He became a n apprentice wh e n he was a b o u t fourteen years o l d a n d i n 1462 he was apprenticed to Fra Filippo Lippi. By 1470 Botticelli h a d his o wn workshop. Botticelli never wed. Hi s p a i n ti n g s re m a ined i n the churches a n d vi l l a s for w h i c h they h a d been created. H i s wo r k h a s been seen to represent the linear grace of Early Renaissance painting, a n d The Birth of Venus a n d Primavera r a n k now a m o n g the most f a m i l i a r masterpieces of Florentine art.
Anthony van Dyk Galler y:Anthony van D y k Painting of Courtiers, 1638 Henrietta ftaria, 1688 Triple Portrait of Charles 1; Sir Anthony van Dyck (22 f t a r c h 1599 – 9 December 1641) was a Flemish Baroque artist who became the leading court painter in England. He is most famous for his portraits of King Charles I of England a n d Scotland a n d his f amily a n d court, painted wi t h a relaxed elegance t h a t was to be the d o m i n a n t influence on English portrait-painting for the next 150 years. He also painted biblical a n d mythological subjects, displayed outstanding facility as a draftsman, and was an important innovator in watercolour and etching.
Rembrandt van Rijn Gallery: Rembrandt van Rijn Belshassar’s Feast, 1636 A n a t o m y Lesson of Dr. Tulp, 1632 Archangel leaves Rembrandt van Rijn (July 15, 1606 – October 4, 1669) was a D u t c h painter and etcher. He is generally considered one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European a r t history and the most important in D u t c h history.[1] His contributions to art came in a period that historians call the D u t c h Golden Age. His reputation as an artist remained high, and for twenty years he taught nearly every important Dutch painter. Rembrandt's greatest creative triumphs are portraits of his contemporaries, self-portraits and illustrations of scenes from the Bible.
Johannes Vermeer Gallery: Johannes Vermeer Girls wi t h wine glass, 1659 M u s i c Lesson, 1662 Girls wi t h pearl earring, 1665 Johan Vermeer (31 October 1632 -16 December 1675) was a D u t c h Baroque painter who specialized i n exquisite, domestic interior scenes of m id d le class life. Vermeer worked slowly a n d wi t h great care, using bright colours, sometimes expensive pigments, wi t h a preference for cornflower blue a n d yellow. He is particularly renowned for his masterly treatment a n d use of light i n his work. Vermeer' is now acknowledged as one of the greatest painters of the Dutch Golden Age.
Francisco Goya Galler y: Francisco Goya Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes ( 3 0 f t a r c h 1746 – 16 A p r i l 1828) was a Spanish painter a n d printmaker regarded both as the last of the O l d ftasters a n d as the first of the moderns. Goya was a court painter to the Spanish Cr own a n d a chronicler of history. I n 1786, G oya was appointed painter to Charles III, a n d i n 1789 was m ade court painter to Charles IV. His portraits are notable for their disinclination to flatter. After contracting cholera a n d a h i g h fever i n 1792, Goya was left deaf, a n d he became w i t h d r a w n a n d introspective.
Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Galler y: Pablo Picasso Galler y: Pablo Picasso D o r a f t a a r a u C h a t , 1941 Boy w i t h Pipe 1 9 0 5 Three f t u s i c i a n s , 1921 Sculpture Chicago D o r a f t a a r a u C h a t , 1941 Boy w i t h Pipe 1 9 0 5 Three f t u s i c i a n s , 1921 Sculpture Chicago Pablo Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 Apr il 1973) was a Spanish PpaabinlotePric, asdsroa(u25gOh tcstombearn1,88a1n– d8 sAcpur illp1to97r.3)HweasisaoSnpeaonfisthhepamintoesr,t drer acuogghntiszmedanf,igaunrdessci unlp2to0r.tHhe- is coenentouf rthyeamrto. sHt erecisogbneizsetdkfnigouwrens i nfo2r 0ctoh-- fcoenutnudryinagrt. tHheeisCbuebstiksnt omwonvfeomr ceon-ftoaunnddingfotrhtehCeubwisitdme ovvaermieetnyt aonf dstyfoler sthe wide variety of styles embodied i n his work. Picasso experimented w i t h different embod ied in his wor kid. ePaisc. aPsicsaosseo’xspcer er iamt i veint yt emda wit h differe nt theories, theories, techniques, and nife st ed itself in numerous mteecdhinuimqsu,eisn,c laund idn gidpeaainst.inPgic, asscsuolp’tsurcer,edaratiwviintyg,maan nd ifaercshtietedctiutrsee. lHf ei nm a d e inmummeenrsoeufosrtumneesdtihurmo usg, hionuctl huids ilnifeg, mpaikni nt igngh,i msctuhleptbuerset,-kdnroawwnifniggu,rea ni nd tawrecnhtiiteetchtucreen.tuHrye amrt.a d e immensehttfpo:r//teunn.weiskitpherdoiau.ogrhg/owuikti/hPiasblloif_eP,icasso making h i m the best-known figure in twentieth century art. © N a d e n e of 0 2/ 20 1 0
Auguste Rodin Galler y: Auguste Rodin The Thinker, 1879 The Age of Bronze –Plaster The Burghers of Calais, 1884 Auguste Rodin (12 November 1840 – 17 November 1917) was a French sculptor. He is generally considered the progenitor of modern sculpture. He was schooled traditionally, a n d took a craftsman-like approach to his work, a n d desired academic recognition although he was never accepted into Paris's foremost school of art.. f t a n y of Rodin's most notable sculptures were r o u n d l y criticized d u r i n g his lifetime. But Rodin's reputation grew, such t h a t he became the preeminent French sculptor of his time Rodin remains one of the few sculptors widely known outside the visual arts community.
Peter Paul Rubens Galler y: Peter Paul Rubens I n f a n t a Isabella C l a r a Eugenia, 1566 Duk e of Lerma, 1603 Hippopotamus Hunt , 1616 Raising the Cross, 1610 Sir Peter Paul Rubens (June 28, 1577 – f t a y 30, 1640) was a prolific seventeenth- century Flemish Baroque painter, a n d used extravagant Baroque style t h a t emphasized movement, color, a n d sensuality. He is well-known for his Counter- Reformation altarpieces, portraits, landscapes, a n d history paintings of mythological a n d allegorical subjects. His commissioned works were mostly religious subjects, \"history\" paintings, wh i c h included mythological subjects, a n d h u n t scenes. His fondness of p a i n t i n g f ull-f igured women gave rise to the terms 'Rubensian' or 'Rubenesque' for plus-sized women.
- 14 - Salvador Dali Gallery: Salvador Dali The Persistence of f t e m o r y Sculpture of The Persistence of f t e m o r y Discovery of America Christopher Columbus Salvador D a l í i Domènech ( M a y 11,1904 – January 23, 1989) was a prominent Spanish C a t a l a n surrealist painter born i n Figueres. D a l í was a skilled draf tsman, best k n o wn for the striking a n d bizarre images i n his surrealist work. His painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters. His best-known work, The Persistence of ftemory, was completed i n 1931. Dalí's expansive artistic repertoire includes film, sculpture, a n d photography, i n collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media. Dalí was highly imaginative!
- 15 - Henry Moore Galler y: Henry Moore Family Group, 1950 Reclining Figure, 1951 Chac M o o l stone statue Henry Spencer Moore ( 3 0 July 1898 – 31 A u g u s t 1986) was a n English sculptor a n d artist. He was best k n o w n for h i s abstract m o n u m e n t a l bronze sculptures which are located a ro u n d the world as public works of art. His forms are usually abstractions of the h u m a n figure, typically depicting mother-and-child or reclining figures. He fulfilled large-scale commissions whic h m ade h i m exceptionally wealthy. Yet he lived frugally a n d most of the money he earned went towards endowing the Henry ftoore Foundation.
Paul Jackson Pollock Galler y: Paul Jackson Pollock N o 5,. 194 Num ber 1,1950 F u l l Fathom, 1947 Green Silver, 1949 Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11,1956) was a n influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. Dur ing his lifetime, Pollock enjoyed considerable fame a n d notoriety. He began painting with his canvases l a i d out on the studio floor, a n d he developed wh a t was later called his \"drip\" technique. He used hardened brushes, sticks, a n d even basting syringes as p a i n t applicators. Pollock's technique of pouring and dripping p a i n t is t h o u g ht to be one of the origins of the term action painting. He died at the age of 44 i n a n alcohol-related, single-car crash.
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