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Home Explore idiomatic expression

idiomatic expression

Published by Kanya Panjapanidkul, 2021-10-16 09:15:25

Description: idiomatic expression


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สำนวน (Idiomatic Expression) เรียบเรยี งโดย อ. กญั ญา ปญั จพาณชิ ย์กลุ Mini-Lesson 1: Idiomatic Expression get on ______________________ get off ______________________ put on ______________________ take off ______________________ turn on ______________________ turn off ______________________ call up ______________________ right away ______________________ pick up ______________________ at once ______________________ get up ______________________ at first ______________________ Mini-Lesson 1: Test 1 Direction: Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary items. 1. He arises at the same time every day. (______________________) 2. He telephoned me every day very late last night. (______________________) 3. Helen said that she was going to mail the letter immediately. (______________________) 4. Be sure to extinguish the light before you leave the room. (______________________) 5. Helen placed on herself her new hat. (______________________) 6. Remove you overcoat and sit down a few minutes. (______________________) 7. Originally, I thought it was John who was calling me. (______________________) 8. The bus was so crowded that we had difficult in leaving. (______________________) 9. We boarded the bus at Broadway and 79th Street. (______________________) 10. John took with his fingers the pencil. (______________________)

สำนวน (Idiomatic Expression) เรียบเรยี งโดย อ. กัญญา ปญั จพาณชิ ย์กลุ Mini-Lesson 2: Idiomatic Expression wait for ______________________ at last ______________________ as usual ______________________ find out ______________________ look at ______________________ look for ______________________ all right ______________________ right here ______________________ right there ______________________ right now ______________________ little by little ______________________ tired on ______________________ call on ______________________ never mind ______________________ Mini-Lesson 2: Test 2 Direction: Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary items. 1. Mary is seeking the pocketbook which she lost yesterday. (______________________) 2. As away, John is late again for the lesson. (______________________) 3. Did you discover what his name was? (______________________) 4. I am extremely tired after all that physical exercise today. (______________________) 5. He said that would wait for us exactly here on this corner. (______________________) 6. Some old friends of my fathers visited us last night. (______________________) 7. Gradually, his English seems to be getting better. (______________________) 8. They are waiting their brother who is arriving tonight. (______________________) 9. We waited and waited and finally, he arrived. (______________________) 10. He said that it would be satisfactory for us to call again later. (______________________)

สำนวน (Idiomatic Expression) เรยี บเรียงโดย อ. กัญญา ปญั จพาณชิ ย์กลุ Mini-Lesson 3: Idiomatic Expression pick up ______________________ take one’s time ______________________ talk over ______________________ lie down ______________________ stand up ______________________ sit down ______________________ all day long ______________________ by oneself ______________________ on purpose ______________________ get along ______________________ make no different ______________________ take out ______________________ Mini-Lesson 3: Test 3 Direction: Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary items. 1. I don’t like to go to the movies alone. (______________________) 2. Suddenly, the man removed a revolver from his pocket. (______________________) 3. We discussed his plan for several hours. (______________________) 4. I always like to recline for a half-hour or after lunch. (______________________) 5. It is always difficult for me to select a good present for my wife. (______________________) 6. John always works leisurely in everything that he does. (______________________) 7. How is Marie doing in her new French Class? (______________________) 8. It is of little importance to him whether he passes his English examination or not. (______________________) 9. I am sure that he didn’t leave that cigarette there intentionally. (______________________) 10. We spent the entire day looking for a new apartment. (______________________)

สำนวน (Idiomatic Expression) เรยี บเรยี งโดย อ. กญั ญา ปญั จพาณิชย์กลุ Mini-Lesson 4: Idiomatic Expression take part ______________________ at all, not at all ______________________ look up ______________________ wait on (upon) ______________________ at least ______________________ so far ______________________ take a walk ______________________ take a seat ______________________ try on ______________________ think over ______________________ take place ______________________ put away ______________________ Mini-Lesson 4: Test 4 Direction: Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary items. 1. You will have to search for his number in the telephone book. (______________________) 2. He asked me to come in and sit down. (______________________) 3. The accident occurred on the corner of 86th Street. (______________________) 4. I will consider your plan and give you an answer next week. (______________________) 5. The pitcher didn’t feel well enough to participle in the game. (______________________) 6. Up to the present, we have enjoyed our trip very much. (______________________) 7. He doesn’t speak English to any degree. (______________________) 8. The mother said to the child, “you have played long enough you’re your toys. Now please return them to their proper place. (______________________) 9. Did a young man or young woman attend to you in that store? (______________________) 10. The salesman said to me, “Please test this coat just for size.” (______________________) 11. You ought to spend two hours as a minimum in the fresh air. (______________________) 12. In the evening, we promenaded down fifth Avenue. (______________________)

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