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Home Explore Catalog Alkes Bali 2022

Catalog Alkes Bali 2022

Published by Reffly Muhammad Putra, 2022-08-22 16:17:05

Description: Catalog Alkes Bali 2022


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PT. PYRIDAM FARMA TBK Company Information Pyridam Farma has more than 40 years of Business Experience and has complete product range for all segments, from unbranded generic drugs, branded generics up to licensed product. Our products have met the Good Manufacturing Process Standard (GMP) and International Level & Requirement. Pyridam Farma has evolved into an innovative and competitive company that provides various services for Pharmaceutical Toll Manufacturing. We are currently a strategic partner and leading manufacturing company in supplements & vitamins for several leading national companies, through our Toll Manufacturing services. Pyridam Farma offers solutions for better cooperation through Marketing Authorization Holders, Registrations, Importation and Co-Marketing. Certification CGMP, ISO 9001:2015, HALAL Pictures and Product Information LIVATOR 20 PYFAROS 10 PYFAROS 20 ATORVASTIN 20 Contacts Rudy Kuncoro Product Manager +628176700745 [email protected] The 2nd Technofarmalkes 2022 : Progressing Step to Achieve National Resilience in Pharma and Medical Device 50

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk EPIRUBICIN is a chemotherapy for breast cancer, VINCRISTINE is a chemotherapy for various cancer malignant sarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma condition such acute leukemia, Hodgkin & non-Hodgkin COMPANY INFORMATION lymphoma, neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, & Kalbe expands its business interests and transformed itself to become a provider of an integrated healthcare solution osteosarcoma through its 4 business divisions: the Prescription Pharmaceutical Division, Consumer Health Division, Nutritionals Division and Distribution and Logistics Division. Kalbe Farma has established research & development activities in NUTRICAN is a spesific nutrition formulation for cancer, generic drug formulation and continuous development of innovative products. Through strategic alliances with international partners, Kalbe have also started to support successful research & development venture working on contains high protein, 11 vitamins, 7 minerals, a source of REXTA is a chemotherapy for colorectal cancer cancer drugs, stem cells and biotechnology research. fiber To support government program \"Healthcare Resiliency in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device\", Kalbe has switched import products to own manufacture, especially in oncology portfolio Certification CPOB, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, Halal, TPM excellent category A, PQ WHO Pictures and Product Information DOXORUBICIN is a chemotherapy for Acute leukemia, PACLITAXEL is a chemotherapy for breast, ovary & lung TAMOFEN is a hormonal therapy for breast cancer Carboplatin is a chemotherapy for Advanced ovarian Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma, soft tissue and bone cancer carcinoma, NSCLC & SCLC, squamous cell carcinoma of sarcomas, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, the head and neck, advanced transitional cell carcinoma of transitional cell bladder carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma, lung the bladder, carcinoma of the cervix. cancer, gastric carcinoma, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The 2nd Technofarmalkes 2022 : Progressing Step to Achieve National Resilience in Pharma and Medical Device GEMCIKAL (Gemcitabine) is a chemotherapy for breast, BREXEL (Docetaxel) is a chemotherapy for breast, ovary & ovary , pacreatic, bladder cancer & NSCLC lung cancer Contacts Gedung KALBE Jl. Let. Jend Suprapto Kav 4 Jakarta 10510 - Indonesia Telp : +6221 - 42873888 - 89 email : [email protected] The 2nd Technofarmalkes 2022 : Progressing Step to Achieve National Resilience in Pharma and Medical Device 51

PT. HEXPHARM JAYA Company Information PT. Hexpharm Jaya Laboratories, better known as HJ, was established in 1971 and in 1993 HJ was joined Kalbe Group. HJ is specifically engaged in the development, production, and marketing of generic drugs. We are committed to prioritizing the quality of the drugs produced, ensure its effectiveness, stability and safety. Vision : Sustainable leader in the affordable medicine segment through agility, innovation and operational excellence Mission : Building a healthier society through economical and quality health products With tagline “HJ Generik, Kualitas PATEN” and our distinctiveness “HJ Biru” are our innovations so that Indonesian people have access to quality medicines at affordable prices Certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, SJH, Serifikat CPOB Pictures and Product Information ATORVASTATIN SIMVASTATIN Lipid Lowering Agent Lipid Lowering Agent CLOPIDOGREL ENTECAVIR Antiplatelet Antiviral for Hepatitis B Renata Andari Contacts Brand Manager 081217421645 The 2nd Technofarmalkes 2022 : Progressing Step to Achieve National Resilience in Pharma and Medical Device The 2nd Technofarmalkes 2022 : Progressing Step to Achieve National Resilience in Pharma and Medical Device 52

PT PERTIWI AGUNG (LANDSON) SEKILAS TENTANG PERUSAHAAN Sebagai bagian dari MENSA GROUP, LANDSON dan OTTO memproduksi berbagai obat-obatan berkualitas Company Information dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat secara konsisten agar dapat diakui secara global sebagai perusahaan farmasi terkemuka. Dengan fasilitas produksi yang memenuhi standar cGMP As part of MENSA GROUP, LANDSON and OTTO are producing a terbaru dan dilengkapi dengan tim yang berdedikasi tinggi, kami selalu siap mendukung peningkatan kual- variety of quality medicines with the aim to consistently improve the itas kesehatan secara nasional dan global. quality of human life so we can become globally respected as leading pharmaceutical companies. With the facilities and equipments that PRODUK KAMI meet the stringent quality criteria in accordance to the latest cGMP standards and highly dedicated team, we are ready to support quality Covetor Copidrel of health improvement for people nationwide. Atorvastatin Calcium ~ Atorvastatin 20 mg. Clopidogrel bisulfate 97,875 ~ Clopidogrel 75mg Dus, 3 strip @ 10 tablet salut selaput. Certification Dus, 3 strip @ 10 tablet salut selaput. ISO 9001:2015, CPOB, CPOTB, Fasber, Sertifikat Halal untuk Lini Produksi Soft Capsule Pictures and Product Information � Praktis dikonsumsi dengan dosis sekali sehari sehingga � Pilihan terapi yang efektif pada pasien stroke meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien minum obat. iskemik, penyakit arteri perifer dan sindrom koroner akut tanpa peningkatan ST-segment, � Pilihan terapi efektif dalam menurunkan kadar LDL dan infark miokard akut dengan peningkatan kolesterol total. ST-segment (STEMI). � Aman untuk pasien gagal ginjal. � Termasuk golongan P2Y12 inhibitor, sehingga relatif lebih aman terhadap risiko pendarahan. COVETOR saat ini sedang proses pergantian source ke bahan baku obat lokal. Proses penelitian sampai pilot scale sudah Atorvastatin selesai dan stabilita sedang berjalan. Profil uji Disolusi Calcium Terbanding sudah similar dengan inovator (Lipitor); Uji BIoequivalensi sedang berjalan. Proses registrasi variasi Atorvastatin Calcium ~ Atorvastatin 20 mg. change source segera dilakukan setelah data uji BE diperoleh. Dus, 3 strip @ 10 tablet salut selaput. Meloxicam MELOXICAM 7,5 mg dan 15 mg Tablet Dus, 2 strip @10 Tablet Contacts Termasuk golongan Cox-2 selektif, � Praktis dikonsumsi dengan dosis sekali sehari sehingga Sehingga penghambatan terhadap meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien minum obat. Cox-1 lebih minimum. � Pilihan terapi efektif dalam menurunkan kadar LDL dan Fransisca Asri Rio Halim kolesterol total. Product Manager Coordinator-Landson Group Product Manager-Otto � Aman untuk pasien gagal ginjal. 0898-9984-338 0817-5055-939 f [email protected] [email protected] member of 53

PT Phapros Tbk Company Information Currently, the company has produced more than 270 items of drugs, and most of them are the result of the company development (non-licensed) that are classified into ethical, generic, OTC, and Agromed.Beside to produce its own drugs, PT Phapros, Tbk is trusted by the other pharmaceutical companies to produce pharmaceutical product through Contract Manufacturing cooperation. The products in addition to national needs as well as to the needs of other countries through export cooperation established since 2013. Certification ISO 9001,ISO 14001,SO 45001:2018,SO 17025 Pictures and Product Information Haki Subakti Contacts General Manager Email : 082116889271 [email protected] [email protected] 54


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