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Home Explore August 2018

August 2018

Published by cantos, 2018-09-11 15:10:52

Description: August 2018


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City of Rochester Hills Fire and Emergency Services Monthly Report for August 2018

To: The Honorable Mayor Bryan Barnett and the esteemed members of the Rochester Hills City Council From: Sean M. Canto - Chief of Fire and Emergency Services Ladies and Gentlemen: The primary purpose of this report is to keep the officials of the City of Rochester Hills informed as to the activities and programs of the Rochester Hills Fire and Emergency Services Department. As a second purpose, this report will be shared with the Officers and all fire personnel in the organization to illustrate how their day-to-day activities benefit the citizens and the community of Rochester Hills. Call Data: Total Incidents August 2018: 581 (Approximately 30% of these incidents occurred in Senior Congregate Housing / Skilled Nursing Facilities) Total number of mutual aid coverage / requests: 1 - No Rochester Hills Fire Department units were available during these times. Total Incidents Year-to-Date: 4,786 Year-to-Date comparison 2017 to 2018: 4,727 (2017) 4,786 (2018) (Approx. 2% overall increase)

Operations Bureau Deputy Chief - Todd Gary Shift Commanders - Bat. Chief Tim Quaine, Bat. Chief Rogers Claussen, Bat. Chief Jerry Yurgo Fire Suppression Division Members responded to 93 calls for service. The Department responded to six (6) incidents that resulted in $10,680 in damage. On August 2, 2018, the Rochester Hills Fire Department assisted the Oakland Township Fire Department with a structure fire at 5785 Becker Drive. Rochester Hills Battalion 1, Ladder 5, and Alpha 24 assisted. When RHFD Ladder 5 arrived, the home was already fully-involved and first arriving units had run out of water. Due the home being in a non-hydrant area, a water shuttle had to be set-up to provide a continuous water supply. Unfortunately, the home was a total loss due to the lack of water and initial manpower. No firefighter or civilian injuries were reported. On August 22, 2018, the Rochester Hills Fire Department was dispatched to 321 South Street to assist the City of Rochester Fire Department on a Technical Rescue. Rochester Hills Rescue 1 arrived to find a patient who had fallen down a steep embankment into the Clinton River. The patient was alert, however had multiple abrasions and a broken arm. Personnel from Rochester City Fire packaged the patient in a Stokes basket while members from Rochester Hills Fire assisted with a mechanical rope system to lift the patient up the embankment.

On August 29, 2018, the Rochester Hills Fire Department was dispatched to 105 Wabash Street for a motor vehicle accident with entrapment and fire. Rochester Hills Fire Department Alpha 22 witnessing a police pursuit while responding to another incident, notified Dispatch that the vehicle had crashed overturning. Very quickly, Deputies from the Oakland County Sherriff’s Department reported that the occupant was trapped and the vehicle was on fire. Deputies contained the fire with portable fire extinguishers prior to the arrival of the fire department. Rochester Hills Fire Department Ladder 2 extricated the patient and Alpha 21 transported the patient.

Emergency Medical Services Division Division Head - Captain Tim Matz Total number of EMS runs: 488 Total number of Transfers: 1 Total number of Cardiac Arrests: 8 - The age range of patients was 52 to 96 years of age. The department transported one (1) patients for further care. Total number of Narcan Administration: Administered at three (3) possible overdose incidents. Total number of lift assists: 48 (YTD- 374) EMS Training Training for the month of August focused on data input and airway management. We discussed the electronic patient care reporting system and the importance of inputting accurate and complete information in a patient care report. We discussed and demonstrated the use of information from patient records and how that information is used to improve the care provided to the citizens of Rochester Hills. We showed how to take the points of information and turn them into training topics to help improve our service. Members also completed training on airway management procedures such as basic airway maintenance, supraglottic airway, advanced airway maintenance, and stabilization of compromised airway patients. Each provider had to treat a patient in the adult, child, and infant categories. EMS personnel must often act quickly as patients frequently present in acute distress. To take immediate action, the provider must have the skills and experience to manage many types of airways.

EMS Update The EMS Division completed the project of equipping our second reserve ambulance with advanced life equipment so that it can be both basic life support as well as advanced life support. The department has (2) two reserve ambulances that are used on a regular basis. Finally, with High School Football in full swing, the department again started providing EMS stand-by coverage to the local high schools for Varsity Football home games. Each game is covered with a BLS crew and/or the Medical Gator. No injuries have been reported and we work close with the athletic trainers and Physician on the sidelines for the duration of the games. This is the 10th year we have worked together to make our high school football games safer. Community Risk Reduction Division Division Head - Assistant Chief Bill Cooke The Community Risk Reduction Division highlights for the month of August 2018 included the following: Fire Safety Inspections: 139 Follow-up Inspections: 67 Plan Reviews: 10 Burn Permits: 5 Professional Development (Training Hours): 28 hours Infant Car Seat Installation and Checks: 15 Public Education Activities Daycares (Pre-K): 3 presentations totaling 125 individuals Camps/Scouts: 2 presentations totaling 150 individuals Senior Programs: 2 presentations totaling 30 individuals Station Tours: 2 presentations totaling 30 individuals AHA CPR Class: 4 presentations totaling 40 individuals This month Community Risk Reduction members began fire and life safety inspections at our restaurants throughout the community. Restaurants fall under two (2) types of classifications, which are based on the facility’s occupancy load. If the occupancy is under 50 people, the restaurant is considered a “B” use or business. For facilities over 50 people, the restaurant is considered an “A” use or assembly. Restaurants are inspected annually throughout our community as we consider these facility types a high risk occupancy. There are over 125 restaurants in our community that will be inspected over the next few months. Additionally during the month of August, Fire and Life Safety Educator Nancy Butty attended a Senior Advisory Council meeting on August 29th at the OPC. This breakfast included discussion on many topics but the topic of Falls was an underlined subject. The Rochester Hills Fire Department was highlighted for the work we are doing to address this problem and our initiative with the CHIPS (Community Health and Injury Prevention Services) program that Nancy helped to establish last fall. Our model of collaboration was encouraged to be used by anyone addressing the fall issue since it is known it takes more than one

organization to assist in educating our public on fall prevention; it takes a community. Congratulations to Nancy for her continued work and interest in keeping our senior population safe! Also during the month of August, Lt. Ann Echols was accepted to the Leadership Greater Rochester program in partnership with PAR Pharmaceutical and the Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce. This nine- month program is her gateway to involvement and connections in the greater Rochester communities. Dedicated to the development of community-minded leaders, the program’s goal is to help develop the skills of emerging leaders from across the community. The program provides participants with an opportunity to meet local elected officials and community leaders to gain insight into the region’s unique history, activities and economy. This Leadership program is to build a broad-based network of community leaders who enhance their leadership abilities and skills through continuing education, shared perspective and community involvement in order to enable to work toward solutions in the public interest. Congratulations to Ann and good luck to her during this process! Training Bureau Division Head - Captain Larry Gambotto During the month of August 2018, members of the Rochester Hills Fire Department received 795.5 hours of Fire and EMS professional development. Year-to-date, members have completed over 8,356 hours of training. This month’s topics included window bailouts, ground ladders and advanced airways. Fire Training During this month’s fire training, members were instructed and performed “bailouts”. If conditions within a fire room deteriorate rapidly, crews may be forced to escape the structure and to bailout of an upper floor window. Members are able to utilize the Scott Safety EZ-Scape Pro Integrated Self-Rescue Belt incorporated in the department’s SCBA systems. Members practiced deploying the self-rescue system, hooking into window frame and bailing out the third floor training tower window. Members then use integrated repel system to safely reach the ground.

Special Training In August, special training involved Ground Ladders. Members were instructed and practiced carrying, placement and climbing of ground ladders off department apparatus. Ladders included 35ft two (2) section and three (3) section, 28ft extension, 24ft extension, 16ft and 14ft roof ladders, attic ladders, as well as combination ladders. Members utilized the department training tower for these training evolutions. Online Training Members completed the Ladder Safety training via video on the Fire Rescue 1 Academy. Members have completed 659 hours of training during 2018 on Fire Rescue 1 Academy. Battalion Training During this month’s Battalion training, members reviewed Rescue 1 tools and equipment. Administration Bureau On August 30 and 31 , members of the Rochester Hills Fire Department and Department of Public Services st th - Fleet Division traveled to Pierce Fire Apparatus Manufacturing in Appleton Wisconsin to perform the final inspection on Ladder 3. The unit will be delivered in the beginning of September, at which point we will begin mounting equipment and the training process to familiarize our personnel with the components of the apparatus. Ladder 3 will be located at Station No. 3.

During the month of August, rough mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression were the focus areas of completion at the Fire Station 4 project. Now that the interior walls have been constructed, the in wall work has also been completed that has allowed our contractor to begin the installation of drywall panels. The station’s interior layout can now be felt as these walls give us an idea of what the finished product will provide in the future. Site work for Phase II has also begun, and it is all expected to be completed within the next few weeks. This phase consists of grading and placement of concrete at the new public entrance as well as completing the patio at the rear of the building and finalizing the landscaping around the building. Finally, Assistant Chief Cooke, Lieutenant Murray, and Chief Canto attended the Fire Rescue International Conference sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chief’s in Dallas, Texas. This conference provides senior-level leadership training to current chief officers, as well as aspiring chief officers. Additionally this conference provides a fresh perspective offering innovative ideas and solutions to issue encountered by Fire and Emergency Services. As an organization, the IAFC represents the world's leading experts in the first responder community. Fire-Rescue International provides the best in leadership education for today’s fire service.