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Home Explore Musculoskeletal system Flipbook- Andrew ding

Musculoskeletal system Flipbook- Andrew ding

Published by Andrew Ding, 2020-08-22 00:52:00

Description: Musculoskeletal system- Andrew ding


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M​ usculoskeletal S​ ystem By- Andrew ding 3B

T​ able of contents ​ Key terms (page 2) Function/Vocabulary (page 4) Disease-disorder/healthcare (page 5) Label system (page 6) Source of researcher (page 7)

​ ​Key terms My/o -​ Muscle myel/o -​ bone marrow; spinal cord oste/o -​ Bone cost/o -​ Rib crani/o -​ Skull -pexy - ​Surgical fixation or suspension chondr/o -​ Cartilage arthr/o -​ Joint -plegia -​ paralysis kinesi/o​ - Movement

Function Skeletal system​ - The skeletal system is composed of the bones and related structure that aids the body. The five important functions in the human body are support, protection, mineral storage, blood cell formation, and anchoring and movement of muscle. ● Support - The skeletal system provides structure and shape for the body. ● Protection - The skeletal system surrounds and protects the internal organs. ● Mineral storage - Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals that are needed for important regulatory functions, which are stored inside the bones. ● Blood cell formation - Red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. ● Anchoring and movement of muscle - The skeletal systems bones acts as a lever for muscular action and movement. Muscular system​ - The muscular system is composed of many different kinds of tissue that work together to perform several essential functions. ● Holding the body parts in position and allowing movement to possible ● Protective covering for the internal organs ● Through movement, 85% percent of heat that keeps body warm ● Moving of food through the digestive system ● Aiding the blood flow through the veins as it returns to the heart ● Assisting the movement of fluids through the ducts and vessels of other body parts Vocabulary Epiphysis​ - growth plates in long bones where lengthening occurs Hematopoiesis​ - Red Blood Cell production in the bone marrow Intervertebral Disks​ - elastic fibrocartilaginous plates in between the vertebrae that make up 1/4 of the length of the spinal column and function to cushion the disks Rotator Cuff​ - the four powerful muscles that support and stabilize the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint Ischial Tuberosity​ - a tuberosity (or bump) on the hip bone that can be palpated when the hip is flexed Bursa​ - an enclosed sac filled with viscous synovial fluid and are located in areas of possibile friction to help muscles and tendons glide smoothly over bone Bulge Sign​ - ​a distinct bulge observed from a synovial fluid wave in the medial aspect of the knee after displacing the fluid and tapping on the lateral aspect. Dislocation​ - when a bone is out of socket. (e.g. when the shoulder is dislocated as a result of trauma) Subluxation​ - partial dislocation of a joint Contracture​ - shortening of a muscle leading to limited ROM of a joint Ankylosis​ - stiffness or fixation of a joint

Disease/Disorder Ataxia​ - inability to coordinate voluntary muscle activity, characterized by shaking and unsteady movements Impingement syndrome​ - Condition occurs when the tendons of the shoulder become impinged, or compressed, by the bones of the shoulder ankylosis ​- a stiff joint caused by adhesion, or abnormal fusion of 2 bones into one Myeloma​ - Cancer of the plasma cells (a type of white blood cell) that originates in the bone marrow.   Tendonitis​ - condition where the tissue connecting the muscle to the bone becomes  inflamed.  Healthcare Career orthopedic surgeon​ - are dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of  disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles.     neuromusculoskeletal medicine doctor​ - is a ​specialist in osteopathic medicine, It was  doctors who had become experts in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal  and related neurological medical problems 

​ L​ abel system

​ S​ ource of research W​​ (mostly used) 0l5.2069j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 eletal-medicine-doctor-your-expert-in-nerves-muscles-the-skeleton

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