مركز حنين زبن للتدريب نرحب بالمتدربين جميعاً،لمتابعة مواعيد الدورات أول بأول تابعونا على: : @Center.haneen.zaben :@h_zaben_center :@h_zaben_center : @hzabencenter
Lean – Six Sigma Eng. Haneen Zaben Quality & ISO Trainer and Consultant
O The problems that exist in the world today can not be solved by the same level of thinking that created them Eng.Haneen Zaben 3
Outlines 4 O What is Lean ? O Muda types and Categories O 8 Types of Waste ( DOWNTIME) O Lean Principles and VSM O Lean Tools O 5S O SMED O Kanban O Red Tag O Takt Time O Before and After O Six sigma O Lean six sigma O DMAIC O DPMO O Calculations O Videos and Exercises Eng.Haneen Zaben
مفهوم الإدارة المرنة Lean Management أساس الإدارة المرنة هو التخلص من الهدر ومصادر الخسارة أولا بأول اي نشاط = عمل مفيد +عمل غير مفيد activity = added values activities+ Muda مودا كلمة يابانية تعني الأعمال غير المفيدة أي التي لا تعطي - قيمة مضافة وبالتالي تعتبر هدر waste
OWaste= Muda= هدر Eng.Haneen Zaben 6
Reduce Cost by reduce waste of Time and Material O Lean manufacturing is doing the right thing right way , from the first time, with no waste O That’s Efficiency O Eliminate any activity that uses resources and does not create value Eng.Haneen Zaben 7
O Time Waste: Coffee machine example O Material Waste: Tomato paste example Eng.Haneen Zaben 8
Eng.Haneen Zaben 9
Muda types O Non value added activity for end consumer but necessary O Non value added activity for end consumer and not necessary , this what should we eliminate Eng.Haneen Zaben 10
فئات الهدر مودا :أي هدر يحدث في الوقت أو المال ويقسم لثمانية أقسام هي النفايات الثمانية O مورا :الهدر بسبب التضارب في الصلاحيات أو في الأعمال مثل الاضطرار لإعادة شرح O بعض المفاهيم للطلاب في بداية الفصل الدراسي بالرغم من أنه قد سبق للطلاب وأن درسوها في مواد سابقة وهذا تكرار لجهد وتضارب مصالح بين المواد القديمة والجديدة موري :وهو الهدر الناتج عن زيادة الإجهاد البدني للموظفين ومن ذلك استمرار عطل O المصاعد في المباني العالية مما يفرض على الموظفين أستخدام الدرج وهو الأمر الذي قد يؤثر على صحة بعضهم
8 Wastes : DOWN TIME 12 O D: Defect O O: Overproduction O W: Waiting O N: Non-Utilizing O T: Transportation O I: Inventory O M: Motion O E: Extra Process Eng.Haneen Zaben
1. Defect: (rework, scrap): 13 a. It has a defect or deviation (not good) b. It is not what the customer need ( good but not what I ordered) 2. Over Production: a. Too much of the product (over stock) b. Too early ( too much components are ready before the next stage in the process is ready to receive ) 3. Waiting: a. Waiting for persons b. Waiting for parts Eng.Haneen Zaben
O 4. Non- Utilizing: a. Not using the best options , talent, machine b. Use multi task machine for one task only 5. Transportation: Unnecessary movement of machine or persons 6. Inventory: Week supply and demand forecast, yields to holding products or information's in inventory (overproduction is the main cause) 7. Motion: Excess movement due to untidy and continues processes, searching for tools is a result Eng.Haneen Zaben 14
O 8. Excess or Extra Processing: Complicity , non added value additions Eng.Haneen Zaben 15
Group Exercise 16 O Give an example for each one of the previous DOWNTIME : O D: O O: O W: O N: O T: O I: O M: O E: Eng.Haneen Zaben
How to prevent each one of 8 wastes O 1. Defect : a. Deviation: line clearance and IPC b. Wrong order: order mapping , reviewing and approvals before actions And controlling any change of customer request 2. Overproduction: 17 a. Let the customer pull your products (minimize stock, based on accurate forecasting b. Production Management , production planning Eng.Haneen Zaben
O 3. Waiting: a. For persons , its all about planning and culture b. For parts, minimum safety stock if possible for spare parts , preventive maintenance and alternatives 4. Non utilizing: a. Resources Management b. Efficiency concepts 5. Transportation: 18 Series and sequence lay out and flow Eng.Haneen Zaben
O 6. Inventory: 19 Let the customer pull your products (minimize stock, based on accurate forecasting Production Management , production planning 7. Motion: 5S 8. Extra process: Eliminate non value added activities Eng.Haneen Zaben
Lean Steps and Principles Identify Value Process Mapping Smooth flow (VSM) Seek Perfection Customer pull Eng.Haneen Zaben 20
مبادئ وخطوات اللين . 1حدد طلب الزبون O .2ارسم خريطة للخطوات O .3استبعد الخطوات التي لا قيمة مضافة منها ليكون التدفق O مرنا (VSM) Value Stream Mapping .4دع المستهلك يسحب منتجك اولا باول ولاتكدس بضائع O .5طور وحسن باستمرار O Eng.Haneen Zaben 21
Process Mapping (VSM) Haneen Zaben 22
Eng.Haneen Zaben 23
Lean Tools 5S O Sort O Sustain Set in Order Standardize Shine Eng.Haneen Zaben 24
O 1. Sort: Red Tag Area O 2. Set in Order: a place for every thing and every thing in its place O 3. Shine: Keep Cleaning O 4. Standardize: SOP O 5. Sustain: Consistency, Attitude of Mind not type of duty O Some consider safety as # 6 S 25 Eng.Haneen Zaben
O https://youtu.be/8gKJ3_Hm3dM Eng.Haneen Zaben 26
Before and After 5S Eng.Haneen Zaben 27
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O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcBXtw GexNc Eng.Haneen Zaben 33
Six sigma O Six Sigma (6σ) is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement O Six Sigma strategies seek to improve the quality of the output of a process by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and busin ess processes. O Simply : Minimize # of Defects Eng.Haneen Zaben 34
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Lean six sigma Eng.Haneen Zaben 36
Eng.Haneen Zaben 37
O https://youtu.be/PHOppLiEG0o Eng.Haneen Zaben 38
DPMO Calculations O Defect Per Million Opportunity Eng.Haneen Zaben 39
DMAIC Eng.Haneen Zaben 40
Eng.Haneen Zaben 41
O Define: What is the problem 42 O Measure: How big is the problem O Analyze: Root Cause O Improve: Corrective Actions O Control: Preventive Actions Eng.Haneen Zaben
Overall O https://youtu.be/kXRvMAHm8MY Eng.Haneen Zaben 43
Eng.Haneen Zaben 44
THE END Eng.Haneen Zaben 45
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