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Home Explore 20200408-HVAC Systems And Their Impact on Indoor Environment Pollution-Eng.Rami Khaleel

20200408-HVAC Systems And Their Impact on Indoor Environment Pollution-Eng.Rami Khaleel

Published by yec.mechanics, 2020-04-10 12:09:47

Description: 20200408-HVAC Systems And Their Impact on Indoor Environment Pollution-Eng.Rami Khaleel


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SBS Major Symptoms


Mold Mold: is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae. Mold Spores. Ranging in size from 3 to 40 microns (1/1000,000 m, human hair is 70 microns Avg).

Mold Certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins (specifically mycotoxins). Molds Cause Asthma, allergies, upper respiratory system problems, lung damage and bleeding..etc Growth occurs when there is moisture. Temp. Difference…Dark..

Mold The bad boys of Mold  Stachybotrys – (Indoor) greenish-black mold grow on material with a high cellulose and low nitrogen content, such as fiberboard, gypsum board, paper, dust. can cause lung bleeding.

Mold The bad boys of Mold  Aspergillus – some Types (indoor) Greenish – Aspergilloses  Dermatophytes (Ringworm) :skin hair and nail infection.

Response to Mold Problems * Mold Investigation Report Sample

IEQ, IAQ Problems – Cause Microbial Pathogens

Microbial Pathogens Bacteria Viruses

Microbial Pathogens  Microorganisms that are capable of producing or causing disease.  Disease-causing microbial agents like viruses (inside Living cell of an organism)  Parasitic protozoa & bacteria.  Bacteria typically range in size from 200-1000 nanometers (a nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter) in diameter.  Viruses are much smaller than bacteria. They generally range in size from 20-400 nanometers in diameter.

Microbial Pathogens Bacteria typically range in size from 200-1000 nanometers (a nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter) in diameter. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria. They generally range in size from 20-400 nanometers in diameter. 500 nm max.

Microbial Pathogens E. coli: Cause Diarrhea, urinary tract infection, Hemolytic uremic syndrome. Respiratory illness pneumonia. Water infection. Salmonella Typhi: food poisoning. Lives only in humans. Typhoid Fever, abdominal pain & diarrhea. Developing countries.

Microbial Pathogens Staphylococcus aureus: food poisoning. produce enterotoxin. (food, bakery, sandwiches, fast food in general, meet, dairy products, creams..etc)

Microbial Pathogens Legionella: Legionnaires' Disease. 8000-18000 person hospitalized in US from legionella. Same as Pneumonia disease. Death 5-30% of cases. bacterial grow fast in warm water hut tubs, cooling towers, heating system, hot water tanks, pools, ships and cruises… water mist & Water vapor. Air Born, on surfaces, air movement, temperature, dust...

IEQ, IAQ Problems – Cause Dust Mites & Ticks Acari

Dust Mites  Small arthropods belonging to the class Arachnida ‫لا فقارية‬  an allergic reaction to mites or so-called atopic disease such as atopic eczema, hay fever and allergic asthma.  Spread Bacteria: Boriella Bacterium Lyme Disease.

Dust Mites Beds Clothes Furniture Carpets Curtains Cars – Car seats

Dust Mites Dust Humidity 25-45% 75% Dry Kills Mites 50-60 Min grow/control.

Dust Mites Study 1996 EPA $480,000 Mite Colonization & Growth. Control Dust & Humidity.

IEQ, IAQ Problems – Cause Particulate Matter

Particulate Matter PM2.5 refers to atmospheric suspended particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, which is about 1/33 the diameter of a human hair. PM10, which are particles that are 10 micrometers or less. Old way of measuring. Still used Air Quality Index (AQI).

Particulate Matter Dust Fibers Animal Dander Feathers Wool – Textile Human hair

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Thank You End of Day 1 By: Rami Alkhalil Bsc Mech. Engineering, IEQ, IAQ Expert

Indoor Air Quality Air Circulations Requirements ASHRAE Standard 62.1

Air Circulations Requirements HVAC System Demo.

Air Circulations Requirements  5.16 Air Classification and Recirculation. Air shall be classified, and its recirculation shall be limited in accordance with the following sections. 5.16.1 Classification. Air (return, transfer, or exhaust air) leaving each space or location shall be designated at an expected air- quality classification not less than that shown in

Air Circulations Requirements Table 5-2, ASHRAE Std 62.1

Air Circulations Requirements Kitchen Air – Ventilation system

Air Circulations Requirements Kitchen Air – Ventilation system

Air Circulations Requirements Kitchen Air – Ventilation system

Air Circulations Requirements  5.16.1 Classification.  Exception: Air from spaces where ETS is present. (Classification of air from spaces where ETS is present is not addressed. Spaces that are expected to include ETS do not have a classification listed in Table 6-1). Classifications in Table 5-2,

Air Circulations Requirements  5.16.1 Classification. • Class 1: Air with low contaminant concentration, low sensory-irritation intensity, and inoffensive odor. • Class 2: Air with moderate contaminant concentration, mild sensory-irritation intensity, or mildly offensive odors. Class 2 air also includes air that is not necessarily harmful or objectionable but that is inappropriate for transfer or recirculation •

Air Circulations Requirements  5.16.1 Classification. • Class 3: Air with significant contaminant concentration, significant sensory-irritation intensity, or offensive odor. • Class 4: Air with highly objectionable fumes or gases or with potentially dangerous particles, bioaerosols, or gases, at concentrations high enough to be considered harmful.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  5.16.2 Re-designation. Air Cleaning. If air leaving a space or location passes through an air-cleaning system, re-designation of the cleaned air to a cleaner classification shall be permitted, using the subjective criteria noted above, with the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  5.16.2 Re-designation. Transfer. A mixture of air that has been transferred through or returned from spaces or locations with different air classes shall be re- designated with the highest classification among the air classes mixed. Note: For example, mixed return air to a common system serving both a Class 1 space and a Class 2 space is designated as Class 2 air.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  5.16.2 Re-designation. Ancillary Spaces. Re-designation of Class 1 air to Class 2 air shall be permitted for Class 1 “spaces that are ancillary to Class 2 spaces.” Note: For example, an office within a restaurant may be designated as a space ancillary to a Class 2 space thus enabling the office to receive Class 2 air.


Thank You End of Day 1 By: Rami Alkhalil Bsc Mech. Engineering, IEQ, IAQ Expert

Indoor Air Quality How Can AC system Harmful ASHRAE Standard 62.1

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes ASHRAE standard 52.2 – Done ASHRAE standard 55 – Done ASHRAE Standard 62.1

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  Section 4 - Outdoor Air Quality 4.1 Regional Air Quality. The status of compliance with national ambient air quality standards 4.1.1 In the United States, compliance status shall be either in “attainment” or “non-attainment” with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)1. In the United States, areas with no EPA compliance status designation shall be considered “attainment” areas. 4.2 Local Air Quality. An observational survey of the building site and its immediate surroundings shall be conducted.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  Section 4.3 - Outdoor Air Quality

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  5.5 Outdoor Air Intakes. Ventilation system outdoor intakes shall be designed in accordance with the following.  5.5.2 Rain Entrainment: Outdoor air intakes that are part of the mechanical ventilation system a. Limit water penetration through the intake to 0.07 oz/ft2⋅h (21.5 g/m2⋅h) of inlet area when tested using the rain test apparatus described in Section 58 of UL 1995.12 b. Select louvers that limit water penetration to a maximum of 0.01 oz/ft2 (3 g/m2) of louver free area at the maximum intake velocity. Water Penetration Test in AMCA 500-L13 or equivalent. c. Select louvers that restrict wind-driven rain penetration to less than 2.36 oz/ft2⋅h (721 g/m2⋅h) when subjected to a simulated rainfall of 3 in. (75 mm) per hour and a 29 mph (13 m/s) wind velocity at the design outdoor air intake rate with the air velocity calculated based on the louver face area.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes d. Use rain hoods sized for no more than 500 fpm (2.5 m/s) face velocity with a downward-facing intake such that all intake air passes upward through a horizontal plane that intersects the solid surfaces of the hood before entering the system. e. Manage the water that penetrates the intake opening by providing a drainage area and/or moisture removal devices.  5.5.3 Rain Intrusion. Air-handling and distribution equipment mounted outdoors shall be designed to prevent rain intrusion into the airstream when tested at design airflow and with no airflow, using the rain test apparatus described in Section 58 of UL 1995.1 area and/or moisture removal devices.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes  5.10.4 Pan Size. The drain pan shall be located under the water-producing device. Drain pan width shall be sufficient to collect water droplets across the entire width of the water producing device. a. one half of the installed vertical dimension of the water producing device or assembly, or b. as necessary to limit water droplet carryover beyond the drain pan to 0.0044 oz per ft2 (1.5 mL per m2) of face area per hour under peak sensible and peak dew point design conditions, considering both latent load and coil face velocity.

IEQ, IAQ Standards & Codes

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