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Kindergarten Handbook Online

Published by 17maba, 2020-09-24 02:37:56

Description: Kindergarten Handbook Online


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Kindergarten Handbook Everyone contributes. Everyone reflects. Everyone grows.

Table of Contents 2 Welcome! 17 Access hours to the kindergarten 2 Our philosophy 17 Morning drop-off 4 Language 17 Afternoon pick-up 6 Pre-literacy 17 Hometime 6 Numeracy 17 Friday 8 Gross motor skills development 18 Kindergarten routines 8 Well-being 18 Healthy eating and food allergies 9 Music 18 Snacks 9 Field trips 18 Lunchtime 9 Library sessions 18 Rest time 10 Assessment 19 After school activities (ASA’s) 10 Communication 21 Field trips 13 Learner profile 21 Special events 14 Kindergarten environment and facilities 21 Birthdays 14 Classrooms 21 Illness 14 Playgrounds 21 Medication 15 Joining kindergarten 21 First aid 15 Onboarding 22 Community 16 Toilet training 22 More information 16 Uniform 23 Meet the team 16 Extra items needed 16 Shoes 16 Wardrobes

4 Welcome to Strothoff International Kindergarten! In Kindergarten we offer three mixed-age groups for children from 3-5 years old: two Tandem (Bilingual) groups and one English group. In all groups we focus on the development of a holistic approach touching all developmental areas such as: language and pre-literacy, pre-numeracy, social-emotional and motor skills. As an IB school we aim to actively embrace inquiry-based learning, the Learner Profile and the approaches to learning. Our Philosophy “Education begins the moment we see children as innately wise and capable beings. Only then can we play along in their world” (Vince Gowan 2018). At Strothoff International School, we value early childhood education as the foundation for lifelong learning and believe that play is an essential part of this process. By creating an active, child-centred, and inquiry-based curriculum built on current research, supporting purposeful play as the fundamental approach to learning, we aim to enhance our children‘s natural capacities and guide them through the Primary Years of the IB program. Purposeful play is widely recognised as the best learning practice in early education. It allows for our children to experience and explore the world around them while fostering social responsibility and cultural awareness. Purposeful play is not just any play. Besides being enjoyable, it allows children to make meaning out of their experiences. It also requires our Educators to thoughtfully guide the play experiences shaping the child’s mind using languages as a vehicle. Our Educators facilitate a trusting, safe, and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to develop skills to create an understanding of their social emotional perception and grow to become well-balanced people. Children are continuously encouraged to make choices, take risks, and reflect on their observations. Through child- initiated play and focused learning, all children have time and space to develop into curious and creative thinkers– unique individuals thriving in a complex and ever-changing world. We value every child and take into consideration their learning needs and abilities in order to support their holistic development.


6 Language Children with a strong foundation in their first language display a deeper understanding of themselves and their place within society, along with an increased sense of well- being and confidence. Naturally, this flows down into every aspect of their lives, including their academic achievement. Essential attributes, such as critical thinking, pre-literacy, decision making, develop alongside language development. We strongly encourage parents to continue speaking to their children in their home language. Parents can support by telling stories, describing things, counting and solving problems in their home language. The knowledge of a child’s home language can help to learn concepts and vocabulary in a second or third language. As Goethe says, “Wer fremde Sprache nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen”.(He who does not know foreign languages knows nothing about his own) Supporting your child in this way, can have a very positive effect on your child’s linguistic development. Cognitive development can take place as a result of an internalization of language. Hence, we believe that languages play a strong and powerful role in our children by shaping their thought and promoting knowledge. Furthermore, acquiring languages in the early years of life is an natural and effortless achievement with the native privilege that children’s brains are destined to acquire any language´s syntaxes and phonics in the world. Under these circumstances, we enrich children’s language acquisition not only to the English language but also to English and German language 100% during homeroom teaching in our tandem groups.

KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 7 As an international school, we aim to foster tolerance and inclusion for all cultures and languages. Therefore, we understand and support multilingualism. In our community more than two languages are often spoken in our children’s environment. We understand this individualized circumstances as an additive multilingualism. We see multilingualism as an asset that enhances the social and economic prowess of the speaker (Snow & Kang 2006). As professionals we understand the circumstances of multilingualism and the positive consequences of this. In this sense, we promote a comfortable environment, safe atmosphere and accurate interventions for our learners which in turn resolve in promoting general learning and languages in the child. In addition, by this language exposure, the learner will continue developing neural connections that will be the vehicle for new and future knowledge. You may have many questions, questions and queries that will be personal to you and your family, so please feel free to talk to us during the ‘All About Me,’ meeting. We want to make sure that your child develops a love for learning and makes substantial progress in their communication and language abilities. In addition to these essential aspects of every child’s development, the IB Curriculum supports children developing their literacy, numeracy, expressive arts and inquiry skills.

8 Pre-Literacy Effective language teaching and learning are social acts, dependent on relationships with others, context, the environment, the world, and the self. Such learning is relevant, engaging, challenging and significant. Exposure to rich and diverse languages creates an inquisitiveness about life and learning and confidence about creating new social interactions. Language provides a vehicle for learners to engage with the world. To “help to create a better and more peaceful world” according to the IB Mission, we focus on the following concepts during Pre-Literacy sessions: • Phonological & phonemic awareness • Kinesthetic awareness (exposure to sounds and action) • Syllable blending (clapping name) • Segment body percussion (keeping a rhythm and making music using clapping, tapping, or stamping to reinforce distinguishing between sounds and increase exposure to end sounds) • Sound manipulation • First sound identification (active listening, exposure to sets of initial sounds) • Rhyme through song and dance (books, stories, poetry alliteration) • Role-playing, writing, mark making for a purpose (creating a shopping list, writing a prescription, writing a sign for a shop, making props, labelling, designing) • Fine motor development for pre-writing skills such as holding a pencil and colouring accurately (lacing beads, manipulating play dough, finger games, craft projects, buttoning, tweezer activities) Numeracy Numeracy is the ability to use numbers and solve problems in real life. It involves skills that are not always taught inside the classroom and the confidence to use numbers and mathematical approaches in all aspects of life. Through natural play experiences and exploration of specifically math-related areas within the Kindergarten, children develop the following foundations of numeracy knowledge and mathematical understanding: • Number sense and numeration: quantity relationships, counting, operational sense • Data management and probability: collection and organisation of data, data relationships, probability • Geometry and spatial sense: geometric properties, geometric relationships, location and movement • Measurement: attributes, units, measurement sense, measurement relationships Activities involve multiple senses and are three-dimensional, so children can manipulate numbers, data, labels or construction blocks. Additionally children and educators create diagrams, charts and graphics to manipulate data and create conclusions.


10 Gross Motor Skills Development Activities that develop gross motors skills play an essential role in the development of the child ages 2-6 years old. Children show a natural urge to move, experiment and explore things by themselves to make new experiences. Through sporting activities, children gain new possibilities of perception and expression and can explore their bodies holistically. An essential goal is to develop the general motor skills and abilities of every single child to promote them individually. This is achieved through many different activities, such as balance exercises, testing the ability to react (for example catching and throwing a ball) and sharpening the sense of orientation. These activities help children develop space perception, which in turn provides cues such as depth and distance that are important for movement and orientation to the environment. While moving, the body perception of young children is all-encompassing, meaning far more intense feelings arise with every action than with older people. Additionally skills such as independence, social behaviour and a sense of community, body awareness, concentration, attention and imagination will develop and strengthen. Well-being Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which young children can better understand, manage, and express emotions and empathy, develop positive relationships and make responsible decisions. Utilising a SEL curriculum, our educators teach children techniques for effective problem-solving, self-discipline, impulse control, emotion management and more, helping them gain confidence, set and achieve positive goals, collaborate well, and navigate the world more effectively.

KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 11 Music Kindergarten music sessions are centred around performing: singing and playing instruments. Singing lies at the heart of the music sessions as the voice is the most immediately available instrument for all children, regardless of their age or ability. Children sing a repertoire of songs to display confidence, expression and an awareness of musical elements such as pitch and rhythm. Children play musical pieces using a range of instruments to demonstrate style, expression, and an understanding of melodic direction, tempo and dynamics. Field Trips In addition to the trips listed on page X, the children will also go off campus for events such as sports, forest walks, and park picnics. For all off-campus activities, you will receive a permission slip well in advance (usually three weeks) as well as follow up information in the weekly class bulletin. Library Sessions Library sessions are provided once a week with the classroom teacher.

12 Assessment By observing students and by engaging in their play-based activities and experiences, interacting educators are able to assess the essential elements of the Primary Years Programme: knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes and action. (IB 2016) Teachers intentionally plan assessments that work children and promote the next steps of learning for each individual. Just as an author researches before writing, educators listen, observe, register, monitor and engage with children in order to develop the learning narrative of each child in their class. The most commonly used and valuable method for learning about each child is a teacher’s observational skills. Through this natural and non-intrusive approach, a wealth of essential knowledge can be discovered about each child simply by listening and observing them engaged in play. In Kindergarten at Strothoff International School, educators’ observations and anecdotal experience records are the primary form of assessment. The Kindergarten organises regular parent-teacher meetings throughout the year for you to discuss your child’s development with the team. Seesaw, an online portal including photographs and videos, is used daily as a powerful learning loop between children, educators and families. A closed link to this will be shared with you on the first day. Communication Communication with parents is so important to ensure children make the best progress possible and feel safe and happy in Kindergarten. Please keep the school office up to date with contact details for parents and other contacts. Below is a list of ways we communicate with parents: • Seesaw (online photo/video portal) • Managebac: new parents receive an email invitation to create their own accounts • ManageBac login: we encourage parents to regularly view communications from the Kindergarten and the whole school team. At the end of each semester, parents are notified when report cards are posted for viewing. • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and our website: At any time, parents who have any queries about their child’s progress or any other issues are welcome to make an appointment with the Head of Kindergarten to discuss the matter further. Parents are requested to inform the Kindergarten educators or school office about any change in family circumstances for the welfare of their child.



KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 15 Learner Profile The IB learner profile represents ten attributes valued by IB World Schools. “We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities” (IB, 2013). INQUIRERS: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. KNOWLEDGEABLE: We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance. THINKERS: We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions. COMMUNICATORS: We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups. PRINCIPLED: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. OPEN-MINDED: We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience. CARING: We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us. RISK-TAKERS: We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. BALANCED: We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives – intellectual, physical, and emotional – to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. REFLECTION: We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

16 Kindergarten Environment and Facilities All classes in the Kindergarten have indoor and outdoor play scheduled into their timetable. To provide a diverse and specialised education, children in the Kindergarten spend time with multiple educators to enrich their learning experience. Classrooms Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Children may be given opportunities to use this tool under the educator’s guidance. We embrace technology in the Kindergarten and also include iPads as part of our programme. Each of the four rooms have different areas or stations that can be easily accessed by all children so they can begin building relationships with each other. Rooms also include a reading/story space and a communal seating area with soft fabrics and warm colors, where the whole class can gather for reading and celebrations. Playgrounds Our Kindergarten playgrounds offer not only the physical benefits of children becoming healthier and stronger, but they encourage the growth of critical developmental and social skills that will help children become effective inquirers, leaders, and collaborators. As children play they learn persistence, patience, and coping skills, and they practise empathy and express their thoughts and ideas. We know scrapes and bruises are bound to happen as children play, but it’s important to take steps to reduce the risk. Therefore, we have age-appropriate playgrounds with safety surfacing and shade systems that meet safety regulations and guidelines to keep our children safe. The Kindergarten has classroom-linked access to the playgrounds that is scaled to our children’s dimensions, with age- appropriate play activities such as climbing and balancing frames, bridges, enclosed play spaces, and decks of modest height. Children will be able to explore different textures and materials in the water and sand areas.

KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 17 Joining Kindergarten Once children feel comfortable, safe and secure in their surroundings, the starting point to creating lifelong learners begins. Children are individuals and we provide a personalised approach for your child in order to start Kindergarten as smoothly and positively as possible. Onboarding In Kindergarten we take care of each child’s first steps, and we respect their pace and personality. Therefore we have a specific and gradual onboarding plan. We want each child to feel safe and eager to explore the environment. All About Me – Meeting before the first day. During the meeting we gather information to help us learn about your child This is our way of getting to know your child as a learner prior to or during their first day. Children can walk through the Kindergarten with their parents, go to their new classroom and meet their teacher. Parents are notified of the date and time of the meeting by the Admissions department. Week One – Settle in: Arrive 08:00 Depart 12:00. Parents can stay in KG. Day four and five: parents will be encouraged to leave the classroom and wait in Kindergarten foyer to promote short term independence. Week Two – Short term independence: Arrive 08:00 Depart 13:30. Parents will be asked to settle their child. Once settled, parents will leave the Kindergarten area and wait in school foyer to remain close at hand. The goal is to establish a strong correlation between drop-off and pick up. Week Three – Successful drop-off and pick up. Arrive at opening time and depart at closing time 15:40-16:30. Parents and teachers work together to manage morning handover.

18 Toilet Training All children need to be able to use the toilet independently before they can start at Strothoff International School Kindergarten. We fully understand, however, that at this age, accidents happen, and our staff will deal with these situations sensitively and quickly. The Kindergarten department has been built and designed so that toilets are accessible for each class, allowing children to use the facilities quickly whenever they need to. Uniform The uniform policy can be found on the website at uniform/. Information will also be given at the start of the year. Kindergarten is an integral part of Strothoff International School, and one of the many ways we show our connection is through wearing the uniform. Children attending Kindergarten need to wear the complete and correct uniform at all times. Extra Items Needed We understand that sometimes children have accidents or they may get dirtier than expected when engaged in play. To ensure your child feels comfortable, please provide a change of clothes to use in these situations. The children also require wet weather gear such as waterproof trousers (Matchhose), a rain jacket, and boots for forest walks and other field trips. Shoes Children need four different types of shoes; clean inside shoes or slippers, gumboots, clean sports shoes, and their daily outside shoes. Adequate storage is provided for all items. Wardrobes Storage is provided for shoes, coats and bags. The storage spaces can become messy and cluttered at times. The Kindergarten educators appreciate your assistance in helping your child to keep these clean and tidy. There is a lost property box where any unnamed or unclaimed items are placed for parents to check at their convenience. We usually add our items to the whole school lost property display two times a year. Any unclaimed and unnamed items are given away to charity.

KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 19 Access hours to Kindergarten To maximise student safety, the door will be only open at the following times: Morning Drop-off You may drop your child off anytime between 8.00 to 8.30. Please arrive by 8.30 to ensure your child does not miss any of the day’s learning. Afternoon Pick-up Early after lunch End of day Late ASA 13:30 15:40 - 16:30 17:30 Wherever possible, please notify the receptionist, educators and principal if you need to pick your child up early. This will assist us with our planning of the day and ensure that someone is ready to open the door. Unless an early pick-up has been arranged, the door will not be opened before 15:40, even if you ring the bell. We ask for parents’ patience with this as we are completing the day with the children. This allows us to manage those children going home all at once while at the same time preparing the remaining class for lunch. Constant interruptions to open the door during lunch affects the calm atmosphere we aim to maintain at these times. Home Time Home time is a significant time of day for a child, full of essential things to tell and show about what they have done in Kindergarten. We strongly encourage parents to make time to listen to their child’s stories from the day. Home time is also the perfect opportunity for a parent to engage in a brief information conversation with their educators. Friday There are no pedagogical activities for children on Friday afternoons due to whole-school planning. For children who need to stay in Kindergarten for the afternoon, supervision is available until the end of their normal Kindergarten day (16:30) and for children registered to late After School Activities until 17:30. Please remember that late ASA pick-up time is available only for those who are signed-up for specific programmes.

20 Kindergarten Routines One of the best ways to ensure that children are as relaxed and confident as possible about coming to Kindergarten is to make sure both you and they understand the routines. A recognisable routine helps children settle in comfortably and feel secure about their new environment. Healthy eating and food allergies We encourage healthy and well-balanced eating habits in Kindergarten, both for snack and lunch. As we have some children with severe nut allergies in Kindergarten, please make sure that there are NO NUTS in any food from home. We do not allow NUTS or NUT-based products in Kindergarten. Snacks The Kindergarten children have snack time twice a day. Children need to bring healthy snacks. Sweet foods, including items with chocolate or Nutella, are discouraged. We encourage parents to prepare a balanced healthy snack box for their child and include a rich variety of culturally significant foods. There is always a fruit basket provided in Kindergarten for the children to enjoy. Lunch A hot meal is provided daily for all Kindergarten children from 12:30 to 13:30. Meals include salad options, fruit for dessert and sometimes yoghurt or pudding. No pork products are ever served, and vegetarian options are always available. Good education sets the course early for the successful development of our children, but the nutrition of younger children also has an essential impact on their development. With a healthy, balanced diet at an early age, they lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle in the future. We only use ingredients from 100% certified organic cultivation for cooking. We do not use flavour enhancers, preservatives, colors and additives, and we pay attention to Fair Trade and support sustainable trade. Rest time We recognise the need for children to have the opportunity to rest or sleep in the afternoon. A quiet, restful environment is provided for the entire Kindergarten. We take an individualised approach and we provide a rest time suitable for each child. Children have the opportunity to choose quiet free-choice play or sleep time.

KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 21 After School Activities (ASA) The Kindergarten is fortunate to have ASA choices every afternoon. Pick up for ASA’s is at 17:30. Should you arrive before this time, you may need to wait as the staff often cannot leave the children unattended to open the door. Please remember that late ASA pickup time is available only for those who are signed up for specific programmes. Life at the Strothoff International School Kindergarten is so much more than our classrooms. Our wide range of clubs, groups and activities after school offer children the chance to extend and enrich their interests, as well as provide opportunities for personal development. It is through a full range of clubs, activities and sports that we help children find their true passions. The clubs and activities on offer vary over three terms of the year and aim to provide a range of activities to appeal to children of all kinds. There is a registration process at the start of each term. Parents are informed of the options available and the timetable for the coming weeks so that they can make an appropriate selection. Costs are indicated in the description of each activity and are based on one term.


KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 23 Field Trips Dreieichhörnchen: Once a month, the children travel by school bus to the Dreieichhörnchen children’s farm, which is an outdoor play space made from all-natural or recycled materials. Some small animals are also there for children to enjoy. Theatre: The children may go off campus once a year to view a live theatre performance. Units of Inquiry: The children may also go on a field trip that links with their unit of inquiry. Sport: Once a week, each class goes on a forest walk. Special Events Throughout the year, the Kindergarten groups will get together for special events such as Halloween, Carnival (Fasching), Spring festival, and Mother Tongue Day, to name a few. Parents are encouraged to bring healthy snack foods to share. Notes will be sent home before the events. Please remember fizzy drinks, candy, and nuts of any kind are not permitted. Birthdays We welcome birthday celebrations in the Kindergarten and encourage families to bring in a cake. Please bring ready-portioned cake (for example cup cakes), as well as napkins and paper plates, as this dramatically assists with clean-up at the end of your child’s celebration. We strongly discourage the distribution of gift or candy bags, as this is not necessary. Fizzy drinks and candy are not permitted. For safety reasons, we are also not allowed to light a birthday candle. We do enjoy singing ‘Happy Birthday’ in several languages. Before your child’s celebration, please speak to the educator to arrange a suitable date and time for the birthday celebration. Illness Parents will be contacted if a child is showing signs of illness or appears to be in distress. Out of respect for the educators and other children, please do not send your child to Kindergarten if he/she is sick. Medication Please be aware that educators and other staff are by German law NOT permitted to administer any medication or chemist- based product without a doctor’s note stating the child’s name, dosage, times to administer, and any other special requirements. Please contact the administration to organise the correct paperwork. First Aid The Kindergarten area is equipped with basic first aid. For incidents that require more than a plaster or ice pack, we will bring them to the school’s administration area. The First Aider on duty will take charge of the first aid administration commensurate with their training. Following their assessment of the child, they will administer appropriate first aid and make an informed judgement as to whether there is a requirement to contact the parents or call an ambulance.

24 Community We believe that the relationship between parents and the Kindergarten community is fundamental in providing the very best opportunities for children to flourish and grow in confidence and knowledge. We aim to work together with you to ensure that your child gets the very best start in their education. Trust and communication is vital to all of us. Through getting to know you and your child, we build a positive foundation for a successful learning experience. We understand and respect that you may have personal questions or concerns, so please feel free to reach out to us at any time by email so we can set up an appointment. More Information If you have any other questions about our Kindergarten or would like to visit us, we will be happy to help you. Please contact Ana Laura Cervantes Alberdi [email protected].

KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK 25 Meet the team! Ana Laura Cervantes Alberdi Kindergarten Principal Sonja Drinovac Adela Yepes Rodríguez Jameela Seibert English Group English Group German for English Group Ivana Zovak Ilka Schneider Cristina Sula English for Tandem Group German for Tandem Group English for Tandem Group Maria Angeles Moreno David Sherman Christoper Riede Mindfulness & Yoga Music Motor Skills

26 Contact Strothoff International School Rhein-Main Campus Dreieich Frankfurter Str. 160-166 Phone: +49 6103 80 22-500 Email: [email protected] Website: Follow us on

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