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WELCOME TO GIMT GMIT is a franchise of PDIMT, Bhubaneswar and it is being controlled with all rules & regulations of PDIMT. PDIMT is a non-profit organization registered with the Local government whose primary goal is to promote research and quality higher education among the India. It is a network whose members include the major India higher education institutions and exists for the sole purpose of bringing them together to collaborate on issues that matter not only to them but to the Indian community at large. The organization’s activities and programs revolve around nurturing environments conducive to research and development, an area in which the whole region seems to lag far behind. The establishment of PDIMT sprung from the realization that the development of the research capabilities and facilities of those institutions, and the general quality of higher education is a necessary component for finding a way out of the current state of messed affairs. With the belief that knowledge is the real power and research is the only way to gain and share it to work towards this goal. PDIMT clearly demonstrate that the institution has defined its mission and core themes, which are being used to guide institutional decision-making. The institution’s leaders have engaged the institute community in an evaluation of their resources and capacities to support PDIMT’s sustainability and ability to fulfill its mission and core themes. The institute has policies and systems in place to proceed through this accreditation cycle, culminating in which the institution will report on its planning, implementation, assessment, improvements, and mission fulfillment.9938321919 Global Institute of Management & Technology

The earliest step was taken to set up technical institutions atJajpur with best possible infrastructure. The success & reputation ABOUT GIMTof both the technical institute & the dynamic leadership of theDirector inspired & encouraged the management to think over tospread the activities of the Trust in the field of higher education inJajpur. Keeping in view the high social value, the Trust hasdedicated it’s all efforts & achieved the target by gettingpermission to start one-year Full time course on Industrial safetyunder the PDIMT, Bhubaneswar. w.e.f the session 2018-19 withan intake capacity of 30 (20fresher + 10 experienced) students ina new institute established naming “GLOBAL INSTITUTE OFMANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY” at Jajpur Town, Odisha.The vision of the management of the institute is not limited to21st century only but beyond that. The taste, Preferences,Choice, way of living, culture & society in our country havecontinuously been changing rapidly since two decades. Thischanging socio cultural life has developed new set of demands inthe market in regards to products & services. This in turncompelled our governments & private enterprisers to set up newindustries & factories to cater the society & fulfill the demands inevery aspect of the life of human being. It can be predicted thatthe levels of income & standard of life will keep on improving theyears to come.In view of the above we can simultaneously expect more hazards& risks in every step of our life, especially in industrial work life.As such the growing demand of developing safety awarenessamong people & engagement of more & more no of safetyprofessionals will be increasing day by day in every constructions& process industries, in coming years. Even many serviceindustries are also showing interest in appointing safetyprofessionals for the safety of their men, machine, mechanics &building etc.Therefore, the management look forward to increase it’sinfrastructures to enhance the intake capacity of safety studentsand to start new courses related to fire & environment protectionspecifically. Global Institute of Management & Technology

FACILITIES LIBRARY Library is considered to be the heart and soul of any educational institution. The library inside the GIMT complex has in the collection of about 500 text and reference books. Adequate number of journals of national and international standard, periodicals, magazines, newspaper, project reports, dissertation and other reading materials are available. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & HYGIENE LAB. (DISSERTATION WORK) Summer training is an integral part of the industrial safety programme. Under this student are made to undertake research activity on a particular topic in a particular organization and formulate a report on the basis of the same so as to gain experience to successfully handle safety related problems while occupying managerial position in future. SYSTEM LABORATORY In the World of changing technology, no management education would be complete without basic computer education and training. Working computer knowledge is essential even for junior management professionals. Taking into consideration this important factor, the computer cell of the institute is equipped with adequate computer terminals having recently developed configuration. Students are likely to be immensely benefited out of it.CONTACTS Phone Address 8895061285, 9439359528 Plot No. – 1132, 9938321919 AT/PO – Kodandapur, Near Fire Station, Email Jajpur Town PIN – 755007 [email protected], [email protected] Hours 09:00AM – 06:00PM Website [email protected] Global Institute of Management & Technology

DIPLOMA IN FIRE & INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ENGINEERING COURSE DETAILS Course Fee: Rs. 35,000/- Duration: 1 Year, Eligibility: Matric/ +2/ ITI/ DiplomaADV. DIPLOMA IN FIRE & INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ENGINEERING Course Fee: Rs. 45,000/- Duration: 1 Year, Eligibility: Matric/ +2/ ITI/ DiplomaP. G. DIPLOMA IN FIRE & INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ENGINEERING Course Fee: Rs. 55,000/- Duration: 1 Year, Eligibility: Any Graduation/any degreeADV. DIPLOMA IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Course Fee: Rs. 40,800/- Duration: 1 Year, Eligibility: Matric/ +2/ ITI/ DiplomaMASTER DIPLOMA IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT & RISK Course Fee: Rs. 50,990/- Duration: 2 Year, Eligibility: Matric/ +2/ ITI/ Diploma/DegreeIOSH (INSTITUTION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH) Course Fee: Rs. 20,000/- Duration: 4 Days, Eligibility: Any Graduation/any degreeLEVEL-2 AWARD IN PRINCIPLES OF RISK ASSESSMENT FOR THE WORKPLACE Course Fee: Rs. 18,000/- Duration: 3 Days, Eligibility: Any Safety Certificate HolderMEDIC FIRST AID Course Fee: Rs. 6,000/- Duration: 1 Days, Eligibility: Any Safety Certificate Holder [email protected] Global Institute of Management & Technology

JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN  Defense Service  Sponge Iron Plant  Civil Fire Station  Mining Industry  Municipal  Tower Company  Air-Craft-Hub  Food Industry  Power Plants  Electronic Company  Steel Plants  Coal Industry  Petrochemicals  Paper Industry  Refineries  Plastic And Polymer  National Thermal Power Station  Civil Construction Company  Textile-Cotton Industries  Shipping CorporationPOSITIONS FIRE IN CHARGE SAFETY HOD FIRE OFFICER SAFETY OFFICER FIRE ENGINEER SAFETY ENGINEER FIRE SUPERVISOR SAFETY SUPERVISOR FIRE INSPECTOR SAFETY ASSISTANCE FIRE MAN SAFETY AUDITOR9938321919 Global Institute of Management & Technology 

JOB OPPORTUNITIES PLACEMENTSThere is a vast opportunity of Fire and Safety professionalsin each and every type of companies / industries in India aswell as in Abroad. To meet with the requirement of fastgrowing demand of various sources, there are very limitedinstitutions or coaching centers available. GIMT has takenKnee interest and steps to provide a better careeropportunity in Fire and Safety Engineering and also GIMThas the potential to change the professional career in thefield of Fire and Safety of a person with in the year ofenrolment in to the course.REALISTIC PLACEMENT REPORTTo start a professional career in Fire Safety field GIMTprovides Placement Assistance to its Students and also helpsthem to secure a bright future in this professional field. TheStrength and Volume of an Institution Could be known fromits Placement Records. GIMT is highlighted for its majorcampus drives both at National and International level.GIMT having its placement cells at different cities of India.The only reason that GIMT has widespread successfully isfor its well-trained professional workforce employmentaround the different corner of the globe. JOB PLACEMENT Global Institute of Management & Technology FOR OUR STUDENTS IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETION OF COURSE [email protected]

ADMISSION POLICY ADMISSION PROCEDURE Candidate intending to join in GIMT needs to apply in the prescribed format available along with the profile from the office on payment of Rs. 100/- in case or Rs. 150/-in the form of M.O. or demand draft drawn in any nationalized bank at Jajpur in favor of “Director, Global Institute of Management & Technology, Plot No: 1132, At/Po: - Kodandapur, Dist.: -Jajpur, Jajpur Town”. This need to be submitted within the time schedule prescribed by GIMT. Admission shall be as per merit in accordance with the prescribed admission rules. Admission shall be granted to the candidates selected on the submission of all certificates, fees and photographs as per rules, non- submission of any document at the time of admission shall result in forfeiture of the seat. DOCUMENTS ORIGINAL (For verification) PHOTO COPY (To be submitted)  HSC / +2 Certificate and Mark sheet  Degree/Diploma certificate & Mark sheet  Migration Certificate  Four [email protected] Global Institute of Management & Technology

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