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Home Explore Novi Athletic Boosters - Fall 2019

Novi Athletic Boosters - Fall 2019

Published by Alliance Franchise Brands, 2019-09-25 12:21:14

Description: Novi Athletic Boosters - Fall 2019


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BONES. JOINTS. MUSCLES. WE TREAT IT ALL! Injured athletes require expedited care in order to recover and return-to-play as quickly as possible. Recognizing the urgency of injured athletes, The CORE Institutefeatures a Two-Day Athlete Guarantee that ensures all sports medicine patients will be cared for by one of our fellowship-trained sports physicians within two business days of their initial call to The CORE Institute. Our Sports Hotline gives prospective patients access to priority appointmentscheduling and expedited patient care. The CORE Institute looks forward to caring for you, your family, and our community. Sports Hotline Number 248.349.7017 www.thecoreinstitute.comBrighton Grand Blanc Novi Southfield8273 Grand River Ave 4442 Genesys Parkway 26750 Providence Parkway 22250 Providence DriveSuite 210 4th Floor Suite 200 Suite 401Brighton, MI 48114 Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Novi, MI 48374 Tell our SponsSorosuytohufisaewldth, eMir aId4h8e0re7! 5| 51

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