ANNUAL GRATITUDE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017Pregnancy & Birth Infant & Toddler Preschool Grades K thru 12 Adults Women Seniors Celebrating Over 40 Years Of Caring For Our Community
Dear Friends:As we close out our 40th year of caring for our community, I am proud to say With the healthcare system in a state of flux, and with rising costs, it is becomingthat Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida (HCN) continues to change the way harder to find primary care doctors, and especially those who practice senior carehealthcare is delivered to Collier County. and accept Medicare. With the high cost of care, health centers like Healthcare Network are more important than ever as our model focuses on health outcomes,HCN was started in 1977, with a very simple goal in a difficult healthcare not just revenue.framework: to provide quality medical and dental care, accessible to all. Thanksto dedicated employees, collaborations with local partners and continual support As we enter our new fiscal year in April, we are proud to announce that we arefrom our community, our Healthcare Network family is finding the unique solutions continuing with our mission to provide care to all by building a 50,000 squarenecessary to increase access to primary medical, dental, behavioral care, and now foot future center in Golden Gate City in 2019, where we will be able to effectivelysenior care for our community. serve all those individuals who care for us, the firefighters, the teachers, and the hospitality workers who keep our economy thriving.With a staff of 426 employees now serving over 50,000 patients totaling 201,723visits at 21 locations in Collier County, our dentists, doctors, nurses, psychologists By providing these families and seniors with comprehensive managed care, ourand specialty providers are ensuring that your and your family’s better health doctors will be able to provide access to an underserved community of 45,000is never more than a phone call away. And as we continue to care for families individuals and ensure they receive necessary treatment and provide preventativethroughout all stages of life, we have begun to address an increasing need: quality education that reduces long-term health care costs.senior care for the 31% of Collier County’s aging population. We cannot do this alone. Your support is vital to ensure all members of ourFor far too long, society has treated all seniors over the age of sixty-five in the same community have access to quality, comprehensive healthcare. Together, we canway, and it is time to develop programs that speak to what seniors at various stages build a healthy the life cycle want and need when it comes to their health care. A coordinatedcare model like that of Healthcare Network’s newly created Senior Care practice not Respectfully,only works, but also reduces costly and preventable hospitalizations or emergencydepartment visits whenever possible, by focusing on health management, disease Mike Ellismanagement and medication management programs.
JANUARY 2018BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYDoug CampbellHaris Domond, Chair 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mario Dorestal, Vice ChairDr. Bernard Feldman New Year’s DayElda Hernandez, SecretaryMaria Mila 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Edward (Ski) OleskyMaria Bryant Healthcare Networker NationalJean Paul of the Year Pharmacist DayJerry Starkey, TreasurerDr. Lou Traina 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Joe Yzaguirre Martin LutherFOUNDATION BOARD King Jr DayDennis Brown, TreasurerDoug Campbell 21 22 23 24 25 26 27Richard CravenHaris Domond 28 29 30 31Jeffrey FridkinNina GrayCharles JohnsEdward MortonFred Pezeshkan, ChairPat Read BotthofAdria Starkey, Vice Chair
, RESPONDING to the NEED ,Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida is proud will be home to pediatric and adult primary care, The Golden Gate Health Center costs justto announce that we will be opening a new women’s care, senior care, behavioral health, adult over $15,000,000 to complete. In December50,000 sq. ft. health center summer 2019 in and pediatric dentistry and our pharmacy. of 2017 we concluded a successful quiet phasethe heart of Golden Gate City. The new facility to the capital campaign, raising over half of thewill be located on the northwest corner of Collier We anticipate that during the first year of operations $15,000,000 needed to build the building. WeBlvd (951) and Green Blvd. The new health Healthcare Network will see approximately 7,000 are excited to be entering the public phase of thecenter is being built to respond to the growing patients, providing a new medical home for campaign as we reach out to all of our friends andneed for primary health services by the thousands many. The new health center will also have enough partners to share the news.of people living in Golden Gate. The new facility new dental operatories to eliminate the need for access to pediatric dental care in Collier County.
LOCATIONS: FEBRUARY 2018children’s care SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY• central: 3425 10th St. North, Naples, FL 34103 1 2 3 • east: 6350 Davis Blvd #1001, Naples, FL 34104• golden gate: 5262 Golden Gate Pkwy. Groundhog Day Naples, FL 34116• immokalee: Florida State University 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1441 Heritage Blvd., Immokalee, FL 34142• nichols pediatric center: 5450 YMCA Road 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Naples, FL 34109• north: 1265 Creekside Pkwy. #208, Naples, FL 34108 Ash Wednesday Valentine’s Daywomen’s care 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 • immokalee: Florida State University 1441 Heritage Blvd., Immokalee, FL 34142 President’s Day Give Where Give Where Give Kids a Smile• total women’s care of naples: You Live Begins You Live Ends 1890 SW Health Pkwy. #203, Naples, FL 34109• women’s care naples: 25 26 27 28 3339 E. Tamiami Trail #146, Naples, FL 34112family care• east: 1755 Heritage Trail #601 & #604 Naples, FL 34112• immokalee: 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL 34142• itech: 508 North 9th St. #142, Immokalee, FL 34142• north: 1284 Creekside St., #101, Naples, FL 34108• Family Care DLC 6075 Bathey Lanesenior care• friendship health center: 2355 Stanford Court #701, Naples, FL 34112dental care• central: 4077 Tamiami Trail N. D203 Naples, FL 34103• east: 1749 Heritage Trl. #801, Naples, FL 34112• Florida SouthWestern: University of Florida/HCN NCEF Pediatric Dental Center, Florida SouthWestern State College Building I 7505 Grand Dr., Naples, FL 34113• health & smiles mobile• immokalee: 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL 34142• ronald mcdonald care mobilecoming soon• Golden Gate Health Center Opening June 2019
How many of our patients 11,206 How much money Pediatric Primary Care Information about did we spend on Collier Countydid not have insurance? Treated 27,765 unique children last year, patient assistance? roughly 44% of the children in Collier County population takenHow many of our patients 26,387 from the 2010 In addition to providing Adult Primary Careare on Medicaid? uncompensated care and Census. Information Treated 19,407 unique individuals between regarding HCN’sHow many of our patients 24,300 care at a reduced cost, the ages of 18-64 last year specific patient HCN Provided $42,910.48 population takenare best served in a in patient assistance to Women’s Care (OB/GYN) from the 2016 UDS ensure our financially Performed 15,131 clinic visits last year, conducted report. Information vulnerable patients were 2,406 mammograms, provided prenatal care to 2,120 women, in addition, certified midwives about the health able to receive follow conducted 9,228 clinic visits. of Collier County up care from specialists, as well as lab tests and taken from the 2016 Collier County medication. Community Health Assessment.language other than English?During 2016 HCNprovided $2,715,576 in Senior Care Behavioraluncompensated care Health Last year Healthcare Network hired a HCN’s mobile unit geriatrician to build a practice to address We offer integrated visited 13 title one public schools the needs of our 2,775 patients 65 behavioral in Collier County last year and older. Collier County has the highest percentage health Number of patients living of seniors in throughout at 100% and below the Florida with 84,951 residents 65 all of our national poverty and over. practices.guideline 33,677 Dental Care Last year, 20,130 unique individuals received In 2015, dental services. HCN is the only provider ofapproximately 32% dental care for children with special needs inof pregnant woman Southwest Florida, with pediatric dentists that are specifically trained to provide dental services in Collier County to children with special needs. did not receivePRENATAL CARE Pharmacy during the first trimester HCN participates in the Our Services...340B program, which saved67.7% of Collier County residents 25 years our patients an estimatedand older do not have a college degree $188,428 last year.
MARCH 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 National Dentist Day HCN Annual Shape Up event 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Daylight Savings St. Patrick’s Day Time Starts 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Good Friday First Day of Passover Palm Sunday National Doctors Day End of the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year
Our Mobile Our 2Mobile UnitsUnits Make a Pictured: HCN employees who volunteered to provide health services in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.Difference …..Last year the Ronald McDonaldCare Mobile visited 13 title oneelementary schools and providedover 4,000 sealants for 1st and2nd grade students.The Ronald McDonald CareMobile also makes regular visitsto organizations throughoutCollier County that specializein helping our children, such asFriends of Foster Children, GracePlace and Boys & Girls Club ofNaples.We were able to respond promptlyfollowing Hurricane Irma to tendto the emergency needs of thepeople in our community. Whilethe power was still out for mostand the fallen trees and floodingstill filled many communities,our Health and Smiles Mobilewas visiting areas around CollierCounty to bring help and suppliesto people in need.
APRIL 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Last Day of Passover Easter Sunday 9 10 Healthcare Network of SWFL Annual 8 Golf Classic 11 12 13 14 National Dental Hygienist Day 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
lorenzo walker SUCCESSFUL ITechinstitute of technology PARTNERSHIPS 8 Medical Coding Students Dental Assistant Program The successful partnerships we 18 Licensed Practical Nurse (Dental Assistants) have with several medical training StudentsFlorida State University institutions allows us to deliver Florida Gulf CoastCollege of Medicine top quality care and recruit well University 3 Pediatric Medicine Residents qualified providers. 4 Nurse Practitioner Students 3 Psychology Fellows 1 Department of Health 1 Psychology Research Student Services StudentUniversity of Florida South UniversityCollege of Dentistry 6 Nurse Practitioner 5 Pediatric Dental Residents Students 2 Dental Hygienist Simmons CollegeNova Southeastern University 1 Nurse Practitioner 9 Registered Nurse Students Student from the College of Nursing 2 Medical Students from the Kaplan University College of Rural Medicine 1 Nurse Practitioner Students Ave Maria School of Law 1 Law School Intern
MAY 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 Cinco de Mayo 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 National Nurses Day 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Mother’s Day 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Memorial Day
Scott Needle M.D. F.A.A.P. Meet the Providers Dr. Jose Quero (Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics) To see a complete list of Healthcare Network of SWFL providers visit our website at Dr. Quero started with Healthcare Network of SWFL when it was named Collier Dr. Needle is a graduate of Johns Hopkins Health Services in 1987 as a Public Health University School of Medicine. He Scholar working in the underserved area completed his pediatric internship and of Immokalee. Following his initial work residency at New England Medical Center/ with HCN he left for private practice for 3 years, but wasTufts University in Boston. Before joining Healthcare recruited back to HCN in 1993. Dr. Quero graduated fromNetwork of Southwest Florida in 2007 he ran his own private Rush Medical College and completed his residency inpractice in the coastal town of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, only internal medicine at Loyola University. While completingto be struck by Hurricane Katrina. His experiences during his residency at Loyola he was voted intern of the year bythat event led to national attention regarding children’s his peers and mentors. We are proud to say that Dr. Querohealth issues, preparedness, and health system recovery has dedicated more years of service to HCN than any otherafter disaster. Dr. Needle serves on the American Academy physician on our team. He is the Director of the HIV programof Pediatrics’ Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council and at HCN and voted “Patient Care Provider of the Year” in 2009is the Acting Chair of the Health and Human Services’ by RHAC – Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida. InNational Advisory Committee on Children and Disasters. He 2014 Dr. Quero was named the Rural Physician of the Yearis Healthcare Network’s Medical Director for Patient Safety by the Florida Rural Health Association. He practices adultand Quality of Care and sees patients at the Children’s Care internal medicine at our practice in Immokalee.North location. He and his wife have three sons, severalanimals and live in Naples. Dr. Michael Gloth Victoria Frehe-Torres, Ph.D. Dr. Gloth graduated with honors from Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Frehe graduated from the University He has more than 33 years of experience of Kansas with a Ph.D. in Counseling practicing medicine, especially in internal Psychology, completed her internship in medicine and geriatric medicine. Dr. Gloth is Clinical Psychology at KU Medical Center a former Associate Professor of Medicine infollowed by a postdoctoral fellowship in Clinical Health the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology at JohnsPsychology in Primary Care with FSU College of Medicine Hopkins University School of Medicine, an Adjunct(Immokalee campus). After her training, she joined HCN Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiologyas a staff psychologist and later became the director and Public Health at the University of Maryland School ofof Behavioral Health. In addition to her administrative Medicine, and the former Director of Geriatrics Ambulatoryresponsibilities overseeing the department, she provides Services at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes, Divisionclinical services in pediatrics. Dr. Frehe holds an FSU COM Chair for Geriatrics and Director of an Award-winningfaculty appointment, providing supervision and educational Geriatrics Fellowship Program at Union Memorialsupport to postdoctoral psychology fellows. She resides in Hospital. Dr. Gloth, a Fellow in the American College ofEstero, FL with her husband and 2 sons (ages 8 and 2). She Physicians and the American Geriatrics Society, served onenjoys being outdoors, dancing, listening to Latin music, the Advisory Committee to the White House Conference oneating different kind of foods, and spending time with her Aging, the National Advisory Council on Aging to NIH. Infamily. 2006, he was named Clinician of the Year by the American Geriatrics Society. Most importantly, he is happily married and the father of 4 lovely daughters.
Denise Henning, JUNE 2018 C.N.M. M.S.N. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Ms. Henning is a Certified Nurse- 1 2 Midwife and the Administrator of 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Women’s Services at Healthcare Network. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 She holds a Master of Science inNursing and a Bachelor’s in 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Business. She is a graduate of theUniversity of Florida. She served Father’s Dayfive years on the Medicaid and CHIPPayment and Access Commission as 24 25 26 27 28 29 30an advocate for pregnant women.Denise has over 20 years of diverse experience and has been a part ofthe Healthcare Network team since2008. Dr. Reinaldo Lasanta-Garcia Dr. Lasanta-Garcia practices adult dentistry at our Dental Care Central location. He is also our ActingDental Director, overseeing our fourdental locations and two mobileunits. Dr. Lasanta-Garcia completedhis general practice residency atLoyola University Medical Centerand is a graduate of the Universityof Puerto Rico School of DentalMedicine. Prior to joining theHealthcare Network team, Dr.Lasanta-Garcia served as LeadDentist and NYU/Lutheran AdvancedEducation in General Dentistry(AEGD) Residency Director at GreeneCounty Healthcare Inc. in Greenvilleand Snow Hill, North Carolina andadjunct assistant professor for theUniversity of North Carolina Schoolof Dentistry at Chapel Hill. Dr.Lasanta-Garcia and his wife live inNaples.
GOLDEN GATE HEALTH CENTER - Capital Campaign: REACH OUT AND READ® - Introducing literacy programsThe new building will be home to adult, pediatric and to children and their care givers at a young age hassenior primary medical care as well as women’s health, proven to aid in preparing them for overall success later inbehavioral health and pediatric and adult dentistry. We life: Reach Out and Read is a national program that givesare happy to report that we are more than half way to our young children a foundation for success by incorporating$15 Million goal. books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.HEALTHCARE NETWORK OF SWFL FOUNDATIONANNUAL FUND: The HCN Annual Fund is in place to FUTURE READiness - Future READiness is a programensure that we are able to continue offering essential that was designed based on the Reach Out and Read®programs and services to everyone that counts on us to model. To ensure that we are reaching as many childrenserve their health care needs. The HCN Annual Fund is and parents as possible we decided to implement an earlyunrestricted and donations will be used in the area of childhood literacy program at our pediatric dental sitesmost need. as well as during a woman’s 20-week check-up during pregnancy.FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Programs that would not exist without the generosity of our donors.RONALD MCDONALD CARE MOBILE - Mobile Unit SISTER VERONICA FUND - The Sister Veronica Fund is aprovides care to thousands of kids in Collier County: The program that is in place to provide financial assistance toRonald McDonald Care Mobile has been in operation adult patients that need to receive follow up care from asince 2004, ensuring that thousands of children in Collier specialist but are unable to afford the cost of care, requireCounty are able to receive essential screenings and additional tests or services from HCN, fill prescriptionpreventative care. medication or transport patients to and from appointmentsHEALTH AND SMILES MOBILE - Makes care accessible GUARDIAN ANGEL FUND - The Guardian Angel Fundto people of all ages eliminating barriers due to mobility, is a program that is in place to serve the needs of childrenor geography: The Health and Smiles Mobile has been in that are Healthcare Network patients living in Collieroperation since February 2016. County that need follow up care from a specialist but are unable to afford the cost of care, require additional tests or services from HCN, fill prescription medication or transport patients to and from appointments.
JULY 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Independence Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
In celebration of National Health Center Week andto promote our belief in the value of early childhoodliteracy, one of our pediatricians, Dr. Vedder, wrote aspecial book for the kids. One of our Children’s CareNorth team members, Anna Herrera illustrated the book.Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida is a proudparticipant of the national Reach Out and Read® programat all of our pediatric primary care sites. And during 2017we launched the Future READiness program, motivated bythe positive results of the Reach Out and Read® program.We expanded the Early Childhood Literacy program toinclude pediatric dental and expectant mothers.
AUGUST 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 Did you know... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 At birth a healthy baby is born 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 with approximately 200 billionactive brain cells and neurons. Beginning of NationalThe first six years of a child’s Health Center Weeklife is incredibly important totheir long term development. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 85% of brain developmentoccurs before age three. In thefirst six years children learn ata much faster pace than anyother time in their life. 26 27 28 29 30 31
In order to Best serve the people inCollier County we are privilegedto collaborate with someWonderfulOrganizationsin town. SOME OF OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS ARE:
SEPTEMBER 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 These important 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 partnerships Labor Day allow all of us 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 to focus on 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 what we do best. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 R 30 It allows us to bring our services to organizations that need us.
A Patient’s Story.. Agustin Hernandez was a normal middle school boy, AGUSTIN but his parents began to notice that it seemed like he was HERNANDEZ developing an attitude problem. He was always nervous, especially when they left the house, and sometimes his nervousness led to anger. He hated to go anywhere, and as soon as school was over he ran home to feel safe again. Not knowing what to do, Agustin’s parents brought him to see his pediatrician, Dr. Fernandez, who provided a warm handoff to our behavioral health provider at that office, Dr. Frehe. There, he was diagnosed with anxiety attacks and depressed mood and he began meeting regularly with Dr. Frehe and started taking medication. Since then, he has improved significantly, so much so that he actually offered to help his dad build a club house for his brothers. Through building the clubhouse with his dad, he began to confide in his father about the things he was feeling and the issues he was facing like bullying at school. Day by day, afterschool they would build the clubhouse, and little by little Agustin’s attitude made a change as he began to learn how to cope with the difficulties he was facing. Now Agustin is not only so proud of the clubhouse he and his dad have built, but through the care he received, he has learned how to cope without turning to anger and faces each day with excitement and hope. He is in high school now, and while he is dealing with similar pressures, he doesn’t shut out his parents anymore, instead he is excited every day to come home and tell them how his day went. He is so far outside what his comfort zone was, he is self- confident, he is social, and his dad even mentions that he has been talking to a girl or two lately! “I am a good father and I talk to all four of my boys, but there were these things he wasn’t telling me, like about the bullying. I didn’t know, and I am so glad that he can confide in me now about these things so I can give him advice. The other day we talked about standing up for himself, and when someone tried to bully him at school, he stood up for himself without violence or anger and it worked—the bully backed down”
OCTOBER 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Halloween
A RecipefornationalnutritionmonthThanksgiving Turkey dry with paper towels. Mix minced herbs, and add 1 cup water. The turkey is done oil, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Rub when the thermometer (or an instant-readIngredients the herb mixture all over the turkey, under thermometer inserted into the thickest part1 10 to 12-pound turkey the skin and onto the breast meat. Place of the thigh without touching bone) registers¼ cup fresh herbs, plus 20 whole sprigs, aromatics and 10 of the herb sprigs in the 165°F.such as thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano cavity. Tuck the wing tips under the turkey.and/or marjoram, divided Tie the legs together with kitchen string. Add Transfer the turkey to a serving platter and2 tablespoons canola, oil 3 cups water and the remaining 10 herb cover with foil. Let the turkey rest for 201 teaspoon salt sprigs to the pan. minutes. Remove string and carve.1 teaspoon freshly ground pepperAromatics, onion, apple, lemon and/or Roast the turkey until the skin is golden Equipment: Large roasting pan, roastingorange, cut into 2-inch pieces (1½ cups) brown, 45 minutes. rack, kitchen string, thermometer3 cups water, plus more as needed Remove the turkey from the oven. If using a Serving Size: 3 ounces Per serving: 146Preparation remote digital thermometer, insert it into the calories; 4 g fat(1 g sat); 0 g fiber; 0 gActive 30 minutes Ready in 3 hours 30 deepest part of the thigh, close to the joint. carbohydrates; 25 g protein; 8 mcg folate;minutes Cover the breast with a double layer of foil, 82 mg cholesterol; 0 g sugars; 0 g added cutting as necessary to conform to the breast. sugars; 27 IU vitamin A; 0 mg vitamin C;Position a rack in the lower third of the Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees 13 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 202 mg sodium;oven; preheat to 475°F. Remove giblets and and continue roasting for 1¼ to 1¾ hours 210 mg potassiumneck from turkey cavities and reserve for more. If the pan dries out, tilt the turkey tomaking gravy. Place the turkey, breast-side let juices run out of the cavity into the panup, on a rack in a large roasting pan; pat
NOVEMBER 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Daylight Savings Election Day Time Ends 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Veteran’s Day Veteran’s Day Observed 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Thanksgiving 25 26 27 28 29 30
FINANCIAL Cash restricted - IPDA 265,459 251,820 Cash held in escrow for lease 62,075 66,068 $9,786,855 $10,459,962 S U M M A R YInventory Prepaid expenses Total current assets Pledge receivable, net 1,059,945 212,858 Note receivable Molina Healthcare of Florida Property and equipment, net 13,013,599 12,189,613 Other assets 725,854 708,027 Total assets 24,586,253 $23,570,460Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Financials Liabilities and net assets $627,624 $610,331 Current liabilities 1,768,706 1,561,022 Accounts payableFiscal Year 2016-2017 Financials Accrued liabilities 415,427 108,675 Medical claims payableAssets 2017 2016 Pension Plan payableCurrent Assets Primary care physicians supplemental payableCash and equivalent $1,905,797 $4,719,454 OPEB Liability 481,078 533,748Certificates of deposit, including restricted amounts 444,746 443,194 Current portion of note and mortgage payable 67,561 30,675Investments Current portion of capital lease payable 183,271 172,000Patient receivable, net Total current liabilities $3,543,667 $3,016,451Pledge receivableGrant receivable 5,725,238 4,712,189 Accrued compensated absences 961,234 1,255,786Other receivables 307,043 44,986 Note mortgage payable, net of current portion 3,422,208 2,793,904Cash held in escrow for wind-down services 937,306 5,168 Capital lease payable, net of current portion 1,499,031 1,682,304Cash restricted - IPDA 139,191 217,083 Commitments and contingenciesCash held in escrow for lease Total liabilitiesInventory $5,882,473 $5,731,994Prepaid expenses Net assetsTotal current assets 265,459 251,820 Unrestricted 12,461,359 14,055,404 62,075 66,068 Unrestricted, Board designated 564,716 163,118Pledge receivable, net $9,786,855 $10,459,962 Total unrestricted net assetsNote receivable Molina Healthcare of Florida 13,026,075 14,218,522Property and equipment, net Temporarily restrictedOther assets 1,059,945 212,858 Permanently restrictedTotal assets Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 2,134,038 603,493 13,013,599 12,189,613 15,160,113 14,822,015 725,854 708,027 $24,586,253 $23,570,460 24,586,253 $23,570,460Liabilities and net assets $627,624 $610,331Current liabilitiesAccounts payable
Healthcare Network DECEMBER 2018of Southwest Florida SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYemployees have DONATED over $131,000 to the 1 Golden Gate Health Center 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Capital Campaign. First Day of Hanukkah Last year our employees 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Also Last Day of Hanukkah DONATED 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 to several important funds 23 ChrEisvtemas 24 25 26 27 28 29 $4608 30 31 to the Sister Veronica Fund New Year’s Eve Christmas Day $5454.50 to the Guardian Angel Fund $3527 to Support Our Mobile Units $6114 to Provide Breast Health Screenings to Women in Our Community $4580 to Early Childhood Literacy
THANK YOU to our DonorsUp to 499 Berta Calle Elite Cabinetry Melinda Gutierrez Melissa Linn Alexandra Campbell Epiphany Salon & Spa Soyla Gutierrez Henri LipmanowiczLinda Acevedo Allyson Campbell Thomas and Carol Erbach Tyler and Sarah Hawes Anamaria LlorcaM.J. Adams Bob and Ann Campbell Francisca Escaman Denise Henning Dayne LopezAdvantage Plastering & Finish Carpentry Marianela Campos Jeannette Farr James Henry Mariela LopezSadra Agado Amy Cantu Byron and Sue Felter Mariana Hernandez Garcia Yerania LopezMaria Aguirre Brenda Cantu Neftali Fernandez Ruth Hess Aracelis Lopez QuinonesMaria Alvaro Rosaura Cardenas Alicia Fernandez-Garcia Jon and Marureen Homstad Claudia Lora MejiaSalvatore Anzalone Gertrudis Cardenas-Garza Charles and Nancy Fleming Regina Hudson Kerry LouisLeticia Aquino Rosado Jessica Caseres Maria Lourdes Flores John and Eileen Iaizzo Thomas and Kelly LykosMarjorie Araquistain Priscilla Caseres Rodolfo Flores Brenda Izaguirre-Abalos Mario and Leonor MacchiSamantha Marie Arevalo Nakia Castillo Vilievy Flores Epifania Jaimes Julie Mancera LoftinCalvin and Marilyn Arnold Martin and Mary Jo Chamberlin FSU-College of Medicine Jenny Jimenez Kerem MantiallaRosa Audatte Charity For Change Julie Forchay Virginia Jofre Cristela MartinezMelinda Avalos Jose-Djana Charles Frederick and Kathleen Fromm John R. Wood Properties Daisy MartinezMichelle Avalos Eugene Colao Robin Gafford Esmeralda Jose San Juan Deisy MartinezAvow Hospice Treneice and Corey Collins Emma Gallegos Gerley Julien Jennifer MartinezMarie Balan Edwin and Nancy Colodny Bibiana Garcia Michileen Kang Elizabeth Martinez MaldonadoAmparo Barragan Ramirez Concannon Miller & Co Manuel Garcia Norman Kaplan Norma MataAdam Bartz Christina Contreras Shirley Garypie William Kearns Lorraine MaurerPaul Beingolea Patricia Contreras Crystal Garza Patrick Keesler and Eileen Connolly Tom and Carol McCannAmelia Bell-Hawkins Ellen Cordoba Vicki and Verol Gauze Keesler Ronald and Diane McGintyLucia Benitez Vickie Cruz Dottie Gerrity Peter and Marcia Kelley Mike and Constance MessnerDoug Bergman Geraldine Cupito Roderic and Doreen Giltz Kandis Kelting Laura MiccicheHorace and Constance Bernton Christine Dakovanos Raymond and Judith Gniewek Robert and Margaret Keppel Maria MilaEdwin and Barbara Billman Conisha Daley Tammi Golemon Lyris Kessel Nordia MirandaLouis and Gloria Binetti Richard and Jane D’Alonzo Xiomara Gomez Carl and Pamela King Lory Ann MolinaLauren Blagg Viridiana De Jesus Alma Gonzalez James Kitson Marioly MolinaFarrah Blunt Maria De La Rosa Amanda Gonzalez Michelle Kolb Janie MonteroEdward and Nancy Boyer Crystal Delarosa Jean Gonzalez Linda Kraft David MontesBarbara Bradway Daimarys DeQuesada George and Mary Gould Lauren Kratovil Robert Morantz and Marsha MurphyDavid and Ann Brennan Sidney and Sandra Diamond Herbert and Carole Greenberg Maria Lagunes Stuart and Toni MorgensteinBrink & Associates Philip and Merry Diberardino Greenscapes of Southwest Florida Inc. Katouria Lane Chambers Lynn MorrisonAngelica Briones Andrea Diehl Steven Greenstein Alicja Langner Scott MorrisonEmily Brosseit Julie Diehl Hyeim Gross Olga Lantigua Glenn and Debra MouridyGabriella Bueno Doug DiGiorno Rosa Guadarrama Crystal Ledezma Lois MuldowneyCarleen Burch Kevin and Gail Dolan Anahi Guerra Claudia Lenis Melissa MunozDavid Burgman Haris and Gusleine Domond Beatriz Guerra Deborah Levesque Michael Andres Munoz MorenoDelia Bustamante Donation Yoga Naples Elba Guerrero Wendy Jarrette Levesque Brendan and Jeanne MurtaughMagdalena Bustamante Mario and Dawn Dorestal Olga Guerrero Stephen and Myrna Levin Norma MyersFrank and Peggy Butler Kevin Dyer Carmen Guisao-Senquiz Liberty National Blanco Agencies Sherry NagleSherry Byler James and Karin Egan Andres Gutierrez Lisa Lindsey Scott Needle
Olga Nelson Jeanne Serpa Janet Zapata TWC Services 100,000 and UpKathryn Nicklaus Ana Serpas Zing Quality Furniture Inc. Robert and Susan VedderEvangelina Nieto Sonia Serrato Elizabeth Zuluaga Betsy Wolf Douglas and Nancy CampbellMelissa Nieto Crystal Shanklin Richard and Virginia CravenMarie Noel Kenton Sicchitano 500-999 2,500-4,999 Naples Children & Education FoundationStephanie Novak Dennis Siddiqi Jerry F. NicholsEdward Olesky Michael and Barbara Sill Alison Craig Home Furnishings Adams Foods Fred and Stephanie PezeshkanMaria O’Neill Lorena Silva BrightLights Led’s Inc. Benco Dental Ronald McDonald House Charities of SW FLDaniel Ortiz Anna Simpson Oregalo City Mattress Mike EllisIrene Ortiz James Skinner Dental Excellence Rodney and Lisa GeorgeAllen and Catherine Owen W.E. and Mary Ann Sloan Gary and Janet Ellis Ines GizzarelliBlanca Pazos-Farkas Deborah Smith Bernard and Elaine Feldman James Johnson &Pediatric Orthopedics of Southwest Florida Julie Smith William and Linda Glaser Mary McLean-JohnsonAndy Perez Karen Smith Win and Patricia Headley Midmark Dental DivisionJorge Perez Eric Spencer Norm Johnson Steven’s ConsrtuctionMarisol Perez Melissa Sproat Lincoln Financial Group Transcendent Training Aquatics LLCTatiana Perez Jerry and Adria Starkey Fred Luconi Tuscan & Company PAYuliet Perez Rodney Stitt Frederick and Judith MarksJames and Nancy Petro Hans and Priscilla Stumm Patterson Dental 5,000-9,999Charles Pike and Nancy Pedersen Charles and Eva Szabo Tide Dry CleanersElizabeth Pineda Damien Taylor Valerie Trotman 3-D Exhibits Inc.Amy Plassins Franckel Taylor George and Marilyn Wainscott American Cancer SocietyJose Quero Lisa Taylor Wal-Mart Store #1957 BondChristopher Quinlan and Monika Barrero Nancy Tejedor-Velilla Woods Marlon BustosJessica Ramirez Kathleen Tenrreiro Century LinkJuanita Ramirez The Korn Law Firm 1,000-2,499 Peter and Virginia CullmanReinier Ramirez Erica Thomas Fine Mark National Bank & TrustCristina Ramirez Hernandez Vilma Thomas Elizabeth Brockman Robert and Sally FritzEvelyn Ramirez-Lee Tara Torres Dennis and Linda Brown Germain BMW of NaplesLaurence and Marcia Raniere Elysee Toussaint John Brown Grampys Charities OpenTami Raznoff Martha Trincado Rick and Brenda Brown GrantGerald and Wendy Richman Victoria Tumball Kenneth and Debbie Cohen Health Planning Council of Southwest FloridaMary Riley Kelly Tyson Barbara Desanzo Maria JimenezKathryn Rizzo Union Complete Service Inc. Family Foot and Leg Center Leclerc Charity FundLaura Rodriguez Estella Amanda Upshaw First Florida Integrity Bank Lee HealthMaria Rodriguez Thomas Van Pelt Frank and Wilameta Gorke Ken Libby and Sandra Steele-RiordanRoger Koslen D.D.S. Ashleigh Velasco Henry Schein Naples United Church of ChristDavid and Leslie Rogers Julissa Velasquez Elda and Marco Hernandez Oral Health AmericaKathy Romero Rojas Dominique Veliz Daniel and Sherry Hutchins The Lykos GroupAntonio Rosales Lilia Villa Charles and Mary Beth Johns Lou and Mary-Margaret TrainaNicholas and Pamela Ruchty Liliana Villa William and Joan Laimbeer Joyce WoodOralia Ruiz Barcenas Monica Villa Rebecca LambertAurelia Sainz Oscar Villa Martin-Brower Company 10,000-24,999Jose Salazar Chris Votolato and Emily Ptaszek Moran Edwards Asset ManagementLilliana Saldivar Albert and B Waldman Group of Wells Fargo Richard Botthof and Patricia Read BotthofHector Sanabria Lugo Wal-Mart Store #5391 John and Carol Munro Charles and Virginia Jacobsen Charitable TrustMaria Sanchez Emily Watt Raymond and Melody Ranelli Collier County Health Facilities AuthorityRosalba Sanchez Jay and Susan Weintraub Raymond James & Associates Community Foundation of Collier CountyAlannah Sandehl Martin and Louise Wendel Patrick and May Reidy Delta Dental Community Care FoundationValerie Sattler Gary Werner Eric Sandberg Garrett Construction Inc.Barry Schneirov Martine Woolley Edwin and Marilyn Stedem William and Jean HellegasBrad and Carroll Scribner David and M Yana Erland and Ellen Stevens Ken and Sue MurraySenior Friendship Health Center Joe and Liza Yzaguirre Summit Management Group Thomas and Patt Schneider The Interiors Workshop of Naples Suncoast For Kids Foundation Turano Florida Bun The League Club Steve and Kathy Wheeler
3520 Kraft Road, Suite 100 Naples, FL 34105Thanks for Another Amazing Year!
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