VIP SponsorsScore Board Sponsors: Bronze VIP Sponsors:Bright House Cell Phone Repair NoviInvisible Fence Chiropractic Performance Solutions Novi Athletic Boosters Larson Jewelry Road Runner Sports McCarthy & Smith, Inc. Construction Services Novi Coney Island Gold VIP Sponsors: Novi Ice Arena Novi Oaks Dental- Dr. Anjoo Ely Ameriprise Financial Services - Amy Smith Penn Station East Coast SubsPlante Moran CRESA Sellers Buick GMC Sylvan Learning Center Novi Silver VIP Sponsors: Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Tri County Pain ConsultantsAdams Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy, P.C.Arbonne, Kathy RayBusch’s Fresh Food Market Community Financial Credit UnionGuido’s Premium Pizza of Novi Hal’s Auto Clinic Core Institute-Dr. Sean Bak Today’s Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry - Dr. Nicole Teifer Tom Holzer Ford Total Sports Complex Novi SupportersAdams Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy, P.C. Michigan CATAllegra Marketing Print & Mail - Plymouth Motor City Power SportsAmy L Smith - Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc Novi Coney IslandAndress Elfring & Associates, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Novi Educational FoundationArbonne, Kathy Ray Novi Ice ArenaBusch’s Fresh Food Market Novi Oaks Dental- Dr. Anjoo Ely DDSCell Phone Repair Novi Novi Town CenterChiropractic Performance Solutions O’Brien-Sullivan Funeral HomesChocolates By U Penn Station East Coast SubsCity of Novi Plante Moran CRESAColdwell Banker Weir Manuel- John Goodman Play it Again SportsCommunity Financial Credit Union Plymouth Physical Therapy SpecialistsCore Institute - Dr. Sean Bak Sellers Buick GMCDiamond Castle Jewelers Service Sports Inc.Diamond Center at Suburban Collection Showplace Spillane & Reynolds OrthodonticsDick Scott Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram St. James Catholic ChurchDick’s Sporting Goods Sylvan Learning Center of NoviEco Green Cleaners Team Rehabilitation Physical TherapyEdward Jones & Co. Mark Whitfield TMP ArchitectureEmagine Entertainment Inc. Novi Today’s Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry - Dr. Nicole TeiferGatsby’s Food & Spirits Tom Holzer FordGrant, Millman & Johnson P.C. Tony Sacco’sGuido’s Premium Pizza of Novi Total Sports Complex NoviHal’s Auto Clinic Tri-County Pain ConsultantsJBC Interiors Tutor DoctorLarson Jewelry Design Inc. Vitale Electric CompanyMark Duvall Angelocci Scholarship You’ll FlipMcCarthy & Smith Inc. Construction Services Weingartz2 | Please Support our Sponsors
proud Asptonhsloer toficsNovi GO WILDCATS! Real Estate & Construction 223-3500 Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 3
from the Superintendent Welcome to Wildcat Country! On behalf of the Novi Community School District, I would like to welcome you to our district. Athletics provides opportunities for our students to learn tremendous lessons in leadership, teamwork, sacrifice, and commitment. These valuable lessons will help them find success throughout their lives. In addition, athletics is fun. The camaraderie of the team creates memories that our student-athletes and coaches will carry with them for a long time. Hours have been spent preparing for the event that you will see today. Encourage our student-athletes. Cheer for them. Let them know that you appreciate the effort that they are giving. Go Wildcats! Dr. Steve Matthews Superintendent Novi Athletes, Parents & Coaches Discount Program & Special Packages Please Contact: Kathe Ray (Parent of a Novi Athlete and Booster Member) Ph. 248-890-6968 • • www.KatheRay.Arbonne.com4 | Please Support our Sponsors
Administration Dear Fans: On behalf of the staff, students and administration, I would like to welcome you to Novi High School and this athletic event. Whether you are an athlete, parent/guardian, community member, or guest, we expect that you will have a positive experience here. We pride ourselves in ensuring that all players respect the game, the coaches, each other, and the fans. Good sportsmanship is critical to the success of our student athletes both on and off the field.Nicole Carter We believe that an accomplished high school provides a rich, rigorous curriculum that encourages Principal student growth; academically, behaviorally, and socially. Our student athletes are taught valuable life lessons that they can apply to their everyday lives. They are empowered to gain leadership skills and traits that enhance their abilities to achieve at a high level. Much of what is learned during practices and games influences students to make good choices, to gain insights on how to be effective team players and to fully understand the importance of humility and will.Best wishes to all the student athletes and coaches who will compete in over 700 events during the school year. May yourdiligence reflect in a successful season. Let’s Go, Wildcats!Sincerely,Nicole Carter, Principal John Zabick Charles LaClear Rob Baker Katy DinkelmannSchool Resource Officer Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 5
Welcome to Novi and the 2015-2016 school year! Please make yourself at home in our beautiful Wildcat stadiums, courts, gymnasiums, or fields!You hold in your hands the Novi Wildcats Sports Program, a publication created by volunteers from the Novi Athletic Boosters (NAB).The NAB is a nonprofit organization with the goal of raising money to benefit our Novi Wildcats’ Athletic Programs at High School andMiddle School levels. We aim to promote positive parent, student, and community involvement in support of our Novi student athletes.The NAB members work together with the Novi Athletic Department to ensure that our student athletes have the most state-of-the-artequipment, uniforms, facilities, technology, and training available. We are proud to say that we have contributed over 1.15 Million dollarsto Novi Athletics over the past 7 years!In addition to this publication, the NAB puts on events like Taste Fest, the Craft Show, and the NAB Wine Tasting. Other fundraisingactivities include concessions, the Sports Pass, the school directory, spirit wear and many others. These fundraising endeavors requirehours upon hours of service from hundreds of volunteers throughout the year. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone thathelps – from serving on the NAB Board, chairing a committee, attending a Booster meeting, working in our concession stands, orattending one of our amazing Booster sponsored events. Our wonderful Novi volunteers allow us to bring so much more to our athleticprogram and it is truly a community effort – from parents, students, Novi coaches and staff, and the community – we are all Novi proud!Please consider donating your time or funds to the Novi Athletic Boosters. Any investment, be it time or money, supports our studentathletes, coaches, and the entire Novi Athletic Program! The NAB is only as good as the strength of our membership and our fund-raising efforts. Generosity is the best investment you can make.Thank you and go Wildcats!! Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Sheri VanKirk, Novi Athletic Booster President Please follow us on Faceb ook and Twitter! Novi Athletic Boosters @NoviBoosters 6 | Please Support our Sponsors
from the Athletic Director Welcome to Novi Community Schools! I am extremely excited to be a part of the Novi Athletic Program and have the privilege to work with the students, parents, teachers, coaches, and community members that make up the Novi Athletic Family. In the 2015 – 2016 athletic season more than 1,500 Novi MS and HS student-athletes will participate on one of our 80 teams playing 24 different sports. These student-athletes and their coaches will have more than 1,000 opportunities to represent our school district and the community of Novi in interscholastic athletic competitions! We are very proud of our student-athletes and coaches and hope you will join me in supporting them throughout the season. As a member of the Michigan High School Athletic Association and the Kensington Lakes Activities Association, please remember that sportsmanship and objectives of education athletics are what set this event apart from other levels of competition. Your cooperation and support of the values promoted by the Novi Community Schools is greatly appreciated. Admission to an athletic event is a privilege, and with that privilege comes responsibility-responsibility to conduct oneself in an appropriate manner, where the game is enjoyable for the participants, coaches, officials and all the fans.We would like to recognize our community sponsors. Our Gold Sponsors are Ameriprise Financial Services - Amy Smith and Plante Moran CRESA.Our Silver Sponsors are Adams Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy, Busch’s Fresh Food Market, Community Financial Credit Union, Guido’s PremiumPizza of Novi, Hals’ Auto Clinic, The Core Institute-Dr. Sean Bak, Today’s Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry-Dr. Nicole Teifer, Tom Holzer Ford andTotal Sports Complex. Our Bronze Sponsors are Bob Sellers-Buick/Pontiac/GMC, Cell Phone Repair Novi, Chiropractic Performance Solutions, LarsonJewelry, McCarthy & Smith Inc. Construction Services, Novi Coney Island, Novi Ice Arena, Novi Oaks Dental-Dr. Anjoo Ely, Penn Station East CoastSubs, Sylvan Learning Center, Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy and Tri-County Pain Consultants. The stadium video boards, press box, stadiumentry pillars, along with displays in the high school performance gym are seen by thousands of students, staff, and community members from Novi andour competing schools each year. Should you have an interest in becoming a partner, please contact our athletic office.In addition to the scoreboard, the Novi Athletic Boosters are an integral support organization for our interscholastic athletic department. They provideservice by selling booster passes, providing strength training and conditioning instruction for our student-athletes and, last year donating more than$180,000 for equipment, uniforms, etc. Each parent of a student-athlete is expected to participate in the booster club. I hope that all Novi fans willconsider participating in the vital support organization by volunteering to work in the concession stand, serving on a committee or coming to the monthlymeetings.Again, welcome to Novi – enjoy the game! “The harder you work the more you hate to lose!”Brian F. Gordon, Director of Athletics and Physical Education Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 7
Office Staff Jeff Wilson Barb McDougall Christina Hudgens Head Athletic Trainer Secretary Athletic Co-OpAthletic Aides Bill Kelp Jeff Burnside Nikki McEvers Barb McDougall Paul McOskerAthletic Aide Athletic Aide Athletic Aide Athletic Aide Athletic AideField MaintenanceJeff Bunker Jim Fular Would you like to earn money directly for your team? Simple! Help us sell advertising in this sports book! Your doctor, lawyer, favorite store, account- ant, dentist, chiropractor, accountant--anyone who does business in Novi is often willing to help out and support the team. Just ask! Sell an ad, and 25% of the ad revenue goes directly to YOUR TEAM! We need YOU to help our school and student-athletes! Contact Andrea Engler: 248-946-4726 sportsprogram@noviathleticboosters.com8 | NPloevaiseSpSourptspoFratllo2u0r0S7ponsors
Allegra is a proud supporter of the Novi Athletic Boosters. We Can Help You Achieve Your Business Goals! Marketing Services Promotional Products Graphic Design Signs, Posters & Banners Trade Show & Event Planning Printing Services Website Development Search Engine Optimization Digital Services Direct Mail We Are Your Fully Integrated Marketing Solutions Provider.Call Today For Assistance - Michele Grech 734-207-1318
Attention Novi Senior Parents The Senior All Night Party (SANP) needs your help! Attend a meeting and find out how you can help now or on that night. All meetings start at 7pm in room 160 One remaining meeting: May 24 SANP is scheduled for 6/4/16 at 10:30 pm – 5:00 am For more information visit You can also purchase tickets, yard signs or memorable mug.Help support your Senior on this memorable night! NOVI SANP Any questions? Email the committee:
Guido’s Premium Pizza The Savory Sauce Bosstm 47964 Grand River Avenue Novi, MI 48374 248-449-1111 Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 11
SENIOR SPORTS SPRING 2016Boys Baseball Girls Softball Girls Track Boys Track12 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls Tennis Girls LacrosseGirls SoccerBoys Lacrosse Boys Golf Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 13
Spencer VanKirk0 #6 #2 No Grass Stains, No Glory, No Bruises, No Story Have a great season! Andy, we have been privileged to watch you play sports. Thank you for your perseverance and joy of sports. Have a great senior season! Love, Mom and Dad Good Luck Connor! Wishing you and the Wildcats a great season! Love, Mom and Dad14 | Please Support our Sponsors
Boys Varsity Baseball Row 1: Cam Czapski, Andrew Mizerowski, Noah Matthews, Shinya Imamura, Spencer VanKirk Row 2: Tyler Vankirk, Connor Hood, Nathan Lys, Zach Perpich, Jac Colliau, Joey Carn, Johnny Bean Row 3: Coach Garrett Green, Coach Rick Green, Jack Reilly, Alec Bageris, Scott Beaton, Coach Dave Beaton, Coach Ryan Smith Not Pictured: Michael Hrit 2016 Novi Wildcats - Boys Baseball Roster ** VARSITY** ** JUNIOR VARSITY** ** FRESHMAN**# FIRST LAST YR. # FIRST LAST YR. # FIRST LAST YR. 10 1 91 91 Cam Czapski 12 2 Haruki Asada 92 Ryan Farris 9 12 4 93 92 Spencer VanKirk 10 6 Andrew O’Connor 10 4 Alex Pospeshil 9 12 7 11 6 93 Noah Matthews 12 8 Coleman Naylor 11 7 Michael Ozuna 9 11 9 11 8 94 Shinyu Imamura 12 10 Joseph Casselton 11 9 Joey Teserero 9 12 11 11 10 95 Joey Carn 10 12 Evan Yokie 10 11 Jett Porter 9 11 14 10 12 96 Andy Mizerowski 11 17 Keegan MacDonald 11 13 Grant Pytel 9 12 18 11 14 97 Alec Bageris 12 19 Mitchell Lys 10 15 Cameron Menendez 9 10 20 10 17 98 Jac Colliau 11 Reggie Spencer 19 Nicolas Cooper 99 Jack Reilly Noah Canales Eric Schulte10 Jonathon Bean Jason Adkins Brennan White12 Zach Perpich Nathan Graff Luke Johnson13 Mike Hrit Kyle Klosterman Aidan Rosinski17 Scott Beaton Nathan Wicks Alex Choma18 Connor Hood Raj Merchant Alan Shao20 Tyler VanKirk Jacob Good Ryland Bennett21 Nathan Lys Chris MartinCoaches: Green Coaches: Coach:Rick Smith Brian Boron Charlie RitcherRyan Beaton Ken PerpichDave Green Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 15Garrett
Boys JV Baseball Row 1: Haruki Asada, Joe Casselton, Nathan Wicks, Jacob Good, Andrew O’ConnorRow 2: Keagan MacDonald, Raj Merchant, Jason Adkins, Nathan Graff, Kyle Klosterman, Coleman Naylox Row 3: Coach Boron, Reggie Spencer, Noah Canales, Evan Yokie, Mitchell Lys, Coach Kruse Would you like to earn money directly for your ALUM & FORMER ATHLETE team? Simple! Help us sell advertising in this sports book! Your doctor, lawyer, favorite store, account- ant, dentist, chiropractor, accountant--anyone who does business in Novi is often willing to help out and support the team. Just ask! Sell an ad, and 25% of the ad revenue goes directly to YOUR TEAM! We need YOU to help our school and student-athletes! Contact Andrea Engler: 248-946-4726 sportsprogram@noviathleticboosters.com16 | Please Support our Sponsors
Boys Freshman Baseball Row 1: Michael Ozuna, Ryan Farris, Alex Choma, Aidan Rosinki, Alex PospeshilRow 2: Grant Pytel, Luke Johnson, Cameron Menendez, Eric Schultz, Chris Martin, Joey TesoreroRow 3: Coach Charlie Richter, Alan Shao, Jett Porter, Nico Cooper, Brennan White, Ryland Bennett SYLVAN SUPPORTS NOVI SCHOLAR-ATHLETES! GO WILDCATS : WINNING CONTESTS AND WINNING TESTS! Condition.Practice.Prepare LET US KNOW YOUR WILDCAT PASSION: Prepare for the big test the same way you prepare Tell us the sport that for the big game. Sylvan you love and receive has great tutors to help you bring on your best at an academic every stage of the season. performance profile * for $49 Regularly $120 (Offer expires at the end of competition of the last MHSAA Finals event). Sylvan Learning Novi 248-344-1474 FINISH STRONG. START NOW. ACT/SAT * MATH * READING * WRITING * STUDY SKILLS Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 17
Meatball Lollipops Coal Oven Pizza Caprese SaladWelcome to Tony Sacco’s Coal Oven Pizza. All of our cooking is done in ourcustom built, 1000 degree anthracite coal burning oven for a taste unlike anythingyou have experienced. We prepare everything fresh and have no freezers, fryers,or microwave ovens. Come enjoy our pizza creations, oven baked sandwiches,gluten free wraps, delicious appetizers, desserts, craft beer, wines and more! Tony Sacco’s Novi location is a supporter of the Novi Wildcats, and makes a donation to the Novi Athletic Boosters if you write“Novi Athletic Boosters” on the top of your receipt! Tony Sacco’s Coal Oven Pizza 42970 Grand River Avenue Novi, MI 48375 248-349-2525 Mon-Thu: 11am-10pm Fri-Sat: 11am-11pm Sun: 12pm-10pm
Girls Varsity Softball Row 1: Madison Brandenstein, Maria Gustitus, Jaime Gustitus, Megan Medendorp Row 2: Riley Jones, Madison Budde, Hope Kapelanski, Allison Purtell, Bella Rallis, Chandler DennisRow 3: Coach Lenington, Ashley Yarberry, Nicole Ireland, Sophie Rallis, Ireland Whalen, Coach Lenington2016 Novi Wildcats - Girls Softball Roster *VARSITY* *JUNIOR VARSITY*NO. FIRST LAST YR. NO. FIRST LAST YR. 91 Ireland Whalen 10 1 Sydney Bernot 9 92 Maria Gustitus 9 2 Nandini Koneru 9 93 Jamie Gustitus 10 3 Heidi Richman 11 104 Megan Medendorp 9 4 Kristen Boudreau 9 115 Riley Jones 10 5 Neveah Tickel 10 117 Maddy Brandenstein 12 7 Sarah Erno 99 Nicole Ireland 12 9 Sarah Taube10 Sophie Rallis 9 11 Anna Mizerowski11 Ashley Yarberry 11 12 Rachel Blonde12 Madison Budde 12 13 Emilie Lipson13 Hope Kapelanski 12 23 Sara Jacek14 Bella Rallis 9 34 Dionne Sutton23 Chandler Dennis 1234 Allison Purtell 10Coaches: Coach:Bruce Lenington Dave LangloisJordan Lenington Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 19
and Family DinerNOVI’S NEWEST CONEY ISLANDBREAKFAST SPECIAL Daily Specials 44425 W. 12 Mile Rd. Novi, MI 48377 248.468.2990 | 7-11 am M-F only Coneys2 eggs, potatoes, choice of Homemade Soupbacon, sausage or ham,and toast for $3.59 Serving 10% OFFBreakfast TOTAL BILL AFTER 11 am All Day! Dine in only. Not good with any other offers. Limited time offer. Grand River Ave. Novi Rd. Open Every Day 6 am-10 pm www.noviconey.com20 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls JV Softball Row 1: Kristen Boudreau, Anna Mizerowski, Sarah Erno, Rachel Blonde Row 2: Sydney Bernot, Heidi Richman, Dianne Sutton, Nandini Koneru, Riley Jones Row 3: Bella Rallis, Emilie Lipson, Coach Dave Langlois, Sophie Rallis, Nevaen Tickel For Your Graduation Parties, Prom-Posals, or Any Other Sweet Event- Chocolates By U. All of our chocolates are handmade and available for purchase. Favors • Chocolate Tables • Party Size Chocolates Corporate Gifts • Chocolate Trays for all occasions Available for all events: Birthdays • Showers • Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Baptisms • Anniversaries • Corporate Events THE VERY BEST CHOCOLATE BAR Interested in making your own chocolates? The Very Best Chocolate Bar is a wonderful addition to any party. Your guests make their very own chocolate bar and take it home with them. This is great for all occasions or just for fun. Please call or email for details. • 248-635-4547 Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 21
Boys Varsity Lacrosse Row 1: Ben Lane, Nyan Makim, Brendan Kansier, Dhar Sarit, Neil Haakenson, Anthony Zugaro, Nathan Tu Row 2: Nick Zamora, Matt Kigar, Ben Hong, Chase Sparling, Scott Latham, Niko Camilletti, Michael Leone, Brendan DaschkeRow 3: Coach Johnson, Kyle Kostrzewa, Peter Miner, Landon Green, Jay Duarte, Dillon Bomzer, Kendrick Schier, Griffin Sparling, Quinn Hanley, Ian Patterson2016 Novi Wildcats - Boys Lacrosse RosterNO. FIRST *VARSITY* YR. NO. FIRST *JUNIOR VARSITY* YR. LAST LAST2 Nathan 94 Anthony Tu 12 2 Andrew Nicholson 105 Sarit Zugaro 108 Landon Dhar 11 3 Casey Lyons 1110 Brendan Green 911 Michael Daschke 12 7 Tristan Kelley 1012 Matthew Leone 1115 Neil Kigar ‘C’ 10 8 Jacob Dougherty 1016 Ben Haakenson ‘C’ 917 Chase Lane 11 9 Brison MacDonald 1118 Brendan Sparling 1119 Scott Kansier 11 10 Max Cai 920 Nayan Latham 1021 Dillon Makim 12 13 Ace Saad 1022 Ian Bomzer 1123 Quinlan Patterson 12 26 Matt Sheeran 924 Grffin Hanley 1025 Kyle Sparling ‘C’ 12 14 Evan Budd26 Niko Kostrzewa31 Nicholas Camilletti 10 15 Tristan Hurwitz34 Kendrick Zamora35 Peter Scherer 12 17 Ben Hong Miner ‘C’ 11 19 Luka Saicic 11 21 Matt Williams 12 22 Christian Shereda 11 23 Alex Nicholson 11 33 Freddy Samson 12 35 Kyle Hart 11 11 Coach: 10 Ryan Gardner 12 12Coach:Chris Johnson22 | Please Support our Sponsors
Boys JV Lacrosse Row 1: Brison MacDonald, Evan Budd, Tristan Kelley Row 2: Luka Saicic, Casey Lyons, Ben Hong, Freddy Samson, Ace Saad Row 3: Coach x, Andrew Nicholson, Kyle Hart, Matt Sheeran, Matt Williams, Coach Ryan Gardner Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 23
Girls Varsity Lacrosse Row 1: Heather Garcia, Hannah Richardson, Gina Salemi, Lizzie Eiler, Melissa Ansara Row 2: Mya Brown, Alexa Cotter, Cecilia Hong, Emma Hixson, Katie McMaster, Rachel BayerRow 3: Kaitlyn West, Katie Novell, Jade Lim, Lauren Chapman, Mariah Smythe, Coach Amy Kilgore2016 Novi Wildcats - Girls Lacrosse Roster ** VARSITY** ** JUNIOR VARSITY**# FIRST LAST YR. # FIRST LAST YR.2 Alexa Cotter 9 2 Delaney Hansen 103 Jade Lim 9 6 Margaux Deloffre 106 Melissa Ansara 10 7 Shri Dareddy 107 Katie McMaster 11 8 Elisia Fritz 108 Gina Salemi 12 9 Julia Goetz 109 Katie Novell 9 10 Melanie Howarth 911 Heather Garcia 10 11 Michelle Liu 1014 Lauren Chapman 12 12 Winnie Kamindo 1015 Rachel Bayer 11 15 Chloe Waack 916 Cecilia Hong 12 16 Faith Hamelin 1017 Mya Brown 11 17 Benita Kemper 1019 Hannah Richardson 10 20 Autumn Grant 920 Lizzie Eiler 11 23 Lauren Wilk 924 Emma Hixson 10 24 Anne George 926 Emily Pringle 9 25 Hannah Wolstencroft 1030 Carolina Duarte 10 26 Sydney Lisowsky 944 Mariah Smythe 11 29 Kaitlyn Savage 10 77 Eloise Wilber 10Coaches: 99 Flo Baque 10AmyKaitlyn Kilgore Coach: SchroederKelly West Craig Mollsen Mollsen Kelly24 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls JV Lacrosse Row 1: Eloise Wilber, Delaney Hansen, Melanie Howarth, Kaitlyn Savage, Shri Dareddy, Faith Hamelin, Anne George Row 2: Autumn Grant, Winnie Kamindo, Emily Pringle, Carolina Duarte, Sydney Lisowsky, Julia Goetz, Michelle Liu, Hannah Wolstencraft Row 3: Benita Kemper, Elisia Fritz, Florianne Boqué, Coach Craig, Lauren Wilk, Margaux Deloffre, Chloe Waack got sporting goods? Want Money? We are now buying used Snowboards, Bindings, Boots, Skis, and other Winter Sports items. We carry NEW skis & snowboards. And we have USED at half the price of new! $10.00 OFF your purchase of $50 or more One coupon per family. Can’t be combined with other coupons, discounts, or offers. Coupon must be present. PIAS Novi only. Expires 8/1/2016. 248-449-4544 25875 Novi Rd. @ Grand River Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 25
一 倀爀漀甀搀 吀漀 匀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀 一漀瘀椀 䄀琀栀氀攀琀椀挀猀26 | Please Support our Sponsors
Complete Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations Finished Basements Additions Remodeling Making your dreams come true! Love your new kitchen!Luxury bathroom renovationFunctional basement finishing Luxury bathroom renovation Licensed and Insured 10% discount to all Novi families - 5% donated to Novi athletics Beat the “Big Box Stores” by 25% Owned and operated by Novi Wrestling Coach Joel Smith Phone: 248-224-3055 Email: JBC158@att.netTell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 27
Wendy Duvall Angelocci and the NWoveinAdtyhDleutivcalBl oAonsgteelroscpcrieasnednththee Novi Athletic Boosters present the SSMCMCaarHrHkkDODOuuVLVLaaAAllll AARRnngSgSeeHlHloocIccIPciPi Will be awarded to osWsottnnuiueledldmbemeenanataltelpwepeaaearnrrnsddpsdeopodnorottenrsotefsseefmseaemsaaolseanolenMarkMAnagrkeAloncgceilwocacsi wa a2s0a0420g0r4adgruaadtueaotef NofoNvioHviigHhigShcShcoholo,lw, whheererehheewwaas a threee--ssppoorrttaaththleletet.eH. eHwe ewnetnttotCoenCetrnatlrMailcMhiigcahnigUannivUenrsiviteyr,saintyd, andplayepdlfaoyoedtbfaololtobnaltlhoen CthMeUCMChUipCphiepwpeaws taesatmea.mIn. I2n021011,1h, ihsislilfiefewwaassttrraaggiiccaallllyy eennddeeddbbyyaaddrurunknkdrdivrievre. Tr.hTishsicshsoclhaorslahripshhiopnhoorsnMorasrkMaanrdk hainsd hisexcepetxiocenpatliochnaalrachctaerarcotneraonndaonffd othffethpelapylianyginfgieflidelsd.s.TaghrrseehesicpoTaghfhrrcoseceohlehmasiacporhmrsfcaohcoiclhitmapttareemrsfraeuhiicitntnpttadeefskreuwueintpnsaadpssrkwueosepcresaotptsrmoeouscrefpmotttmbohuefypemntiMdbhreyaeantteiMrdrikaoaatm’tesnrikaomsm’msnforamsmottfhomeraotesthme,rt,esef,Werta,eflcWeleaholnclewehodnrweydssrtysaDsutaDnuudnduvdedvaecnalcontlloatlsAasA,cn,chpnhpgegaeaesersrl,el,eooananccnnttccssdidi,,aatatannhhnndededdtftifiohsohscescesuuiuurisprspcwpcowpooimlorimlltrmbletmbeeduedounbnoinybtniystytt.hystuet.hduNeedonNevtonisvAtwisthhAwoltehhdtolieecmdtBieoocmnoBssootternoarsssttt.eerTatrhhste.eeTNthhhAiegeBhN’hseAsisgcBthhd’soeelss--cthdoel--TMheegTM2ah0nee1gH26a0anw1rHt6imnawrnutiemnsrnasuensardarsenaJdorLTeasJohoLuTasaurohuepaaurnpHepalCnpyoHh,llCyocapth,olhplcapemeomplaemNmbsaao.besnav.enc,ioc,JHoaJnianmgtmtahaeceScststcCthCthihoiooeoelllllNNiiC,,oooEEvvuddiinuuAAsaatetrhrhlddillnoeoetgDtiDciOeceBOffiBOolioclovieosvetseiertiarers,ar,As,o,lAirocliiraciDaeDsOesrmOremaue,au, 28 | Please Support our Sponsors the Novi High School Counseling Office
Boys Golf Row 1: Aakash Jajoo, Ryan Pinhp, Manny Legace, Niko Hatz, Keane Dolin Row 2: Mike Groechel, Vikram Vallapareddy, Michael Ulle, Ryan Havens, Andrew Jamison, Alex Dickmann, Jason Wenner, Peter Koomen Row 3: Coach Delo, Trevor Angell, Jay Nalluri, Ryan Welch, Brendan Campbell, Vamsi Chaparala, Derek DuBois, Chris Fisher, Coach Megan Henry Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 29
novi town center »»»»»»50yowurafyassthoiofninsd! Novi Town Center now has 50 STORES and restaurants for you to discover! » GREAT NAMES in kids’, women’s and men’s fashion. » The BEST in golf, biking, hockey and running stores. » DINING CHOICES from casual to elegant. 4 3 2 5 9 C r e s C e n t B o u l e va r d | n ov i , M i • ( 2 4 8 ) 3 4 7. 3 8 3 0 HERBERT J. ELFRING, JR., D.D.S. BRIAN H. ANDRESS, D.D.S. KENNETH R. MARRIOTT D.D.S. Cosmetic and Family Dentistry NOVI DENTIST PLLC NOVIDENTISTS.COM Williamsburg Office Building (248) 442-0400 40255 Grand River, Suite 200 (248) 471-3321 Novi, MI 4837530 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls Varsity Soccer Row 1: Jessie Bandyk, Emmie Takada, Aastha Dharia, Rileigh Nielson, Alex McAleer, Laine FenchelRow 2: Chloe Allen, Jessie Halmaghi, Lexi Whalen, Riely Schultz, Julia Stadherr, Leah Kinra, Gracie Backus, Alexis Mailloux Row 3: Lauren Calhoun, Cara Ninkovich, Megan Riley, Coach Pheiffer, Mikayla Lynch, Bela Schultz, Lauren Buchman Row 4: Annie Fisher, Celie Roest, Jacalyn Schubring, Katrina Koomen, Ally Kobakof, Summer Mitchell2016 Novi Wildcats - Girls Soccer *VARSITY* *JUNIOR VARSITY*NO. NAME POS. YR. NO. NAME POS. YR. 11 90 Rileigh Nielson GK 12 2 Olivia Saad F/M 10 9 91 Aastha Dharia GK 10 3 Jaidyn Mertz M/F 9 11 92 Jessica Bandyk M 12 4 Sophie Shao D 10 12 93 Riely Schultz D 12 6 Emily Tonnos M/F 10 11 94 Annie Fisher F 11 7 Amanda Putti FD 10 10 96 Alex McAleer F 9 8 Nyah Taylor M/F 9 12 97 Summer Mitchell M 12 9 Eleanor Moore GK/F 9 12 118 Bela Schultz D 11 11 Morgan King M/F 9 11 99 Gracie Backus M 10 12 Sara Stanley D 10 1010 Alexis Mailloux D 12 13 Marissa Mack D 911 Emmie Takada M 10 14 Ana Sofia Aguirre D/M 1012 Lexi Whalen F 12 15 Melanie McDowell GK/D 913 Chloe Allen** F 17 Alice Wou D/M14 Megan Riley** M 18 Sydney Grassmyer M/F15 Celine Roest F 20 Tsukasa Kanamori D16 Jacalyn Schubring D 21 Avery Burrell M/F17 Cara Ninkovich F 22 Lyne McKeller F18 Laine Fenchel F 24 Katelyn Katinas F19 Mikayla Lynch D20 Jessica Halmaghi F Coach: Michael Ziegler21 Julia Stadtherr M22 Lauren Buchman D23 Leah Kiura D25 Katrina Koomen D26 Lauren Calhoun DCoach: Todd Pheiffer Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 31
Novi News People’s Choice Award Winner, 2015 WINNER Best Jewelry Store Same Day Appointments • 6:00am - 7:00pm M-F • Sat amJeffrey R. Sirabian, PT, MHS, OCS, Cert. MDT, CSCS Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Owner “The Specialists in Orthopedic Rehabilitation”Board Certified Clinical Specialists on Staff • Individualized Patient Care JefferySirabian,PT,MHS,OCS, BenWallis,PT,MSPT,Cert.MDT NicoleProulx,PT,DPT,OCS LatoyaThompson,PT,DPTCert.MDT,CSCS JillMunoz,PT,MSPT ShawnGrant,PT,MS,OCS,Cert.MDT PhilipSchuyten,PT,DPT 12 Convenient Locations • www.plymouthpts.comPLyMOuTH CenTeR HOweLL CenTeR nORTHvILLe CenTeR9368LilleyRoad,Plymouth,MI48170 4128EGrandRiverAvenue,Howell,MI48843 133W.MainSt.,Ste120,Northville,MI48167T:(734)416-3900F:(734)416-3903 T:(734)495-3725F:(734)495-3734 T:(248)347-1168F:(248)347-1252 LIvOnIA CenTeRBRIgHTOn CenTeR 37250FiveMileRoad,Livonia,MI48154 nOvI CenTeR5757WhitmoreLakeRd,Ste900,Brighton,MI48116 T:(734)462-3240F:(734)462-3831 39885GrandRiverSte300,Novi,MI48375T:(734)495-3725F:(734)495-3734 T:(248)615-0282F:(248)615-0415CAnTOn CenTeR LIvOnIA eAST CenTeR wHITe LAke wATeRFORD CenTeR49650CherryHillRd,Ste230,Canton,MI48187 29528SixMileRoad,Livonia,MI48152 9178HighlandRoad,Ste2,WhiteLake,MI48386T:(734)495-3725F:(734)495-3734 T:(734)422-0802F:(734)422-0873 T:(248)698-1277F:(248)698-2089COMMeRCe CenTeR MILAn CenTeR wIxOM wALLeD LAke CenTeR8896CommerceRd.Ste1,CommerceTwp,MI48382 870EArkonaRoad,Ste110,Milan,MI48160 29822WixomRoad,Wixom,MI48393T:(248)363-2115F:(248)363-2308 T:(734)439-2200F:(734)439-2204 T:(248)926-5826F:(248)926-5830Official athletic Medicine Partner tO nOvi high SchOOl - gO WildcatS!!32 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls JV Soccer Row 1: Emily Tonnos, Avery Burrell, Amanda Putti, Olivia Saad, Ana Sofia Aguirre Row 2: Sydney Grassmyer, Katelyn Katinas, Marissa Mack, Alice Wou, Tsukasa Kanamori, Morgan King, Sophie Shao Row 3: Katie Fisher, Sara Stanley, Ellie Moore, Coach Zigler, Lyné Mckelier, Melanie McDowell, Nicole Blair Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 33
Trusted In-Home Tutoring UTICA FARMINGTON HILLS CLARKSTON ANN ARBOR CEDAR SPRINGSFree Consultations-All Ages, All Subjects golf.indd 1 SERVICE 5/2/2014 12:00:57 PM SPORTS 248-277-3011 26025 GRAND RIVER AVE. REDFORD, MICHIGAN 48240 OFFICE: 313-538-4990 FAX: 313-538-4997 RUSS ALATALO WALLY MANSON TCPC CLASSES YEAR ROUND TRI-COUNTY PAIN CONSULTANTS, PC PUBLIC SKATE Dennis Dobritt DO DABPM Noon Skate: Mon. – Fri. 12:00-1:50pm Timothy Wright MD Public Skate: Sat. and Sun. 3:00-4:50pm Our main focus is to get patients back to living an active life. This HOCKEY is a team effort and we are certain we can provide you with the DEVELOPMENT best possible care. There is life beyond pain and Tri-County Pain Consultants is happy to offer relief from the barriers that may PROGRAM seem impossible to overcome. Wednesdays, 5:30pm Van Elslander Neuroscience Center Summer Session: July - August 26850 Providence Pkwy Suite 260 42400 Nick Lidstrom • Novi, MI 48375 Novi, 48374 248-347-1010 • 800.319.3118 FOLLOW US www.tricountypain.com34 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls Varsity Tennis Row 1: Alexis Felcher, Katherine Xie, Sasha Tretyakova, Carolyn Zhang, Brittany O’Connell Row 2: Youna Lee, Morgan Krupic, Ria Joshi, Jessica Lypka, Teja Mogasala, Katie Telder, Jamie Fu Row 3: Allison Lollo, Alexis Malecki, Coach Jim Hanson, Coach Dan Lowes, Chris Kwederis, Michelle Wang, Katie ValadeNovi Educational FoundationNovi Athletic BoostersSaturday, August 20th, 2016Tanglewood Golf ClubGet a group together for this important fundraiser!Details will be available Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 35
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Girls JV Tennis Row 1: Shraddha Jadhav, Shruthi Ilango, Nikita Daniel, Catherine Xu, Anagha Racihur, Sushy Balraj, Harika Kalluri Row 2: Raveena Joshi, Jihyun Pyun, Ananya Prayagai, Haejeong Lee, Jenny Oh, Angie Jung, Neha Raju, Michiru Kanamori, Row 3: Coach Hayward, Kesia George, Anjali Singh, Hope Mao, Zoianna Zhou, Haarika Karlaputi, Morgan Besant, Aaron HuangGGooWodilLduccakts-! Auto Clinic 24275 Novi Road, Novi, MI 48375 Celebrating 25 Years of Quality Auto Repair Dr. Anjoo Ely • 248-347-3030If you have any problems with your vehicle, let usgive you honest, expert, straightforward advice so the job is done right - the first time! Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed! Services: 24795 Hathaway 43291 W. 7 Mile Road • Implants • DenturesFarmington Hills, MI 48335 Northville, MI 48168 • Crowns • Cosmetics Phone: 248.449.5182 • Invisalign • Pediatrics Phone: 248.477.5951 • Veneers • Sleep Apnea • Root Canals • Botox • WhiteningHal Collins, Owner - Master Technician Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 37
Access the most advanced equipment A full-service team supplier of uniforms,and expert trainers that will have your spirit wear and more as well as the latestathlete performing at peak levels. bats, cleats, gloves for the individual Leagues Training Clinics & CampsSoccer-Baseball-Softball-Lacrosse-Volleyball-Roller Hockey-Football Birthdays-Corporate Outings EVERY SEASON STARTS AT DICK’S. Proud to support Novi Athletics VISIT ANY ONE OF OUR DETROIT AREA STORES38 | Please Support our Sponsors
Boys Track 2016 Novi Wildcats Boys Track RosterLAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR.Abdulnour Alexander 11 Kaempfer Andrew 9 Plaetinck Joost 12Antolec Marcus 12 Katta SaiBarthlow Evan 9 Kim Tae 12 Prabhakar Narayan 9Bednarski Matthew 11 Komatsu ShunBhola Prateek 9 Kongara Pranati 9 RamiReddy Madhu Vishnu Sankar Reddy 9Bloom Brendan 11 Koutras AdrianBrucker Joshua 10 Krueger Adam 10 Richardson Joe 12Chen Leon 9 Kurapati NeelChen Richard 11 Landy Aric 9 Robbins Benjamin 10Cotter Brenden 11 Landy JohnD’annibale Anthony 11 Lawler Fenton 11 Roy Arnab 9Dembinski Zachary 9 Lewis JamesDeoliveira Eduardo 12 Lokam Nikhil 10 Ryba Jacob 9Dharia Nisarg 9 Lyon NathanielDitri Adam 12 Ma Vincent 9 Sawyer Glenn 11Drew Rodney 12 Mackay AustinDubay Alexander 11 Mackay Brett 11 Schafer Alexander 10Feig Samuel 10 Macpherson ScottFoley Dallas 9 Maday Blake 11 Schoening Jared 9Gamm Matt 9 Martin BrennanGeiger Kyle 10 Menon Sandeep 10 Sehgal Ritvik 10Goodman Mitchell 11 Michalik NiloyGrassmyer Corey 11 Muchoor Advay 12 shaheen edmund 11Grinshpun Mitchell 10 Mudel GabrielHankerson Nathtan 11 Mullins III John (Trey) 12 Silva Christopher 11Hattori Taiki 9 Naidu AkashHepp Benjamin 11 Nanamori Clarence 10 Sirigiri Kishore 9Holcomb Josh 12 Navada SuhasHorsburgh Luke 9 Netter Daniel 9 Song David 10Hwang Joseph 10 Oduntan ChristopherInce Connor 12 Oelscher Leonie 10 Stefan John 11Ireland Brendan 9 OLeary ConnorJacob Augustine 10 Palaniappan Rithik 10 Stotler Benjamin 11James Nathan 10 Patel DilanJenkins Aahmaud 11 Patel Ronak 11 Tiwari Vinayak 10Joy Hunter 11 Pitcher Sean 9 Truly Tim 11 12 Vadera Roshan 9 9 Vartanian Berj 10 10 Vera-Burgos Brian 12 9 Vergara-Rodriguez Gabriel 12 10 Verma Aryan 9 9 Wang Austin 12 11 Wang Jonathan 9 9 Wood Nate 10 9 Wright JJ 11 9 Wu James 10 10 Zhang Devin 9 10 Zhang Steven 10 12 9 Coaches: Marsha Reid Brett Kuhn 9 Brad Moore Danny Taylor 9 Cindy Kuhn Alexandra Jankowski 10 Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 39
CPR Ad Revised_Layout 1 9/5/14 8:35 AM Page 1 Two Convenient Locations: 248.344.4900 43348 Grand River Ave Novi, MI 48375 734.667.3509 39958 Ford Road Canton, MI 48187 Together We Are Stronger PLYMOUTH Community isn’t just part of our name, but the core of everything we do. 500 S. HARVEY ST. Visit Community Financial Credit Union today and CANTON CFCU.ORG | 877.937.2328 6355 N. CANTON CENTER Federally insured by NCUA. 47463 MICHIGAN AVE. LIVONIA 34000 W. 7 MILE RD. NORTHVILLE 400 E. MAIN ST. NOVI 23890 NOVI RD.40 | Please Support our Sponsors
Girls Track 2016 Novi Wildcats Girls Track RosterLAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR.Baeza Cecile 12 Hepp Jane 9 Prisby Kate 11Blair Heather 11 Hinojosa Sydney 10 Ray Katherine 9Burgess Lauryn 9 Hood-Blaxill Hannah 10 Roest Karenna 10Collier Chelsea 12 Howard Olivia 11 Rose Justine 11Corwin Carlee 9 Jamison Ashley 9 Savage Kayla 11Davis Ciarra 12 Lagaude Nastia 10 Sethi Pooja 9DesOrmeau Alicia 12 Leland Nicole 9 Silva Celeste 9Do Lucia 10 Lopez Tania 10 Smith Phoebe 10Dunn Marissa 12 Lowes Emalee 9 Surapaneni Neha 9Fahey Alexis 10 Mackay Ellie 10 Uppula Nishika 9Fozdar Shaily 10 McBride Hanna 11 Vianueva Victoria 10Fujiwara Reika 11 Miesowicz Lauren 10 Wysinger Chelsea 9Goenka Shruti 9 Moeller Brittany 11 Yaumachi Mana 11Gubbi Sahana 10 Mysore Shree 9 Zamora Adeline 12Hall Emma 12 Peterson Hadley 11Hammelef Emma 11 Pringle Alexandra 10Coaches: Marsha Reid Brett Kuhn Brad Moore Danny Taylor Cindy Kuhn Alexandra Jankowski Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 41
Our funding Results over the Years New Scoreboard 2014-2015 School Year – $170,000 2013-2014 School Year – $161,602 2012-2013 School Year – $191,469 – including $50,000 for weight room updates 2011-2012 School Year – $150,000 2010-2011 School Year – $125,000 2009-2010 School Year – $162,876 2008-2009 School Year – $125,285 Strength and Conditioning Trainer $28,000 per year New Boosters Website/Facebook/Twitter 2007-2008 School Year – $151,759 2006-2007 School Year – $119,939 2005-2006 School Year – $110,372Thank you for all your support making this possible for our student athletes at Novi. Your Novi Athletic Boosters42 | Please Support our Sponsors Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 42
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Would you like to earn money directly for your team? Simple! Help us sell advertising in this sports book! Your doctor, lawyer, favorite store, account- ant, dentist, chiropractor, accountant--anyone who does business in Novi is often willing to help out and support the team. Just ask! Sell an ad, and 25% of the ad revenue goes directly to YOUR TEAM! We need YOU to help our school and student-athletes! Contact Andrea Engler: 248-946-4726 3.5” x 2” Mark L Whitfield, AAMS® 23655 NOVI ROAD • SUITE 101 • NOVI • 248.277.3440 Financial Advisor .Specializing in treatment of orthopedic, spinal Novi Town Center conditions and sports related injuries. 43290 Eleven Mile Road Novi, MI 48375 248-349-4034 Thomas Nicholas Bridget JessicaSheppard, MPT Bresso, DPT Kane, DPT Huttenstine, DPT Clinic Director Large, state-of-the-art gymwith full line of Cybex equipment.
Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 47
Go Wildcats!Novi High School Athletic Tradition of ExcellenceWith over 1,000 student athletes participating in athletics, Novi High School offers a comprehensive program ofinterscholastic athletics sponsoring over 60 teams in 22 varsity sports. Each year we host more than 350 homeathletics contests and more than 65,000 spectators pass through our gates to support our teams! Our studentathletes, coaches, administration and support personnel have worked hard to create a Tradition of Excellence!2015 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball State Championships2014 Boys Tennis 2002 Boys Golf2011 Ice Hockey, Pom Pon, Girls Soccer 2001 Pom Pon2010 Pom Pon, Girls Soccer 1999 Boys Cross Country, Pom Pon2007 Girls Soccer 1998 Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Pom Pon2006 Girls Soccer 1996 Pom Pon2005 Girls Soccer 1995 Lacrosse Regional Championships2015 Boys Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2005 Boys Cross Country, Bowling, Girls Soccer2014 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Ice Hockey 2004 Boys Cross Country2013 Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Golf 2003 Football, Ice Hockey2012 Boys Tennis, Boys Soccer 2002 Boys Golf, Ice Hockey2011 Ice Hockey, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Track & Field, 2001 Wrestling, Ice HockeyGirls Soccer 2000 Baseball, Ice Hockey, Boys Cross Country, Boys2010 Ice Hockey, Girls Soccer Track, Wrestling2009 Ice Hockey, Girls Track & Field, Girls Tennis 1998 Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Boys Track2008 Girls Tennis, Boys Tennis 1997 Competitive Cheer, Gymnastics, Boys Cross2007 Ice Hockey, Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Country, WrestlingVolleyball 1995 Boys Swimming, Lacrosse2006 Boys Cross Country, Ice Hockey, Boys Tennis, 1988 Football, Boys Cross CountryGirls Soccer 1983 Girls Cross Country District Champs2016 Figure Skating B Team, Boys Basketball 2000 Baseball, Boys Cross Country, Softball, Wrestling,2015 Boys Golf, Girls Volleyball Boys Track & Field2014 Baseball, Girls Volleyball 1999 Boys Cross Country2013 Girls Soccer 1998 Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Boys Track &2012 Boys Soccer Field2011 Girls Soccer 1995 Girls Soccer, Lacrosse2010 Boys Basketball, Boys Baseball, Girls Soccer, Boys 1994 Girls SoccerSoccer, Volleyball 1993 Softball2009 Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Volleyball 1991 Wrestling2008 Wresting, Baseball, Girls Soccer, Volleyball 1990 Wrestling2007 Volleyball, Girls Soccer 1988 Wrestling2006 Girls Soccer, Girls Basketball 1980 Softball2005 Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Wrestling 1978 Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball2004 Football, Volleyball, Boys Basketball 1977 Girls Basketball2003 Football, Boys Basketball 1976 Girls Basketball2002 Football, Boys Golf, Boys Basketball 1975 Girls Basketball2001 Baseball, Wrestling48 | Please Support Our Sponsors
Go Wildcats! Novi High School – Go Wildcats! KVC Champs2008 Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, 1998 Boys Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Tennis,Lacrosse, Girls Tennis, Boys Golf Wrestling, Girls Soccer2007 Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Football, 1997 Boys Tennis, Girls TennisBoys Soccer, Volleyball, Girls Swim & Dive 1996 Boys Tennis, Girls Tennis, Girls Cross Country2006 Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis, 1995 Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Cross CountryLacrosse 1993 Boys Golf, Girls Basketball2005 Boys Basketball, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, 1992 Baseball, Boys TennisGirls Tennis, Girls Soccer 1991 Boys Basketball, Boys Track, Boys Tennis2004 Baseball, Football, Boys Basketball, Boys Cross 1990 FootballCountry, Boys Track & Field, Girls Tennis, Girls Swim & 1989 FootballDive 1988 Football, Girls Tennis, Wrestling2003 Baseball, Football, Boys Basketball, Boys Tennis, 1987 FootballBoys Track & Field, Girls Tennis 1985 Girls Tennis2002 Baseball, Boys Tennis, Girls Tennis 1981 Football2001 Ice Hockey, Boys Golf, Girls Tennis, Wrestling, Boys 1976 FootballSoccer 1980 Softball2000 Baseball, Ice Hockey, Boys Cross Country, Boys Golf, 1978 Girls Basketball, Boys BasketballBoys Soccer, Boys Track & Field, Girls Tennis, 1977 Girls BasketballWrestling, Baseball, Softball 1976 Girls Basketball1999 Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Girls Tennis, 1975 Girls BasketballGirls Basketball, Softball2015 Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Boys KLAA Champs Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2012 Volleyball, Boys Tennis 2011 Boys Basketball, Girls Track & Field, Girls Soccer,2014 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Golf Boys Lacrosse, Volleyball, Boys Tennis2013 Boys Lacrosse, Volleyball, Boys Tennis 2010 Girls Tennis, Girls Track and Field Conference2015 Boys Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2010 Girls Tennis, Boys Track & Field, Boys Tennis,2014 Boys Track, Boys Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Girls Girls Golf, VolleyballVolleyball 2009 Lacrosse, Girls Track & Field, Girls Tennis, Girls2013 Boys Lacrosse, Boys Track, Volleyball, Boys Tennis Swim and Dive, Boys Cross Country2012 Boys Tennis 2008 Girls Swim & Dive, Boys Tennis2011 Boys Basketball, Ice Hockey, Boys Golf, Lacrosse,Girls Soccer, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track &Field, Boys Tennis Division2016 Boys Swim & Dive 2010 Girls Basketball, Competitive Cheer, Baseball,2015 Boys Golf, Girls Softball, Boys Tennis, Girls Girls Soccer, Girls Track and Field, Boys Soccer,Volleyball Boys Tennis, Girls Golf, Volleyball,2014 Girls Basketball, Boys Golf, Boys Track, Boys 2009 Competitive Cheer, Girls Soccer, Girls Track &Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Boys Field, Girls Tennis, Boys Cross Country, GirlsWrestling Swim and Dive, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, Field Hockey2013 Girls Basketball, Girls Soccer, Boys Lacrosse, 2008 Football, Girls Swim & Dive, Boys Tennis, GirlsVolleyball, Boys Tennis, Field Hockey Cross Country, Boys Cross Country2012 Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Boys Tennis2011 Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Girls Soccer, Boys Track& Field, Girls Track & Field, Volleyball, Boys Tennis,Boys Soccer Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 49
Novi High School All-State Athletes of Winter 2015-2016 *Information below is what we have been given; some of it may be missing or incorrect Boys Basketball Kam Hankerson Hockey Brennan Martin Boys Swim & Dive Joey Berman, Narayan Manivanna, Sid Kareddy, Ryan Katulski Boys Ski Mitch Goodman50 | Please Support Our Sponsors