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Home Explore Novi Athletic Booster Spring 2021

Novi Athletic Booster Spring 2021

Published by Alliance Franchise Brands, 2021-06-17 14:01:25

Description: Novi Athletic Booster Spring 2021


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Free! Spring Sports 2021 This Sports Book provided by the Novi Athletic Boosters

Hey, Wildcats! Share your Amazing Smile with the World. #NoviWildcats @SpillaneReynoldsOrtho #AmazingSmiles DDr.r.LLaawwrreenncceeSSppiilllaanneeDDDDSS,, MMSS DDr.r.JJaammeessRReeyynnoollddss DDDDS, MS, ABOO DDrr.. JAenfdfrreeyaHDeoinpzpDDDDSS,, MMSSDD Dr. Brian Potocki DDS, MSD NNOOVVII:: 445555000 Teenn MMiillee RRooaadd NNoovvii,, MMII 483744 224488..882266..22660077 CaClal lNl Noowwffoorraa CoCmopmlimpliemnetnatrayryCCoonnssuultltaattiioonn wwwww.Mwy.MAymAamzaiznigngSSmmiliele..ccoomm

A Message from the President of the Novi Athletic Boosters We hope you enjoy the 2021 Spring edition of the Novi Wildcats Sports Program! Even though this year may be a bit unusual, the Novi Athletic Boosters is excited that our student athletes are able to play their sports in the beautiful Wildcat stadiums, fields, courts, and gymnasiums! This year, we are happy for the little things! With so many events and services cancelled in the 2020-2021 school year, the Novi Sports Program you hold in your hands is one of those “little things” that the NAB is happy to be able to provide to our student athletes and their families. It is a keepsake, a collection of the sports teams each season, showcased in the pages of this program. Community sponsors generously help defer the costs of publishing this beautiful collection of our Novi Wildcat athletes, which is created by a team of NAB volunteers. We hope you enjoy it! Every play, practice, and game means so much to our student athletes! Being a part of a team has large benefits and creates life lessons that will help student athletes succeed in school and into their futures. In these crazy times, sports can be a lifeline for our kids, with positive impact on both their physical and emotional well-being. Every little moment matters! That is why the NAB strives to make every experience as positive as possible, by funding strength and conditioning, technology, equipment, training, beautification of our athletic facilities, scholarships for graduating seniors, team donations, and team athletic grants. The mission of the Novi Athletic Boosters is to help our student athletes accomplish all they can, on and off the field, and to help make each Novi Wildcat experience as memorable as possible. The NAB is dedicated to giving back, and we are attempting to find new ways to fundraise in these unprecedented times. We are a 501(c)3 organization, committed to bettering our Novi Middle School and High School Athletic Programs, utilizing many volunteers and community partners. If you would like to volunteer or donate to the Novi Athletic Boosters, please contact someone from our board. For more information about the NAB or how to donate, email us at [email protected] or go to our website at Thank you for your support! Every little bit counts! Go Wildcats! Sheri VanKirk, President, Novi Athletic Boosters 2020 – 2021 NAB Board President – Sheri VanKirk Trustee – Niki Parenti Vice President – Mark Tobias Trustee – Angela Shires Treasurer – Joe Smythe Trustee – Elisa Endress Secretary – Jamie Young Middle School Trustee – Tierra Turner

Administration Dear Fans, It’s Another Great Day to be a Novi Wildcat! On behalf of the staff, students and administration, I would like to welcome you to Novi High School and our athletic events. We are grateful that you chose to support our dynamic student athletes by attending this sporting event. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that your experience is a positive one. Our student athletes and coaches work tirelessly to demonstrate good sportsmanship and character. I ask all attendees to do the same. We must model the behaviors that we want to see from others. Please choose kindness and empathy towards each other; especially the referees who have a very challenging role in athletic events. We pride ourselves on providing tremendous learning opportunities for our Wildcats both on and Nicole Carter off the field. Our student athletes are empowered to gain leadership traits and skills that enhance Principal their overall well-being and performance. Much of what is learned during practices and games influences students to make good choices, to gain insights on how to be an effective team player and to fully understand that in order to be an effective leader one must possess humility and will. We strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for the 700 events that we host annually. May all student athletes have a memorable and successful season. Yours in leadership, Nicole Carter Principal John Zabick Ron Kane Dr. Melissa Jordan Katy Dinkelmann School Resource Officer Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal From the Superintendent Welcome! On behalf of the Novi Community School District I am very excited to welcome you to our 2020-2021 athletic program. There were times this summer when we did not know if we would be able to provide these experiences for our students this school year. Fortunately, circumstances changed and our student athletes have the opportunity to participate. High school athletics provides lifelong lessons for our students. Lessons in leadership, collaboration, communication, commitment. These lessons, and many others, will serve our students well as they continue to grow and mature. I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work done by our athletic department and coaches to ensure that our student athletes would have opportunities this school year. Without their focus and dedication this season may have been lost. Cheer our teams and enjoy the competition! Go Wildcats! Dr. Steve Matthews Dr. Steve Matthews Superintendent 4 | Please Support our Sponsors

from the Athletic Director Welcome to Novi for today’s athletic contest. I am extremely excited to be a part of the Novi Athletic Program and have the privilege to work with the student, parents, teachers, coaches, and community members that make up the Novi Athletic Family. In the 2020-21 athletic season more than 1,500 Novi MS and HS student-athletes will participate on one of our 84 teams playing 26 different sports. These student-athletes and their coaches will have more than 1,000 opportunities to represent our school district and the community of Novi in interscholastic athletic competitions! We are very proud of our student-athletes and coaches and hope you will join me in supporting them throughout the season. As a member of the Michigan High School Athletic Association and the Kensington Lakes Activities Association, please remember that sportsmanship and the objectives of educational athletics are what set this event apart from other levels of competition. Your cooperation and support of the values promoted by the Novi Community Schools is greatly appreciated. Admission to an athletic event is a privilege, and with that privilege comes responsibility-responsibility to conduct oneself in an appropriate manner, where the game is enjoyable for the participants, coaches, officials and the other fans. We hope you will enjoy the game-day experiences at Novi H.S. In conjunction with all of our partners within the community and our Novi Athletic Boosters. The Athletic Facility video boards that are seen by thousands of students, staff, and community members from Novi and our competing schools each year. Should you have an interest in becoming a partner, please contact our athletic office. In addition to their partnership on the scoreboard, the Novi Athletics Boosters are an integral support organization for our interscholastic athletics department. They provide service by staffing concession stands, selling booster passes, providing strength training and conditioning instruction for our student-athletes and, last year donating more than $125,000 for equipment, scouting programs, ect..Each parent of a student-athlete is expected to participate in the booster club and I hope that all Novi fans will consider participating in the vital support organization by volunteering to work a concession stand, serving on a committee or coming to the monthly meetings. Again, welcome to Novi – enjoy the game! Brian F. Gordon Brian F. Gordon Director of Athletics and Physical Education WANTS YOU!The Novi AThleTic BoosTers The Novi Athletic Boosters depends on parents to step into leadership positions to ensure our continued success. Without you, there are no boosters, and our mission of augmenting the athletic department budget is compromised. over the past few years, our dedicated leaders and volunteers have helped run successful programs that have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars to support our student-athlete’s teams. contact any member of the Athletic Boosters to step up and join this amazing team! We need YoU to help our school and student-athletes! Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 5

e StaOfffice Staff HeadJAHetfefhalWedPtiailAcsigtoThenrleaMtinicieelTrkreainer BarSbeMcBrcaeDrtSbaoeruMycgrcaeDltlaoruygall ChArtihstleintiaAcsHChSuoleed-cygOreeKpntaasrriynen Abby Pheiffer Athletic Co-Op tic AAidtehsletic Aides p Jeff Burnside Nikki McEversNikki McEvers Barb MBcaDrobuMgaclDl ougall Paul McOsker Aide Athletic Aide Athletic Aide Athletic Aide AthleticAAthidleetic Aide Athletic Aide MainFtielndaMncaeintenance GO Wildcats!To advertise in the Sports eff Bunker Jeff Bunker Jim Fular Jim Fular ) \"* ) * \"!'* ()* '%&$* )$'* !&'(\"* )&* ) & F ('% *!\"'*'\"* #*#'\"\"*%'&(!#!$*!$*(!#*#)&(# e ))**) &*)()&*\"%'&*%)&!('*#()&'*%) $( Novi High S %$(*'$(!#(*!&)&%()&*%) $(%$(   www.      #(* %#* '\"\"* %$* %* %$ *)*('*%*&''$ '*)'#*!&'(\"*()**     +)$(%(* $&'%*$\"'&- 3/.3230 2 Make Every#)&(#&)&%,$)!%(\"'(! ))#('&#1) SourptspoFratl6lo|2u0Pr0leS7apseoSnuspoprosrt our Sponsors Second Count!

The NAB would like to announce and congratulate the 2021 recipients of the Novi Athletic Boosters Scholarship. ELLY RIDDERING *V TRACK & FIELD *V FIELD HOCKEY *V GIRLS BASKETBALL ALAINA SMYTHE *V GIRLS LACROSSE *V FIELD HOCKEY *V GIRLS BASKETBALL MILES BROWN *V BOYS CROSS COUNTRY *V BOYS TRACK & FIELD *V BOYS SOCCER GAVIN PARENTI *V BOYS LACROSSE (4YRS) *V FOOTBALL Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 7

SENIOR SPORTS SPRING 2021 8 | Please Support our Sponsors

Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 9

Boys Varsity Baseball Row 1: Nilay Trivedi, Nick Luna, Eddie Shimazaki Ito Captain, Mark O’Connor, David Barry Asst. Captain, Alex Czapski, Niko Ponos Row 2: Adam Kummer, Brett Reed, Brendon Bennett, Dylan Fly, Zac Rabinowitz, Andrew Abler, Alex Roznowski, Logan Corrion Row 3: Odin Lim, Gibson Mumford, Coach Rick Green, Coach Dave Beaton, Manager McKenzie Keeter, Gavin Quinn, Nate Erskine Asst. Captain <ºá<¡ºįįá ¡ºįį è̺įè Ìyį ÌyÌ…y…®y® ®® hyÈÌ¡Òè hyÈÌ¡Òè 2Ö2µÖµ¡º¡ºÈįÈhįhyyÌÌ¡¡ÒÒèèįį <Ö´…\"È ¡ÈÌÒ \"¡ÈÌÒ 5yÌÒ 5yÌÒ #Èy‹ <Ö´<…֏´Èį…Èį \"¡È\"Ì¡ÒÈįÌÒį 55yyÌÌÒÒįį ##Èyȋy‹įį <Ö´…È øùµ‹Èâ µ‹Èâ …®È #Èy‹ ø÷Ò  øü SҏSNÒŏ֠šµ †µèµ ººÖÖ««ºyºáÖÖ¡®Ì®¡¡yyµµ ĀĀĀÒÒ  Ò  øù ù yᡋ …®È yÈÈè ø÷Ò  øùÒ  NÖ ¡µº‹†èµ ĀĀÒ Ò  ù øþ yᡋ ĀÒ  øü øÿ \"ÈyµáÌ¡Ì®È øøĀÒ Ò  øþ þ ȏµ‹ºµ ȏµ‹ºµ yÈÈè µµÒÒ øùÒ  øøÒ  øÿ ý º‹SµÒ  \"#ȵ¡®Ì®ÌÈ ĀøÒø Ò  þ 5ºœyµ µµÒÒ ºÈÈ¡ºµ ĀÒ  ø÷Ò  ýÿ ø÷ĀÒÒ   ü øùÒ  ÿù ü 5ºœyµ ®ç ºÈÈ¡ºµ îyÅ̬¡ øøÒ  øøÒ  SµÒ‹ Èâ 3#Ö´¡®´ÌÈ ĀøÒ÷ Ò  øùÒ  ù ùû ø÷ ®ç <yÒ yµîyÅ̬¡ È̬¡µ ø÷Ò  øùÒ  µu‹yȆ¬âyÈè 3Ö3´Öî´´yÈ ĀĀÒ Ò  øùÒ  ùû øø ĀĀÒ Ò  ø÷ øÿ<yÒ yµ è®yµ È̬¡µ \"®è øùÒ  øùÒ  uYy †y¬‹y‹ÈèÖÌ 35Öyîâ´®yÈ ĀĀÒ Ò  øùÒ  øø øý ĀĀÒ Ò  øÿ øý è®yµ ‹y´ \"®è 3Ö´´È øøÒ  øøÒ  øý øú Y y‹‹è®yÖµÌ 55¡Ìyºââ®Ì¬È è ĀøøĀÒÒ  Ò  øøÒ  øú øû ĀøÒø Ò  øý Ā ‹y´ A‹¡µ 3Ö´´È 5¡´ øùÒ  ø÷Ò  øû Ā è®yyµÌ  5;¡ÌÖº´â›Ìº¬Èè‹ ø÷ĀÒÒ   øùÒ  Ā øþ y2Ìy † ;ÖL´ºÈқºÈȋ ĀÒ  Ā øú A‹¡µ #¡…̺µ 5¡´ ;Ö´›ºÈ‹ øùÒ  øùÒ  2<y¡††º®yÌ øø#¡…̺µ ;yȬ;Ö´›ºÈ‹AĮºµµºÈ øùÒ  øøÒ  ø÷ <¡†®2ºy狮yyµÌ‹µÈ LOºÖÈÌÒ̏ºÈ ø÷Ò  øú ùû ;yȬ <#¡¬yºá®¡yµAÌ ĮºµµºÈ LºµºÌ øùÒ  øþ û 2y‹y®µ… Y OSºÖ ´ÌÅ̵ºÌœºµ NÖ¡µµ ø÷ ú ®LçyȏµÌ‹ÒºµÈ øø ùø øùÒ  'ûy‹įºy† ċ ºy´®¡µ…¡†į5¡Ì Si y®µ¬œÈ Y ºi´ Å¡Ò̏ºµ ùû ù÷<¡¬º®yÌ uy† LºµºÌ Oy…¡µºâ¡Òî øùÒ  ú LȏÌÒºµ iy®¬È ùø ý #yᡵ ȏÒÒ NÖ¡µµ O‹ øøÒ  i ¡Ò ù÷ ÿ uy† ®çyµO‹yȅ¡µºâ¡ÒOîºîµºâ̬¡ øøÒ  ý ø ȏÒÒ '¡‹¬¡ O‹S ¡´yîy¬¡į(Òºø÷Ò  ÿ ú®çyµ‹È <¡† º®Oy̺âYÌy¬È ¡ yµ¡†¬Ğ5ÖµøyùÒ  'y‹įºy† ċ º´¡µ¡†į5¡Ì ø û '¡‹¬¡ <¡®ySè ¡´yîy¬¡į(ÒºYȡᏋ¡ øùÒ  ú Head Co<a¡c†h : Rºi®cykÌGreen YyÈ yµ¡†¬Ğ5Öµy øøÒ  û <¡®yè YȡᏋ¡ øùÒ  10 | Please Support our Sponsors d Coach: Rick Green

Boys JV Baseball Row 1: Quincy Davis, Stephen Boujoulian, Boden Fernsler, Dylan Lisowsky, Seth Giles, Jace Porter Row 2: Seth Giles, Zack Kuzma, Coach Lis, Caleb Walker, Thaddeus Lawler Row 3: Jaden Sheng, Cash Mumford, Nic Russo, Preston White, Andrew Kummer, Alex Thompson Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 11

Novi Girls Softba Girls Varsity Softball Varsity Number First Last G 1 Emma Prahin 5 Mariana Forkey 7 Sarah Ferencz 10 Reganne Bennett 11 Madison Coolman 12 Camelia Ferman 20 Brooke Jedlick 21 Lily Smith 22 Avery Meister 32 Elizabeth Rydzik Row 1: Avery Meister, Sarah Ferencz, Olivia Schmeider, Sarah Cho, Brooke Jedlick 33 Allison SharnowskiRow 2: Lily Smith, Elizabeth Rydzik, Emma Prahin, Carly Summers, Ally Sharnowski, Camelia Ferman Row 3: Coach Cat Marion, Madi Coolman, Mariana Forkey, Reganne Bennett, Coach Jim Carlisle 44 Carly Summers Novi GirlsNSoovfitbGai5rlll5s SoftbaSlal rah Cho Varsity VarGsriatdye Head Coach: James Carlisle Number First Last Grade 1 EmmNaumber Prahin First 9th Last 9th 5 Mariana 1 ForkeEymma 11th Prahin 11th 7 Sarah 5 FerenMczariana 9th Forkey 9th 10 Reganne 7 BennetStarah 10thFerencz 10th 11 Madison10 CoolmRaenganne 9thBennett 9th 12 Camelia 11 FermManadison 11thCoolman 11th 20 Brooke 12 JedlicCkamelia 12thFerman 12th 21 Lily 20 SmithBrooke 10thJedlick 10th 22 Avery 21 MeisterLily 10thSmith 10th 32 Elizabeth22 RydzikAvery 10thMeister 10th 33 Allison 32 SharnoEwliszkaibeth 11th Rydzik 11th 44 Carly 33 SummeArlslison 12Sthharnowski 12th 55 Sarah 44 Cho Carly 10tShummers 10th 55 Sarah Cho Head CGoairclsh:SJaomccees rCaHrliesaled Coach: James Carlisle 12 | Please Support our Sponsors

We appreciate you supporting our sponsors! 10 | Please Support our Sponsors Together We Are Stronger Community isn’t just part of our name, but the core of everything we do. As a local business for over 65 years, we are proud to serve and give back to Michigan communities. Federally insured by NCUA. CFCU.ORG | (877) 937-2328 Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 13

Girls Varsity Soccer Row 1: Chloe Smith, Grace Dziedzic, Jenna Woody, Abbey Pheiffer (captain), Eva Burns (captain) Row 2: Sam Ryba, Jordan Franchino, Maya Lyon, Sammy Maday, Elle Jenkins, Kylie Endress Row 3: Grace Wou, Emma Putti, Patrick Li (Team Manager), Head Coach Todd Pheiffer, Assistant Coach Connor O’Leary, Michella Tortelli, Hannah Elwardt Row 4: Avery Kasanic (captain), Grace Kwasniewicz, Aranza Ramirez, Lindsay Dahlinger, Addison Endress, Taylor Nicholsen (captain) <<ººáá¡¡įį##¡¡ÈÈ®®ÌÌįįSSºº††††ÈÈįį hyÈÌ¡Òè Junior Vasity \"¡ÈÌÒ hyÈÌ¡Òè 5yÌÒ \"¡ÈJÌuÒįnior Vasit5yyÌÒį <Ö´…È #Èy‹ <Ö´…Èį #Èy‹į <Ö´÷…Èį #øÈ÷yҋ į <Ö´÷…È #\"È¡yÈ̆ҏ î5¡y‹ÌÒ #øÈøyÒ ‹ (Ì\"y¡…È̏Үį® 25¡yy̵Ҝį ÷ø #…Èy…†è Lî ¡¡‹››î¡†È øøùøÒÒ   Ā÷ (Ì5y¡…Ꮱy®® y2´¡yµyœÈœº øø÷÷ÒÒ   ùø ;…y…èyè L 5è¡º››µÈ øøù÷ÒÒ   Āøø ´5¡yᵡy‹y Ly´ÈÈy¡µÈœº øø÷÷ÒÒ   ùú 2;ºÈy‹èyyµ \"Èy5µè†º µ¡µº øø÷÷ÒÒ   øøùø S´yyȵy ‹y LLÈÈÈÈ¡¡µµ øø÷÷ÒÒ   þú 2ºÈá‹yyµ \"Èy µÖ†Èµ Ì¡µº øøù÷ÒÒ   øøúù S\"yyÈ¡Òy   LLÈyÈÈ¡¬µ øø÷÷ÒÒ   þÿ Yyèáy®ºÈ <¡†  ÖºÈµ®Ì̏µ øøùùÒÒ   øøúû ;\"¡yÌ¡yÒ ´ YLyy È¬¡È øø÷øÒÒ   Āÿ Yyá菮ȺèÈ <3¡†y Ìºyµ®Ì¡†µ øøùùÒÒ   øøûþ ;Lȡ̏yè´y LYyyÒ ¡È® ĀøøÒÒ   øĀ÷ ´á´Èèy 3yLÌÖyÒµÒ¡¡† øøùùÒÒ   ùøþ÷ Lȋ¡èÒy¡ SLyµÒҏ ®¡® ĀĀÒÒ   øø÷ø ‹´‹¡´Ìºyµ µL‹ÖÈҏҡÌÌ øøùøÒÒ   ùùù÷ <y‹Òy¡Ò®¡¡y SYºµÈÈҏ Ì¡® øĀ÷ÒÒ   øøùø ‹‹®®¡Ìºµ 2µ‹µÈ¬¡µÌÌÌ øøùøÒÒ   ùùûù <y®Òyç®y¡y S†YyºœÈµÈÌÒÒ¡ øø÷÷ÒÒ   øøùú Sy´y®®µÒ y 2;yµ‹¬¡yµèÌ øøùøÒÒ   ùùûü 'y®¡®çyè S†y3œ¡µµœÒÒ¡ øø÷÷ÒÒ   øøýú Sy'´yµyµµyÒ  y ;®ây‹yÈy‹èÒ øø÷øÒÒ   ùùüý 'Lyy¡¡®œè \"3y¡ÈµÈyœÈ øø÷÷ÒÒ   øøýþ 'y µ®µºy  S®â´y¡Òȋ Ò øø÷÷ÒÒ   ùùýĀ 2L¡y®®¡¡yœµ Sҏ\"®´yÈyÈyÌÈ øĀ÷ÒÒ   øøÿþ Sy´ y®ºµÒ y SO´è…¡Òy  øø÷÷ÒÒ   úù÷Ā 2…¡®®¡¡œyyµ¡® Sҏ®È´µÌyÒ̏îȏ¬ øĀ÷ÒÒ   øøĀÿ S;y´¡†y µÒ®® yy YOºèȅҏy®®¡ øĀ÷ÒÒ   ú÷ …¡œy¡® ȵÌÒÈ ø÷Ò  øùĀø ;¡È†y µî®y®y OYyº´ÈÒ¡È®®¡î øĀøÒÒ   'y‹įºy† ċį;¡¬įSÒÈyÒÒºµ ùùùø #ÈÈyyµ†îy 3âOyyÌ´µ¡¡Èâî ĀøøÒÒ   'y‹įºy† ċį;¡¬įSÒÈyÒÒºµ ùùûù ##ÈÈyy†† 3âyi̵º¡Ö⡆î ĀĀÒÒ   ùùûþ #3Èèy®†¡ µi‹ÈºÖÌÌ ĀĀÒÒ   ùùĀþ 5¡3µè‹®Ì¡yè yµ ‹®¡ÈµœÌÌÈ ĀĀÒÒ   ÷ùĀ÷ 52¡µ‹µÌµyyè iy º®¡ºµ‹œèÈ øĀùÒÒ   ÷÷ '2y‹µįµºyy† ċįYº‹‹įiL ºº¡››‹èÈį øùÒ  ÌÌ¡ÌÒyµÒįºy† Ìċį';¡¬y‹įįSÒºÈyy҆Һ µċįYĊįº5֋¬‹įLį; †¡››ºµÈįy®‹ĊįºµµºÈįAĮ5yÈèį ÌÌ¡ÌÒyµÒįºy† ÌYċį;y´¡¬į;įSyÒµÈyyҜҏºÈµċįĊLį5yÖҬȡ†į¬;į5†¡ºµy®‹ĊįºµµºÈįAĮ5yÈèį SuYpeyr´inįt;enydµeynœt: ÈDċįrL.ySÒtÈe¡†v¬eį5M¡ atthews SuperinPtreinncdiepnatl:: NDirc. oSleteCvearMteartthews AthlPetriicncDipiraelc:tNoric: oBlreiaCnaGrtoerrdon 14 | Please Support our SponAstohlrestic Director: Brian Gordon

Skiing GO Wildcats!To advertise in the Sports Bo Fun ema Not every family gets to experience the shared success Novi High Scho of a Novi athletic program quite like the Pheiffer family has during the 2018 and 2019 seasons. We will always P wonder what could have been in 2020... www.nov Wishing Coach Todd, Abbey and the rest of the Novi Var- sity Soccer Team a fun, healthy and memory filled 2021! “Your strength doesn’t come from winning. It comes Make Every from struggles and hardship. Everything that you go you the neRxotwl1e:vNeals.t”assia Lagaude, Row 2: Ashley Jamison, Andrew through preparesfor Second Count!--Germany Kent Julia Braeuner, Unie Gu, Carolyn Watson, Tori Engler Jamison, Lauren Bradford, Tommy Warner, Preston Engler Jenna Woody    Novi Varsity Soccer  Wishing the team the best of luck this season! The Woodys Advertise in this Sports Book and get community recognition!  Mark Tobias at (248) 756-5881 or [email protected] - or - Jamie Young at (248) 982-1135 or [email protected] Tell our SponTselol rosurySopounssoarswyotuhseaiwr thaedir ahdehreer!e! ||1529

Girls JV Soccer Row 1: Livia Camargo, Misam Tahir, Isabelle Jiang, Aditi Senthil, Preya Patel Row 2: Jillian Stelmaszek, Alexa Scagnetti, Natalia Torres, Abby Ernster, Amanda Perrine, Faith Park Row 3: Head Coach Mike Stratton, Paige Farrar, Hailey King, Sarah Perrine, Patrick Li (Team Manager) 16 | Please Support our Sponsors

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2021 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Novi High School Presents: The 8th Annual JURY-SELECTED ARTISTS & CRAFTERS! $5 TO SHOP! CHILDREN AGE 5 AND UNDER ARE FREE 100% of all A 501(C)(3) Organization proceeds benefit [email protected] Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 17

Boys Varsity Lacrosse Row 1: Kyle Gilger, Tyler Patrick, Andrew Pacholski, Jackson Teran, Quinn Blanchard Row 2: Carter Mayer, Duncan Lowes, Jake Giddings, Ben Matas, Alex Vargas, Peter Brandon, Mateo Vargas Row 3: Cole Shires, Tommy Dokic, Niko Krall, Niko Hertrich, Gabe Young, Aiden Shires, Colin Masterson, Ryan Medendorp Row 4: Ben Dobos, Gavin Parenti, AC- Peter Miner, HC- Chris Johnson, AC- Evan Budd, Trey Villanueva, Preston Phimister Varsity 222000222000 --- 222000222111 NNNooovvviii BBBoooyyysss LLLaaacccrrrooosssssseee Junior Vasity Number First VVaarrssiittyyGLLiaalgssettr Grade Number FFGiiarrJJssvuuittnnniioorr VVaassGiiLLttaaayyrsscttia Grade Num1ber FKiyrlset G1r1atdhe Num1ber ZFGaicarhsvaitnry G1ra0dthe Num12ber PFKeiyrtlseert BGrLaianlgsdetorn G1r21atdhe Num21ber LGLoaarrescntiac G1r9a0tdhthe 421 PNKeiyktleoer BGrKainlrgadelolrn 11021tthh 412 ZGaScakhvyainry LGoUarereckniiac 11900thtthh 426 MPNeaiktteeoro BVrKaanrgadalol sn 11920thtthh 542 ZGaScakhbyaery ArLmoUsreetkrnoicng 1990tthhth 864 CMaNmaikteeoro n MVoKadrrrgaeallsski 11910ttthhh 564 JaGScakkbsyeon ArKmUisnetkreoirng 190tthh 869 CDMamaanteeireool n MVDoaudrrrgneaiskski 1921tthh 567 CJaGcmakebsreoonn ArMKmiasnyttreorng 1990ttthhh 1890 CDaBmaenenireol n MDooudbrrneoisskki 1121tthh 876 CJaaNcmokeasrhoonn JorMKdiannytesersr on 190tthh 1910 DTBayenlenierl PDDaoutbrrniociskk 11122tthh 987 CFaNmeolieaprheon TaJcoarModcaaanyseHsroonnda 11900thtthh 11210 ATnBdyelrenerw PPaDcaohtbroioclsskki 11012tthh 1980 JFNaeomliapehes TaJcoaMrodccaFanasHldsoaonnda 11900tththh 11231 AGTnadylvreeinrw PPPacaahrteroinclsktiki 11012tthh 1910 JQFaeumliinpenes TacOaMocccoFananHldeoallnda 1990ttthhh 11532 AQGnuadivrneinw BPlPaacanhrceohnlastrikdi 11920tththh 11120 JQKaumeinejnis OMccSoFonalneldeall 190thth 11563 QGRuayivaninnn MBelPadanercnehdnaotrirdp 11912tththh 11521 QNKuoeilnnajnni TOhocSomonplneseolln 99tthh 11576 QCRauyriantennr MBelaMdneacnyhdeaorrrdp 191tthh 11527 JaNKcoeklnsajoni n TZhaohSmroapldesnoikn 99tthh 11769 CRTayrreatyenr MVeilMdlaeannyudeeorvrap 1111tthh 11957 JAaNcnokdlsaroenn TZhaMohmorarpadsinsoikn 99tthh 121719 CATaidrreetyenr ViSlMlahaniryueeesrva 11211tthh * 121197 JBAarcnykdsreoenn ZMaMhaorrasrahdianslilk 99tthh 21219 ATAidrleeeyxn ViVSllaahnrigrueaessva 1121tthh * 21219 BBArranyyddlreoen MJMauorssrzahaiaskll 99tthh 22321 PArAeidlseetxonn PVShaihmrigriesastser 11022tthh * 22321 BBZrrayaydnleoenn MQJauarsqszihsaahkll 1990ttthhh 22432 PrCAeolseltexon PVShaihmrigriesastser 1102tthh 22432 BAZradayanlmoen GQJouoasdqzhisaehkw 1990tththh 22543 PJrCeaosklteon PGShidihmdiriinesgstesr 11100tthh * 22543 AZJdaaakneme GGQoidoaddqihinseghws 11910tththh 22546 JCBaoeklnee GSMidhadirtianesgss 1110tthh * 22546 AHJdaeaknemri GLGeoitdotmddihnaegnwsn 1991ttthhh * 22576 ThJBoaemkneas GMDidaodtkianicsgs 11101tthh * 22576 HJTaerekneyri VLGiellitadtmnduinaegnvsna 11911ttthhh * 232761 ThNBoiekmnoas HMDearottkraiiccsh 1101tthh 28G22/7630W AHTuersentyrini WVLaiellstathmniunaegnvtnoan 1991ttthhh ** 23712 ThCNooikmlionas MHaDesrotetkrriicschon 1100tthh * 28G22/7930W ABTurrosedtyiyn WVMaillesazhniiguniegavtnoan 11910ttthhh * 33123 DCNunoikclionan MHaLesortwetrreicsshon 11020tthh * 28G23/1930W PABruraosndtaiyny YWeMallesazhpiiagnnigattnuolna 190tthh * 33253 DGCuanobclinaen MaYLsootwuenresgson 1120tthh * 32291 NPBarratohndayny YeMlPleaozpniagoniastnula 11900thtthh 33653 JDaGucankbcsaeonn YLTooewuranengs 11122tthh 33321 NPHaruatnhntaaenyr YelPlaGoplnaaobnstula 190thth * 3365 Head CJoaGacackhbs:eonChris JohYnTaoesuroanng 1112tthh 33532 JNHaacutknhstaeonrn PTGoelnraaobns 1991ttthhh * Assis3t6ant CHoeaacdheCJsoa:acPckhse:otenCr hMrinseJro, hEnTvaaesnroaBnnudd, & Ree1d1tHhall 3353 HeadJCHaocuakncstehor:n Danile BrTyGaelnraabn 191tthh * Assistant CHoeaacdheCso:aPche:teCr hMriinseJro, hEnvaasnoBnudd, & Reed Hall 3A5ssistaHnetaCdoJCaacochakecssho:n EDvaannileBBudrTydae&nraEnlliot Smith 11th Assistant Coaches: Peter Miner, Evan Budd, & Reed Hall AssistaHnetaCdoCacohaecsh:: EDvaannileBBudryda&n Elliot Smith * Denotes Players that may play in either Varsity or JV game. Assistant Coaches: Evan Budd & Elliot Smith * Denotes Players that may play in either Varsity or JV game. 18 | Please Support our Spon* sDoernsotes Players that may play in either Varsity or JV game.

Gavin#P13arenti Gavin, you’ve become a great student athlete over the last four years! We couldn’t be prouder! Love, Mom, Dad & Bentley Gabriel Young Support your student-athlete and the Novi Athletic Boosters... #35 buy a Good luck in your senior year of lacrosse! Love, Mom & Dad Good Luck Ad just like this for your student-athlete, team or coach! Contact Jamie Young 248-982-1135 [email protected] Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 19

Boys JV Lacrosse Row 1: Jackson Zahradnik, Felipe Tacaoca Honda, Quinn Oconnell, Andre Morais, Pranay Yellapantula, Sky Ueki, Zach Lorenc, Gabe Armstrong Row 2: Nolan Thompson, Zane Qaqish, Nathan Ponos, Cameron Mayer, Jackson Kinter, Henri Lettmann, Braylon Juszak Row 3: AC- Evan Budd, Adam Goodhew, Kenji Sole, Jimmy McFalda, Austin Washington, Mac Glab, Gavin Garcia, HC- Daniel Bryan Bryden #M21 arshall Good luck this season! 20 | Please Support our Sponsors

Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 21

Girls Varsity Lacrosse Row 1: Isabel Acosta, Alexandria McQueen, Larissa Tacaoca Honda, Mariana Acosta, Riley MacDonald, Saanvi Mullapudi Row 2: Allyson Smolarek, Melanie Reagan, Imani Dietrich, Erin Hobbs, Maria Maidens, Alaina Smythe, Emma Glotetzner Row 3: Coach Kaitlyn West, Anna Werth, Alyssa Welch, Haylee Pendergraff, Kristin Rinkel, Ayesha Rahim 2020 - 2021 Novi Girls Lacrosse Varsity Junior Vasity <Ö´…È \"¡ÈÌÒ 5yÌÒ #Èy‹ <Ö´…Èį \"¡ÈÌÒį 5yÌÒį #Èy‹į ù øùÒ  ø ĀÒ  ú (Ìy…® †ºÌÒy øùÒ  ù <ºÈµ \"Èyµ†¡Ì†º ĀÒ  û øùÒ  ú ø÷Ò  ý O¡®è ;y†ºµy®‹ øøÒ  û ´®¡y 5Öµ‹œÈµ ø÷Ò  þ øùÒ  ü ĀÒ  ÿ µµy iÈÒ  øùÒ  ý 5yÖȏµ Lyҏȵ¡ ø÷Ò  Ā øøÒ  þ ĀÒ  ø÷ ®èÌÌy i®†  øùÒ  ÿ (áè 2º µÌºµ ø÷Ò  øø ĀÒ  Ā ĀÒ  øú ;yÈ¡y ;y¡‹µÌ øøÒ  ø÷ Ì ®è Oµµ®®Ì ĀÒ  øû øùÒ  øø ø÷Ò  øü È¡µ 'º……Ì øùÒ  øù µyÌÒyÌ¡y ;¡µ¬ºáy ĀÒ  øý øùÒ  øú ĀÒ  øþ ®®è̺µ S´º®yȏ¬ øøÒ  øû ;yÈ¡įY y \"ºÈÒ¡µ ø÷Ò  øĀ øùÒ  øü ø÷Ò  ù÷ ®y¡µy S´èÒ  øøÒ  øý 2ºÌÅ ¡µ iyÒ̺µ ĀÒ  ùù øùÒ  øþ ĀÒ  ùû Syyµá¡Ò y ;Ö®®yÅ֋¡ øùÒ  øÿ ´´y È̬¡µ ø÷Ò  ûù øøÒ  øĀ ø÷Ò  ûû (´yµ¡ ¡ÒÈ¡†  ø÷Ò  È¡yµµ ;º®µyÈ ĀÒ  ù÷ ø÷Ò  5yÈ¡ÌÌy Yy†yº†yį'ºµ‹y ùø Sy´yµÒ y Sy®yîyÈ ĀÒ  ùù ø÷Ò  3È¡ÌÒ¡µ O¡µ¬® ùú ;œÖ´¡ S ¡´yîy¬¡į(Òº ĀÒ  ùü ĀÒ  ®çyµ‹È¡y ;†N֏µ ùý ;¡y Yyµy†y ø÷Ò  ùÿ ĀÒ  ;yÈ¡yµy †ºÌÒy úø ®…Ìy ;¡´¡µ®®yÈ¡ È¡yµy Syî ´¡®è Aœ‹µ ;®yµ¡ Oyœyµ O¡®è ;ֆ¬ ´´y #®ºÒîµÈ ¡áÈ¡ 2ºµÌ ;yÈ¡y \"Èµyµ‹Ì  yµ‹®È Yyè®ºÈ èÌ y Oy ¡´ ®® ;¡®®È 'y讏 Lµ‹ÈœÈy›› º®Òҏ #yᡵ ;¡µy® LyÒ¡® 'y‹įºy† ċįįį3y¡Ò®¡µįiÌÒ ®®¡Ìºµ 3yÒ¡µyÌ uº YºÈ¡´ºÒº 3yÒ È¡µ 'yÈŏµyÖ 3¡Èy ;º‹ÈÌ¬¡ 'yµµy  3Ì̏® #¡yµµy \"¡´¡yµ¡ Head Coach: Craig Schroeder 22 | Please Support our Sponsors

Girls JV Lacrosse Row 1: Marie Thea Fortin, Ashley Rennells, Samantha Salazar, Josephine Watson, Chandler Taylor, Riley Mucke, Albesa Miminllari, Megumi Shimazaki Ito Row 2: Mia Tanacea, Minal Patil, Amelia Lundgren, Hannah Kessel, Elle Miller, Aivrie Jones, Emma Erskine, Gianna Fimiani, Allison Katinas Row 3: Craig Schroeder, Ivy Johnson, Katherine Harpenau, Emily Ogden, Anastasia Minkova, Lauren Paterni, Noreen Francisco, Colette Gavin Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 23

Boys Golf Row 1: Nathan Richl, Nick Wilson, Harshan Juttu Row 2: Dylan Lluch, Gowthan Nalluri, Ethan Rush, Cameron Barrett Row 3: Mikah Smolitz, Josh Padgett, Griffin Price, Wyatt Sparkman, Dhruv Kumar Not Pictured: Sam Lewinski, Ryan Goodfellow, Adam Gudeman PROUD ARCHITECTS SERVING NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 248.338.4561 TMParchitecture 24 | Please Support our Sponsors

Great in Real Life. Even Greater on Paper! When you think of “printing”, you might just think of ink on paper. But there’s so much more. Today’s advanced print techniques make it easier than ever to achieve true-to-life colors, touchable textures and compelling “must-open” formats. In today’s digital world, print is standing its ground. Why? People like print. Studies tell us the printed word generates more brain engagement than a virtual message.* Let the experts at Allegra help make your print communications more real, personal – and welcomed! *Millward Brown Allegra is the proud printer of the Novi Athletic Boosters. Go Wildcats! For great printing, and even greater service, contact Michele Grech direct at 734-207-1318. Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 25

Boys Track 2021 Novi Wildcats - Boys Track Roster LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. Shreyansh Agiwal 9th Tyler Adams 10th Brendan Cook 11th Peter Swanson 11th Kaeden Bailey 10th 11th 11th Logan Barthlow 9th Scott Aucott 10th Nicholas Dembinski 11th Oliver Wasson 11th Krithin Bheemineni 10th 11th 12th Mahir Chowdhury 9th Vitor Barros 10th Caleb Desmier 11th Seth Wood 12th Jason Dominic 10th 11th 12th Nihal Dongari 9th Cooper Budd 10th Dylan Gipson 11th Jason Aurilia 12th Braylon Dorsey 10th 11th 12th Vivian George 9th Antonio Cappella 10th Spencer Goodman 11th Miles Brown 12th Yosuke Hosokawa 10th 11th 12th Joshua Jenkins 9th Griffin Conway 10th Mihir Gupta 11th Noah Budd 12th Ramu Kannan 10th 11th 12th Rayirth Kaul 9th Benjamin Gnatek 10th Scott Haakenson 11th Christian Edwards 12th Zachary Knoll 10th 11th 12th Mooyoung Lee 9th Colin Herman 10th Shin Hiraiwa 11th Edwin Gonzalez 12th Julian Liang 10th 11th 12th Carter Lukas 9th Luke Herman 10th Abhinav Jillellamudi 11th Matthew Gustitus 12th Theiss Lynch 10th 11th 12th Donovan Mackerl 9th Hiroto Hosokawa 10th Eric Johnson 11th Derek Haggard 12th Amrith Malli Reddi 10th 11th 12th Joshua Meier 9th Daniel HU 10th Randy Kamindo 11th Jackson Harrell 12th Srikar Nelakuditi 10th 11th 12th Mitchell Oteyza 9th Jet Johnson 10th Teruaki Kimishima 11th Jonah Hood-Blaxill 12th Havish Pallerla 10th 11th 12th Lance Quinn 9th Preston Johnston 10th Sujay Kolli 11th Shugo Hosokawa 12th Ranveer Singh 10th 11th 12th William Tan 9th Nagatsugu Kanaoka 10th Ashton Lescoe 11th Niquel Johnson 12th Siddharth Thirumala 11th 11th Ishan Vadera 9th Andrew Ko 11th Aidan Lukas 11th Karthik Kandikonda 9th Lucas LiCavoli Braylen Lynch Maurice Langford 9th Jaivon Moore Sahijvir Mavi Sangwon Lee 9th Keshav Nair Anish Mitra Jack Leland 9th Matthew Pall Sidharth Mudigal Steven McGhee 9th Isaac Purcell Parsa Nematollahe Issa Muratra 9th Parin Raizada Kent Newberry Matthew Pacas-McCarthy 9th Nathan Riddering Alexander Putti Tarun Prabhakar 9th Arjun Sehgal Sahib Rangi Dallin Purcell 9th Ashmit Swarnkar James Schafer Marvan Ramawickrama 9th Joshua Vu Erik Sebe Samuel Uribe Guzman 9th Jacob Williams Noah Segerstrom Marvin Wu 9th Wenbo Xu Mohammad Shamsher Raymond Wu 9th Kyle Ackerson Collin Shinohara 9th Cameron Bloom Christian Sladovich 26 | Please Support our Sponsors

Girls Track 2021 Novi Wildcats - Girls Track Roster LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. LAST FIRST YR. Baharian Clare 9th Albanys Ava 10th Alla Naga Sahithi 11th Alejo Garza Natalia 12th Chavda Alisha Emily 12th Chung Yuna 9th Alla Shri Keerthi 10th Armstrong Kaitlin 11th Anderson Elizabeth 12th Dsouza Alice Stephanie 12th Hahm Shua 9th Campbell Kiley 10th Georgiev Victoria 11th Babcock Katherine 12th Harpenau Helen Prachi 12th James Mya 9th Carroll Shaelyn 10th Gokavarapu Sahithi 11th Danner Miriam 12th Jeong Hannah Evangelia 12th Mackerl Myah 9th Castaneda-Celis Montserrat 10th Large Megan 11th Dong Elizabeth 12th Mackerl Nia Anisha 12th Madawala Sethmi 9th German Abigail 10th Lee Rachel 11th Fozdar Kaylie 12th Padgett Ella Jordyn 12th Pebbles Rose 9th Kidambi Anjali 10th Mohtadi Mia 11th Klenke Monique 12th Popaj Fiona Ramirez Kaley 9th Lai Feng Yi 10th Pebbles Sarah 11th Pispidikis Riley Aniyah Shiraishi Alisa 9th Long Tessa 10th Smolarek Allyson 11th Riddering Taguchi Aiha Ward Kailyn 9th Lowes Kelsey 10th Sundaram Jayashree 11th Savarala Wisniewski Audrey 9th Mercado Carolina 10th Suranyi Anna 11th Snow 9th Murukathas Purani 10th Talukder Ashna 11th Thomas 9th Sauer Brooke 10th Tobias Olivia 11th Zak 9th Scott Skylar 10th Truckel Eleanor 11th 9th Soga Hibiki 10th 9th Stewart Makayla 10th 9th 9th 9th 9th Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 27

Girls Varsity Tennis Row 1: Kako Kobayashi, Anika Venkannagari, Eugene Chug, Aryana Kinra, Grace Chacko Row 2: Jenya Patel, Anagha Jammalamadaka, Anika Kinra, Alicen Liu, Medha Maroju, Avni Kinra Row 3: Coach Anderson, Haruka Ishibashi, Hikaru Ishibashi, Avani Vinod, Grace Price, Mandira Sardar, Coach Lowes The Novi Educational Foundation (NEF) enriches the educational experience of each student and our community by supporting learning opportunities that require financial resources beyond the district Discover more details at: Leadership Innovative Scholarships Grants Interpersonal Self-Confidence Relationships 28 | Please Support our Sponsors

Girls JV Tennis Row 1: Chiharu Kobayash, Saniya Reddy, Julia Araujo, Sonia Menon, Ayumi Kinashita, Shrika Atchutuni, Hana Saito Row 2: Sanvika Namdimandalan, Abi Parivakkam, Anisha Menon, Jessica Yang, Diya Shriyan, Nayana Esarla, Janhvi Mate, Julia Philip Row 3: Somya Valecha, Nayana Esarla, DaYoung Kim, Coach Hayward, Spandana Kodali, Sharanya Singh, Vedanski Pahuja Row 4: Dorothy Badapati, Arushi Singh, Mahi Sharina, Sriya Deva, Alaina Mosley, Mina Chung, Sabrina Lu, Judy Chung Missing at the time of the picture: Melissa Yu NOVI WILDCATS To advertise in the Sports Bo Fund emai Novi High Scho P www.novi Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 29

Community Rewards We know not everyone has the time or money to donate, but this is something you can do in a few minutes and then feel good knowing that every time you shop, these business are donating a little bit to the Novi Athletic Boosters, which can add up to a lot! Please take a minute to set your community rewards up to give back to the Novi Athletic Boosters! Do something good every time you shop! It is so easy to give back! Amazon Smile - On your first visit to, you need to select Novi Athletic Boosters as your charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. AmazonSmile will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make through AmazonSmile will result in a donation. AmazonSmile will occasionally contact you about donation amounts disbursed to your chosen charity or about the program. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Use a Busch’s MyWay card and register it Kroger Community Rewards® for the Novi Athletic Boosters. The NAB will receive quarterly payments based on Giving More Back to the Community! your shopping (and you get savings too). The Novi Athletic Boosters will receive a check for • Enroll in Cash for Education log into a percentage of your purchases through Kroger your MyWay* account through Community Rewards® (and you get savings too). All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe and click the Cash for your Kroger Plus Card or put in your phone Education icon (listed under “Your Account” number associated with the card at checkout. and choose “Cash for Education” from the Sign In or Create an Account to Enroll at dropdown list). Under your preferences Choose Novi Athletic Boosters. Must be added for each quarter, but you can do this several Once signed in you can enroll or update your Community Rewards under your Account Settings. quarters ahead. • Start shopping! Every purchase you make will Novi Athletic Booster’s Code is: 52313 earn rewards for your designated organization(s), just be sure to use your MyWay card or phone number at checkout. 30 | Please Support our Sponsors

CongratulationS GAratdhuleatteinSG •2021• Wishing all the best to Novi’s 209 seniors who participated in high school athletics this school year. May you enjoy the best of luck in future endeavors: in the classroom,on the field, track or court — you are all winners. Remember, once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat! Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 31

VIP Sponsorship Opportunities The Novi Athletic Boosters is the non-profit organization that supports the sports teams made up of more than 1,000 Novi High School & Novi Middle School *Bronze Sponsorship $600.00 includes: Student Athletes. The Boosters is run entirely by the parents of these athletes. -Quarter Page Ad in all 3 editions! The Boosters primary purpose is to raise funds to be used to purchase items such -Public Announcement of your support at as uniforms and equipment for Novi Student Athletes. The Boosters are seeking Novi High School sporting events. to establish long-term relationships with local businesses. By partnering with the -Support Recognition Plaque to hang at Boosters, local businesses will reach students, parents, and community members your business. involved in Novi Athletics. One way to partner with Boosters is by advertising in -Your ad will appear in the online flip book the Novi High School Sports Program. The Sports Program has an annual printing edition of the sports program. of approximately 1,000 copies & runs 3 editions; one for each sports season (fall, winter, and spring) & your ad can be changed with each edition! Programs are *Silver Sponsorship $1,000.00 includes: distributed at Novi Sporting Events, Team Banquets & more! Please visit the Novi -Half Page Ad in all 3 editions! Athletic Boosters website to view the online flipbook version (included with every -1 complimentary Annual Sports Pass; good ad) of the Program- for entrance to ALL Novi Home sporting events! Sports Program Advertising Space Opportunities -Public Announcement of your support at Novi High School sporting events. Rear Cover Ad (7” x 9 ½”)-SOLD! -Support Recognition Plaque to hang at $800.00 1 Edition your business. -Your ad will appear in the online flip book $1,500.00 2 Editions edition of the sports program. $2,200.00 3 Editions *Gold Sponsorship $2,500.00 includes: Inside Front or Rear Cover Ad (8 1/4” x 10 ¾”)-BOTH SOLD! -Full Page Ad in all 3 editions! $800.00 1 Edition -Scoreboard Logo Advertisement; your logo will appear on the Scoreboard during all $1,500.00 2 Editions football home games!! $2,200.00 3 Editions -2 complimentary Annual Sports Pass; good for entrance to ALL Novi Home sporting Page Facing Inside Cover events! $700.00 1 Edition -Public Announcement of your support at Novi High School sporting events. $1,325.00 2 Editions -Support Recognition Plaque to hang at $1,900.00 3 Editions your business. -Your ad will appear in the online flip book Full Page Ad (8 ¼” x 10 ¾”) edition of the sports program. $500.00 1 Edition $950.00 2 Editions *Platinum Sponsorship $5,000.00 includes: $1,425.00 Editions -Full Page Ad in all 3 editions! -Scoreboard Logo Advertisement; your logo Half Page Ad (4 ¾” x 7 ½”) will appear on the Scoreboard during all $300.00 1 Edition football home games!! $575.00 2 Editions -4 complimentary Annual Sports Pass; good $850.00 3 Editions for entrance to ALL Novi Home sporting events! Quarter Page Ad (3 ½” x 4 ½”) -Public Announcement of your support at $200.00 1 Edition Novi High School sporting events. $375.00 2 Editions -Support Recognition Plaque to hang at $500.00 3 Editions your business. -Your ad will appear in the online flip book Business Card (2”x 3 ½”) edition of the sports program. $100.00 1 Edition $190.00 2 Editions 32 | Please Support our Sponsors $275.00 3 Editions Scoreboard Advertising- Logo ran during all home football games! $300.00 Scoreboard Only (no sports program ad) $200.00 New/First Year Scoreboard Ad with sports program ad $100.00 Existing/Renewal Scoreboard Ad with sports program ad

To Purchase Sports Program Ad Space Please contact: Mark Tobias at: 248-756-5881 or [email protected] OR Susan Vargas at: [email protected] Please submit/provide the following information to Mark Tobias or Susan Vargas: *Ad space selected (half, full, etc.) or VIP Level selected (silver, gold, etc.) *Price of ad space selected *Number of Editions (1,2,or 3) *Scoreboard Advertising Selection (yes or no; in addition to sports program add, renewal, other/etc.) *Price of Scoreboard if selected ($100 renewal/$200 first year w/ sports program ad/$300 scoreboard only & no sport program ad) *Business Name *Business Address & Phone Number *Business Contact person name & email information *Preferred method for invoicing (mail or email) Ad Details Sports Program Ads MUST be a high resolution image- File Format should be: 300 dots per inch pdf OR jpg & sent via email to: Mark Tobias at: 248-756-5881 or [email protected] OR Susan Vargas at: [email protected] Scoreboard Logo Ads Logo MUST be 720(w) x 296(h) px and sent to: Willy Mena at: [email protected] Payment Details Send Payment to: Novi Athletic Boosters ATTN: Sports Program 24062 Taft Rd, Novi Mi. 48375 Invoices will be sent via email (unless otherwise noted) from Niki Parenti at: [email protected] **Please contact Niki with any payment questions** Sell an Ad and Earn $Money$ for your Team!! Anyone can sell ad space for the Sport Program! Sell an ad and earn 25% of the cost of the ad for the sports team of your choice! Please submit the above information (listed under To Purchase Sports Program Ad Space) along with Your Name, Email Address, Phone Number and the sports team that you wish to receive the 25% credit to Jamie Young at: [email protected] or 248-982-1135. Once payment has been made by the new advertiser your sports team will receive the credit. **Please contact Jamie Young with any questions!** Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 33

34 | Please Support our Sponsors

GGooWodilLduccakts-! Auto Clinic Celebrating 30 Years of Quality Auto Repair If you have any problems with your vehicle, let us give you honest, expert, straightforward advice so the job is done right - the first time! Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed! 24795 Hathaway 43291 W. 7 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Northville, MI 48167 Phone: 248.477.5951 Phone: 248.449.5182 Hal Collins, Owner - Master Technician Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 35

We appreciate you supporting our sponsors! 10 | Please Support our Sponsors 36 | Please Support our Sponsors

VIP Sponsors Gold VIP Sponsors: Amy L. Smith- Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Silver VIP Sponsors: Adams Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy Busch’s Fresh Food Market Community Financial Credit Union Bronze Sponsors: Chiropractic Performance Solutions Hal’s Auto Clinic Penn Station East Coast Subs Sellers Buick GMC Supporters: Allegra Marketing Print & Mail Allstate- David Drabicki City of Novi Diamond Center at Suburban Collection Showplace/ Epoch Catering Gatsby’s Food & Spirits Grant, Millman & Johnson PC Michigan CAT Novi Dentist PLLC Novi Educational Foundation O’Brien-Sullivan Funeral Home Plymouth Physical Therapy Service Sports Inc. Spillane & Reynolds St. James Catholic Church Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy The Core Institute TMP Architecture Vitale Electric Company Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 37

Our funding Results over the Years 2019-2020 School Year - $105,359 2018-2019 School Year - $125,742 2017-2018 School Year - $133,301 2016-2017 School Year - $130,000 2015-2016 School Year - $144,000 New Scoreboard 2014-2015 School Year – $170,000 2013-2014 School Year – $161,602 2012-2013 School Year – $191,469 – including $50,000 for weight room updates 2011-2012 School Year – $150,000 2010-2011 School Year – $125,000 2009-2010 School Year – $162,876 2008-2009 School Year – $125,285 Strength and Conditioning Trainer $28,000 per year New Boosters Website/Facebook/Twitter 2007-2008 School Year – $151,759 2006-2007 School Year – $119,939 2005-2006 School Year – $110,372 Thank you for all your support making this possible for our student athletes at Novi. Your Novi Athletic Boosters 38 | Please Support our Sponsors

Advertise in this Sports Book and get community recognition!  Mark Tobias at (248) 756-5881 or [email protected] - or - Jamie Young at (248) 982-1135 or [email protected] Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 29 The Novi AThleTic BoosTers WANTS YOU! The Novi Athletic Boosters depends on parents to step into leadership positions to ensure our continued success. Without you, there are no boosters, and our mission of augmenting the athletic department budget is compromised. over the past few years, our dedicated leaders and volunteers have helped run successful programs that have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars to support our student-athlete’s teams. contact any member of the Athletic Boosters to step up and join this amazing team! We need YoU to help our school and student-athletes! Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 39

23655 Novi Road - Suite 101 - Novi - (248) 277-3440 Our Therapists: Tom Sheppard, MPT Nick Bresso, DPT Courtney Coram, DPT Liesle Elsey, DPT Chris Summers, PT Clinic Director Specializing in the treatment of orthopedic & spinal conditions and sports related injuries Injury prevention and return-to-sport screening including an individualized running assessment with revolutionary technology 40 | Please Support our Sponsors

HERBERT J. ELFRING, JR., D.D.S. DAVID DRABICKI BRIAN H. ANDRESS, D.D.S. 248-347-4565 KENNETH R. MARRIOTT D.D.S. 21800 Haggerty Rd, Ste 206 Northville MI 48167 Cosmetic and Family Dentistry [email protected] NOVI DENTIST PLLC NOVIDENTISTS.COM Williamsburg Office Building (248) 442-0400 © 2019 Allstate Insurance Co. 10783430 40255 Grand River, Suite 200 (248) 471-3321 Novi, MI 48375 Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 41

O’BRIEN SESRPVOIRCTES SULLIVAN 26025 GRAND RIVER AVE. FUNERALS, CREMATIONS REDFORD, MICHIGAN 48240 Celebrating Lives, Honoring Memories OFFICE: 313-538-4990 Proud to be part of this great community FAX: 313-538-4997 RUSS ALATALO, WALLY MANSON 41555 Grand River Avenue Novi, MI 48375 248-348-1800 Same Day Appointments • 6:00am - 7:00pm M-F • Sat am Jeffrey R. Sirabian, PT, MHS, OCS, Cert. MDT, CSCS Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Owner “The Specialists in Orthopedic Rehabilitation” Board Certified Clinical Specialists on Staff • Individualized Patient Care  Jeffery Sirabian, PT, MHS, OCS,  Ben Wallis, PT, MSPT, Cert. MDT  Nicole Proulx, PT, DPT, OCS  Latoya Thompson, PT, DPT Cert. MDT, CSCS  Jill Munoz, PT, MSPT  Shawn Grant, PT, MS, OCS, Cert. MDT  Philip Schuyten, PT, DPT 12 Convenient Locations • PLyMOuTH CenTeR HOweLL CenTeR nORTHvILLe CenTeR 9368 Lilley Road, Plymouth, MI 48170 4128 E Grand River Avenue, Howell, MI 48843 133 W. Main St., Ste120, Northville, MI 48167 T: (734) 416-3900 F: (734) 416-3903 T: (734) 495-3725 F: (734) 495-3734 T: (248) 347-1168 F: (248) 347-1252 LIvOnIA CenTeR BRIgHTOn CenTeR 37250 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 nOvI CenTeR 5757 Whitmore Lake Rd, Ste 900, Brighton, MI 48116 T: (734) 462-3240 F: (734) 462-3831 39885 Grand River Ste 300 , Novi, MI 48375 T: (734) 495-3725 F: (734) 495-3734 T: (248) 615-0282 F: (248) 615-0415 CAnTOn CenTeR LIvOnIA eAST CenTeR wHITe LAke wATeRFORD CenTeR 49650 Cherry Hill Rd, Ste 230, Canton, MI 48187 29528 Six Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48152 9178 Highland Road, Ste 2, White Lake, MI 48386 T: (734) 495-3725 F: (734) 495-3734 T: (734) 422-0802 F: (734) 422-0873 T: (248) 698-1277 F: (248) 698-2089 COMMeRCe CenTeR MILAn CenTeR wIxOM wALLeD LAke CenTeR 8896 Commerce Rd. Ste 1, Commerce Twp, MI 48382 870 E Arkona Road, Ste110, Milan, MI 48160 29822 Wixom Road, Wixom, MI 48393 T: (248) 363-2115 F: (248) 363-2308 T: (734) 439-2200 F: (734) 439-2204 T: (248) 926-5826 F: (248) 926-5830 Official athletic Medicine Partner tO nOvi high SchOOl - gO WildcatS!! 42 | Please Support our Sponsors

We appreciate you supporting our sponsors! | lease Support our Sponsors Support your student-athlete thSeutppeoArtM! and the Novi Athletic Boosters... Lbuy a aAnddvgerettisceominmtuhniistySrpeocrotgsniBtiooonk! Good Ad uck Mark Tobias at (248) 756-5881 just like this for your or [email protected] student-athlete, team or coach! - or - Contact Jamie Young 248-982-1135 Jamie Young at (248) 982-1135 or [email protected] [email protected] Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 43

Go Wildcats! Novi High School Athletic Tradition of Excellence Novi student athletes have accomplished so much since the school opened. For Tradition of Excellence championship information prior to the year 2000, please contact the Novi Athletic Office at 248-449-1509. With over 1,000 student athletes participating in athletics, Novi High School offers a comprehensive program of interscholastic athletics sponsoring over 60 teams in 31 varsity sports. Each year we host more than 350 home athletics contests and more than 65,000 spectators pass through our gates to support our teams! Our student athletes, coaches, administration and support personnel have worked hard to create a Tradition of Excellence! State Championships 2019 Girls Soccer 2007 Girls Soccer 2018 Boys Basketball State Semi Finalists, Girls Soccer 2006 Girls Soccer 2005 Girls Soccer 2017 Pom Pon, Girls Volleyball 2002 Boys Golf 2016 Girls Volleyball 2001 Pom Pon 2015 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 1999 Boys Cross Country 2014 Boys Tennis 1998 Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer 2011 Ice Hockey, Pom Pon, Girls Soccer 2010 Pom Pon, Girls Soccer Regional Championships 2019 Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer 2008 Girls Tennis, Boys Tennis 2018 Boys Track, Girls Soccer 2007 Ice Hockey, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball, 2018 Boys Basketball Boys Tennis (Spring), Boys Tennis (Fall) 2017 Boys Track, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2006 Boys Cross Country, Ice Hockey, 2016 Girls Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer 2015 Boys Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer 2014 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Ice Hockey 2005 Boys Cross Country, Bowling, Girls Soccer 2013 Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Golf 2004 Boys Cross Country 2012 Boys Tennis, Boys Soccer 2003 Football, Ice Hockey, Girls Tennis 2011 Ice Hockey, Boys Lacrosse, Girls 2002 Boys Golf, Ice Hockey Track & Field, Girls Soccer 2001 Wrestling, Ice Hockey 2000 Baseball, Ice Hockey, Boys Cross Country, 2010 Ice Hockey, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis 2009 Ice Hockey, Girls Track & Field, Girls Tennis Boys Track, Wrestling District Champs 2019 Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball 2009 Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball 2018 Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer 2008 Wresting, Baseball, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball 2017 Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, 2007 Girls Volleyball, Girls Soccer 2006 Girls Soccer, Girls Basketball Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball 2005 Girls Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Wrestling 2016 Girls Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Figure Skating B Team, 2004 Football, Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Softball 2003 Football, Boys Basketball 2015 Boys Golf, Girls Volleyball 2002 Football, Boys Golf, Boys Basketball 2014 Baseball, Girls Volleyball 2013 Girls Soccer 2001 Baseball, Wrestling 2012 Boys Soccer, Baseball 2000 Baseball, Boys Cross Country, Softball, Wrestling, 2011 Girls Soccer Boys Track & Field 2010 Boys Basketball, Boys Baseball, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball 44 | Please Support our Sponsors

Go Wildcats! KVC Champs 2008 Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Lacrosse, Girls Tennis, Boys Golf 2007 Boys Tennis (Spring), Boys Tennis (Fall), Girls Soccer, Football, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Girls Swim & Dive 2006 Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis, Lacrosse 2005 Boys Basketball, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Tennis, Girls Soccer, Baseball 2004 Baseball, Football, Boys Basketball, Boys Cross Country, Boys Track & Field, Girls Tennis, Girls Swim & Dive 2003 Baseball, Football, Boys Basketball, Boys Tennis, Boys Track & Field, Girls Tennis 2002 Baseball, Boys Tennis, Girls Tennis 2001 Ice Hockey, Boys Golf, Girls Tennis, Wrestling, Boys Soccer, Baseball 2000 Baseball, Ice Hockey, Boys Cross Country, Boys Golf, Boys Soccer, Boys Track & Field, Girls Tennis, Wrestling, Baseball, Softball KLAA Champs Assoc. 2017 Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball 2016 Boys Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Golf, Girls Soccer 2015 Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2014 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Golf 2013 Boys Lacrosse, Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis 2012 Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis 2011 Boys Basketball, Girls Track & Field, Girls Soccer, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis 2010 Girls Tennis, Girls Track and Field, Boys Tennis KLAA Conference 2019 Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer 2017 Girls Soccer, Boys Track, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2016 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Golf, Girls Soccer 2015 Boys Cross Country, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2014 Boys Track, Boys Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2013 Boys Lacrosse, Boys Track, Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis, Boys Track 2012 Boys Tennis, Boys Track 2011 Boys Basketball, Ice Hockey, Boys Golf, Lacrosse, Girls Soccer, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Boys Tennis 2010 Girls Tennis, Boys Track & Field, Boys Tennis, Girls Golf, Girls Volleyball 2009 Lacrosse, Girls Track & Field, Girls Tennis, Girls Swim and Dive, Boys Cross Country 2008 Girls Swim & Dive, Boys Tennis KLAA Division 2019 Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2017 Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2016 Boys Swim & Dive, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Boys Cross Country 2015 Boys Golf, Girls Softball, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball 2014 Girls Basketball, Boys Golf, Boys Track, Boys Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Boys Wrestling 2013 Girls Basketball, Girls Soccer, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis, Field Hockey 2012 Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Boys Tennis, Boys Track 2011 Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Girls Soccer, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis, Boys Soccer 2010 Girls Basketball, Competitive Cheer, Baseball, Girls Soccer, Girls Track and Field, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Golf, Girls Volleyball 2009 Competitive Cheer, Girls Soccer, Girls Track & Field, Girls Tennis, Boys Cross Country, Girls Swim and Dive, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Field Hockey 2008 Football, Girls Swim & Dive, Boys Tennis, Girls Cross Country, Boys Cross Country Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here! | 45

2020 Winter Signings *Information below is what we have been given; some of it may be missing or incorrect 46 | Tell our Sponsors you saw their ad here!

BONES. JOINTS. MUSCLES. WE TREAT IT ALL We know injured Brighton athletes require expedited care in order to return-to-play 8273 Grand River Ave as quickly as possible. Recognizing Suite 210 the urgency, The CORE Institute offers Brighton, MI 48114 a Two-Day Athlete Guarantee that assures all sports patients will be cared Novi for by one of our orthopedic physicians within two business days of calling 26750 Providence Pkwy Suite 200 The CORE Institute. Novi, MI 48374 Are You Ready to Southfield Keep Life In MOTION®? 22250 Providence Dr Suite 401 Southfield, MI 48075 Schedule Your 248.349.7017 Appointment Today!

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