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Home Explore Double D Ranch Catalogue 2022

Double D Ranch Catalogue 2022

Published by Alliance Franchise Brands, 2022-02-17 16:07:24

Description: Double D Ranch Catalogue 2022


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WHOLESALE CATALOGUE 2022 DOUBLE-D Plant Ranch 8747 MORROW - COZADDALE ROAD MORROW, OHIO 45152 PHONE (513) 899-9111 FAX (513) 899-2969 [email protected]

visit us on the web Email: [email protected] I-71 ST. RT. 48 MONTGOMERY ROAD MORROW - COZADDALE WESTERN OLD 3C ROW SOCIALVILLE FOSTER MAINEVILLEZOAR FOSTER DD I-275 ST. RT. 48 COZADDALE MURDOCH Catalog Password: ddprplants

Our 118-acre nursery is located in Morrow, Ohio. We are just 15 minutes from I-275 or I-71. We have over 2 acres of heal-in beds. Plants are dug during dormancy to allow you to purchase needed materials year round. We also have a large selection of container material available. NURSERY MANAGER: Dave Marr ASST NURSERY MANAGER: Alex Kraeutle NURSERY HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:00 - 4:00, Saturday by appointment. TERMS: For accounts that have established credit with our firm, terms are net 30 days. A service charge of 2% (24% per annum) will be charged on overdue accounts. PRICES: All prices are F.O.B. our nursery. This list cancels all previous lists, and prices are subject to change without notice. DELIVERY: Available upon request. SUMMER DIGGING: We will Summer dig upon request, however, there will be an extra charge for anti-desiccant. NOTE: When plants are dug for your order, they should be picked up within 1 week of notification that they are ready. Orders left at the nursery for more than 1 week will be charged $ 5.00 per day for care. GUARANTEE & CLAIMS: We warrant that our nursery stock is true to name and in good healthy condition. We sell under the Standard Nurseryman's Warranty Clause “We give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to description, quality, productivity, or any other matter, of any nursery stock we sell. We accept no responsibility for the guarantee our customers give, including any governmental department or agency. All shipments are at the risk of the purchaser after being delivered to carrier in good condition. All claims must be made in writing within 10 days after receipt of stock. All quotations are for immediate acceptance and subject to stock being unsold on receipt of order.” 1.

1-4 5-24 25+ Acer x freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’ Autumn Blaze Maple Height: 40-50' Spread: 30-40' Fast growing hybrid of Silver & Red Maples. Orange-red Fall color. 2\" 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Height: 20-40' Spread: 15-20' Excellent orange-red Fall color. Exfoliating bark. 1 ¾\" 210.00 -------- -------- 2\" 225.00 -------- -------- 7' 170.00 (multi-stem) -------- 8' 190.00 (multi-stem) -------- Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Bloodgood Japanese Maple Height: 20' Spread: 20' The deepest red of all the Japanese Maples. Call for resale pricing & availability Acer palmatum ‘Emperor I’ Emperor I Japanese Maple Height: 18' Spread: 16' Reported to be more heat tolerant than other palmatum varieties. Call for resale pricing & availability Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum’ Thread Leaf Japanese Maple Height: 10' Spread: 10' Fine red color, likes partial shade. Call for resale pricing & availability 2.

1-4 5-24 25+ Acer palmatum ‘Virdis’ Virdis Japanese Maple Height: 8-10' Spread: 8-10' Green foliage with beautiful Fall colors of red, yellow, orange and pink. #10 165.00 --------- -------- Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong Gold’ Armstrong Gold Maple Height: 40' Spread: 12' Tight fastigiate form with gold to orange Fall color. 2\" 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr.’ Redpoint Maple Height: 45' Spread: 30' Broadly pryamidal, bright red Fall color. 2\" 170.00 165.00 -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- 3\" 235.00 Fall -------- Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ October Glory Maple Height: 40' Spread: 35' Oval shape, deep red Fall color. 2\" 170.00 165.00 ---------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- ---------- 3\" 235.00 Fall ---------- Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’ Red Sunset Maple Height: 45' Spread: 35' Upright branching, orange-red Fall color. 2\" 170.00 165.00 ---------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- ---------- 3\" 235.00 Fall ---------- 3.

1-4 5-24 25+ Acer rubrum ‘Sun Valley’ Sun Valley Maple Height: 40' Spread: 35' Oval form with bright red Fall color. Reported to be seedless. 2\" 170.00 -------- ---------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- ---------- Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Height: 50' Spread: 35' Upright oval form with orange-red Fall color. Faster grower than typical Sugar Maples. 2\" 170.00 -------- ---------- Acer truncatum x plat. ‘Crimson Sunset’ Crimson Sunset Maple Height: 35’ Spread: 25’ Upright oval form with deep purple foliage. 2\" 170.00 -------- ---------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- ---------- Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Height: 8-12' Spread: 8-15' Wide spreading habit. Long white panicle flower. Yellow Fall color. #5 58.00 -------- -------- Amelanchier x ‘Cole’ Cole Select Serviceberry Height: 25' Spread: 20' A multi-stemmed shrub, Red-orange Fall color. Edible fruit. 5-6' 105.00 -------- -------- 6-7' 125.00 -------- -------- 7-8' 145.00 -------- -------- 8-9' 165.00 -------- -------- 4.

1-9 10-49 50+ Aronia ‘Low Scape Hedger’ Low Scape Hedger Chokeberry Height: 3-5' Spread: 2-3' Short columnar habit with white flowers. Glossy green foliage with red/orange Fall color. #3 27.00 -------- -------- Aronia ‘Low Scape Mound’ Low Scape Mound Chokeberry Height: 1-2' Spread: 2' Low growing form with white flowers. Glossy green foliage changing to red/ orange Fall color. #3 29.00 -------- -------- Azalea varieties Cold hardy varieties #3 24.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Betula nigra ‘Heritage’ Heritage River Birch (multi-stem) Height: 40' Spread: 35' Dark green foliage, yellow-gold Fall color. 8-10' 125.00 -------- -------- 10-12' 145.00 -------- -------- 12-14' 175.00 -------- -------- 14-16' 200.00 -------- -------- 5.

1-9 10-49 50+ Buxus micro. ‘Titan’ Titan Korean Boxwood Height: 3-4' Spread: 3-4' Small bright green leaves, rounded habit. 15\" 30.00 29.00 -------- 18\" 36.00 -------- -------- Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ Green Velvet Boxwood Height: 3' Spread: 3' Slow growing, rounded shape, dark green foliage that retains its color in Winter. #3 31.00 -------- -------- 15\" 32.00 30.00 -------- 18\" 38.00 36.00 -------- 24\" 60.00 -------- -------- Buxus x ‘Green Gem’ Green Gem Boxwood Height: 2' Spread: 3' S mallest and most compact of the Canadian boxwood, dark green foliage even in Winter. 15\" 32.00 30.00 -------- 18\" 38.00 -------- -------- 24\" 60.00 -------- -------- Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’ Green Mountain Boxwood Height: 5' Spread: 3' Upright grower, easily trained to pyramidal shape. Dark green foliage. #3 55.00 -------- -------- 55.00 -------- -------- #5 55.00 -------- -------- 70.00 -------- -------- 24\" 100.00 -------- -------- 30\" 36\" 6.

1-4 5-24 25+ Callicarpa dichotoma ‘Issai’ Issai Purple Beautyberry Height: 4' Spread: 5' Mounding shrub with purple fruit in Fall. #3 20.00 -------- -------- Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ Columnar European Hornbeam Height: 30' Spread: 20' Narrow upright tree with yellow Fall color 2\" 180.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 215.00 -------- -------- Cephalotaxus harringtonia Japanese Plum Yew Height: 6'-10' Spread: 10' Shade tolerant evergreen shrub. Considered deer proof. #3 26.00 -------- -------- Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud Height: 20'-30' Spread: 25'-35' Open vase shape with purple-pink flowers in April. 1 ¾\" 140.00 -------- -------- 2\" 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 185.00 -------- -------- Cercis c. ‘Forest Pansy’ Forest Pansy Redbud Height: 20' -30' Spread: 25'-35' Brilliant purple/red new foliage that mellows with the season. 1 ¾\" 160.00 -------- -------- 2\" 185.00 -------- -------- 7.

1-4 5-24 25+ Cercis c. ‘Ruby Falls’ Ruby Falls Redbud Height: 6' Spread: 4'-5' Cross between ‘Forest Pansy’ and ‘Covey’. Has purple leaves and weeping form. 1 ¾\" 165.00 -------- -------- 2\" 190.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 210.00 -------- -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera ‘Aurea Nana’ Gold Thread False Cypress Height: 5' Spread: 4' Golden conifer with weeping thread-like branches. #3 26.00 -------- -------- Cladrastis kentukea Yellowwood Height: 30' Spread: 40' Round form with brilliant yellow Fall color. Fragrant white flower. Call for resale pricing & availability 1-4 5-24 25+ Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ Cherokee Princess Dogwood Height: 30' Spread: 25-35' Heavy flowers in April-May. Blooms well as a young tree. Call for resale pricing & availability 8.

1-4 5-24 25+ Cornus florida rubra Pink Dogwood Height: 30' Spread: 25-35' Early Spring pink flowers, Nice dark red foliage in Fall. Call for resale pricing & availability Cornus kousa Chinese Dogwood Height: 15-20' Spread: 15' Showy white flowers in June, does best in partial shade. 5' 75.00 -------- -------- 6' 90.00 -------- -------- 7' 115.00 -------- -------- 8' 135.00 -------- -------- Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’ Winter King Hawthorn Height: 20' Spread: 25' Wide spreading tree with silver gray bark that exfoliates with age. Bright red fruit persist into Winter. 2\" 145.00 140.00 -------- 165.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 195.00 -------- -------- 3\" 1-9 10-49 50+ Euonymus alatus compactus Dwarf Burning Bush Height: 8-10' Spread: 8-10' Rounded shape, green foliage turns brilliant red in the Fall. 24-30\" 29.00 28.00 -------- 30-36\" 34.00 33.00 -------- 3-4' 39.00 -------- -------- 9.

1-4 5-24 25+ Fagus sylvatica ‘Roseamarginata’ Tricolor Beech Height: 30' Spread: 20' Striking purple leaf with pink/white margins. P refers some shade to prevent scorch. 1 ½\" 200.00 ------- -------- 1 ¾\" 225.00 ------- -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Fothergilla gardenii Gardenii Fothergilla Height: 3' Spread: 3' Low grower with scented white flowers, and o range red Fall color. 24-30\" 30.00 29.00 -------- 30-36\" 35.00 34.00 -------- 3'-4' 40.00 ------ -------- Fothergilla major ‘Mt. Airy’ Mt. Airy Fothergilla Height: 5'-6' Spread: 6'-8' Stunning yellow to red Fall color. Large scented bottlebrush flowers. 24-30\" 30.00 29.00 -------- 30-36\" 35.00 34.00 -------- 3'-4' 40.00 ------ -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Gleditsia triacanthosi. ‘Skyline’ Skyline Honeylocust Height: 45' Spread: 35' Fine textured foliage, yellow Fall color, vigorous grower. 2\" 170.00 165.00 -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- 10.

1-9 10-49 50+ Hamamelis virginiana Common Witchhazel Height: 15'-20' Spread: 15'-20' Vase shape with yellow flower at leaf drop. Golden yellow Fall color. In Production Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea (on trellis) Height: 20' Spread: 10-20' Dark green foliage, vigorous grower, does best in shade. #3 29.00 -------- ------- Hydrangea arborescens ‘Incrediball’ Incrediball Hydrangea Height: 4' Spread: 4' Huge white flowers June/July. Blooms on new wood. #3 27.00 -------- -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmer’ Endless Summer Hydrangea Height: 3-5' Spread: 3-5' First macrophylla that blooms on new and old wood for season long flowers. #3 26.00 -------- -------- Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Twist-n-Shout’ Twist-n-Shout Hydrangea Height: 3-5' Spread: 3-4' Pink ever-blooming lacecap. Burgundy red Fall color. #3 26.00 -------- -------- 11.

1-9 10-49 50+ Hydrangea paniculata varieties Tree Form Hydrangea Height: 10' Spread: 8-10' Tree form with late Summer white flowers. #7 95.00 -------- -------- Hydrangea paniculata ‘Jane’ Little Lime Hydrangea Height: 3-5' Spread: 3-5' Smaller version of Limelight Hydrangea. #3 27.00 ------- --------- Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’ Limelight Hydrangea Height: 6-8' Spread: 8-10' Late season white flower July-August. #3 26.00 ------- --------- Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea Height: 4-6' Spread: 3-5' Oak-leaf like foliage, wine red Fall color, sun or shade. #3 26.00 -------- -------- #5 30.00 -------- -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Ruby Slippers’ Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea Height: 3' Spread: 5' Dwarf hydrangea with white flower aging to rose-pink. Mahogany Fall color. #3 29.00 -------- -------- 12.

1-9 10-49 50+ Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Princess’ Blue Princess Holly Height: 12' Spread: 8' Very heavy berry sets, can be trimmed to any shape or size. #3 29.00 -------- -------- Ilex x ‘China Girl’ (‘Mesog’) China Girl Holly Height: 10' Spread: 8-10' Compact habit, dark glossy leaves, very hardy. #3 29.00 -------- -------- 30\" 45.00 -------- -------- 3' 55.00 -------- -------- Ilex x ‘Red Beauty’ Red Beauty Holly Height: 12-15' Spread: 6-8' Upright pyramidal form with blue/green glossy foliage. Abundant red fruit. 4' 80.00 -------- -------- 5' 110.00 -------- -------- 6' 125.00 -------- -------- Ilex verticillata ‘Southern Gentleman’ Southern Gentleman Male Winterberry Height: 6' Spread: 8' Deciduous plant with deep green foliage and rounded shape. Good pollinator for Winter Red. #5 25.00 -------- -------- 13.

1-9 10-49 50+ Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Red’ Winter Red Winterberry Height: 8'10' Spread: 8' D eciduous plant with dark green foliage. Winter persistent red fruit. 3-4' 30.00 -------- -------- 40.00 -------- -------- 4-5' 55.00 -------- -------- 5-6' Itea virginica ‘Little Henry’ Little Henry Dwarf Sweetspire Height: 2' Spread: 3' Lower and more compact form of Sweetspire. Excellent Fall color. #3 21.00 ------- -------- Juniperus chinensis ‘Hetzi Columnaris’ Hetz Columnar Juniper Height: 15' Spread: 3-4' Upright, pyramidal form with bright green needles. 5-6' 70.00 65.00 -------- 6-7' 85.00 80.00 -------- 7-8' 100.00 -------- -------- 8-9' 125.00 -------- -------- Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’ Keteleeri Juniper Height: 15-20' Spread: 8' Slower growing broad pyramidal form. Medium green. In Production 14.

1-9 10-49 50+ Juniperus chinensis ‘Mountbattan’ Mountbattan Juniper Height: 12' Spread: 8' Upright oval form with gray/green foliage. 5-6' 70.00 65.00 -------- 6-7' 85.00 80.00 -------- 7-8' 100.00 -------- -------- 8-9' 125.00 -------- 9-10' 150.00 -------- -------- -------- Juniperus chinensis ‘Perfecta’ Perfecta Juniper Height: 12-15' Spread: 3-4' Upright narrow form. Low maintenance. 5-6' 70.00 65.00 -------- 6-7' 85.00 80.00 -------- 7-8' 100.00 -------- -------- Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’ Spartan Juniper Height: 15-20' Spread: 3-4' Dense upright form, very narrow. 5-6' 70.00 -------- -------- 6-7' 85.00 -------- -------- 7-8' 100.00 -------- ------- Juniperus chinensis ‘Trautman’ Trautman Juniper Height: 8-15' Spread: 2-4' Grey-green foliage. Silver-blue berries Summer into Winter. 5-6' 70.00 -------- -------- 85.00 -------- -------- 6-7' 100.00 -------- -------- 125.00 -------- -------- 7-8' 8-9' 15.

1-9 10-49 50+ Juniperus virginiana ‘Grey Owl’ Grey Owl Juniper Height: 3' Spread: 4-6' Silvery-grey foliage, vigorous grower. #3 22.00 -------- -------- #5 26.00 -------- -------- Juniperus virginiana ‘Taylor’ Taylor Juniper Height: 15-20' Spread: 2-3' Extremely narrow upright form. 5-6' 75.00 -------- -------- 6-7' 90.00 -------- -------- 7-8' 115.00 -------- -------- Lagerstoemia indica varieties Crape Myrtle - Cold hardy varieties Height: 12' Spread: 8' Small tree or large shrub. Exfoliating bark with persistant flowers, July through September #7 49.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Liquidambar s. ‘Hapdell’ Happidaze Sweetgum Height: 60'-75' Spread: 40'-60' Dense crown at young age. Maroon foliage. V irtually fruitless. 2\" 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- Liquidambar s. ‘Slender Silhouette’ Slender Silhouette Sweetgum Height: 50'-60' Spread: 5'-6' Very slender form. Yellow/red Fall color. 2\" 195.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 215.00 -------- -------- 16.

1-9 10-49 50+ Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Height: 70'-90' Spread: 35'-50' Fast growing native shade tree. Attractive yellow-orange flower in May. 2\" 165.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 195.00 -------- -------- 220.00 -------- -------- 3\" Lonicera fragrantissima Winter Honeysuckle Height: 6-8' Spread: 6-8' Semi-evergreen shrub with fragrant early flower. In Production 1-4 5-24 25+ Magnolia g. ‘Bracken Brown Beauty’ Bracken Brown Beauty Magnolia Height: 25-30' Spread: 15-20' Glossy dark green foliage with brown undersides, large fragrant creamy-white flowers. Call for resale pricing & availability Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Height: 10-20' Spread: 10-20' Waxy, almost evergreen foliage, withstands shade well. Creamy white flowers are lemon scented. 5' 90.00 ------- -------- 6' 110.00 ------- -------- 130.00 ------- -------- 7' 160.00 ------- -------- 8' 180.00 ------- -------- 9' 200.00 ------- -------- 10' 17.

1-4 5-24 25+ Magnolia x ‘Jane’ Jane Magnolia Height: 12' Spread: 12' Compact ornamental plant with fragrant magenta flowers. 5' 90.00 ------- -------- 6' 110.00 ------- -------- 7' 130.00 ------- -------- 8' 160.00 ------- -------- Malus ‘Coral Burst’ Coral Burst Crabapple Height: 8-10' Spread: 10' Compact rounded head. Pink flowers with orange red fruit. Grafted on 4' Std. 1 ¾\" 130.00 -------- -------- 2\" 145.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 170.00 -------- -------- Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’ Royal Raindrops Crabapple Height: 20' Spread: 15' Upright spreading form. Pink flower with purple foliage. Excellent disease resistance. 1 ¾\" 130.00 -------- -------- 2\" 145.00 -------- -------- Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood Height: 70-100' Spread: 25' Narrow conical formed deciduous evergreen with rusty orange Fall color 2\" 145.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 175.00 -------- -------- 3\" 210.00 -------- -------- 18.

1-4 5-24 25+ Nyssa sylvatica ‘JFS Red’ Firestarter Tupelo Height: 35' Spread: 18' Symmetrical upright structure. Intense red Fall color 2\" 200.00 -------- -------- Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wildfire’ Wildfire Tupelo Height: 40' Spread: 25' Pyramidal. Deep red Spring growth. Orange-yellow Fall color 2\" 200.00 -------- -------- 3\" 280.00 resale -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Little Devil’ Little Devil Ninebark Height: 3-4' Spread: 3-4' Dwarf form with purple foliage. Late Spring flower. #3 22.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Picea abies Norway Spruce Height: 80-100' Spread: 30-50' Dark green needles, rapid grower, full sun. Call for resale pricing & availability 19.

1-9 10-49 50+ Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’ Bird's Nest Spruce Height: 2' Spread: 3' Dwarf variety, spreading builds horizontal layers. #5 29.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Picea pungens ‘Hoopsi’ Hoopsi Blue Spruce Height: 60' Spread: 20' Bluest of the blue spruce. 5' 130.00 -------- -------- Platanus x acerfolia ‘Morton Circle’ Exclamation London Planetree Height: 70-80' Spread: 60-70' Heat & drought tolerant fast growing tree. 2\" 165.00 160.00 -------- 2 ½\" 195.00 -------- -------- 3\" 235.00 -------- -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Pyracantha a. ‘Yukon Belle’ Yukon Belle Pyracantha Height: 6-8’ Spread: 6-8’ White flowers in Spring, orange berries in Fall. Very hardy. #7 Esp. 100.00 -------- ------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Quercus acutissima Sawtooth Oak Height: 40' Spread: 40' Round form with yellow Fall color 2\" 175.00 --------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 --------- -------- 20.

1-4 5-24 25+ Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak Height: 50-60' Spread: 40-50' Broad, open rounded crown, yellow Fall color. 2\" 175.00 --------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 --------- -------- 3\" 245.00 --------- -------- Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak Height: 55' Spread: 45' Broad oval and open form. Yellow to brown Fall color 2\" 175.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 --------- -------- 3\" 245.00 --------- -------- Quercus robur x bicolor ‘Long’ Regal Prince Oak Height: 45' Spread: 18' Upright narrow oval. Yellow Fall color. 2\" 175.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 -------- -------- Quercus robur x bicolor ‘Nadler’ Kindred Spirit Oak Height: 30’ Spread: 6’ Tight columnar form with medium green foliage. Yellow fall color. In Production Quercus rubra Red Oak Height: 70-75' Spread: 40-50' Upright spreading form with glossy dark green foliage. Scarlet red Fall color. 2\" 175.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 -------- -------- 3\" 245.00 --------- -------- 21.

1-9 10-49 50+ Rhamnus frangula ‘Fine Line’ Fine Line Buckthorn Height: 6' Spread: 2-3' Tight upright form. Yellow Fall color. 3' 35.00 -------- -------- 4' 45.00 -------- -------- 5' 60.00 -------- -------- Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’ Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac Height: 2' Spread: 6' Low spreading form. Fragrant Spring flowers and excellent Fall color. #2 20.00 -------- -------- Rosa ‘Drift’ series Drift Shrub Rose Height: 1-2' Spread: 2-3' Low spreading shrub rose. Available in red, pink, white and pastel colors. #2 18.00 -------- -------- Rosa ‘Knockout’ series Knockout Shrub Rose Height: 3' Spread: 3' Very disease resistant. Ever-blooming red, pink, white, yellow shrub rose. #3 21.00 -------- -------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Spirea x bumalda ‘Gold Flame’ Gold Flame Spirea Height: 2-3' Spread: 3-4' Compact, rounded shape, late June bloom, red & orange new growth, changing to yellow. #2 15.00 -------- -------- #3 17.00 -------- -------- 22.

1-9 10-49 50+ Spirea x ‘Goldmound’ Goldmound Spirea Height: 18-24\" Spread: 2-3' Low, mounded shape, creamy yellow foliage, pink flowers, prefers full sun. #2 15.00 -------- -------- #3 17.00 -------- -------- Spirea japonica ‘Little Princess’ Little Princess Spirea Height: 2' Spread: 3-4' Dwarf, compact plant, pink flowers mid- Summer to Fall, sun or part shade. Perfect plant for borders or mass plantings. #2 15.00 -------- -------- #3 17.00 -------- -------- Syringa Patula ‘Miss Kim’ Miss Kim Lilac Height: 6-8' Spread: 6-8' Compact form, fragrant lilac blooms in May. #5 29.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ Ivory Silk Tree Lilac Height: 20-25' Spread: 15-20' Rounded, oval form. Large white early Summer flower. 2\" 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- 3\" 230.00 -------- -------- 23.

1-9 10-49 50+ Syringa vulgaris Common Purple Lilac Height: 15' Spread: 10' Fragrant purple flowers, blooms in May. #7 42.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Height: 50'-70' Spread: 20'-30' Deciduous conifer with pyramidal form. 2\" 140.00 -------- -------- 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- 3\" 1-9 10-49 50+ Taxus x media ‘Densiformis’ Dense Yew Height: 3-4' Spread: 4-8' A dense spreader with bright green foliage. 15-18\" 22.00 21.00 --------- 18-24\" 25.00 24.00 --------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’ Hick's Yew Height: 12' Spread: 6' Fast growing, columnar plant, dark green foliage. 24\" 35.00 -------- -------- 30\" 45.00 -------- -------- 36\" 60.00 Limited 42\" 70.00 Limited 24.

1-9 10-49 50+ Thuja occidentalis ‘Emerald Green’ Emerald Green Arborvitae Height: 10-15' Spread: 3-4' Very dense, narrow pyramidal form. C all for resale pricing & availability Thuja plicata ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Western Arborvitae Height: 30' Spread: 12' Deer resistant with strong central leader. C all for resale pricing & availability 1-4 5-24 25+ Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’ Greenspire Littleleaf Linden Height: 40-50' Spread: 30' Upright oval form. Tolerates tough conditions. 2\" 170.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 200.00 -------- -------- Tsuga canadensis Canadian Hemlock Height: 75' Spread: 25-35' Pyramidal shape, excellent for hedges, sun or part shade. 5-6' 130.00 -------- -------- 1-4 5-24 25+ Ulmus americana ‘Princeton’ Princeton Elm Height: 65' Spread: 50' Upright vase shape with yellow Fall color. In Production 25.

1-4 5-24 25+ Ulmus parvifolia ‘Elmer II’ Allee Lacebark Elm Height: 40’ – 50’ Spread: 35’ – 45’ Medium sized tree with rounded head. Exfoliating bark. Yellow fall color. 2\" 175.00 --------- --------- 2 ½\" 205.00 --------- --------- Ulmus x ‘Frontier’ Frontier Elm Height: 40' Spread: 30' Vase shape with strong burgundy Fall color. 2\" 170.00 165.00 --------- 2 ½\" 200.00 --------- --------- 3\" 240.00 --------- --------- 3 ½\" 290.00 --------- --------- 4\" 325.00 --------- --------- Ulmus x ‘Patriot’ Patriot Elm Height: 50' Spread: 40' Upright vase shape. Yellow Fall color. 2\" 170.00 --------- --------- 2 ½\" 200.00 --------- --------- 3\" 240.00 --------- --------- 3 ½\" 290.00 --------- --------- 4\" 325.00 --------- --------- 1-9 10-49 50+ Viburnum burkwoodii ‘Burkwood’ Burkwood Viburnum Height: 8-10' Spread: 5-8' Early bloom, very fragrant, pink buds. 3-4' 38.00 --------- --------- 4-5' 46.00 --------- --------- 26.

1-9 10-49 50+ Viburnum carlesi ‘Compacta’ Carlesi Compacta Viburnum Height: 3-4' Spread: 3-4' Compact form of carlesi. Excellent deep red Fall color. 24\" 50.00 --------- --------- 30\" 55.00 --------- --------- Viburnum dentatum ‘Christom’ Blue Muffin Viburnum Height: 3-5' Spread: 3-4' Compact rounded. White flowers turn to blue berries. Orange to burgundy Fall color. Deer resistant. 30-36\" 28.00 --------- --------- 3-4' 32.00 --------- --------- 4-5' 39.00 --------- --------- Viburnum x juddii Judd Viburnum Height: 8' Spread: 6-8' Rounded, bushy form, fragrant pink flowers, sun or partial shade. 24-30\" 39.00 --------- --------- 30-36\" 46.00 --------- --------- 3-4' 52.00 --------- --------- Viburnum x ‘Pragense’ Prague Viburnum Height: 8-10' Spread: 8-10' Fast growing evergreen shrub. White flower in April. #7 46.00 --------- --------- 3-4' 44.00 --------- --------- 4-5' 52.00 --------- --------- Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ European Snowball Viburnum Height: 8-12' Spread: 10-12' Mid May white sterile flowers #5 35.00 --------- --------- 27.

1-9 10-49 50+ Viburnum x rhytidophyllum ‘Alleghany’ Alleghany Viburnum Height: 10-12' Spread: 10-12' Semi-evergreen plant with dark green foliage, white flowers and red fruit. 3-4' 38.00 37.00 -------- 46.00 ------- -------- 4-5' 60.00 ------- -------- 5-6' 1-4 5-24 25+ Zelkova serrata ‘Green Vase’ Green Vase Japanese Zelkova Height: 60-70' Spread: 40-50' Fast growing upright vase form. Orange to bronze red Fall color. 2\" 175.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 Limited -------- 3\" 240.00 Limited -------- Zelkova serrata ‘Musashino’ Musashino Columnar Japanese Zelkova Height: 45' Spread: 15' Narrow upright form. Yellow Fall color. 2\" 175.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 -------- -------- 3\" 240.00 -------- -------- 3 ½\" 290.00 -------- -------- Zelkova serrata ‘Village Green’ Village Green Japanese Zelkova Height: 40-60' Spread: 30-50' Upright form. Attractive bark. Dutch Elm disease resistant. 2\" 175.00 -------- -------- 2 ½\" 205.00 -------- -------- 3\" 240.00 -------- -------- 3 ½\" 290.00 -------- -------- 4\" 325.00 -------- -------- 28.

GROUNDCOVERS Euonymus fortunei ‘Colorata’ Purpleleaf Wintercreeper Height: 4-6\" Spread: 6-24\" Evergreen groundcover turns purple in Fall. 50/flat peat pots 30.00 #1 7.00 Hedra Helix English Ivy Height: 6-8\" Spread: 8-12\" Evergreen trailing ground cover. 50/flat peat pots 30.00 #1 7.00 Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra Height: 6\" Spread: 6-12\" Evergreen low-spreading foliage, sun or part shade. 50/flat peat pots 30.00 #1 7.00 Vinca Minor Blue Myrtle Height: 6\" Spread: 6-12\" Trailing evergreen foliage, blue flowers April and May, sun or shade. 50/flat peat pots 30.00 #1 7.00 GRASSES AND PERENNIALS Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ Moonbeam Coreopsis Height: 24\" Spread: 24\" Yellow flowers from June-July, full sun. #1 7.00 Hemercallis Repeat Bloomers Daylily #1 7.00 29.

Hosta assorted varieties Hosta #1 7.00 Liriope muscari ‘Big Blue’ Big Blue Liriope Height: 12-18\" Dark green leaves, dark violet flower spikes. #1 6.00 Liriope muscari ‘Variegata’ Variegated Liriope Height: 12\" Green and white stripes, lilac blossoms. #1 6.00 Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ Gracillimus Maiden Grass Height: 6-8' Spread: 3-5' Fine texture foliage, upright arching, silky plumes September through mid-Winter. #2 12.00 #3 16.00 Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ Hameln Dwarf Fountain Grass Height: 24\" Spread: 12-24\" Green mounded shape, coppery tan plumes. #1 7.00 #2 12.00 MATERIALS Peat Moss 11.50 3.8cu.ft./bale Pine Needle Mulch (covers approx. 45 sq.ft./bale) 1-55 bales 8.00 per pallet/56 bales 7.75 30.



DOUBLE-D Plant Ranch 8747 MORROW - COZADDALE ROAD MORROW, OHIO 45152 Phone (513) 899-9111, Fax (513) 899-2969

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