Michigan Lawyer of the Year “Auto Law Guru” Voted Top 100 Lawyers in MI - Michigan Lawyers Weekly (Out of 60,000)Best Lawyers in America Top 100 Trial Lawyer (Top 2.4% of all attorneys) “ Arguably the best in the business.” - Michigan Lawyers WeeklyMAKING A REALAUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEYSDIFFERENCE
“ My attorneys stood by me 100% and restored my life. They are my guardian angels - ANGELA HAYNES
Auto Accident AttorneysMaking a Real DifferenceFor more than 50 years, our lawyers have beenhelping people injured in serious automobileaccidents with dignity, respect and compassion.Our proven ability in the courtroom leads to highersettlements and faster results for our clients. Ourattorneys have received the top-reported Michiganjury verdict or settlement for an automobile or truckaccident victim for the past 17 consecutive years,according to Michigan Lawyers Weekly.If you have been in an auto accident and don’tknow where to turn, the attorneys at Michigan AutoLaw can help. Call us today at (800) 968-1001 for afree consultation. AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEYS (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
Auto Accident ChecklistWe understand that even thinking of being in a crash canbe frightening. The following steps will better ensure yoursafety – and your legal rights – in case of an accident.• Stay calm and assist injured passengers Immediately call an ambulance for any injured individuals. Do not move injured passengers unless it is necessary to avoid further injury.• Call the Police Even if the accident appears to be minor, it’s extremely important to call the police immediately in order to file a report.• Document ALL injuries with your insurance company Make a detailed list of all injuries and pain you and other passengers are experiencing, even if a symptom seems to be minor at the time.• If it appears the Defendant is disputing fault... Contact a lawyer immediately. Sometimes “black box” electronic data recorders can be downloaded shortly after a crash to prove the driver who caused the wreck is now changing his or her story.• Get the at-fault driver’s information Make sure to obtain all of the at-fault driver’s information, including name, phone number, license plate and insurance policy.• Take photographs Photograph any vehicle damage and any visible injuries, bruising and abrasions.• Preserve the scene If there’s a suspected product liability case, be sure to preserve the automobile, defective car seat or tires.• Do not leave the scene Do not leave the scene until all other drivers and police have left, unless you have a serious injury. AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEYS (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
aMYocicucihrdi3egnpatontaefntteiraal ncaasuetsoinOur lawyers exclusively help people who’ve been hurt in car accidents in the state ofMichigan. We understand that you may be facing pain and sleepless nights. Read on tolearn more about your 3 options in getting your life back on track.1 MINI TORT: THE CASE FOR VEHICLE DAMAGE This is for physical damage to your vehicle only. Under the law you can receive a maximum of $1,000 from the at-fault driver’s insurance. 3 year time limit2 FIRST-PARTY: THE CASE FOR YOUR NO FAULT BENEFITS This is the case for your No Fault insurance benefits. Your No Fault benefits are provided through your own insurance and include: • Medical: Reimbursement of auto accident-related medical expenses for as long as you have the injury. • Mileage: Reimbursement for miles traveled to medical appointments. • Attendant care: In-home nursing services. • Replacement services: Help with chores, childcare and household duties. • Wage loss: Payment of 85% of your lost wages for up to three years. I year time limit3 THIRD-PARTY: THE CASE FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING This is the case where you sue the at-fault driver’s insurance for the pain and suffering you endured as a result of your auto accident-related injuries. The case includes: • Non economic damages: Compensation for your pain and suffering. • Excess economic damages: Any damages above the statutory maximum of wage loss payment for the first three years after an auto accident, and any and all wage loss after three years. 3 year time limitMAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
WibnehMnaeitcfihNtiosgaFamanu?IlteinntsiutlreadntcoeThe term No Fault means that both parties involved in an auto accident are entitled tobenefits from their insurance companies, no matter who caused the accident. Below arethe No Fault benefits you may be entitled to if you are injured in an auto accident. MEDICAL BENEFITS 1 Year to Apply! Reimbursement of all auto accident-related medical expenses – for as long as the injury persists. Don’t forget, you have one WAGE LOSS year from the date of the Reimbursement of 85% of your wages while you’re accident to apply, or you off of work due to your injuries – for up to three years. will lose all rights to your REPLACEMENT SERVICES No Fault insurance benefits. Up to $20 a day for any household services you now cannot do because of your injuries, such as * To get your benefits, you must fill out housekeeping, lawn care and childcare. an application from your own insurance MILEAGE FOR MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS company. You can request this form from Reimbursement for the miles traveled to medical your auto insurance company or from an appointments. attorney at Michigan Auto Law. ATTENDANT CARE BENEFITS In-home nursing care for as long as the auto (800) 968-1001 accident-related injury persists. HOME MODIFICATIONS WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM Making your home accessible in case of a disabling injury. VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS Making your vehicle accessible in case of a disabling injury.MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE
1yo8umr iasctcaikdeesntthlaawt csaunitruinThere are many ways an unsuspecting auto accident victim’s case can be harmed – evenwhen you’re trying to do the right thing. Here are 18 mistakes that unfortunately play acrucial role in hurting good people with legitimate cases in Michigan.1 LYING This mistake is pretty easy to avoid, and the consequences can be disastrous for those who don’t. For example, recent Michigan cases have held that providing false information on an insurance application can be used to void personal injury claims, such as for uninsured motorist coverage.2 MISTAKES ON YOUR NO FAULT FORMS Paperwork involved in No Fault claims include the submission of forms for replacement services (household services) and attendant care (nursing care) claims. Accuracy of these submissions is critical. In the Michigan Court of Appeals opinion in Bahri v IDS Property, the court held that inaccurate submissions can result in a person losing all No Fault benefits.3 SURVEILLANCE Expect that your insurance company and the at-fault driver’s insurance company will conduct surveillance and hire investigators to take photos and videos of you at some time during your case. Do not lie about doing something that might be later caught on surveillance video.4 DISCUSSING YOUR CASE Insurance adjusters and defense lawyers may try to contact you. Do NOT talk about your case with anyone hired by the at-fault driver or insurance company. Have the person call your lawyer instead.5 SOCIAL MEDIA Insurance adjusters and defense attorneys will investigate your Facebook, Twitter and related social media accounts, blogs or web pages – even when set as “private” – and look for things that can help them avoid responsibility. Please be very careful about postings of your activities, and avoid posting new items.6 SIGNING YOUR RIGHTS AWAY Do NOT sign anything until you check with your lawyer. Even simple mini-tort releases for car damage sometimes have fine print waiving future injury claims or allowing an at-fault insurance company to access your medical records and violate your privacy.7 APPLYING TOO LATE There’s a one-year time limit to apply for benefits for a first-party No Fault case in Michigan, which entitles you to important auto insurance benefits such as lost wages, medical bills and mileage, replacement services (chores, help around the house) and attendant care (nursing services).MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
8 DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS Listen to your doctors, and follow through on their advice. There’s never a reason or excuse to miss a doctor’s appointment. It’s important for you to show that you are working hard to get better and keeping appointments is an important part of that.9 DISPOSING OF IMPORTANT EVIDENCE Save all pill bottles, casts, braces, prescriptions and any other items from your doctors. This is evidence of your personal injuries, and it must be preserved.10 PICTURES Anytime you have a surgery or a visible injury, take pictures. Or contact your lawyer and he will send a photographer to document your injuries. Videos are also great tools to show just how difficult things have been in the time following your injury or after a surgery. Also remember to take pictures of your car damage.11 INSURANCE MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS (IMEs) You will be sent to an IME at some point. Sadly, these doctors are not “independent” and this is really an insurance company physician who makes a lot of money finding “nothing wrong” with auto accident victims. Call your attorney immediately when your insurance adjuster tells you to attend an IME.12 APPLYING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY (SSD) Many insurance companies force people to apply for Social Security Disability. When this happens, you’re required to apply. But what happens next, such as appeals and how an application is filled out, can directly impact your car accident case. Please discuss applying for Social Security Disability with your auto accident lawyer first, to avoid costly mistakes.13 VOICE MAIL Insurance adjusters, investigators and others may call you for information about your car or truck accident. If you have a message or music on your voicemail or answering machine that could offend a jury one day, we suggest you change to a more basic greeting, to give the best first impression.14 RENEWING LICENSES Defense attorneys and their investigators can easily obtain access to commercial driver license information from the Secretary of State, as well as hunting and fishing license information from the Department of Natural Resources. If you have serious injuries that prevent you from engaging in such activities, we suggest you do not renew those licenses until you speak with your lawyer.15 NEW DOCTORS, TESTS Anytime your doctor refers you to a new doctor, advise your lawyer immediately.16 JOB CHANGES AND MOVING Anything after your auto accident regarding changes in your job, duties and salary is important to discuss with your attorney. Inform your attorney if you’re moving, if you have been put on further work restrictions or have to miss more work due to your personal injuries.17 BUT I HEARD… Clients often tell us they heard about a friend’s financial recovery. Please be aware that every case, injury and client is different. Our lawyers are as interested as you in getting the best settlement possible.18 POOR COMMUNICATION The best advice remains the simplest — Call your car accident lawyer at (800) 968-1001 if you have a question, and certainly before doing something that can have an important impact on your case.MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
MfGiexinettdiiTnwogrittyhouMriccahrigdaanmageThe state of Michigan does not require a driver to have collision coverage. If you do nothave collision coverage, you can recoup some of your out-of-pocket costs via the MiniTort law. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding these types of claims.1 WHAT IS THE MICHIGAN MINI TORT? Under Michigan’s Mini Tort law, you can recover a maximum of $1,000 for your vehicle damage from the driver who caused the crash. This is called a Mini Tort claim.2 WHEN DOES THE MINI TORT APPLY? The state of Michigan does not require a driver to have collision coverage. If you do not have collision coverage on your vehicle, you can recoup some of your out-of-pocket costs for vehicle repairs via the Mini Tort law. The Mini Tort also applies if your coverage is limited or you have a collision deductible — and you are less than 50% at fault for the accident.3 HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO FILE A MINI TORT CLAIM? You have three years from the date of the crash to file a Mini Tort lawsuit for your car damage.4 HOW DO I FILE A MINI TORT CLAIM? To obtain your Mini Tort coverage, you can write a letter to the insurance company of the person who caused the accident, and request the money. Include the police report proving the person who caused the accident was at-fault; a declaration sheet from your own insurance company showing your coverage, an estimate of vehicle repairs and photos of the damage including the license plate. Feel free to call a Michigan Auto Law attorney for help filing your claim or for a sample Mini Tort letter.MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
“Arguably the best T: (800) 968-1001 in the business.” (248) 353-7575 -Michigan Lawyers Weekly F: (248) 353-4501 W W W. M I C H I G A N AU TO L AW.CO M E-mail: [email protected] Northwestern Highway, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(800) 968-1001WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COMVisit today for more than 400 reviews fromhappy clients we’ve served.
The Michigan Auto Law Difference“Michigan Auto Law has been listed for 17 consecutive yearswith the top reported injury settlements or trial verdicts inMichigan… This remarkable record eclipses every other lawfirm in Michigan…” - Attorney at Law MagazineOur Credentials• Best Lawyers in America – Michigan Auto Law has been named in the Best Lawyers in America directory, limited to the top 2.4% of all attorneys in America.• Michigan Super Lawyers – Eleven Michigan Auto Law attorneys are Michigan Super Lawyers. This honor is limited to the top 5% of all Michigan attorneys.• Best of the Best Top 100 in MI List – Out of over 60,000 Michigan lawyers, Steven Gursten and Robert Raitt are named in the Top 100 in the state of Michigan by Super Lawyers.• Best Lawyers, Best Law Firm – Michigan Auto Law has been given the highest ranking – “First-Tier” – by U.S. News and World Report. This is based on surveys of thousands of law firm clients and leading lawyers.• Perfect 10/10 Legal Rating - In the Avvo Lawyer Directory, “Superb.”• AV-Rated – The highest rating possible for legal ability and ethics by Martindale-Hubbell.• Michigan Lawyer of the Year – Steven Gursten was named Michigan Lawyer of the Year by Michigan Lawyers Weekly.• Largest truck settlement in MI history – Steven Gursten recovered a $34 million truck settlement in 2014, the largest ever by a Michigan attorney, according to Verdict- Search.Making a Real Difference AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEYS (800) 968-1001WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
What insurance best protects your family?Today, many drivers are driving without mandatory No Faultinsurance coverage. When a serious accident occurs, people are leftwithout protection for serious injuries. This does not have to happen.To protect yourself and your family, we recommend the following:Uninsured Motorist (UM) CoverageProtects you when an at-fault driver has no auto insurance. Yourinsurance company steps up and provides coverage up to the policylimits you have purchased.Underinsured Motorist (UIM) CoverageProvides valuable additional protection when an at-fault driverwho causes an accident is “underinsured.” If you or a family memberare seriously injured by someone with a clearly inadequate policylimit such as $20,000, your UIM Coverage can help to make up thedifference from the wrongdoer’s inadequate policy limits. We recommend purchasing at least $500,000 of UM and UIM Coverage.Collision CoverageCollision Coverage is optional coverage. You have to request andpurchase this coverage separately, but it will help pay your repaircosts for accident-related vehicle damage.We are happy to recommend independent insurance agencies if yourcurrent company does not offer these important coverages.Let us Help YouIf you, a friend or loved one needs legal help after an accident,please call Michigan Auto Law at (800) 968-1001. We are hereto help and protect your rights, and you can always speakwith an experienced attorney for free advice. AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEYS (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
Hbaocwk otourthlaewcoyemrsmguivneityOur attorneys have been protecting people seriously injured in automobile accidentsthroughout Michigan for more than 50 years. It’s also our mission to help those in need,to give back to our communities and to help make Michigan a better place.HELPING AUTO ACCIDENT VICTIMS, PRO-BONOEach year, our lawyers donate their legal services pro bono.CERTIFIED CAR SEAT INSPECTORSMichigan Auto Law has our own government-certified car seat safety technician, who ishere to inspect child safety seats and make sure they’re installed properly.FORGOTTEN HARVESTEvery year we volunteer at the Oak Park-based food bank, packing thousands of poundsof food donation packages for hungry families in metro Detroit.HELPING LAW SCHOOL STUDENTSMichigan Auto Law endows mentoring and annual scholarships to law school studentswho show exemplary leadership skills.TEACHING STUDENTS ABOUT DISTRACTED DRIVINGOur attorneys are speaking at high schools and colleges throughout Michigan, to warnstudents and teen drivers about the dangers of distracted driving.MICHIGAN LAWYERS WEEKLY LEADER IN THE LAWSteven Gursten and Robert Raitt have been honored as Michigan Lawyers Weekly Leadersin the Law, out of more than 60,000 Michigan attorneys, for their efforts to increase trucksafety on our roads and their advocacy on behalf of auto accident victims.MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MOTT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Every year, our firm has a University of Michigan/Michigan State University rivalry that ends with a charity donation to the hospital. TOYS FOR TOTS The entire team at Michigan Auto Law also collects for the Toys for Tots charity during the holiday season. GREEN TECHNOLOGY AT MICHIGAN AUTO LAW FARMINGTON HILLS Our headquarters underwent a complete interior renovation in 2010, using principles of sustainable energy and environmental design. MICHIGAN AUTO LAW ADOPTS A HIGHWAY Our firm is participating in the Michigan Department of Transportation program, Adopt-A- Highway, by doing several clean ups of I-75, between 14 Mile Road and Rochester Road. RUNNING FOR CHARITY Our team regularly runs races for charity, such as the Rock’n Roll Marathon Relay for Henry Ford Hospital, which helps uninsured patients receive medical equipment and services necessary to achieve a full recovery. LAWYERS TESTIFYING IN LANSING Our lawyers, including partners Steve Gursten, Lawrence Gursten and Robert Raitt, have all testified in Lansing before the Michigan Legislature on various proposed laws – to bring awareness to specific issues to help make our laws stronger, safer and smarter. MENTORING IMPOVERISHED YOUTH Trial attorney Jordan Jones mentors impoverished youth considering college and careers in law. He has worked for the Free Legal Aid Clinic in Detroit.“ Our lawyers take giving back to the community very seriously.”MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE (800) 968-1001 WWW.MICHIGANAUTOLAW.COM
Steven M. GurstenPractice SummarySteven M. Gursten is recognized as one of the nation’s top attorneyshandling serious car and truck accident injury cases, and automobileinsurance No-Fault litigation.Honors & Awards “Arguably the best in the business”• Lawyer of the Year, Michigan Lawyers Weekly - Michigan Lawyers Weekly• Best Lawyers in America• Voted Top 100 Lawyers in State of Michigan For more than 50 years, we have been known as the top automobile accident law firm in Michigan. (out of more than 60,000 attorneys, based upon total points by Super Lawyers) Michigan Lawyers Weekly newspaper has described• Top 100 Trial Lawyer, National Trial Lawyers Michigan Auto Law as the state’s largest law firm• AV-Rated, Martindale-Hubbell “completely specializing in auto accidents.” Highest rating for legal ability and ethics• Best Lawyers, Crain’s Detroit Business Attorney at Law Magazine has written: “... listed• Top Lawyers in Metro Detroit, DBusiness Magazine for 17 consecutive years with the top reported• Million Dollar Advocates Forum settlements and verdicts in Michigan… This• Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, Martindale-Hubbell remarkable record eclipses every other law firm in• Leader in the Law, Michigan Lawyers Weekly Michigan.”• Top 100 Litigation Lawyer, American Society of Legal Advocates• 10/10 Legal Rating, Avvo Lawyer Directory We know that our results in the courtroom lead to• Top 10 Attorney Award in Michigan, National Academy of better and faster settlements for our clients. Personal Injury Attorneys• Clients’ Choice Award, for extraordinary client service, Avvo With 18 attorneys backed by a team of more than• American Board of Trial Advocates, Member 25 professionals, Michigan Auto Law can handle the most challenging cases, yet we also provide theInteresting Fact: personalized, responsive attention and respect thatSteve’s $34 million truck accident settlement is every person deserves.the largest in the U.S. for 2014 and the largest Our goal is to provide you with the best care and legal compensation available.ever by a Michigan Lawyer. -VerdictSearch More about Steven M. GurstenCouldn’t have asked for anything more in anauto attorney“After my car accident, I was not able to work for 14 months and welost our house. Because of the care and proper legal representation Ireceived from Steve Gursten, my life was completely turned around. Icouldn’t have asked for anything more in an auto accident attorney.There were a lot of things I liked about Steve. He had genuine concernover my health after my car accident. He was 100 percent of the timefocused on what was going on in my life and how he could help. Therewas also a lot of concern for my family. Another side of Steve was thathe was extremely professional in all of his communication. I always feltfrom the instance that I started working with Steve that my care wasin the hands of the very best. I’m completely blown away. He was sodetermined to get to the truth and be as fair as possible. I have otherfriends who have been in similar situations and it saddens my heart tosee the way they are being treated. The care you get from MichiganAuto Law and Steve is pretty amazing.” –Michael Wnorowski, FarmingtonSee more of Steve’s testimonials on page 3. [email protected] • (800) 968-1001 • W W W. M I C H I G A N AU TO L AW.C O M
Steven M. GurstenLeadership Positions “ What the newspapers say Attorney At Law Magazine:• Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association, President: “Michigan Auto Law has been listed for 17 consecutive years with the top reported The MVTLA is a professional and trade association of trial attorneys throughout the country who represent injury victims injury settlements and trial verdicts in Michigan... and consumer plaintiffs in claims involving motor vehicle injuries. This remarkable record eclipses every other law firm in Michigan.”• American Association for Justice, Interstate Truck Litigation Group, Past President: The American Association for Justice is the nation’s largest association of advocates serving the needs of personal injury victims, with more than 50,000 lawyer members. The truck litigation group helps lawyers protect truck accident victims.• American Association for Justice, Traumatic Brain Injury Group, Michigan Lawyers Weekly: Chair-Elect: The American Association for Justice Traumatic Brain Injury Group helps attorneys protect auto accident victims “Gursten is cleary doing something right. Perhaps with brain injury. it’s that his firm is the largest in the state• State of Michigan Model Civil Jury Instructions, Subcommittee Member: Steve advises on the most effective jury specializing in serious car and truck accident instructions regarding Michigan No-Fault and the auto accident law cases. Perhaps it’s the fact that he’s willing to take difficult cases to trial and continues to receivefor the State of Michigan. spectacular results. Perhaps it’s the fact that he• Michigan Association for Justice, Automobile Accident No-Fault practices law with honesty and integrity. More Committee: The Michigan Association for Justice is the likely, it’s all of these things.” state’s largest organization of trial lawyers and consumer advocates “Outstanding in his field. One of Michigan’s representing the needs of injured accident victims. foremost experts on No-Fault litigation”• Sarah Jane Brain Project, Traumatic Brain Injury Legal Committee, Advisor: The Sarah Jane Brain Project is a group of brain injurylawyers, doctors, professors and lawmakers dedicated topreventing and treating pediatric traumatic brain injury. Notable Cases• Melvin M. Belli Society, Parliamentarian: The Melvin M. Belli • John Doe v. Confidential, OhioSociety is a legal group of the best injury lawyers in the country that $34 million settlement, truck accidentpresents hard-hitting, practical seminars featuring lawyers who are • Norris v. Atsalis Brothers Painting, Macomb Countyexperts in the courtroom and discussing innovative trial skills. $9 million settlement, car/truck accidentPublications • John Doe v. Confidential, Oakland County $7 million settlement on $3.5 million case evaluation,• Handling Automobile Accident Cases, West Publications• State Bar of Michigan Negligence Law Section Quarterly car accident; included $3 million over insurance policy• Books on www.michiganautolaw.com: limits • Broeren v. Bates, Macomb County How To Repair Your Car Damage $5.65 million jury verdict on $600,000 offer, auto Protecting Your Legal Rights After a Car Accident accident Guide to Michigan No-Fault Law • Fini-Ross v. Citizens Insurance Co., Washtenaw County What Auto Insurance is Right for Me? $4.2 million jury verdict on $100,000 offer, auto How to Keep your Children Safe accident How to Choose the Right Lawyer • Nunez v. Utica Transit Mix and Supply, Macomb County $3.9 million settlement, truck accidentPresentationsSteve frequently lectures at legal seminars locally and throughout • Fairley v. Schiber Truck Co., Jackson Countythe country on topics such as trial advocacy, Michigan No-Fault $3.5 million verdict on $1 million offer, truck accidentlaw, traumatic brain injury cases and maximizing settlements for • Barnes v. Cassens Transport Company, Wayne Countythose injured in car and truck accidents. To date, he has nearly 200 $3.6 million award on $300,000 offer, truck accidentprofessional speaking engagements. A current list can be found on • Shekoski v. Allied Excavation, Inc., Macomb Countywww.michiganautolaw.com. $2.55 million verdict on $250,000 offer, truck/bicycle accidentEducation• Fordham University School of Law • Lloyd v. First Choice Trucking, U.S. District Court• University of Michigan $2.5 million jury verdict on $250,000 offer, truck Phi Beta Kappa, highest academic distinction accident [email protected] • (800) 968-1001 • W W W. M I C H I G A N AU TO L AW.C O M
Steven M. GurstenTestimonialsMakes you feel as if you are his only client which you are during a trial. As far as I’m concerned, he did what“Steve is absolutely wonderful. I was actually referred to him from my wife and I thought was impossible. He and his team found andanother law firm. He is caring and very prompt with responding to any won a record judgment in a county not known for large judgments -concerns that I may have had. He actually makes you feel as if you are his Jackson County. Thanks again to Steve Gursten, his team and all theonly client. He is very aggressive and knows his stuff. He talks with you in rest of the staff of Michigan Auto Law, who had a part in this greatunderstandable terms, instead of the legal mumble jumbo. I actually call victory.” –James Fairley, Jacksonhim for any legal questions that may arise (even not accident-related), After interviewing four different lawyers, Steveand he takes the time to help. I would recommend anyone at anytime to Gursten of Michigan Auto Law stood out amongstSteve Gursten and Michigan Auto Law.” –BB Rosson, Detroit them as the guy to go to for several reasonsAt the top of his specialty “My husband was killed in an automobile accident involving a gravel hauler truck on the freeway. The left front steer tire of the gravel“When someone I love was hurt in a car accident I wanted the best auto hauler blew on I-75 near the Rouge River bridge, and the truck hitattorney I could find. So I did my research. From my perspective, securing my husband’s car, trapping him between the retaining wall andthe best legal representation would equate to the best care she could the gravel hauler. It became apparent that I needed to seek out anreceive. Steve Gursten’s impressive reputation and results brought me to attorney. After interviewing four different lawyers, Steven Gursten ofhis door. Not only was my perception of Mr. Gursten’s legal talent right on Michigan Auto Law stood out amongst them as the guy to go to forpoint, but to that ability, he combines good intentions, empathy, people several reasons. There was a genuine nature about Steve. He wasskills and professionalism. He is at the top of his specialty.” exceptionally easy to talk with and an incredible listener. Of course his knowledge and the know how to get the job done was apparent. –John Wilcox, Attorney, Lansing He treated me with a real sense of kindness as an individual and not a potential case. Steve settled my husband’s case out of court soGenuinely cared about my well being I didn’t have to go through a trial. Throughout the whole process,“I previously had an experience with a bad attorney, so when I was hit by Steve went above and beyond my expectations in terms of his hard work to uncover the truths of the matter and all of the things thean oil tanker, I was worried maybe my new lawyer wouldn’t be attentive trucking company did that were unsafe and contributed to the accident. Steve treated me with a lot of respect. He responded toor even pay attention to me. But I found the exact opposite with Steve my questions and phone calls very promptly. I never felt like he was in a hurry to get me off the phone. He listened to everything I hadGursten. Steve is very nice and attentive. He always takes time for me to say all the time. In terms of when I had to give my deposition, he prepared me and was next to me every step of the way. That wasand I feel he genuinely cares about my well being. He always answers also the case when I had to go to court before the judge for the settlement. It made me feel very safe. Steve gave me confidence andmy questions, too. Steve has been tremendous, even in helping with my the strength to get up there and do what I had to do. He did so much research and he explored every possible avenue to get me the bestwage loss.” –Felicia Jackson, Macomb County settlement possible. He worked very hard for me. Along the way, he kept me informed of the status of everything. I would say if anybodyLooked tirelessly for more insurance and didn’t charge is involved in an automobile accident involving trucks or otherme a dime commercial vehicles, to not hesitate to contact Steve. You will not be let down. If you’ve done your homework and investigated attorneys,“My lawyer Steve Gursten came into my life under the most Steve is the obvious right choice. I walked out of his office knowing itdevastating circumstances. One day, my girlfriend was driving to was a no-brainer decision to go with him. It was the right thing to dopick me up from work when she ran out of gas on I-75. As she was for my family, in the wake of such a terrible accident and traumaticputting gas in her car on the side of the highway, a semi-truck veered time in our lives. I felt it in my heart, and I was right. Another thing Ifrom its lane and hit and killed her. My deceased girlfriend’s family would like to note is that even after the case was closed, Steve is stillwas not satisfied with the money the insurance adjuster was offering here for me with advice and all the time I need.”following the truck accident, so I called Michigan Auto Law to see ifthere were more No-Fault benefits available for her children. Steve - Lynda Nunez, RiverviewGursten looked tirelessly for more insurance and he did it out ofkindness - he didn’t charge me a dime. I appreciated that so much. Interesting FactSteve also treated me with dignity and he was always there toanswer my questions. I would recommend this attorney for anybody When he was 28, Steve became thewho needs help with a truck accident in Michigan, because he is a youngest attorney in Michigan historypolite man, a man of his word and he does what he says. You don’t to receive a million-dollar jury verdict.get that with most lawyers. Most other lawyers wanted to take 33 The case was in Oakland County, andpercent or charge $200 an hour, and didn’t even care if insurance was the insurance company, Allstate, wasthere. Losing my girlfriend to a truck crash caused by a trucker who only offering $10,000 to settle.may have been asleep at the wheel was horrible. But at least now Ican lay my head on my pillow, knowing I did the right thing by gettingall of the insurance possible for her family. I wouldn’t have been ableto do this without Steve Gursten’s generous help.” –Tony Harris, NewaygoWon a record judgment“Steve Gursten is the best of the best of truck accident lawyers. Nobodyhas more passion and knowledge about Michigan auto laws, and this isexactly what I needed after I was injured in a truck accident. Combinethat with compassion for their clients and ability in the courtroom, andhe is unbeatable. Steve makes you feel like a member of his family, [email protected] • (800) 968-1001 • W W W. M I C H I G A N AU TO L AW.C O M
Recent Legal Seminars Steven M. Gursten• Speaker, “Building A Top Auto Law Firm for the 21st Century,” • Speaker, “How to Build, Maintain and Operate a Cutting-Edge Learning from the Legends, Meadowlands Seminar; New York Auto Torts Practice,” Connectionology Seminars of America; and New Jersey Trial Lawyers Associations; November 2015 Columbus, OH; February 2014• Speaker, “Settlement Tips and Strategies in Truck Accident • “Building the 21st Century Personal Injury Law Firm: Cases,” How to Win Trucking Cases – Advanced Course by 360 Restructuring Your Law Practice to Succeed,” Louisiana Advocacy Institute; Las Vegas, NV; November 2015 Association for Justice; New Orleans, LA; December 2013• Speaker “Proving Negligent Entrustment and in Trucking • “ Jury Bias: Battling the Misperceptions of Tort Reform,” Claims,” Michigan Association for Justice Evening Forum; Michigan Association for Justice; Southfield, MI; October 2013 Southfield, MI; November 2015 • “Emerging Trends for Personal Injury Lawyers,” TAOS Trial• Speaker, “The Mild Brain Injury Car Accident Case,” Michigan Attorneys; Sagamore, NY; October 2013 Association for Justice, Seminarweb national webinar; October 2015 • “Maximizing Damages in Truck Wreck Cases,” Michigan Association for Justice; Southfield, MI; September 2013• Speaker, “Lessons from a $34 Million Truck Accident Settlement,” Michigan Association for Justice No Fault • “Hidden Injuries in the Bus, School Bus and Truck Accident Institute; Southfield, MI; October 2015 Case,” American Association for Justice; San Francisco, CA; July 2013• Speaker, “Teaching Lawyers How to Develop a Cutting-Edge Auto Torts Practice that Separates you from the Competition,” 360 • “How to Win a Truck Accident Case with 5 Truckers on Your Advocacy Institute; Las Vegas, NV; March 2015 Jury,” Melvin M. Belli Society; San Francisco, CA; July 2013• Speaker, “Maximizing Damages in the Brain Injury Case,” 360 • “How to Maximize Auto Accident Settlements by Building Advocacy Institute; Las Vegas, NV; March 2015 a 21st Century Personal Injury Law Office,” New Jersey Association for Justice; New Jersey, NJ; April 2013• Speaker, “How to Add $1 Million to your Car Accident Law Practice,” Florida Justice Association; Orlando, FL; February 2015• Speaker, “Is Mild Traumatic Brain Injury from Car Crashes Real?,” American Association for Justice, national webinar; February 2015• Speaker, “Winning Brain Injury Cases,” Kansas Trial Lawyers Association; Kansas City, KS; December 2014• Speaker, “Teaching Lawyers How to Win Traumatic Brain Injury Cases at Trial,” Michigan Association for Justice; Southfield, MI; September 2014• Speaker, “Maximizing Brain Injury Cases for Settlement and Trial,” 360 Advocacy Institute; Chicago, IL; September 2014• Speaker, “Developing a Cutting-Edge Injury Practice,” 360 Advocacy Institute; Chicago, IL; September 2014• Moderator, Keynote Speaker, Truck Accident Litigation Seminar, Ohio Association for Justice; Ohio; May 2014• Speaker, “Helping Young Lawyers Develop a Practice that Helps People and Achieves Great Results,” Ohio Association for Justice; Ohio; May 2014• Speaker, “Helping Lawyers to Take Auto Accident Settlements to the Next Level,” Chicago Bar Association; Chicago, IL; May 2014• Speaker, “Building the 21st Century Personal Injury Law Firm: Part II,” Florida Justice Association; Orlando, FL; February [email protected] • (800) 968-1001 • W W W. M I C H I G A N AU TO L AW.C O M
MWGuhirecsrtheeinEgx,paKenoriletAonnuceotwoan, LGdauCwrliset:netnS&atiRsfaaicttt,ioPnCMatterFBy Lynette Carrington orget radio jingles, crazy catch phrases and unbelievable automobile and truck injury cases, and in relation to myself, this claims. When it comes to accident injury settlements, has been a nice career,” said founding partner, Lawrence Gursten. Michigan Auto Law continues to prove they’re the legal- Larry is listed in Best Lawyers in America, and began his legaljuggernauts in their area of law. For the past 17 years, Michigan career by receiving the highest score on the Michigan Bar ExamAuto Law has been listed with the highest-reported auto more than 40 years ago. He continues to propel the firm forwardaccident injury settlements (as per Michigan Lawyers Weekly and inspire those who work alongside him. Michigan Auto Lawyear-end listings of the top settlements in Michigan). And then now has 18 lawyers, and the firm receives referrals from lawyersthere are the trial verdicts: Michigan Auto Law has claimed the all over Michigan and the nation.top-reported trial verdict for a car or truck accident in Michigan But more important than the number of attorneys, are thein seven of the past eight years; a stunning record considering type of attorneys they have at the firm. “It’s a very special typethere are over 60,000 lawyers in Michigan, including several of attorney that we have hired,” said Larry. The firm has fivethousand who say they specialize in personal injury law. But attorneys that are ‘Best Lawyers in America’ (limited to the topthere’s much more to a successful attorney/client relationship 2.4% of lawyers in America) and 11 lawyers who are ‘Michiganthan just the highest settlement and trial verdicts. The dynamics Super Lawyers’ (representing the top 5% of all lawyers in thethat make up Michigan Auto Law have their roots in family, state).“We are hiring very special talent, including our paralegals.service to the client and attention to detail. They are all 3.5 GPA average/four years of college. So you’re getting a very sophisticated, special type of law office with veryA Legacy of Results and Community Involvement specialized knowledge in this area,” Larry explained. “We really are the top firm in the state in terms of serious But it is the client service that matters most at the firm and
this is where Michigan Auto Law separates itself most from its Additionally, Steven Gursten was named a Michigan Lawyerscompetition. “Lawyers as a profession are notoriously bad at Weekly ‘Leader in the Law’ for his efforts in forcing unsafe truckingclient communication. They don’t return phone calls. They are companies into safety compliance with mandatory state and federalslow to respond,” said Larry. “But here we have a team of lawyers laws, making the roads safer for everyone.and paralegals for each client, so each person we help gets the As an important facet of the firm, Steven also views theirindividualized attention they deserve. More than anything else, charitable and pro bono work as a special way they can give backthat attention to the client helps to ensure the best possible to others and serve the responsibility of the profession. “We’resettlement for their case.” really proud of that. We spend a lot of hours not just in terms “There is always constant communication as a team…we are of giving back financially, but in terms of pro bono legal work,”all trying to do one thing - help the client,” Larry stated. “The Steven explained. He feels that often, due to the lack of bad faithlaw firm has a 24-hour call back rule, no exceptions - and most laws and punitive damages in Michigan, good people often getcalls are returned within minutes. That seems to be one of the taken advantage of by insurance companies. We help out bymost important things for the people we help. They are in pain, taking on cases that are not necessarily financially rewarding, butthey are worried, and it’s tremendously comforting for people to because people truly need legal help. “We believe in helping peopleknow they can always talk to their attorney and get an immediate and it’s part of our mission,” stated Steven. “The verdicts and theanswer to their questions.” settlements, the awards and honors, all the things that we as a law Remarkably, the law office is 50 years old and runs through firm are known, come from wanting to really help people.”three generations. Larry Gursten carries on in the legal foot stepsof his father, Nat Gursten. And now, Larry’s son, Steven Gursten, Getting the Best Results While Honoring Ethicswho is voted one of the ‘Top 100 Lawyers in Michigan’ and a‘Michigan Lawyer of the Year’, is head of the law firm. Steve is Steven Gursten obviously grew up in a legal environment, yetpast president of the American Association for Justice Truck he recognizes the differentiating position in which Michigan AutoAccident Litigation Group and is currently the president of the Law exists. “I think we’re a very unique law firm. There really is notMotor Vehicle Trail Lawyers Association. He’s received the top another law firm like ours because we do almost no advertising to-reported trial verdict in the state in four of the past eight years. the public …no TV, Yellow Pages, no billboards…you won’t find usA very important part of Michigan Auto Law is their support on the sides of buses. But because of our results and our expertise,and giving back to many different charities and causes. Some and because of the way we treat our clients, we have grown.of the organizations in which Michigan Auto Law is involved We’ve actually tripled in size during a time when most other lawinclude: The Brain Injury Association of Michigan, University firms have struggled,” he said. “We’ve taken on a very high end,of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital, Consumer Vehicle Safety specialized type of law firm model, where other lawyers refer usAlliance, Distracted Driving Awareness and Downtown Detroit their cases based upon our results and the service we offer clients.Partnership. Especially for an ultra-competitive area like personal injury, that’s pretty unusual,” Steven said.(L to R) Law Partners: Robert M. Raitt, Steven M. Gursten, Lawrence E. Larry and Steven Gursten are proud to be considered one of the elite lawGursten, Leonard M. Koltonow firms in the country helping people seriously hurt in motor vehicle accidents.
“We really are a very ethical and caring law firm and I Top Reported Settlements & Trial Verdictsknow that can sound like a cliché. It’s gotten incredibly ugly inMichigan with lawyers pouncing on accident victims, sending Michigan Auto Law has been listed for 17 consecutive yearssolicitation mail packages, all these services that are soliciting with the top-reported injury settlements or trial verdicts inpeople by getting the police reports and calling them at home on Michigan, according to the Michigan Lawyers Weekly year-endthe phone. I hear ugly stories about this every week from some of compilation of the highest reported verdicts and settlements. Thismy clients,” said Steven. remarkable record eclipses every other law firm in Michigan. He finds it tragic and sad when in the event of a serious The attorneys at Michigan Auto Law believe that being a trueinjury and death, families are literally being bombarded with trial law firm is an important reason behind this success. Thelegal solicitations. “I just think it is incredibly demeaning to the firm’s willingness to take difficult cases to trial allows its attorneyslegal profession as well as a real hardship for these people. We as to reach better settlements.a law firm don’t do any of that. I’m sure it works, that’s why so This includes a $34 million truck accident settlement in 2014,many other lawyers are doing it, but we’ve gone a different route,” the highest truck settlement in the nation for the year and ever bySteven noted. a Michigan lawyer, according to VerdictSearch. The case was for “We want to be the type of law firm where people want to an Ohio crash.come to us; where other lawyers want to refer cases to us.” He It certainly helps that the firm has enjoyed incredible trialspecifically cited the nearly immediate availability of police success throughout its history. In fact, an attorney from Michiganreports as something that other firms have taken advantage of in Auto Law has now recovered the top-reported trial verdict inthis cutthroat environment. He explained that their firm is not “a the state for a car accident or truck accident in seven of the pastsettlement mill,” rather every phone call is returned personally eight years. The law firm has also recovered more than 60 separateand they spend tremendous time on each case with each million-dollar trial verdicts and arbitration awards, and six trialclient. “The attorneys here place a strong value on great client verdicts of a $1 million or more on insurance company offers thatcommunication.” were between $0 to $30,000 in the past five years alone. Below are some recent trial results, including the highestHow it All Fits Together insurance company offers before verdict: “When you are really known as the true subject matter experts,and you choose not to do the mass advertising with television • Macomb County: $5,650,000 verdict for a contestedand billboards and all that chasing of people, your success traumatic brain injury, knee replacement surgery, brokencan’t be from just one thing. Yes, we’ve had great verdicts and jaw and separated shoulder on a $600,000 settlement offer.settlements. And out of over 60,000 Michigan lawyers, maybe The offer at trial was increased to $1,000,000 and thenthat says something,” Steven explained. “And we’ve won a lot of $2,000,000 while the jury was deliberating.legal awards and honors among the attorneys at Michigan AutoLaw, but it’s the service that matters most. Clients can always be • Oakland County: $4,250,000 verdict for contested traumaticcertain they are receiving the finest legal representation.” brain injury and depression. $100,000 settlement offer before verdict.Leadership for Today’s Legal World and for the Future Steven gives kudos back to his father for his overall guidance • Jackson County: $3,500,000 verdict for contested traumaticat the firm. “It has been such a wonderful gift working with my brain injury, depression, two fractured vertebrae anddad because I really never knew how smart he was until I started no surgery on a $1,000,000 settlement offer from Zurichpracticing law with him. He literally is an encyclopedia. He Insurance Company.knows every No Fault case that has ever come down in this state.In terms of setting a tone and as a role model for the office; the • Macomb County Circuit Court: $2,550,000 wrongfulway he returns every call, even on weekends and at night and the death verdict for conscious pain and suffering and forway that he really cares about his clients is amazing,” he said. It is loss of society for 83-year-old man on a $250,000 pre-trialthat dedication to clients that serves to take Michigan Auto Law settlement offer from Secura Insurance. The offer wasinto their next 50 years of practice. increased to $500,000 while the jury was deliberating. • U.S. District Court: $2,500,000 verdict for contested traumatic brain injury and a shoulder injury with no surgery. No visible vehicle damage. $250,000 settlement offer from Northland Insurance Company at trial. • Washtenaw County: $2,000,000 verdict for contested traumatic brain injury with no loss of consciousness and no visible vehicle damage on $0 offer from State Farm Insurance Company throughout the trial.
AT A GLANCE:Partners: Lawrence E. Gursten, Leonard M. Koltonow, Michigan Auto Law attorneys, paralegals and secretaries volunteering atSteven M. Gursten, Robert M. Raitt Forgotten Harvest. Michigan Auto Law attorneys contribute to a law school scholarshipPractice Areas: Car, truck and motorcycle injury every year for deserving law students. Michigan Auto Law is participating in the Michigan Department ofCommunity/Civic Involvement: Transportation program, Adopt-A-Highway. The firm does several clean ups• On-site, child safety seat inspectors, certified by Safe Kids of I-75 between 14 Mile Road and Rochester Road, to make the roads more safe. Worldwide• Mentoring law school students and offering annual scholarships• Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign• Donations to the Consumer Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)• Donations to the University of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital• Donations to Brain Injury Association of Michigan• Sustainable, green renovation at Farmington Hills officeLegal Leadership:• Steven Gursten, current president, Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association; past-president, American Association for Justice Truck Accident Litigation Group; Robert Raitt, officer, Negligence Section of the State Bar of Michigan; past- president, Michigan Association for JusticePro-Bono Activities:• Each year, Michigan Auto Law attorneys donate their legal services pro bono to many auto accident victims.Awards:• Michigan Lawyers Weekly Lawyer of the Year, Steven Gursten• Michigan Lawyers Weekly Leader in the Law, Steven Gursten and Robert Raitt• Two of the Top 100 Lawyers in Michigan, according to Super Lawyers• Michigan Super Lawyers: 11 Michigan Auto Law attorneys are Michigan Super Lawyers• Michigan Auto Law was given an AV Rating by the Martindale- Hubbell organization, the highest rating for legal ability and legal ethics• Best Law Firm, U.S. News & World Report: Michigan Auto Law has been named among the Best Law Firms in America, and also has a Detroit First-Tier ranking• Best Lawyers in America: Limited to the top 2.4% of all attorneys in America• Top 100 Trial Lawyers (National Trial Lawyers Association)• Best Lawyers in Metro Detroit (DBusiness magazine)• Crain’s Detroit Business, Best Personal Injury Lawyers Detroit Free Press Best Lawyers, Personal Injury Litigation: Michigan Auto Law
30101 Northwestern Highway, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 with additional o ces in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Sterling Heights Phone: 1-800-777-0028 www.MichiganAutoLaw.com
Michigan The Auto Accident Specialists Legal Profiles As Seen in ...Michigan Auto Law Michigan’s current law for auto handle the high-end injury cases, where the Steveaccident victims is the most difficult in the costs can be tens of thousands of dollars Gurstencountry. There are those on both sides of to do it the right way. In these cases, who About Those Trucks…the debate on whether this is a good or a the lawyer is becomes one of the biggestbad thing. But when a person is injured in factors in determining the outcome. That Steve Gursten of Michigan Auto Lawa serious or catastrophic vehicle accident, means the best settlements and verdicts is one of the nation’s leading expertsthe debate is, indeed, academic. The issue every year, but it also means lawyers who on serious truck accident injury cases.simply becomes: Who is the best lawyer to treat people with kindness and compassion, He is past president of the Interstatehandle my case? And a difficult law requires return phone calls and take time to answer Truck Litigation Group for thea specialized law firm. questions. There just aren’t a lot of lawyers American Association for Justice and Enter Michigan Auto Law (Gursten, who do that.” represents the State of Michigan as aKoltonow, Gursten & Raitt, PC), Michigan’s An attorney also needs to know the Board of Governor for the Associationlargest law firm completely specializing intricacies of proving ‘serious impairment.” of Interstate Trucking Lawyers ofin serious automobile accident cases. Gursten says documentation is key, and America. Gursten says successfullyMichigan Auto Law is a third generation firm that’s what sets apart the approach of the representing plaintiffs in truckwith 18 lawyers helping people who have attorneys at Michigan Auto Law. accidents often involves detectivebeen injured in car, truck and motorcycle “Many attorneys don’t do the little work that not many law firms have theaccidents. things – the detail work – but we do,” says expertise in: The firm has won the top jury verdict Gursten. “If we are known for one thing • There can be layers of insurancein Michigan automobile accident cases in among Michigan lawyers, it is for takingseven of the past eight years, a remarkable cases that most lawyers would have settled coverage with sister companies andtrack record considering the thousands of for one amount, and, by showing the very other corporate entities not alwayslawyers who handle personal injury cases real, legitimate problems that our clients are disclosed. “We find hidden layersin the state. Also, Steve Gursten’s 2014 going to have, getting a higher amount.” of additional insurance coverage$34 million truck accident settlement is the Understanding the No Fault law, in catastrophic cases all the time.”largest ever by a Michigan lawyer, according knowing the medicine and being top-notch Gursten says.to VerdictSearch. More impressive still is in the courtroom require creative and smart • Lawyers make the difference inhow the firm gets most of its cases, as it lawyering. As Gursten puts it: “When you these cases, and hopefully thisdoes no television advertising, yellow pages do things right, the reality is you are going leads to safer roads. “Lawyersor other traditional forms of marketing. to get very reasonable settlement offers. are performing a critical but “Almost all of our cases are referred to When you prepare from day one for trial, unacknowledged service in takingus by other lawyers, both in Michigan and and you have proven trial results, the effect on unsafe trucking companies inthroughout the country,” says Gursten. “We is that 99% of our cases settle. Our clients an environment where state andget so many referrals because we tend to are usually thrilled with the results.” federal agencies are not aggressively enforcing the mandatory safety rules,” Gursten says, citing federal studies that state one out of three big trucks on the road has serious safety violations.30101 Northwestern Highway | Farmington Hills, MI 48334 | (800) 968-1001 | www.michiganautolaw.com Law Offices in Farmington Hills, Detroit, Sterling Heights, Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor
“ Michigan’s largest law firm completely specializing in serious automobile accidents.” - Michigan Lawyers Weekly AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEYS
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