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SEO Report (Sample) Build your own custom marketing reports in minutes with AgencyAnalytics TRY IT FREE

Table of Contents AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 SEO Overview Rankings 3 Backlinks - Summary 4 Backlinks - New 5 Site Audit 6 Google Analytics - Organic Search 7 Google Analytics - Goals (Organic) 8 Google Analytics - Landing Pages 9 Google Search Console - Top Queries 10 Google Search Console - Top Pages 11 12 Page 2 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 SEO Overview 15,870 2,820  20 10 Sessions GA Goal Completions (Organic) Google Change Google Rankings Sessions Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 Google Change Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 15,870 1 1,000 40 750 30 500 20 250 10 Sep 3 0 New / Lost Links Sep 3 210 New Lost Top Pages (Search Console) 717 30 663 20 Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 641 10… 543 457 0 Sep 3 Page 3 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Rankings Google Change 1 40 30 20 10 0 Aug 30 Sep 1 Sep 3 Sep 5 Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep 11 Sep 13 Sep 15 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 21 Sep 23 Sep 25 Sep 27 10 1 10 — Google Rankings Google Change Bing Bing Change Keyword  Google Google Change Bing Bing Change  tesla 13th 5 99th 1  tesla car play 78th 9 14th 5  tesla model 3 35th 4 21st 7  tesla model s 48th — 35th 4  tesla model x 20th 7 57th 18  tesla motors batteries 92nd 14 29th 6  tesla road 35th 4 72nd 8  tesla supercharger network europe 63rd 20 50th 16  tesla used canada 99th 1 86th 12  tesla used car price 56th 18 92nd 2 Page 4 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Backlinks - Summary 13,796 909 14 56 6,012 6,012 Backlinks Referring Domains Trust Flow Citation Flow Follow Links Text Links New / Lost Links New Lost Sep 24 Top Anchors by Domain 971 210 tesla used canada 967 Sep 10 Sep 17 tesla model s 909 25 tesla road 826 20 tesla supercharger network europe 825 15 tesla 795 10 tesla used car price 5 0 5 Sep 3 Page 5 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Backlinks - New 300 New Links 300 New Links 20 15 10 5 Aug 30 Sep 1 Sep 3 Sep 5 Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep 11 Sep 13 Sep 15 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 21 Sep 23 Sep 25 Sep 27 Date Found  Backlink Anchor Trust Flow Citation Flow Sep 27, 2018 17 60 Sep 26, 2018 tesla model 3 36 33 Sep 22, 2018 saepe 10 21 Sep 12, 2018 31 53 IMAGE FOLLOW Sep 10, 2018 40 40 tesla model x Sep 8, 2018 quas-quam-omnis 23 13 Sep 7, 2018 27 48 Sep 4, 2018 IMAGE FOLLOW 15 57 Sep 2, 2018 38 37 Aug 31, 2018 tesla model 3 25 17 Aug 29, 2018 12 24 IMAGE NOFOLLOW tesla car play minima-molestiae-quam-odit.html TEXT FOLLOW tesla road molestias-quam-voluptatem-nam-sequi- sed.html IMAGE NOFOLLOW tesla motors batteries perferendis-eius.html TEXT FOLLOW tesla car play repellat-vero-omnis-voluptates-id-amet.html TEXT FOLLOW tesla road est-totam.html TEXT NOFOLLOW tesla model s TEXT FOLLOW tesla model x reiciendis-sint IMAGE NOFOLLOW tesla motors batteries TEXT NOFOLLOW Page 6 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Site Audit Crawl Summary Issues 242 70% 300 2851 Pages Crawled Last Crawled 6 days ago 225 6 -3 150 5XX Errors 75 2 -2 Aug 30 Sep 1 Sep 3 Sep 5 Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep 11 Sep 13 Sep 15 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 21 Sep 23 Sep 25 Sep 27 Duplicate Titles 242 154 74 14 3 +7 Issues Errors Warnings Notices Broken External Links 10 + 2 3 8 4XX Errors Missing Title Duplicate Meta Descriptions 5 +4 4 +9 Duplicate Content Broken Internal Links 6 +5 10 + 10 Broken Internal Images Broken External Images 7 -2 Robots.txt Blocked Crawl Page 7 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Google Analytics - Organic Search Sessions 15,870 Display - 4,849 15,870 Bing - 3,453 Sessions AdRoll - 3,306 1,000 Facebook Ads - 2,131 750 Adwords - 2,131 500 250 Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 Sep 3 15,870 1.12 00:00:20 7.56% 49.57% 2,820 Sessions Pages/Session Avg. Session Duration % New Sessions Bounce Rate Goal Completions Keyword Sessions  Pages/Session Avg. Session % New Sessions Bounce Rate Goal Completions Duration tesla road 2,882 1.92 00:00:33 11.64% 76.27% 474 tesla used canada 2,470 1.85 00:00:29 11.45% 67.02% 407 tesla supercharger network europe 2,104 1.56 00:00:29 10.46% 65.86% 385 tesla car play 2,012 1.31 00:00:24 10.07% 60.08% 333 tesla motors batteries 1,555 1.25 00:00:20 8.29% 57.77% 274 tesla used car price 1,509 0.94 00:00:19 6.71% 47.37% 266 tesla model x 1,052 0.91 00:00:14 6.32% 38.13% 229 tesla model 3 1,006 0.59 00:00:14 4.34% 35.82% 215 tesla 640 0.31 00:00:09 2.17% 23.11% 89 tesla model s 640 0.56 00:00:09 4.15% 24.27% 148 Page 8 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Google Analytics - Goals (Organic) Goal Completions Goal Completions 2,820 2,820 200 1,000 150 100 750 50 500 Sep 3 250 Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 Login Phone Contact Email Contact Order Signup 2,820 $236.07 K Goal Value 17.77% $40,469.00 Goal Completions Goal Value $64,076.00 Conversion Rate $22,483.00 Goal  Goal Completions $66,325.00 Conversion Rate Signup 379 $42,717.00 12.55% Phone Contact 614 19.49% Order 379 11.89% Login 860 26.09% Email Contact 588 18.83% Page 9 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Google Analytics - Landing Pages Sessions Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 Sessions 2,882 15,870 /modelx/ 2,470 /models/ 2,104 1,000 /de_DE/event/erleben-sie-das-model-s-und-model-x-bad-dribu… 2,012 /autopilot/ 1,555 750 /de_DE/ 1,509 /powerwall/ 500 1.12 00:00:20 7.56% 49.57% 2,820 250 Pages/Session Avg. Session Duration % New Sessions Bounce Rate Goal Completions Sep 3 15,870 Sessions Page Sessions  Pages/Session Avg. Session % New Sessions Bounce Rate Goal Completions Duration /modelx/ 2,882 1.92 00:00:33 11.64% 76.27% 474 /models/ 2,470 1.85 00:00:29 11.45% 67.02% 407 /de_DE/event/erleben-sie-das-mod… 2,104 1.56 00:00:29 10.46% 65.86% 385 /autopilot/ 2,012 1.31 00:00:24 10.07% 60.08% 333 /de_DE/ 1,555 1.25 00:00:20 8.29% 57.77% 274 /powerwall/ 1,509 0.94 00:00:19 6.71% 47.37% 266 /careers 1,052 0.91 00:00:14 6.32% 38.13% 229 /event/experience-tesla-newport 1,006 0.59 00:00:14 4.34% 35.82% 215 / 640 0.31 00:00:09 2.17% 23.11% 89 /model3/ 640 0.56 00:00:09 4.15% 24.27% 148 Page 10 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Google Search Console - Top Queries Impressions Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 Clicks 717 195 K tesla road 663 tesla used canada 641 20,000 tesla supercharger network europe 543 tesla car play 457 15,000 tesla motors batteries 435 tesla used car price 10,000 5,000 Sep 3 4,500 195 K 25.5 13.64% Clicks Impressions Avg Position CTR Keyword Clicks  Impressions Avg Position CTR tesla road 717 33,226 46.20 23.00% tesla used canada 663 32,137 39.70 23.00% tesla supercharger network europe 641 27,235 33.80 21.00% tesla car play 543 22,877 32.30 20.00% tesla motors batteries 457 21,788 25.00 16.00% tesla used car price 435 16,341 24.30 13.00% tesla model x 326 15,796 16.90 13.00% tesla model 3 315 10,349 16.20 9.00% tesla model s 207 9,804 10.30 8.00% tesla 196 5,447 10.30 4.00% Page 11 / 12

AgencyAnalytics August 30 2018 to September 28 2018 Google Search Console - Top Pages Clicks Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 24 GSC Average Position 46.2 4,500 39.7 33.8 300… 32.3 225 25 24.3 150 75 Sep 3 4,500 195 K 25.5 13.64% Clicks Impressions Avg Position CTR Page Clicks  Impressions Avg Position CTR /modelx/ 717 33,226 46.20 23.00% /models/ 663 32,137 39.70 23.00% /de_DE/event/erleben-sie-das-model-s-und-mod… 641 27,235 33.80 21.00% /autopilot/ 543 22,877 32.30 20.00% /de_DE/ 457 21,788 25.00 16.00% /powerwall/ 435 16,341 24.30 13.00% /careers 326 15,796 16.90 13.00% /event/experience-tesla-newport 315 10,349 16.20 9.00% /model3/ 207 9,804 10.30 8.00% / 196 5,447 10.30 4.00% Page 12 / 12

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