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Home Explore People Policy Manual

People Policy Manual

Published by deepika.pandita, 2019-05-08 03:04:30

Description: People Policy Manual


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1|Page 10 reasons why I should work in Hamstede HAMSTEDE LIVING PVT LTD

2|Page Contents Managing Director and CEO’s message ..............................................................................03 Chapter 1 – About Hamstede Living Chapter 2 – Safety & Security Fire & Safety…………………………………………………………………………………………….04 Chapter 3 – Human Resources Policies & Procedures Sexual Harassment at workplace………………………………………………………………….05 Whistle Blower Policy………………………………………………………………………………….10

3|Page Fire and Safety Everyone’s Responsibility 1. The responsibility for maintaining the Health and Safety of employees is shared by management and employees both. It is important that you take this responsibility seriously. If you cause an accident or ignore a hazard, someone will get hurt and it might be you. We want to eliminate unsafe conditions in our organization, but we need your help. 2. If you have any questions about Health and Safety, ask your Supervisor or a member of the Security team. 3. It is the policy of our company to ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, that all employees are safe from injury and risks to health, while at work. 4. All employees are expected to take all practical measures to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in keeping with the following defined responsibilities. 5. Take reasonable care to protect your own health and safety at work. Ensure that you do not endanger any other person through any act or omission at work. 6. Obey all instructions issued to protect your own health and safety, and the health and safety of others. 7. Ensure that you are not influenced by the consumption of alcohol or drugs; in such a state to endanger your own safety at work or the safety of any other person at work. 8. Report or make such recommendations to your department head as you deem necessary to avoid, eliminate or minimize any hazards of which you are aware regarding working conditions or methods. 9. Keep your work area tidy. Emergency Procedures During your first week you should familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures as well as the location of emergency exits. How to report a fire 1. Raise an Alarm – Activate the nearest Manual Call Point (MCP) 2. Inform to Emergency No from your nearest telephone – (00) 3. Inform to Security from your nearest telephone – (00) 4. Give Security your: 5. Name and department 6. Exact location and size of fire 7. Stay in that area (if it is safe to do so) until assistance arrives in order to direct them to the source of fire.

4|Page 8. DO NOT PANIC! Provide help to other employees. 9. Do not open the doors leading to Rooms, Corridors etc. which may allow the spread of smoke and fire to other areas. In the event of evacuation 1. Whenever you hear the evacuation message, stay calm – DO NOT PANIC! 2. Provide assistance to all employees as required. 3. Remove any equipment from the passage that might hamper the firefighting efforts (if you are able to). 4. Never use or allow anyone to use the Lifts/Elevators. 5. Evacuate the building, using nearest Fire Exit and report at the designated assembly point. 6. Close all possible doors (if possible to do so before evacuating). 7. Do not waste time while evacuating the building. 8. Do not re-enter the building until instruction given by Security Head. 9. Do not speak to any media person or external agency commenting on the incident. These rules will help you make a safe decision if discover a fire C. Confine the fire or smoke by coming out and closing all the doors, so you don’t feed fire with additional oxygen. A. Activate the fire alarm by pulling the lever of the Manual Call Point (MCP) or dialing the emergency no – (00) R. Restrict all employees from entering the affected area by cordoning off the affected area in all directions. E. Evacuate employees from the affected area, if it not safe to be there, proceed to the Assembly Point. Location of Assembly Area: ---

5|Page Sexual Harassment at workplace 1. Hamstede Living Private Limited (“Company”) is an equal employment opportunity company and is committed to creating a healthy working environment that enables employees to work without fear of prejudice, gender bias and sexual harassment.  This Policy has been introduced by the Company to comply with the provisions of “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013” (“Act”) and to take all necessary preventive, protective and remedial measures, to make the workplace safe for women. Who can complain? It covers every employee of the company (regular, temporary, ad-hoc or daily wages basis) suppliers, clients, customers, retainers/contractors and third parties associated with the Company while working in the office premises / sites or otherwise in work related activities.  This Policy is deemed to be incorporated in the service conditions of all employees and comes into effect immediately.  This Policy is however, not designed or intended to limit the Company’s authority to discipline or take remedial action for workplace conduct which the Company deems unacceptable, regardless of whether that conduct amounts to Sexual Harassment or not as defined in the present Policy.. 2. OBJECTIVE, DEFINITION & SCOPE  The objective of the Policy is to comply with the provisions Act; to set up Internal Complaints Committee ( “ICC”)as a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases at the Company; and to make the Company a “ZERO-TOLERANCE-ZONE” of all forms of sexual harassment, and discrimination on the basis of sex/gender through awareness, proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.  Definition Sexual harassment would mean any unwelcome physical, verbal, non-

6|Page verbal, conduct of sexual nature, whether directly or indirectly, including physical contact or advances, sexually coloured remarks, innuendos and taunts, gestures, showing/ sharing of pornography, lurid stares which offends the individual’s sensibilities and affects their performance. It would also include any requests or demand for sexual favours, either explicitly or implicitly, in return for preferential or detrimental treatment in relation to employment, assessment and promotion and/or any work/project related support or help. If any of the above mentioned conducts results in creating a hostile, humiliating or intimidating work environment it would also amount to Sexual harassment.  This Policy will cover the complaints that are made, in writing, within 90 days of the event occurred. The ICC, however, at its discretion, may consider complaints made after the 90 day period as well in exceptional cases. The Company however encourages all its employees to register their grievance at the earliest under the present policy.  The Policy shall cover the complaints made by any woman employee ( “Complainant”) who apprehends or feels that she is being sexually harassed provided the said complaint contains the particulars of the Complainant including name, address, employer ID etc. the ICC however shall hold such information in complete confidentially.  Anonymous complaints shall not be dealt under this policy. 3. INTERNAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE  The Company has constituted an Internal Complaints Committee (“ICC”) to oversee the implementation of the present Policy and to investigate and redress a complaint of sexual harassment. The ICC will comprise of the following members: i) Chairperson - Senior Level Woman Employee. ii) Two Senior Woman Employees iii) One Male Employee iv) Woman External Member- One Lawyer or Non Government Organization / Women’s Association representative  The ICC shall be empowered to co-opt any Employee from the site/ office for the purposes of carrying out the investigation as and when required. The ICC shall

7|Page meet once in every quarter in addition to the meetings to deal with the complaints and related issues that may arise. The quorum for conducting any inquiry shall be at least 3 members including Chairperson and the External member. However, the overall representation of woman in the ICC shall be more than 50% at all times. All the proceedings of the meetings shall be recorded and signed.  The ICC shall take steps to publicize the Policy widely, especially through standees, newsletters, notices on boards etc. and to plan and carry out programmes for gender sensitization by conducting workshops & training sessions.  The ICC shall be sole forum to deal with complaints about sexual harassment, including receipt of complaints, screening, conciliation, conducting formal inquiry and to recommend penalties to the management and follow-up action and monitor the same.  If any woman employee apprehends or feels that she is being sexually harassed may make a written complaint to the ICC at the earliest with all the particulars and the specifics of the incident.  The ICC shall also have the power to direct arrangements for interim protection measures of the such as leave, restrain order, relocation, counselling, security and other assistance to the victim if she so requests.  The ICC shall prepare an annual report on the number of complaints received, details of recommendation made, time taken, details of gender sensitization measures taken such as number of workshops & training sessions organized. STEP 1 4. Conciliation STEP 2 Procedure The ICC shall meet the Complainant If the Complainant requests, in to fully understand the details of the writing, to settle the matter between her and the person against whom complaint she has made the complaint, the ICC shall conduct conciliation meeting to STEP 3 bring about a settlement. If any settlement is arrived at this shall be recorded and signed by both STEP 4 parties. A copy of the settlement will be given to both of them and also to If no settlement is arrived at, the ICC shall proceed to conduct the the management for record. No further Inquiry shall take place. investigation. ICC may also permit withdrawal of complaint on a written request by the Complainant.

8|Page 5. Investigation Procedure The ICC is required to complete all investigations within a period of 90 days, from receipt of a complaint. •The ICC will ask the complainant to provide the particulars of the incidents, supply any document or evidence in support of her allegations, and give Step 1: the names of the persons who may have witnessed or have knowledge of the incident. •ICC shall call the person against whom the complaint has been made. The accused person will be provided with the summary of the complaint and will be asked to respond within a specified timeframe. They will also be Step 2: given an opportunity to bring any document, evidence or witnesses in support of their defence. •ICC may also choose to call any other person or ask for production of any documents or records at their discretion, during the course of the Step 3: investigation. •In case, both the parties are employees of the Company, ICC will prepare a preliminary report and share it with both of them. They can make a Step 4: representation before the ICC on their view of the findings. •The ICC shall submit its final report and recommendations to the Management within 15 days of the completion of the investigation. All the statements / depositions before the ICC must be documented and signed Step 5: by the concerned parties. The final report will also have to be signed by all the ICC members. •The Management shall treat the report of ICC as final, and take Step 6: appropriate action based as per the disciplinary policy of the company. In case the complaint is found to be false, the Complainant shall, if deemed fit, be liable for appropriate disciplinary action by the Management.

9|Page 6. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMPANY  The Company will ensure that this Policy is implemented in letter and spirit across all its locations in India.  The Company will ensure that the details of this Policy, including the contact details of the ICC members, are effectively communicated to all employees at all locations.  The Company shall provide all the assistance to the ICC in the investigation of the Complaint by securing attendance of any person or witnesses, and making available all the information and material required for purpose of a fair investigation.  The Company shall provide all assistance to the Complainant, should she decided to go to the Police or any other statutory authority as per the law.  The Company shall submit to the state authorities the report on the number of cases filed and actions taken as provided for by the law.  The Company shall take all preventive and corrective measure to ensure safe work environment for women. 7. RESPONSIBILITY OF AN EMPLOYEE  Each employee is responsible for maintaining a safe work environment in which sexual harassment is not committed, accepted or tolerated.  In case you face any sexual harassment at workplace please make a written complaint to the ICC at the earliest.  If you have any other work related issues/differences, those should be resolved as per grievance handling policy or the HR manual of the Company. List of present ICC is shown below:

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