Anecdotes About the Recitation and Contempladon of the Glorious Qur'an Abu Oharr (may Allah be pleased with him) related that theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) read andrepeated the following verse for a whole night: If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servants: If Thou dost forgive them, Thou art the Exalted in power, the Wise. [aJ-Ma'idah 5: 1181 'A.'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) relates that AbuBakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was very tender-hearted.When he recited the glorious Qur'Iin tears would flow from hiseyes. Abu Rafi' (may Allah be pleased with him) says that one dayhe was offering Fajr prayers behind 'Umar (may Allah bepleased with him). He was in the last row. 'Umar used to recitealoud and recited Surah Yiisuf When he came to the verse: ... and I expose my distress and anguish only unto Allah ... [Yiisuf 12: 86]he began to sob and I could hear him sobbing from the last row. Muhammad ibn Sirin (may Allah have mercy on him) saysthat 'Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) used to recite thewhole of the glorious Qur'nn in a \"rak'ah\" in one night, standing. Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) relates thatUthman (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say that if yourhearts are \"purified,\" then you will never be content with thereciting of the glorious Quran. I do not wish that I pass a singleday in my life in which I do not read some of the glorious Quran(looking into it). When he was martyred he was reciting theglorious Quran. It was torn in places through excessive use. 93
Studying the Glorious Qur'iin 'All (may Allah be pleased with him) was so engrossed inrecitation of the glorious Quran when the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be on him) had passed away, that he did notleave his house for many days. Anecdotes have been recorded in the books of Traditions andbiographies about the sobbing and crying of 'Abdullah ibn 'Arm,'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, 'Abdullah ibn Rawahah, 'Abdullah ibn'Abbas, 'Abdur Rahman ibn 'Awf (may Allah be pleased withthem all), the distinguished Companions of the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be on him) and many eminent tdbi'in suchas Sa'Id ibn Jubair, Malik ibn Anas, etc. It has been said about Zurarah ibn AWTathat he was leadingthe prayers in the Grand Mosque and, when he recited thefollowing verse of Siirah al-Muddaththir, he fell dead: For when the trumpet shall sound, surely that day will be a day of anguish, not of ease, for disbelievers. [al- Muddaththir 74: 8-10] Bahz ibn Hakim said: I was among the people who carried himto his house. Khulaid was praying and when he reached the following verse: Every soul will taste of death. And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. r Al 'Imran 3: 185]he kept repeating it. Then somebody from a corner of his housecaJled out to ask how long he would keep repeating this verse asmany persons were becoming restless. Hamzah, the slave of Asma' (daughter of Abu Bakr, mayAllah be pleased with them both) says that when she recited thefollowing verse of Surah at-'[Iir: 94
Anecdotes About the Recitation and Contemplation of the Glorious Qur'iin But Allah hath been gracious unto us and hath preserved us from the torment of the breath of Fire. (a!-Tur 52: 27]she sent him to the market. When he came back she was stillreciting the same verse. Tamirn ad-Dart (may Allah be pleased with him) came to'Maqam Ibrahim (in the Grand Mosque in Makkah) one nightand started reciting Surah al-Jathiyah; he started weeping andkept repeating the following verse till morning: Or do those who commit ill-deeds suppose that We shall make them as those who believe and do good works, the same in life and death? Bad is their judgement! [al- Jathiyah 45: 21] Sa'Id ibn Jubair (may Allah have mercy on him) was leadingthe prayers in Ramadan and when he reached the verse: ... but they will come to know when yokes are about their necks and chains. They are dragged through boiling waters; then they are thrust into the Fire. [al-Mu'rnin 40: 70-21he kept repeating it. Once he recited the following verse intahajjud; he repeated it more than twenty time, He used to weepin night vigil so much that it affected his eyes. Masniq (may Allah have mercy on him), disciple of Ibn'Abbas, at times used to recite Surah ar-Ra'd the whole night. Once Hasan al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) passedthe whole night reciting and repeating: And ifye would count the bounty ofAllah ye cannot reckon it. [Ibrahim 14: 34] 95
Studying the Glorious Qur'iin When asked about it, he said there is admonition andwarning in it. Whichever side we look we see some or the otherbounty of Al1ah. And what of His bounties we do not know aremore. Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on him) oncerecited the following verse in tahajjud: Nay, but the Hour (of doom) is their appointed tryst and the Hour will be more wretched and more bitter than their earthly failure. [al-Qamar 54: 46]and kept repeating it until morning. This tradition continued from one generation to another andlove of the \"Word of God\", the bounty of the glorious Qurancontinued without break. Historians recorded the love of theengrossment of the scholars, reformers, saint-sages (ascetics)and researchers in books of Islamic history. The famous author, Traditionalist, historian and critic'Allamah ibn al-Jawzi used to read the entire glorious Qur'anonce every week. Sultan Salahuddin, the conqueror of Bait-ul-Maqdis, used to hear two or three sections of the gloriousQuran from his night watchman in his castle-tower. He wasvery tender-hearted and usually tears flowed from his eyes onhearing the glorious Qur 'an. Shaikh-ul-Islarn ibn Taimiyah wasimprisoned in 726 AH and breathed his last in 728 AH. Duringthis period of two years and four months, his main occupationwas recitation of the glorious Qur 'an and he recited it entirelyover eighty times with his brother Zainuddin. When he reachedthe fol1owing verse: Lo! The righteous will dwell among gardens and rivers, firmly established in the favour of a Mighty King. [al- Qamar 54: 54-5] 96
Anecdotes About the Reciuuion and Contemplation of the Glorious Qur'iininstead of his brother, he asked 'Abdullah ibn Muhib and'Abdullah az-Zar'I to recite it - they were righteous persons andhe liked their qira'at - and before they had finished it, he passedaway. The great scholars of Islam whose mother tongue was Arabicdevoted their whole life to the service of Islam and research inIslamic subjects. Non-Arabs and sages of the ummah were alsovery fond of recitation and were devoted to the study of theglorious Qur'an. They used to learn it by heart and their numberis legion. There are many incidents which prove their deepyearning for the glorious Qur'an and an admonition for others. Afew such incidents are described below. The saint-sage of the eighth century, Khwajah NizamuddinSultan-ul-Awlia (d. 725 AH), was very fond of the gloriousQur'an. He used to emphasise the need to recite it and learn it byheart. When the poet Amir Hasan became his disciple, he wasvery old and reciting poetry was his great passion. KhwajahNizamuddin advised him that he should devote more time to therecitation of the glorious Qur 'an than to composing poetry. Shaikh Sharafuddin Yahya Manyari (d. 786 AH) had a greatliking for reciting and listening to the recitation of the gloriousQur 'an. His disciple Shaikh Zain Badr 'Arabi wrote thefollowing around the time of his death: Arnir Shihabuddin, brother of Malik Husamuddin, came to attend on him with his son. Shaikh Sharafuddin saw the boy and asked if he would recite five verses of the glorious Qur 'an. Those persons who were present there said, he is too young. The son of Sayyed Zahiruddin Mufti was also present. When Miyiin Hilal realised that he was desirous of hearing the glorious Qur 'an, he sent for that boy and asked 97
Studying the Glorious Qur' all him to recite (any) five verses from the glorious Qur 'an. When Sayyed Zahiruddin also realised it, he asked his son to recite any five verses. The boy came forward and recited the last verses of Siirah al-Fath. Shaikh Sharafuddin was sitting in a reclined position, but he sat upright and listened to the glorious Qur 'fin with rapt attention. It is related about Mujaddid Alf Thanl Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi (d. 1034 A.H) that at the time of his recitation of the glorious Qur'Iin those present realised from his countenance the deep satisfaction and inner joy that he gained from the glorious Quran. When he recited the \"verses of chastisement\" or those verses expressing wonder and questioning, his tone used to change accordingly. During the month of Ramadan, he used to read the whole of the glorious Qur' an at least three times. Though. he could recite the glorious Qur'an by heart, he used to recite it often and listen to the recitation of others outside the month of Ramadan as well. Once when Maulana Fadle Rahman Ganj-Muradabadi (d. 1313 A.H) was reciting the Qur ' an, he became so overwelmed that he said to his disciple Maulana Tajammul Husain: \"If you acquire even a glimpse of the special taste that we get in the Quran, you wouldn't be able to sit at home but you will tear your clothes off and run into the wilderness.\" He gave a deep sigh and went to his room and remained ill for several days. Maulana Sayyed Muhammad 'All Mungeri related that, \"In the beginning I said to my shaikh, Maulana Fadle Rahman that I do not get the same enjoyment in reciting the Qur'an that 1 get from poetry.\" He said, \"You are still far away from nearness (to Allah), The taste that one gets in the Qur 'Iin when you are blessed with nearness to Allah, you cannot get it in anything else.\" 98
Anecdotes About the Recitation and Contemplation of the Glorious Qur'iin Maulana Tajammul Husain writes that once Maulana FadleRahman said: \"Recite the Qur 'an and ahadith regularly, you willfind that it is as if Allah dwells in your heart.\" He also writes that once Maulana Muhammad 'Ali waspresent in a gathering with his other disciples when thetranslation of the glorious Qur 'an was being read. When thefollowing verse was recited: And make mention (0 Muhammad) in the Scripture o] Abraham. Lot He was a saint, a prophet. [Maryarn 19: 411he translated it and recited the verse in which Prophet Isma'Il(peace be upon him) has been mentioned: ... and (Ishmael) was acceptable in the sight of his Lord. [Maryarn 19: 55]and he translated it as: and he was the beloved ofAllah. He then cried and fell unconscious and was confined to bedfor two months. Maulana 'Abdul Qadir Raipuri (may Allah have mercy onhim) writes about his Shaikh and spiritual teacher Shah 'AbdurRahim Raipuri (d.I337 AH/1919 CE): He saw him reciting the glorious Qur 'an several times during tahajjud. He used to recite long chapters and sob at times. When he recited the verses about chastisement he used to sob and \"seek pardon\" (istighfiir), When he recited the verses about the Mercy, he used to become overjoyed or sometimes remain silent with awe. 99
Studying the Glorious Qur'iin There are other famous incidences in history about the effectof the holy Quran on both past and contemporary saintly peoplewho devoted their lives in the service of Allah. These can befound in various biographies which have been written aboutthem. 100
Index of Qur' iinic Versesal-Baqarah 5: 118 93 al-An'am2: 2 1 6:92 82 6: 112 822:2-3 76,87 6: 114 5 6: 122 10,632: 23 16 6: 123 81 6: 125 882:26 76,87 6: 153 92: 102 392: 116 412: 121 902:255 412:256 72:257 8 aI-A'rat 7: 52AI'Imran 7: 146 3,5, 18 783:73:26-7 !B al-Anfal 76,903:44 44 8: 2 113:45 8:29 73: 103 26 8: 37 73: 134 37 8:42 623: 185 63 8: 62-3 13 94an-Nisa' 92 at-Tawbah4: 41 81 9:33 574: 65 3, 88 9: 102 144: 82 9: 124-5 76 9: 127 77al-Ma'Idah Yiinus 10: 75: 3 19 10: 36 10:375: 15-16 8 10: 38 83 10:42 55: 17 41 10:43 1,6 10: 68 165: 44 64 85 855: 48 8 415: 54 575: 110 37 101
Studying the Glorious Qur'iinHod 17: 88 1611: III: 13-14 6 17: 111 42 16II: 14 3,17 al-Kahf 42 18:4 21II: 27 80 18: 109II:49 26Yfisuf Maryam 19: 30-112: 1-2 18 19: 41 37 19: 55 9812: 3 27 19:92 99 4112: 36--41 3112: 50 3312: 52 3312: 53 33 TaHa 20: 5112: 86 93 20: 52 30 20: 90 2,3012: 101 34 20:98 36 212: 102 2712: III 15,27,30ar-Ra'd 84 al-Anbiya'13: II 21 21: 10 II13: 17 84 21: 74 3513: 27Ibrahim 62 al-J.IaJj 5614: I 8 22: 39 5714: 1-2 96 22:41 7714: 34 22: 72al-Hijr an-Niir 1415: 9 7,58,70 24: 34 10 24: 35 10an-Nahl 24:40 5616: 22 24: 5516: 10216: 103 83 al-Furqan16: 104 4 18 25: I 6 83 25: 4 28 25: 5-6 27Bani Isra'Il 25: 7 8017: 45-6 82 25:64 1317: 82 7517: 85 4 25: 73 88 102
Index of Qur'iinic Versesash-Shu' ara' ~-~affiit26: 192-5 3 37:35-6 13an-Naml 83 ~ad 3627:66 85 38: 30 3727:80-1 20 38:4027:88al-Qasas az-Zumar28:44-6 28 39: 17-18 8528:49 18 39:22 8628:49-50 17 39: 23 76,90 39:27 15al-' Ankabut 39:45 13,7729:48 2829:69 89ar-Riim 43 al-Mu'min 44 40: 35 8130: 1-7 45 40:56 8130:4 45 40:70-2 9530:4-5 4530:5 46 Fu~~ilatfl.:laMim as-Sajdah30:630:7 41:41-2 I, 42,70Luqman 41:44 7531:27 20as-Sajdah ash-Shiira32: 16 12 42: 13 84 42:37-8 13Saba' 2 az-Zukhruf34:3 8134: 5 80 43: 31 7934:34 43:52-3 79 43: 63-4 37al-Fatir al-Jathiyah35: 15 85 45:7-8 79 45:21 95Ya Sin36: II 86 103
Studying the Glorious Qur'iinal-At,qaf al-Hashr 1346: 11 80 59: 9 90 59: 21 89Muhammad 59: 2347: 24 88 a~-~afTal-Fatt, 61: 8 5848: 148: 16 59 al-Jumu'ah48:20 5748: 21 59 62: 2 20,6248: 27 59 59 at- Taghabunoer 40 64: 6 79,8550: 38 8650: 45 al-Jinn 72: 28 2adh-Dhariyat al-Muddaththir51: 17~19 12 74: 8~IO 94at-Tur 74:23 7952: 27 74:42~7 14 95an-Najm 3 al-Qiyamah 5 75: 16--19 5853:3-4 8353:28 at-Takwir53: 29-30 81: 19-20 4al-Qamar al-A'Hi54:46 96 87: 10 8654: 54-5 97 al-Kawtharal-Waqi'ah 108: 3 6056: 77-9 90 an-Nasral-Hadld 110: 1-2 6057: 357:9 257: 28 8,62 10 104
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